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Thread: Webcomic List

  1. - Top - End - #241
    Troll in the Playground
    Gluteus_Maximus's Avatar

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    A Humorous Location

    Default Re: Webcomic List

    I just caught up with this webcomic recently, I'm surprised it's not on this list because it's been around for nearly a decade, but it's called Kill Six Billion Demons. Demonpunk, cosmic existential horror, shonen-y combat sequences with soft high magic, female protagonist.
    Quote Originally Posted by Requilac View Post
    Wow, i can’t believe it, WotC actually made the rules compatible for a situation in which an ape demon is leaping into the air to knock a vampire out of a Poylmorphed T-rex’s jaws who is flying 120 feet above the ground.
    Amazing Avatar by Smutmulch

  2. - Top - End - #242
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Webcomic List

    These are two ongoing slice-of life webcomics not on the list.

    "Tales From Wheeldust" is full color, has great artwork, and updates once a week. It's in a vaguely medieval fantasy setting, and covers the lives of a variety of inhabitants of the titular city of Wheeldust. There is some romance, though except for one (optional) scene, nothing that's nsfw.

    First page:

    "Lotta Svard: Women of War" follows four young women who try to help out their nation's troops when the tiny neutral nation of Finland is invaded by the massive Russian army. Sepia colored artwork. A full, long chapter is updated every 3-4 months. Although the story is about war, there is very little violence or combat, it's more about how ordinary people cope with extraordinary circumstances.

    Chapter list:

  3. - Top - End - #243
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Webcomic List

    It's been a bit since I cross-referenced my list of comics I've read with the list here. ...Oh boy. Gonna have to keep my descriptions pretty brief.

    Achilles Shieldmaidens - Technically only a preview of an upcoming webcomic, but at 52 pages still longer than at least one of the other entries here, maybe two. The military leadership knew an alien invasion was coming, and tried to prepare by building giant mechs. The titular Shieldmaidens were the PR program, making the mechs look like the most awesome things ever and inspiring people to sign up. And because they weren't really soldiers, and thus weren't present for the first battle with the aliens, they were also the program's only survivors.

    Arru and the Magical Mask - A goblin girl stumbles upon a magical mask. Possibly a demon after her soul/body, possibly a diminished god, certainly arrogant. But it does let her see in the dark! Will that be enough to make her the great warrior she dreams of being?

    Batman: Wayne Family Adventures - Slice of life following the various sidekicks and allies of Batman, who are at this point essentially a large adopted family.

    Cry Havok - A very interesting but very grisly comic about mythology, being different, and control. NSFW for multiple reasons (chief among them violence and nudity), but worth checking out. I also appreciated that each volume ends with a page-by-page breakdown from the author about the symbolism, art direction, and mythology at play; they made for a very interesting read in their own right. Finished story.

    Evelyne and the Occult - Eve is obsessed with the supernatural, watching documentaries on supposed hauntings, buying creepy dolls on Ebay, playing with Ouija boards, the whole works. Unfortunately, she's had no luck finding anything weird since the one incident as a kid that sparked her imagination. Maybe she made the whole thing up? Or maybe it's that whenever anything too dangerous gets close to her, her hair comes to freaking life and devours it before she can notice.

    Far to the North - A beautifully drawn tale of a woman brave enough to punch a dragon. But bravery alone is not enough, not with goblins in the woods, slavers to the south, and a mad king who would very much like her sisters back. Ends after the first 'book'.

    The Greenhouse - Mica is trying to start fresh. A new job, in a new city, and now she's even got a new apartment and can get off of the streets. And because previous tenants have all claimed it was haunted, she got it for cheap! Unfortunately for her, one of the first things does is break the creepy mirror... and cut herself on the glass, transferring the binding on the demon contained within to herself. Worse still, it looks like she didn't do quite a good enough job of leaving her old life behind.... Despite the horror setup, the focus of this story is on relationships: the friends Mica makes that keep her grounded, love, and her manipulative, abusive ex who is so much scarier than any demon.

