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  1. - Top - End - #121
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Spears and stones may break my bones...

    Probably quetzalcoatuls didn't know the old nursery rhyme, but they were living it. Bolts of fire and eldritch energy, gusts of wind, arrow, javelin, stones and spear - almost every one of them found their mark. The creature that had chomped on Ziri fell into the river with a large splash, and the final one limp-flew away over the trees, bleeding heavily. For a moment there was silence, then they heard a bubbling sound coming up from one side of the canoe, and even more behind the canoes.

    A very soggy tabaxi struggled to the surface of the murky river. I still need that con save please. For reasons. Behind them, a swarm of quipper began to surface, tearing large pieces of coatul and quickly turning the river red with blood.

    The danger over, Qawasha straightened up, helping Weed to sit back on the bench. "Well fought!" he said, marveling at the speed with which the downed creature was being devoured. The vegepygmy tapped out a message on his body, emphasizing it with his reedy whistle. "Weed says thank you, he is terribly afraid of being carried away, he lost most of his tribe that way."
    Last edited by agignac; 2022-06-18 at 11:58 PM.
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  2. - Top - End - #122
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Seeing the creatures flee, Red Horns sheathed his weapon and flew over to the brave, but more than a little bit foolhardy tabaxi.
    Grabbing him at the scruff he tried to heave the soaking wet cat back into the boat.



    Yet the water logged gear made Blicksem so heavy, that he only managed to drag him towards the canoe without lifting him out completely.

    "Better get out of the water before the fish wonder what you taste like."
    Last edited by Pyrophilios; 2022-06-19 at 01:38 AM.

  3. - Top - End - #123
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Bliksem Los, the fabulous
    Level 3 Sword bard; HP 24/24; AC 15; Passive perception 13; Save DC 13

    After the unexpected manoeuvre from the creature, Bliksem got knocked off of it and then quickly resurfaced.
    Those damn bird can go underwater!

    The fighting was done, and still unaware of the danger the water posed, Red Horn quickly came to his help, making Bliksem reach the canoe that much faster.
    Thanks for the help Red

  4. - Top - End - #124
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    "Well that was fun. What next?"
    The name is "tonberrian", even when it begins a sentence. It's magic, I ain't gotta 'splain why.

  5. - Top - End - #125
    Troll in the Playground
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    "Think nothing of it. I'm sure you'd do the same for each of us. Oh and you better get cleaned up - the water isn't the most trustworthy."
    Red Horns replied while weaving a complex pattern in the air, rapidly removing the filthy water from the tabaxi's fur. In truth, seeing a soaking wet tabaxi was both hilarious and heartbreaking to behold.


    TRH casts Prestidigitation to clean up Blixem

    To Nix he said: "Hopefully, an uneventful journey from now on, though I wouldn't count on it, better if everyone keeps their weapons at hand."

  6. - Top - End - #126
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    They managed to get Bliksem back into the boat before the quippers found him, and the tiefling's magic turned him from soggy to fluffy in no time.

    The rest of the day passed uneventfully, thought the jungle constantly had new things to show them. A troop of fluffy flying monkeys chattered at them from the branches of a tree, swooping down low over the canoe to investigate. Qawasha was worried they'd fling fruit, or something worse, but they were simply curious.

    In fact, the next several days were quiet as they paddled up the Tiryki. Sore muscles hardened, and they got used to the upper-body workout. It rained almost every day, and they were able to capture or boil enough water to stay hydrated, and carry extra in the canoes. And even without hungry fauna trying to eat them, it didn't get boring.

    Pink river dolphins surfaced near the canoes, the mammals rolling onto their sides to stare at the strange land-creatures. The breath they blew from the holes on the top of their head stank badly.

    One night, ten thousand fireflies hatched near their campsite, brightening the camp with a dizzying display of insect ballet.

    The paddled past a clearing full of a strange, low-lying blue mist. Qawasha warned them to stay out of such areas, as the mist could have bad effects on the mind of those who spend time near it.

    On the third day after the coatul attack, as they were getting ready to find a campsite, Draelin pointed out something he could just see over the treetops. To the east of the river, a tall, stone structure could be seen towering over the jungle canopy. Dark figures could be seen flying to and from the structure, though they were too far to make out any details.

