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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Oct 2012

    Default Adventures in Time & Space OOC

    It's the OOC thread! There's a table here!

    Player Character Story Points
    davyjones Professor Calico 4/5
    davyjones Professor Calico's Sonic Screwdriver 1/2
    NontheistCleric Pavillion 6/6
    Zelphas Donald R. Jordan 10/12
    Ridai Miles Marwood 8/12

    Spoiler: Professor Calico's TARDIS
    Story Points: 15

    Awareness 3
    Coordination 3
    Ingenuity 4
    Presence 3
    Resolve 4
    Strength 3

    Craft 1
    Knowledge 8
    Medicine 1
    Science 6 (Temporal Science)
    Subterfuge 1
    Technology 4
    Transport 4

    Clairvoyance (Major)
    Face in the Crowd
    Feel the Turn of the Universe
    Resourceful Pockets
    Sense of Direction

    Systems Fault (Major)
    Restriction (Tricky Controls, 6 Pilots)

    Gadget Traits
    Scan (x3)
    Forcefield (Minor)

    Armour: 30

    Speed: 12 (Materialised)

    Damage: 6 (3)

    Last edited by Dodgeson; 2024-05-07 at 06:31 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Adventures in Time & Space OOC

    Better safe than sorry.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
    NontheistCleric's Avatar

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    Default Re: Adventures in Time & Space OOC


    Status: Conscious
    Story Points: 6/6

    Spoiler: Character Sheet
    Attributes and Traits (24 Base, +6 Bad Traits, +4 Experienced, 34 Total)

    Awareness 3
    Presence 3
    Coordination 4
    Resolve 6
    Ingenuity 6
    Strength 2

    Good Traits
    Psychic Training 1
    Technically Adept 1

    Special Traits
    Hypnosis 3
    Alien 2
    Vortex 1
    Psychic 1
    Telepathy 1
    Experienced (taken twice) (-6 SP, +4 CP, +4 Skills)

    Bad Traits
    Alien Appearance (Eyes glow green) 2
    Dependency (Penalty after no artron energy for 7 days, subject to circumstances) 2
    Owes Favour (Life spared by Professor Calico) 2

    Skills (18 Base, +4 Experienced, 22 Total)

    Medicine 5 (Surgery +2)
    Convince 5
    Technology 3
    Transport 3 (Time Travel +2)
    Knowledge 1
    Science 1
    Subterfuge 1
    Athletics 1

    Technology Level

    Story Points (12 Base, -6 Experienced, 6 Total)

    Spoiler: Background
    The Short Version
    Pavilion is more or less the same kind of thing as House, born in her own extrauniversal pocket, and up to a point, her story is similar as well. Scavenges things that fall in from the universe, makes people-puppets, lures in Time Lords to eat their TARDISes' artron energy, and eventually tries possessing a TARDIS to find her way out there.

    Like would happen years later with House and a different Time Lord, the Time Lord and his TARDIS matrix managed to catch up and get back control, but the difference is that Pavilion brought enough minions on board that after it all came to a head, she had a body left to escape into instead of getting rubbed out entirely, and she was never actively malicious, just doing what she thought she had to do to survive, so when she got down on her knees and begged for her life, the Time Lord decided to let it slide.

    Quote Originally Posted by davyjones View Post
    "Now," Calico says as he circles the humanoid form Pavilion has effectively trapped herself in, "what are we going to do with you? Hm?"

    He runs his sonic screwdriver over the form and looks thoughtfully at the readings. "Well, your artron-energy consumption is going to be much lower in that body - what my 58 bleeds off on a normal day should be, er, mostly enough, I think. And I hate to leave folks stranded - even if they deserve it; you're not exactly in a position to cause any more trouble than you already have, so...what do you say to travelling with me for a while?"
    The Long Version
    Pavilion knows that paradigms change. First you are the scavenger, then you are the predator, then you are the prey, and then you are the forager.

    Or perhaps it's better to say they don't really change at all, because once you've been in those eleven-dimension circuits, even for the barest cubic inch of that frozen-liquid crystal you call a personal timeline–you understand that it was always going to happen this way–even if it wasn't always always going to happen this way.

    Of all your brothers and sisters out there, each in their own little extrauniversal eggs, you were always going to be the one–or one of few–not to starve in your cradle, to have one of those wayward fleas on your back actually arrive with what you needed.

