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Thread: RHoD 5e IC

  1. - Top - End - #1
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default RHoD 5e IC

    The afternoon sun beats down on you; the air is hot and still. The sparsely settled lands of Elsir Vale are starting to grow monotonous, with a seemingly endless line of dusty flyspecks of towns. One such town, Drellin's Ferry, lies a few miles ahead of you. It's a settlement hard on the borders of the Witchwood, and the best place from which to begin exploring the nearby forest. Your current destination - Vraath Keep, as directed to you by a map and a promise of treasure. When you inquired about Vraath back at Brindol it seemed to be long-abandoned, a relic of some noble's attempt to tame the forest that fell short of its goal, but the Witchwood denizens keep most from straying near or trying to repeat the noble's goal. Still, nobles mean treasure, and abandoned means it shouldn't have gone anywhere. If the map is correct, it could be enough to retire on for life, but getting your hopes up has backfired before.

    Drellin's Ferry may be small but it does have the notability of being the first town on the Elsir Vale that travelers from the west pass through (even if that's not as common as the merchants in Brindol would like), and so may be a bit more bustling than the ones you passed through to get here. Hopefully you won't have died of heatstroke by the time you get there. Even the trees that flank your path offer little comfort or protection from the endless sun.
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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    Paul Mauser
    Half-orc Artillerist Artificer
    AC: 18 HP: 38/38
    PPer: 14 PInv: 18 PIst: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Paul squints his eyes in the sunlight, grateful that the brim of his hat keeps the direct sun off. He'd still rather have a cloudy day, or a moonlit night. Too much time looking at small details, plus his natural heritage, have left him a bit over-sensitive to bright light.
    Some sort of goggles to reduce the brightness of light could help, but there are always other projects to work on.

    "Abandoned and nobles may mean treasure, but I expect we'll have to search for it. Unless everyone fled in the night, anything valuable and easily found probably went with the occupants."

    Paul's mechanical bird circles overhead, having been instructed to keep an eye out for any large animals or anything else out of the ordinary.
    Last edited by J-H; 2023-02-24 at 12:32 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    Leif Fochlucan
    Tiefling Wildfire Druid
    HP: 38/38, AC: 16
    Conditions: None
    Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2

    "Oh come on now, don't sulk," Leif says cheerily to the little ball of flame that sits on her palm as she makes her way towards Drellin's Ferry, "We're not far from the Witchwood now."

    Leif understood Calcy's restlessness, though. The heat wasn't bothering either of them, in fact it was rather pleasant, but both of them much preferred the familiar comforts of a good forest - the grass under your feet, the animals singing and chattering, the gentle swishing of trees in the wind.

    Okay, maybe not that last one, Leif thinks to herself, there'd be a stronger breeze if someone farted.
    "Don't think of it as dying," said Death,
    "Just think of it as leaving early to avoid the rush."

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    Ayalla Nazonda
    Spirit Medium
    HP: 33/33, AC: 15, Resistance: Lightning
    Conditions: None
    Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2
    Wuffles (Wolf Familiar)
    HP: 31/31, AC: 16
    Ayalla Nazonda is an air genasi with light blue skin that matches the clear midday summer sky, long white hair that almost floats in defiance of gravity, and eyes the color of the golden rays of sunlight at dawn. She is wearing a brown leather duster over a blue coat of plate. As she moves her feet barely touch the ground as she seemingly glides around. An unusual timber wolf accompanies her. It's coat is deep black and there are motes of light glow faintly and move around on it.

    "A parasol would be nice, though I'm not sure if I could get one that matches my traveling cloths."
    "Time is an abstract concept created by carbon-based life-forms to monitor their ongoing decay." - Thunderclese

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    Bernard "Bernie" Thierry
    Human Chaplain Fighter
    AC: 18 HP: 54/54
    Hit Dice: 5/5
    PPer: 15 PInv: 13 PIst: 15
    Conditions: --

    The eldest of the group trails behind the others, his face covered in a misting of sweat and a bright white stripe of zinc across the nose, to protect from the sun.

    "Water y'all, I wanna see everyone drinking water. That goes for the dog too, the sun'll get ya if you're not drinking water."

