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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Previous Thread

    The Climb

    Ducking, dodging and seeking cover, or climbing up the sides of the trail, the party avoids being flattened into pancakes. ALADIN and Faedryl unleash an arcane barrage as they step forward in a plume of mist. Four arcs of purple magic slam into the side of the nearest bee, which nosedives into the plateau not far from them with a sickly crunch. The other is chased down by determined missiles, and the echo of Faedryl's tone causes it to stutter and stagger in its flight. But soon its swift speed carries it beyond their sight, and beyond their range.

    In the aftermath of the ambush, the party regroups on the plateau. It is not far now to the ravine's edge, but there is no doubt these insects have been keeping an eye on them - and preparing a welcome.

    Spoiler: Results
    ALADIN's barrage is exactly enough to drop the first bee, and after moving forward past the rocks Faedryl delivers 18 damage to the second bee with her spells.

    The second bee escapes, but is wounded, and the hive is now down one more member.

    The Ship

    Sarith's clever words bring a contemplative look to the lead orc's face as he strokes his stubble. The orog's eyes try to pick out signs of deception, but fail to find anything to pick Sarith's story apart. "Hah. Sure. Look skinny but not weak. Might make pirate of you yet." Waving his hand to the other orogs, he guides a landing party onto one of their skiffs. Words in orcish are tossed back to the other robed orog and the two cannoneers, who remain behind - as does the arbalist in the gunnery position, though Sarith sees the readied crossbow lowered inside.

    As the landing party of five orcs take their skiff to the beach, the rest drop anchor and watch the Black Manta - along with any that may or may not be below. The landing party begins climbing the slopes of the beach, eventually disappearing from view.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
    Amnestic's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Castle Sparrowcellar

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Faedryl Melad
    Drow Hexblade/Evoker
    AC: 17 HP: 20/34 MP: 28/31
    PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 13
    Conditions: Exhaustion (1)

    With a sigh, Faedryl allows the moment to end. "They'll be prepared for us now, but whittling their numbers down is a good start. We should keep moving, before they have a chance to properly regroup."

    Sarith Kzerkarit
    Drow Fighter/Phantom Rogue
    AC: 16 HP: 40/40 MP: 22/22
    PP: 16 PIv: 11 PIs: 10

    Sarith watches them go, allowing his smirk to remain, but dropping his voice quiet, so that only Topsy could hear. "There. Not so hard. Just sent a bunch of them to kill themselves against a bunch of bees. No fighting for us, and will distract them from our group." Could Faedryl have done it any better? Of course not. He had seen her pathetic attempts at diplomacy and deception in the past. She should rely on him more, since she was clearly incapable of anything without him. She would probably get them all killed if he didn't intervene like this, so really he should be the one who got all the credit for finishing this job, and no one else.

    "Hopefully the watchguards aren't stupid enough to get into a pointless fight here when our group returns and theirs doesn't, but you should use your twin telepathy to inform the other group either way."
    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
    Cyre Red IC | OOC

    OotA IC | OOC

    Master Homebrew Index (5e)

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Colossus in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Orc Brute Fighter
    AC: 19 HP: 51/51
    PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11 Sanity: 10
    Emerging from a pile of rubble, Ront seems strangely untouched, although he is covered in debris and his shield seems to have acquired a few new dents. He takes in the situation quickly, and starts rushing the top of the ridge.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Autognome Artificer
    AC: 19 HP: 43/43
    PP: 14 PIv: 17 PIs: 12 Sanity: 10
    A slightly dusty ALADIN nods at Faedryl's words. "If we can get a line of sight on the bee, we might yet be able to defeat it before it flees beyond our ability to hit it."
    Putting action to words, he begins sprinting, trying to reach a point where he can get a bead on the fleeting Bee.
    Spoiler: Current Character List:

    John Smith, Playing in the Dollhouse
    Adam of Cyre, Cyre Red
    Grok Magmaforge, Iron Crisis
    ALADIN, Out of the Abyss
    Jace/Elela, Right to Die

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    The Climb

    Despite his best efforts, ALADIN finds the bees' top speed to be much greater than his own. His sprint brings him to the corpse of the fallen one, which is mostly intact besides the holes in its side and the crushed head that it landed on.

    "We all still live?" the Dawnbringer's voice rings in their minds. "Wonderful news. I feared for a moment that we would be buried under that rockslide."

    The Ship

    Tucking her weapon back into her belt, Topsy leans on the railing and watches the orcs warily across the water. "Twin telepathy?" she asks, looking up at Sarith with a quirked brow. It's probably an order of magnitude more words than the two have ever exchanged up to now. "If that can happen, we don't have it. Is it a drow thing?" brushing some hair out of her face, she gets up and paces. Lowering her voice, she adds, "I'm sure they can handle five orcs without breaking too much of a sweat. Good thinking with the slave ploy."
    Last edited by RandomWombat; 2023-10-14 at 07:00 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Lower Menthis

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Moon Elf Dhampir Cleric 5
    AC: 20 HP: 41/41 +8 THP PP: 16 PIv: 10 PIs: 16
    MP: 40/40 Sanity: +3
    Initiative: +2 (Advantage and +1d8)
    HD: 5/5d8, Conditions: none
    Spell Slots, 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2
    Channel Divinity 1/1 SR + 1/1 LR
    Vampiric Bite: 3/3 LR
    Vigilant Blessing: self
    Eyes of the Night: 1/1 LR
    Elara somehow jumps and rolls to avoid the falling avalanche. Once everyone has recovered, she sees a glimpse of the retreating bee in the distance before it drops behind a ridge.

    "Let's keep going. They know we're coming now, but we have no choice."

    Spoiler: OOC
    Dex Save: (1d20+2)[22]

    Turvy sheet
    Deep Gnome Wizard 5
    AC: 14 HP: 33/33 +8 THP PP: 12 PIv: 16 PIs: 12
    MP: 30/30 MD: 4/4d12 Sanity: -1
    Initiative: +6
    HD: 3/5d6, Conditions: mage armor, exhaustion 1
    Spell Slots, 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2
    Portents: 5, 10

    Turvy managed to avoid the rocks completely, but also cannot stop the fleeing bee.