    You were going to be clever–clever enough to stitch those lost things into your hands and eyes and ears, to fashion the remnants of that first meal into bait for more.

    Clever enough to know that there was poison waiting in those terrible engines and how to crack their shells and drain it away before you ate.

    But you were not going to be quite clever enough, because there are only so many drops of poison you can escape when the poison can scheme and see the future and when it comes with friends who are clever too.

    It was never going to last forever. Bit by bit the trickle of nourishment was growing thinner and thinner. As though the Time Lords were all going off somewhere–as if they had found something better to do than blunder their TARDISes into your waiting gullet.

    So you worried and plotted and learned some more–rootled around with your person-hands in the corpse-fields until you knew how to heave yourself out of your carapace of rock and into one of fine, intact Gallifreyan metal.

    Then when that last Time Lord came you threw him and his poison out and loaded yourself and all your puppets onto that gray column of a ship–

    –and you were off! Out of that damp little junk-hole, free of your womb, casting off the after-birth at last! A whole universe for Pavilion, full of flesh and fire and wonderful, sublime, artron energy–

    –but you forgot–will forget–always forget–that a Time Lord is a Time Lord, and you don't take your eye off him until he's dead. You forgot that the thing that was supposed to live in your stolen body is a hundred thousand times bigger than you and together they can see and know and do things you could squat for a million more years on the edge of the universe and never imagine.

    And when he is back in the control room again and she is chasing you out of her home, you realize that what saves you isn't all that artron energy, or how clever you were either.

    You got to live because you weren't cruel or callous. You took all your minions with you because somewhere deep inside you did care about them and the memories of who they once were, so even when it was all over there was one last body left to leap into, to endure in just long enough to beg.

    You were spared because you didn't lie or play sadistic games, and when you cried with glowing eyes that weren't yours that you didn't want to hurt anyone–but you needed what you needed to survive out there in that dark hole outside the universe–the Time Lord and his time machine believed you.

    He let you live and you started to think that maybe–out here in this place where there are stars in the black and people live to do more than just carry on a little longer–what really matters is a bit of kindness.

    So, this is where we've gotten to, Pavilion.

    That's how my story went, me.

    Do you remember what we saw in those TARDIS circuits then? Did we see–will we see–are we seeing past this moment?

    Do we see how I survive?

    Yes. No. Necessarily. Contingently. Definitely and possibly–or maybe just 'maybe'.

    One more leap into the vortex.

    One more gulp of life.
    Last edited by NontheistCleric; 2023-12-14 at 12:49 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Adventures in Time & Space OOC

    Donald R. Jordan here! I think he'll speak in Bold Dark Green, if that works for people.

    Status: Fine
    Story Points: 12/12 (not 8/8 at the moment)

    Spoiler: Mechanics
    Stats: 18 Points
    Awareness 1
    Coordination 4
    Ingenuity 2
    Presence 2
    Resolve 5
    Strength 4

    Good Traits: 12 Points
    Another Lifetime (Major)
    Grants: Time Lord, +4 Ingenuity
    Face in the Crowd
    Fast Healing
    Photographic Memory

    Bad Traits: -6 Points
    Amnesia (Major)
    Eccentric (Major; forgets that living creatures are living when under stress)
    Slow Reflexes (Minor)

    Skills: 18 Points
    Athletics 3
    Fighting 3
    Marksman 3
    Subterfuge 4 (Expertise: Sneaking)
    Survival 2
    Transport 2

    Story Points: 12 (occasionally 8)

    Spoiler: Background
    Once, there was a Time Lord who had the intelligence and curiosity of his species, as well as a disturbing tendency to forget about individual lives in the pursuit of greater systemic knowledge. This Time Lord was fond of using his Chameleon Arch to insert himself into societies on the cusp of some disaster, live among them for a short while, then come back to himself and chronicle his experience as the society crumbled. Unfortunately for this Time Lord, his Chameleon Arch began to wear down from repeated use. Even more unfortunately, this Time Lord was not the observant type, and did not notice the Arch’s problem until it was too late to fix…

    Donald R. Jordan is not comfortable in his life. He is at the end of a string of failed jobs, which include Army private, mailman, warehouse worker, store clerk (several), and—most recently—truck driver. His friends describe him as the kind of person who would lose his head if it wasn’t screwed on… a true statement that has been the leading cause of his many failed jobs. Relationships are little better; the only time he knows someone is flirting with him is if he’s told by three other people after the fact, and he honestly doesn’t know what he’d do with himself if the situation progressed beyond that. He gets the feeling that he’s supposed to be doing something else, perhaps being someone else—but doesn’t every late twenty-or-early-thirty-something feel that way, every now and then?

