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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Post Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]


    Speech Color AL
    Race [Ethnicity]
    (Gender ID)
    Side #1
    Side #2
    Faith Campaign Trait Shard Holder
    Akif Vedavyasa
    ?? Some kinda Giant?
    ??? Spear Stabby ??? Serpent Runner
    Dark Green
    LN Half-Elf [Vudrani]
    Inquisitor 8 Monk 8 Pharasma Favored Son
    Shard of Greed
    ?? Elf
    Sword Stabby ??? ???
    The Scribe
    Fire Brick Red
    LN (LG) Human
    Epilektoi 7/
    Slayer 1
    [Bounty Hunter]
    Bard 2
    [Chronicler of Worlds]/
    Investigator 2
    Pathfinder Chronicler 3
    Irori Exchange Agent
    [The Tails]
    Shards of Lust
    Shard of Pride
    Sisir Vedavyasa
    Golden Rod
    ?? Some kinda Giant?
    ??? Mind Jabby ??? Outlander
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2023-02-24 at 03:54 AM.
    09JUN2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex (2013, Compton, Crenshaw, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    kvard51: 06-17 JUN 2024.
    Ostoril: 12-17JUN2024.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Colossus in the Playground
    lostsole31's Avatar

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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]

    After the PCs recover the most recent shard of the Sihedron, and the new agents join the group (introductions to be conducted in Discord channel: #shattered-roleplaying), communion with the Shard of Lust grants them visions of a singular sight: the city of Kaer Maga. In the meeting with Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch (who facilitates the introdution between the O.G. Seekers of the Star and the newcomers) in preparation for the trip, she supplies the PCs with her latest acquisition: a cracked pink rhomboid ioun stone with which the PCs can activate the Shard of Gluttony when they find it and thus defeat its curse. Sheila also tells the PCs about another Pathfinder agent’s journey to Kaer Maga. This was a man named Eando Kline—currently in exile (although, Sheila quickly points out, she doesn’t agree with the Society politics that led to his banishment). He succeeded in uncovering a valuable ioun stone in Kaer Maga, bolstering the place’s reputation as one filled with ancient Thassilonian artifacts, so it comes as no great surprise to Sheila to learn that one of the fragments of the Shattered Star lies within the ancient monument-city. Of course, as the PCs draw near to Kaer Maga, the visions that led them there will grow indistinct, just as before with the shards that lay below the Crow and within the Lady’s Light. Once they arrive at Kaer Maga, they need to seek local aid in determining where exactly the Shard of Gluttony resides.

    The easiest route from Magnimar to Kaer Maga is by river, joining with the extensive traffic that heads east up the Yondabakari River to trade with towns like Wartle, Whistledown, and the other settlements of Lake Syrantula and beyond. Most cargo barges being towed up the river stop at Whistledown—itself a journey of at least 2 months—but a few make the roughly 600-mile trek to the foot of the great cascades where the Yondabakari comes streaming down from the Storval Rise, depositing goods and passengers just a few miles from where Kaer Maga perches on the side of the cliff.

    Fortunately for the PCs, the Society doesn’t expect them to spend months riding a slow, donkey-pulled raft up the river. Instead, they’ve arranged for the PCs’ passage aboard the Lucky Jenny, a halfling trading vessel whose magical paddle wheel is capable of propelling the riverboat up the wide, sluggish river at an astonishing 50 miles per day, getting them to Kaer Maga in just 2 weeks. The captain, one Othlo Janke (male halfling), is a middle-aged halfling with a bewhiskered chin, a face weathered from hours of reflected glare off the water, and a penchant for wide-brimmed hats. Having extracted a rather exorbitant sum from the Society for the party’s passage, Captain Othlo is a jolly fellow, and a useful source of information regarding the Yondabakari and everything along its length (his help grants PCs a bonus on related Knowledge [local] checks regarding the region). His crew of three halfling sailors are all escaped indentured servants from Korvosa, and thus more reserved, communicating almost exclusively in Halfling. The Lucky Jenny’s speed allows the vessel the luxury of traveling only during the day, and Captain Othlo is fond of stopping at night to camp on solid ground when possible.

    The Lucky Jenny (named for the donkeys that used to pull the barge before its enchantment) is 60 feet long and blunt-nosed, with several forward cabins for the PCs and Othlo’s stateroom aft. Most of the middle is left open for cargo, and the crew sleeps there or on deck when not on duty at the helm, taking soundings or maintaining the huge magical paddle wheel that extends off the stern. Though the ship is large, all of its rooms and facilities are designed for halflings, leaving human-sized passengers feeling cramped and confined or constantly playing limbo with the ship’s various lines and spars—much to the halflings’ loud amusement.