    "Yes. Let's keep going"

    Spoiler: OOC

    Last edited by Bobthewizard; 2023-10-15 at 07:37 AM.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Colossus in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Orc Brute Fighter
    AC: 19 HP: 51/51
    PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11 Sanity: 10
    Reaching the top of the ridge, Ront drops his shield, and levels his heavy crossbow at the retreating bee, taking a potshot. ALADIN, standing besides him, reloads it almost instantly, letting him get a second shot off.
    Sadly, due to the poor manufacture of the bolts, both miss, prompting a growl of unhappiness from Ront, before the duo continue towards the now alerted hive.
    Spoiler: Current Character List:

    John Smith, Playing in the Dollhouse
    Adam of Cyre, Cyre Red
    Grok Magmaforge, Iron Crisis
    ALADIN, Out of the Abyss
    Jace/Elela, Right to Die

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Titan in the Playground
    Amnestic's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Castle Sparrowcellar

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Sarith Kzerkarit
    Drow Fighter/Phantom Rogue
    AC: 16 HP: 40/40 MP: 22/22
    PP: 16 PIv: 11 PIs: 10

    "Of...of course, it must be. No doubt yet another sign of drow superiority." Sarith says, while mentally wondering just where had he heard that twins were telepathic, and who would pay for him making of a fool of himself. He wasn't sure, but he would think about it, then add their name to the list of people who must suffer before he dies.
    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
    Cyre Red IC | OOC

    OotA IC | OOC

    Master Homebrew Index (5e)

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground
    Spore's Avatar

    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Nilvae and Mr Spide
    Half-Elf Witch | Sentient Spider Cleric
    AC: 13 HP: 25/32 MP: 40/45 | AC: 14 HP: 37/37 MP: 34/34
    PP: 11 PIv: 11 PIs: 14 San: 13 (+1) | PP: 10 PIv: 15 PIs: 10 San 14
    Spell Slots, 3rd: 1/2 |
    Conditions: Exhaustion [1]
    Concentration: Find Beasts (Apis Queen)

    Falling from and being battered by rocks, Nilvae cannot help but feel anger at the blade. Yeah, sure, YOU'RE not covered in mud, bleeding and tired already. she says as she tries to readjust her partially undone braids. First by hand, then remembering she was a capable mage now, with the help of an invisible hand.

    Well, you wouldn't grab onto the silk. Spide mentions casually redadjusting his monocle just to mock Nilvae. Well, we should at least know where the queen is before searching the WHOLE hive. Nilvae scoffs. As they are in a hurry, she exclaims her magic words to find the bee queen. Regina Apis!

    Nilvae heals for 9. Casting Locate Beast for the Queen Bee.

    Galdar Bloodskull
    Duergar 'Psion'
    AC: 19 HP: 38/38 MP: 39/39
    PP: 15 PIv: 9 PIs: 13 San: 14
    Spell Slots, 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2
    Sorcery Points: 4/4
    Conditions: Telepathic Bond (Nilvae), Soothsayer (helped), Inspired Leader [8/8 tHP]
    Concentration: -

    You oughta train harder, lass. A bit of climbing and a bunch of rocks should not dent you that badly. Galdar says without an ounce of humor or sarcasm. I assume the tunnels are vertical and horizontal. Nothing we can do here. Advance.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ogre in the Playground
    purepolarpanzer's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    The Frozen Northlands

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Borthan Zuek
    Half-Drow Ranger
    AC: 17 HP:44/45
    22/29 MP
    0 Temp HP
    PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 14 Sanity:12
    Concentrating on:
    4 of 5 d10 HD.
    Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 2/2 2nd

    By focusing his movements on defense, Borthan avoided the worst of the rockfall, but he was displeased to see others had taken boulders to the face. If anyone needs a hand up he offers it, then turns to encourage them to haul butt up this hill. "Elara's right. The longer we give 'em the more of 'em we have to fight all at once. Let's get moving, people, we've got a war to win against some mutant insects." He draws a battle axe and a warhammer and follows after Ront, pursuing conflict like a dog with a strong scent.

    Prince Derendil
    Quaggoth Barbarian/Abjurer
    AC: 17 HP: 39/39
    34/34 MP
    10 Temp HP
    PP: 10 PIv: 12 PIs: 10 Sanity 10
    Conditions: Mage Armor (8 hrs), Arcane Ward (0hp/8hp)
    Concentrating on:
    HD:1/1 D12, 3/3 D6
    Spell Slots- 3/3 1st, 3/3 2nd, 2/2 3rd

    Derendil had hoped to avoid using spells this early, but he simply could not abide being crushed by the sizable rock that had rolled his way. "Onward and upward then, my friends. Onward and upward."
    The Bear is Back.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Colossus in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Autognome Artificer
    AC: 19 HP: 43/43
    PP: 14 PIv: 17 PIs: 12 Sanity: 10
    With the desperate attempt to shoot the Bee down with long range fire from the heavy crossbow a failure, ALADIN simply continues along the way towards the hive, with Ront picking up his shield and following shortly thereafter.
    Spoiler: Current Character List:

    John Smith, Playing in the Dollhouse
    Adam of Cyre, Cyre Red
    Grok Magmaforge, Iron Crisis
    ALADIN, Out of the Abyss
    Jace/Elela, Right to Die

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Rocks Fall, Aftermath

    In the wake of their Misty Steps, the party feels a tingling upon their skin, followed by a jolt like a brief electrical shock from touching something loaded with static seeking a place to go. Once the boulders have run down the mountain, the party finds a perfectly white perfect cube sitting where ALADIN was prior to his teleportation. The rocks that tumbled into it glanced off, unable to move it from its point in space.

    The cube does not appear to be doing anything.

    Attempting to mend some of her wounds and scrapes with a hex, Nilvae feels another jolt of shock run through her. In its wake, her tongue feels dry and she finds herself craving for the taste of blood.

    ALADIN can still feel a sense that there is energy hovering around him, as if waiting for something else to set it off.

    The Climb

    Less of a climb now, truth be told, and more of a walk. The warm underground air is somewhat cooler up here, on a plateau that hangs among the mountainous pillars of the island like a table upon legs. Pale blue grasses grow in the soil here, intermittently interrupted by thickets of tall bamboo-like wood or patches of mushrooms - some growing from the remains of dead beasts. Mole rats, giant ants, giant bats, one patch is even entwined around a humanoid skeleton.