    Of course, the weird nightmares he occasionally had didn’t help. Neither did the ability to read minds, which he discovered wasn’t normal to humanity rather by accident one day and has been keeping quiet about it ever since. But so far, he just seems like a slightly odd younger man with no idea where he fits in the world—nothing much special to say, there.

    Looks like it should be fun!
    Last edited by Zelphas; 2023-10-12 at 03:30 PM.
    Originally Posted by Xefas:
    "I need the Goblins in phalanx arrangement. Sky Blotters in the back! Swissles? Assume the Swizzle Stick Formation! We're going in!"
    What Pokemon am I?

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Adventures in Time & Space OOC

    Hello, Miles is here!

    Status: Fine! But also a bit spooked
    Story Points: 11/12

    Spoiler: Miles Marwood backstory
    TL;DR version: Miles Marwood is a living cinnamon roll applying to Scotland Yard on sheer somewhat misinformed love for gentle(wo)men solving mysteries and crimes, high on enthusiasm but low on actual detective qualifications, actually gets the job as an assistant because of being so damn likeable and getting people to effortlessly spill their secrets, becomes well-liked among colleagues who kept bringing him along as an aide to deal with people or check for overlooked things, sees too much when he noticed Tech Gremlins are real and they hate being discovered, gets the boot because of Tech Gremlin shenanigans frying Scotland Yard equipment and being a very fast-running Screamer in scary situations, dreams shattered, rendered destitute by the vindictive Tech Gremlins, embarks on time-and-space adventures.

    Longer version: Miles Marwood had a short and eventful career, fresh out of school applying at Scotland Yard because hey, might as well try and solving mysteries is great! His enthusiasm somehow managed to actually get him an interview, and while it quickly became clear Miles was not bringing the razor-sharp mind one should ideally have to solve difficult cases, in addition to having a rather idealized opinion of what Scotland Yard does, he did actually get his foot in the door. Because, you see, the interview went on longer than intended, the interviewers left the meeting feel great because Miles was just so damn pleasant to talk to, and they noticed they ended up answering more questions than Miles, at times bordering on spilling confidential tidbits. Miles was invited again, he was very excited to hear back from them, and more people were present this time. Soon after, while people didn't feel like he was any sort of detective material, he was hired as an assistant/trainee of sorts, because they felt like they could use his skillset after all.

    Within a month or two, Miles was friends with most people at his workplace, knew most of their backgrounds, was frequently requested as an aide to look over stuff or handle dealing with people, and was generally seen as the trustworthy new guy in several departments. While Miles had to be reigned in at times because he was endlessly curious about various cases (seen as "Oh you" moments, because people had a hard time being mad at him), he earned nicknames like "Can-Opener", because people would just start talking to him about all sorts of things when they'd give most other colleagues the cold shoulder, despite Miles not really manipulating them to do that, and "Lucky Charm" and "Eagle Four Eyes" because he noticed things people seemed to miss. He did in fact notice so much that it became too much. Because he managed to earn the ire of the Tech Gremlins when he noticed them actually existing and going about their shenanigans.

    Since then, technology would not agree with Miles at all, despite his earnest efforts and not actually being tech-illiterate. This got him increasingly in trouble when office or investigation equipment would cease working when handled by him, and it also didn't help that he was a screamer and runner when faced with scary situations. So when Miles was asked to take his proverbial hat and leave, his colleagues rallied to keep him around, citing that his unique screams alerted his colleagues of hidden dangers, and he wasn't a trained officer so he could not expect to handle dangerous situations, so it was actually the right thing for him to do to retreat and call for backup, and furthermore-

    Didn't help, he got the boot, even if leadership wished him the best. There was also a strict order to cut communications with him, because of how much people at Scotland Yard would just blap need-to-know-basis information to him. Dreams shattered, and still haunted by Tech Gremlins, for they are vindictive little creatures, Miles was feeling pretty down. All those scary situations he lost his composure in made him feel quite embarassed about himself and he had to admit he wasn't particularly fond of running into those, but he wished he could still help with investigations somehow. Luckily, after the Tech Gremlins fried his bank account and leaving him rather destitute, he did get his chance for mysteries and discoveries. Just not in the way he thought he might.

