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  1. - Top - End - #151
    Ogre in the Playground
    Awful's Avatar

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    Somewhere Strange

    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Hylusi Quaternaros, Magus of Bleakpines
    Magework Necromancer
    Darkvision: 60ft
    AC: 15 HP: 32/32 THP: 11
    PP: 14 PIv: 14 PIs: 11
    Concentrating on:
    3/5 d6 HD
    Arcane recovery 0/1
    Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 3/3 2nd, 1/2 3rd
    Fingerbone staff 4/10
    Alchemical treats: 7/7 granting 3THP


    The Magus kept a wary eye as they travelled through the city, only allowing a tiny scowl at the singing elves being so friviously merry. If you had time to celebrate, you should generally be studying the mysteries of magic, time and space in search of ultimate power, Hylusi generally reckoned.à

    The talking head almost managed to gain her interest. Certainly, an animate guardian was interesting to study, but the mental abilities of it was clearly... Minimal, and she already had a much more practical method of creating servants on - if one could forgive the pun - hand.

    <Little wonder no ships were docked. Well, we have a name, at least,> she said as they departed.
    <We should learn more about this Mantis before we attempt to make contact, however.>


    The eastern tower was more in Hylusi's wheelhouse. She prowled around the lab, inspecting the materials of alchemy with a practiced eye.

    Another thing to do with insects, she noted. The mites, the mantis, and now ground scarab snuff.

    <Perhaps.> she sent to the gnome.

    <Be wary what you tell. Knowledge is power.> she messaged to her companions, who seemed eager to spill information in exchange for a noseful of alchemical concoction.

    If they wanted that, they only had to ask her, after all.

    Spoiler: OOC

    (1d20+10)[21] arcana to look at the materials and also know what the snuff does before we start snorting things.
    And the far stars cried, and the planets yearned;
    But no man may know, for she'll ne'er return.

  2. - Top - End - #152
    Ogre in the Playground
    purepolarpanzer's Avatar

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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven


    Onth seems happy to share stories of Hmuggah Mugaw. Apparently it is a regional volcano god of a small island. Onth doesn't remember what plane the island was on, but he tells a enthusiastic story of the day the rogue moon arrived over the island and slurped him up from his position guarding his village. Onth sank deep into the Sea of Uncertainty, until he was dredged up by scavengers who sold him to the Mantis and put to work guarding the docks. However, beyond that Onth's memory seems fuzzy and imprecise.


    The wizened old gnome listens to the tales of Doredan and Bil, grinning and cackling, slapping his knee (sometimes at inappropriate moments) and seemingly greatly entertained. He takes several snorts of the beetle snuff himself, his eyes changing color every time he snuffles some up his nose. When the tales are told and the stories are done, the gnome begins adjusting dials on his large scope and looking all over your world for some of the new information you have relayed to him. "Well well well! I find your tales sufficient! In exchange, if you are not interested in the most rare and exquisite of beetle snuffs, I will trade you a tale of Timeborne, just as you requested!" The gnome looks furtively to either side, as though the walls themselves have ears, and leans in.

    "Before I was confined here for my one hundred year sentence as dock master, I was a pretiguous and supremaly powerful wizard! Most knowledgable and wisdomiferous gnome in this quadrant of the planarverse, was I! Ha! And for my final study, my magma opus, I intended to do one final study on one of the most interesting and powerful beings of the multiversus... Timeborne's own MANTIS! So, I delved deep in the catacombs below the streets of Timeborne. But the horrors, time fractures, and evertwisting and turning halls of those strange places, I lost conciousness. Nearly lost my whole mind!" There's a giggling cascade that tumbles towards sobs for a moment before recovering to glee. "Miraculimously, a team sent by the Mantis found me. Brought me back up. The Mantis, she could have killed me! But she admired my work to date, so she only confined me to this tower, "to look outward for one hundred years, so I may be more mindful of the dangers of looking inward"! I've only got fourteen years left! BUT, the most important bit, is that down there in the catacombs beneath Timeborne, there are MORE beings like the Mantis! Strange, massive, insectile forms with humanoid faces and strange appendagoes! It's a giant burial tomb to a race of monstrous gigatonaging insect people!" He cackles madly again before cutting himself off with a cough. "Surely, if I'd managed to go just a bit deeper, I would have found out even more!"

    Spoiler: OOC
    The snuff is nothing Hylusi has directly heard of, but beyond being a mild stimulant it appears to be charging the wizard with magical energy. If she were to estimate, she would say that if the wizard would stop taking it recreationally, he would have some limited use of what some magic users call metamagic if he used some while casting a spell. It also changes the color of the user's eyes, though that appears to be random and temporary.


