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  1. - Top - End - #91
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Xarmus takes a small walk around their clearing using his knowledge of Survival, Medicine and Nature to pick up any useful herbs, roots or berries. Looking for tracks or signs of danger.

    In the camp he casts Unseen servant - getting it to do any of the following for him. Cleaning, mending, folding clothes, lighting fires, serving food, pouring drink and seeing to the donkey.

    Lastly he plays a little tune.
    Spoiler: Song of Rest+1d6 HP

    (If you or any friendly creatures who can hear your performance regain hit points at the end of the short rest by spending one or more Hit Dice, each of those creatures regains an extra 1d6 hit points.)

    He doesn’t offer to take watch but will if required.

    (1d20+7)[10] Survival
    (1d20+5)[9] Nature
    (1d4)[1] Guidance

    He gets comfy in his cart, off the ground under a thick blanket and squeezed between the sturdy chest and wide barrel.

  2. - Top - End - #92
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    The Red Horns shrugged. Apparently a satyr had joined the group. He couldn't really say anything against it, since half of their number had joined just the same way, him included.

    At camp, he didn't bother with a tent, instead setting up a small space to work on his magic items.

    He volunteered for half the watch - supported by his construct. For that, he sat down - and just stopped. His eyes being the only thing that moved, while the construct stood behind him watching his back.
    After precisely 4 hours of this rest, he began working, taking care not to be too loud.


    Passive perception 14, switch advantage 19, steel defender can not be surprised

  3. - Top - End - #93
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Aug 2008

    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Nyx will spend part of the evening sharing her rations with her pet mouse, then talking to him and nodding as if its talking back. She doesn't mind sharing a tent with anyone, and will take the watch before dawn.

    Passive perception 11. She's not good at it. But she's helping!
    The name is "tonberrian", even when it begins a sentence. It's magic, I ain't gotta 'splain why.

  4. - Top - End - #94
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Bliksem Los, the fabulous
    Level 3 Sword bard; HP 24/24; AC 15; Passive perception 13; Save DC 13

    As the group got the camp ready, Bliksem took both his rain catcher, went to place them in trees. Anyone would like me to take care of their raincatcher? Or need anything up there?

    Stopping on a branch, looking at the distance if he could see anything appetizing.
    Spoiler: Looking for fruits
    Perception or survival, not sure, both are +3 anyway [roll0]

    After he was finished, he hopped back down.

    Bliksem went to the fire and started whispering, half-listening to Xarmus music.
    There we were, on the water
    Paddling down the river
    We got to the shore
    And met... one more?

    He looked blankly in the distance. I'll need something better than that

    His gaze wandered around, then met Red horns eyes I can take guard duty after you then.

    Bliksem walked toward the druid, observing his friend Kupalué May I inquire about your friend here? Would he take offense if I stare too long? What is he?
    Last edited by Sirithhyando; 2022-06-07 at 05:52 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #95
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Somewhere Strange

    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Lady Ziri Foxglove, Dame of Steel Fists
    Warforged Devotion Paladin
    AC: 17 HP: 37/37
    PP: 14
    Slots: Lvl1 3/3
    Conditions: None
    Concentrating: --

    At the stuck wagon, Ziri gave assent to help, watching Red Horns struggle with magical assistance to no avail.

    "Very well. Stand back; I will attempt."

    She stepped a couple of times back and forth, seeing the best place to stand before she planted her feet, locked both arms around the stuck wheel, and heaved.

    Slowly, inexorably, with a hideous sucking noise, the mud let go of the cart, until the former human could ram it with her shoulder, rocking it backwards out the rut and into the best equivalent of dry land one could find in a rainforest.

    "There," She said, brushing off her hands and giving a tight nod of satisfaction before she turned to the satyr. "Well met, Xarmus. I am the Lady Ziri Foxglove, sometimes known as the Dame of Steel Fists, for reasons you can no doubt surmise. I seek a hag that cursed me and mine and fled to this land, somewhere in this morass. If you know of anything that may be helpful, consider that fair repayment."


    When it came to watches, Ziri was willing to take one - she no longer slept, after all, sitting quiescent and still. Indeed, one could mistake her during this for an oversized doll, without the spark of animation to her porcelain face and an unmoving glass stare.

    She most likely tented with Nolwenn - the stout paladin saw little need to change something that worked - and spent some time ensuring her armour was clean, her joints lubricated, and then small notes she wrote in a diary, her handwriting small and blocky.
    And the far stars cried, and the planets yearned;
    But no man may know, for she'll ne'er return.