    The Lucky Jenny’s route takes the PCs up the Yondabakari to the swampers’ stilt town of Wartle, then on to the more bourgeois gnome town of Whistledown on the edge of Lake Syrantula, whose friendly residents are at odds with the weird, haunting melodies played at night by the town’s hundreds of wind chimes. Once across the 100-mile-long lake, the river twists through more heavily settled farmlands, the toll-levying mill town of Melfesh, the communist enclave of Abken, and the Korvosan secessionist haven of Sirathu before finally becoming impassable at the Storval Rise, just miles from Kaer Maga.

    After many days on the water, the Lucky Jenny finally arrives at the bottom of the great cataracts that come pouring down the Storval Rise, a thousand-foot-tall cliff face that slices Varisia nearly in half and separates the fertile lowlands from the rough and craggy Storval Plateau. Othlo and his crew can go no farther. The barge moors to one of the piers
    alongside several other ships that have traveled up the Yondabakari to visit the Asylum Stone. Once on foot, most of these travelers head east, taking the long, steep road that follows the Yondabakari up through the narrow crack the river cuts in the cliff wall. A few brave souls even portage canoes and other small boats up the trail.

    Othlo, however, points the PCs toward a smaller, less traveled road that breaks away and trails northeast along the bottom of the Rise. He informs them that this is the fastest way to Kaer Maga, and leads just a few miles to the Twisted Door and the bottom of the Halflight Path. Once the PCs are ashore, Othlo and his crew wave and thank them for their business, then quickly turn the riverboat around and speed away with the current back toward Magnimar.

    The Scribe informs you that the Halflight Path is the most famous entrance to Kaer Maga, used primarily by those who value speed over safety. From a door in the foot of the Storval Rise, this subterranean tunnel winds its way up through the cliff to emerge near the city entrance called Meatgate. Originally part of the mysterious and extensive dungeon complex beneath the city, the path has had its many branchings carefully bricked up in order to create a single passageway usable by merchants and travelers. This route is maintained by the Duskwardens, Kaer Maga’s elite society of rangers and spelunkers dedicated to keeping the path open and safe, and to keeping the dangerous creatures of Kaer Maga’s Undercity from getting out and terrorizing the city proper. The path is open each day from dawn to dusk, as night is when the Duskwardens cease guiding groups and focus on patrols, explorations, and maintaining the defenses.

    The trail from the piers soon terminates in an open field nestled up against the cliff face. Several corrals, hitching posts, and other amenities stand in a rough circle, and a small group of traveling merchants sit queued up in a line at the clearing’s edge. In the center of the clearing, a huge set of bronze double doors stands embedded in the rock face, the portals embossed with strange runes. The runes are in no known language, and anyone who stares for more than a moment at the door discovers that the apparently simple construction plays tricks on the eyes—the gate’s edges subtly twist and warp, so that while all the edges seem straight and simple, anyone attempting to follow one with her eyes or fingers finds herself somehow at a different one, the outer edge becoming the inner one without seeming to twist, and so on.

    Standing next to the door is a small knot of authoritative-looking figures carrying weapons and wearing light armor. All are dressed in brown and gray uniforms with a sigil on the right breast—a golden arch against a midnight blue background. These are the Duskwardens. They nod politely to the PCs, and motion them toward the other travelers waiting in line, though they don’t approach unless a PC seems about to try opening the door (in which case they move quickly to intervene).

    After a few minutes of waiting, one of the Duskwardens breaks from the group and approaches the PCs. Looking about 30 years old, with a thick brown beard and hard but handsome features, the man introduces himself as Abra Lopati, a member of the Duskwardens. He shakes the PCs’ hands and jovially informs them that as a bunch who look like they can pull their weight, they get to jump to the front of the line. He then waves over several more people waiting in line—a fat merchant named Bolgar Grumm (male human) and his strapping but dull-looking teenage sons Tuggus and Marl. Once the merchant family has hauled its cart of trade goods over, Abra lays out the rules for the ascent.

    Each of the PCs is charged 2 gp to use the Halflight Path—the bare minimum allowable, Abra assures them—while the merchant with his cart is charged significantly more. Once they pass through the Twisted Door, there is to be no talking unless absolutely necessary, and absolute silence when Abra signals for it. Bolgar, stinging from the fee, looks inclined to object, but Abra emphasizes that while the Duskwardens attempt to keep the path safe, there are still things in the Undercity that they don’t want to risk meeting, and that the whole reason they operate in small groups is to maintain a certain level of stealth, as well as to make it easier to fight in cramped quarters if necessary. At that last addendum, he looks significantly at the PCs.