    He trots up to join in stride with others and draws his waterskin to take a swig. His heavy metal armor clanks and glints in light, a pitiable situation to be in for most, but Bernie has yet to slow or drag his feet. It even seems like a rough march in the sun is almost invigorating for him. He takes a slow sweeping glance around his companions, checking their condition and making a mental note for when they'll all need to break. They were hardly slouches, but he's inclined to worry.
    Last edited by IcemanJRC; 2023-02-24 at 11:56 PM.
    Uncle Fong, from Bibliography, and Chibi Fong Avatar By Elagune

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  6. - Top - End - #6
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    Day 1

    The road crests a small rise and descends into a dusty grove in a large, shallow dell. An abandoned farmhouse, partially visible through trees, stands to your south. You've passed a dozen spots much like this one already today, but this one sets your teeth on edge. Then you glimpse the glint of mail through the brush by the side of the road. Fierce warriors - tall hairy humanoids with wide mouths and flat faces - are lying in wait. They notice you noticing them, and stand to attack with bows in hand. They're dressed uniformly, with identical equipment and armour spaced out between them, and from a glance each bears a similar brand somewhere on their face - a red claw. Alongside them comes the howl of a hellish hound - short sanguine fur, gleaming orange eyes, and a maw dripping with raw flames that steps up out of the trees.

    Spoiler: Map

    Passive perception determined how far into the ambush you got, if at all.

    The hobgoblins you can see are wearing chainmail and holding longbows. A shield and longsword are kept in reserve.

    Enemies in the treeline will receive cover (1/2 or 3/4, depending on how far you are from them). Climbing from the 'road' to the 'grass' just counts as difficult terrain, no check required.

    Players win initiative ties vs. enemies.

    Despite there being four enemy sets and five players, it basically turned into side initiative. Wuffles and Bernie up first (though I'm not sure Wuffles can attack without a command to do so?). The Red and Blue markers on the hobs in the trees are just to separate them by initiative, though it didn't matter in this case. I'll do similar stuff in the future though, so better to note it now :P

    Initiative Order:
    Wuffles: (1d20)[18]
    Bernie: (1d20)[18]

    HH: (1d20)[18]
    LH: (1d20)[15]
    BH: (1d20)[7]
    RH: (1d20)[6]


    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
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  7. - Top - End - #7
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    While Wuffles and Bernie take a moment to compose themselves and watch for attacks, the hobgoblins strike! On heavy feet the hellhound bursts from the trees and leaps at Leif, its jaws sinking into her arm, a burst of flame searing against skin as it does so. Overconfident as they are, perhaps having sated their previous attacks on easier prey, the hobs loose a volley of arrows at the party, each trying to take down a different target in a single shot, only to find the party more than capable of evading them. Only one finds its mark, skirting across Wuffles' flank when the spirit animal was distracted by the hellhound.

    Seeing that you're clearly made of sterner stuff than they expected, one shouts out something in Goblinoid that you can't understand, and you hear a sudden movement in the farmhouse to the south - but no one emerges just yet.

    Spoiler: Map

    Leif is bitten for 5 piercing and 4 fire damage.
    Despite dodging, Wuffles gets hit by an arrow for 14 piercing damage. The rest miss.

    I'll say this regularly but damage numbers are always provided before resistances/reductions.

    Everyone's up.

    Initiative Order:
    Wuffles: (1d20)[18]
    Bernie: (1d20)[18]

    HH: (1d20)[18]
    LH: (1d20)[15]
    BH: (1d20)[7]
    RH: (1d20)[6]


    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
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    Master Homebrew Index (5e)

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Troll in the Playground
    Infernally Clay's Avatar

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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    Leif Fochlucan
    Tiefling Wildfire Druid
    HP: 29/38, AC: 16
    Conditions: None
    Spell Slots: 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2

    Leif looks down at the hellhound with curiosity, then says in Infernal "Wmiz safdv haf ky vaulq myry?" (What would you be doing here?)

    Leif then casts Entangle (DC 16 str save) on the hellhound and pats it on the nose, as heavy vines erupt from the ground and try to grab at it, telling the fiendish dog "By xe qaav kah vorv wuz wzudd oar xe pulfzy." (Be a good boy and sit still for a minute.)
    Last edited by Infernally Clay; 2023-02-25 at 01:29 PM.
    "Don't think of it as dying," said Death,
    "Just think of it as leaving early to avoid the rush."

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    Paul Mauser
    Half-orc Artillerist Artificer
    AC: 18 HP: 38/38
    PPer: 14 PInv: 18 PIst: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    "These are not the nobles we're looking for." Paul taps on a silver circle clipped onto his collar, causing a rune on it to light up, although the purple glow is nearly invisible in daylight. The metal and wood tube attached to the top of his pack by several metal rods pulls itself up and lands on his shoulder. When he aims his wand at the hobgoblin to the south, it tracks his movement, as he fires a Fire Bolt, then turns and aims again, this time causing it to fire a purple ray of energy at the Hellhound. Paul jogs towards the bushes behind the party to cover the farmhouse.

    Homonculus is up in the sky somewhere.
    BA activate and fire Eldritch Cannon, force beam mode.