    "Oh come now. If I meant to bewitch or seduce you, surely I would do it with more guile then a plate of tea and cookies. Besides, if I did the Mantis would have my head. I am being punished, after all." He offers the cookies and tea again. If you sample, you find the tea to be very strong and bitter, while the cookies taste of ginger and cinnamon in a way that makes your lips pucker, but not in a bad away. "Old Gelligus was a war hero in the Blood War, but rising too high precipitates a terrible fall. My fall lead me here, a place where the demons and devils of my past cannot catch up with me. However, I... failed... to pay proper and prompt respect to the Mantis, and so I serve a hundred year sentence here. Watching airships. Or the lack thereof. Every. Damn. Day. To answer your question, few ships travel here. Most find it easier to use Path tokens, and despite the illusions of grandeur of some of it's residents, Timeborne is a poor example of a trading town. Too much emptiness. Too much regulation. There's so many airships lining up to dock at the City of Brass that they've been known to run out of food while in que. Here? I get maybe two ships a week. Five is a godsend of new acquaintances. And I've seen none that match your target. Sorry."


    The kobolds form a knot and begin to argue and bark at each other before turning to face the duo of the centaur and the gnome again. "Newcomers cannot be trusted. This war is bigger than you. Bigger than me! Maybe even bigger than her!" He points at Felicity with an exaggerated gravity. "But we are on punishment detail, so we will tell you- there have been eight ships the quarter, and none of them match the description of your ship. Though you should check with the other dockmasters! We cannot see what ships the others deal with..." There's some murmuring between the three manic kobolds, whispering words like "coup!" and "liberation!" before turning back to their table and beginning to argue again.

    The Landing

    More figures materialize in the area, but Darli Kos waits for you patiently where you left her. However, when you arrive there is something different about her demeanor. She seems more official. Like she is doing her duty, not being easy going and friendly. "You are all such interesting people, I have received word that you have been invited for a meeting with the Mantis tomorrow. The esteemed and impartial juror of Timeborne encourages you to rest, make yourself ready, enjoy the local shops and cuisine, and come to her Enclave during business hours tomorrow." Kos does not, in any way, indicate that this meeting is optional.
    The Bear is Back.

  3. - Top - End - #153
    Archmage in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Felicity Fourhooves
    Centaur Paladin 5
    AC: 17 HP: 44
    PP:10 PIv: 09 PIs: 10
    Lay on Hands: 25/25 Spell Slots: 4/2

    Felicity wasn't at all sure how she felt about levitating. Centaurs didn't at all have the same fixation on flying that bipeds did. Maybe because birds have two legs, too? She wasn't sure.

    But she tried her best to relax. And she had to admit it was faster.

    "That was exciting," she said (a little breathlessly) when they got to the top, "In a running-down-a-steep-hill-too-fast kind of way. Is that how you like to get around?"

    To the Teifling:

    "The Mantis would have your head if you enchanted a tourist? How would he? She? It? even know?"

    Felicity covers her mouth to stifle a scandalized giggle when Kunnian offers their help to the kobolds. After she got hold of herself she nodded vigorously. "It's true!" *giggle" We're very," *snerf* "Very good at war."

    The Landing
    Felicity was suddenly very nervous. Facing down monsters and bandits was one thing. But vague social events with magical autocrats? Terrifying.

    "How do we make ourselves ready? Do you mean, like, wear fancy clothes? Or more, like, write our wills?"
    (Avatar by Cuthalion, who is great.)

  4. - Top - End - #154
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Prince Doredan
    Human Martial Bard 5
    AC: 14 HP: 24/33
    PP: 9 PIv: 11 PIs: 9
    Conditions: ---
    Standing Reaction: Dodge Roll if critically hit or if hit while at 12 hit points or less (1/encounter)

    The North Tower

    Swept up from a home he was meant to guard and sold into servitude. In spite of Onth's resilient enthusiasm at guarding once again, Doredan feels a few pangs of sympathy for the... entity. Not a creature, exactly, but all the same. It is perhaps enough to forgive the thing's rash actions chasing away an opportunity to capture his brother's abductors. "Thank you for your tale, Onth," he expresses, before they move on.

    The East Tower

    The old gnome is a little more mad than Doredan was expecting. A little more than most gnomes he's known. Or maybe just drug-addled? His strange story would see impossibly outlandish, were Doredan not standing on a magical moon punching holes through the veils between worlds. "Interesting..." he comments, not sure yet what to do with this information. Save treat this Mantis with due caution. No mere ruler with a fancy name, she.

    The Landing

    Reconvening with the others, the prince nods to their interpreter, and maintains a stoic face upon learning of their invitation. "Is there anything we should know about protocols, laws, how to avoid insulting the Mantis?" he asks the woman, instilled by the tales of the towers to show due respect and caution.

    To the rest of his crew, he informs, "The sky pirates attempted to dock at the stone tower there. However, they are wanted fugitives here. The tower's guardian attempted to smite them down and they fled."

