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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Jun 2023

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Fork looked thoughtful as he took the information in. He tried to remember what he'd heard about the ship and mount they are now in pursuit of.

    He couldn't answer the speculations about destroying the book, and right now he was like a bloodhound getting the first sniffs of its prey. This made him somewhat less inclined to spare the Captains feelings when he spoke up.

    "Trionyx needs to sleep, maybe, but the same cannot be said for the mount of the Broad Fin. It's sleep cycle can be pushed to the extreme and if he's mad enough to hijack the Broad Fin by his lonesome I fear the worst for the poor mount." Fork looked over at Kabett and Nibum. "What are we looking at here? Speedwise?" Assuming the worst, and he's got enough provisions on board. And he's somehow got enough control over the mount to have it do his bidding for the full duration..

    He tried to remember if he's heard any shoptalk or gossip about the Broad Fin and mount during his time on shore. "Any information we have on either the ship or its mount would be good to have." Fork said to noone in particular.

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Denver CO

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Spoiler: Memories of the Broad Fin, on a 10+ Investigation
    A frigate, the Broad Fin is smaller than the White Cliff but faster and more maneuverable. The mount is quite younger than the White Cliff, and not trained to fight in its own battles; it would depend on warlock or sorcerer gunners for that. With a week's headstart, a healthy mount and a full crew in the rigging, it would be uncatchable, but of course it only has one of those. It needs less crew than a ship like the White Cliff, but one man absolutely could not work the sails alone -- it would be fully reliant on the mount.

    "Well observed, Mr. Frrkkk," the Captain begins, but is interrupted.

    "The book does NOT send men mad," Cocytus Achelous bursts out hotly. "It did no harm in the hoard of Tenebrous or his fathers, did it? And then you--"

    "Not helping, Cocytus," murmurs the Captain, and the First Mate clamps his jaw shut angrily.

    "Ain't this all madness?" says Tegu, diffidently. She rarely speaks up at these kind of meetings. "One tortle, not a sailing man, no navigator, no time to take proper supplies, no mastery of the beast -- an injured beast -- belike we'll find him drifting in the Calm and eating his own boots."

    "There are spells," says the Librarian. "Spells to conjure food, to conjure a crew perhaps, to grant knowledge, assuredly. All that would be beyond Trionyx normally, but as Servius points out, we simply cannot know what he found in the book. Yes, perhaps he simply ran mad -- I pray he ran mad -- but we cannot trust it is not worse."

    "And yet," the Captain says. "I think Tegu and Fork are both right. He cannot make the Sunhome on his own. I think he will drive his mount to its death, poor beast, to get out of the Calm, and then find passage on a metallic or trade ship. Either by trade or by compulsion... for there are spells for that, too."
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2023-12-21 at 10:43 AM.

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg actually seems apologetic to the First Mate. "Beggin' ye pardon, sir. I meant no offence to ye House."

    Ttharg thinks again. "If this book and this Tortle lad have a relationship with strange and old Gods, be it possible he's conjured himself spirits of the dead to help him sail? Mayhaps he's even claimed the soul o' the poor mount? If so, he could keep it sailin' for as long as he's got power."

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Jun 2015

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Nibum has been working on some voice recorders this entire time. He hadn't seemed like he was paying attention but since cocytus had made mention of tenebrous hoard and how the book came from there not only made him seeth but also made him remember something tho perhaps it was hardly important. He calm says to the captain as he slides the recorders to him i finished with the recording devices for any announcements you might have for the crew as the meeting takes place. I'll have mini cliff and fetcher deliver them wherever needed. . He never understood why he was in these meetings and always hated them. He could be working. He takes a deep breath before speaking again. It comes out sharp as he says it seems to me that once again those that think themselves intellegent have taken much too much time THINKING and not DOING now everyone is in danger. Cocytus is right why couldnt you have left it well enough alone obviosly it wasnt a danger before when it was in tenebrous hoard. You think he went mad ha what a laugh. I'm sure you recall the litany of kin and surrakh heresy. Let me refresh your memory. This basically says shetyw may be the tyrant queen herself. And look here the shell is on its way to her. Probably the key to releasing her. Lets stop talking and lets start doing. he ends starring daggers at the medusa. Maybe it wasn't the Medusa fault but none the less she represented in his mind the sacking of his home.
    Last edited by zylodrizzt; 2023-12-21 at 11:27 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Denver CO

