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    Titan in the Playground
    Thundercracker's Avatar

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    Default OOC Rise of the Grand Admiral

    Welcome to the OOC thread. Please post your character sheet below along with a physical description, and claim your color.


    Coralej, ex-jedi Human (former) Jedi - by Thunder999
    T'tchiirt, Jawa noble - by Feathersnow
    Skira Vol, Shistavanen Scout / Scoundrel - by RandomLunatic
    Zistalna, Chiss Scoundrel / Soldier - by Harmony

    Retired PCs:
    Ilyene Human (rogue) Jedi Padawan - by Harmony
    Cora Loronar Human Noble (force sensitive - nightsister adept) - by samduke


    R4-X1 ("Ax") Droid Noble - by AvatarVecna

    Background NPCs:
    Parwen "Fuse" Wirch (enemy) - a Separatist terrorist and the one likely to be behind Loira's death - Ilyene - Droid - Unknown
    Natalya - A logistics officer in the republic war machine, whom Ilyene occasionally shares bunk with - Ilyene - Human? - Semi Romantic
    "Summer" - One or Loira's contacts/spies, who has a reach, connections and loyalty Ilyene is uncertain off. - Ilyene - Twi'lek - Information / Spy
    Shayec Treis - Coralej - Male Human (Coruscant) - Fomer master, thought dead
    Bik Vus - Coralej - Duros - Hostile - Coralej stole a ship from Bik and then crashed it
    Murr Restrirverr, a merchant (and Coralej correctly suspects, smuggler) pilot who he made friends with after leaving the order when looking to leave the planet of his faked death. - Coralej - Male Rodian - Friendly - merchant / smuggler
    Jace Andaar - Cora Loranar - male human pilot - done some bounty hunting / smuggling jobs together, with marginal success
    Ana Mor - Cora Loranar - female human slicer - done some bounty hunting / heist jobs together, with marginal success
    Jabba the Hutt - Cora Loranar - Hutt - hostile - failed to deliver spice to Jabba's contact after being boarded by republic patrol
    Unknown - Cora Loranar - Unknown - Shot at on a landing platform on Kessel, most likely a bounty hunter sent by Jabba
    Lovan Family - T-Tchiirt - one of the minor families on Corellia - Cora Loranar - Human - ex-communicated
    Pedro Tiure - T-Tchiirt - a Hutt bureaucrat in the office of the Hutt Embassy on Coruscant. They want T'tchiirt to succeed and occasionally send her advice by comm.
    Tai-546 - T-Tchiirt - a clone trooper in the quartmaster department who helps T'tchiirt scrounge Droid parts.
    Yyllloollii, a Tusken shaman who has worked with T'tchiirt in the past on Tattoine and kept the peace between their two peoples. He generally opposes the settlement of offworlders in the Sacred Desert.
    Jack Voyner - Skira Vol - was the bounty hunter who recruited Skira into the guild and mentored him through his apprenticeship.
    Nactan Mith'eah - Skira Vol - is a Bothan slicer, saboteur, and info trader Skira sometimes worked with.
    Pessht - Skira Vol - Trandoshan calls himself a bounty hunter, but according to Skira he "couldn't find his own shebs with both hands and a pack of Gamorrean watch-beasts". The two had a very mutually antagonistic relationship even before the shooting.
    Evelyn, a human pilot - Zistalna - She’s the one that “recruited” Zistalna to the Republic forces.
    (Trooper), another scout - Zistalna - The two have a professional relationship and train together.
    Rico, a human officer - ZIstalna - Does not enjoy the concept of ‘strange’ aliens (or aliens in general) in the Republic forces and has taken a particular dislike to Zistalna.