  5. - Top - End - #155
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Twilight Cleric of Damh
    AC: 18 HP: 33 / 33 THP: 11

    PP: 17 PIv: 11 PIs: 17
    Concentrating on:
    3 / 5 d8 HD
    Spell Slots- 3/4 1st, 1/3 2nd, 1/2 3rd; channel 1/2

    Bil listens eagerly to Kos' response to the princes' question. As a diplomat, he's spent years studying protocols and is keenly aware of the opportunity for inadvertent missteps.
    "Is there an inn or boarding house where we could all take lodging?"

    Bil takes a moment to scrutinize the crowd growing around the group that seems to have so stiffened Kos.
    Spoiler: rolls
    perception on the crowd 24 - who is here, is anyone paying attention to us?
    insight on Darli Kos 17 : is it the Mantis invitation that's changed her demeanor, or is it something about the people arriving around us? Or something else?

    Last edited by jscape2000; 2023-04-27 at 09:40 AM.

  6. - Top - End - #156
    Ogre in the Playground
    purepolarpanzer's Avatar

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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    South Tower

    The tiefling gives Felicity a dry look, then a galled one as he slides the sleeve of his robe up his arm and reveals a tattoo of a chain. Several links are broken. "Ten links, ten years servitude each. When a decade goes by, a link breaks. When they all break, they disappear and I am free. Not a great situation, but better this than the wrath of the Mantis. Her bounties always get claimed eventually. Almost as if soul silver were rare, pure, and dangerous enough for people to do anything to get it." He grumbled out that last sentence out of the corner of his mouth as an aside clearly not meant for you.

    The Landing

    Kos smiles again at the group, but the smile doesn't reach her eyes. "You should have no worries about meeting the Mantis. She is not a ruler of pomp and circumstance, nor a tyrant who punishes people for the most minor of offenses. If anything, it should be an honor. Speak true, be polite, and be receptive to any favors or questions she asks and you will be fine."

    Spoiler: Observations
    Bil can see that Darli Kos is taking the group more seriously now, as though an invitation from the Mantis was a mark of danger or proficiency that the warrior intended to respect. It seems weaklings are not invited to see the Mantis on their first day in Timeborne. As for the crowd, Bil notices an unpleasant amount of interest from several street meat salespeople pulling small carts around the landing and selling to freshly teleported people. Their eyes shine with greed.

    "As far as lodging, I recommend Savva's Crossplane Cantina. They rent a few rooms to weary travelers. Or, if you have the bravery, scout out a building and claim it for yourself. Buildings that don't see use have a tendency to... not be there any more. If you see something that appeals to you, claim it, and make it a more permanent addition to the city."
    The Bear is Back.

  7. - Top - End - #157
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Prince Doredan
    Human Martial Bard 5
    AC: 14 HP: 24/33
    PP: 9 PIv: 11 PIs: 9
    Conditions: ---
    Standing Reaction: Dodge Roll if critically hit or if hit while at 12 hit points or less (1/encounter)

    The Landing

    Doredan rubs his chin. Staking a claim of their own does sound appealing, and he supposes that's how those babbling xvarts managed to obtain real estate on the moon. On the other hand, the matters of obtaining food would fall upon them rather than a hosting cantina. "I think that staking any claims to property should wait until we are more knowledgeable about this place and what to expect," he voices to the rest of the party, though he could be swayed in the other direction if they preferred the adventurous route.

  8. - Top - End - #158
    Ogre in the Playground
    Awful's Avatar

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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Hylusi Quaternaros, Magus of Bleakpines
    Magework Necromancer
    Darkvision: 60ft
    AC: 15 HP: 32/32 THP: 11
    PP: 14 PIv: 14 PIs: 11
    Concentrating on:
    3/5 d6 HD
    Arcane recovery 0/1
    Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 3/3 2nd, 1/2 3rd
    Fingerbone staff 4/10
    Alchemical treats: 7/7 granting 3THP

    <It would be more comfortable,> the Magus sent. <But comfort is emphereal. We have been noticed already, it seems, and anyone of power and note would be keeping tabs on the main lodging places. Staying at a random building would make it far more difficult to spy on us with preestablished methods. In addition, a lodging-place may object to my alchemy, and I detest being bothered over trivial things.>

    She looked at the buildings, the different styles.
    <In truth, the notion of what some of these ancient buildings may contain is interesting, is it not?>

    <Darli Kos,> she sent to their guide. <Where is the Mantis' Enclave? You say the buildings disappear if they are not utilised? How long does such a thing take?>

    Spoiler: OOC

    Last edited by Awful; 2023-05-01 at 09:16 AM.
    And the far stars cried, and the planets yearned;
    But no man may know, for she'll ne'er return.

  9. - Top - End - #159
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Maker Kunnian
    AC: 15 | HP: 38/38 | HIT DICE: 5d8+10
    Speed: 25ft | Initiative: +2
    Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 11
    Inspiration: 3/3
    Conditions: ---

    ''Wow!'' Kunnian replies to Hylusi's telepathic words. ''Of all the people I met today, I never thought you'd be the one to suggest we move in together so soon!'' She laughs a little too hard at her own joke, then clears her throat, regaining composure: ''You're right though. We'll attract less attention that way. I'll probably go sing a few songs at the Cantina while you, uh, alchemize. I might be able to gather some intel, too!''
    Last edited by NiKkatsu; 2023-05-02 at 06:29 PM.