    The ants are common up here, and surprisingly docile so long as the party keeps their distance, and move away calmly to another patch of grass rather than attack when approached. Each of them is the size of a large dog and has a rather plain dirt-brown carapace. They graze on the grasses and harvest pieces of the mushrooms, leaving the rest to regrow.

    Spoiler: Nature
    Spoiler: DC 5
    Don't ants live underground?

    Spoiler: DC 10
    These giant ants are known as Flat Scuttlers or just Scuttlers, native species to the higher plateaus of the Northdark. They're grazing herbivores and an odd sort of scavenger, using 'dark vegetation as food but also 'farming' mushrooms by planting them on corpses they find, including their own fallen. When attacked, they prefer to flee rather than fight, but they can still be vicious if threatened while cornered.

    They show no signs of mutation.

    Spoiler: DC 15
    Some communities keep Scuttlers as pets or livestock due to their docile nature, but domestic Scuttlers must be raised from eggs in captivity or the specimen simply never stop attempting to leave and return to their clutch, the clustered family units of individuals that form. These ants do not have a centralized queen. Individuals reproduce, and the females are capable of parthenogenesis similar to some species of lizard if no males are available.

    Like other giant arthropods, their shells are resistant to slashing and piercing weapons, but blunt impacts will crack them open. Scuttlers are also naturally resistant to magic, which may be why the changes to the faerzress has not affected them at all so far.

    Spoiler: Medicine
    Spoiler: DC 1
    There's a lot of mottled marks on their shells. They must have some kind of pox, best not to touch them in case it's transmissible between species.

    Spoiler: DC 5
    Doesn't look like anything wrong with the ants. The marks are probably old scars from predators.

    Spoiler: DC 10
    The scars on the ants' shells are caused by acid, which has resulted in uneven patches, and extensive discoloration. They lack any scars from bite marks, so it's probably not from the bees - and any predated upon by the flying beasts would probably not survive to get scars.

    A good estimation is some kind of slime or ooze in the area is responsible.

    Passing the unobtrusive wildlife by, the party eventually comes to the ravine. It's about eighty feet across, the other side visible - another plateau that stretches onwards. There may be more ravines like this in the area. Peering down the ravine, they find they cannot make out the bottom - while the faerzress improves visibility in the dark, it also makes things fuzzy over long distances, like the air is dancing and moving. ALADIN estimates visibility would fall off past a couple thousand feet. The drop goes deep.

    At the cusp of the fall, Nilvae kneels down to focus, setting out some ritual components and communing with Spide's spidery senses.

    Spoiler: Nilvae
    When Nilvae performs her ritual, the magic in the air hums and shivers, making her hair rise on end as if static electricity just ran over her body. But it does not spiral out of control this time. She feels her senses ripple out across the landscape, swirling around things that do not match the named target. Then the magic swirls around something it recognizes as the thing she was seeking. Some things.

    About two miles down the ravine, at its bottom, she feels the large presence of an Apidae Faerza Queen. Not far from the Queen, but far enough they may not be in the same 'room,' she senses a smaller presence. An egg, still developing, which will one day hatch into a new queen.

    Spoiler: Nilvae (or anyone she tells) Nature DC 12
    Apidae Faerza Queens produce a new royal egg only when the hive is preparing to split and start a new colony, which happens when its population reaches capacity. Considering this, it the hive was likely thriving and becoming overfull prior to its recent losses. The party claims to have killed about a dozen bees before, and one more now, so there may be anywhere from six to nine warriors left, the Queen, and a few less-deadly male drones.
    Last edited by RandomWombat; 2023-10-17 at 06:12 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Lower Menthis

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Moon Elf Dhampir Cleric 5
    AC: 20 HP: 41/41 +8 THP PP: 16 PIv: 10 PIs: 16
    MP: 40/40 Sanity: +3
    Initiative: +2 (Advantage and +1d8)
    HD: 5/5d8, Conditions: none
    Spell Slots, 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2
    Channel Divinity 1/1 SR + 1/1 LR
    Vampiric Bite: 3/3 LR
    Vigilant Blessing: self
    Eyes of the Night: 1/1 LR
    Elara walks along with the others. She sees that Faedryl is struggling and was hit hard by the rocks.

    "Let the light of the moon soothe you."

    A soft glow appears on her hand and lights up some of Faedryls wounds, closing them and easing the bruises.

    Spoiler: OOC
    1st level healing word (1d4+3)[6]
    Nature (1d20)[20]
    Medicine (1d20+4)[6]

    Turvy sheet
    Deep Gnome Wizard 5
    AC: 14 HP: 33/33 +8 THP PP: 12 PIv: 16 PIs: 12
    MP: 30/30 MD: 4/4d12 Sanity: -1
    Initiative: +6
    HD: 3/5d6, Conditions: mage armor, exhaustion 1
    Spell Slots, 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2
    Portents: 5, 10

    Turvy first moves to investigate the white cube from Aladrin's misty step. He tries to push the cube. If it won't move, he's not sure if it is magically immobile or if he miss just too small.

    "Ront. Can you try to move this?"

    When we encounter the ants, Turvy suggests we leave them alone while rattling off an excessive number of facts about them.

    "These giant ants are known as Flat Scuttlers or just Scuttlers, native species to the higher plateaus of the Northdark. They're grazing herbivores and an odd sort of scavenger, using 'dark vegetation as food but also 'farming' mushrooms by planting them on corpses they find, including their own fallen. When attacked, they prefer to flee rather than fight, but they can still be vicious if threatened while cornered."

    They show no signs of mutation.

    Some communities keep Scuttlers as pets or livestock due to their docile nature, but domestic Scuttlers must be raised from eggs in captivity or the specimen simply never stop attempting to leave and return to their clutch, the clustered family units of individuals that form. These ants do not have a centralized queen. Individuals reproduce, and the females are capable of parthenogenesis similar to some species of lizard if no males are available."

    Spoiler: OOC
    Arcana for cube: (1d20+7)[21]
    Nature (1d20+4)[24]
    Medicine (1d20+5)[9]

    Last edited by Bobthewizard; 2023-10-18 at 02:00 PM.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Colossus in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Orc Brute Fighter
    AC: 19 HP: 51/51
    PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11 Sanity: 10
    At Turvy's question, Ront shrugs, and gives the cube a shove.