  6. - Top - End - #96
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Earlier that day, Nolwenn enthusiastically sat herself down at the front of the rear canoe. At first, she was awed at the sheer volume green pressed in around the river from its banks and more than once regretted having stored her sketchbook in the waterproof bags. However, as the day wore on, the wizard's lack of experience with long-term physical labor became more and more apparent and, by the time they got to camp, she could only practically slide from the canoe onto the shore, already dreading how sore she'd be the next day. So it was that Nolwenn was uncharacteristically not interested in going to check on the source of the music if so many others had it handled.

    With the rest of them gone, she finally started helping set up camp: finding deadfall for the fire and pitching tents before she had an idea of how she could be uniquely helpful. This thought put a spring in her step and she quickly gathered up her spellbook and materials, beginning a warding ritual that would warn her if anything unsavory started snooping around in the canoes at night.

    She is moments from finishing when the music investigators and Xarmus return and, on learning that the satyr will be accompanying the expedition, sighs and begins her spell again. Once she's finished, she takes her time introducing herself to the newcomer, makes sure her bedroll and blanket are spread in the tent, and prepares to stay up with the fire for the first third of the night since she's a bit of a night owl anyway, even if her tired muscles are longing for sleep.

    At the end of her watch (assuming she gets there uneventfully) Nolwenn crawls back into the tent and stifles a shriek, startled by Lady Ziri's inert form, but as soon as the adrenaline passes, she quickly drifts off to sleep.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Nolwenn will cast Alarm on the pair of canoes, excluding all of the expedition members/guides and setting it to be a personal mental alert. She'll keep watch for the first third of the night and then share a tent with Lady Ziri, who she's too tired to bother tonight. (Passive perception...11)
    Last edited by The Hellbug; 2022-06-08 at 03:11 PM.
    Coach and Owner of Hellbug's Heroes, Sneak Kings, Sultans of Slaughter, and Commercial Cast-Offs. Season II and III runner-up. Season IV league champion. Season VII division champion.

  7. - Top - End - #97
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC


    Spoiler: The Red Horns goes shopping
    I was a bit torn about how to play this out - it's the kind of thing that would be a lot of fun in person, but could take weeks to do properly in pbp. In the end, I rolled a bunch of dice irl, and will write up the results

    The Red Horns stalked through the markets of Port Nyanzaru, creating a stir wherever he went. As "cosmopolitan" as the Port city was, they clearly didn't see many tielfings.

    The vendors were either reluctant, or overly eager to serve him. There were certainly skulls and feathers galore for sale. The problem was knowing animal a Kaapori was, or a conure. After some asking around, The Red Horns felt fairly certain that a kaapori was a type of monkey; in fact, several caged kaapori were available for sale (2 gp). As for kaapori skulls - many vendors claimed to have them, but some seemed not to fit the animals that The Red Horns had seen. Eventually, he found one that looked like it would fit in the head of the living monkey, for 3gp. Let me know what you prefer, a guaranteed kaapori skull you have to extract yourself, or the one you're 75% sure of.

    For feathers, they were plentiful, but few people seemed to know much about the birds they came from. Eventually he found a bird vendor selling golden conure parrots, and he persuaded the Chultan children tending to the birds to sell him a fallen tail feather for 2 cp. He hoped he had what he needed for the recipe, but it was impossible to know for sure without an expert he could trust.

    As they travelled in the canoe, The Red Horns asked their guide about the recipe ingredients. Qawasha's eyes widened. "Where did you get this?! Kwayothe guards these recipes jealously - if her people find out you have it, there could be big trouble for you!"

    Examining the list, he nodded and clucked his tongue against his teeth. "The ylang-ylang will be easy, the trees are common. There is one over there," he pointed to a middling sized tree, with glossy leaves and yellow flowers. "The citronus is a thick grass, more like a sedge, common in the Aldani basin. If I see some before then, I'll point it out. Moonflowers grow on the trunks of large trees, high up, as a parasite. They are all through Chult, but not common. The topi frogs are very common, but very small and quick. They are usually nocturnal. Sometimes you can find them napping in the water collected in large bromeliads. You should be able to find everything at some point on our journey."

    Draelin ... soon noticing something that causes him to look back at Qawasha and check if he's seen it too and if he has anything to say about the topic.
    The wood elf sees that their guide glances at the masked people, but the druid ignores them.

    Once they stop for the day, Draelin asks one of the stronger party members for help carrying the tents over and then set about putting them up. The music catches his atttention though, and he looks at Qawasha again. "Any idea if they're more of those masked little people we saw from the boats, or if they're other travelers? If the former, any chance they're friendly? Those masks don't fill me with confidence that they will be, but maybe it means something different to them."
    Qawasha smiled, his white teeth bright compared to his black skin. [b]"You speak of the Batiri. Small people, related to the goblins of your land. Not usually friendly, no. Sometimes they will trade, sometimes they will try to eat you. There are many many tribes in the jungle, and the masks can tell you which tribe they are. These ones were the Fanged Ape tribe. This campsite is beyond their territory." He tipped his head, listening to the melody, then added, "Likely another traveller, like yourself. That is not a local song.