  10. - Top - End - #160
    Ogre in the Playground
    Awful's Avatar

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    Somewhere Strange

    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Hylusi Quaternaros, Magus of Bleakpines
    Magework Necromancer
    Darkvision: 60ft
    AC: 15 HP: 32/32 THP: 11
    PP: 14 PIv: 14 PIs: 11
    Concentrating on:
    3/5 d6 HD
    Arcane recovery 0/1
    Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 3/3 2nd, 1/2 3rd
    Fingerbone staff 4/10
    Alchemical treats: 7/7 granting 3THP

    At her joke, the Magus slowly turned her head to look at Kunnian, fixing her with a deeply unimpressed look.

    Spoiler: OOC

    And the far stars cried, and the planets yearned;
    But no man may know, for she'll ne'er return.

  11. - Top - End - #161
    Ogre in the Playground
    purepolarpanzer's Avatar

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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    The Landing

    Darli Kos reaches to a scroll case at her side and withdraws a rolled up parchment. "I can do you one better than to TELL you where the Mantis is. I have a map that I can pass on to you. The Interpreter's guild wishes all newcomers to Timeborne well." She rolls out a simple map with some hand written notes on it.

    Spoiler: Map of Timeborne

    She turns her attention to the Magus and shrugs in response to her question. "How long does it take to forget the memory of your third kiss as a young person? Or your first time skinning your knee? These buildings are like the memories of the city, plucked from various worlds across the multiverse. If people settle into a building and see to it's upkeep, it isn't forgotten as easily. If no one pays much attention to a building, it fades from the city like childhood memories, or drawings left out in the rain. The process is slow, but it happens when no one is around to notice, so it goes unnoted by all but the Preservationist's Enclave. If you want to know what buildings are available, they are the ones to ask. On the other hand, I wouldn't worry about your alchemy being frowned upon at the Cantina. As long as you're not actively hurting anyone, you'd be surprised by the level of acceptance in Timeborne."

    Some images TM and © 2022 Monte Cook Games, LLC.
    Last edited by purepolarpanzer; 2023-05-03 at 10:58 AM.
    The Bear is Back.

  12. - Top - End - #162
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Maker Kunnian
    AC: 15 | HP: 38/38 | HIT DICE: 5d8+10
    Speed: 25ft | Initiative: +2
    Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 11
    Inspiration: 3/3
    Conditions: ---

    ''Sisterhood of Sages?'' Kunnian asks spontaneously when she lays eyes on the map. '' What's that?''

  13. - Top - End - #163
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Twilight Cleric of Damh
    AC: 18 HP: 33 / 33 THP: 11

    PP: 17 PIv: 11 PIs: 17
    Concentrating on:
    3 / 5 d8 HD
    Spell Slots- 3/4 1st, 1/3 2nd, 1/2 3rd; channel 1/2
    Bil studies the map with interest.
    ”I could use a chance to rest, and to commune with Damh. But the Library of Worlds interests me. If the sages there are the ones who track and predict the planebreaker’s motion, then they can give us a sense of how premeditated the princess’s abduction was.”

  14. - Top - End - #164
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Prince Doredan
    Human Martial Bard 5
    AC: 14 HP: 24/33
    PP: 9 PIv: 11 PIs: 9
    Conditions: ---
    Standing Reaction: Dodge Roll if critically hit or if hit while at 12 hit points or less (1/encounter)

    The Landing

    "I am in agreement with Cleric Bil," Doredan speaks up after considering the possible destinations for a few moments. "I will accompany him to the library to gather more information. If fortune be with us, we can identify something about where the pirates came from, or where they intend to go." He looks at the rest of the group, "Whether or not those of you seeking elsewhere find us a place to claim, shall we meet up at the Cantina once our investigations are done? It is a simple enough gathering place."

  15. - Top - End - #165
    Archmage in the Playground Moderator
    truemane's Avatar

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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Felicity Fourhooves
    Centaur Paladin 5
    AC: 17 HP: 44
    PP:10 PIv: 09 PIs: 10
    Lay on Hands: 25/25 Spell Slots: 4/2

    Felicty looked from speaker to speaker, nodding in agreement. It was reassuring to have these people around her. They were all very smart and very tough. Even Hylusi, who didn't look it at first.

    "I'm not much for libraries. And I certainly can't sing. I could scout out a building to claim. If we could find one that looks like home, maybe our memories and connection will help keep it safe?"

    She had an idea that her Fey nature would make this task easier. Although, if pressed, she would not have been able to explain exactly why.
    (Avatar by Cuthalion, who is great.)