    Spoiler: OOC

    (1d20+8)[11] Athletics

    Autognome Artificer
    AC: 19 HP: 43/43
    PP: 14 PIv: 17 PIs: 12 Sanity: 10
    ALADIN seems to ignore the cube, content in Turvy and Ront's investigation, choosing to observe the ants, and to try and match them to one of the texts he was familiar with. Turvy pre-empts his discovery, and he instead remains silent, not having anything significant to add.
    Spoiler: Current Character List:

    John Smith, Playing in the Dollhouse
    Adam of Cyre, Cyre Red
    Grok Magmaforge, Iron Crisis
    ALADIN, Out of the Abyss
    Jace/Elela, Right to Die

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Titan in the Playground
    Amnestic's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Castle Sparrowcellar

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Faedryl Melad
    Drow Hexblade/Evoker
    AC: 17 HP: 26/34 MP: 28/31
    PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 13
    Conditions: Exhaustion (1)

    She nods in gratitude for the healing - it took some of the edge off her fall from earlier.

    "I don't suppose anyone has a quick and easy way to get down?" She does not, of course, or she would have offered it already. No sense in holding back at this stage. The only other solution she saw was try to find an easy path down - a perilous climb to be sure, or start the flooding from up here and hope it drew the bees to them. Not that this seemed a particularly defensible position.

    She certainly doesn't want the climb to be for nothing.
    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
    Cyre Red IC | OOC

    OotA IC | OOC

    Master Homebrew Index (5e)

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    The Cube

    When Turvy lays a hand upon the cube, there is resistance. Pushing against it feels less like pressing against a surface, and more like pushing against a wall of air pressure. When he draws back, it doesn't look or feel like anything 'rebounds' back into shape, yet Ront's touch produces the exact same effect. Neither of them can press much more than a few inches into the cube, nor does it appear to be affected by gravity or inertia.

    Spoiler: Turvy
    While at first it seemed like an unusual force cage, it does not display any of the properties of a force construct. Given the wild magic at play here, there may not be any reasonable explanation for the cube at all; it could be a half-formed spell effect, or maybe an object that appeared on the ethereal plane and then bled through like a ghost or spirit? Its properties make taking a sample for later impossible.

    The Ledge

    As she speaks words of mending, Elara feels a static shock strike across her body, then she and everyone else hears a pop noise and Elara feels a rush of cool air. When she looks down, she finds that she is now wearing nothing but a swaddling of blue leaves wrapped around her torso and mercifully dangling down past her waist, her clothes and equipment vanished in an instant.

    Spoiler: Nature or Investigation
    Spoiler: DC 5
    The leaves appear to be identical to the grass leaves growing on the plateau.

    Spoiler: DC 15, or DC 10 if succeeded at least DC 15 on ant check
    The Flat Scuttlers swaddle their larvae in leaves while they are in the nest. It's possible that the wild magic swapped her clothing with a random creature's 'clothing' and the creature it 'chose' happened to be an ant larva somewhere nearby.

    Scuttler nests are dug into the ground, but are not very deep or large.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Lower Menthis

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Moon Elf Dhampir Cleric 5
    AC: 20 HP: 41/41 +8 THP PP: 16 PIv: 10 PIs: 16
    MP: 40/40 Sanity: +3
    Initiative: +2 (Advantage and +1d8)
    HD: 5/5d8, Conditions: none
    Spell Slots, 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2
    Channel Divinity 1/1 SR + 1/1 LR
    Vampiric Bite: 3/3 LR
    Vigilant Blessing: self
    Eyes of the Night: 1/1 LR
    Elara heals Faedryl a little but then all of her equipment disappears, replaced by leaves that quickly fall to the ground. She's not embarrassed, but looks around frantically for her things, desperate to find her holy symbol above all else.

    "We need to find my gear or I won't be much help."

    Spoiler: OOC

    Nature (1d20)[19]

    Turvy sheet
    Deep Gnome Wizard 5
    AC: 14 HP: 33/33 +8 THP PP: 12 PIv: 16 PIs: 12
    MP: 30/30 MD: 4/4d12 Sanity: -1
    Initiative: +6
    HD: 3/5d6, Conditions: mage armor, exhaustion 1
    Spell Slots, 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2
    Portents: 5, 10

    Turvy is disappointed that he didn't prepare feather fall today. He wishes that spell were rattling around in his brain right now. He looks in shock as Elara's armor and equipment disappears, only to be replaced by a wrapping of leaves. He would die of embarrassment if that happened to him. He realizes what happened, which gives him an opportunity to tell everyone more about the ants.

    "The Flat Scuttlers swaddle their larvae in leaves while they are in the nest. It's possible that the wild magic swapped her clothing with a random creature's 'clothing' and the creature it 'chose' happened to be an ant larva somewhere nearby. Scuttler nests are dug into the ground, but are not very deep or large.

    We need to go find her things."

    He then marches towards the ants to try to see where their larva are stored.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Investigation (1d20+7)[15]

    Last edited by Bobthewizard; 2023-10-18 at 05:47 PM.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Colossus in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Orc Brute Fighter
    AC: 19 HP: 51/51
    PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11 Sanity: 10
    Ront glances over as Elara's equipment vanishes, then shrugs. She wasn't the right color or large enough, and no one would expect him to help.

    Autognome Artificer
    AC: 19 HP: 43/43
    PP: 14 PIv: 17 PIs: 12 Sanity: 10
    ALADIN frowns at Elara's comment. "That is inconvenient. It will give the bees much more time to prepare for our arrival, but I suppose we have little choice. I can begin casting detect magic, but it would be wise to search manually. It is likely that your equipment is nearby." ALADIN's words remain utterly neutral, and completely ignoring the effects of the faerzress in his plan. He also doesn't seem to care in the slightest about Elara's lack of dress.