    In Game NPCs:

    Name - Role - Home Base - Race - Affiliation

    Commander Sadaki Kirusai - Jedi Knight - Coruscant - Male Human - Jedi Order
    General Jin Ru - Jedi Master - Coruscant - Coruscant - Female Human - Jedi Order
    CT-RH-0509 - Mechanic - Kamino - Clone - Galactic Republic - skill spec mechanics, +1 non-Heroic.
    CT-RH-0027 "Odi" - Slicer - Kamino - Clone - Galactic Republic - skill spec use computers, +1 non-Heroic, Level 1 Scout + Evasion Talent.
    CT-RH-0476 - Medic - Kamino - Clone - Galactic Republic - skill spec treat injury, +1 non-Heroic.
    CT-RH-1453 - Heavy Weapons - Kamino - Clone - Galactic Republic - skill spec pilot., +1 non-Heroic.
    Dr. Doran Kradu - a human tech genius the party rescued from the Separatists, a mission requested by Wilhuff Tarkin, with the approval of Chancellor Palpatine. (Mission 2)
    Baron Lantel - a human Separatist VIP whom the party spirited Dr. Kradu away from on Bandalu. Lantel escaped. (Mission 2).

    Mission Specific:

    Primary Objective: Take control of the Murkhana City central landing platform
    Secondary Objective: Capture 1 or 2 Separatist Tanks on the Landing Platform
    Secondary Objective: Do not destroy the shield generators on the Landing Platform

    Primary Objective: Disrupt the CIS Shadowfeed.
    Secondary Objectives: Capture high ranking members of the Corporate Alliance on Murkhana: CEO, CFO, CTO, Board of Directors.

    Assets: "List" of Corporate Alliance VIPs

    House rules:
    For combat: Initiative only counts for the first round of combat to determine who acts before the NPCs. After that, players and NPCs will alternate turns. Everyone has 24 hrs to post after I make my post, and players can post in any order. If you can't post, I'll move for you (you can let me know basically what you want to do), or you can designate someone to take your turn for you. This way, we don't get bogged down waiting for one person to act. You move your own piece on the battle map.

    Vital transfer cannot heal damage caused by vital transfer. Any other healing options still work, including force trance.

    You get an attack as part of the fighting defensively standard action.

    Tie advanced have 4 laser cannons. All other stats remain the same.

    Fractional BAB is in effect.

    Destiny Points are not in use.

    Player killing is allowed on a case by case basis - all current players (not just those involved in the PK) must agree in each case.

    Dark side characters do not become npcs. There is no maximum number of dark side points you can accumulate, though there are ig responses to racking up an exceedingly high score.

    Dropping a held item is a free action, not swift.

    Drain energy only works on unattended objects.
    Using Combat Expertise at -2 or more counts as fighting defensively.

    Healing options:
    If you're really injured, you can use second wind to heal 1/4 of your hps 1/day, even when you're out of combat.

    If you can find someone to give you long-term care for 8 hours, you can recover another 1x your level every day (that's an automatic 2x your level every day). They don't even need to be trained in treat injury.

    If someone is trained in treat injury and has a surgery kit, they can hit a DC 20 treat injury check in an hour to heal you (con modifier x level), but failing does damage threshold, so get a few people together so they can aid the surgeon until you get up in levels. As far as I know, this is unlimited use. If someone takes the Surgical Expertise feat, they can do it every 10 minutes.

    Also, this is where a force user (or two) could come in handy, since they can use vital transfer to heal others of damage, and force trance to heal themselves (level per hour).

    This doesn't count equipment you can use to heal yourself (like medical droids). It might be a good idea to invest in keeping yourselves patched up. A standard 2-1B medical droid costs 4,515 (with license) and has +13 treat injury, cybernetic surgery, and surgical expertise. That equals an automatic (con modifier x level) every 10 minutes.

    Original Big 16:

    Level 1-5: Starting near the end of the clone wars, the players are relatively new recruits when order 66 happens and the republic becomes the Empire. They are then sent to pacify some hold out systems and deal with the last remnants of the separatist resistance.
    Level 6-11
    As the Empire consolidates power, they are reassigned to vice-admiral thrawn’s task force and sent to extend the empire’s control of the unknown territories, by exploring and then either unifying or subduing the various competing civilizations there, either by alliance, subterfuge, coercion, or outright military conquest.
    Level 12+
    After carving an empire out of the the unknown regions, the task force receives word the empire has fallen, and grand admiral thrawn returns to unify the imperial remnants and put the rebels down once and for all. The players decide where their loyalties lie.