    They discover Xarmus and his predicament, and with the satyr's song, Ziri is able to unstick the cart. Soon the donkey is unhitched and grazing on some vegetation that Qawasha has deemed safe, and the newly enlarged party is setting up their tents.

    As Xarmus realizes that the others are travelling by canoe, he realizes that if he is going to join their group, he'll have to leave the cart and donkey behind. Unless somebody has a clever solution??

    Bliksem Los sets up his two raincatchers. Qawasha warns, "You'd best boil some river water for drinking as well, in case it doesn't rain tonight. It is vital to drink plenty in this hot climate. Not drinking enough will wear you out quickly. "

    Spoiler: dehydration rules
    You must drink 2 gallons per day (except Ziri) or it's a CON save DC 15 vs gaining 1 level of exhaustion. This check is at disadvantage if you're wearing medium or heavy armour, or heavy clothes. The rain catcher can catch 2 gallons per inch of rain, and hold 8 gallons. Otherwise it's boiled water for you.

    The sun sets fast - there is little twilight this close to the equator; the sun is either up, or down. They light a fire, and eat their rations. Bliksem Los offers to share a tent with The Red Horns - eyeing his fabulous wings, he wonders if he can touch them while the tiefling sleeps. Alas - it turns out he doesn't sleep!

    Bliksem walked toward the druid, observing his friend Kupalué May I inquire about your friend here? Would he take offense if I stare too long? What is he?
    Kupalué made a strange combination of sounds, including huffing air out of his mouth, tapping on his body, and rubbing certain twig-like appendages together. Qawasha listened, then answered, "He doesn't mind. Kupalué is a vegepygmy. His name is a Chultan word, it means "Walking Weed". That's not quite accurate, but close enough. Perhaps more closely related to mold than to plants. His people can draw nutrients from carcasses, but Weed here is a vegetarian, and mostly draws what he needs from the soil. He's happy to answer questions."

    Nix and Draelin (and the mouse) set up a tent together, and Qawasha and Weed are naturally roomies. The druid offers for Xarmus to share as well, as Weed takes up very little space, but the satyr is content in his cart for tonight. He takes a look around the campsite, but doesn't find anything useful.

    The Red Horns watches for the first 4 hours, though if anybody were watching, they'd think he'd fallen asleep at his post. He awakens Bliksem after he is "rested", and then turns to his crafting. The tabaxi watches for an hour, then rouses Nolwenn. Ziri takes the 4th watch, and Nyx the last one.

    The night is loud, very loud. Insects buzz and chirp, frogs croak, and in the distance something howls. Large splashes come from the river in irregular intervals. Nocturnal birds hoot, squawk and whistle. While Nolwenn is on guard, she hears the sounds of something very large crashing around in the brush, but it doesn't seem to come too close to the campsite. At one point Nyx is sure she hears a loud moaning sound coming from behind some vines, but she can't find the source, and the sound isn't repeated. There is no rain in the night, so Bliksem takes down his empty raincatchers from the trees.

    In the morning, everybody is careful to apply more insect repellent to their exposed skin, rubbing it under edges of clothes and hair/fur lines. It leaves an unpleasant, greasy feel to the skin, but it seems to work, and the rain doesn't wash it away.

    Anything this morning? What to do with donkey and cart? Or if you'll continue on foot, what to do with canoes?
    Spoiler: Chult game links
    Avatar by the amazing linklele

  8. - Top - End - #98
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Dec 2009

    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Draelin didn't have any complaints about the satyr joining them - he had noticed the concern in the face of one of the others, but really at this point he didn't have any reason to trust the newcomer more or less than the others. He was planning on heading out alone, and they didn't seem particularly stupid (just a little odd) so he must have some amount of useful skills, anyway.

    Once that business was handled, Draelin lets Bliksem know about the extra raincatchers he'd bought and asked for them to be set up as well, and takes a short while to just watch the others get ready for the night and go about their business. Getting a good read on people had served him well back home when he was working to build up the funds he'd put towards all this, and given the places they'd be going he was still curious about his new companions. Given that a few of them seemed to be planning on staying up, Draelin takes his rest early, going into his tent and trancing for four hours before getting up and joining whoever's on watch or otherwise awake for the rest of the time.