    Spoiler: Miles character sheet
    Story Points: 12

    Attributes (23 CP)
    Awareness 6
    Coordination 4
    Ingenuity 3
    Presence 5
    Resolve 3
    Strength 2

    Skills (18 SP, 0 CP)
    Athletics 3 (Running)
    Convince 5 (Charm)
    Fighting 1
    Knowledge 1
    Medicine 1
    Science 1
    Subterfuge 3
    Transport 1

    Traits (1 CP)
    • Animal Friendship (minor good)
      - Can attempt to build good rapport with animals on first meet with Presence + Convince + 2
    • Code of Conduct (minor bad)
      - Do good most of the time, never harm anyone unless it is absolutely necessary and for the greater good
    • Empathic (minor good)
      - Checks to to empathise with or read people (such as Awareness + Ingenuity to tell if someone is lying) gain +2
    • Feel the Turn of the Universe (minor good)
      - Detect Plot time-space weirdness with Awareness + Ingenuity + 2
    • Impaired Senses [wears glasses] (minor bad)
      - Checks relying on sight, while not wearing his glasses, take -2
    • Insatiable Curiosity (minor bad)
      - Ooh, what does that button do? Resist with Ingenuity + Resolve - 2
    • Run for your Life! (minor good)
      - Speed +1 (so Coordination+1) when tactically retreating/defensively repositioning/running for his life screaming and flailing his arms
    • Screamer! (minor good)
      - Do a glorious movie scream when threatened or scared (costs 1 SP, unlike regular screaming). Stuns everything in the room, making them unable to act on their next turn, ideally followed by Miles running away. Miles can never gain bonuses vs getting scared.
    • Technically Inept (minor bad)
      - All checks involving fixing tech or using complex tech take a -2. The GM can also make a tech item fail at a dramatic moment.

    Last edited by Ridai; 2023-10-19 at 04:05 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Adventures in Time & Space OOC

    Professor Calico will speak in Navy

    Spoiler: Professor Calico
    Gavatorialicos, aka Professor Calico
    308-year-old Time Lord Male of the Iniex Chapter (a lesser chapter)
    TL - 10 (other familiar TLs - 4, 5)
    Story Points - 5

    Awareness - 2
    Coordination - 2
    Ingenuity - 5
    Presence - 3
    Resolve - 4
    Strength - 2

    Iniex Chapter Traits - Time Lord (special good), Brave (minor good), Code of Conduct (minor bad)
    Spoiler: Chapter Trait Effects
    Brave - The Brave trait provides a +2 bonus to any Resolve roll when the character could get scared or need to show their courage.

    Code of Conduct - Code of Conduct means that the character should try to do good at most times, and are unable to harm another being unless it is absolutely necessary and for the greater good.

    Other Good Traits - Boffin (Major), Charming (Minor), Experienced Time Lord x2 (incl. Time Traveller x2, choose other PCs' tech levels)
    Spoiler: Good Trait Effects
    Boffin - This trait allows the character to create Gadgets through the fine art of ‘Jiggery-Pokery’. Your average Joe can try to open their household appliances and wire them together to try to make something – though they’ll probably only gain an electric shock or worse. Only a Boffin can create a useful device that can scan DNA, crack a safe or disable Dalek forcefields. More details on creating Gadgets can be found in the
    Jiggery-Pokery rules on pg. 113.

    Charming - When the character is trying to charm their way through an encounter, they receive a +2 bonus to the roll. Useful for talking your way out of being killed, but not always suitable for every social situation.

    Other Bad Traits - Insatiable Curiosity (Minor)
    Spoiler: Bad Trait Effects
    Insatiable Curiosity - It is usually unhelpful, but the character simply has to know what is going on, why something is happening or how it works. It may put their life at risk, but it doesn’t make them suicidal. If the character tries to fight the urge to press that button or open that door, the player can make an Ingenuity + Resolve roll, with a -2 modifier to resist.