    Anyone interested?

    Edit: That's enough interest, let's get this show on the road. Character submission is now open, new applicants welcome.

    Big 16:

    1. What game system are you running (D&D, Call of Cthulu, Palladium, GURPS, etc.), and if applicable what edition (Original, Classic, Revised, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th, etc.)?
    Star Wars Saga Edition. The game starts towards the end of the Clone Wars.

    2. What 'type' or variant of game will it be (i.e. "Shadow Chasers" or "Agents of Psi" for d20 Modern)? What is the setting for the game (eg. historic period, published or homebrewed campaign setting, alternate reality, modern world, etc.)? See above.

    3. How many Players are you looking for? Will you be taking alternates, and if so, how many?
    4-5 players, with room for alternates.

    4. What's the gaming medium (OOTS, chat, e-mail etc.)?
    These Forums, Play by Post. Mythweavers for character sheets. I might use discord to answer questions faster.

    5. What is the characters' starting status (i.e. experience level)?
    Level 1. We will not use XP, instead advancing as the story progresses.

    6. How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?
    Per RAW. License costs for starting equipment are paid by the Republic, anything after that uses the standard rules for acquiring licenses or purchasing on the black market. At chargen, stick to military grade or less (no illegal items).

    7. Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you want... or do not want? What are your rules on 'prestige' and/or homebrewed classes?
    All source Classes are open. No home brew.

    8. What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game? Will you allow homebrewed races or species? 'Prestige' races or species?
    All races are allowed, including droids and clones. No homebrew.

    9. By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores and Hit Points?
    Standard 25-point buy. There will be (very rare, very valuable) opportunities to permanently add extra ability points during the game, over and above what is gained through advancement.

    10. Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so?
    Dark Side points will be assigned for heinous acts, and Force Sensitive characters are held to a higher standard (i.e. using the Force to directly injure a living non-hostile creature). You will not lose your character for turning to the Dark Side, though you may attract unwanted attention.

    11. Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it?

    12. Will you be doing all of the die rolling during the course of the game? Will die rolls be altered, or left to the honor system? If players can make die rolls, which ones do they make, how should they make the rolls, and how should they report them?
    Players roll their own rolls (in spoilers), I roll my own rolls. I may also roll passive checks like perception or checks where the outcome is unknown (like checking for booby traps) in secret.

    13. Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should know about? If so, list and explain them, or provide relevant links to learn about these new rules.
    For combat: Initiative only counts for the first round of combat to determine who acts before the NPCs. After that, players and NPCs will alternate turns. Everyone has 24 hrs to post after I make my post, and players can post in any order. If you can't post, I'll move for you (you can let me know basically what you want to do), or you can designate someone to take your turn for you. This way, we don't get bogged down waiting for one person to act. I'll try to keep to 1 round / day rate, but my schedule varies.
    Vital transfer cannot heal damage caused by vital transfer. Any other healing options still work, including force trance.
    You get an attack as part of the fighting defensively standard action.
    Tie advanced have 4 laser cannons. All other stats remain the same.
    Fractional BAB is in effect.
    Destiny Points are not in use, backgrounds from the rebellion era handbook are optional.
    Player killing is allowed on a case-by-case basis - all current players (not just those involved in the PK) must agree in each case.
    Dark side characters do not become npcs. There is no maximum number of dark side points you can accumulate, though there are ig responses to racking up an exceedingly high score.
    Dropping a held item is a free action, not swift.
    Drain energy only works on unattended objects.

    14. Is a character background required? If so, how big? Are you looking for anything in particular (i.e. the backgrounds all ending up with the characters in the same city)?
    Use the 5-step character background:

    Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum...more elements are encouraged!
    Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.
    Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!
    Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.
    Step 5: Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.

    Music to get you in the mood:

    15. Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving, roleplaying, or a combination of the above?
    Combination, but the most important aspect are player decisions. You can make bad decisions and get yourself or members of your squad killed or fail your mission and have repercussions for the next stage of the campaign. You can make good decisions and earn the favor of npc's or make encounters easier or avoid them altogether, or you can take extra risks to try and earn extra rewards / accolades.