    When asked, Qawasha said, "That is known as Firefinger. It is home to many pterafolk - flying people who are very cruel. I have never ventured closer to it, as they are dangerous."

    The druid continued, "We must soon leave the boats behind. The Tiryki will enter a canyon tomorrow. We can travel another day or two before it becomes too narrow for the canoes, but that will mean climbing out of the canyon. Or we can strike out across land sooner. It will mean a little longer in the jungle, but without a dangerous climb.

    "The oracle I spoke of us is to the southwest, through some jungle heavily infested with the undead. We will have nearly a week of dangerous terrain before we reach the Aldani Basin. Here the threat of undead is lessened some, and the jungle is thinner. The basin is a web of lakes and rivers, and the canoes would be useful there. But portaging them across the jungle will slow us down."

    He looked up at Firefinger, and frowned. "If you had chosen Azaka Stormfang, she would have wanted to go there. The pterafolk stole something belonging to her people. But it is very dangerous."

    "Tonight you must decide which way you want to go tomorrow."

    Spoiler: options

    1) pause your journey to explore Firefinger.
    2) canoe another day or two south, then climb a cliff and head through jungle
    3) head through jungle here.
    2and3 corollary) bring canoes and portage them, or leave them here for the trip home.
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  7. - Top - End - #127
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Before the group returned to rowing, the Red Horns made an effort to fish out the by now skelettal head of the dead Quetzacoatlus and securing it in his extradimensional pouch. After that he returned to his seat in the boat and resumed the dull task of rowing against the sluggish stream.

    In the next three days the Red Horns established a pattern: At day break he would go for a little fly about, gathering ingredients for the recipe and be back in time when the others were done with breaking their fast. After a day of rowing and making camp with the others, he would set up his little workplace just far enough away from the tents that his work wouldn't disturb the other's sleep. The he would sit immobile for about four hours, staring into the darkness and listening, looking for all the world as if he had died sitting upright. About four hours later, he stood up, woke whoever was on watch next and then go to his workplace, relentlessly working on a blade made of bone with his tools and subtle chanting, aided only by the creature made from animated twigs.

    When their guide spoke, he frowned:

    "If I understand you correctly, we'd save some miles by going into the canyon, but would have a difficult time to get up the walls and even more so to transport the canoes. If we manage that feat, we'd not only have less jungle to traverse with the canoes, we'd also save time at the other end when we need them again.

    I can likely transport or at least assist with the climb of everyone by flying up the canyon wall and using a rope to get everyone up, likewise for the gear with my pouch. The canoes we would have to haul up on ropes, but again, I could likely assist in that task by stabilizing them in the air.

    Lady Ziri is likely strong enough to carry a canoe all by her own with my construct companion along stabilize. That should be enough for the rest of us to clear a path and carry the remaining one.

    Always under the assumption, that we'd actually save a significant amount of time by going into the canyons."


    Worktime on my +1 weapon so far: 16 work hours
    Using the skull of a CR2 creature as necessary magic component

    Last edited by Pyrophilios; 2022-06-20 at 01:59 PM.

  8. - Top - End - #128
    Ogre in the Playground
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    cool Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Xarmus watched the injured flying predators leave, and he continued to watch them until they disappeared into the distance, hoping with all hopes that they wouldn’t pass over the site he had farewelled his friend.
    You could give a donkey all the tips of survival but in the end it was still just a donkey.

    The following day he finally favoured his companions with some of his music. The marvellous sites of nature lifting his mood.
    He listened to the guide, sharing and swapping knowledge. He spoke with the dolphins (through magic) asking what they knew of the rivers. He gave them a shiny silver piece as a gift and played music for them.

    When it came to matters of giving up the canoe’s Xarmus made it clear he had already given up too much just to use the bloody things and would not be happy to abandon them now. Although he didn’t seem to eager to be carrying them uphill.

  9. - Top - End - #129
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Bliksem Los, the fabulous
    Level 3 Sword bard; HP 24/24; AC 15; Passive perception 13; Save DC 13

    Safely back into the canoe, and dry!
    That's an amazing trick Red Horn! You'll have to show me!