    He also starts the slow process of ritually casting Detect Magic.
    Spoiler: Current Character List:

    John Smith, Playing in the Dollhouse
    Adam of Cyre, Cyre Red
    Grok Magmaforge, Iron Crisis
    ALADIN, Out of the Abyss
    Jace/Elela, Right to Die

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Moon Elf Dhampir Cleric 5
    AC: 12 HP: 41/41 +8 THP PP: 16 PIv: 10 PIs: 16
    MP: 40/40 Sanity: +3
    Initiative: +2 (Advantage and +1d8)
    HD: 5/5d8, Conditions: none
    Spell Slots, 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2
    Channel Divinity 1/1 SR + 1/1 LR
    Vampiric Bite: 3/3 LR
    Vigilant Blessing: self
    Eyes of the Night: 1/1 LR
    Elara, naked and unarmed, starts looking for the ant larva that stole her things.

    "Let's see what we find and try not to disturb the ants."

    She quickly spots a larva hill that seems to be newly pushed up more than the others.

    "It's that one. Can someone help me dig it up?"

    Spoiler: OOC

    Survival (1d20+7)[24]
    Animal Handling (1d20+4)[15]

    Turvy sheet
    Deep Gnome Wizard 5
    AC: 14 HP: 33/33 +8 THP PP: 12 PIv: 16 PIs: 12
    MP: 30/30 MD: 4/4d12 Sanity: -1
    Initiative: +6
    HD: 3/5d6, Conditions: mage armor, exhaustion 1
    Spell Slots, 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2
    Portents: 5, 10

    Turvy walks along next to Elara, also looking for the larva.


    But really, he's more concerned with the wild magic here than he is in finding Elara's things.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Survival (1d20+2)[8]
    Animal Handling (1d20+2)[6]

    Last edited by Bobthewizard; 2023-10-19 at 08:46 AM.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Faedryl Melad
    Drow Hexblade/Evoker
    AC: 17 HP: 26/34 MP: 28/31
    PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 13
    Conditions: Exhaustion (1)

    Digging in the dirt by hand was decidedly beneath Faedryl, and she was already tired from the climb. Frankly, she's concerned she'd be more in the way than any actual help, without wanting to risk more wild magic - and if it could strip someone of all they wear and carry she didn't fancy that happening to her.

    She opts to maintain a watch, for any bees or anything else, lest they try to catch her unawares.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Not that I'm expecting anything, but just in case.
    Perception (Disadv, from exhaustion) (1d20+3)[11](1d20+3)[10]
    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
    Cyre Red IC | OOC

    OotA IC | OOC

    Master Homebrew Index (5e)

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Nilvae and Mr Spide
    Half-Elf Witch | Sentient Spider Cleric
    AC: 13 HP: 25/32 MP: 40/45 | AC: 14 HP: 37/37 MP: 34/34
    PP: 11 PIv: 11 PIs: 14 San: 13 (+1) | PP: 10 PIv: 15 PIs: 10 San 14
    Spell Slots, 3rd: 1/2 |
    Conditions: Exhaustion [1]
    Concentration: Find Beasts (Apis Queen)

    The witch grasps a bit of bee mucus and mixes it with dirt and suddenly some sort of ephemeral vision of the lair appears before her. She senses the queen is below, and she has an egg. Well, the queen also laid an egg, and these fetch high prices. They are probably trying to split the hive. There are too many bees in this. That is why the bees swarm out. They need a new home.

    She watches Elara become nude in a puff of smoke short of some leaves to cover the Selunite's bits. She smiles. Do you two need some privacy? she can't help but gloat as she unclasps her basic cloak to cover Elara's essentials. I just wanted to tell you that Spide and I have learned more than enough healing when we met a priestess of HIS faith that I would not squander Selûne's gifts for something so simple as wounds. Despite my friend's dark exterior, their deity is one of warmth and healing. The black giant spider stands in awe. Fire and Brimstone is also light, and torturers also heal their victims! he says to regain some sort of dignity.
    Galdar Bloodskull
    Duergar 'Psion'
    AC: 19 HP: 38/38 MP: 39/39
    PP: 15 PIv: 9 PIs: 13 San: 14
    Spell Slots, 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2
    Sorcery Points: 4/4
    Conditions: Telepathic Bond (Nilvae), Soothsayer (helped), Inspired Leader [8/8 tHP]
    Concentration: -

    Och, by Moradin's dirty behind, you are even worse at digging than the surface dwarves! Robot boy, don't you have a so-called allpurpose tool? Make it a shovel and hand me it! The duergar starts digging with powerful arms, as the gauntlets on them shine in a strange light.

    (1d20+7)[19] Athletics to dig for the larva. If I get the shovel, Galdar will not be gentle and pierce the larva in two before letting it get away.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Ogre in the Playground
    purepolarpanzer's Avatar

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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Borthan Zuek
    Half-Drow Ranger
    AC: 17 HP:44/45
    22/29 MP
    0 Temp HP
    PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 14 Sanity:12
    Concentrating on:
    4 of 5 d10 HD.
    Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 2/2 2nd

    "I'll keep watch while ya'll work on getting Elara's equipment. Can't let our guard down, even if it's just Scuttlers around right now. They might not take kindly to us disrobing their larva of Elara's armor and clothes." Borthan patted the hilt of his warhammer.

    Prince Derendil
    Quaggoth Barbarian/Abjurer
    AC: 17 HP: 39/39
    34/34 MP
    10 Temp HP
    PP: 10 PIv: 12 PIs: 10 Sanity 10
    Conditions: Mage Armor (8 hrs), Arcane Ward (8hp/8hp)
    Concentrating on:
    HD:1/1 D12, 3/3 D6
    Spell Slots- 3/3 1st, 3/3 2nd, 2/2 3rd

    Derendil moves to help Elara. He knew from the prison how dehumanizing it can be to not have any of your equipment, and wouldn't wish it on anyone. Plus they would need a strong back.
    The Bear is Back.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Spoiler: Elara's Tattoo: History
    The tattoos on Elara's face are not often very visible. They are of winding rose vines wrapped around a crook-like scepter.

    Spoiler: DC 5
    She keeps it hidden when interacting with most people. Could it be a gang tattoo? Or perhaps a brand from her vampiric progenitor?

    Spoiler: DC 10
    The tattoo's style and content make it distinctly elvish, and it has a regal bearing to it. It may be an indicator of a noble line, much like the signet rings human nobles so fondly flaunt about. Given her claims to be from Cormanthyr, that's probably where Elara's noble heritage resides.