    16. Are your Players restricted to particular rulebooks and supplements, or will you be allowing access to non-standard material? What sources can Players use for their characters?
    All rule books are open. Please try to keep to the time period we are playing in. If you want anything wacky from KOTOR or Legacy Era please highlight it.
    Last edited by Thundercracker; 2024-04-07 at 09:16 AM.
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
    Thundercracker's Avatar

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    Default Re: OOC Rise of the Grand Admiral

    Party Assets:


    Party Reputation:


    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground
    Thundercracker's Avatar

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    Default Re: OOC Rise of the Grand Admiral

    History Thus Far:

    Mission 1:

    Original Objective: Recover intelligence from an abandoned Separatist command bunker on planet Niral 3.
    New Objective: Defend a captured communications outpost
    New Objective: Protect the engineering team as they get the comms back online.

    The squad consisting of the PCs plus newly knighted Jedi Sadaki Kirusai and four clone troopers suffered a missile attack on approach to the comm tower, and went down into a mountain lake. They regrouped in the forest and made their way to the objective on foot. The Jedi took half the engineering team towards the nearby command bunker to complete the primary mission while the PCs were tasked with restoring the defeated communications outpost. After restoring power, the comm tower's automatic defenses activated, including a small battallion of droids. The party fought off the first wave, and then were able to signal for help. Sadaki and the rest of the clones returned to assist as Republic gunships arrived to mop up the remaining droids.
    One of the clones, CT-RH-0027, a slicer specialist took the name "Odi" and picked up additional training as a result of the new motivation his expanded identity brought him.

    Mission 2:


    Bandulu system, the remnants of several Separatist fleets and droid battalions have retreated and are currently undergoing repairs and reorganization.

    Shuttle down to the surface with the 501st and General Skywalker.
    Assault the Separatist base.
    Primary Objective (Skywalker): Shut down the base's shield generator
    Primary Objective (Skywalker): Capture Techno Union leader Amvarha Russk

    Party Objective: Recover Dr. Doran Kradu, Republic Weapons Specialist, suspected to be held in base's detention center.
    Bonus Objective: Capture Separatist VIP Baron Lantel, human wearing opulent blue robes, in the Detention Block.

    The rest of the briefing is spent going over the layout of the base. It is set on a pair of large plateaus against a mountain, which makes it difficult to assault from one side, and makes for an uphill battle on the other. The two plateaus are connected by a prefab bridge. It is likely the bridge will be destroyed during the assault, by the Separatists, to make it more difficult to cross from one side to the other. The Jedi suspect there are tunnels burrowed beneath the plateaus to allow transport of droids and vehicles back and forth, without the bridge.

    The northern plateau houses the droid factories and command center, while the southern plateau hosts the shield generator, non-droid barracks and other living quarters, including the detention center. The Republic’s plan is to attack the command center first and draw Separatist forces away from the shield generator, allowing a second, smaller group to infiltrate and disable it, and allow close air support.

    Your squad is part of the (1d2)[2] attack group, and will be attached to a squad cobbled together from seasoned 501st clones whose respective squads were decimated in prior campaigns.

    The party shuttled down with the 501st, but were ambushed on the streets on the way to the shield generator. After overcoming the ambush, the party, led by Jedi Sadaki Kirusai, broke off from the 501st squad and infiltrated the detention center housing Dr. Doran Kradu. After slicing the computer systems and finding his location, they broke him out of his cell and were intercepted by a Separatist squad intent on recovering the doctor and evacuating with him. The party managed to hold off the Separatist force, led by Separatist Noble Baron Lantel, and escape to the roof. The Republic transport had been destroyed by the Separatists, but the party was able to hold off Lantel long enough to hotwire his transport and escape with it. General Skywalker and the 501st ultimately captured the Separatist outpost and Techno Union VIP Amvarha Russk, but Lantel escaped in the confusion.
    Last edited by Thundercracker; 2024-02-11 at 06:40 PM.
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Default Re: OOC Rise of the Grand Admiral

    Ilyene talks in black.