    Looking at everyone, Bliksem clearly missed a part of the show while he was in the air and under the water, he looked around
    What happened? I'm away 20 seconds then i'm in the water and no enemy in sight, almost as if it was a mirage.
    He screamed as soon as his last word was over Mirage! then started murmuring The mirage bird! That's how we'll call them, sounds better in my ears, and way more melodic!
    Bliksem looked at the Satyr Xarmus! Mirage bird! What do you think as a name?

    As they started getting ready for camp, Bliksem did his usual. Placing rain cather in trees, making rounds around the camp up in trees.
    Then he stayed with eveyrone, listening to the druid.
    And after Red Horn giving an option through the canyon, Bliksem added I'm a good enough climber, i'll be able to help there too.

    Qawasha, how high a cliff are we talking about? Even with a sure way to get us up there, do you think it'd be feasable to get the canoe up?

  10. - Top - End - #130
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Once the trouble with the local wildlife was over, Draelin returned to his position looking out from the front of the lead canoe - but now, he kept his bow in his hands rather than by his side. The experience didn't seem to dampen his spirits much though, nor his curiosity.

    When they break for camp and he notices Firefinger, Draelin seems interested by their guide's explanation. He follows it up with a few questions about how the pterafolk usually behave and what they like to keep, apparently weighing up the idea of investigating, but he focuses on the matters being discussed for the time being.

    "If we can practically bring the canoes along, I'm all for it. As for the canyon, one of the bags has a bunch of pitons and some extra rope, which may come in handy. Some extra kit which can help secure any less secure climbers, too.

  11. - Top - End - #131
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Quote Originally Posted by Sirithhyando View Post
    Qawasha, how high a cliff are we talking about? Even with a sure way to get us up there, do you think it'd be feasable to get the canoe up?
    The druid thought a moment, then said, "It has been some years since I've been there, but I would guess about 150 feet. I have never climbed it, though other guides claim to have brought their clients and their gear up. I do not have the expertise to help manage the canoes, I simply have heard that it's been done by guides whose word I trust. If we are successful, it should save us four or five days of walking."

    To Draelin's questions, he said, "The pterafolk are dangerous and aggressive. They hunt and eat whatever they can catch, including other peoples. I have heard they like shiny things, and take whatever treasure they can find. Some claim they can sense magical auras, but I am not sure I believe it."
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  12. - Top - End - #132
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    "I guess I'm down for climbing the cliffs. I'm a little scared of falling, though."
    The name is "tonberrian", even when it begins a sentence. It's magic, I ain't gotta 'splain why.

  13. - Top - End - #133
    Troll in the Playground
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    "Four days are nothing to sneeze at, especially if it's time we don't have to spend carrying the canoes. Though 150 ft are a little higher than I expected. Still, we should be capable enough to get this done."

    The Red Horns nodded once as if to himself. "Alright. Anyone against the option?" He looked quizically into the round of companions.

  14. - Top - End - #134
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    After the dinosaurs retreat, the adrenaline wears off and Nolwenn realizes she's standing in an unsteadied canoe. She quickly dismisses her spell and takes a seat, sheepishly waiting for everyone else to be ready to get moving again.


    As the days of paddling pass, the heat still bothers her and the work is still hard, but Nolwenn minds a little less each day. She quickly settles into an evening routine: help pitch tents, boil water if necessary, and then use the remaining light and her watch at night to draw whatever wonder the jungle had most recently provided in her sketchbook, a sort of visual journal of the journey so far. Then, get up just before sunrise and do it all over again.


    When Qawasha stops the group to explain their options, Nolwenn considers his words carefully before adding her opinion to the mix. "Well, I won't be much help in the climb, none of my spells are suitable for aiding such an endeavor," she says, mentally kicking herself for not having learned anything so practical (and, from her own head or not, the voice is always her mother's, annoyingly), "actually, that's not entirely true. We won't have to worry about stumbling and crashing to the river below, my magic can arrest all but the most disastrous of falls."

    "I will say, if there's more use for the canoes later, we should bring them with us by any means necessary," she continues then turns to Qawasha, "wait, I know you said they're very cruel and dangerous, but maybe the pterafolk can be bargained with? Perhaps we could trade for their aid in getting the canoes up the cliffs."
    Last edited by The Hellbug; 2022-06-22 at 04:40 PM.
    Coach and Owner of Hellbug's Heroes, Sneak Kings, Sultans of Slaughter, and Commercial Cast-Offs. Season II and III runner-up. Season IV league champion. Season VII division champion.