    Passive Perception 18

    Once everyone was awake, he goes to find Qawasha to see if he has input on the cart issue - the canoes were his idea in the first place, and as their guide Draelin valued his opinion on the best way to proceed the most. Given the way he had talked about the canoes saving several days, he expected Qawasha to advocate for sticking with the canoes and leaving the cart, and Draelin agreed, but the donkey had him thinking. A pack animal would be handy going forward, and since the canoes could hold more people than they currently were, Draelin puts forward a perhaps outlandish idea to the group - was there a way of getting a donkey to go onto a canoe and stay there for a whole day of paddling without it causing problems?
    Last edited by Volthawk; 2022-06-08 at 05:55 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #99
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Nolwenn wakes up to the exact soreness she had been dreading. You traded a feather bed for this, Nolwenn my dear.
    Maybe not the best bargain, hmm?
    She quashes the doubtful voice in her head that sounds suspiciously like her mother and tosses and turns on her sleeping pad for a couple minutes, hoping to catch even one more moment of sleep. However, the sounds of the others moving around soon motivate her, and she groans in disappointment, crawls outside, and stiffly gets to her feet.

    In the bustle of the morning preparations, the empty raincatchers are the first thing to get Nolwenn's attention. As she's lurking near them, disappointed and wishing for a drink, she is struck by an idea. She stokes last night's fire back to life and inquires around for any pots for boiling water. Filling the two she is able acquire with water from the river, she calls on her magic to warm the water in each before putting them over the fire in sequence, thinking that starting with warm water will bring it to a boil faster. Once it reaches a boil, she uses the same spell to try to cool it faster, making a call for anyone with empty waterskins to fill up, repeating the process until everyone is quenched and full on water.

    During the wait on the water, Nolwenn cleans up before getting Xarmus's attention. "So," she begins, "I don't think we were properly introduced last night--my fault, very tired, apologies--I'm Nolwenn." The wizard bows before she continues, her tone more curious. "How'd you end up out here? I didn't see any paths or anything and with a donkey at that. I mean, and forgive me if I'm wrong, but you don't look like anyone else I've seen from Chult."

    Spoiler: OOC
    That's just prestidigitation to warm and cool objects. If it doesn't work she's just got to do it the slow way.
    Last edited by The Hellbug; 2022-06-09 at 10:42 AM.
    Coach and Owner of Hellbug's Heroes, Sneak Kings, Sultans of Slaughter, and Commercial Cast-Offs. Season II and III runner-up. Season IV league champion. Season VII division champion.

  10. - Top - End - #100
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    The Red Horns had made certain to buy the correct tools and bought the living monkey - only to end its life immediately by breaking its neck. A flicker of remorse had crossed his face, but he was certain this wouldn't be the last animal he'd have to kill during their journey. Better to do this quickly and with certainty. Cleaning the skull was a matter pealing away skin and muscles, extracting the brain carefully and cooking the skull until all the squishy bits had come out and dissolved. After that it was only a matter of applying Prestidigitation repeatedly until the skull was clean enough to cook the ointment with it.

    To Qawasha he said: "I do not intend to infringe upon the trade in the city. Out in the jungle I hope this precaution will pay off - lessening our dependence on supply runs. Maybe I can even optimize the recipe.
    I'll make sure to fly up the trees now and then to look for the flowers and to collect the frogs."

    He had done just that as day broke and the people in the camp began to stir.
    When the question about the donkey and cart were raised he answered:

    "I can transport the cargo in my extra dimensional space. Though I'm not sure we should bother with the cart. Were we are going there is likely very little road to be had. Reworking it into raft seems to be more work than it's worth - especially considering that we would have to row extra hard to make up for its drag and weight.
    For that matter, I'm not sure the donkey is worth the effort. If it is well trained and can be made to lay still in a canoe for the duration of our travels - maybe. But even then it adds mostly weight and no benefit until we make landfall. It requires feed to be carried with us, increasing dead weight - all for the high chance that at the first hostile encounter it will be killed or injured. Leaving it here to fend for itself likely gives it the best chance to survive and make it back to the city - it has come this far after all and might find the way back."

  11. - Top - End - #101
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    In the end, they decide to abandon Xarmus's cart and donkey - the danger of the donkey upsetting the canoe at an inopportune moment was just too high. Qawasha whispers in the beast's ear before they left, but it stands at the shore, looking bewildered, as the canoes head back into the morning glare on the river.

    As the day progresses, the river begins to narrow. Tributaries join the Tiryki regularly, some of them nearly the width of the main river. The jungle becomes denser; from the boat, there are long stretches where the shoreline that look completely impenetrable. Qawasha points out interesting trees and vines from his seat at the front of the lead canoe.