    Targeting the hobgoblin directly to the south with Fire Bolt
    Infusion lets me ignore half cover.
    Fire Bolt (1d20+8)[11] for (2d10)[17]+(1d8)[2] fire damage (1d8 from arcane firearm feature)

    Force Beam on the Hellhound
    EC force beam (1d20+8)[18] for (2d8)[3] force damage and 5' push back.

    Move 30' east to get into the bushes some. If Force Beam doesn't push back, I may take an OA.
    Last edited by J-H; 2023-02-25 at 01:36 PM.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ogre in the Playground
    Izzarra's Avatar

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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    Ayalla Nazonda
    Spirit Medium
    HP: 33/33, AC: 15, Resistance: Lightning
    Conditions: None
    Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2
    Wuffles (Wolf Familiar)
    HP: 17/31, AC: 16
    Seeing the hellhound run right up next to her Ayalla sends a mental command to Wuffles to attack it, or the highwayman that shot him. Then she reaches out out and tries to zap the hellhound herself.
    Spoiler: OOC
    Shocking Grasp: (1d20+7)[13], Lightning damage (2d8)[10], it can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn.
    Edit: That might have advantage if it failed the save vs Entangle, but I didn't roll the extra D20.
    Last edited by Izzarra; 2023-02-25 at 10:57 PM.
    "Time is an abstract concept created by carbon-based life-forms to monitor their ongoing decay." - Thunderclese

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    Bernard "Bernie" Thierry
    Human Chaplain Fighter
    AC: 18 HP: 54/54
    Hit Dice: 5/5
    PPer: 15 PInv: 13 PIst: 15
    Conditions: --

    As his allies unleash a flash of magic, Bernie quickly steps into the space vacated by the Hellhound and swings his sword with full force. As his sword moves, he's already hoping to take up a better position.

    "Good job locking this pup down, but I think Paul's got the right idea, ladies! Follow him, I'll cover your retreat. We can't stay out in the open like this!


    Reaction: Interception Fighting Style reduces damage to Wuffles by 1d10+3 (8)

    Turn starts, Move: Bernie walks to the space vacated by the Hellhound so he is within five feet of all his remaining allies and the hound.

    Action: Attack twice with Moon-Touched Longsword in two hands against Restrained Hellhound.

    [roll]2d20b1+7[/roll] 13 vs Hellhound AC
    (d10+4)[9] magical slashing damage

    [roll]2d20b1+7[/roll] 21 vs Hellhound AC
    (d10+4)[6] magical slashing damage
    Last edited by IcemanJRC; 2023-02-26 at 11:24 AM.
    Uncle Fong, from Bibliography, and Chibi Fong Avatar By Elagune

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  12. - Top - End - #12
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    Ayalla Nazonda
    Spirit Medium
    HP: 33/33, AC: 15, Resistance: Lightning
    Conditions: None
    Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2
    Wuffles (Wolf Familiar)
    HP: 25/31, AC: 16
    Wuffles snaps at the hellhound.
    Spoiler: OOC
    Bite: (1d20+6)[21], piercing damage (2d4+3)[8], if the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
    Last edited by Izzarra; 2023-02-26 at 12:09 PM.
    "Time is an abstract concept created by carbon-based life-forms to monitor their ongoing decay." - Thunderclese

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    The party piles on the foolish hellhound that ran out front of its masters. Vines spring up around it and lock around its limbs, holding it in place, only made worse when its dragged to the floor by Wuffles' bite. A blast from Paul's cannon thrusts it further into the entangling area, allowing Bernie and Ayalla to flank it with an electric grasp and a slashing blade. The infernal beast doesn't yelp or scream in pain as its belly is sliced and its fur singed, instead it continues to howl with defiant hellish rage. With great effort, it struggles free of its bonds and stands once more, growling as another volley of arrows speeds towards the party.

    The projectiles skim past everyone, some further away than others, and only one cuts Ayalla. Paul retaliates with a bolt of flame, but it impacts the tree beside the hobgoblin, who allows himself a scoffing laugh.

    From the farm house, another hell hound bursts forth, dashing directly towards Paul at maximum speed. Behind it, slower, and perhaps more carefully, you see the grass shift and move as two invisible figures emerge.

    Spoiler: Hellhound - Int (Arcana) or (Nature)

    Spoiler: DC1

    Fire dog.

    Spoiler: DC5

    Fiends from hell that take the form of dogs, often used as guard animals due to their keen hearing and smell. Their bite holds burns.

    Spoiler: DC10

    They work well in packs, and in addition to their bite being fiery they can also - rarely - breathe fire in a short cone.