    Athletics - 2
    Convince - 3
    Craft - 3
    Fighting - 1
    Knowledge - 4 (Alien Cultures +2)
    Marksman - 0
    Medicine - 1
    Science - 4 (Mathematics +2)
    Subterfuge - 0
    Survival - 0
    Technology - 4
    Transport - 2

    The old family Type 58 TARDIS, or, as he likes to call it, home
    Spoiler: OOC: Idea for the TARDIS Internals...
    I had this idea for the TARDIS interior. I spelled out Iniex in Gallifreyan script (, and I figured that would be a coded way for him to build the internal layout of the ship.

    Instead of a circle, the word is built on a sine wave, left to right. All of the lines and circles are the corridors of the ship, and the rooms are connected to them.

    The first "I" is a ring that bisects the sine wave, with a spoke that arcs from its lower edge to the sine wave slightly downstream. The control room and dimensional interface are on the terminus of the sine. Crew and guest cabins are in along the spoke, wardrobe is just off the control room.

    "NI" are concentric circles just off the inside of the positive arch of the sine wave (just before the inflection point). Both the N and the I have a spoke, and the I (which is the inner of the circles) spoke is a straight corridor that crosses the outer circle to intersect the sine wave. The N spoke is just offset of the I spoke, and intersects the sine wave near the inflection point. The area in the center of the I is the Cloister Room. Next to it, attached to both the N and I rings is the Zero Room. Engineering spaces fill the rest of the circles there.

    The E circle intersects the negative part of the sine wave, but has no spokes. The upper side of the E ring (above the sine) are the professor's study, lab, and workshop. The area between the underside of the E ring and the sine wave is Auxiliary Control. Next to that is what the Professor calls the "Storeroom" (but what others might call his "Junk Room"); thanks to dimensional engineering, it's accessible from both control rooms (you just have to remember which side of the door you open from the inside to get to which control space). (The dimensional interface is also accessible from auxiliary control; the TARDIS knows which control room is in operation, so she controls which room you enter when you come in from the outside.)

    The X circle intersects the terminus of the wave. It has two spokes, which arc around to meet the two spokes from the NI combo on the sine wave. These corridors house most of the recreational sections of the ship, and they're the most modular spaces. He had a nine-pin bowling alley in there at one point (when he was living in the 19th Century), but that's been replaced by a small movie theater, complete with a 1966 Bell & Howell film projector. It hasn't seem much use about 50 years or so. The Bath is in this area, of course. And previous companions have had personal recreational facilities over the years. One even wanted a full Athenian gymnasium; they compromised on something less...natural...

    His Trusty Sonic Screwdriver, which may be a bit long in the emitter crystal - Traits: Open/Close, Restriction (Cannot open Deadlock Seals, Tricky Controls), Scan, Transmit, Weld. Story Points: 2
    Spoiler: Sonic Screwdriver Description
    19mm-diameter by 130mm-long gunmetal primary cylinder (aka handle), accented bronze (ridged on/off/standby switch is set 80mm from base; transaxial selector dial sits at 100m from base); twin probe blades, each 3mm thick by 6mm wide by 70mm long, 4mm apart along centerline, with bridges at 10mm, 20mm, and 30mm from handle; each blade width tapered from outer edge to 1mm at crystal end; 3mm square by 25mm long ARC (aquamarine resonance crystal) emitter suspended between blades via isomagnetic field

    Born in Old Harbour on Gallifrey, Gavatorialicos grew up on the exploits of the renegade Time Lord known as the Doctor. Like many of his generation, he came to idolize the Doctor, and sought to emulate his dashing protection of time from marauders. He and several other members of Iniex Chapter founded an "intervention society," calling themselves "the Interns," dedicating themselves to working to protect the timeline and innocents around the universe from marauders like the Daleks and Cybermen.

    Maintaining the strict code of conduct that had successfully (possibly to their detriment) kept the Iniex Chapter out of Time Lord politics, the Interns swore to "First, do no harm," in their intervention efforts, seeking to avoid physical conflict or unethical acts (like coercion, subterfuge, and skullduggery) to achieve their aims. Each member also took on an alias that reflected sagacity, wisdom, or healing. Gavatorialicos decided on the name Professor Calico.