    Around midafternoon, the river widenes again, the western bank clearing of vegetation. A dozen stegosaurus stood at the watering "hole", drinking the silty water. Easily as tall as an elephant, but twice as long, the huge dinosaurs flicked their tails lazily as the stood belly-deep in the river. A few looked up curiously as you paddled by.

    A shadow crosses the rear canoe, there and gone again, too quickly to be a cloud.

    Spoiler: rear canoe, perception check 13+
    You look up to see a large bird wheel about over the river. Two more join it, flying together in a line. Their wingspan is enormous, fully 40 feet from wingtip to wingtip. The lead bird begins a steep dive towards the river, as if diving for an enormous fish. No, wait, not towards the river - towards the canoe! And there aren't feathers on those wings - these are quetzalccoatlus!
    Last edited by agignac; 2022-06-11 at 02:44 PM.
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    Avatar by the amazing linklele

  12. - Top - End - #102
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    "COUATLS, DEFEND YOURSELF" The Red Horns managed to cry out before jumping up and spreading his own wings, ready to take flight and distract the flying predator.
    with a court gesture, he commanded the twig construct to defend the canoe


    Readying my shield with an action, getting up with half my movement and pulling out my Yklwa and rising up 15 ft above the canoes. Bonus action to command the steel defender to protect the canoe

    Last edited by Pyrophilios; 2022-06-11 at 03:57 PM.

  13. - Top - End - #103
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Bliksem Los, the fabulous
    Level 3 Sword bard; HP 24/24; AC 15; Passive perception 13; Save DC 13

    In the morning, Bliksem, goes to give back the empty raincatchers. I'll just go fetch some water so we can boil it before we go, didn't catch in rain last night.
    He then goes to the river, fills both his rain catcher, prepare the fire and his pot over it and fills it, waiting for it to be ready.

    Once ready, he goes to Kupalué with a small cup of water For your kindness last night. Bliksem bow slightly to the druid and goes back to help the others.

    Back to the shore as everyone was getting ready Canoe again, i'll end up swiming at least once before this adventure is over... yes! you, canoe, i'm speaking to you! I detest you, but keep me dry and i may like you.

    Few moments later, on the water Ah this good moment when nothing happen followed by more of nothing happening. It's only day two, but as it stands, none would listen to a story of doing nothing but paddling. he raised his voice slightly I'm bored! Where're the epic battle against hoard of undead! Are we there yet?

    Bliksem eyes widened I know i said i'm bored but what is this? He points towards the quetzalccoatlus coming down on them. He looks at his weapon, then at the canoe and the creature in the sky I can be deadly on land but water and sky arent my forte.

    Bliksem tuck his paddle inside the canoe, put a dagger between his teeth and get ready.

    Spoiler: Ready action

    Ok, here's my thought even though its slightly a lot crazy. He want to time a jump to ride the damn thing and kill it in the sky (hopefully falling in the water)
    So, its a standing high jump, from a canoe, with the hope of grabbing the flying dinosaur.
    Bliksem could try to help by casting dancing lights above the creature head in the hope of making it move closer to the water and slightly on the side of the canoe.

  14. - Top - End - #104
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Xarmus succumb to a deep melancholy shortly after abandoning his faithful friend. They had been together for weeks now and spent many hours in frivolous conversation to pass the time.
    Sometimes through his magic the donkey could talk back, other times he was just a silent ear. None the less a strong bond had undeniably formed.

    Xarmus used his magic one more time to say his proper farewells and impart as much knowledge and wisdom onto the donkey as he could. Hoping in all hopes it would aid in its survival. He didn’t look back as the canoe drifted out into the water, rocking gently as they departed.

    His fingers found no rhythm, his breath no tune, not even one to express his sad somber mood. Instead for possibly the first time since meeting these people he was silent. Deep contemplation ticked over behind eyes that gaze lazily over the side of the boat.

    He found himself partially catching the guides words and pointing hand. Not being able to deny his interest although already knowing much of what was said.

    Then there was the sweeping shadow and all chaos erupted. Xarmus ignored his shield and reached into his pulling out three smooth stones. With a quick little spell he took aim and got ready to hurl one.


    AC14 HP21
    Init (1d20+3)[22]
    Bonus action = cast magic stone.
    Action = Ready attack when creature comes within 60ft
    Attack = (1d20+7)[25] throw magic stone
    Damage = (1d6+5)[9]

  15. - Top - End - #105
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    The quetzalcoatuls dive towards the canoes at a fearsome speed, their long wings tucked back against their bodies. As they get within a few meters of the water, they snap their wings out and angle towards the canoes, all three of them in a line. Xarmus and Bliksem react almost unnaturally fast. The satyr lets fly a magic stone, which hits the incoming creature with greater-than-usual force. Even over the rush of wings, you can hear the cracking of a hollow rib within the lead pterasaur's chest.