    Spoiler: DC15

    Creatures of hell that they are, they are immune to fire. They also understand Infernal language, but cannot speak it.

    Spoiler: Map

    Leif Entangles the hellhound successfully.
    Ayalla (with restrain advantage) hits it, as does Wuffles. Hellhound fails its save vs. prone, so it is (or was, see below) prone and restrained.
    Bernie hits once, misses once.
    Paul's turret hits, but the firebolt misses.
    The Hellhound is bloodied (i.e. below half health).

    The hellhound uses its action to free itself from entangle, and stand up, but doesn't move away.
    The archers loose another volley, hitting only Ayalla for 8 piercing total.

    Two ? tokens are invisible creatures - so attacks against them have disadvantage and some spells which require you to see your target won't work on them until they're made visible.

    Everyone's up.

    Initiative Order:
    Wuffles: (1d20)[18]
    Bernie: (1d20)[18]

    HH: (1d20)[18]
    LH: (1d20)[15]
    BH: (1d20)[7]
    RH: (1d20)[6]


    Last edited by Amnestic; 2023-02-26 at 03:19 PM.
    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
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  14. - Top - End - #14
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    Paul Mauser
    Half-orc Artillerist Artificer
    AC: 18 HP: 38/38
    PPer: 14 PInv: 18 PIst: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    "More here, from the farmhouse!" Paul calls. He launches a glob of acid at the approaching Hellhound, targeting it with his cannon, which fires another bolt of energy with a high-pitched whine.

    Acid Splash the bad doggy
    (2d6)[8] plus (1d8)[5] acid damage, Dex DC 15 negates. HH dex save (1d20)[10] plus modifiers

    EC: (1d20+8)[18] for (2d8)[10] force damage and 5' push back.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Troll in the Playground
    Infernally Clay's Avatar

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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    Leif Fochlucan
    Tiefling Wildfire Druid
    HP: 29/38, AC: 16
    Conditions: None
    Spell Slots: 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 2/3, 3rd: 2/2

    "On it!" Leif calls back to Paul, then casts Spike Growth (20ft radius, difficult terrain, 2d4 damage for every 5ft of movement) ten feet south of the second hellhound.

    "Why are we so popular all of a sudden?" she laughs, moving to the space five feet north of Paul so she can get a better look at who the new intruders are.
    Last edited by Infernally Clay; 2023-02-26 at 05:21 PM.
    "Don't think of it as dying," said Death,
    "Just think of it as leaving early to avoid the rush."

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    Ayalla Nazonda
    Spirit Medium
    HP: 33/33, AC: 15, Resistance: Lightning
    Conditions: None
    Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2
    Wuffles (Wolf Familiar)
    HP: 25/31, AC: 16
    Ayalla moves closer to the nearby tree to try to avoid some of the incoming arrows.
    Spoiler: OOC
    Move 15 ft around to the other side of the hellhound to try to get her back up against the tree and possible get some cover from the arrows.
    Readied action to cast Shocking Grasp on the hellhound after Wuffles bites it in case it falls prone.
    Shocking Grasp: (1d20+7)[12], advantage if applicable (1d20+7)[13], lightning damage (2d8)[8], it can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn.
    Bite: (1d20+6)[12], advantage form pack tactics (forgot about it last time) (1d20+6)[19], piercing damage (2d4+3)[7], if the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
    "Time is an abstract concept created by carbon-based life-forms to monitor their ongoing decay." - Thunderclese

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    Bernard "Bernie" Thierry
    Human Chaplain Fighter
    AC: 18 HP: 54/54
    Hit Dice: 5/5
    PPer: 15 PInv: 13 PIst: 15
    Conditions: --

    Bernie watches as Ayalla drifts away from the others in their group and beats on the Hellhound,
    I guess we'll take this side?! Don't get into any trouble!

    He similarly circles around the hound and brings a few strikes down on it in the hopes of finishing it and making space to regroup.


    Reaction: Interception Fighting Style reduces damage to Ayalla by 1d10+3 (12)

    Turn starts, Move: Bernie walks two spaces left and one up, to be within 5 feet of Ayalla, Wuffles, and the Hellhound.

    Action: Attack twice with Moon-Touched Longsword in two hands against Hellhound.

    (2d20b1)[12][10](22)+7 vs Hellhound AC
    (1d10+4)[14] magical slashing damage

    (2d20b1)[14][14](28)+7 vs Hellhound AC
    (1d10+4)[8] magical slashing damage
    Last edited by IcemanJRC; 2023-02-26 at 06:29 PM.
    Uncle Fong, from Bibliography, and Chibi Fong Avatar By Elagune

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  18. - Top - End - #18
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    Ayalla's electric touch is evaded by the surrounded hellhound, but the follow up bite from Wuffles pins it in place, making him an easy target for Bernie to cut down with two flashing swipes of his sword. The beast slumps over, its corpse oozing a sickly red-black liquid that bursts and pops with flames when it touches the ground.