    (The 2 gp has been deducted from each PC's sheet.)

    "Any questions?" Abra asks.
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2023-01-13 at 10:58 AM.
    09JUN2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex (2013, Compton, Crenshaw, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    kvard51: 06-17 JUN 2024.
    Ostoril: 12-17JUN2024.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]


    Darius grins and nods as he chats to his new adventuring friends, closer now after the long trip on the river. As he joins the crowd and gazes at the doors. At the guards words he looks cautiously at the door. ”Whats it like in the tunnels? Do we march in the dark? Any advice for what beast we may face?
    Last edited by DrK; 2023-01-13 at 06:08 PM.
    Thanks to Emperor Ing for the nice Avatar

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by DrK View Post
    Darius ..”Whats it like in the tunnels? Do we match in the dark? Any advice for what beast we may face?"
    "We have some places that are wide paths, but usually close and cramped. No telling the numerous monsters that might be fought in the Darklands, and our Duskwardens have fought them, believe me. What do you mean by 'match in the dark?'" Abra asks.
    09JUN2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex (2013, Compton, Crenshaw, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    kvard51: 06-17 JUN 2024.
    Ostoril: 12-17JUN2024.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]

    Nodding at the Duskwarden's answer, Jin pipes up, asking "How long is the climb, and how likely are we to come across any such monsters?"

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]

    Abra nods, "Good question. Passage through the Halflight Path normally takes two hours, though that merchant's cart may slow us a little, but not more than three hours. Honestly, we patrol the Path enough to scare off or kill anything that breaks through the many barriers, and we're usually putting those barriers up again. Most large groups like this actually don't attract too much attention because a lot of Darklands creatures smart enough to bother with persistence in getting through barriers know better than to attack a large, armed party. But like any predator, they try to pick off a stray here or there. So, best be on your guard, regardless."
    09JUN2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex (2013, Compton, Crenshaw, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    kvard51: 06-17 JUN 2024.
    Ostoril: 12-17JUN2024.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]


    Bowing incrementally to the Duskwarden Abra, Genki asks, ”Will light deter or attract any creatures who may be in the tunnel?”
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  8. - Top - End - #8
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]

    "Well, of course light would attract them," explains Abra. "But if they are in the tunnels, they broke down our blockages, anyway. Besides, NOT having light means that we move that much slower, and the exertion of untrained in the dark means that people are usually louder as well. So, keep your light sources well and goodly lit for your own protection."
    09JUN2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex (2013, Compton, Crenshaw, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    kvard51: 06-17 JUN 2024.
    Ostoril: 12-17JUN2024.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]


    Darius listens closely and nods. "Very well. I hope we have a gentle walk through your caves then Master Abra. I am sure that I can offer suitable aid should something break through your barricades deeper in tunnels." Looking back to the others he grins, his normally slightly terse manner gone, "I do like it when we enter the depths. I know that I may be more suited to the classroom, but I must confess this is the part of the job I enjoy the most"

    As they get closer to the door he'll pull the wayfinder dangling from a chain around his neck out from under his shirt, whisper to it and wait for its diffuse a soft light to give him some light within the caves. As he does he does eye the Scribe, Iluva and Telegarana and their shards with no little envy before shaking his head and following the caravan towards the entrance to the tunnels.
    Thanks to Emperor Ing for the nice Avatar

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]

    "I believe we are prepared to proceed Duskwarden Abra Lopati. I am not sure if any of my companions want to cast light or any other magical preparations. But we are ready or will soon be", Iluvar tries to prompt his party members to cast their spells.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]


    Nodding at the guide’s words, Genki focuses his mental energy on a certain tattoo near his eyes. As the energy fills the tattoo, it flashes visibly to those watching and his eyes are left with a soft glow. Genki nods to Iluvar to indicate his readiness.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Manifest Heightened Vision for 3 PP. Darkvision 60ft, 8 hour duration.
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  12. - Top - End - #12
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]


    Jin retrieves a pair of spectacles from a pocket, placing them on his face with a flourish, the lenses glinting unnaturally. He then swipes his buckler in front of himself in a cross shape, and it appears that the face adorning it surface begins to scowl. Finally, he unclasps a bangle on his ankle and moves it to his wrist. "I believe that is sufficient preparation on my part" he says.

