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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default (closed) So You Don't Have To: 5e subclass contest (36) - Submission Thread

    Welcome to the 5e Subclass Contest XXXVI (36)!

    Our voted theme for this next contest is…

    So You Don't Have To: Think of Bardic Inspiration, your own resource assisting others. Providing assistance to an ally with Help, or ye olde flanking rules. But... What if... What if your Monk's Ki fueled somebody else's attacks in the same way? What if your Paladin could imbue another with the ability to Smite? What if your Sorcery Points could modify a different caster's spells? Basically, this theme encourages you to seek ways for your allies, enemies, or anybody else to get the job done for you. Let's get lazy!

    Spoiler: Contest Rules

    • The subclass you homebrew should fit the theme. You can interpret the theme as broadly as you like without risk of disqualification, but doing so may reduce your chances of earning votes during the voting period.
    • You may only create one subclass. If you create more than one subclass then you must choose which one to enter and remove all the others from this thread and the contest (making them invalid) . If you do not specify which one you favor by the time voting begins, all of your content is invalid.
    • When you submit your subclass you must create a post on this thread which either has the content or holds a link to it. You may also optionally create one other individual thread for your class on the homebrew design sub-forum. If it is found that you have revealed your class on another site or on another thread than one on the homebrew design sub-forum, your entry will be considered invalid. If you do make a specific thread for your class, please mention its involvement to the competition in that thread. If you use external formatting resources such as Homebrewery, or GMBinder it is recommended that you also create a PDF of the content and share it here.
    • You may use other homebrew content (such as feats, spells, magical items, monsters, and base class) or even features to supplement your subclass, provided you have permission from the original creator and provide links to the source. Failure to receive permission from the original creation will disqualify you from entry in the current contest.
    • Your subclass must have fully completed mechanics and descriptions for it to be valid. Entries are due by 11:59 PM Central Time on the deadline. Any submissions after this point are invalid. No changes can be made to your class while voting is taking place. Failure to comply with the previous rule will result in disqualification.
    • Any content which has been declared invalid by the rules above cannot be voted for, but you may decide to remove it from the contest and create another subclass instead. If you are disqualified then you are not allowed to enter any more homebrew for this competition, though you may still vote and later enter the next competition.
    • Please note that misunderstandings occur, if you break a rule which results in disqualification it might be excused if you can convince the group that it was a result of confusion over the rules.

    Contests stay up for 6 weeks unless an extension is requested by participants. Voting threads then go up for 2 weeks before the next contest begins.

    Subclass Contest Discussion Thread

    Deadline: April 16th will be the deadline for this contest. The voting thread will open the following day and stay open for 2 weeks.
    Last edited by animorte; 2023-04-17 at 08:39 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Orc in the Playground
    Old Harry MTX's Avatar

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    Default Re: So You Don't Have To: 5e subclass contest (36) - Submission Thread

    The Inspiration

    Bards are renowned for their ability to captivate audiences with their music and tales. However, there are some bards who go beyond simply entertaining and inspiring crowds. These bards become the stuff of legend themselves, their stories and ideals living on long after their mortal life has ended.

    As a bard whose fame has transcended mortality, your influence on the world is not based on your actions, but on the inspiration you have instilled in others. Perhaps your legend was born from a valiant death in battle, or from the uplifting speeches you gave to rally your allies. Maybe your influence comes from your heroic deeds, or you may always be nothing more than the main character in a beloved poem.

    Regardless of how your legend began, your ability to inspire others is what sets you apart. You have the power to guide those who believe in you, to lead them to greatness and glory. Will you be able to guide their path?

    Comforting Memory

    At 3rd level, you become a legendary figure, existing only as an inspiration in the hearts and minds of your followers. You no longer have Hit Points and you cannot die, but will fade away if no one can act on your behalf anymore. You still gain experience and levels up normally, and each time you gain a new Hit Die, you can assign it to another follower's reserve, and roll it to add the result to its maximum Hit Points. Once you've done that, you'll be able to do it again on the same follower when you've both leveled up at least three times.

    Additionally, you can use your own spell slots to cast a spell with range of Self or Touch targeting another willing follower, and during short rests, you can still apply the benefits of your Song of Rest feature to your closest allies.

    What would it do in my place?