    A mass of spikey thorns spring up around the other hellhound, locking it in place thanks to Leif's incantation. It paws tentatively at them, so that when Paul blasts it with acid and force, it takes them head on, scraping back through the painful overgrowth. Choosing not to risk further spiked agony the hound locks itself in place and watches the you warily. The spikes don't last long however. From one of the invisible creatures comes a chanted spell, and he reveals himself with a burst of light as a bolt of magic streams across the battlefield to slam into Leif. She stumbles, and as quickly as the come the spikes fall away. The spellcaster - dressed in a chain shirt and wielding a mace - moves into the treeline behind one of the archers, while the other still-invisible creature leaps across the road and enters the trees closest to Paul and Leif, but doesn't yet reach you.

    Seeing their attacks repeatedly intercepted, the hobgoblin archers swap targets away from the squishy air genasi and instead targeting the heavily armoured man. One rushes into melee, swinging their longsword down while the pair behind him loose arrows, but Bernie parries the blade and spins, deflecting the arrows that come his way.

    The other set of arrows bursts forth from the treeline at Paul. Two scrape against armour, but the third one bites into flesh.

    Spoiler: Map

    Leif's spike growth goes up.
    Ayalla misses with Shocking Grasp, but Wuffles and Bernie come in with the follow up and kill the hellhound.
    Paul's acid splash and turret hit the south hellhound, and the knockback causes an additional 3 damage. The Hellhound is bloodied.

    The hellhound, injured and surrounded by spikes, refuses to move, and Dodges.
    One of the invisible creatures casts Guiding Bolt and hits Leif for 16 radiant. Leif unfortunately rolled a 9 (4 + 5 modifier) on their concentration save, so spike growth drops.
    The remaining invisible creature moves in, entering the treeline on the right.

    The red hobs attack Bernie, with one getting into melee. They miss with all their attacks.
    The blue hobs attack Paul, with two missing and only one hitting for 9 piercing damage.

    Everyone's up.

    Initiative Order:
    Wuffles: (1d20)[18]
    Bernie: (1d20)[18]

    HH: (1d20)[18]
    LH: (1d20)[15]
    BH: (1d20)[7]
    RH: (1d20)[6]


    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
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    Master Homebrew Index (5e)

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Troll in the Playground
    Infernally Clay's Avatar

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    Thumbs up Re: RHoD 5e IC

    Leif Fochlucan
    Tiefling Wildfire Druid
    HP: 27/38, AC: 16
    Conditions: None
    Spell Slots: 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 1/3, 3rd: 2/2

    "A Cleric?" Leif says through gritted teeth, more anger and fear than pain, "Your kind won't kill anyone I care about again."

    Touching her chest, Leif's hand sets ablaze as a warm light emanates from it and her wounds instantly heal. She never takes her eyes off the Cleric and with the same hand, reaching up and clenching into a fist, more vines erupt from the ground and lash at the Cleric and attempt to drag them closer to Leif.

    Just a little longer...

    Leif casts Healing Word, upcasted to second level, on herself. (3d4+4)[14] hp restored.
    She then casts the cantrip Thorn Whip at the Cleric.
    To hit: (1d20+8)[22]
    Damage: (2d6)[2] piercing damage, target pulled 10ft towards Leif
    Last edited by Infernally Clay; 2023-02-27 at 06:36 AM.
    "Don't think of it as dying," said Death,
    "Just think of it as leaving early to avoid the rush."

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    Paul Mauser
    Half-orc Artillerist Artificer
    AC: 18 HP: 38/38
    PPer: 14 PInv: 18 PIst: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --
    A magic shield briefly appears, blocking the inbound arrow.

    Wary of the invisible creature approaching, Paul thumbs the rune on a hollow wooden ball and uses his wand to float it between the hellhound and whatever is coming, where it detonates with a thunderous boom. He then points his wand at the enemy cleric, and his cannon fires at it.

    He then retreats 40' to the north.

    Shatter, (3d8)[16] thunder damage to the invisible enemy and the Hellhound. CON DC 15 half. Arcane Firearm gives (1d8)[2] bonus damage to "a damage roll" and I'm assuming that's only to one target - we'll say the invisible creature gets that.

