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  1. - Top - End - #61
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    The hobgoblin chuckles at Laura's remark about opening a toy store, a throaty grinding laugh. "Just things I find in The Hedge," it replies, breath still hot on Laura's face and neck. To the rest, Snigglebutt adds, "I find things here, and I find things there. Some things maybe ain't so valuable, but others are. Sock that disappear into the drawer, old childhood toys, all sorts of things fall through the cracks and end up in The Hedge. Sometimes they are left behind by wanderers like yourself, personal belongings that get caught by the thorns or fall out of a pocket. Lost things, you know... to someone they are all worth something." There could be a terrible implication in the last words the hobgoblin had said, though of course it was impossible to say what any hobgoblin ever meant, they and the Fae were always so used to speaking in riddles and half truths.

    As Snigglebutt rambles, Laura's eyes are drawn to a small wallet; more duct tape then leather. Opening the wallet almost instinctively, Laura finds a Driver's License belonging to none other than Monica, her headshot a scowl. "Oh, that one I found in The Market actually," Snigglebutt says with pride, seeing Laura's interest in the wallet, adding, "All things out on the tables are for sale... for a price."
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  2. - Top - End - #62
    Ettin in the Playground
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    May 2017

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    The sight of Monica's licence made Laura feel sick. When had she last seen her anyway? Techically she had met her the first time when the girl had wandered into the market so perhaps the licence had been dropped then. But mortals often made it into the Hedge, and sometimes something lured them in.

    Laura will hold onto the wallet and turn towards Snigglebutt with a fixed smile on her face. She is taller then the Hob and will stand over the creature. From what she understood of it now the universe would respond to her if she approached it in the right way and she meant to claim some authority here. 'And yet sometimes it's easier to take a more active role in making acquisitions isn't it? Finding things lying around is all very well, but it'll only get you so far.'

    Spoiler: ooc

    Should check before I roll it. Can I use Mask of Superiority (p.128) to pose as a representative of Arcadia who might be a potential customer? If it makes more sense to have used the contract before the scene started then I'll rethink.

    Otherwise, what would be the consequences of just taking Monica's wallet? I feel like robbing Goblins might cause Wyrd related problems.

  3. - Top - End - #63
    Titan in the Playground

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    Mar 2013

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    Spoiler: OOC:
    Laura is down to 8 Glamour. She gets two successes. So if Laura is posing as a member of Arcadia, we will have to pretend/assume that Snigglebutt has been much more obsequious, attempting to appease her any way possible.

    The hobgoblin stiffens at Laura's words. It hastily bows its shaggy head and blurts, "My Lady, I swear I would never steal from any of mortals that I have led to... to our Lord." Snigglebutt is trembling, but it keeps its head lowered, perhaps anxiously awaiting some sort of physical punishment. The hobgoblin adds, "I took this off of a human in The French Quarter. She was alone on the streets at night. She said she had no family. She... she would be an excellent subject of our Lord's Court! Please, take the wallet, it is yours for free."
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  4. - Top - End - #64
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    Laura dismissively looks down her nose at the Hob. It wasn't hard to act this way. She only had to channel her memories of the Yellow King and let Snigglebut draw his own conclusions. 'That would be sensible. He doesn't take well to being disrespected. Best you don't do anything you wouldn't want him hearing about.'

    She'll hold up Monica's wallet, 'I appreciate your work ethic, but I have a personal interest in this one. She has much to learn, but she is mine.' Laura will emphasise the last word. A Fae would be possessive about the people that they considered to be their property wouldn't they? It wasn't pleasant for her to think like that. 'Where is my squire at the moment?'