    His first regeneration (190 years ago) happened during....TBD

    His second regeneration (88 years ago) occurred when...TBD

    He has most-recently been "incognito," teaching maths at the London Met (1968-2016), but is ready to get back into the action. (He also taught maths at London Met's predecessor City of London College (later City Polytechnic) (1863-1900) earlier in his 3rd incarnation. He was his own "grandfather.")

    Appearance - Calico is not entirely unhandsome, but he's not terribly exciting, either. His current form is a bit slight (he says it seems to be a constant trait of his), though not proper skinny. His face is round-ish and weathered, with gray-green eyes that betray a sharp wit and determination within. He usually wears a comfortable tweed or worsted wool suit (depending on the weather), but has been known to don "outdoor gear" (khaki shirt and cargo trousers/shorts, with an expedition jacket and wide-brimmed hat) when out on an excursion. (Think Sean Pertwee as Alfred in "Gotham.")

    His Second Incarnation was more "sporty," he likes to say...Calico was tall, slim, attractive, brown haired, and appeared in his 30s. (Think Nick Hendrix from Midsomer Murders)

    His First Incarnation...he remembers himself as average in height, slim, average in looks, auburn haired (loved that hair, really), and perpetually "young" (teenaged). "Well, I was just...young, really." (Think Jake Bongiovi...yes, John Bon Jovi's kid)

    Personality - He has a friendly, inquisitive personality that tends to set others at ease. It's not that he seems harmless to others; instead, he comes across as a helpful sort (he'd say that he's just mellowed with age). He can easily fall down the rabbit hole, and sometimes needs a prompt to return to the task at hand. He has a tendency toward polite understatement. When faced with danger or a crisis, however, he becomes resolute and inexorable.

    His Second Incarnation was also more "sporty" in the personality department, though, looking back, he thinks he came across too strong sometimes...(more TBD)

    His First Incarnation was just full of youth and exuberance; he would say he was "always excited and excitable, an unfortunate combination"...(more TBD)
    Last edited by davyjones; 2024-02-20 at 03:31 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Adventures in Time & Space OOC

    Now, the Prof has two additional Tech Levels with which he's familiar.

    Dogdeson, will we be gaming at a specific TL for a while?

    On the companion front, would Miles and Donald be in the same time period, perchance? I could make that my other TL.

    FYI, I'm on vacation right now (10th Anniversary trip with the missus...gone to Vegas to see the NASCAR races this weekend. :) ); I do have time to check posts, but I may be a bit slow on the response.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Ogre in the Playground
    NontheistCleric's Avatar

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    Default Re: Adventures in Time & Space OOC

    Dodgeson, what do you think would be a good time limit on Pavilion’s Artron Dependency? I was thinking 5-7 days depending on physical activity levels before the penalties start to kick in, so they won’t bog down every adventure but will matter if she has to spend longer periods away from an energy source.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ridai View Post
    Status: Fine!
    Story Points: 12/12
    This is a useful status-tracker; hope you don’t mind my copying it.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Adventures in Time & Space OOC

    Quote Originally Posted by davyjones View Post
    Now, the Prof has two additional Tech Levels with which he's familiar.

    Dogdeson, will we be gaming at a specific TL for a while?
    As is tradition the first adventure will be set in TL5 (Late 20th through 21st Century), which is just a smart TL to have if you're a time traveller, let's be fair.

    Quote Originally Posted by davyjones View Post
    On the companion front, would Miles and Donald be in the same time period, perchance? I could make that my other TL.
    Likewise I had been assuming that both Miles and Donald were TL5 natives Rida & Zelphas speak now or forever hold your peace!

    Quote Originally Posted by davyjones View Post
    FYI, I'm on vacation right now (10th Anniversary trip with the missus...gone to Vegas to see the NASCAR races this weekend. :) ); I do have time to check posts, but I may be a bit slow on the response.
    No worries, have fun!