    Spoiler: Magic!
    Cast Heightened Awareness, duration 80 minutes. Cast Bullet Shield, duration 80 minutes. Move least akashic catalyst from feet to wrists.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]

    "Scribe, remind me to buy more torches once we find a place in the city that would be likely to have them", Iluvar says worriedly after going through haversack and only finding one. "I would hate to be stuck on my own with only 1 torch in the dark."

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]


    Overhearing Ivular's comment about torches Darius reaches back and fishes into his backpack pulling out a stout metal bar with a golden tip. He throws the sunrod to Iluvar, "Here you go, have a spare, just in case." He taps his glowing wayfinder, "I should be okay."
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  15. - Top - End - #15
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]

    Iluvar nods in appreciation and stuffs it in his pack. It is obviously an extra dimensional space.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]

    As everyone seems to have asked what they will ask, Abra hands each traveler a small crystal on a thong - an item he calls a halflight charm. These small magic items glow as bright as a torch but without the smoke and hassle, and in case of emergencies or if a traveler becomes separated, the wearer can use it to call for help. Though worn about the neck, they do not take up the neck slot. Once everyone is wearing one, he nods, swings open the great bronze gates of the Twisted Door, and leads them through.

    Beyond the Twisted Door, the Halflight Path is a roughly 15-foot-wide, 15-foot-tall tunnel that winds up through the cliff at a steep but manageable slope. The tunnel begins as a natural-looking cave, with minimal work done to widen it, but as it climbs, it passes through numerous distinct regions—places where the tunnel has been painted with crude pictographs or decorated with elaborately carved pillars and frescoes, or where it becomes a mirror-smooth tube or a square-walled path filled with right angles, like a labyrinth in which every wrong turn has been blocked off. Sometimes it emerges briefly onto narrow ledges along the cliff face, and at one point the tunnel even opens up into a larger chamber where both walls are carved with elaborate porticos and balconies, its many doors and archways all carefully locked and barred or bricked up completely. Abra explains that maintaining the barricades that separate the Half light Path from the rest of the passages below Kaer Maga is one of the Duskwardens’ chief jobs.

    Passage through the Halflight Path takes 2 hours, with the limiting factor being Bolgar Grumm and his hand cart, which takes up most of the tunnel (filling a 10-foot-square) and is pulled by his two sons. All three Grumms are noticeably nervous in the tunnel, and flinch at every distant roar or shriek that filters through the walls. Because it is absolutely possible to have too much light, and cause glare, all PCs who have (or just gave themselves) darkvision will be assumed to have put their charm under their clothing for now. Then, because glare is still a bit much, the only ones who have their charm out and burning are ALL of the merchants in the back because of fear. Abra, interestingly, does not have his own charm lit. The half-elves (Telgarana and Iluvar) get plenty of light from everyone else so have their charms obscured. Once you travel a bit, even Bian Jin secures his light, because there is too much coming from the Grumms, and the merchants refuse to put away what, for them, are safety blankets. But .... in case of danger, at least you still have them should you be separated.

    After awhile, you get a new section of passage. The tunnel here is long and straight, maintaining its 15' diameter. On the right wall, elaborate carvings depicting a falling star wreaking havoc on a humanoid populace flank an enormous archway carved with twining vines that almost obscure leering skulls. The space inside the arch has been crudely bricked up, with many of the bricks broken or sticking out at right angles.

    As the party passes the archway, Abra pauses to look at the poor brickwork on the barricade and mutters, “That isn’t right.”

    Surprise Round!

    At that precise moment, the unmortared brickwork explodes outward as a trio of slithering horrors come barreling through.

    Everyone, roll three Will saves. These saves must be rolled in spoilers here in the IC, not Discord.
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2023-01-16 at 02:23 PM.
    09JUN2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex (2013, Compton, Crenshaw, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    kvard51: 06-17 JUN 2024.
    Ostoril: 12-17JUN2024.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]

    Having confirmed her lack of additional questions before leaving, Erima expected something, but is still taken by surprise by it.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Will saves !

    Will - (1d20+10)[17]
    Will - (1d20+10)[29]
    Will - (1d20+10)[26]

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]


    Darius has enjoyed the journey, happy to stop in each of the caverns and examine the carvings and reliefs as he waited for the hand cart. As they enter the tunnel he looks at the depiction of the falling star, ”Interesting, I wonder if it depicts the fall of….” The slithering beasts end his trail of thought as they attack!