    Also starting at 3rd level, the memory of your deeds is enough to guide your followers on their adventures. You can give your allies tips and tricks and participate in discussions normally, but you can't interact directly with non-player characters (unless the DM decrees they are your true followers) and pass information to a creature that has no way of knowing.

    You can also prompt a willing creature to act for you. Whenever a creature performs an action at your request and on your behalf, it gains the benefit of your Expertise and Jack of All Trades features if it doesn't already apply Bardic Inspiration effects to that action.

    Inspirational Presence

    Finally from 3rd level, the memory of you spurs others even into battle. When in combat, the DM takes into account your presence when determining the CR of battles. You can still use your Bardic Inspiration feature to inspire your closest allies, and now you have a number of uses of Bardic Inspiration equal to your proficiency bonus instead of your Charisma modifier. You can also use your action to let another willing creature cast a cantrip, use the Dodge or Dash action, or perform a weapon attack.

    Versatile Inspiration

    This feature replaces the Ability Score Improvements a bard normally gains at 4th level and all levels thereafter. You gain no benefit from the replaced features and don't qualify for anything in the game that requires them.

    Starting at 4th level, your legacy continues to inspire others in new and unique ways. Instead of gaining an Ability Score Improvement at any level where it would normally be granted, you gain the ability to use an effect that requires to expend one use of Bardic Inspiration, chosen from any other subclass of the bard.

    Role Model

    Beginning at 6th level, you can use your action to make a willing ally inspire your closest followers to take courage and not be fooled. Doing so the ally uses in your turn your Countercharm feature as if it knew it. The effect lasts until the end of your next turn.

    Additionally, during its turn you can use your reaction to let an ally make an ability check using its spellcasting ability score against a CD equal to 8 + the level of a spell you know. If it succeeds, until the beginning of its next turn it can cast that spell using its spell slots as if it knew it.

    Never Fade Away

    Finally, at 14th level, you can use your action to let an ally cast a spell or make an Attack action on your turn.
    Last edited by Old Harry MTX; 2023-04-11 at 06:56 AM.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: So You Don't Have To: 5e subclass contest (36) - Submission Thread

    Sorcerous Origin: Incantatrix

    While raw magic is a part of every sorcerer, some of them are no less than living knots in the Weave, and their magic is much more refined than that of other sorcerers. Sages call these unusual spellcasters incantatrixes, as for some reason most of them are female - rare male sorcerers of this origin are called incantatars. These sorcerers' magic often displays affinity to defense against planar intrusions, sparking debates among sages as to why. You might be descended from a wizard of great power, have received a blessing from a deity of magic or have found yourself in the center of some magical cataclysm - and survived.

    Sorcerer level Feature
    1st Knot in the Weave, Vatic Gaze
    6th Improved Metamagic, Cooperative Metamagic, Unwind Spell, Bonus Metamagic Option
    14th Snatch Spell, Bonus Metamagic Option
    18th Metamagic Mastery, Bonus Metamagic Option

    Knot in the Weave
    You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class. They count as sorcerer spells for you, but don't count towards your limit of sorcerer spells known. When you later gain a pool of sorcery points, you can cast any spell from this list by expending a number of them equal to the spell's level instead of a spell slot. Casting a spell at higher level than usual requires expenditure of more sorcery points, and the highest level you can cast a spell using this feature is the maximum spell slot level you have.
    Sorcerer level Spells
    1st detect magic, protection from evil and good
    3rd Nystul's magic aura, see invisibility
    5th counterspell, dispel magic
    7th banishment, Mordenkainen's private sanctum
    9th dispel evil and good, wall of force
    Additionally, when you later learn Metamagic options, you can apply them to any spell you cast from a spell scroll, provided the spell is eligible to be used with that Metamagic option in the first place. If you do, you expend a number of sorcery points as if you had cast the spell yourself.

    Vatic Gaze
    Also, starting at 1st level, your unique attunement to the Weave allows you to see its fabric and distinguish individual strands with little effort. Your detect magic spell doesn't require concentration, and you don't have to use your action to see magical auras. Furthermore, when a creature begins casting a spell or activating a magic item, you can see the forming spell as a faint magical aura (it might allow you, for example, to use counterspell as a reaction to a spell cast without any visual indication, such as with the help of Subtle Spell Metamagic option). You can suppress or resume the effect of this spell as a bonus action. The DM might offer you additional insight on auras you see with this spell besides their schools of magic: for example, you might recognize a particular spellcaster's spellwork with an Intelligence (Arcana) check. If an aura you would normally see with detect magic is obscured or altered in some way (for example, by Nystul's magic aura spell) you recognize that it is obscured or altered, but can't see the original aura.