    The bird-like creature wobbles in the air, but opens its enormous beak-like maw and tries to bite Bliksem as it sails past him. The tabaxi is too fast, and dodges aside from the massive beak. Not only that, he takes the opportunity to leap up and grab at the quetzalcoatul's wing! His claws dig deep into the leathery skin, and a moment later he's being carried past the canoes and up higher, over the river!

    The two other predators, unaware of their leader's predicament, try for a meal. The next one bites at The Red Horns, who is already halfway out of his seat and flying upwards.

    The last one aims for the tallest person in the canoes, not realizing that Ziri won't be a very tasty meal.

    Q2 vs TRH (1d20+5)[13],
    Q3 vs Ziri (1d20+5)[18]
    damage [roll]6d6+2[/roll] = 21

    The Red Horns dips his wings and drops below the beak of his attacker, but the warforged isn't so lucky. The quetzalcoatlus snaps hard on the paladin, her metal and wood creaking under its grip. They zoom past the canoes, too quickly for anybody to take the opportunity to hit them.

    Weird - they don't have any sort of swallow or grapple mechanism - how the heck are they supposed to get the prey off to their nest? I guess they need to kill you first, then come back and pick up the body. They have flyby, so no OA on them. They'll be turning around for another pass, so ready those actions! Everybody up.
    Last edited by agignac; 2022-06-13 at 01:05 PM.
    Spoiler: Chult game links
    Avatar by the amazing linklele

  16. - Top - End - #106
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    The Red Horns had badly underestimated the speed of the attack and when the big flying lizard came for him, he had to suddenly dodge quite a bit more than he had intended, bringing him badly out of position before he could strike. That left him only one option: Pursuit. Heaving mightily with his wings, he managed to gain some more altitude, following the flying creature in it's tail wind. THe let the Yklwa turn warm in his hand until he was sure the infusion had reached working temperature. Then he let lose his weapon, making it spin end over end toward his target


    The Yklwa has max 30ft range - combined with my 30ft flight speed, I hope I can catch up to the Quetzacoatlus.

    Attack, albeit at disadvantage

    (1d20)[12]/(1d20)[20]+8, damage (1d8)[1]+6, if crit (1d8)[3]

    Bonus action: cast magic stone

    He had noticed Xarmus' tactic and used the brief absense of his weapon to infuse three ball bearings in his pocket with aditional force. At the same time, he kept an eye open for that mad tabaxi, ready to dive for him, should he fall from the sky.

  17. - Top - End - #107
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Lady Ziri Foxglove, Dame of Steel Fists
    Warforged Devotion Paladin
    AC: 17 HP: 31/37
    PP: 14
    Slots: Lvl1 3/3
    Conditions: None
    Concentrating: --

    With a tremendous clang, the quetz' maw slammed into the paladin like an arrow. The machine-woman swayed in the canoe, trying to avoid being knocked off. She placed a hand over the damaged parts, ignoring the hitching in her arm mechanisms. Her eyes flared, and the damage abruptly reversed, leaving a heavy scuff but the majority repaired.

    "Damnable things," she growled, rolling her arm to see if had full motion back. "Take them down!"

    Spoiler: actions

    Just gonna spend all my Lay on Hands as an action to heal 15 points of damage.
    And the far stars cried, and the planets yearned;
    But no man may know, for she'll ne'er return.

  18. - Top - End - #108
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    "Pew pew!" Nyx motions with her hands and speaks words of arcane power, and a shadowy blast of eldritch energy shoots out at the most damaged dino!

    (1d20+6)[21] to hit, (1d10+4)[10] damage.
    The name is "tonberrian", even when it begins a sentence. It's magic, I ain't gotta 'splain why.

  19. - Top - End - #109
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Hearing the shouts, Draelin stands and picks up his bow, turning to see the creatures fly off after their first pass. Alright then. Fast moving targets in the air. Not unmanageable. At least, that was what he hoped as he steadied himself on the boat and lined up a shot at one of them.


    Activating Steady Aim as a bonus action, giving me advantage on my next attack (and triggering sneak attack, if I haven't misunderstood anything), and then firing my longbow at the closest one.

    I'm assuming that despite their flyby, they're still within 150ft of the lead canoe (the longbow's short range). If they're further out, ignore the second attack dice and the sneak attack damage (as the disadvantage from range would cancel out the advantage from Steady Aim).

    Attack: (2d20+6)[2][15](17)
    Damage: (1d8+4)[6] weapon + (2d6)[2] sneak attack

    15 to hit, 8 damage. Huh, that was very close to minimum damage.
    Last edited by Volthawk; 2022-06-14 at 06:17 AM.