    Hit Points: 23/31
    Condition: Normal, -1, -2, -5, -10, Helpless
    Force Points: 3/5
    Current Force Suite: Force Grip, Dark Rage
    Unavailable Force Powers:
    Dark Side Points: 2
    Second Wind: 0/1

    Description: Ilyene is slightly above average height and of a powerful build. She has long flowing blonde hair and brown eyes with a thin nose. While she looks young, there is a certain age to her eyes - as if she has already seen to much tragedy. Typically she dresses comfortably, preferring clothes that makes her melt in. While her back is typically covered by clothing, it is covered in intricate tattoos, a legacy from her upbringing. At her waist is the hallmark tool of the Jedi, a dull metallic handle that produces a luminescent blue blade when activated.

    Spoiler: Image

    Last edited by Harmony; 2023-07-28 at 01:28 AM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Apr 2017

    Default Re: OOC Rise of the Grand Admiral

    Coralej Will speak in RED

    Description:Average height for a human, a little on the thin side, though it's not particularly noticeable. Hair and eyes are both a darker shade of brown. His clothing is mostly cheap and functional, shirt, pants, a loose jacket, a utility belt around his waste with a prominently displayed blaster pistol. He wouldn't look out of place in a mid rim cantina. (which is of course, intentional)
    His expression is generally kept quite neutral.
    Last edited by Thunder999; 2023-02-20 at 11:30 AM.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default Re: OOC Rise of the Grand Admiral

    Cora will speak in Blue

    Description:Average height for a human, athletic, though it's not particularly noticeable. Hair blonde almost white and eyes are Hazel. Her clothing is all dark colored, shirt, pants, a loose jacket, a utility belt around her waste with a prominently displayed Hip Holstered blaster pistol. She has a pack of assorted equipment.
    She wouldn't look out of place in any cantina.
    Last edited by samduke; 2023-08-24 at 12:52 AM.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Titan in the Playground
    AvatarVecna's Avatar

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    Jan 2014

    Default Re: OOC Rise of the Grand Admiral

    Ax will speak in bold teal courier. I have noticed a bit of a potential problem though. See, Ax only speaks Binary - he understands other languages, but he doesn't have a vocabulator and I wasn't really intending to give him one. That said, I checked, and three members of the party don't have Binary, while the fourth doesn't specify languages. A vocabulator in an astromech feels weird, but assigning a droid to a squad where nobody can understand them also feels weird.

    Spoiler: Pic

    Gonna get gear finished up real quick.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thundercracker View Post
    Need to remove all references to Order 66 and the Empire, that hasn't happened yet.
    Need 2 allied and one hostile NPC for Ax. Same offer as for samduke - if you can't come up with anything, I will do it, let me know.
    Kinda having trouble justifying anything really. Finding people who care about a droid for good or ill is hard enough when they have one owner forever. A droid that's been changing hands this frequently barely has enough time to leave any kind of emotional impact, and because of the frequent memory wipes, those relationships are exclusively one-sided even if they ever come up.
    Last edited by AvatarVecna; 2023-02-20 at 12:37 PM.

    Currently Recruiting WW/Mafia: Logic's Deathloop Mafia and Cazero's Graduates Of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    Avatar by AsteriskAmp

    Quote Originally Posted by Xumtiil View Post
    An Abattoir Vecna, if you will.
    My Homebrew

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOC Rise of the Grand Admiral

    If Dusk Raven isn't playing I guess we can post here.

    I just looked at people's sheets

    Cora should actually know one more language, there's Basic because everyone gets it, Old Corellian from +1 int mod, Linguist gives you 2, (1+int mod of 1=2) and only picked High Galatic, so if Samduke wants that's an option.

    Coralej is sadly not smart enough to know anything but basic and it looks like Ilyene is in the same boat.

    Or AvatarVecna can make up an excuse to have a vocabulator (kind of weird how many droids don't if they're that cheap actually)

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOC Rise of the Grand Admiral

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder999 View Post
    If Dusk Raven isn't playing I guess we can post here.

    I just looked at people's sheets

    Cora should actually know one more language, there's Basic because everyone gets it, Old Corellian from +1 int mod, Linguist gives you 2, (1+int mod of 1=2) and only picked High Galatic, so if Samduke wants that's an option.