    Harbourmaster - Sci-fi comic about being your best self and what that means, not just in your personal life, but politically and on a species-level. With the focus on the interaction and clashes of different species' and groups' cultures and worldviews, it reminds me a bit of the Uplift series, but much more idealistic, so maybe Uplift meets Little Fuzzy.

    Hemlock - A spooky webcomic about a witch who accidentally married a monster, and her new familiar. Sadly, hasn't updated since moving to its new site in 2021.

    Josh & Imp - A short (like, 15 pages short) completed webcomic about an ordinary guy dating a sidekick.

    Lady of the Shard - Another short completed comic, about a priest who falls in love with her goddess. Some lovely minimalist art and animation.

    Locus - A completed fantasy comic that follows the story of one woman as she fights her destiny, and the mad machinations of evil necromancers, demons, and stranger things besides. Very NSFW.

    Loving Reaper - A heartbreaking comic about animals that die, both pets and wild, and Death, who comforts them as they cross over.

    Mare Internum - A completed psychological comic. Both main characters joined the program to explore Mars in an effort to escape their problems. Unfortunately, a) no distance is far enough to outrun your own mind, and b) an accident traps them below the surface with strange lifeforms, each other, and their own issues for company. Which of the three is the most dangerous?

    Muted - A completed webtoon about a witch whose scheduled demon summoning does not go to plan, forcing her to confront who she really is, what she wants from her life, and how much of that should really include living under the iron-fisted rule of her clan's matriarch.

    Nix of Nothing - The kid of the goddess of of death has managed to get a divine bounty on their own head. Now they need to figure out why and how to lift it, ideally without revealing their true nature.

    Phantomarine - A sweet and spooky story about a princess shot by an arrow, a boy bitten by one of the ghosts that fill the ocean, and the god of death, the Red Tide King, who is very interested in both of them.

    Pixie Trix Comix - Tangential sequel to the completed comic Menage a 3, and almost as horny. Follows the titular comic shop and its employees, but at least as much time is spent on professional wrestling, as the main characters befriend and/or fall in love with several local wrestlers. NSFW.

    Shag and Scoob - "Scoob and his best pal Shag are up to their usual hi-jinks, but everything is not as it seems in their latest adventure." Which is to say, this is an absolutely insane story blending horror, action, and comedy, as well as crossing over with just about every western animation you can think of. On hiatus.

    Speak of the Devil - A completed urban fantasy mystery. Main character is a half-basilisk private eye, hired to investigate a mysterious murder... shortly before her employer is also mysteriously murdered.

    Tigress Queen - Centers around the peace talks between the titular queen and the empire that has been invading her people. Culture clashes abound, alongside political maneuvering and perhaps some romance.

    Vixen: NYC - A completed super hero story. The origin and adventures of the titular Vixen. This one really impressed me: the art, the characters, the plots, and the themes were all excellent.

    Zelda's Lullaby - Link has to purify the four springs and bring peace to the kingdom, defeating an ancient threat, all while bodyguarding Princess Zelda. Fairly standard stuff. The catch? She's only 10 months old. Runs the emotional gamut from funny shenanigans baby Zelda, to the dark themes of loss, crippling depression, and trying to find something to give you the strength to push on in spite of those.
    Quote Originally Posted by Darths & Droids
    When you combine the two most devious, sneaky, manipulative, underhanded, cunning, and diabolical forces in the known universe, the consequences can be world-shattering. Those forces are, of course, players and GMs.
    Optimization Trophies

    Looking for a finished webcomic to read, or want to recommend one to others? Check out my Completed Webcomics You'd Recommend II thread!

    Or perhaps you want something Halloweeny for the season? Halloween Webcomics II

  4. - Top - End - #244
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Webcomic List

    Phew! I have added everything except for "Cry Havoc", which is only available on a site of dubious legality.