  16. - Top - End - #166
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    The Landing

    Darli's eyebrow perks up at the mention of the Sisterhood of Sages. "Don't let the name fool you. There's plenty of men in the sisterhood, but it was once exclusively female. They are a meditative sect that studies the philosophy, truths, and birth of existence. Non-theologically, of course. They take no sides, religiously, but with so many gods claiming to have created the multiverse it makes sense to take such claims with a grain of salt. Go there if you want to find out more about the very nature of the web of worlds we occupy."

    Darli looks to the breach in the city walls, reaching up to tug at her ear as though it is a nervous tick. Then she turns to you all and smiles. "You have a map, you know where to find me or another interpreter. I think you have what you need. Explore! Enjoy! And may you find who you seek!" She bows and heads with Little Guy towards the makeshift gate, picking up the pace as she leaves the Landing.
    The Bear is Back.

  17. - Top - End - #167
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Twilight Cleric of Damh
    AC: 18 HP: 33 / 33 THP: 11

    PP: 17 PIv: 11 PIs: 17
    Concentrating on:
    3 / 5 d8 HD
    Spell Slots- 3/4 1st, 1/3 2nd, 1/2 3rd; channel 1/2
    Bil assesses his companions, and nods a firm assent to the prince's suggestion.
    "At your service, as ever, sire." The haregon gives a small chuckle. "I suspect I would be of greater service were I to refresh myself. The morning's attack on the city feels like a different lifetime ago. But, if your highness, prefers to visit the library first, let us head there promptly!"

    Turning to Felicity, he bobs his head, as he brings himself to ask a favor. "If I could request a boon, as you explore our surroundings. If you see any others who bear a symbol like the drum and pan flute on my shield here, please inquire their name and how I may call on them. While I expect we will meet many of our fey brethren here in Timeborne, fellow Davians are a rarer encounter."

  18. - Top - End - #168
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Prince Doredan
    Human Martial Bard 5
    AC: 14 HP: 24/33
    PP: 9 PIv: 11 PIs: 9
    Conditions: ---
    Standing Reaction: Dodge Roll if critically hit or if hit while at 12 hit points or less (1/encounter)

    The Landing

    "It is a library, what danger could it hold?" Prince Doredan looks askance at Bil, but shakes his head. "If you must. I doubt I will sleep much."

  19. - Top - End - #169
    Archmage in the Playground Moderator
    truemane's Avatar

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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Felicity Fourhooves
    Centaur Paladin 5
    AC: 17 HP: 44
    PP:10 PIv: 09 PIs: 10
    Lay on Hands: 25/25 Spell Slots: 4/2

    Feicity smiles and sketches a quick curtsey. "That's no boon, Bil. Of course I will do that for you. If you are any indication, the more allies we have among the Davians the better off we wil be."

    (Avatar by Cuthalion, who is great.)

  20. - Top - End - #170
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Hylusi Quaternaros, Magus of Bleakpines
    Magework Necromancer
    Darkvision: 60ft
    AC: 15 HP: 32/32 THP: 11
    PP: 14 PIv: 14 PIs: 11
    Concentrating on:
    3/5 d6 HD
    Arcane recovery 0/1
    Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 3/3 2nd, 1/2 3rd
    Fingerbone staff 4/10
    Alchemical treats: 7/7 granting 3THP

    The Magus raised a slender eyebrow, though the motion was hidden under the gloom of her hat.
    <Tired already, cleric? The day is too young yet to waste time in sleep.>

    At the Prince's words, however, her monochrome lips curled in amusement.
    <Many things can be dangerous in any library worth the name, Prince. Several books of my home library back at Bleakpines must be kept chained to the shelves - the presence of the living, and especially mages, can... excite them.>

    She turned her gimlet eyes on Fourhooves.
    <I intend to see to this Preservationist Enclave; from what that guide creature said, we may find information on a good place there. I suspect it would be more effective to go there first than wandering about.> She paused for a second, then added, <I would recommend you accompany me.>

    Spoiler: OOC

    And the far stars cried, and the planets yearned;
    But no man may know, for she'll ne'er return.

  21. - Top - End - #171
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Leaving the Landing

    As the party follows Darli's map, they look for an ideal place to split up and head in their respective directions. It is while some of them are nose deep in the map provided that shadowy figures emerge from the alleyways to either side of the group, forming a solid mass of muscled flesh in a variety of colors, all bearing weapons openly. A triton bearing a trident and a net steps forward, and you recognize him as one of the street food vendors from the Landing.

    "Scuse me, ladies and gents, but I'd appreciate it if you'd drop your purses to the stones. Do it real slow like and we won't have to cut you down like the tourist dogs you are." The partially aquatic man has blackened teeth pulled into a rictus grin, and you see scars running up and down his arms. His surrounding lowlives all appear well acquainted with combat, or at least mugging people who knew how to handle themselves.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Should things come to initiative, Doredan and Hylusi rolled high, thugs rolled in the middle, and sadly Bil, Felicity, and Kunnian rolled low. So first up it's Doredan and Hylusi, then I'll respond with thug attacks, then it switches to "party, enemies, party...". There are four thugs on either side of you, blocking escape from a thin alley, roughly 15 feet wide and 30 feet long. I don't think this is going to go too well for our bad guys.
    The Bear is Back.