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    "Enough," the Captain says heavily. "Enough. We are not here to argue about religion or the finer points of Imperial justice. The point of this meeting is to understand the mission and what must be done. Mr. Nibum, I believe you do understand the seriousness and the goals of this ship. Anything else you can take up with the Magistrate Lapis or the Heirophant Carmine upon our return."

    "Right here and now, Professor Siduri is not a representative of the University or the Library, whatever you believe their sins to be."
    Her angry look takes in not just the elderly kobold, but her First Mate as well. "She is the person who knows what we need to know to complete our mission. End of."

    "I do not accept the heresy of Sarrukh," the Professor says quietly, "And so I do not accept that the shard of Shetyw is a danger to us. But the book--the book is bad enough, and that is our fault. My fault. I trusted Trionyx. His faith seemed to have nothing to do--I thought it was safe. It wasn't."

    "But you've said something important, Mr. Nobim. He carries the shard. It is a part of him."
    She looks to Servius. "You asked about a magical signature. Trionyx isn't powerful enough to track by his own, but the shell--" She looks now to Cauda, who seems as usual to occupy another plane of existence. "Perhaps with your help, Mr. Pamphilius, and a Navigator's..."

    Tegu, silent up to now, mutters something under her breath.

    Spoiler: Perception 8+
    It sounds suspiciously like, "All snakes together, is it?"

    The Captain's expression is furious, no roll needed. And then the entire ship gives a splintering lurch, and an outcry rises from the deck.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Please roll for initiative and report in the OOC thread! If you didn't get a chance to ask your questions, well, it'll be a long voyage with Professor Siduri. :) With Christmas on the horizon I don't expect we'll actually get into it until after Christmas, but let's get started!
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2023-12-22 at 12:19 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Denver CO

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    The first officer on deck is Cauda, which is no one's preferred situation, but those who see only a vaguely smiling bohemian would be surprised...

    She takes a deep breath, and as she does, the chaotic folds and fringes of skin around her head expand up and back, and a blaze of lights move under her skin, forming a constellation on the flaring cobra hood. "BEAT TO QUARTERS," she screams. "ALL HANDS ON THE EGG-SUCKING DECK."

    Another sea serpent has attacked the White Cliff; shreds of harness and scraps of wood and iron hang from its body, the remains of another living ship. Gigantic coils of muscled, sea-reeking flesh are looped three times over the ship, one over each of the raised decks and a third running amidships. This one looks the most dangerous, as it is pressed tight against the splintering mainmast. A solitary grung, high in the crow's nest bleats pathetically. At the stern, the two raging sea monsters snap at each other ineffectually.

    Professor Atropae emerges from the door behind her, eyes wide. "What is it -- Where -- In the Calm??" Focusing: "What do we do?"

    Drawing a shining bow from thin air, Cauda fires two bolts of light into the nearest rope of flesh, the one amidships; one scorches into the scales, while another deflects off. The attacker screams, then snaps its head down and eats a lizardfolk sailor off the stern in one bite.

    The professor swallows and follows her lead, launching a series of attacks into the nearby coil. "It's loosening!" she yells. I think it's loosening!" And indeed, the sea monster shifts its coils uncomfortably, trying to move the burn away from the pummeling fists of the librarian monk.