  5. - Top - End - #65
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    "I don't know," the Hobgoblin says in reply. Something crosses Snigglebutt's lips like a smile, but far uglier; lips curling up and back to expose gapped hook teeth, and it says, "But I can find her for you if you like. Was waiting till I got the word from the big boss. But you give me a day and I'll git her for you. Would be even easier if you let me use that wallet."
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  6. - Top - End - #66
    Ettin in the Playground
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    May 2017

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    Laura frowns and looks levelly at the Hob. After a moment, 'Oh I don't think that's neccessary. I feel like you would upset her in a way that would make her less useful to his majesty. When the time comes I will deal with her myself.' She'll put Monica's wallet away. 'Of course if the word comes down to pay her a visit and you decide to go and see her without me ..' Laura glares at Snigglebutt with all the hatred she feels for someone who was willingly involved in taking people to Arcadia. 'I will be upset with you. The King is powerful and dangerous but he is far away. I come to Tumbledown all the time and you will not be able to hide from me.'

    Spoiler: ooc

    Presence 3 + Intimidation 2 + Wp 3
    Any 10s

    Really want a way of judging if he's lying with his response

    Wits 3 + Empathy 1
    Any 10s

  7. - Top - End - #67
    Titan in the Playground

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    Mar 2013

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    The hobgoblin's eyes narrow, and he does not recoil from Laura or her words. "I bow to your master My Lady," he hisses, forked tongue darting out from fanged teeth, "not you."

    (OOC: Laura is down to 4 WP)
    Last edited by Bennosuke; 2022-12-17 at 10:42 AM.
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  8. - Top - End - #68
    Ettin in the Playground
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    May 2017

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    While she was talking Laura had reached over her shoulder to draw her sword from it's scabbard. She does this with the ease of much practice. Once she had drawn the sword she'll reverse the blade towards the ground but it is clear that she can handle it very easily in spite of it's weight.

    That Snigglebutt appeared immune to her threats wasn't the end of the world. 'That's the way it should be, but I'd say you might want to consider being politer to his majesty's representives in the future, if only to keep yourself alive. Perhaps I should reconsider and we should both pay my squire a visit while I'm here to oversee things.' Perhaps he would appreciate the offer to show off his skills at finding people?

    Spoiler: ooc

    Have to try to balance obligations to Giant and Sarah and the need to protect Monica from possibly getting kidnapped while Laura is distracted.

  9. - Top - End - #69
    Titan in the Playground

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    Mar 2013

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    Snigglebutt raises a single hand, palm out in the gesture of "stop". Forked tongue flicks between lizard lips several times before the hobgoblin says, "As you wish My Lady... I will let you know if I hear anything else." The creature's voice is flat, and its round yellow eyes dart from Laura to her sword and back again.

    (Successes added due to the drawn sword)
    Last edited by Bennosuke; 2022-12-22 at 08:42 PM.
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  10. - Top - End - #70
    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    'Oh, when the time comes I'll likely come looking for you.' Laura doesn't put her sword away but she doesn't make any obviously threatening moves with it either. 'When you take the new recruits, whereabouts do you normally meet my colleagues to hand them over? I'll find out eventually but it'll save me some time if you tell me now. I heard there was a new one taken just recently? Tell me about her.' Laura is fairly sure that he was responsible for the disapearance of Giant's sister but would like to hear details.

  11. - Top - End - #71
    Titan in the Playground

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    Mar 2013

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    Snigglebutt’s head tilts to the side, confusion and maybe even suspicion crossing its snouted face. “Nah nah,” the hobgoblin says raising an arm, “It’s not like that. I don’t work for The King, like you know. I justs… help out every now and then, if the opportunity strikes; yah know what I mean?

    Snigglebutt seemed to be studying Laura and her response, like the hobgoblin was starting to pick up on the fact that Laura wasn’t whatever she was pretending to be. Laura can feel the threads of the glamour bound mask she had woven stretching and starting to come undone.
    Last edited by Bennosuke; 2023-01-03 at 07:46 PM.
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  12. - Top - End - #72
    Ettin in the Playground
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    May 2017

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    'Well lets hope that you're rewarded for that.' Laura mostly looks angry. For a moment she thought about letting the glamour collapse by itself just to see how he would deal with it. Perhaps it was more useful though to have this one alive where she could find him again if she needed to. 'I'm sure I will be in touch.' She'll sheathe her sword and leave without looking back. A true member of the Fae wouldn't have thought anything more about acting that way, so if nothing else it might help to maintain the glamour for a while longer.