  22. - Top - End - #172
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Prince Doredan
    Human Martial Bard 5
    AC: 14 HP: 24/33
    PP: 9 PIv: 11 PIs: 9
    Conditions: ---
    Standing Reaction: Dodge Roll if critically hit or if hit while at 12 hit points or less (1/encounter)

    The Alley

    "Excitable books?" Prince Doredan asks incredulously. There is no doubt in his mind that capable magi could create such a thing, but it begs the question "What use would there be in making a book that gets excitable? Do they bounce around when you try to read them? Is this a fey thing?" he turns to some of their companions at the last question.

    Unfortunately, his morbid curiosity is interrupted by thugs. Prince Doredan looks at them disdainfully and draws his dagger. These brigands are not worth dirtying La Illumineuse. In a flash, he steps to meet the triton and attempts to make an example of their leader, who exposed himself by stepping ahead of his allies.

    However, Doredan underestimates the triton's readiness and misses his opening cut. He pivots back with practiced footwork.

    Spoiler: Actions
    Bonus action to Dash next to the triton, and make a Charger attack with his dagger.
    (1d20+7)[8] to hit
    (1d4+11)[15] damage if it hits
    If it hits, reaction to apply Defensive Flourish for +(1d6)[2] damage and the same bonus to AC on Doredan until his next turn; however, dodge roll is also disabled this round
    If it hits, target tales +1d6 from other attacks until Doredan's next turn

    Attack missed, so Dodge Roll remains active
    Then move back 10 feet towards the group, triton gets no AoO due to Mobile.

    Last edited by RandomWombat; 2023-05-10 at 08:53 PM.

  23. - Top - End - #173
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Hylusi Quaternaros, Magus of Bleakpines
    Magework Necromancer
    Darkvision: 60ft
    AC: 15 HP: 32/32 THP: 11
    PP: 14 PIv: 14 PIs: 11
    Concentrating on: Maximillian's Earthern Grasp
    3/5 d6 HD
    Arcane recovery 0/1
    Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 2/3 2nd, 1/2 3rd
    Fingerbone staff 4/10
    Alchemical treats: 7/7 granting 3THP

    Quote Originally Posted by Princeling
    "Excitable books?" Prince Doredan asks incredulously. There is no doubt in his mind that capable magi could create such a thing, but it begs the question "What use would there be in making a book that gets excitable? Do they bounce around when you try to read them? Is this a fey thing?" he turns to some of their companions at the last question.
    The Magus gave the Prince a bemused look.
    <Bouncing about? Of course not. Don't be ridiculous.> she told him. <The interactions between their spellworks and the contained necromantic energies within had merely animated them and possessed them with a drive to consume life. It is not unheard of with more powerful texts, as their arcanic signature is innately attuned to the animation of dead matter->

    Perhaps the necromancer would have expoused more on her (very) distant library had ruffians not chosen that moment to attempt a robbery.
    A robbery!

    As if a man selling meat on sticks just a short while ago could rob a scion of Bleakpines and still walk away in a manner not controlled by necromantic mastery.

    <You,> she sent to them calmly, <Have just made a very terminal mistake.>

    The Prince, disregarding words, dashed forward, but the marketman deflected his strike. She smiled, a thin, cruel thing.
    <Ha. Try this instead, Prince!>

    Two things happened. Her gorelings boiled forth from under her robes as Hylusi raised a slender grey hand and thrust it into the air, pulling the fingers into a fist. With a groaning creak, an enormous skeletal hand burst from the ground and clamped ivory fingers around the triton. He exclaimed as the bones tried to crush the life out of him - and then the gorelings arrived. Restrained as he was, there was little he could do to save himself. With gleeful shrieks, the hands hurled themselves at the fishman with careless abandon, some of them even richoeting off the conujured bones of the crushing spell. But enough got in they began to eat, and within a few seconds, the triton was nothing more than a shrivelled husk inside the skeletal grip.

    <Worthless filth,> her icy voice echoed in the heads of their assailants. <Begone. You are unworthy of my attention.>

    Spoiler: OOC

    Action: casts maxmillian's earthern hand skeleton flavour
    BA: order gorelings forward, death of the triton confirmed on discord
    Reaction: shield if necessary
    And the far stars cried, and the planets yearned;
    But no man may know, for she'll ne'er return.

  24. - Top - End - #174
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Alleyway Battle

    Doredan's leap forward and the clash of steel begins the battle, which takes a whole different turn when Hylusi's spell first wraps the triton, then smothers the life out of him with wave after wave of grasping, squeezing hands that radiate negative energy. There are screams, but they grow weaker and weaker as more hands latch out. The remaining thugs look worried, and one or two of them take steps backward. "You didn't say they had a mage..." Utters a musclebound human. A half-elf with a mauled ear responds "Mages ain't scary if you target them. Draw your daggers and throw, you git!"

