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    Troll in the Playground

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    Jan 2014

    Default The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    Hello everyone! Congrats on making the cut! Before I toss yall into the mist, I'd like to establish that you all know each other, but I'm not gonna tell you how. I want you as a group to develop that history in a relatively short pregame brain storm. How's that gonna work? I'm gonna post a short character description of everyone based on what they put on thier CS. You will look at the person below your description, and give a short, no more than a paragraph, description of an encounter the two of you had, maybe the two of you escaped the guard one weekend after a night of drinking, or you were high-res to kill a low level infestation of some sort, this experience should be in the scope of level 1 adventurers, and create a positive bond between you, and the character below yours, Cheyenne, since yours is at the bottom, do yours with the top player. Once you each have posted your blurb, we can move on to the next step.

    Ted Hundred - Human Martyred Bloodrager weilding an orcish axe, seeks vengeance against royals who killed his ancestors.

    Rosalina Rivet - Tiefling Divination Wizard, orphaned by her parents, expelled by multiple schools and magical teachers, she seeks arcane secrets and keeps her promises.

    Grey Gareth - Human Shadow Oracle, this drug addicted orphan lived in the gutter for far too long, and the shadows of his past still haunt him, while the law seeks him. The light hurts his eyes and the shadows obey him.

    Millie - Elan Psychometabolist Psion, this child sized guild member was able to establish herself with her natural talents, but now seeks to enrich herself and overcome challenges outside of guild life.

    Amelie Pentagrast - Human Unchained Rogue, that's Miss Pentagrast mind you, she searches for clues for her brothers who went missing, weeding truth from a tangles mess of dead ends.

    Cheyanne Julus - Half Orc monk and follower of Irori, This Tribal looking woman in holy robes seeks self perfection and inner enlightenment through trials and overcoming challenges.

    INC Thread

    Roll20 link for maps
    Last edited by Darius Vibrtrar; 2023-01-18 at 05:06 AM.
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    It was all a simple misunderstanding, really. The man had paid, quite generously, for a piece of paper. What the man thought the paper promised, and what the paper really said, were another matter entirely, but it certainly wasn't Amelie's job to ensure the man was properly literate, nor was it her duty to properly explain to the man that refunds certainly not done. That is when Cheyanne intervened, simply asking what the problem was and reassuring the simpleton that it could all be worked out, like there was a cure for loutishness. THAT, was when the man, had called Miss Julus a name, a rather uncharitable name, and to mind her own, thrice-damned half blood business. So, Miss Julus promptly broke the man's jaw, and all sorts of chaos erupted. Cheyanne didn't see the knife coming for her, but I, being used to such sorts of chicanery, did. I removed the would be stabber from the fight with a well placed kick to the nethers, but unfortunately recieved a broken bottle in my side from yet another of the man's neverending supply of associates. Really, if the man had half as much brains as he did lackwits, all of this would have never transpired. Needless to say, after the fight, Cheyanne put a kind touch to the wound and all was better, and we, have been watching each others back ever since.

    Miss Pentagrast, btw, will be speaking in A nice shade of blue

    Here I am putting the sheet line for Miss Pentagrast

    Perception: 1d20+9

    Initiative: 1d20+4
    Last edited by Ancient; 2023-02-08 at 04:53 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Spamalot in the Playground
    DigoDragon's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread


    It began as a dreary cold morning under fog of both weather and mind. Rose awoke with a hangover after a night of ale and potatoes, because when you're an adult, nothing really stops you from making poor life decisions. It was at the marketplace where she first met him; the pale man she mistaken at first glance for a corpse. He was, as it turned out, very much alive. The same was noticed for the shadows around him. Rose had an eye for mystical things, and a heart for a fellow guttersnipe. A few coins parted from her purse to his hand. The small act of kindness was kept quiet; Rose was not one to make theatrics of the heart and so she simply passed him the coins and then herself passed from view.

    No deed goes unpunished. Their paths crossed that evening when some thugs attempted to rob Rose for walking down the wrong alley. It was dark, and Rose's spells only hindered the threat coming for her. One of them grabbed her by the brim of her big, floppy, hat. Her personal effect was yanked off, exposing small horns on top of her head. Rose's tail curled up tighter under her long skirt as she shouted for help. Then the shadows came up like a cloak and enveloped her, protecting Rose from the daggers of her assailants. There were muffled screams of fear--and the thugs fled back to the fading light. Rose leaned back against the nearby wall.