    Spoiler: Will saves

    If roll 3-5 on a save spend 2 IPs and add (1d8)[4] (first save impacted only)
    Last edited by DrK; 2023-01-16 at 02:56 PM.
    Thanks to Emperor Ing for the nice Avatar

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]


    Spoiler: OOC
    Will Save1: (1d20+7)[21]
    Will Save2: (1d20+7)[19]
    Will Save3: (1d20+7)[15]
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  20. - Top - End - #20
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]


    Reacting an instant before the brickwork explodes, Jin readies the Key to the Boneyard.

    Spoiler: Saving Throws

    Will Save #1 (1d20+10)[21]
    Will Save #2 (1d20+10)[13]
    Will Save #3 (1d20+10)[12]
    +2 racial bonus on saves vs. disease & mind-affecting effects.
    -1 penalty on saves vs. sonic effects & spells.
    Reminder, Jin can always act during surprise rounds due to the effects of Impulse Earrings.
    Last edited by Qazgir; 2023-01-17 at 02:23 AM.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]


    Spoiler: will saves ×3

    Will saves

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]


    Spoiler: Will Saves

    Will Save (1d20+11)[15]
    Will Save (1d20+11)[25]
    Will Save (1d20+11)[19]

    +2 racial vs Enchantments and
    +2 insight vsTramutation

    immune to sleep

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]

    Surprise Round ....

    Monster #1 (Green) emerges! Everyone feels like some alien presence is attempting to communicate with them, but the means of communication is such a disconnect - and this creature's nature so inexplicable in its present reality - that it gnaws at each of you, melting your resolve!

    S23: Genki, you sense horror and dread all around from these massive creatures, swirling your mind. What do you do?
    Spoiler: Clock Watcher
    To be clear, being able to act normally in a surprise round simply means that you are allowed to act, even if you otherwise would be surprised ... as in, if you could act in a surprise round, you may act normal ... per a surprise round. It does NOT mean that you may act as if in a "normal" (non-surprise) round in a surprise round.
    09JUN2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex (2013, Compton, Crenshaw, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    kvard51: 06-17 JUN 2024.
    Ostoril: 12-17JUN2024.

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]


    Seeing the creatures emerge in close proximity, Genki brings Jade Dragon up defensively in his hands and shifts closer to impede the creatures from threatening more of the group.

    Spoiler: OOC
    SwA: Spent because Clockwatcher was initiated.
    Move Action: Draw Jade Dragon wielding it for two weapon fighting to activate situational defenses (AC 28).
    Non-action: 5ft step East adjacent to Green creature.

    Forgot that Aegis was a thing. Allies get +2 morale bonus to AC and Will saves within 20ft.
    Avatar by MeanMrsMustard

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]

    S23: Seeing the creatures emerge in close proximity, Genki brings Jade Dragon up defensively in his hands and shifts closer to impede the creatures from threatening more of the group, ready for a spinning defense for himself while barking quick defensive orders to those around him.

    S22-18: Red and Blue finish their smash through the walls now as well, the same weird discordant and mentally stultifying effect now compounded.

    S13: Bian Jin, your impulse earrings flash, allowing you to go, but you get the worst of it, as you are completely overwhelmed with psychic energy and unable to do anything or respond to your surroundings!

    End Surprise Round, Begin Round One ...

    R1T27: Iluvar looks like at himself in horror and anguish, but something on Green twitches and Iluvar's focus changes, his eyes leveled against Telgarana with growing, malevolent intent. He calls out while holding his holy symbol as a life line, "Pharasma, give me the power to destroy my enemies!" and instantly he is imbued with power, sacred power of blue-white light limning his fists.

    He does a leaping, spinning hook kick to Erima, but his foot clanks off of her helmet. He lands in a low crouch, and continues his circular motion there, knocking Erima off of her feet. A power-focused axe kick from the monk only gets Erima's armor again. Iluvar quickly focuses, putting all of his ki and destructive focus into a left fist to knock the wind out of her, striking her with a light crit to her belly for 18 mod, but she resists the fatiguing effect.

    R1T24: Red does a twitch of its body, and The Scribe gets into a fighting stance and looks Bian Jin over, studying him and says something in a language nobody understands, steps back, and then attacks Bian Jin with Xin-Rithux (a silver emanation about its blade), the ranseur being stopped by Bian Jin's yellow robes.

    R1T23: Genki was able to resist Green, but not the others. He looks like he might rally and act normally, but Green had redoubled and now Genki is under the same peril as others. Even then, under the effects of Red and Blue, as those two seemed momentarily distracted with a focus on Iluvar and The Scribe, Genki is able to act normally!