    Initially Laura will seek to lose herself in the market but she is paranoid enough to be curious if Snigglebutt had chosen to follow her.

    Spoiler: ooc

    Wits 3 + Composure 3
    any 10s

  13. - Top - End - #73
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    To Laura’s relief, she sees no signs of being followed. Without thought, she returns deep into the heart of the tumbledown, which has only grown more busy and alive. Barkers call and reach out to grab her attention, and the throng of people has become a near current of pressed bodies of all different shapes and sizes.
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  14. - Top - End - #74
    Ettin in the Playground
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    May 2017

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    That hadn't gone as well as Laura had hoped. Snigglebutt was absolutely the type of person to have been involved with taking Sarah but he had not mentioned anything concrete about the matter. It wasn't as if her and Giant could keep watch over him to see where he might lead them. Sarah did not have that kind of time. And now she had to worry about Monica while she was distracted. Laura needed to find someone who might be able to help her out. She'll start by looking for anyone she recognised as a fellow member of the Court of Barter in the Tumbledown. If they weren't willing to help her out for the sake of getting in the gentry's way it was always possible that she could find someone who was willing to make a deal.

  15. - Top - End - #75
    Titan in the Playground

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    Mar 2013

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    Laura starts to wander back the way she came, her mind racing for ideas about who might best be able to help her. She knew most of the main streets in The Tumbledown Market, and once she got out of these northern back alleys, she would be able to find most of her fellow Courtiers. First Laura's mind goes to the old crone, Wren Lamontaigne. Wren was a fellow courtier, an ancient changeling bent and gnarled like an old tree. She knew everything there was to know, and some Lost even thought she could predict a Changeling's future; you just had to offer her tea and honey to soothe her raspy and ragged voice. She might not be able to physically help Laura, but Wren would likely be able to provide more answers, if that was what she sought.

    Old Shadow ran a stall not too far away called Finder's Keeper. He was a Darkling who liked to wander The Hedge, collecting all sorts of odds and ends, which he sold to interested hobs and Changelings. Nothing was too strange to sell, and he bartered for all sorts of favors or payments. He had a good view of the open market, and would likely no more about anything happening within the Tumbledown. He might also know a way around Snigglebutt.

    Lastly, though Laura would hate to do it, she could always turn to Lupus. He was a wolfy Beast and member of the Barter Court. He was a Hunter Heart, and one of the few Changelings who could travel these parts of the Hedge as well as Laura... maybe even a little better, though she hated to admit it. He spent his time helping to enforce bargain in The Tumbledown, as well as running challenging errands in The Hedge, like Laura did. While he might be the most helpful, he was the last person Laura wanted to ask a favor from... for reasons it was often best not to think about.
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  16. - Top - End - #76
    Ettin in the Playground
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    May 2017

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    In some ways Lupus would have been the ideal person to turn to for help. Someone who she could rely on to tear Snigglebutt's throat out the second he went anywhere near Monica. But what would she need to do in return? If she was going to go that way she might as well have done her own dirty work.

    Laura will instead go looking for Old Shadow. Darklings made the best spies after all.