    The pale man was there.

    Rose took a deep breath. She rarely thought much about the shadows; tieflings were often insinuated to walk them constantly, but Rose was more about following portents. This day, the threads of fate brought her to this man. It helped that he didn't run off or point and stare. She picked up her hat and donned it carefully before reaching out to him with a gentle hand.

    "Rosalina," she introduced. "Can I buy you a drink?"
    Last edited by DigoDragon; 2023-02-08 at 01:49 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    Spoiler: For Ancient
    Quote Originally Posted by Ancient View Post
    It was all a simple misunderstanding, really. The man had paid, quite generously, for a piece of paper. What the man thought the paper promised, and what the paper really said, were another matter entirely, but it certainly wasn't Amelie's job to ensure the man was properly literate, nor was it her duty to properly explain to the man that refunds certainly not done. That is when Cheyanne intervened, simply asking what the problem was and reassuring the simpleton that it could all be worked out, like there was a cure for loutishness. THAT, was when the man, had called Miss Julus a name, a rather uncharitable name, and to mind her own, thrice-damned half blood business. So, Miss Julus promptly broke the man's jaw, and all sorts of chaos erupted. Cheyanne didn't see the knife coming for her, but I, being used to such sorts of chicanery, did. I removed the would be stabber from the fight with a well placed kick to the nethers, but unfortunately recieved a broken bottle in my side from yet another of the man's neverending supply of associates. Really, if the man had half as much brains as he did lackwits, all of this would have never transpired. Needless to say, after the fight, Cheyanne put a kind touch to the wound and all was better, and we, have been watching each others back ever since.
    Cheyanne is not a Paladin yet, in spite of what our DM said. Monk 2 so far, so no Lay on Hands.

    As for the rest, I like it. Once Cheyanne's 'voice' is more familiar it will be easier to work quotes, but the basic idea is solid.

    Cheyanne was never very good at meditation - "inner peace" just wasn't her thing and it took so long! - but she tried every morning. The mists on the edge of the woods near Kolton were particularly thick and cloying as the sun peeked over the horizon and in spite of her efforts to harden herself against the elements Cheyanne shivered. Her eyes were still closed as she tried to focus her mind and direct her thoughts inward, but the constant chill was making it difficult.

    Perhaps that's why she didn't notice the three men sneaking up on her, their intent obviously hostile. The detail-oriented observer might note several bruises, a broken nose, and a jaw wired shut - all souvenirs from the previous night's barfight where Cheyanne had met Amelie. (Wait! Miss Pentagrast, Cheyanne would have corrected herself.) As the female monk sat and the men crept a fourth figure appeared from the woods and with some deliberately loud steps walked towards the cross-legged woman. This new figure looked like a seasoned warrior - breastplate and axe and flail - and Cheyanne opened one eye to look in his direction as he approached.

    He got to about ten yards from Cheyanne, saying nothing, just staring back over her shoulder at the trio, who had all stopped. All semblance of concentration lost, Cheyanne turned to look in the direction of the town and saw her would-be attackers. "Oh come on! Wasn't it bad enough losing to me last night? Go home, you three - you've already ruined my morning meditation!" she admonishes them, calling as she twists at the waste and raises an eyebrow questioningly. Looking between here and the new man, the three grumble and turn away, walking sullenly back into town.

    Turning to the new man, Cheyanne rose in a short series of intermediate positions and bowed at the waist - a graceful series of movements that showed off her lean muscle and balance. "Thank you for warning me, good sir. My name is Cheyanne Julus. Who are you?"

    Ted Hundred answered and the two spoke for several minutes before he continued on his way into the city on private business. Cheyanne watched him go as she performed her stances and forms, memorizing his appearance, name, and the sound of his voice. She was sure she could recognize him again and repay his timely presence sometime soon...