  20. - Top - End - #110
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Yup, today was worse. The soreness from yesterday's paddling already added with another exhausting morning on the water, and by noon Nolwenn was already feeling as fatigued as the end of the day's paddling the day before. Perhaps, this is why she didn't register the sheer size of what she thought were birds drifting on a thermal. When her companions warned her, though, the wizard's eyes went wide as she realized that they weren't small, but far away, and coming in fast.

    Having followed her first instinct and ducked with a scream as the dinosaurs swooped in for their first pass, Nolwenn, now gaining her composure, grips the small mirror at the end of her necklace and casts a spell, holding the last act of willing her magic into existence until the flying predators come back in for a second pass. "Hold on tight, Bliksem, I've got you!" she shouts, and, as soon as the dinosaurs swoop back into range, she releases the spell, unleashing a stream of gale-force wind directly at them.

    Spoiler: OOC
    So, don't know if this works (the spell description doesn't say it impacts flying creatures any different from grounded ones, which seems weird to me), but it seems appropriate. Nolwenn casts Gust of Wind at the quetzalcoatls when they're about 60 feet away. I'd like to catch all of them, but if they're not coming in one behind the other then c'est la vie.
    Last edited by The Hellbug; 2022-06-14 at 11:53 AM.
    Coach and Owner of Hellbug's Heroes, Sneak Kings, Sultans of Slaughter, and Commercial Cast-Offs. Season II and III runner-up. Season IV league champion. Season VII division champion.

  21. - Top - End - #111
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Which Q does TRH hit? (1d3)[3]
    Which Q does Draelin hit? (1d3)[1]

    The Red Horns managed to gain on the pterosaurs as they began to turn for their second pass. His Chultan spear flew unerringly at one of them, embedding itself deeply in its abdomen.

    Nix targeted the same creature, her spell hitting it unerringly and blasting into its leathery, scaly skin.

    Draelin managed to keep his body steady in the canoe, and targeted the animal that Bliksem was riding. His arrow flew true, tearing through the animal's wing.

    Start of round 2, Xarmus and Bliksem are up. Nolwenn is holding her action until its their turn and they complete their maneuver and line up again for the next pass.

    Spoiler: ykwla is a spear
    Last edited by agignac; 2022-06-15 at 11:33 AM.
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  22. - Top - End - #112
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Bliksem Los, the fabulous
    Level 3 Sword bard; HP 24/24; AC 15; Passive perception 13; Save DC 13

    Bliksem got surprised at the speed of the creature and at how successful his attempt was. I got on!! What now??

    He climbed as best he could toward the creature neck and placed himself as his rider, placing his hands on the side of his head, caressing it slowly, trying to calm it while whispering to it. Don't worry buddy, you took more than you can handle, bring me back and no harm will be done to you and your friends.

    Animal handling : (1d20+3)[5]

  23. - Top - End - #113
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Xarmus repeats his pattern of waiting to attack, focussing on the one most injured, but this time as he stands there with eyes glued to the flying predators he offers Nyx some of his encouraging bardic advice, proclaiming his confidence in her power and ability.

    AC14 HP21
    Bonus action =Bardic inspiration Nyx
    Action = Ready attack when creature comes within 60ft
    Attack = (1d20+7)[13] throw magic stone
    Damage = (1d6+5)[10]

    Spoiler: bardic inspiration

    Bardic Inspiration
    As a bonus action, a creature (other than yourself) within 60 ft. that can hear you gains an inspiration die (1d6). For 10 minutes, the creature can add it to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. This can be added after seeing the roll, but before knowing the outcome.
    Magical Inspiration (Special)
    If a creature has a Bardic Inspiration die from you and casts a spell that restores hit points or deals damage, the creature can roll that die and choose a target affected by the spell. Add the number rolled as a bonus to the hit points regained or the damage dealt. The Bardic Inspiration die is then lost.
    Last edited by Holy-hunter; 2022-06-16 at 02:17 AM.

  24. - Top - End - #114
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    The quetzalcoatuls finish wheeling around over the River Tiryki, and swoop down for another dive at the canoes. Well, two of them do. The lead animal, desperate to dislodge the tabaxi clinging to its head, instead dives straight for the water. Tucking its wings in, it hits the water like an arrow, barely making a splash. It curves through the water, using its momentum, and emerges on the other side of the canoes, still moving fast. (Bliksem, make a strength saving throw, DC 16, to stay attached to the coatul. Otherwise you're swimming.)

    Nolwenn casts her spell, and an enormous gust of wind rushes from her hands straight into the fliers.