    Genki, what do you do?
    09JUN2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex (2013, Compton, Crenshaw, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    kvard51: 06-17 JUN 2024.
    Ostoril: 12-17JUN2024.

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]


    Entering into a martial stance, Genki assesses threats a moment before bursting forth violently at the entity before him. Jade Dragon comes alive in Genki’s hands becoming a whirlwind as it lashes out.

    Genki keeps a wary eye on his allies, some obviously being affected by the beings before them and worrying about his own mental state.

    Spoiler: OOC
    FA: Knowledge Check (with the Free Inspiration) against these creatures.
    SwA: Enter Broken Blade Stance
    FRA: Full Attack targeting Green primary and Red secondary should Green fall.

    First successful Hit will use Entangling Pattern which will minimize disrupt damage on that attack to 10 damage. Target must make DC20 ref save vs Entangled. Genki will also use Dislocating Pattern to any hits with Disrupt Pattern DC 20 will save vs -2 penalty to many checks.

    If an attack connects Genki will also Armiger Mark the target giving a penalty to target others.

    Main Hand 1: Attack: (1d20+12)[17] Damage: (1d6+9)[12] Bludgeoning + (1d6+6)[9] + (3d6)[17] Disruption
    Main Hand 2: Attack: (1d20+12)[17] Damage: (1d6+9)[14] Bludgeoning + (1d6+6)[12] + (3d6)[8] Disruption
    Main Hand 3: Attack: (1d20+7)[22] Damage: (1d6+9)[13] Bludgeoning + (1d6+6)[10] + (3d6)[8] Disruption
    Off Hand 1: Attack: (1d20+12)[26] Damage: (1d6+6)[7] Bludgeoning + (1d6+6)[8] + (3d6)[10] Disruption
    Off Hand 2: Attack: (1d20+12)[13] Damage: (1d6+6)[10] Bludgeoning + (1d6+6)[10] + (3d6)[11] Disruption
    Off Hand 3: Attack: (1d20+7)[10] Damage: (1d6+6)[11] Bludgeoning + (1d6+6)[8] + (3d6)[8] Disruption

    If Genki needs to make a Will save before next round spend 2 Inspiration as an Immediate Action to add 1d6 to the save.
    Avatar by MeanMrsMustard

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]

    R1T23: Entering into a martial stance, Genki assesses threats a moment before bursting forth violently at the entity before him. Jade Dragon comes alive in Genki’s hands becoming a whirlwind as it lashes out. His first attack is blocked by the monster as its tail/tentacle (?) holds a short sword with which it has dedicated to defense. Spinning with his off-hand, he manages to land a blow in the upper midsection; the staff itself doesn't seem to do anything, but the monster takes 18 disruption. Undaunted, Genki continues his attack sequence, getting blocked once, and on the return the monster's defense smacks the midsection of the staff so that it smacks Genki in his nose for 5 + (1 bleed). The stinging nose is enough that is other attacks miss. Genki keeps a wary eye on his allies, some obviously being affected by the beings before them and worrying about his own mental state.

    R1T22: Blue, like Green, shifts to a completely defensive nature as the delicious chaos is given before them. Meanwhile, the mental static it throws out continues to play havoc. Genki, still in control of himself, digs deep within to resist.

    R1T19: Telgarana looks around in her mental fog and sees the offspring of the enemy of her people ... an orc on the ground. She is not fooled into thinking this too vulernable or needing mercy, for all orcs are treacherous. She draws Jiyū no yoru, her black blade, and wielding it with one hand, arcane energy courses along the weapon to make it deadlier and sharper. For the several new folks from Tian Xia, it is an uncommon style for a common, focused on one-handed fighting. She attacks the downed Erima with everything she has in a single stroke of death. While Erima's armor's reinforced joints don't help, the sheer brawn of her armor keeps this from being a deadlier stroke as Telgarana only scores a soft crit to Erima's chest for 26 mod.

    R1T18: Red, as its fellows, commits to defense as his mental static rages.

    R1T15: Abra looks like he almost rallied, but blue twitched, and now Abra focuses on Genki, repositioning south as he takes out his longsword and completely misses with a two-hand power strike.

    R1T13: Bian Jin .... treachery! You were right not to trust this "Scribe" who from his discussion previously is only "tangentially" part of the team. He must have set up this ambush. He must have betrayed his Pathfinder brothers. And now, two polearm masters commit to see who has the greater mastery. He burns mental energy in his understanding of change and his combat prowess to have greater understanding of polearm fighting, and then commits to a power attack that is easily deflected.