    EC vs the cleric (1d20+8)[25] for (2d8)[6] force damage and 5' pushback.
    Ignore half cover if he has any.
    Last edited by J-H; 2023-02-27 at 08:56 AM.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    Ayalla Nazonda
    Spirit Medium
    HP: 33/33, AC: 15, Resistance: Lightning
    Conditions: None
    Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2
    Wuffles (Wolf Familiar)
    HP: 25/31, AC: 16
    Ayalla and Wuffles shift their attention to the nearby hobgoblin.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Shocking Grasp: (1d20+7)[23], Advantage (1d20+7)[15] (Note on discord said the target is wearing chainmaille), Lightning damage (2d8)[7], it can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn.
    Bite: (1d20+6)[22], Advantage (1d20+6)[26] (Pack Tactics), piercing damage (2d4+3)[8], if the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw (1d20)[1] or be knocked prone.
    Edit: Crit on the bite.
    Last edited by Izzarra; 2023-02-27 at 08:57 PM.
    "Time is an abstract concept created by carbon-based life-forms to monitor their ongoing decay." - Thunderclese

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Bernard "Bernie" Thierry
    Human Chaplain Fighter
    AC: 18 HP: 54/54
    Hit Dice: 5/5
    PPer: 15 PInv: 13 PIst: 15
    Conditions: --

    As the hobgoblin in front of him falls, Bernie turns his attention to Leif and makes a break for it. He takes up a position interposed between her and the myriad enemies approaching and tosses a bit of reassurance,

    Let's not tire ourselves out just yet, Ayalla handled one of these fools without me having to lift a finger, so I've got your back here. Try to conserve some strength, kiddo, we're not even to the starting line yet..


    Turn starts, Move: Bernie runs to be within 5ft of Leif, in the space that Paul vacated. I dont believe any enemies are close enough for me to also be adjacent to them, but if Im mistaken please put me in a spot thats next to Leif and an enemy.

    Action: Dash to double move speed.
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    Buoyed by her healing, Leif's thorny whip lashes out at the cleric and drags him forwards, but just as quickly he's blasted back by Paul's cannon, twisting and turning him this way and that. Despite the swift back-and-forth he manages to maintain his spell. The deafening blast of Paul's magical orb don't deter either hellhound or the invisible foe. The canine rushes in first, its injuries bleeding fire as it calls up a burst of flame to wash over Bernie and Leif, though the injuries its sustained and your natural skills allow you to evade the worst of the burning sensation. Their assault does not hold there, however. Invisible warriors are tricky to fight at the best of times, and this one is no exception. A whistling blade cuts through air as its only indicator and Bernie's reaction comes too late as a critical strike pierces past his armour. The second blow comes up, too slow, and Bernie deflects it away.

    Injured by your attacks, the cleric turns away and mutters a short incantation, patching the wounds you've caused.

    Ayalla's lightning touch gravitates towards the hobgoblin who evades it too late, shocking him into submission for a moment, allowing Wuffles to leap atop the warrior and savage its throat, tearing the life from your foe. In response, two more of the archers drop their bows and move in, trying to flank. One swordswipe goes wide, but the other one cuts the spirit animal on its side. The remaining three archers loose another set of arrows, but none of them find their targets, all being deflected or dodged.

    Spoiler: Map

    Leif hits with thorn whip for 2.
    Both creatures made their saves vs. Shatter (20, 17 premods) so they took 9 each. The hellhound looks one or two attacks from death.
    Cannon hits the cleric for 6. Surprisingly had made the consaves on concentration for it and thorn whip (12, 11 premods) for invisibility.
    Ayalla and Wuffles double team the hobgoblin and kill it.
    Bernie dashes over to Leif.

    The hellhound moves in and uses its firebreath, but Bernie (barely) and Leif both make their dex saves, so they take 9 fire damage, before resistances.
    The cleric moves back slightly and casts Cure Wounds on itself for 10, healing back to full.
    The invisible hobgoblin attacks Bernie - his invisible advantage turns a miss into a crit for 32 total slashing damage. He misses with his offhand attack.
    Two of the hobs toss aside their longbows and rush at Wuffles with swords. One misses, the other hits for 10 slashing damage.

    The remaining archers fire their arrows at Ayalla and Bernie, but they miss.

    The formerly-invisible hobgoblin is wielding two shortswords and is wearing chain mail.

    Everyone's up.

    Initiative Order:
    Wuffles: (1d20)[18]
    Bernie: (1d20)[18]

    HH: (1d20)[18]
    LH: (1d20)[15]
    BH: (1d20)[7]
    RH: (1d20)[6]


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    Titan in the Playground
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    Paul Mauser
    Half-orc Artillerist Artificer
    AC: 18 HP: 38/38
    PPer: 14 PInv: 18 PIst: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Paul aims his wand at the Hellhound and the new enemy, flinging a ball of conjured acid, and having his cannon fire yet again as he sidesteps into more cover. The movement spoils his aim, as the only success he has is dropping some acid on the fiendish canine.