    Improved Metamagic
    Starting at 6th level, whenever you apply a Metamagic option to a spell you cast (including the use of your Knot in the Weave class feature), the amount of sorcery points you expend decreases by 1 to the minimum of 1. If you use more than one Metamagic option simultaneously, the reduction applies to the overall sorcery point cost.

    Cooperative Metamagic
    Also, starting at the 6th level, you master the art of weaving strands of your own magic into another spellcaster's spellwork to alter it. When a willing spellcaster begins casting a spell within 30 ft of you and you're able to perceive it, you can use your reaction to apply to it any Metamagic option you know, expending a number of sorcery points as if you had cast the spell yourself, though your Improved Metamagic class feature doesn't apply in this case. Your can use this reaction in response to an ally casting a spell from a magic item, as per Knot in the Weave class feature. Any choices concerning additional effects are made by the spellcaster themselves (for example, they would be picking the second target if you use Twinned Spell).

    Unwind Spell
    Also, starting at 6th level, your can pull apart the strands of the Weave more easily.
    You add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks made as part of casting counterspell and dispel magic, assuming a check doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.

    Bonus Metamagic Option
    At 6th level and every time thereafter you gain a Sorcerous Origin feature, you learn one additional Metamagic option.

    Snatch Spell
    Starting at 14th level, you gain the ability to wrestle control of an ongoing spell effect from another spellcaster by casting dispel magic on it. If you succeed in dispelling the effect, you take control of it, and it behaves exactly as if you had cast it yourself, using your own spell attack bonus and save DC as well as any other parameters: for example, if the spell requires concentration, you begin concentrating on it yourself, and you still can't have more than one spiritual weapon in place even if you snatch two of them. A willing spellcaster concentrating on a spell can surrender concentration to you: in this case, the ability check, if it's required, succeeds automatically. The spell in question must have non-instantaneous, non-permanent duration.

    Metamagic Mastery
    Starting at 18th level, you can apply up to 2 eligible Metamagic options you know to a given spell you cast even if the options in question don't specifically allow it, and every option costs one less sorcery point than it would normally do. Also, this feature applies in the same manner when you use Cooperative Metamagic. You still have to expend at least 1 sorcery point overall.

    Spoiler: Inspiration and design notes
    This is an attempt to port a famously broken prestige class from 3.5e (the crunch can be found in Player's Guide to Faerun 3.5e, in case anyone would like to check). This one is coming together quite strong as well: the expanded spell list contains some spells a sorcerer worth their salt would take anyway as well as wall of force, and the ability to boost your party cleric's spells with your own metamagic is, essentially, divine soul on steroids. Might be too strong or feature-heavy, what do you think?

    Spoiler: Changelog
    empty for now
    Last edited by Ilerien; 2023-03-14 at 05:41 PM.
    My homebrew. Feel free to use!

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: So You Don't Have To: 5e subclass contest (36) - Submission Thread

    Druid: Circle of Wild Empathy
    (1DD Druid Subclass)

    The Druidic Circle of Wild Empathy is founded on forming ever-stronger bonds between Druids and the natural world. While the Druids of the Shepard Circle often use the powers of animal spirits as a means to an end, Druids of this Circle the forging of spiritual bonds with animals and guardian spirits as a worthy goal in and of itself.

    Wild Empaths are valued in adventuring parties for their ability to connect with otherwise hostile lands and creatures, securing passage through the wilds and finding allies in the unlikeliest places.

    3rd Level: Wilderness Connections
    Even initiates of the Wild Empathy Circle exhibit a heightened connection with the natural world. This manifests as several benefits.