    The coatuls keep coming, but it's harder now, their wings are doing more work and they're flying slower.

    Xarmus lets loose his stone at the third beast, hitting it square between the eyes. Badly injured, the quetzalcoatlus pulls up and turns, abandoning the hunt. These creatures don't look tasty enough to die for.

    The final beast, uninjured, finds itself face-to-face with a meal. It bites at The Red Horns, hoping to be able to fly away with its lunch. The tiefling got a good look down the creature's maw, then felt a terrible pain as it bit deeply into him. For a moment he was afraid the creature would simply swallow him whole, but the pterosaur wasn't built to eat like that. It released the tiefling and kept trying to fly past the canoes. Unfortunately, due to Nolwenn's spell, it wasn't going as fast.

    Spoiler: rolls and notes

    Q2 Str saving throw (1d20+2)[22]
    Q3 Str saving throw (1d20+2)[22]Wow, not where I would have chosen to use two crit 20s!
    Q2 bite at TRH [roll]1d20+4[/roll] Well, I got a few rolls in before it stopped working. *rolls dice on desk*. A hit, and 12 HP damage.

    Q3 has left the fight. Q1 is injured and will come up from the water 10 feet behind the back canoe, with or without Bliksem still on it. Q2 is in the air, also ten feet behind the canoes. Nolwenn, I'll need to know what you do with your spell.
    Last edited by agignac; 2022-06-16 at 11:11 AM.
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  25. - Top - End - #115
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    The Red Horns flinched, anticipating the pain that was about to follow, but kept his wits about him. A shield of pure force manifested just in time to deflect the fearsome teeth.

    Then the beast was past and he could focus on returning the favor with is own assault, slinging the Yklwa at the Quetzacouatl in quick pursuit


    (1d20)[20]+8, damage (1d8)[2]+6, if crit (1d8)[7]

    With a very satisfying crunch, the short spearlike weapon hit true, ripping a deep gash into the strong back muscles of the flying dinosaur.
    Last edited by Pyrophilios; 2022-06-17 at 08:53 AM.

  26. - Top - End - #116
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Though she's disappointed the dinosaurs are stronger fliers than she had hoped, Nolwenn grins as one of the attackers flies off. "And stay gone!" she shouts as, with a flourish, she stands and redirects the wind towards the two remaining foes behind the canoe, hoping it will help send them on their way. As additional encouragement, she calls up a blast of flame aimed at the lead quetzalcoatl.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Bonus action to redirect the Gust of Wind at the two remaining dinos. Action to cast firebolt at Q2.

    Attack: (1d20+6)[17]
    damage: (1d10)[10]
    crit?: (1d10)[8]
    Coach and Owner of Hellbug's Heroes, Sneak Kings, Sultans of Slaughter, and Commercial Cast-Offs. Season II and III runner-up. Season IV league champion. Season VII division champion.

  27. - Top - End - #117
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Nyx fires another blast at the most damaged dino. "And don't come back!"

    Spoiler: OOC
    (1d20+6)[7] to hit with eldritch blast, nat 1 misses, no damage.
    Last edited by tonberrian; 2022-06-17 at 06:46 PM.
    The name is "tonberrian", even when it begins a sentence. It's magic, I ain't gotta 'splain why.

  28. - Top - End - #118
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Starting to feel a little unsteady on the canoe, Draelin nonetheless tries to line up his next shot as accurately as possible as he fires at the beast that looks most injured.


    Attempting to Steady Aim as a bonus action: (1d100)[66] (on a 1-50, ignore the second attack dice and SA damage)

    Attack: (1d20+6)[8]/(1d20+6)[7]
    Damage: (1d8+4)[12] weapon + (2d6)[10] sneak attack

    Guessing neither of those attack rolls hit. Dice aren't liking me so far.
    Last edited by Volthawk; 2022-06-18 at 07:51 AM.

  29. - Top - End - #119
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Lady Ziri Foxglove, Dame of Steel Fists
    Warforged Devotion Paladin
    AC: 17 HP: 31/37
    PP: 14
    Slots: Lvl1 3/3
    Conditions: None
    Concentrating: --

    Ziri drew out a javelin from the sheath of them on her back and hurled it towards the quetzal that injured her.

    Spoiler: actions

    Jav: (1d20+6)[13]
    Dam: [/roll]1d6+4[/roll].
    And the far stars cried, and the planets yearned;
    But no man may know, for she'll ne'er return.

  30. - Top - End - #120
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    After throwing his last rock, Xarmus prepares 3 more.

    AC14 HP21
    Attack = (1d20+7)[11] throw magic stone
    Damage = (1d6+5)[10]

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