    R1T8: Darius, though overwhelmed by the static, almost gets enough mental leverage to act normally when Red twitches, and the man realizes that the Duskwarden - who he just witnessed attack his fellow Pathfinder Genki - must have lead the group into a trap! He puts his hand on the pommel of his sheathed blade and gives a longer study of Abra than needed before drawing his longsword in a flash, cutting a line across Abra's stomach for 23. Though his stroke was perfect, Darius noticed that even with this unbeatable attack, yet Abra was not unaware and was almost able to defend. He adjusts his placement to be nearer to more of his fellow betrayed.

    R1T4: Erima stands, having been attacked by the faux-lavender tressed half-elf, and the red-eyed half-elf. Nasty, dirty halfs-elves! Even trying to stand, Iluvar kicked at her and Telgarana scored another soft crit against her back for 20 mod.

    She has to take down the woman first, for she is more dedicated to the arts of war than her companion. She looks around quickly, seeing she has not the room to grow. No room to grow, but she has room to transform. She steps a little away from Iluvar, her back protected by Bian Jin, and she tries to concentrate, but her transformation but Telgarana is too threatening. Worse, when she moved away, Iluvar followed!

    The three merchants just sit and babble incoherently to themselves.

    End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

    Though overwhelmed by the static, Iluvar's mind fights for normalcy, but Red's body twitches oddly and now Iluvar has blood on his mind again, still focused on Telgarana. Knowing her to be a devastating axe-wielder, he changes from aggressive to defense as he enters a martial stance. This time, he does a beautiful, leaping crane kick, but finds only armor, and just as before, he crouches down and scissor-trips Erima to the deck. He elbows her hand for 1 mod before popping back up, doing a quick focus and axe kicks her upper arm for 9 mod.

    R2T25: Green is no longer dedicated to defense, but a wave of energy pulses out from it. Who knows what malice fills its thoughts, and towards whom?

    R2T24: "You want me, Bian Jin?" asks the Scribe, "then come and get me!"

    Faster than mortal eyes can possibly register, The Scribe moves north, leaping over Erima. As he does so, he slaps Bian Jin for 1 NL on the top of his head, and continues northwards and into the darkness, slowing down himself (but still going unbelievably quickly) as his charm is not activated and he has but human eyes.

    R2T23: Genki, you take 1 bleed. Having been attacked by Abra, the one who led you into this trap, you move to flank with Darius, whose wroth was also so focused. Genki begins his withering assault. His first strike rings Abra's bell with a strike to the man's temple for 21 + 12 disruption + 2 INT + sickened + entangled.

    And yet, so overconfident that his backswing would be just as perfect, Genki overcommits and completely misses ... as his swing comes right back around for him to smack himself in the arm for 12 + 10 + pattern dislocated. That doesn't stop the man, though, and he begins his second volley, as he strikes Abra in the belly for 10 + 19 disruption + pattern dislocated. Abra blocks the backswing, but Genki just uses the backswing redirection to crit Abra again, this time crushing his intestines for 16 + 15 disruption + 1 CON and Abra drops, but Genki can't control himself, using his remaining two strokes and the power of his dirsuption to completely wreck the man's body.

    R2T22: Another wave of energy from Blue as it simply sits there, prepared to defend itself.

    R2T19: Telgarana adjusts to the south, partly to protect the innocents to the south from the rampaging orc, and calls upon her black blade to give her more power. Using arcane power to focus her delivery, she attack the treacherous pignosed spawn again. It would have been a crippling nerve strike, but Erima's armor fortifies her against the crit to only take 11 mod, but Telly attacks again against Erima's helm for 9 mod.

    R2T18: A wave of mental static from Red as it maintains defense.

    R2T13: Bian Jin, furious (and insane), will not let such a humiliating slap go unanswered! The foolish human ran off into the darkness, where - despite the shame of his birth - Bian Jin can go freely. As the creepy, super-sized, eggplant colored monstrosities aren't focused on him, he simply book it dues north after adjusting the energies from his ring to his treads. He has to hustle get to where The Scribe is now.

    R2T8: Darius salutes his fellow Pathfinder for bringing down the traitor, but as he begins to drool, and think of many wonderful intellectual theories, he realizes that Abra could not have been acting alone (as Red twitches), and turns slowly to look at the Pharasmin inquisitor. Surely, the Pharasmin knows that we will have to rob a few graves to get to the prize, and always this naysayer would tell us why not. No!

    He shifts to the side of the cavern, getting into a malevolent style to go with his malevolent stance as he studies Iluvar. He lashes out with a bewildering display of swordsmanship, but Iluvar recognizes some of the threat at the last minute, but still getting hit with a hard crit in his upper left arm for 57 (+4 bleed).