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Troll in the Playground

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    Jan 2014

    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    I must have misunderstood the character sheet, sorry about that. She's a monk, going for paladin.
    Last edited by Darius Vibrtrar; 2023-01-14 at 11:32 PM.
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Oct 2013

    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    No complaints - getting to Champion of Irori is somewhat challenging. I wanted to be sure she was useful in the early levels without investing in gear she would discard at the mid levels, so went Monk first. One more level of Monk, then the Paladin levels are next (2 at least), followed by entering the PrC.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Sep 2020

    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    Character's sheet for reference. And I guess Grey (Gareth is the real name, but he goes with the nickname Grey) is going to speak in... grey.


    As much as he tried to turn over a new leaf, he could never really run away from his past.
    He knew the dregs now asking for money they claimed they had lent to him (and there was a good chance they were actually telling the truth), problem was the interest rate was outrageously high; they knew he could not pay them back, so they tried to strike a deal: he would work for them until the debt was settled, but Grey knew all too well they actually meant "forever". Grey persuaded them to give him a couple days to find the money, otherwise he would accept their deal.

    Of course Grey had no intention to either pay or work for them, but he had to move fast.

    He needed muscle, but outside his usual circle of acquaintances - Rosalina was out of town at the moment and the others could snitch him to the dregs; he made some discreet inquiries in the more reputable parts of the city, trying to find an adventurer willing to help for an affordable sum. He hoped for a plate-clad brute, but the only one whose fee he could afford was this awkward young woman that claimed to belong to some magical guild and needed experience; with time running out, Grey felt he had no other chance to trust this Millie and her powers - at least she seemed confident in her capabilities and in the end, beggars can't be choosers.

    Grey then arranged for a meeting and the fateful night he told the dregs to leave him be or Millie would make them. The dregs gave Millie a look and started chuckling, hands reaching for their weapons when one of them suddenly fell on the ground, screaming in pain. A fight broke out but it was soon over, the dregs falling one by one as soon as Millie turned her gaze towards them, whatever power she wielded enough to strike a man down with barely a gesture. On the fence if he should've felt safe or scared, Grey admired the ruin Millie had wrought on his enemies.

    Well, at least she was on his side this time.

    "...are you perchance looking for partners?" he asked, fingers crossed behind his back.
    "Rabbit has Brain. That's why he never understands anything."

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    Millie will speak in Bold Purple hope that works.

    Ame as I have come to call her came into my life one day as we we both apparently searching for the same thing and just happen to bump into each other, after some discussion we decided to work together to meet the end goal in in the process ended up with a friendship

    Ame! why it is so good to see you again, are you still looking for clues?.

    looking at the assembled folk around all of whom seemed to know each other in some fashion, her eyes landed on Grey, typical human male not bad on the eyes still wondering about his last words that went unanswered (are you perchance looking for a partner?) at that time she took it for a marriage proposal and just left the question unanswered. Now here he was again and she wondered to his intent.

    (ooc saturdays are real life dnd for me and very little posting)
    Last edited by samduke; 2023-01-15 at 09:40 AM.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Troll in the Playground

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    Jan 2014

    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    INC Thread

    We are looking great, 2 more submissions and we can start talking about INC business.
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Troll in the Playground

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    Nov 2011

    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    Ted had found the sword wedged behind a stone at the site of an old battle. Long and sharp, and not rusted at all ... Is it magical? Ted had to find out, because the Hundreds could certainly use such an item in their quest to become strong enough to retake the city.

    Of course, he had to keep it quiet. He had heard of a traveling hedge mage staying at the Black Crow Inn, looking for work. Good ... a traveler would soon move on.

    He didn't see the man steal anything from the tall, pretty tiefling. But he knew the man ... Sam Crawford, a thief through and through. He took a chance ...

    He tacked Sam and came up with a scroll case and showed it to her. "Is this yours?" he asked. Sam took off.

    The woman nodded and thanked him, and he introduced himself.

    "Rosalina, I would like to find out if this sword is magical ..."

    The three watchmen - sent by Sam no doubt, and equally corrupt - stormed in. "Nobody move! We're looking for a stolen sword!" one said.

    They searched the place thorughly and then left without a word, just a glare at Ted.

    The sword he'd laid on the table was gone, Ted saw. Sad to lose it ...

    Then Rosalina beckoned him into a private room ... and pulled the sword out from under her dress!

    The sword did turn out to be magical. Rather than keep it ... swords weren't really Ted's weapon of choice anyway ... Ted ended up giving it to Fred Hundred; repayment for a favor, but that was another story ...

