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  1. - Top - End - #61
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Qawalish bowed his head in agreement. "I recommend we go by canoe for the first week or two. The River Tiryki runs slow and is easy paddling, and will save us many days of walking. Most canoes fit 6, so we will need two. Don't let the merchants charge you more than 50 pieces of gold for each one. We will accept payment on return, as a sign of our good faith. Be sure to purchase insect repellent, along with a rain-catcher. We do not want to drink water from the river." He looked to Kupalue and asked a question in the vege-language, and received a short reply. "We shall be ready at daybreak, and will meet you back here." Standing, the tall druid took his leave.

    Anything you want to do before you leave town? Last chance.

    Spoiler: OOC comments about buying supplies
    If you don't want to go by canoe, let me know. I assume you don't want to RP purchasing supplies? Let me know if you'd like to. Otherwise, be sure to sure to pay for, and put on your character sheet, anything you buy.

    Canoe is 50 gp each, and comes with 6 oars, and 6 waterproof bags that attach to rings in the canoe, so you don't lose them if it flips over. Rain catcher is 1 gp and 5lbs. Bug repellent is an odorless grease that comes in a gourd, 20 applications for 1gp. It lasts 24 hours. Everything else is as per the PHB.

    Part of this adventure is the survival aspect, so please be precise about what you've purchased and where you'll be carrying everything. I would like to know what will be in the waterproof bag, what will be on your body, and what will be in your backpack (unless the whole thing is in the waterproof bag). It will be important later, so I'd like it spelled out now, so we don't get into an "I assumed that" / "well, obviously that would be..." kind of situation later.
    Spoiler: Chult game links
    Avatar by the amazing linklele

  2. - Top - End - #62
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    "Alright! Going on an adventure! Gonna fight monsters!"
    The name is "tonberrian", even when it begins a sentence. It's magic, I ain't gotta 'splain why.

  3. - Top - End - #63
    Troll in the Playground
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    "Well spoken. It seems we should go on to buy two canoes then. At 100 gp for 7 people that comes out to roughly 14 gold and 3 silver - I can take care of the share of one of you if need be - with the understanding of getting paid back at some time.

    I'll also buy a raincatcher and I'll try to find the recipe for the insect repellant. I own and know how to use an alchemy set, so I hope to be able to resupply us with that during the tour.

    So, who wants to come shopping with me?"

    The Red Horn asked, looking at his newly acquired companions.
    Last edited by Pyrophilios; 2022-05-31 at 12:23 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #64
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Draelin grins as the conversation turns to shopping, reaching into a deep pocket to take out a carefully folded and packed bag - he clearly wanted this hidden and not making much noise. "I saved up for this journey. A hundred and fourteen gold pieces, minus a few pieces once I pay for bedding and food and such. The dinosaur incident also netted us another hundred that is also earmarked towards supplies for this trip - it should cover the canoes without needing to split the cost between us, for instance. So if there's anything you think we need but can't cover yourself, speak up - I'd rather buy something and not need it than not have it and need it later you know? We can work out repayment later, I suppose, but mainly the repayment I want is all of you pulling your weight up there and helping us get enough gold that we don't need to quibble about repayment by the time we're through in Chult."
    Last edited by Volthawk; 2022-05-31 at 01:34 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #65
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    "That is very generous - and I'm very much in favor of this solution. So I'll be off then to take care of the ointment."

    The Red Horns took his leave, searching for a likely merchant.

    He found an old woman, selling various poltices, tinctures and potions from a small market stand. He chose her stand as he noticed the distinctive absense of any flying insects around her - as well as the distinctive smell of the greasy ointment.





    "Hello there, I'm in search of insect repellant ointment. My group is enroute to a long term expedition into the jungles and we need as much of the stuff as we can get. To be honest, I'd be most interested in just buying the recipe in addition to a ration, so we might be able to produce the stuff ourselves while we are far away from resupply.
    Would you be willing to teach me its preparation?"

  6. - Top - End - #66
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Bliksem Los, the fabulous
    Level 3 Sword bard; HP 24/24; AC 15; Passive perception 13; Save DC 13

    Thank you for taking care of the canoe.

    Acquisescing Red Horns I'll dry myself properly then go buy stuff for the journey. Just so we're not stuck if we lose some of our provisions, i'll also have a raincatcher and some gourd both in the waterproof bag and my backback. Better be safe than sorry. Wouldn't want our story to meet it's end in disease instead of old age.