  17. - Top - End - #77
    Titan in the Playground

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    Mar 2013

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    Laura makes her way back through the market towards Finders Keepers. The stall is a relatively prominent one in the more traveled parts of the Northern Tumbledown, its three walls made of oakwood shelving, covered in trinkets and odds and ends. The stall is already quiet busy and it's owner, Old Shadow, is busy hawking and entertaining the gathered Changelings and Hobgoblins alike. The Darkling was an aged man with a bald egg round head and bushy grey mustache. He was tall and thin, long of arm and leg in a way that reminded Laura of a spider. His height meant Laura could see Old Shadow over the crowd that was gathered around his stall. He hollered over the din of the market in his creaky sandpaper voice, cackling at his own jokes merrily as he worked. He wore a dark navy button down shirt with large floppy collar points that was buttoned all the way to the top and a pair of black flannel trousers held up by crimson suspenders. When he caught Laura's eye, Old Shadow raised a massive hand up to fix the pair of black round spectacles that always seemed to perfectly obscure his eyes, from over his long hooked nose. Shadow gestures for Laura to approach, and when she can get through the crowd to get within ear shot, he hollers, "Laura my dear. Welcome, welcome. Can I interest you in my latest finds? I picked up a pretty pearl necklace from a thicket of thorns just the other day. I bet it would look lovely on you." His lips spread into a smile that show beautifully aligned white teeth. It was the loving grin shared by one's cheeky old grandpa.
    Last edited by Bennosuke; 2023-02-19 at 01:30 PM.
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  18. - Top - End - #78
    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    'Hey Shadow. I might take you up on that.' Laura was a believer in liberating things from the Hedge even if they weren't useful or pretty. 'Listen. I need a favour for when you're off work.'

    Spoiler: ooc

    I like him

  19. - Top - End - #79
    Titan in the Playground

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    Mar 2013

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    Old Shadow's grin widens, showing off more of his impressive teeth. He chuckles, a low "ho ho ho" at Laura's statement and replies, "A favor? Is that not the slogan of our court?" Laura catches a whiff of cloves and mint; though it was not his breath or his cologne, but simply the calming strength of his Mantle. He reaches a long arm over the crowd, somehow extending far enough to grab hold of Laura and pull her forward. Hobgoblins and changelings alike move out of the way without a peep or complaint. Old Shadow pulls Laura in close, the scent growing stronger, almost intoxicating. Whispering so that the gathered crowd cannot overhear, he says, "What is it you need little one?"
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  20. - Top - End - #80
    Ettin in the Playground
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    May 2017

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    Laura returns the whisper,'You know Snigglebutt?' She'll check to see that no seemed to be paying attention. 'I think he's taking people for the Gentry, and he seems to be interested in a friend of mine. I need someone to watch him in case he tries anything.' Laura will leave it up to Shadow to interpret what she means by that. 'I'd do it myself but I've got a job in the Hedge that won't wait.'

  21. - Top - End - #81
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    "Well, I see," Old Shadow says, the smile never diminishing, though there is now something sad in the expression, "that is quiet serious." He looks out over the crowd for a moment before whispering, "I am unfortunately busy with the shop at the moment, but I know someone who can help. I would be happy to introduce you," he trails off, and of course the implication he is preparing to barter. This was the way of their Court. Nothing was given for free, and actual currency was rarely traded hands. The warm and comforting aroma seems to grow stronger on Shadow. "Go and get me a fresh syrup melon from Giuseppe's, and when you come back, I will introduce you to just the friend you need."

    Laura can feel the Glamour gathering around Old Shadow, swelling in anticipation of her acceptance.
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  22. - Top - End - #82
    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    Quote Originally Posted by Bennosuke View Post
    "Well, I see," Old Shadow says, the smile never diminishing, though there is now something sad in the expression, "that is quiet serious."
    'Yeah, tell me about it.' Laura agrees. She had expected something like Shadow's response and was used to the ways of the Court. 'I appreciate it Shadow.' Laura will formally accept the bargain with a handshake. The Glamour was the price of doing business, but it was good to maintain a reputation as someone who could meet their obligations. 'I'll be right back.'

  23. - Top - End - #83
    Titan in the Playground

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    Mar 2013

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    Old Shadow's grin widens as he shakes Laura's hand. As their grasps separate, Laura finds her hand covered in quickly drying wax; the Wyrd's seal on the two's agreement. "See you soon," he says as Laura begins to walk away. The crowd presses past her to get to Shadow and peruse his wares, their voices drowning out his "goodbye".