    Acid Splash the Hellhound and the Hobgoblin
    (2d6)[7] acid damage, Dex DC 15 half. (1d8)[6] bonus damage on the Hellhound to kill it from Arcane Firearm.
    HH dex (1d20)[8]+mods
    Hob dex (1d20)[17]+ mods

    Eldritch Cannon at the Hob (1d20+8)[12] for (2d8)[6] force damage and 5' pushback on hit
    If it hits, should let Leif back up safely.
    Ignore half cover.

    Move 15' west into some bushes.
    Last edited by J-H; 2023-02-28 at 10:18 AM.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Troll in the Playground
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    Leif Fochlucan
    Tiefling Wildfire Druid
    HP: 23/38, AC: 16
    Conditions: None
    Spell Slots: 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 1/3, 3rd: 2/2

    Leif gives Bernard a grateful nod for his arrival and is shocked when the invisible foe strikes him so hard. "Calcy, we need some room!"

    Leif then moves 5ft to the east and summons Calcifer, her Wildfire Spirit, 10ft south of her dealing (2d6)[5] fire damage to any enemy within ten feet of Calcifer (except Leif) if they fail the DC 16 dexterity save. She then asks Calcifer to move to the space 5ft west of her so that she and Bernard are both within 5ft of Calcifer and use Fiery Teleportation to move both Leif and Bernard 15ft north while dealing (1d6+3)[4] damage to any creature within 5ft of where Calcifer teleports from if they fail the DC 16 dexterity save.

    (That's a lot so...)

    The red arrow indicates where Leif moves.
    The encircled C is where Calcifer is summoned and the 10ft fire damage AoE it causes. The arrow indicates where Calcifer moves after he is summoned.
    The blue arrows indicated the 15ft teleportation. Only the hobgoblin is within range of the AoE fire damage caused by this teleportation.
    Last edited by Infernally Clay; 2023-02-28 at 10:22 AM.
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  26. - Top - End - #26
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Ayalla Nazonda
    Spirit Medium
    HP: 33/33, AC: 15, Resistance: Lightning
    Conditions: Conentration (Spirit Guardians)
    Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 1/2
    Wuffles (Wolf Familiar)
    HP: 15/31, AC: 16
    Seeing two more hobgoblins move forward to attack Wuffles, Ayalla calls upon the spirits to protect them. Motes of light spring forth from the nearby trees, the grass even stones and fall into orbit around Ayalla.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Casting Spirit Guardians and moving 1 square to the right so both the hobgoblins are within range. Allies are unaffected.
    DC 15 Wis save (1d20)[19], (1d20)[8] or (3d8)[13] radiant damage when they start their turn. On a successful save, half damage.

    Bite the one on the left: (1d20+6)[23], piercing damage (2d4+3)[11], if the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw (1d20)[9] or be knocked prone.
    Last edited by Izzarra; 2023-02-28 at 09:29 PM.
    "Time is an abstract concept created by carbon-based life-forms to monitor their ongoing decay." - Thunderclese

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Bernard "Bernie" Thierry
    Human Chaplain Fighter
    AC: 18 HP: 28/54
    Hit Dice: 5/5
    PPer: 15 PInv: 13 PIst: 15
    Conditions: Stubborn Survivor (After being reduced to half hit points or less, you add +2 to all saving throws you make for 1 minute. 10/10 rounds)

    Bernie quickly interposes himself between Leif and the flames, the barest embers making it past him, but his quick thinking lands him in hotter water as the invisible hobgoblin strikes him with vigor. He's winded as Leif sends them careening backwards in a blast of fire, and takes a moment to catch his breath.

    They're perhaps a bit tougher than I gave them credit, don't get shot Leif. I've got to step away for a moment.

    Without looking back, Bernie steps back towards the hobgoblin and lifts his leg to deliver a kick to it's chest.


    Reaction: Interception Fight Style to prevent 1d10+3 (6) fire damage to Leif. After damage prevention and her resistance, she takes 1 fire damage.

    Turn starts, Move: Bernie steps into the space he vacated by the teleport, adjacent to the Hellhound and Hobgoblin with two swords.

    Action: Attack, first attack is a Shove with advantage from Human Tenacity (2d20)[19][20](39) +10 Athletics vs (d20)[16] Athletics or Acrobatics. If they fail, they are knocked prone and I will grapple them. (2d20)[16][7](23) +10 Athletics vs (d20)[14] Athletics or Acrobatics. If they beat my check, I'll shove again instead.