    Bliksem wave at the others as he takes his leave.
    My sheet is in order with new inventory

  7. - Top - End - #67
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrophilios View Post
    He found an old woman, selling various poltices, tinctures and potions from a small market stand. He chose her stand as he noticed the distinctive absense of any flying insects around her - as well as the distinctive smell of the greasy ointment.
    The old woman looked up at the red-horned tiefling and let out a shriek. A young boy, perhaps ten years old, was working the stall with her, and he let out a giggle. He spoke rapid-fire Chultan to the old woman, who covered her mouth, then took a few deep breaths. Still giggling, the boy said in rough common, "My granny think you a devil. She very old. What you want?"

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrophilios View Post
    "Hello there, I'm in search of insect repellant ointment. My group is enroute to a long term expedition into the jungles and we need as much of the stuff as we can get. To be honest, I'd be most interested in just buying the recipe in addition to a ration, so we might be able to produce the stuff ourselves while we are far away from resupply.
    Would you be willing to teach me its preparation?"
    After the boy translated, the woman's eyes widened in fear again, and glanced around as if afraid of being overheard. Through her grandson, she said, "The Merchant Prince Kwayothe in charge of the bug cream. She give paper, permission to sell it. Not allowed to share. Big trouble!"

    Disappointed, The Red Horns purchased a gourd of the repellent. However, a few moments after he left the stall, her heard the boy calling, "Hey! Devil man!" He looked around to see the boy skulking under a tree festooned with purple flowers. He beckoned him over. "I copy from granny. She not know. I sell you, ten gold." He was holding a ratty piece of paper with childish writing on it.
    Spoiler: Chult game links
    Avatar by the amazing linklele

  8. - Top - End - #68
    Troll in the Playground
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    Red Horns hessitated. On the one hand it was utterly ridiculous to think that the boy had actually managed to copy the recipe correctly and completely. Far more likely that he was trying to scam him. And yet...

    "You know I'm a devil. Devil's always keep their part of the bargain - but if you try to betray them, they come back and take your soul. Are you sure this is the complete recipe to create the insect repellant?
    I won't be angry if you tell me the truth now. And remember, I know where you and your granny work and live."


    Trying intimidation with zero ability :D


  9. - Top - End - #69
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrophilios View Post
    Red Horns hessitated. On the one hand it was utterly ridiculous to think that the boy had actually managed to copy the recipe correctly and completely. Far more likely that he was trying to scam him. And yet...

    "You know I'm a devil. Devil's always keep their part of the bargain - but if you try to betray them, they come back and take your soul. Are you sure this is the complete recipe to create the insect repellant?
    I won't be angry if you tell me the truth now. And remember, I know where you and your granny work and live."
    The boy quailed before the devil man, his black skin turning ashy with fear. Stammering, he said, "I..I..I think so! Granny writing messy, I try best. I promise! No cheat!" He holds up the paper as proof of his pure intentions.
    Spoiler: Chult game links
    Avatar by the amazing linklele

  10. - Top - End - #70
    Troll in the Playground
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    The Red Horns nodded, counted out 10 gold coins and dropped them into the boy's hand, while he picked the piece of paper from the other.
    "Thanks. Have a pleasant day."

    He turned around and left the alley, while trying to make sens of the boy's drawing of a badly written recipe. He sighed invardly and murmured to himself: "I just hope, this young mage has the comprehend languages ritual. I'll definitely need help with that."

    Consequently, when he reached the inn, he went for Nolwenn's door and knocked.

  11. - Top - End - #71
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Nolwenn opens the door to peek at the the knocker. "Oh, Sir Red Horns," she says, recognizing the tiefling and opening the door further, "I already heard that Qawalish will be our guide--good, he seemed like an honest man--and that we'll be leaving tomorrow. I'm just making some preparations myself." She motions behind her to a desk with books and paper spread across it. "Is there something I can help you with?"
    Coach and Owner of Hellbug's Heroes, Sneak Kings, Sultans of Slaughter, and Commercial Cast-Offs. Season II and III runner-up. Season IV league champion. Season VII division champion.

  12. - Top - End - #72
    Troll in the Playground
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    "I was wondering if you could help me with this bootleg recipe. I think I need comprehend language to iron out any inaccuracies the copyist made when he transcribed it.
    Since you introduced yourself as an arcanist, I hoped you could help me out there."