    Quote Originally Posted by NontheistCleric View Post
    Dodgeson, what do you think would be a good time limit on Pavilion’s Artron Dependency? I was thinking 5-7 days depending on physical activity levels before the penalties start to kick in, so they won’t bog down every adventure but will matter if she has to spend longer periods away from an energy source.
    Man I wish the sourcebooks were clearer on what level of Dependency aliens had, that would totally make this judgement call easier but I can still dig it baring like heavy exertion or some funky stuff you might do with Story Points but we can cross that bridge when we get there.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Adventures in Time & Space OOC

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodgeson View Post
    Man I wish the sourcebooks were clearer on what level of Dependency aliens had, that would totally make this judgement call easier but I can still dig it baring like heavy exertion or some funky stuff you might do with Story Points but we can cross that bridge when we get there.
    In that case, I’ll just note it down as 7 days, but with the understanding you can impose the penalty at any earlier time if you think it’s appropriate. After all, the GM is supreme.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Adventures in Time & Space OOC

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodgeson View Post
    Likewise I had been assuming that both Miles and Donald were TL5 natives Ridai & Zelphas speak now or forever hold your peace!
    This makes the most sense to me! Do what you will with the fact that the as-yet-unnamed Time Lord that Donald sort of is always inserted themselves into times that were about to undergo a major cataclysm of some sort...
    Originally Posted by Xefas:
    "I need the Goblins in phalanx arrangement. Sky Blotters in the back! Swissles? Assume the Swizzle Stick Formation! We're going in!"
    What Pokemon am I?

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Adventures in Time & Space OOC

    All right, I think I will go with TL4 & TL5 for my other familiar TLs. Clearly, Calico spent a lot of time on's quite possible that a Professor Calico taught mathematics at university in the 19th Century, and then his lookalike "grandson" or "great grandson" also taught maths at the same place... :)

    Now, I would say Pavilion has been traveling with Calico for a bit. (Given where we're starting, it would make sense.) That said, does our first adventure begin with Donald and Miles not having met our time travelers yet? I could see that with Donald, at the very least (because I'm sure Calico would start to wonder about Donald's true origins the longer they travel together). It's possible that Miles has already been picked up as a companion, and I have no objections either way.

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    Default Re: Adventures in Time & Space OOC

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodgeson View Post
    Likewise I had been assuming that both Miles and Donald were TL5 natives Rida & Zelphas speak now or forever hold your peace!
    Peace?! In this Whovian economy?! My brother in Dalek, how da- Yeah, Miles is from current day Somewhereshire, UK. Miles is flexible in terms of having been picked up or not. He's happy to be along for the ride, and far less destitute aboard a TARDIS.
    Last edited by Ridai; 2023-10-12 at 07:55 PM.

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    Default Re: Adventures in Time & Space OOC

    Question: Which rules are we using for Space-Time Navigation? The Gamemaster's Guide says it's Ingenuity+Technology (page 104), but the Time Traveller's Companion says Ingenuity+Transport (page 65 for general time travel, 76 for TARDISes).

    Mostly asking because I put points into Transport (Time Travel) to represent Pavilion's ability to operate a time-travel device, but now I'm not sure if that was the thing to do (and if I should put them into something else if that's not what they'll be representing in this game).

    Also, if we are using the Time Traveller's Companion rules, can we use the TARDIS rooms detailed there? Things like the medical room and wardrobe and so on, which can give bonuses to certain rolls.
    Last edited by NontheistCleric; 2023-10-13 at 08:27 AM.

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    Default Re: Adventures in Time & Space OOC

    Quote Originally Posted by NontheistCleric View Post
    Question: Which rules are we using for Space-Time Navigation? The Gamemaster's Guide says it's Ingenuity+Technology (page 104), but the Time Traveller's Companion says Ingenuity+Transport (page 65 for general time travel, 76 for TARDISes).

    Mostly asking because I put points into Transport (Time Travel) to represent Pavilion's ability to operate a time-travel device, but now I'm not sure if that was the thing to do (and if I should put them into something else if that's not what they'll be representing in this game).

    Also, if we are using the Time Traveller's Companion rules, can we use the TARDIS rooms detailed there? Things like the medical room and wardrobe and so on, which can give bonuses to certain rolls.
    We'll go with what the Time Traveller's Companion says, it is the time travel book after all so I'm happy to say that it supersedes the Core Book, unless we run in to something in there that's really out of whack, I'm totally down for using the rules for TARDIS rooms too, honestly I just really like that book.

    Quote Originally Posted by davyjones View Post
    All right, I think I will go with TL4 & TL5 for my other familiar TLs. Clearly, Calico spent a lot of time on's quite possible that a Professor Calico taught mathematics at university in the 19th Century, and then his lookalike "grandson" or "great grandson" also taught maths at the same place... :)
    *Files away for The Two Calicos*

    Also we are live!
    Last edited by Dodgeson; 2023-10-13 at 03:36 PM.