  5. - Top - End - #245
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Seattle, WA

    Default Re: Webcomic List

    Just remembered one more:

    Arru and the Armored Maiden - A condensed chapter/short story of Arru and the Magical Mask, released independently for a contest going on at the time. Notably, it stands alone quite well, but reading it will make one of the comedy arcs in the main comic make a bit more sense. Arru (goblin child) and her human friend are taking care of their chickens when they encounter riders from a rival tribe, riders who insult her friend. Does she have what it takes to defend his honor? Is that even the smart thing to do?
    Quote Originally Posted by Darths & Droids
    When you combine the two most devious, sneaky, manipulative, underhanded, cunning, and diabolical forces in the known universe, the consequences can be world-shattering. Those forces are, of course, players and GMs.
    Optimization Trophies

    Looking for a finished webcomic to read, or want to recommend one to others? Check out my Completed Webcomics You'd Recommend II thread!

    Or perhaps you want something Halloweeny for the season? Halloween Webcomics II

  6. - Top - End - #246
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Webcomic List

    One more that I just found. Every now and then Google autofills a webcomic I've never heard of into my search bar whilst I'm looking for something else. Not sure why or how this happens, but I've had quite good luck with these spontaneous recommendations from the void. (This is also how I found Daughter of the Lilies).

    Tales from Alderwood - Ripped straight from the About section: "Katherine is a confident young wizard living on the streets with a penchant for learning new spells. When she attempts a teleportation spell that is just a little too advanced for her, she accidentally finds herself flung into the house and employment of Hechoton Sinclair, the man who led Alderwood into an era of rapid technological advancement. Together with newfound friends and her owl familiar Creampuff, she must use her magic, mind, and dexterity to complete the strange assignments given to her by her employer." What this leaves out is how the comic occupies a wide emotional range, spending most of its time in the comedic-to-downright-cartoony (I love the facial expressions), but occasionally swinging into the serious with traumatized characters and violence that is suddenly more alarming than cartoony.
    Quote Originally Posted by Darths & Droids
    When you combine the two most devious, sneaky, manipulative, underhanded, cunning, and diabolical forces in the known universe, the consequences can be world-shattering. Those forces are, of course, players and GMs.
    Optimization Trophies

    Looking for a finished webcomic to read, or want to recommend one to others? Check out my Completed Webcomics You'd Recommend II thread!

    Or perhaps you want something Halloweeny for the season? Halloween Webcomics II

  7. - Top - End - #247
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Webcomic List

    Demon Street - Three months ago, places all over the world disappeared, replaced with portals into another dimension. No one on our side knows what happened to the people who were in these 'demon streets' when they disappeared, but some have gone through after them in hopes of finding lost loved ones. The story follows two kids, both having crossed over for their own reasons, exploring this mysterious world with bizarre denizens, strange magics, and unique dangers. Guard your name carefully, explorer. Beautiful art (if occasionally difficult to follow during the trippier action sequences), compelling story, lovable characters, interesting world... I'd give this story a huge recommendation if not for one caveat: about a year and a half ago, it went on hiatus in the middle of its climax.

    I really need to start checking when the most recent page was uploaded for a comic before getting invested in them, spoilers be damned. On the other hand, I'm not sure this is one I would want to have missed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Darths & Droids
    When you combine the two most devious, sneaky, manipulative, underhanded, cunning, and diabolical forces in the known universe, the consequences can be world-shattering. Those forces are, of course, players and GMs.
    Optimization Trophies

    Looking for a finished webcomic to read, or want to recommend one to others? Check out my Completed Webcomics You'd Recommend II thread!

    Or perhaps you want something Halloweeny for the season? Halloween Webcomics II

  8. - Top - End - #248
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Webcomic List

    From Novil, the writer of Sandra & Woo, please add the new webcomic The Adventurous Scarlet Carolus and the Machine of Eternal Summer

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