    The Red Horns replied while showing her the newly acquired recipe.

  13. - Top - End - #73
    Ogre in the Playground

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    "Oh, yes, of course!" Nolwenn replies, taking the recipe and squinting at it, "I have just the thing!" Three lively paces to the desk later, she sits and makes a flicking motion with her hand, her spell sending one of the books flipping through its pages swiftly. "Aaaand, there," she announces pressing her finger down a page and manually flipping it back to the one before it. "You can come in, but it'll be a few minutes, and I can't be interrupted. Make yourself comfortable," the wizard says back over her shoulder to The Red Horns at the door before going back to clearing part of the desk to make room for a small satchel and a wooden rack for vials.

    Regardless of the tiefling's response, Nolwenn begins her ritual, pulling all sorts of this and that from the satchel between reference glances back to her spellbook before adding them pinch by pinch to one of the vials, incanting arcane gibberish with each added item. Minutes later, she finally produces a small slip of paper, carefully writes a single word on it, applies three drops of her solution to it, and, with a snap of her fingers, sets it ablaze, placing it on a clear spot of the desk to burn. When it's done, she smudges the ash with her pinky finger and smears it on her eyelids and the tips of her ears, saying the final words of her incantation. She blinks a few times and holds up the recipe again. "Perfect!" Nolwenn exclaims, putting it back down and starting to copy it in her best handwriting, "I'm going to have to trust that you know what these ingredients are, though. Some of these are no less mysterious in common."
    Last edited by The Hellbug; 2022-06-02 at 01:49 PM.
    Coach and Owner of Hellbug's Heroes, Sneak Kings, Sultans of Slaughter, and Commercial Cast-Offs. Season II and III runner-up. Season IV league champion. Season VII division champion.

  14. - Top - End - #74
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    The next day dawns overcast and the air is heavy with humidity. The inn provides cool showers with rainwater collected on the roof, and while they are refreshing, by the time you're done dressing, you already feel sticky with sweat.

    Qawasha and Kupalue are waiting downstairs, and navigate you through the teeming city towards the edge of town. The oppressing humidity doesn't put a damper on Port Nyanzaru; the Chultan people are busy about their day, laughing and talking and buying and selling.

    Qawasha leads the party through Tiryki gate and into Tiryki Anchorage. This district is full of animal trainers, dinosaur pens, and explorers heading off or returning from the jungle. Your canoes are ready for you at the docks, and Qawasha takes a moment to inspect them. Satisfied, he and Kupalue sit together in the middle of the lead canoe and he takes up a paddle.

    Once you have yourself sorted into canoes, the journey begins. The river here is wide, slow, and water is brown with churned up sediment. It takes almost an hour to navigate past the various riverboats, along with ocean vessels that prefer Tiryki anchorage to the more regulated city docks. But soon enough, Port Nyanzaru slips behind a bend in the river, and your adventure has truly begun.

    The morning passes easily. The river is sluggish, and paddling upriver is easy. The banks are teeming with colourful birds, raucous monkeys, and beautiful ferns and vines. A few hours in, the heavens open, and you find yourself paddling through torrential rain. The smaller members of the team find that they’re busy bailing rainwater out of the boat. The monsoon only lasts and hour or so, and when the sun comes out, the humidity is lessened for a while.

    Spoiler: passive perception 15+
    You see some movement at the water’s edge, and turn to see several small humanoids fishing in the shade of an overhanging tree. They’re about three feet tall, and wearing elaborately carved masks, painted with terrifying visages. They completely ignore the canoe

    You take turns eating your lunch in the canoe, and keep paddling throughout the day. This close to the equator, the days and nights are equal in length, so Qawasha advises not pulling over to land until you’re ready to set up camp. The paddlers have aching arms and blistered palms by the time your guide directs you to the western bank, where he knows of a good place to make camp.

    There is no beach, but the exposed roots of a mangrove grove provide a good spot to tie up the canoes. A few meters away you find a clearing, with a fire-ring to show the site’s regular use as a campsite. In fact, as you begin setting up camp for the night, you hear the strains of music coming from not far away...
    Spoiler: Chult game links
    Avatar by the amazing linklele

  15. - Top - End - #75
    Troll in the Playground
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    The Red Horns took the invitation and watched silent but attentive how Nolwenn went about her business.
    When she handed him the translated recipe, he frowned a bit: "Some of these ingredients are easy enough to find, but I better head out again to buy some of the rarer ones as well - especially the skull and the feather.
    Thank you for your help. I'm looking forward to see you in action."