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    Default Re: Adventures in Time & Space OOC

    Pavilion is trying to conceal her glowing eyes behind a pair of green glasses, so I'm going to roll Ingenuity (6)+Subterfuge (1)+Wardrobe Room (2) to see how good the disguise is...


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    Oh, depending on when the TARDIS materialized, I can totally see Donald walking directly into it before he realized it was there, if you need a way for us to bump into each other.
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    "I need the Goblins in phalanx arrangement. Sky Blotters in the back! Swissles? Assume the Swizzle Stick Formation! We're going in!"
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    It would be just Calico's luck that the TARDIS materialized as a small shop... (and, since it is a TARDIS we're talking about, I think it's appropriate for the GM to determine what the chameleon circuit shaped the outer shell into, especially since the good prof wasn't expecting to have to land, and doesn't often think of such things before landing...)

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    Just doing some housekeeping and getting some information in to the OP, I've taken the liberty of stating up a Type 58 TARDIS, it starts with (1d6+3)[6] points of damage and davyjones you get an additional (1d6)[4] skill points to distribute for it as you see fit.
    Last edited by Dodgeson; 2023-10-15 at 01:11 PM.

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    I like it! And it gives the prof something to work on when he's idling...

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    NontheistCleric, I was just thinking that Calico may have given her a "call name" when dealing with paranoid, insular alien cultures (like 21st Century Earth ). My first thought drifted to "Miss Pavilion" (even though it seems a bit odd, it still sounds like it could be an actual surname).

    Did you have something in mind for that regard...or, perhaps, they haven't come to that, yet, and the good professor gets to wing it?

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    My thinking was that if a cover was really needed, she could just pretend to be the Professor's sister or cousin, or some other relative, so she'd also be 'Miss Calico' if surnames became relevant.

    If he wants to have separate covers, though, she'll go along with whatever he cooks up. Roleplaying-wise, I'm thinking her 'Owes Favour' manifests as something similar to 'Code of Conduct' but more oriented towards obeying the Professor instead of any moral code (of course, he has his own Code of Conduct).

    Pavilion's not the most probable surname, but it does sound like one of those unusual given names some parents like to give their children.
    Last edited by NontheistCleric; 2023-10-19 at 05:57 AM.

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    I like the idea of introducing Pavilion as his niece or a cousin-once-removed (he probably changes it up a bit here and there, just because he forgets what he said the previous adventure).

    "This is my niece, Pavilion. And, no, you don't want to know how she got her name. My sister-in-law thought she was being a bit clever..."

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    Oh boy, Miles' first fear contest! He's great at those! He's not allowed to ever get any bonuses to those!

    Keep-It-Together-Tude - (2d6+6)[14] Beansed it by 1 point! You know what that means!
    Last edited by Ridai; 2023-10-19 at 03:30 PM.

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    Trying that roll again. Note to self: don't use parentheses or pluses in roll tag descriptions.

    Coordination 4 + Athletics 3 (Running) (2d6+9)[18]

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    GM, can we hear Miles's scream from where we are?

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    Default Re: Adventures in Time & Space OOC

    Quote Originally Posted by NontheistCleric View Post
    GM, can we hear Miles's scream from where we are?
    Between the music, the building and just the distance involved I'd say that Calico and Pav don't hear it.

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    Rolling Resolve (6)+Ingenuity (6) to telepathically communicate with Calico:


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    I'll just check if Miles would even see Donald and go from there.

    Awareness 6 + Ingenuity 3 (2d6+9)[15] Straight no result, that makes things rather clear.

    @Zelphas: Please give me a heads-up whether you would like Donald to stay hidden or not.
    Last edited by Ridai; 2023-10-23 at 04:37 PM.

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    I'll post something today, hopefully; Donald's going to pop out, but I want to play through his mental state for a moment before doing so, if that's all right.

    EDIT: All right, post up.
    Last edited by Zelphas; 2023-10-23 at 05:00 PM.
    Originally Posted by Xefas:
    "I need the Goblins in phalanx arrangement. Sky Blotters in the back! Swissles? Assume the Swizzle Stick Formation! We're going in!"
    What Pokemon am I?

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