    Though the crowd of thieves looks worried, some advance forward and some draw smaller throwing blades. One flies past the goreling hoard and the skeletal hand and scratches across Hylusi's cheek and the handle of another bounces off of Kunian's shoulder, both smarting a bit but causing no traumatic wounds. The musclebound human issues a bellow of challenge and charges the goreling wave, hacking and slashing at them with a exotic looking axe, but the effect against such a flow of necrotic influence is minimal, even with those straining arms. One hand is chopped in two, but this just results in the goreling splitting into two attackers, still mobile and dangerous, though the newest goreling is not yet under the thrall of the necromancer. On the other side of the alley Bil and Felicity are targeted by two ne'er-do-wells , but their weapons fail to pierce the pair's heavy armor, sparks flying as steel scrapes off of steel.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Hylusi gets scratched by a dagger for 6 hp (shield wouldn't have prevented it), Kunian gets hit for 5 hp, and a goreling takes 12 damage, which causes it to split. Since muscles is the nearest target he's probably going to suffer the wrath of the new goreling first, but Hylusi might want to take control of the new goreling before it tries to eat a party member.
    The Bear is Back.

  25. - Top - End - #175
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Quote Originally Posted by purepolarpanzer View Post
    Alleyway Battle

    Doredan's leap forward and the clash of steel begins the battle, which takes a whole different turn when Hylusi's spell first wraps the triton, then smothers the life out of him with wave after wave of grasping, squeezing hands that radiate negative energy. There are screams, but they grow weaker and weaker as more hands latch out. The remaining thugs look worried, and one or two of them take steps backward. "You didn't say they had a mage..." Utters a musclebound human. A half-elf with a mauled ear responds "Mages ain't scary if you target them. Draw your daggers and throw, you git!"

    Though the crowd of thieves looks worried, some advance forward and some draw smaller throwing blades. One flies past the goreling hoard and the skeletal hand and scratches across Hylusi's cheek and the handle of another bounces off of Kunian's shoulder, both smarting a bit but causing no traumatic wounds. The musclebound human issues a bellow of challenge and charges the goreling wave, hacking and slashing at them with a exotic looking axe, but the effect against such a flow of necrotic influence is minimal, even with those straining arms. One hand is chopped in two, but this just results in the goreling splitting into two attackers, still mobile and dangerous, though the newest goreling is not yet under the thrall of the necromancer. On the other side of the alley Bil and Felicity are targeted by two ne'er-do-wells , but their weapons fail to pierce the pair's heavy armor, sparks flying as steel scrapes off of steel.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Hylusi gets scratched by a dagger for 6 hp (shield wouldn't have prevented it), Kunian gets hit for 5 hp, and a goreling takes 12 damage, which causes it to split. Since muscles is the nearest target he's probably going to suffer the wrath of the new goreling first, but Hylusi might want to take control of the new goreling before it tries to eat a party member.
    Twilight Cleric of Damh
    AC: 18 HP: 33 / 33 THP: 11

    PP: 17 PIv: 11 PIs: 17
    Concentrating on:
    3 / 5 d8 HD
    Spell Slots- 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 1/3, 3rd: 1/2; channel 1/2

    "You fools. A many armed wizardess, a hare in plate armor, a heavily armed centaur and human, and a gnomish seer. And you see tourists, and not a war party?"
    Bil breaks into a mocking battle song.

    Bil steps forward among the thugs, and his song takes a more serious, militant tone and becomes a song of praise for Damh, the protector.

    A halo of light bursts out from the holy symbol on Bil's shield, striking all the enemies immediately around him.
    Spoiler: ooc
    Word of Radiance. DC17 Cons save or else receive... wait for it... 2! points of radiant damage.
    Last edited by jscape2000; 2023-05-15 at 12:32 PM.

  26. - Top - End - #176
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Maker Kunnian
    AC: 15 | HP: 33/38 | HIT DICE: 5d8+10
    Speed: 25ft | Initiative: +2
    Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 11
    Inspiration: 2/3
    Conditions: ---

    Kunnian lets out a little gasp when the dagger scrapes her shoulder - it stung, but nothing a few magic words couldn't fix. Her brows furrow, giving her an air of seriousness which almost looked comical on her usually smiling face. She whistled a few quick notes, keeping in tune with Bil's song, and a golden mote of swirling energy sprung from her lips and zipped towards Doredan, where it hovered over his shoulder, almost dancing to the rythm of Bil's davian song.
    Then she said to the muscle-bound brute: "Hey, knucklehead, what are you trying to overcompensate for with those big muscles, huh?" It was crass, but she couldn't help but laugh internally at her taunt as she laced the words with subtle magic that would strike directly at the man's ego.

    Spoiler: OoC
    Vicious mockery to the big guy and inspiration to Doredan

    Last edited by NiKkatsu; 2023-05-12 at 10:12 AM.