    Coralej is sadly not smart enough to know anything but basic and it looks like Ilyene is in the same boat.

    Or AvatarVecna can make up an excuse to have a vocabulator (kind of weird how many droids don't if they're that cheap actually)
    I've currently got one on my sheet, but if we can go without, I'll switch it out for...some combination of Mesh Tape, Datacards, and Fire Extinguisher Refills.

    I'm feeling pretty good about where Ax is. Looking forward to how the game develops.

    Currently Recruiting WW/Mafia: Logic's Deathloop Mafia and Cazero's Graduates Of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    Avatar by AsteriskAmp

    Quote Originally Posted by Xumtiil View Post
    An Abattoir Vecna, if you will.
    My Homebrew

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Titan in the Playground

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    Feb 2015

    Default Re: OOC Rise of the Grand Admiral

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder999 View Post
    If Dusk Raven isn't playing I guess we can post here.

    I just looked at people's sheets

    Cora should actually know one more language, there's Basic because everyone gets it, Old Corellian from +1 int mod, Linguist gives you 2, (1+int mod of 1=2) and only picked High Galatic, so if Samduke wants that's an option.

    Coralej is sadly not smart enough to know anything but basic and it looks like Ilyene is in the same boat.

    Or AvatarVecna can make up an excuse to have a vocabulator (kind of weird how many droids don't if they're that cheap actually)
    Binary added to languages for Cora, I had left it off waiting to see if there was a common language among the group but this works

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Titan in the Playground
    Thundercracker's Avatar

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    Default Re: OOC Rise of the Grand Admiral

    Quote Originally Posted by AvatarVecna View Post
    Ax will speak in bold teal courier. I have noticed a bit of a potential problem though. See, Ax only speaks Binary - he understands other languages, but he doesn't have a vocabulator and I wasn't really intending to give him one. That said, I checked, and three members of the party don't have Binary, while the fourth doesn't specify languages. A vocabulator in an astromech feels weird, but assigning a droid to a squad where nobody can understand them also feels weird.

    Spoiler: Pic

    Gonna get gear finished up real quick.

    Kinda having trouble justifying anything really. Finding people who care about a droid for good or ill is hard enough when they have one owner forever. A droid that's been changing hands this frequently barely has enough time to leave any kind of emotional impact, and because of the frequent memory wipes, those relationships are exclusively one-sided even if they ever come up.
    Your npc’s can be other droids.
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Titan in the Playground
    Thundercracker's Avatar

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    Default Re: OOC Rise of the Grand Admiral

    Alright, we have three Force users, none of whom are currently Jedi, and a droid. Order 66 is going to be an interesting day.

    The first mission will be to (re)familiarize with the system and get to know your characters etc.

    Brief brainstorm on the opening status:
    Right now, I am thinking an unorthodox Jedi wants to put together a team of non-Jedi Force Sensitive individuals and develop them into an elite unit. Convenient, because it's necessary to get the game rolling. I'm happy to handwave the recruitment reasons etc (i.e. all players are going to be joining the war effort, because that's the premise of the game. No going off and searching for your lost family members or running spice for the Pyke Syndicate (at least not at first), unless that's your mission, but if anyone needs an actual reason for their characters to join the Grand Army of the Republic, let me know and we will work it out in the OOC thread before the game starts.
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    May 2017

    Default Re: OOC Rise of the Grand Admiral

    Quote Originally Posted by Thundercracker View Post
    Alright, we have three Force users, none of whom are currently Jedi, and a droid. Order 66 is going to be an interesting day.

    The first mission will be to (re)familiarize with the system and get to know your characters etc.

    Brief brainstorm on the opening status:
    Right now, I am thinking an unorthodox Jedi wants to put together a team of non-Jedi Force Sensitive individuals and develop them into an elite unit. Convenient, because it's necessary to get the game rolling. I'm happy to handwave the recruitment reasons etc (i.e. all players are going to be joining the war effort, because that's the premise of the game. No going off and searching for your lost family members or running spice for the Pyke Syndicate (at least not at first), unless that's your mission, but if anyone needs an actual reason for their characters to join the Grand Army of the Republic, let me know and we will work it out in the OOC thread before the game starts.
    Is the abundance of force users a problem for the premise you had in mind? I was torn between Ilyene and something more of an operative, this was the concept I liked the most but if you want I can probably motivate myself and change up. I also noticed in the top that Ilyene was listed as a nightsister adept, but I think that was Cora's concept.