  15. - Top - End - #135
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    "I'm not against it," said the good Lady Ziri, "But the task depends very much on the cliffs. If there pterafolk are known for wickedness and cruelty, I would not be so eager to seek them out to bargain with them."
    And the far stars cried, and the planets yearned;
    But no man may know, for she'll ne'er return.

  16. - Top - End - #136
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Qawasha counsels you not to seek out the pterafolk, for they simply cannot be trusted. Eager to be on your way, you continue upriver.

    The next day the river becomes decidedly narrower. You encounter fewer and fewer tributaries, and the water starts to look a clearer, rather than muddy. The jungle retreats up high cliffs, the grow higher as you travel. You spend the night on a flat island in the river, with the stars twinkling overhead instead of being blocked out by the canopy.

    Finally, late in the afternoon on the 9th day of your adventure, the river becomes too shallow for the heavily laden canoes. It continues around a corner and out of sight. The cliffs here vary in height between 120 and 150 feet. They are rough and in many places covered with vines and tree roots. Some areas certainly look more climbable than others. It's too late in the day to start the portage, but you can look around and make some plans before dark.

    Spoiler: notes
    See slide deck for a photo approximation of the area. I want some "figuring it out" from you. Chose a skill (or two) and describe how you'd like to use it. This is going to be a group effort. Rather than one bad roll dooming the endeavor, I will take the average of all the successes/failures, and use that to calculate how effectively you can pull this off. Bonus points for creativity and ingenuity. Ask any questions you have.
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  17. - Top - End - #137
    Troll in the Playground
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    The Red Horns worked as usual through half of the night and was ready at first light to take a closer look at the canyon side to find the most opportune route to pull up the canoes, looking for vegetation that would be able to cushion them should they be pulled against the walls.


    Investigation (1d20+7)[13] if necessary using my knowledge from the past feature (1d6)[2]

    Nature (1d20+5)[19] knowledge from the past feature (1d6)[3]

    After that, he went about collecting what rope the party had available. He was able to add 50 ft and 10 pitons to the effort.

  18. - Top - End - #138
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Standing on the bank of the river, Nolwenn leans her head back, shading her eyes from the sun with her hand, to get a good look at the cliffs. "Yeah," she starts, turning her eyes back to the others, "I was hoping they'd be less...sheer." She emphasizes her words by gesturing with her forearm, moving it back and forth between a slope and vertical to the ground.

    "Red, you've got that fancy special bag, right?" she asks, leading into a suggestion, "if we can get to the top we could attach that to a rope and have some of us load everything that fits in at the bottom and others up top unload it then pass it back."
    Last edited by The Hellbug; 2022-06-23 at 08:20 PM.
    Coach and Owner of Hellbug's Heroes, Sneak Kings, Sultans of Slaughter, and Commercial Cast-Offs. Season II and III runner-up. Season IV league champion. Season VII division champion.

  19. - Top - End - #139
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    When The Red Horns comes by to collect rope, Draelin first hands him the spool of silk rope he had attached to his backpack, before indicating the canoe sacks that held another set of rope, some pitons and climbing equipment, before listening to Nolwenn and nodding. "That'd definitely speed us up - emptying out those sacks before we pull the canoes up will make life a lot easier."


    50ft of silk rope, 50ft of hempen rope, 12 pitons and a climbing kit, to be precise.

  20. - Top - End - #140
    Troll in the Playground
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    "I might have found a suitable place up on the cliff from where we can begin hauling up our gear. I'll fill my bag and empty it's contents up there, but it's probably a good idea to have one of us stand guard up there first. Blixem, I know you can climb as easily as you can walk - can you keep watch up there? Also, we need more rope. So far that's 150 ft. - barely enough to haul something up from down here."

    The Red Horns replied and began to load his bag until he felt it at capacity, taking care to have the ropes accessible.

  21. - Top - End - #141
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Helping company
    Anyone who shares their plans or talks out their ideas with Xarmus will find he has endless anecdotes, quotes or lyrical worldly advice that proves enlightening.
    (Offering guidance and or bardic inspiration.)