    The Red Horns did just that, spending more money on implements, but not bothering with rations or tents.




    Once they were under way, he put his twig construct to work as an infatigueable rower. Working against the stream was tiring, but gave him time to think about improvements. He considered that a type of waterwheel construction, run in reverse should be able to propel them through the water much more efficiently - alas he wasn't sure if he could find the right spell for the animating force.

    To pass the time he also asked Qawasha about the recipe ingredients and bade him to be on the lookout for them during their travels.

  16. - Top - End - #76
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Bliksem Los, the fabulous
    Level 3 Sword bard; HP 24/24; AC 15; Passive perception 13; Save DC 13

    Ready to get on the canoe, Bliksem took a deep breath
    This, friends, this is the first step of our story.

    As they went down the river, Bliksem whispered in a low tone, sometime a little too loud. Trying to find a good melody for a first song about going down the river especially as uneventful as it was. Until the rain. Bliksem shutted up at that moment.

    As they finally got to the shore Land! Thank you! He kneeled to kiss the ground but quickly changed idea.

    He made few noise while helping putting up the camp but... Music? He looked around trying to find the source, the instrument being used and the song itself, if he knew it.

  17. - Top - End - #77
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    When he'd arranged for the canoes Draelin had also made arrangements for plenty of other things to be delivered with them, so as Qawasha inspects the canoes he checks the bags to make sure his purchases were there (as well as packing away the things he'd brought with him) - several were filled by tent parts (if asked, Draelin explains that they have four two-person tents, two in each canoe, although he's leaving the arrangements of who sleeps where to the others to figure out amongst themselves), while others were filled with rations (more than they probably needed, particularly if they can supplement their diet from the jungle, but when it came to food Draelin wanted to be better safe than sorry) and oil flasks for lanterns and other potential uses, and various tools and odds and ends were scattered across both canoes. In the end, he seems satisfied that it was all there, and takes his position in the front of the lead canoe - at this point, his excitement at finally setting off is almost palpatable.

    Draelin stays in high spirits through the canoe journey, constantly keeping a watch on the shorelines they pass, not wanting to miss any of it. Even the brief monsoon and the need to bail out the canoes not even seeming to make much of a dent in it. Once the storm passes and the canoes are sufficiently cleared of water, he returns to his previous lookout, soon noticing something that causes him to look back at Qawasha and check if he's seen it too and if he has anything to say about the topic.

    Once they stop for the day, Draelin asks one of the stronger party members for help carrying the tents over and then set about putting them up. The music catches his atttention though, and he looks at Qawasha again. "Any idea if they're more of those masked little people we saw from the boats, or if they're other travelers? If the former, any chance they're friendly? Those masks don't fill me with confidence that they will be, but maybe it means something different to them."

  18. - Top - End - #78
    Ogre in the Playground
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    And the morning had started off so promising...

    Along a path well traveled, a single lantern fought to illuminate a small clearing as night descended upon it. Despite the chill and encroaching darkness a joyous music resonated amongst the trees. They were the ringing sounds of a tight string being plucked. On its own, little to marvel about, but in the rapid succession and alternating pitch as it were, with intricate patterns, deliberate pauses and a flowing momentum, without words the song told a story.

    A joyous story, a story of hope, of victory, of greatness and destiny. Only, only the truest of ear and most sympathetic would hear deep in the frivolous melody the hint of yearning and sorrow...

    Sitting on a unnaturally lop-sided cart holding a very serious lean was a Satyr. He was holding an old turtle shell lyre of simple and natural design. Before him, looking him eye to eye as he spoke softly to it was a pack mule. Beside the deeply sunken wooden wheel of the cart a shovel floated magically on its own as it slowly dug out the wheels little bit of dirt at a time.