    Spoiler: DC 15
    It is the symbol of the Coronal-Elect of Cormanthyr, one chosen to be the protege and heir apparent of the current Coronal - the ruler of an elven nation. Coronals are not a hereditary position, though there is no specific rule against declaring one's own child as an heir apparent. Instead, a protege is chosen by the current Coronal to be educated and prepared for the position that will be handed down to them.

    More than one Coronal-Elect is never chosen at one time, to reduce the odds of civil war over the position. A new elect can only be chosen when the previous elect is deceased. It is likely that the elves attempting to rebuild Cormanthyr are distraught over their missing heir.

    Searching around the area, Elara soon finds a hump in the ground that signifies an ant burrow below. There are narrow holes around the raised mound, which scuttlers skitter in and out of - the holes are wide and flat, such that a human could not very effectively crawl inside, but the flat-bodied bugs have no issue. They seem wary of the group of creatures approaching their den, and the clutch of scuttlers backs away or else retreats inside, watching them in a circle like a ring of bystanders gawking at someone digging up a section of the street in the middle of a city. Some of their nearby 'neighbors' wander over to see what the fuss is about, watching from a little further away. Elara does her best to soothe them with soft sounds.

    Taking up the task of digging, Galdar is none too gentle with the mound. The normally docile ants begin clacking their mandibles angrily, trying to convince him to leave without a fight. But when a shovel guided to Elara's magical gear by ALADIN's spell cleaves open the ceiling to the scuttler den and reveals a half dozen squishy larvae huddled together and swaddled in leaves (or in the case of one, encased in a mithral chestplate that the shovel clangs against), the scuttlers have had enough.

    A rush of ants erupts from below, and the ring surrounding them closes in menacingly. The larvae wriggle around, distressed by the sudden commotion but bereft of any real understanding or much ability to fight back.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    Elara's equipment is scattered around Larva B, which is curled up inside her armor's chestpiece.
    New Roll20 map is updated.

    Borthan is up if he wishes to use split initiative. Otherwise, some ants move in to swarm.

    Spoiler: Initiative
    Each player can choose on round 1 whether to use joint or split initiative for their characters, as usual.
    Flat Scuttlers C/D - 21
    Flat Scuttlers I/J - 21
    Flat Scuttlers E/F - 20

    Borthan/Derendil - 19
    Turvy - 19
    Spide - 18

    ??? - 18
    ??? - 17
    Flat Scuttlers P/Q - 17

    Elara/Turvy - 16
    Nilvae - 16
    Faedryl - 15

    Flat Scuttlers G/H - 15

    Nilvae/Spide/Galdar/Charlotte - 14
    Elara - 14

    Flat Scuttlers R/S - 13
    Flat Scuttlers N/O - 12

    Galdar/Charlotte - 10
    Ront - 10
    Dawnbringer - 10

    Flat Scuttlers A/B - 9
    Flat Scuttlers L/M - 7
    Flat Scuttler Larvae - 6

    ALADIN/Ront - 6
    ALADIN - 3
    Last edited by RandomWombat; 2023-10-21 at 02:43 PM.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    As the ants burst forth, they swarm around the ankles of Ront and Galdar. The two burly fighters are bowled over by the relentless teamwork of each pair of insects, which pick them up as though they were no lighter than cloth dolls. With the same strength they use to haul corpses of larger beasts to feed their shrooms, they hurl the two through the air, sending them sailing through the dark and then tumbling over the rocky plateau ground and spikey coarse grasses.

    Faedryl is still in the midst of registering what's happening when a scuttler grabs her ankles with its mandibles and spins around rapidly, sending her flying head over heels like a ragdoll after them. She rolls to a stop just on the other side of another ant after bouncing off of its back. The small beast turns and snips its mandibles at her.

    Spoiler: Handle Animal DC 12
    The scuttler is not moving to attack Faedryl at the moment, but rather appears to be warning her to back away.

    As its fellows hurl the intruding humanoids away from their nest, another ant nips at Charlotte's legs, the duergar's steeder receiving a bleeding cut for being too close to their young.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    Scuttler C moves and attempts to Grapple Ront, but fails.
    Scuttler D moves and attempts to Grapple Ront, but fails. Scuttler C takes its Swarm reaction to Grapple Ront, and succeeds. Scuttler D takes its Swarm reaction to Grapple Ront, and succeeds.
    Scuttler C and D team-yeet Ront 60 feet away, dealing 11 bludgeoning damage from the fall and knocking him Prone.
    Scuttler I Grapples Faedryl and yeets her 30 feet, dealing 9 damage from the fall and knocking her Prone.
    Scuttler J attempts to Grapple Galdar, but fails.
    Scuttler E Grapples Galdar. Scuttler J's Swarm reaction also Grapples Galdar.
    Scuttler E and J team-yeet Galdar 60 feet away, dealing 10 damage and knocking him Prone.
    Scuttler F bites Charlotte, dealing 6 damage and Lacerating her for 2 Bleed.

    Borthan and Derendil are up. Turvy and Spide are also up if using split initiatives.

    Situational References
    Elara's equipment is scattered around Larva B, which is curled up inside her armor's chestpiece. Picking up her bag or a weapon is a use item action. Dumping the larva out of her armor while collecting it is an action.

    Spoiler: Initiative
    Each player can choose on round 1 whether to use joint or split initiative for their characters, as usual.
    Flat Scuttlers C/D - 21
    Flat Scuttlers I/J - 21
    Flat Scuttlers E/F - 20

    Borthan/Derendil - 19
    Spide - 18

    ??? - 18
    ??? - 17
    Flat Scuttlers P/Q - 17

    Elara/Turvy - 16
    Nilvae - 16
    Faedryl - 15

    Flat Scuttlers G/H - 15

    Nilvae/Spide/Galdar/Charlotte - 14

    Flat Scuttlers R/S - 13
    Flat Scuttlers N/O - 12

    Galdar/Charlotte - 10
    Ront - 10
    Dawnbringer - 10

    Flat Scuttlers A/B - 9
    Flat Scuttlers L/M - 7
    Flat Scuttler Larvae - 6

    ALADIN/Ront - 6
    ALADIN - 3
    Last edited by RandomWombat; 2023-10-21 at 08:13 PM.