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    and thats 6! looks like we have some relationships now! Im going to start up the INC portion, if you have any questions feel free to ask.
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Darius Vibrtrar View Post
    and thats 6! looks like we have some relationships now! Im going to start up the INC portion, if you have any questions feel free to ask.
    um reading the introduction, it does not give us any you are here (area, town, building) ect difficult to IC stuff with what is in the intro specifically

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    the initial post was simply to establish a link due to that rule about having a link between inc and occ threads, the INC thread now has an introduction
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    how do you want to handle rolls, here in ooc or in ic and then spoiled or not ?

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    Rolls can be done in INC as long as they are fluid with the post, If you have a BLOCK of rolls, put it in a spoiler, if its 3 rolls or less, no need for a spoiler.

    If you need to confirm or want to do rolls without a specific amount of role playing, like giving a will save, you can do it in ooc
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Jan 2018

    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by samduke View Post
    Millie will speak in Bold Purple hope that works.

    Ame as I have come to call her came into my life one day as we we both apparently searching for the same thing and just happen to bump into each other, after some discussion we decided to work together to meet the end goal in in the process ended up with a friendship

    Ame! why it is so good to see you again, are you still looking for clues?.

    looking at the assembled folk around all of whom seemed to know each other in some fashion, her eyes landed on Grey, typical human male not bad on the eyes still wondering about his last words that went unanswered (are you perchance looking for a partner?) at that time she took it for a marriage proposal and just left the question unanswered. Now here he was again and she wondered to his intent.

    (ooc saturdays are real life dnd for me and very little posting)
    "Sadly, it seems it am still looking for clues, and it seems all my leads have dried up, I may never find my brothers in this cursed land."

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    No worries, perhaps it was a simple bandage and good intentions that seemed to speed the healing of the wound, signs of future things to come.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Spamalot in the Playground
    DigoDragon's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by kinem View Post
    Then Rosalina beckoned him into a private room ... and pulled the sword out from under her dress!
    Heh, this gave me a Maya Schröedinger vibe from Wild Arms 3. Fun post!
    Digo Dragon - Artist
    D&D 5e Homebrew: My Little Pony Races

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    @Darious Vibrtrar

    Since my character has the Shadowbound curse, it would be quite useful to know the lighting conditions in the scene; right now I'm assuming we're in normal light, but knowing for sure would be great.
    "Rabbit has Brain. That's why he never understands anything."

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    At the moment it is overcast, there is a storm brewing over the planes, no direct sunlight.
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    @samduke roll perception
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Darius Vibrtrar View Post
    @samduke roll perception
    did I miss a call for that?

    oh its for the -"looking around for signs of trouble"

    Perception (1d20+10)[20]
    Last edited by samduke; 2023-01-17 at 07:27 AM.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Darius Vibrtrar View Post
    At the moment it is overcast, there is a storm brewing over the planes, no direct sunlight.
    Going to be a recurring question that one, hope you don't mind.
    "Rabbit has Brain. That's why he never understands anything."

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    Rolling to see if we feel weird

    Perception: [roll]1d20+p[/roll] <---------------------Formatting error
    Last edited by Ancient; 2023-01-17 at 06:41 PM.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    Take 2 to see if I can flub the bbcode

    PERCEPTION ROLL: (1d20+9)[29]

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    Did anyone have trouble with the Map, Moving their figure, etc?
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    I don't see any tokens or anything when I open the map. I've used Roll20 before, so something isn't right, at least.

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    Try it now? I adjusted some things

    AHA! got it! Layers! LAYERS!!!!

    alright, we are not YET on intitiative, you may move your tokens when you post doing so, and I will let people know if something happens.
    Last edited by Darius Vibrtrar; 2023-01-17 at 09:54 PM.
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    if roll 20 is going to continue to be a thing I would like to request the link for , be placed in the 1st post here in OOC

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) OOC Thread

    Done and Done

    Cheyanne, you are roughly 25 ft ahead of the party, how much farther will you go to look for a way to cross?

    Currently with your low light vision and perception, you think thier may be downed tree logs at the very edge of your vision.
    Last edited by Darius Vibrtrar; 2023-01-18 at 05:54 AM.
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

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