    Spoiler: Instrument

  19. - Top - End - #79
    Troll in the Playground
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    Without anymore conversation to engage him, Red Horns had fallen again into a brooding stupor during the afternoon, paddling stoically and quite mechanically.
    Once the campsite came in sight, he became animated again. Once the canoe had been secured and the necessities for a camp unloaded, he finally took a look around when Bliksem and Draelin made him aware of the faint music. Touching the amulet on his neck briefly with a small screwdriver, he turned it into a fairly small cold torch. With sure steps he moved towards the sound, calling out in common:


    Upon seeing the playing Satyr he slowed down and approached with his hand raised: "Good evening sir, are you in trouble?"

  20. - Top - End - #80
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Lady Ziri Foxglove, Dame of Steel Fists
    Warforged Devotion Paladin
    AC: 17 HP: 37/37
    PP: 14
    Slots: Lvl1 3/3
    Conditions: None
    Concentrating: --

    The paladin had taken the second position in the front canoe, if there was room, during the journey; if any trouble came from the front, she wanted to be ready to deal with it. Mostly she had been quiet, observing the jungle around them, and wondering what it would smell like. Beasts and birds screamed raccously from the canopy.

    At the campsite, she hefted the tents without too much difficulty to their place and left the others to set them up. The sounds of instruments had roused her attention.

    She followed alongside Red Horns - if that was his name for true, indeed - to encounter a satyr along the path.


    For now, she said nothing, seeing his response to Red Horns. All the same, she glanced about, looking out for any ambush.

    Paranoia was one thing; caution was quite another.
    And the far stars cried, and the planets yearned;
    But no man may know, for she'll ne'er return.

  21. - Top - End - #81
    Ogre in the Playground
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    The Satyr’s horned head tilted from side to side as he gave the question far more contemplation than necessary, meanwhile his fingers never stopped dancing along the lyres strings.

    The tone subtly shifts and the musics slows to a more repetitive rhythm.
    Stern eyes eventually fall upon the unusual duo of Tiefling and Warforged.

    “That still yet remains to be seen.” He answered softly. His voice soft and low, slowly shifting to song.

    blood of the devil approaches,
    coming with the dark. ~
    Bringing with it greetings,
    n’ forgeries o’ war. ~
    n’ forgeries o’ war. ~

    Are its intentions pure. -
    Be it’s intents right. ~
    Is ‘e looking for a friend or rustling for a fight. ~

    ~ ~ ~ ~

    blood of the devil approaches,
    coming with the dark. ~
    Bringing with it qurstions,
    n’ eyes o’ ruby red. ~
    n’ eyes o’ veryyy deadddd.

    With a sudden but expected finish arriving at the end of a crescendo, the musics abrupt end is swallowed by a silence. The satyr hops off the half sunken cart and turns back to it to put away his instrument in an awaiting solid chest. He quickly fiddles with some gauges on the keg nearby and with a satisfied nod turns back to the newcomers.

    “Greetings.” He says with a warm smile and welcoming gesture.
    “In trouble?” He repeats, “Well, I am certainly not troubled.” He replies. “But I would say I am in exactly the right amount of trouble as I am supposed to be.” He looks back to the sunken and stuck wheel of his cart, an oddly content, almost appreciative glow in his eyes.

    “You see I was about to go exploring when fate decided to halt my journey early. I see now I simply started too early. Would you be able to assist me back to the fire pit?”
    Last edited by Holy-hunter; 2022-06-03 at 11:22 PM.

  22. - Top - End - #82
    Troll in the Playground
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    The Red Horn nodded: "I see. Well, I'm called The Red Horns... for obvious reasons. And those are my expedition companions.

    Oh, and that is my automatic servant."
    He indicated at the animated mass of twigs and wire. "Let's see if we can't combine our efforts to get your cart out of it's predicament"

    The twigs creaked alarmingly as the figure went to work, heaving and pushing with no restraint or sense of selfpreservation. Red Horns joined in with the effort, albeit a bit more restrained


    STR check of the Steeldefender, Help Action of Red Horns


    But to no avail, the cart refused to move - at all.
    Last edited by Pyrophilios; 2022-06-04 at 11:00 AM.

  23. - Top - End - #83
    Ettin in the Playground
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    "Uwah, I didn't think paddling would be so hard. Are you a new friend? What's your name?"
    The name is "tonberrian", even when it begins a sentence. It's magic, I ain't gotta 'splain why.

  24. - Top - End - #84
    Ogre in the Playground
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    With a slight frown the satyr watched the duo fail to free his cart.
    “Oh never mind, good effort though. I appreciate you trying but perhaps this is a job more suited to your other companion.”