    Giuseppe's is a goblin fruit cart, just about a five minutes walk away from Old Shadow's. The cart is owned by a hobgoblin who of course goes by Guiseppe; a gangly three foot tall creature with leathery yellow skin, and a round protuberant head that reminds Laura of a thumb. His round eyes are reminiscent of those on a Henson Muppet, and his long black whiskers are waxed into a foppish bike-handle mustache. Guiseppe greets Laura with his simian grin and creaky voice. When Laura tells him what she has come for, he twists an arm of his mustache between two fingers and says, "That will cost you... a lock of your hair." He raises his eyebrows like Groucho and retrieves from his cart a pair of scissors.
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  24. - Top - End - #84
    Ettin in the Playground
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    May 2017

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    Quote Originally Posted by Bennosuke View Post
    "That will cost you... a lock of your hair." He raises his eyebrows like Groucho and retrieves from his cart a pair of scissors.
    Laura is not opposed to this on principle but is curious what he might want with it. 'You making a wig Guiseppe?' She'll retrieve a jagged knife from the sheaf at her belt. If she doesn't see any reason not to Laura will briefly saw off a lock of white hair.

    Spoiler: ooc

    Does Laura know anything specific about what he might want with that

    Int 2 + Occult 1
    Any 10s

  25. - Top - End - #85
    Titan in the Playground

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    Mar 2013

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    Giuseppe shrugs and says coyly, "My price is my price; take it or leave it." Laura can't see any reason why the hob would want her hair, but can't see any reason not to make the trade. She did need the melon after all.

    When Laura hands the hobgoblin a lock of her hair, Giuseppe will bring it greedily to its face, snuffling lustily at the lock, before placing it on the table. "Very good," the hobgoblin will exclaim before over a syrup melon, "here, as promised." The goblin fruit is about the size of a Giuseppe's head, nearly spherical in shape and with a waxy rind of pink and yellow. Giuseppe will reach out an arm to touch Laura and say, "Is there anything else I can get you?"
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  26. - Top - End - #86
    Ettin in the Playground
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    May 2017

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    Laura glances across Giuseppe's wares. 'Maybe. What's good at the moment?'

  27. - Top - End - #87
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    Guiseppe twists his mustache between long stick fingers, as he grins up at Laura. "Oh, the usual," he says slowly, watching his mark as he tries to build tension and interest. He leans forward as if to tell a secret, and his grin deepens as he says, "But I managed to find a couple of Faerie Peaches. I could sell you one, but the price would be... far steeper."

    Laura had been up and down the Hedge and knew her Goblin Fruit well enough. She had never ever seen a Faerie Peach, though she had heard just what they could do. Rumor was that if you ate a Faerie Peach, your Mein twisted becoming beautiful and powerful; enough so that the Thorns and the Hedge themselves were fooled into thinking you were True Fae. Even some hobgoblins might be fooled by the magic, though most Changelings were supposed to be able to see through it.

    (OOC: See page 208 for the rules breakdown)
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  28. - Top - End - #88
    Ettin in the Playground
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    May 2017

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    Laura had intended to let it go but the value of something like that was obvious. 'Now where did you find a thing like that? Did you happen to see the one who grew it?' And the matter of the price. 'Let's say I was interested. What would you want for it?'

  29. - Top - End - #89
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    The hobgoblin's already bulbous eyes go wide, almost seeming to push out of their sockets. Its leathery yellow cheeks flush, turning almost orange. Guiseppe leans forward, going up on its toes to bring its long head closer to Laura's. In a breathy and excited voice, it says, "Well, it would be an honor to go for dinner with a woman as beautiful as yourself, Ms. Laura." It reflexively twists its curled mustache, anxiously anticipating Laura's answer, and completely ignoring her prior question.
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)

  30. - Top - End - #90
    Ettin in the Playground
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    May 2017

    Default Re: IC: CtL 2E New Orleans by Night

    Laura is briefly at a loss for words. 'You want a date?' Her opinion of people's appearances had long since been broadened by her time in Arcadia but a Hobgoblin was different wasn't it? On the other hand it was only dinner. 'In the Tumbledown? I don't think I've ever eaten out over here.' She is considering it.

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