    The opening premise sounds good to me. Ilyene is motivated by vengeance, and would join such an effort.

    We do lack normal means (please correct me!) as neither Cora nor Coralej are (yet) proficient with their blasters and Ilyene and Ax lack ranged weaponry. This would likely be amplified by characters winding up in melee, so being accepted as being a group of force-sensitives might help us bring Coralej's impressive force suite to the front.
    As a sidenote - Samduke, it might be worth to pick up light armor proficiency for the stealth suit as the penalties for lacking armor proficiency is pretty harsh in Saga, removing any equipment bonus and instead imposing minuses (on top of replacing level defense without talent).

    If Ax could have a vocabulator, it would really help with player interaction! Perhaps it could be imagined so it's still blips and blops, but just understandable to the language the droid speaks?

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOC Rise of the Grand Admiral

    Quote Originally Posted by Harmony View Post
    Is the abundance of force users a problem for the premise you had in mind? I was torn between Ilyene and something more of an operative, this was the concept I liked the most but if you want I can probably motivate myself and change up. I also noticed in the top that Ilyene was listed as a nightsister adept, but I think that was Cora's concept.

    The opening premise sounds good to me. Ilyene is motivated by vengeance, and would join such an effort.

    We do lack normal means (please correct me!) as neither Cora nor Coralej are (yet) proficient with their blasters and Ilyene and Ax lack ranged weaponry. This would likely be amplified by characters winding up in melee, so being accepted as being a group of force-sensitives might help us bring Coralej's impressive force suite to the front.
    As a sidenote - Samduke, it might be worth to pick up light armor proficiency for the stealth suit as the penalties for lacking armor proficiency is pretty harsh in Saga, removing any equipment bonus and instead imposing minuses (on top of replacing level defense without talent).

    If Ax could have a vocabulator, it would really help with player interaction! Perhaps it could be imagined so it's still blips and blops, but just understandable to the language the droid speaks?
    well I will have to deal with it, until level 2 where AP light OR EWP could be taken, then wait till level 3 class / general for the other

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harmony View Post
    Is the abundance of force users a problem for the premise you had in mind? I was torn between Ilyene and something more of an operative, this was the concept I liked the most but if you want I can probably motivate myself and change up. I also noticed in the top that Ilyene was listed as a nightsister adept, but I think that was Cora's concept.

    The opening premise sounds good to me. Ilyene is motivated by vengeance, and would join such an effort.

    We do lack normal means (please correct me!) as neither Cora nor Coralej are (yet) proficient with their blasters and Ilyene and Ax lack ranged weaponry. This would likely be amplified by characters winding up in melee, so being accepted as being a group of force-sensitives might help us bring Coralej's impressive force suite to the front.
    As a sidenote - Samduke, it might be worth to pick up light armor proficiency for the stealth suit as the penalties for lacking armor proficiency is pretty harsh in Saga, removing any equipment bonus and instead imposing minuses (on top of replacing level defense without talent).

    If Ax could have a vocabulator, it would really help with player interaction! Perhaps it could be imagined so it's still blips and blops, but just understandable to the language the droid speaks?
    No it's not a problem. Works out actually.

    My mistake, I updated the PC box.
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    I like that premise.

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    Titan in the Playground

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    when we get the IC reminder to put that link in here

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    Quote Originally Posted by samduke View Post
    when we get the IC reminder to put that link in here
    AvatarVecna needs ideas for friendly & hostile NPCs for Ax. Some possibilities that come to mind:
    1. Porun Vendagg - Mid-Rim Republic Senator Aide
    2. R7-Z4 - Fellow Droid from the Hutt Chop Shop
    3. (Enemy) Unknown - Hutt Recovery Agent
    Last edited by Thundercracker; 2023-02-22 at 02:33 AM.
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

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    I'll get some thrown together later today.
    Last edited by AvatarVecna; 2023-02-22 at 12:10 PM.