    Inquisitive eyes flick across to the broad shouldered, porcelain faced Ziri Foxglove.

    “Why yes, maybe this problem needs a bit more of a womanly touch.” He says warmly with a playful smile. He offers Ziri compliments of encouragement in an almost poetic form, giving a bit of guidance and words for thought before placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder for just a second.
    There was a sort of encouraging, uplifting magic carrying on his voice.

    (Bardic inspiration 1d6 + Guidance 1d4)

    Meanwhile, the floating shovel gently fell to the floor to rest as a mug filled itself up from the keg in the cart and presented itself to Red Horns. Filled with a frothing ale.

    (Unseen servant.)

  25. - Top - End - #85
    Troll in the Playground
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    Red Horns took the mug but refrained from drinking. Indeed, he didn't even look particularly winded or sweaty, despite the tired look on his face.

    "Thanks, but I don't think I deserve that one just yet." He said, handing the mug over to Nix.

    "But say, what are you doing all alone out here? Have you lost your expedition?"

  26. - Top - End - #86
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrophilios View Post
    Red Horns took the mug but refrained from drinking. Indeed, he didn't even look particularly winded or sweaty, despite the tired look on his face.

    "Thanks, but I don't think I deserve that one just yet." He said, handing the mug over to Nix.

    "But say, what are you doing all alone out here? Have you lost your expedition?"
    “Something like that.”
    The Satyr said in reply. He then took a step forward and tilted his head slightly, raising a hand he enthusiastically asked. “What brings you out here? This does not seem like your kind of place.”
    He gestured to the strange machine and then their surroundings.
    “Do you have some business out here? Are you on some sort of mission or quest? Is it for gold or glory? Are there more of you? Can you use an extra hand?”
    He shot off question after question, growing more eager and stepping closer with everyone.
    Last edited by Holy-hunter; 2022-06-05 at 09:24 AM.

  27. - Top - End - #87
    Troll in the Playground
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    "One step after the other. First of all, who are you? And what are you after?
    Our group has banded together for various reasons - be it hunting hags and undead, finding a lost city or an oracle - and of course whatever treasure can be found inbetween."

    The Red Horns had become cautious again. With fey creatures you met on your way it payed to be courtious, helpful but also very careful with what you said and what you promised - or what you took from them.

  28. - Top - End - #88
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Bliksem Los, the fabulous
    Level 3 Sword bard; HP 24/24; AC 15; Passive perception 13; Save DC 13

    Bliksem followed close behind Red Horn and Ziri. But stayed a little furthur, out of sight. Enjoying the music and the song, too enthrance to join in the song. He finally took steps out of the shadows, smiling while the others had its conversation.
    Its rare to see someone gifted in the art of music.
    Bliksem followed the satyr hands as it put away his instrument. Looking at the others This is the first encounter of our expedition! Such a marvel, worthy of song and stories.

  29. - Top - End - #89
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    With every answer, every compliment, every greeting, the Satyr seemed to grow more confident, more self assured.

    He looked to the Khajiit, it was growing into an interestingly diverse group.

    “First encounter you say.” He said with an odd smile. “So I haven’t missed much then.” He added a bit more softly to himself.

    He turned back to the Tiefling.
    “Oh, please pardon me. I got a bit carried away, you see I’ve only been talking to this stubborn mule for the last couple of days and we’ll, he isn’t much one for manners.”
    With a theatrical bow the Satyr introduces himself.
    “I am Xarmus, Xarmus...” It looked as though he was going to say more but then just finished with. “Just Xarmus.”

    “It is your lucky day my friends, or night, but Lady Luck smiles upon you either way, for had my cart not got stuck I would be deep into my adventure by now. But since I am still here, and you are here, it is decided. I will accompany you in your travels sharing with you my music, knowledge of nature and, if Lady Luck truly shines upon you, then some of my speciality brew too!”

    Xarmus is joyous and has a constant smile that often breaks out into small laughter, he eagerly greets everyone before loading his belongings neatly into his cart getting ready to move on, as he decided.

  30. - Top - End - #90
    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    "Alright! New friend acquired! Onward, faithful steed!" Nyx hops into the cart. She's tired of rowing and this seems much easier.
    The name is "tonberrian", even when it begins a sentence. It's magic, I ain't gotta 'splain why.

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