    Bonus: Second Wind to gain (1d10+5)[15] Hit Points.

    Action Surge: Attack twice with one-handed Moon-Touched Longsword against presumably prone Hobgoblin. 2d20 (5 or 16) +7 for (d8+4)[9] magical slashing damage. And another 2d20 (18 or 16) +7 for (d8+4)[6] magical slashing damage.

    * post roll count doesn't match database
    Last edited by IcemanJRC; 2023-02-28 at 10:31 PM.
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    Another burst of acid from Paul spells a searing end to the hellhound who jumps and writhes, trying to remove the liquid from itself, but it quickly becomes too much and the creature flops over, a stinky, ugly mess. The burst of flame from Leif's spirit arriving takes the hob by surprise, but he's more prepared when the teleport occurs and manages to waft away the second blast of fire with his swords. The distraction works though, as a charging Bernie slams into him from behind and knocks him over, holding him down as he's wailed on by the vicious strikes. Held down though he is, it also puts Bernie in blade range, and the hob swivels beneath the human to lash out, cutting deeply with his shortswords once more.

    The spirit wolf leaps at another hobgoblin, tearing a chunk of its flesh away and pinning it to the ground. When Ayalla's spiritual guardians appear the two warriors find themselves assailed by spectral light. It's too much for them, and they both fall, their eyes burned out by the magic.

    Tutting with fury the cleric calls upon his own flame, summoning a draconic claw to swipe at Wuffles while calling down a fiery storm upon their master. It proves inconsequential however, as both spirit medium and spirit wolf dodge away from the attacks. An archer does manage to clip Ayalla with one of their arrows as the remaining forces move up to attack in melee and assist their leaders, but the other two - flying at Leif and Paul - strike grass and trees.

    Spoiler: Map

    Paul kills the Hellhound, but his shot misses the hob.
    Leif's spirit-spawn damages the hob, but he evades the teleport damage.
    Wuffles kills one hob, and Ayalla kills the other with spirit guardian damage due to a failed save.
    Bernie shoves prone, grapples, and then hits twice.

    The dualwielder rolls ridiculously (24/20, 25/24) and hits Bernie for 9 + 9 slashing damage. Disadvantage did save him from getting crit though!
    The cleric casts Spiritual Weapon and attacks Wuffles - misses. He also casts Sacred Flame on Ayalla - who evades.

    The archers move up. One hits Ayalla for 6 piercing damage (I didn't roll concentration), the other two miss their targets (Paul and Leif).

    Everyone's up.

    Initiative Order:
    Wuffles: (1d20)[18]
    Bernie: (1d20)[18]

    HH: (1d20)[18]
    LH: (1d20)[15]
    BH: (1d20)[7]
    RH: (1d20)[6]


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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: RHoD 5e IC

    Paul Mauser
    Half-orc Artillerist Artificer
    AC: 18 HP: 38/38
    PPer: 14 PInv: 18 PIst: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Red and purple lines, accompanied by a brief whooshing sound of fire, connect Paul and his targets, as he shoots flame and a beam of force at the cleric.

    At cleric, ignore half cover.
    Fire Bolt (1d20+8)[24] for (2d10)[8] plus (1d8)[7] fire
    EC (1d20+8)[19] for (2d8)[7] force and 5' pushback.
    Last edited by J-H; 2023-03-01 at 03:24 PM.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Leif Fochlucan
    Tiefling Wildfire Druid
    HP: 26/38, AC: 16
    Conditions: None
    Spell Slots: 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 1/3, 3rd: 1/2

    With the dog taken care of, Leif waves a gesture of thanks to Paul. "Now let's deal with the rest of them."

    Lifting her hands aloft, Leif mutters an incantation in Druidic and four bolts of fiery energy appear above her. As she points to the Cleric and the hobgoblin that just attacked Bernard, the bolts fly towards them, burning the air itself as they screech ahead. She then calls out to Calcifer to attack the Cleric too.

    After they attack, Leif and Calcifer will move closer to Ayalla.

    Leif casts Scorching Ray at third level, aiming two bolts at the Cleric.
    To hit: (1d20+8)[9], damage: (2d6)[9]
    To hit: (1d20+8)[13], damage: (2d6)[8]

    And two at the hobgoblin:
    To hit: (1d20+8)[15], damage: (2d6)[12]
    To hit: (1d20+8)[28], damage: (2d6)[8]

    Calcifer's Flame Seed is targeting the Cleric:
    To hit: (1d20+8)[18], damage: (1d6+3)[6]
    "Don't think of it as dying," said Death,
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