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Ogre in the Playground
    purepolarpanzer's Avatar

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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Borthan Zuek
    Half-Drow Ranger
    AC: 17 HP:44/45
    22/29 MP
    0 Temp HP
    PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 14 Sanity:12
    Concentrating on:
    4 of 5 d10 HD.
    Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 2/2 2nd

    "We're here to deal with bees, not ants. Hurry up, grab the gear, and let's get the hell out of here!"
    Borthan runs over to the larvae wearing armor and unceremoniously dumps the wormlike ant baby out of the mithral, doing his best not to hurt it. "If we get involved in a fight for the death when we're outnumbered like this we might attract more attention than we can handle!"

    Prince Derendil
    Quaggoth Barbarian/Abjurer
    AC: 17 HP: 39/39
    34/34 MP
    10 Temp HP
    PP: 10 PIv: 12 PIs: 10 Sanity 10
    Conditions: Mage Armor (8 hrs), Arcane Ward (0hp/8hp)
    Concentrating on:
    HD:1/1 D12, 3/3 D6
    Spell Slots- 3/3 1st, 3/3 2nd, 2/2 3rd

    Derendil rushes to gather Elara's gear as well, leaving her weapon for the moment and picking up her bag.
    The Bear is Back.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Nilvae and Mr Spide
    Half-Elf Witch | Sentient Spider Cleric
    AC: 13 HP: 25/32 MP: 40/45 | AC: 14 HP: 37/37 MP: 34/34
    PP: 11 PIv: 11 PIs: 14 San: 13 (+1) | PP: 10 PIv: 15 PIs: 10 San 14
    Spell Slots, 3rd: 1/2 |
    Conditions: Exhaustion [1]
    Concentration: Find Beasts (Apis Queen)

    Don't worry, milady! Spide is a gentleman and attacks the opponent of his maiden in distress, Lady Charlotte. As the spider shoots a divine flame in the shape of a spider web at the opposing scuttler. Then it jumps and tries to find purchase a bit above.

    For some reason I rolled attack instad of a save, but base 16 on a dex save vs an ant will probably fail vs DC 15
    In the case it doesnt, it is 10 radiant damage.

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Stepping in around one of the ants, Borthan gently evicts the small larva from its mithral cocoon. It nips at his hand in a fright as it falls, but misses his fingers and tumbles into the dirt looking no worse for wear. Derendil's descent into the pit is met with a bite to the back of his thigh, as the scuttler near him tries to dissuade him from getting closer to the larvae. But it only manages to snag onto some fur and tear it out - painfully but ultimately harmlessly. He swiftly scoops up Elara's bag, stuffing any of her scattered odds and ends inside.

    The ant doesn't give up so easily, and Derendil soon finds himself fending off two of them trying to grab hold of him. One on the ledge of the pit grabs him by the shoulder and flings him into the air, where he sails away from the squirming pile of juvenile ants. The sensation is almost enjoyable up until the landing.

    Conjuring a sparkling web, Spide feels the air around him churn as he throws it at the ant menacing his hulking crush. The ant skitters out of the way, and no surge seems to have sparked in the Weave.

    There is some movement spotted out of the corner of some party members' eyes. "Hark! Yon bees menace from above!" a telepathic voice announces.

    Spoiler: Perception
    Dawnbringer spotted the bees, so everyone succeeds with 18 if they wish.

    Spoiler: DC 10
    Something moved by the edge of the cliffs.

    Spoiler: DC 15
    Two Apidae Faerza flew up from the edge of the cliffs and are soaring above the party's position.

    Spoiler: DC 18
    The two insects' antennae had been poking out over the ledge just before they took flight, suggesting that they were lurking in hiding and waiting for the party to try something above the hive. Each of them is holding a head-sized stone in between their legs - they may mean to pelt the party with them from above.

    ALADIN finds himself menaced by one of the ants, which tries to do what it did to Faedryl. But a brush of his finger sends some static from his gauntlets through a mandible and dissuades the ant from grabbing him, as it shakes its head to clear away the sensation.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    Borthan grabs Elara's mithral armor, dumping the larva out. The frightened larva attempts to bite him when handled, but fails to.
    Derendil moves into the pit and grabs Elara's bag and amulet. Scuttler P takes a bite at him as he drops into the larva nest. However, since he took no action this turn I gave Derendil the Dodge action which caused the ant to miss. The larvae are incapable of normal opportunity attacks.
    Spide casts Sacred Flame, but Scuttler F evades.

    Apidae B (wounded from previous encounter) and Apidae C move.
    Scuttler P moves and attempts to Grapple Derendil, but fails. Scuttler J uses a Swarm reaction to Grapple him instead. Scuttler P tries to join in, but Derendil fends it off again. He finds himself hurled for 7 damage, and lands Prone.
    Scuttler Q attempts to Grapple ALADIN, but he evades.

    Elara, Turvy, Nilvae and Faedryl are up!

    Situational References
    Elara's equipment is scattered around Larva B, which is curled up inside her armor's chestpiece. Picking up her bag, shield or a weapon is a use item action. Dumping the larva out of her armor while collecting it is an action.

    Bag - Collected by Derendil
    Armor - Collected by Borthan

    Apidae B and C are currently above the battlefield within ~80 feet for the purpose of ranged attacks.

    Spoiler: Initiative
    Each player can choose on round 1 whether to use joint or split initiative for their characters, as usual.
    Flat Scuttlers C/D - 21
    Flat Scuttlers I/J - 21
    Flat Scuttlers E/F - 20

    Borthan/Derendil - 19
    Spide - 18

    Apidae Faerza B - 18
    Apidae Faerza C - 17
    Flat Scuttlers P/Q - 17

    Elara/Turvy - 16
    Nilvae - 16
    Faedryl - 15

    Flat Scuttlers G/H - 15
    Flat Scuttlers R/S - 13
    Flat Scuttlers N/O - 12

    Galdar/Charlotte - 10
    Ront - 10
    Dawnbringer - 10

    Flat Scuttlers A/B - 9
    Flat Scuttlers L/M - 7
    Flat Scuttler Larvae - 6

    ALADIN/Ront - 6
    ALADIN - 3
    Last edited by RandomWombat; 2023-10-22 at 04:02 PM.