    Looking at the mountains and formulating an opinion.
    Xarmus is considering the terrain and type of shrubbery the canoe will need to be pulled through. What foliage the canoe could be pulled over and what would hinder its passing. What footing would best suit them.
    Nature (1d20+5)[16] + (1d4)[2]
    Survival (1d20+5)[24] + (1d4)[2]

    Finding an animal friend
    Nature (1d20+5)[14] + (1d4)[1] to know of the animals that frequent this area.
    Survival to track one down (1d20+5)[12] + (1d4)[3]
    He will then cast speak with animals, animal friendship (dc15 or charmed) and even beast bond, all just to build a connection with a creature so he can ask about their path.
    Last edited by Holy-hunter; 2022-06-25 at 04:30 AM.

  22. - Top - End - #142
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Bliksem Los, the fabulous
    Level 3 Sword bard; HP 24/24; AC 15; Passive perception 13; Save DC 13

    Arriving safely at the foot of the cliff, Bliksem looked in awe
    This place is beautiful! he looked at Nolwen Don't worry, you're still my number one! Bliksem winks at the wizard.

    Bliksem looks around the face of the cliff on both side, trying to spot any danger
    Spoiler: Rolls

    Nature to determine where danger could usually be found in this type of environment : (1d20+1)[11]
    Perception to spot those possible danger : (1d20+3)[11]

    When Red Horn comes back, Bliksem agrees to his plan.
    Of course, here's my rope, i'll go there and act as a lookout while you bring everything.

    Spoiler: OOC
    50' hempen rope
    If you need a roll for the climbing, i'll roll in Discord, but Bliksem got a climbing speed, so might not be necessary, except maybe if theres too much loose rock?

  23. - Top - End - #143
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    As everybody explored the cliff, looking for the best site to haul up the canoes, they found the remnants of a previous adventuring party who had had the same idea. Three dwarven corpses and a shattered canoe lay at the base of the cliff, near one of the more climbable-looking sections. They had clearly been there for some time, as the bodies had been somewhat gnawed on. However, they weren't reduced to bones yet, and the frequent rains hadn't rotted any cloth away.


    Xarmus looked around, trying to figure out what animals might be found in the area. He discovered a troop of flying monkeys on the far side of the river, a wild boar snoozing in her den, a harpy eagle sitting on a jagged rock overlooking the river, and various small, colourful birds in the lower canopy. You can use your original rolls, but I'd like to know who you're talking to and what specifically you're asking.


    Bliksem scrambled up the cliff face as easily as walking across the ground. The rock wasn't too crumbly, and there were plenty of roots and vines to hold on to. When he got to the top, The Red Horns was already emptying his first load out of his magical bag and onto the ground.
    Last edited by agignac; 2022-06-26 at 06:18 PM.
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  24. - Top - End - #144
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Xarmus decided to talk to the harpy eagle, he imagined it to be a more sensible creature of his available choices and it’s observant diligent vision was what he was after.

    Surely it was aware of the corpses as they were undoubtedly a food source for many of its own food sources, if not for him directly.

    “What killed them, how did they die?”

    “What dangerous or large creatures are on those mountains?”

    He was also sure to see if there was anything he could offer the eagle. He would ransack the parties rations to find a food it might like. It was no mule but he would like to make a friend of it nonetheless.

  25. - Top - End - #145
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holy-hunter View Post
    Xarmus decided to talk to the harpy eagle, he imagined it to be a more sensible creature of his available choices and it’s observant diligent vision was what he was after.
    “What killed them, how did they die?”
    “What dangerous or large creatures are on those mountains?”
    He was also sure to see if there was anything he could offer the eagle. He would ransack the parties rations to find a food it might like. It was no mule but he would like to make a friend of it nonetheless.
    The eagle had landed on a fallen tree, several feet from the satyr. Cocking its head, it looked from the dwarves to Xarmus. "Gravity."

    To the second question, it said, "Many large creatures. Feathered no-fly big-teeth. Spike-tail plate-backs. Four-arm tree-climbers. No-limb squeezers. Noisy needle-butts. Many many not-alives."

    Do you have any raw meat? That's all it would be interested in for food.
    Last edited by agignac; 2022-06-27 at 11:22 AM.
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  26. - Top - End - #146
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    When the group finds the corpses, Draelin warns the others to keep an eye out for trouble and heads over to the corpses, kneeling down to riflle through their pockets and any packs for anything of interest. Out here, there wasn't much reason to turn down anything of use they might have, and hopefully they might have some notes or maps to suggest what they were doing out here. People don't just come out here for the fun of it, and if they had picked up the trail of something interesting before they died Draelin wanted to know.