    Currently Recruiting WW/Mafia: Logic's Deathloop Mafia and Cazero's Graduates Of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xumtiil View Post
    An Abattoir Vecna, if you will.
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    Quote Originally Posted by AvatarVecna View Post
    I'll get some thrown together later today.
    clock’s ticking, planning to move forward tomorrow.
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

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    Added to both my sheet, and posted here for convenience:

    Spoiler: Contacts
    Major Miram Ecter is a human mechanic in service to the Republic. Older woman who can see Ax has had more than a few upgrades over stock models, and has survived more combat than she can find evidence for in his hard drive. She appreciates a droid that's proven itself (even if it can't remember doing so), and consider Ax a bit more reliable than the usual bulk-purchase astromechs she gets in her shop. Might be more willing to assist with his upgrades in the future than your average mechanic, and is a long-time military member so knows people who know people, and has some rank she can pull on certain things if the situation calls for it.

    7-3PX is a surprisingly-scrupulous spy droid. At some point during Ax's tenure at the Hutt's garage, 7-3 was spying on the Hutt's assets for Corellian Vehicle Reclamation (a more legitimate Repossession company than the Hutt's more illicit counterpart). 7-3 posed as one of the Hutt's protocol droids in need of some touch-ups as well as a couple upgrades. Ax was quick, efficient, and didn't ask any difficult questions about why a protocol droid was armed. 7-3PX keeps a mental list of trustworthy mechanics to seek out should he find himself in need of maintenance, emergency repair, or upgrades, and Ax is on the list. 7-3 is already aware that Ax no longer works at the chop-shop, and surmises he now works for the Army Of The Republic in some fashion, given what went down at the shop.

    CT-31-4912 ("Mags") is a heavy infantry clone trooper who's been serving since near the start of the war. He's lost many brothers to the clankers, as well as one of his legs. He hates working with droids and avoids doing so whenever possible. He's still a good soldier loyal to the Republic, so outside very strange circumstances he's not going to be sabotaging the mission, but when considering friendly fire or what sacrifices to make for victory, he doesn't really consider droids people. What sabotage he might do is usually limited to a low-stakes environment where not much is at risk and so he can afford to put the "petty" in "petty officer": handing out bull**** tasks, exercising malicious compliance, filing complaints about broken regulations - little things that make life a touch more difficult for the inorganic beings he has to work with despite not wanting to.

    Currently Recruiting WW/Mafia: Logic's Deathloop Mafia and Cazero's Graduates Of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xumtiil View Post
    An Abattoir Vecna, if you will.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOC Rise of the Grand Admiral

    Persuasion check (1d20+3)[23]

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    Titan in the Playground
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    No circumstance for aid another, it's DC15.
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

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    Pilot: (1d20+7)[16]

    If successful, the main pilot has a +7 to his own Pilot check.

    Currently Recruiting WW/Mafia: Logic's Deathloop Mafia and Cazero's Graduates Of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    Avatar by AsteriskAmp

    Quote Originally Posted by Xumtiil View Post
    An Abattoir Vecna, if you will.
    My Homebrew

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Athletics +2 (1d20)[1] = 3

    That went spectacular!
    Last edited by Harmony; 2023-02-28 at 05:54 AM.

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    Titan in the Playground

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    athletics to assist (1d20+1)[12]

    if Cora can grab Ilyene, then she will attempt to grab (grapple) / hold on with a death grip type effort - cuz this bird is going down.
    Last edited by samduke; 2023-02-28 at 08:23 AM.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    It’s your guys’ move. You can keep going with what you’re doing or try something else. The ship looks like it’s going down in the next few seconds.
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Aha, I was waiting for a resolution to the athletics check!
    Will make a post when I'm settled down at work.

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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOC Rise of the Grand Admiral

    Yeah, I thought we were waiting on that too.

    And wow we can't roll.
    Last edited by Thunder999; 2023-03-02 at 01:35 PM.

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