    R2T4: Erima again tries to stand. Strangely, Iluvar does not attack her this time, as his focus is now entirely on Darius, who has come to your aid. Telgararana attacks again with a crit, and again Erima's armor holds true as she takes a hit in the calf for 11 mod. Erima ambles away from Iluvar, who does not go after her. Putting all of her power into her swing, she attacks Telgarana with her axe but completely misses.

    End Round 2. We Pause for Station Identifiation ....
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2023-01-18 at 12:50 AM.
    09JUN2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex (2013, Compton, Crenshaw, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    kvard51: 06-17 JUN 2024.
    Ostoril: 12-17JUN2024.

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]

    Begin Round 3 ...

    R3T27: Iluvar, the mission isn't betrayed, you are! You remember the critical skills and combat exercises on the barge on the way up. You might have to wear away at him, but get the blades out of Darius' hand, and it will go well for you. It's only then that the man's cutwork is even more evident as you suffer 4 bleed. Iluvar reaches throws a straight jab to the chest, but as he does so Darius' body flickers multiple times. Iluvar still manages to land the blow, though, for 12, and what Darius expected and defended against didn't even happen. Next is a leaping kick that the man's armor stops, followed by a quick jab. Then, Iluvar does his real focused strike to Darius' solar plexus, and it is too late for Darius to defend as he gets hit in the solar plexus for 12 + stunned, the wind knocked out of him and dropping his sword.

    R3T25: Green, as before ...

    R3T24: Xin-Rithux alights with flame. The Scribe looks at Bian Jiin. "Better? You are not a shard-holder. But the two major artifacts down there, and the one I have, are in peril. Despite friendship, I am inclined to call those who can hear me to safety, hunting down the enemy in the aftermath."

    R3T23: Genki suffers 1 bleed. He sees the handiwork he put upon the party's duskwarden guide, and still feels the armiger's mark, but before he can take his vengeance on the real enemy, Green twitches and Genki beats himself with the center of his staff for 9 as a means of self-mortification for his murder of another.

    R3T22: Blue, as before ...

    R3T19: Telly trips her left wrist sheath as a wand comes into her hand, she concentrates on a spell that would run over Erima while giving herself some distance, but the spell fails. She sidesteps to be nearer to Iluvar.

    R3T18: Red, as before ..

    R3T13: Bian Jin, you are a full double move just to get to one of these things. Your mind is once again your own. You don't even feel yourself fighting against the mental static like you did initially. Do you say anything to The Scribe? What do you do?

    Helpless party members on deck and in the hole ...
    09JUN2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex (2013, Compton, Crenshaw, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    kvard51: 06-17 JUN 2024.
    Ostoril: 12-17JUN2024.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]


    Jin closes his eyes and shakes his head vigorously,before reopening his eyes and nodding at the Scribe. Turning towards the creatures, he bangs the butt of the Key to the Boneyard on the cavern floor, filling himself and the Scribe with energy. He advances towards the creatures, wary but ready to defend his comrades.

    Spoiler: Mechanics

    Free: Assess the creatures.
    Standard: Cast Haste targeting himself and the Scribe.
    Move: Move 35' South and 5' East, to end up in the square 15' N of Genki and 10' NW of Red.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Shattered Star: The Asylum Stone [IC]

    R3T13: Jin closes his eyes and shakes his head vigorously before reopening his eyes and nodding at the Scribe. Turning towards the creatures, he bangs the butt of the Key to the Boneyard on the cavern floor, filling himself and the Scribe with energy. He advances towards the creatures, wary but ready to defend his comrades. Even this close, he feels the ebb and flow of insanity seeking to wear his mind down from these incomprehensible horrors though his mind does recall something about them.

    R3T8: Darius reels, stunned.

    R3T4: Erima desperately needs defense against that elven sword witch. She concentrates again quickly, and again Telgarana's magical ways surely ruin that concentration. In anguish from her prone position she tries a guarded strike. She surprises herself in that her axe strikes off of Telly's armor, but that is still not enough.

    End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

    Iluvar, your mind has been slowly, desperately fighting back this whole time, and at last your mind is free! You take 4 bleed. What do you do?

    Green on deck, The Scribe in the hole ...
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2023-01-18 at 03:50 AM.
    09JUN2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex (2013, Compton, Crenshaw, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    kvard51: 06-17 JUN 2024.
    Ostoril: 12-17JUN2024.

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