    Improved Wild Companion
    When using the level 2 Channel Nature option to summon a Wild Companion (Find Familiar, but as a Channel Nature ability), your companion may be Medium sized, and may have Strength and Dexterity scores equal to your Wisdom score. When using Channel Nature to summon a wild companion, the Find Familiar spell is considered to be cast at your highest Druid spell level for effects (Such as HP and AC) that key off of spell level.
    Additionally, your Companion may have one of the following special attack actions (these attacks still require the use of a reaction to use):
    Attack with the Pack Melee Weapon attack: [Str]+Proficiency to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: [Str]+1d6 Piecing Damage. This attack has advantage if the Companion has an ally within 5ft.
    Wild Charge
    Constrict/Death Roll Melee Weapon attack: [Str]+Proficiency to hit, reach 5 ft, one target Hit: [Str]+1d6 Bludgeoning or Piercing Damage, and the target is grappled and restrained (Escape DC=your Spell Save DC ). Until the grapple ends, the Companion cannot attack another creature and may only make Constrict/Death roll attacks.
    Frenzied Rage If the Companion or its summoner takes damage, the Companion adds an additional 2 untyped damage to all melee and spell attacks.

    When a Wild Empath's Companion would drop to 0hp, you may choose to take the damage instead of the companion. If you are within reach of the companion, you may take the damage as it would have affected the companion; otherwise this damage is taken as Force damage.

    Spoiler: A Note on 1DD Find Familiar
    1DD changes Find Familiar to make it slightly more of a combat pet, with a standard template rather than a Monster Manual stat block. The stats scale with spell level, which was interesting to me. However, was not clear to me whether the playtest Druid's Channel ability casts the spell using a spell slot, or if it can be upcast.
    I assumed that it did not use a spell slot and could not normally be upcast.

    Channel Nature: Wild Empathy
    A Wild Empath may use Channel Nature to sense the disposition of wildlife in their immediate area about recent events. This allows them to use the spell Speak with Animals without spending a spell slot.

    6th Level: Stalwart Companions
    Persistent Wild Companion
    Your Wild Companion remains by your side as long as it has hit points and is not dismissed (Normally, druidic wild companions must be re-summoned after each long rest). If you cast a spell targeting yourself, you may choose to also have it affect your Wild Companion as well.
    Channel Nature: Wild Empathy improvements
    When you use Channel Nature for Wild Empathy, you may cast Speak with Animals and Animal Messenger simultaneously without spending spell slots.

    10th Level: Whispers in the Woods
    Watchful Companion
    Your Wild Companion gains the Keen Senses feature (advantage on Perception checks).

    Wild Insight
    When you are in Wild Shape, you share your Companion's special ability and (if it is an attack ability) may use it in place of a Bestial strike as part of a Multiattack.

    Channel Nature: Wild Empathy improvements
    When you use Channel Nature for Wild Empathy, you may cast Speak with Animals, Animal Messenger, and Speak with Plants simultaneously without spending spell slots.

    14th Level: Call the Wild
    Channel Nature: Call the Wild
    Calling the Wild requires 2 uses of Channel Nature - one action and one bonus action taken on the same turn. When you Call the Wild, you summon primal forces to come to your aid while improving the bond between you and your companion even further. For the next 10 minutes, your companion may act on its own initiative with no restrictions on its actions (the player still controls the companion). It gains Multiattack and may use Bestial Strike or an attack ability as part of its attack action. Additionally gain 2d6 uses of Attack with the Pack, Wild Charge, or Constrict/Death Roll. You may use a bonus action to direct a fey spirit to appear from the Feywild and take one of these actions against an opponent within 30 feet of you or your Wild Companion. After making its attack(s), the spirit disappears back to the feywild.
    Last edited by Notafish; 2023-04-04 at 10:16 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: So You Don't Have To: 5e subclass contest (36) - Submission Thread

    Warlock Patron: Upper Management

    A wise Mentor hands the Hero a magic sword, entrusting it to keep the Hero safe with its celestial magic. A Cultist slowly accumulates followers ‘blessing’ them with diabolical energies with which to carry out an Archdevil's schemes. An Enfritt’s favored servant hires a bodyguard for his master, and ensures said bodyguard will do their duty. While all of these Warlocks seem to have nothing in common, they are united in being Middle Managers. Distributing the magics of their Patrons to those lower on the mystical totem pole.

    Expanded Spell List
    Upper Management lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. Select a separate Warlock Patron’s Expanded Spell List, those spells are now Warlock Spells for you. Said Patron is now also your Patron for all purposes but class features, however you bear a different relationship with them than most Warlocks as a middle manager.

    Recruitment Pitch
    You are skilled at acquiring new Employees for your Patron. Select one Charisma skill. You are now proficient in it. Should you already be proficient in said skill or later gain said proficiency from a separate feature, it upgrades to Expertise.