  27. - Top - End - #147
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volthawk View Post
    When the group finds the corpses, Draelin warns the others to keep an eye out for trouble and heads over to the corpses, kneeling down to riflle through their pockets and any packs for anything of interest. Out here, there wasn't much reason to turn down anything of use they might have, and hopefully they might have some notes or maps to suggest what they were doing out here. People don't just come out here for the fun of it, and if they had picked up the trail of something interesting before they died Draelin wanted to know.
    Draelin finds: map labelling a route to Hrakhammar Mine, 6 pots insect repellent, pouch with 15 diamonds, a stoppered iron flask labelled SG, 6 waterskins, spoiled rations, and each dwarf has a large pouch on their belts. One is made of rough sackcloth, one of green velvet, and one looks very similar to The Red Horns's bag of holding. All feel light and empty.
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  28. - Top - End - #148
    Troll in the Playground
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    Seeing the state of decay on the dwarves, The Red Horns joined Draelin shortly after delivering the first collection.

    "Careful, between undead and diseases it's not wise to just walk up to corpses you find lying around.
    My studies haven't progressed far enough yet for me to cure diseases, but I think the Lady Ziri should be able to cleanse you of any potential contagion. But before we progress further with our investigation, please let me cleanse the corpses' gear."

    With that The Red Horns once again began to chant the little cantrip to clean the belongings of the dead dwarves.

    After that, he took the time for a little ritual, studying the objects before returning to the task of delivering all the gear up the cliff.

    Only when that was done, did he start to tie the ropes into one long exemplar. After delivering one end up to Bliksem, he returned to the waiting members below:
    "Alright, we'll use the rope to secure each climber. I'll accompany you up to aid you, while Bliksem secures you also. Once you all are up there, I'll tie one of the boats to the rope and you can begin to haul it up.

    Any questions or improvements on that plan?"


    Casting Prestidigitation repeatedly, as well as ritual of detect magic and identify on the found objects (wouldn't want to get stuck with a bag of devouring

  29. - Top - End - #149
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Apr 2014

    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Xarmus had only one problem with that plan. He found an empty clearing and with shovel in hand he marked the earth and started digging. A grave, although shallow, big enough for three dwarves.

    To the bird he gave some dry salted meat, and he played a song.
    “If you hear this song, it means I have fresh raw meat for you. I will keep a look out.”
    Last edited by Holy-hunter; 2022-06-28 at 02:05 AM.

  30. - Top - End - #150
    Bugbear in the Playground
    agignac's Avatar

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    Nov 2005

    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    The Red Horns spent some time cleaning and meditating on the dwarves' gear. He discovered that all three bags were enchanted. When he put his hand in the green one, he discovered a soft, fuzzy ball inside of it, and recognized it as a bag of tricks. However, it was different from other ones he'd heard about, and wondered what animals it would produce.

    The sackcloth bag contained 8 dry beans, all large and mottled in colour. His spell revealed that planting and watering a bean would create a magical result, but could not predict which bean would produce which result.

    The final bag certainly seems identical to his own at first. Aware that such bags can be cursed, The Red Horns studies it carefully, trying to determine if it is safe to reach into or not. There is definitely something the bag, but it doesn't seem dangerous, not exactly. But he can't put his finger on what might be wrong with it.

    If anybody takes one of these bags, I'll pm you the stats on it.

    The harpy eagle turned its beak up at the salted meat, but regally assented to listening for the song.

    Spoiler: the climb

    Whoever is tying people into the rope, make a survival check DC 12 for tying a knot that will hold.

    Everybody make a climb check, DC 13 - acrobatics or athletics, your choice.

    If you fail, AND your rope has a bad knot, make a DEX save DC 15 to avoid falling.
    If TRH wants to catch the faller, make a DEX save DC 12.

    For the canoes - Survival check DC 15 for securing the canoes to the rope. If most of you are helping, there will be enough strength to get them up the cliff. The only concern is them hitting the cliff on the way up and getting battered. Thoughts about how to deal with that?
    Spoiler: Chult game links
    Avatar by the amazing linklele

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