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Moon Elf Dhampir Cleric 5
    AC: 12 HP: 41/41 +8 THP PP: 16 PIv: 10 PIs: 16
    MP: 40/40 Sanity: +3
    Initiative: +2 (Advantage and +1d8)
    HD: 5/5d8, Conditions: none
    Spell Slots, 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2
    Channel Divinity 1/1 SR + 1/1 LR
    Vampiric Bite: 3/3 LR
    Vigilant Blessing: self
    Eyes of the Night: 1/1 LR
    Elara nods thanks to those who grabbed her armor and bag.

    "Thanks. Let's get out of here. Hopefully once we leave the larvae alone, they'll stop pursuing us."

    She grabs her shield, dodges away from the ants next to her and moves south.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Object interaction to grab shield.
    Action to disengage
    Move south and a little east to end up just south of Derendil.

    Turvy sheet
    Deep Gnome Wizard 5
    AC: 14 HP: 33/33 +8 THP PP: 12 PIv: 16 PIs: 12
    MP: 30/30 MD: 4/4d12 Sanity: -1
    Initiative: +6
    HD: 3/5d6, Conditions: mage armor, exhaustion 1
    Spell Slots, 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2
    Portents: 5, 10

    Turvy sees the chaos and runs away. A little out of fear, but mostly for strategy.

    "Everyone flee. Either they stop following us, or they cluster and we can fireball them."

    He's still concerned with the wild magic here but knows he might need to risk it.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Dash south. I assume south his where we need to go.

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Titan in the Playground
    Amnestic's Avatar

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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Faedryl Melad
    Drow Hexblade/Evoker
    AC: 17 HP: 17/34 MP: 28/31
    PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 13
    Conditions: Exhaustion (1)

    Faedryl leaps to her feet, mind lashing out at the nearest bug. A desire to strike back against the bugs that are a clear and present danger is supplanted by Elara already moving to escape. With her magic on the fritz, she didn't want to be caught out alone.

    Spoiler: Actions

    Bonus Action: TK Shove the nearby bug. (1d20)[12]+mods StrSave vs. DC16 or be pushed 5ft away.
    Action: Dash
    Move: Move to 'exit' the battlefield - I assume that's south, same as Elara. 45ft move total after standing up. Token's only been moved 40 since moving further results in VOID
    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
    Cyre Red IC | OOC

    OotA IC | OOC

    Master Homebrew Index (5e)

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Titan in the Playground
    Spore's Avatar

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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Nilvae and Mr Spide
    Half-Elf Witch | Sentient Spider Cleric
    AC: 13 HP: 25/32 MP: 40/45 | AC: 14 HP: 37/37 MP: 34/34
    PP: 11 PIv: 11 PIs: 14 San: 13 (+1) | PP: 10 PIv: 15 PIs: 10 San 14
    Spell Slots, 3rd: 1/2 |
    Conditions: Exhaustion [1]
    Concentration: Flaming Sphere

    Nilvae invokes her new patron's powers. Spide's carapace glows with previously invisible glyphs and suddenly an orb of fire appears just north of Elara. Borthan! Elara, push them into the fire!

    (3d6)[11] Flaming Sphere from a 3rd level slot. (1d20)[5] dex save for half.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Shifting her way around the ant menacing her and Borthan, Elara grabs the shield and tumbles backwards, bumping into the looming form of Charlotte on her way out. A ball of fire manifests nearby and drops down onto one of the larvae, roasting it to a golden brown and then beginning to char it black. Enraged clicking raises up all around them. Two ants grab her by the legs and she finds herself swept off of them, slamming her shoulder into the ground. They hurl her head over heels, and she lands painfully on the ground. Two more surround her and crawl atop her, tearing into flesh with their mandibles. At some point she passes out, bleeding.

    Fleeing the angry ants, Faedryl shoves the one standing above her back. The ant is startled by the shove from nothing and staggers backwards, allowing her to roll to her feet and join Turvy in running south away from the mound.

    Charlotte is also swarmed by ants, which bite down on her legs and twist her mandibles painfully, making it difficult for her to bite down precisely.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    Elara grabs her shield and moves south. She's unable to make it to Derendil since she had to scoot around an ant to reach the shield, but she's able to disengage from melee and get near Charlotte.
    Turvy Dashes to the south. He is 2 spaces off of the map (added a boot icon to indicate so his token remains accessible).
    Faedryl stands and moves away, shoving Scuttler H back to prevent an AoO. She's 1 space off the map to the south.
    Nilvae casts Flaming Sphere and dunks it onto Larva F, dealing 11 fire damage and killing it.

    Scuttler G bites Charlotte, dealing 5 damage and Crippling her mandibles, preventing her from using the Cripple ability this encounter. Scuttler F's swarm reaction bites her for 7 damage.
    Scuttler H bites Charlotte, dealing 7 damage.
    Scuttler R and S team grab Nilvae and toss her near Scuttler O. She takes 14 damage from the throw and is knocked Prone.
    Scuttler O and N swarm and bite Nilvae for 14 damage, KOing her, and then dealing 2 failed death saves. She has been Lacerated and is Bleeding for 2.

    Galdar/Charlotte are up! Charlotte suffers 2 Bleed damage at turn start.

    Situational References
    Bag - Collected by Derendil
    Armor - Collected by Borthan
    Shield - Collected by Elara

    Apidae B and C are currently above the battlefield within ~80 feet for the purpose of ranged attacks.

    Spoiler: Initiative
    Each player can choose on round 1 whether to use joint or split initiative for their characters, as usual.
    Flat Scuttlers C/D - 21
    Flat Scuttlers I/J - 21
    Flat Scuttlers E/F - 20

    Borthan/Derendil - 19
    Spide - 18

    Apidae Faerza B - 18
    Apidae Faerza C - 17
    Flat Scuttlers P/Q - 17

    Elara/Turvy - 16
    Nilvae - 16
    Faedryl - 15

    Flat Scuttlers G/H - 15
    Flat Scuttlers R/S - 13
    Flat Scuttlers N/O - 12

    Galdar/Charlotte - 10
    Dawnbringer - 10

    Flat Scuttlers A/B - 9
    Flat Scuttlers L/M - 7
    Flat Scuttler Larvae - 6

    ALADIN/Ront - 6
    Last edited by RandomWombat; 2023-10-26 at 11:40 AM.

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