  27. - Top - End - #177
    Archmage in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Felicity Fourhooves
    Centaur Paladin 5
    AC: 17 HP: 44
    PP:10 PIv: 09 PIs: 10
    Lay on Hands: 25/25 Spell Slots: 4/2

    Felicity was angry. They were new here. She'd had a very long day. She had to swim. Someone magic'ed her up a bunch of stairs. She had a lot of very complicated feelings about cute/unwholesome magic elves and cute and fun gnomes (not even to mention the Prince!). And now this? Was this what they did here? Just prey on whoever happened to wander in?

    Not today.

    Felicity clopped forward and struck the biggest of the bandits twice with the business end of her pike, she powered both with her conviction and desire to keep her friends safe, and the strikes flashed bright as they hit.

    And then in one smooth motion she spun the pike and cracked him in the face with the haft.

    "Leave us alone!" She yelled to whoever was left. "Leave now and you live. Continue this madness and you all die this day! I swear to you!"

    She backed up just enough to protect her friends should they need it.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Attack Roll 1: 20, 13 damage (10 + 3 Smite)
    Attack Roll 2: 22, 14 damage (12 + 2 Smite)
    Bonus Action Polearm Smash: 21, 7 damage.

    Move forward to smack then, and then back so I'm 5ft from Hylusi (and anyone else, if possible).
    (Avatar by Cuthalion, who is great.)

  28. - Top - End - #178
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Prince Doredan
    Human Martial Bard 5
    AC: 14 HP: 24/33
    PP: 9 PIv: 11 PIs: 9
    Conditions: ---
    Standing Reaction: Dodge Roll if critically hit or if hit while at 12 hit points or less (1/encounter)

    The Alley

    While the horrid hands form a defensive line, Doredan rushes around the flank of their enemy and takes a slice at the half-elf with the mangled ear. Flitting in and then back out, he settles at the mouth of the alley to cut off escape.

    Spoiler: Actions
    Bonus action to Dash around the edge of the fight next to the half-elf, and make a Charger attack with his dagger.
    (1d20+7)[14] to hit
    (1d4+9)[10] damage if it hits, edit: +2 (forgot dueling bonus)
    If it hits, target takes +1d6 from other attacks until Doredan's next turn
    Then move behind the brigands to cut off escape at the alley's mouth.

    Last edited by RandomWombat; 2023-05-14 at 12:22 PM.

  29. - Top - End - #179
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Kunnian's words and magic breach the strongest amongst them, making him suddenly self conscious and unsure, causing him to hesitate. When Felicity's bodily charge hit him, he was sent sprawling, shouting and bawling as the sharp polearm cut into him, the final smack from the haft knocking him out. Radiant light and blaring music from Bil causes the gang of thieves to shield their eyes, and by the time the half-elf's eyes had cleared his chest had developed a weeping stab would filled with Wissimvale Iron. Blood leaked from his nose, and he shouted "LEG IT! THEY'RE TOO MUCH!" But almost as though he anticipated their decision, Doredan moves to block the mouth of the alley. The predators have become like panicked sheep, ready to stampede at all costs.

    Spoiler: OOC
    The fight has gone out of your enemy. How do you wish to handle their defeat? This will set the tone for how people look at you and treat you in Timeborne, which should be a location we come back to as a hub more than once.
    The Bear is Back.

  30. - Top - End - #180
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    Hylusi Quaternaros, Magus of Bleakpines
    Magework Necromancer
    Darkvision: 60ft
    AC: 15 HP: 32/32 THP: 11
    PP: 14 PIv: 14 PIs: 11
    Concentrating on: Maximillian's Earthern Grasp
    3/5 d6 HD
    Arcane recovery 0/1
    Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 2/3 2nd, 1/2 3rd
    Fingerbone staff 4/10
    Alchemical treats: 7/7 granting 3THP

    Hylusi made a hissing sound as a knife whistled past her cheek. She raised some black-stained fingertips to touch the wound, and stared at the quicksilver-like blood staining her fingers. Her eyes narrowed in rage.

    <You dare to draw my blood? You, gutterscum filth, dare?>

    With a sharp motion, the giant skeletal hand sank into the ground and seized the knife thrower that had injured the Magus. With another gesture from the grey ex-elf, the gorelings advanced on the trapped figure.

    Soon they were suffering the same terrible fate as Hylusi's first victim. She turned a contemptuous stare on the rest, hemmed in and trapped.

    <Kneel and beg, you pathetic worms!> Her mind-voice demanded with imperious wrath. <Or would you rather suffer the same? Choose!>

    Spoiler: OOC

    Action: redirect maxmillian's earthern hand skeleton flavour
    BA: destroy the one who injured me with the gorelings because they need to learn crime doesn't pay
    If that didn't take care of the rogue goreling by taking control, destroy it as well
    Reaction: shield if necessary
    And the far stars cried, and the planets yearned;
    But no man may know, for she'll ne'er return.

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