    At the end of a long or short rest you may mark a number of willing creatures equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) you can see as your Employees. Whenever you cast a Warlock spell that would normally benefit yourself, you may transfer the benefit from yourself to one of your employees when you cast the spell. As an action or bonus action you may change the beneficiary of any spell you have subcontracted to a different Employee. If the spell has a cost or spell casting component the Warlock must pay it or fulfill it. Additionally, should the spell have a ‘retargeting’ mechanic such as Hex or Hunter’s Mark, the Warlock must do the retargeting.

    Subcontracting a spell can only target creatures on the same plane as the Warlock until level 10, at which point the Warlock has sufficient privileges to deploy Employees on crossplanar ventures.

    Employee Benefits
    With 6th level, you can rent out your Eldritch Invocations to your employees as an action by touching them, as long as the employees also fulfill any prerequisites of the Invocation. While an Invocation is rented out you do not benefit from it nor any invocations that require it, however as an action you may recall the Invocation across any distance.

    Additionally you may now take any Invocation twice, if you do so you and your Employees all benefit from the Invocation, so long as they meet the prerequisites.

    In the case of multiple Middle Managers, they may form a hierarchy, consisting of Upper-Middle Managers, Regional Managers, etc etc that does not contain any loops for the purposes of using this ability. Remember Employees of Employees do not benefit from your subclass features.

    Break Room
    Starting at 10th level, your Patron grants you access to the employee break room key. When you insert the key into the side of a wall, it summons a door to a pocket dimension. This pocket dimension is shaped and furnished identically to a Galdar’s Tower of the highest level Warlock Spell or Mystic Arcanum you can cast with the following caveats.
    • Opening or closing the pocket dimension takes 10 minutes of concentration.
    • It lasts for a number of hours equal to your charisma modifier plus twice your proficiency modifier. These hours may be non-consecutive. These hours are renewed at dawn on the prime material plane (in the last location you were on the prime material, or the prime meridian should you have never been there).
    • The furnishings are themed in line with your Patron’s branding.
    • While it may be shaped to your liking, there must be a clear path from the entrance to any other room in the dimension. Iron and wooden doors of reasonable thickness are allowed to count as ‘a clear path’.

    Executive Privilege
    Finally at 14th level, you no longer need to choose if you or one of your Employees will benefit from any self beneficial spell you cast. Now instead you can both benefit. Shifting which of your Employee’s benefits from the spell is still an action or bonus action.


    Corporate Mascot
    Prerequisites: Pact of the Chain, Upper Management Patron

    Each of your Employees gains a Familiar identical to your own for the duration of their Employment. While this is identical to a normal familiar in most ways, it will obey your orders over your Employees. Additionally, should an Employee’s familiar die or be permanently unsummoned, you shall have to sacrifice 10gp to your Patron as an action to pay for damages to company property. Otherwise said Employee will not ever be able to access an Familiar from your Invocations.

    Remote Order Book
    Prerequisites: Pact of the Tome, Upper Management Patron

    As an Action you may write 6 words in your Book of Shadows, which all of your Employees will hear in their heads across any distance. Optionally, they may spend any number of actions to respond (each action granting 6 words), with their response being written in your book and labeled.

    Weapon-Side Action Economics
    Prerequisites: Pact of the Blade, Upper Management Patron

    Your Employees count as ‘you’ for the purposes of summoning, holding, and using your weapon, though only one person may hold the weapon at a time. While an Employee is holding your Pact Weapon, you may use your action to take control of their body and make an attack. When doing so replace their Strength and Dexterity modifier with your Charisma modifier. Should you gain Thirsting Blade, you may make two attacks this way.

    Optionally as a reaction, your Employee may try to resist this with a Wisdom saving throw. Should they succeed, your action is wasted and they no longer count as your Employee.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Thumbs up Re: So You Don't Have To: 5e subclass contest (36) - Submission Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by BetweenComments View Post
    Warlock Patron: Upper Management
    This is brilliant!

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ogre in the Playground
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    GitP, obviously

    Default Re: (closed) So You Don't Have To: 5e subclass contest (36) - Submission Thread

    The voting thread is ready for some attention!
    Something Borrowed - Submission Thread (5e subclass contest)

    TeamWork Makes the Dream Work 5e Base Class Submission Thread

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