    Spoiler: Summary

    Enemy attacks with adv (surprise) - hits and constricts White Cliff
    Enemy attacks again with adv (restrained), hits
    White Cliff hits Enemy with a legendary action
    Cauda takes starry archer form; misses second coil with attack action, hits with BA
    Enemy takes Legendary Action and kills one Scout
    Siduri attacks four times, misses with 1, hits 3 against second coil
    Damage to middle coil causes Enemy to loosen grapple - White Cliff is still grappled but no longer restrained

    Enemy Serpent:
    HP lost: 34 head / 0 first loop / 21 second loop / 0 third loop
    AC: 17 + 2 for partial cover (doesn't apply to White Cliff)
    Crew: 5 gunner, 4 scouts, 5 carpenters, 5 medics

    White Cliff:
    Mount HP: 141 / 170
    Ship: 71 / 130 (damage threshold 15)

    22 - Enemy Serpent
    19 - Siduri
    18 - Cauda

    17 -Fork
    16 - Ttharg
    15 - Tegu / 4 Scouts / 5 Medics
    10 - Nibum
    8 - Kabett
    4 - Servius
    3 - Capt. Magyar / Cocytus / 5 Carpenters / 5 Gunners / White Cliff


    Spells can be cast on the White Cliff's mount without having to touch the beast's skin; there's a reason it's called a living ship.

    Kabett can use his action to command the White Cliff's mount to fight; otherwise Cauda will command it (losing her turn). Here's a statblock:
    (bite or breath attack ONLY -- the ship is in the way of the other attacks)

    The rest of you can each use your action to direct the actions up to 5 members of the crew for various purposes.

    Servius can direct a salvo from the gunnery crew, giving some of them advantage on their attacks. Otherwise, the First Mate will command them (losing his turn). The number of crew aided is determined by an Arcana check.

    Fork can direct a melee attack from those trained as scouts, giving some of them advantage on their attacks. Otherwise, Tegu will command them (losing her turn). The number of crew aided is determined by an Insight check.

    Nobim can direct a repair action from those trained as carpenters, who will each attempt 2 repairs. Otherwise, no repairs will be attempted.
    (+4 to the check, 1d6+2 repair on a success, DC increases as the ship takes damage)

    Ttharg can direct a triage action from those trained as medics, which will stabilize injured/unconscious crew and get them out of danger. Otherwise, crew will be left where they fall.

    The Captain can take a morale action, giving inspiration to up to three crew members, in place of her action.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2023-12-23 at 04:27 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Jun 2023

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Fork found his footing after the violent shaking and bolted for the door. He darted through the passageway past some crew and ran up out to the main deck. He had to blink to believe what he saw when he got there. It was but a split second of a moment before his training and instinct triggered.

    He whistled sharply twice in a short burst. From up above the drake came soaring down. Fork didn't need to point and explain himself. The whistle and its intonation meant that his trusted companion knew what to do.

    With a roar the drake fell upon the creatures head, harrying the eyes. (18 to hit, 5dmg)

    Fork himself wasted no time and drew his shortsword and handcrossbow simultaneously. He spun around and then he noticed. "It's the Broad Fin Serpent!" He shouted, trying to be louder than the tumoultuous sounds around him.

    "Scouts! Focus fire on the head!" He ordered the Lizardmen. (Insight roll: 20 total)

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Titan in the Playground
    J-H's Avatar

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Servius Calventius Pamphilius

    Yuan-ti Evoker
    AC: 12 / 15 (Mage Armor) HP: 22/22
    PPer: 10 PInv: 16 PIst: 10
    Conditions: --

    Servius slithers away from the table and up the stairs as fast as possible, using the bannister to lever himself up as the steep steps are not designed for those who don't rely on feet. As he reaches the deck and sees the situation he calls out "Head, target the head! Blind it! If it's mouth is open, that's an un-armored target!"

    He doesn't even have Mage Armor running.... but as long as he can stay away from the sea serpent's tail, it shouldn't matter.

    Arcana (1d20+6)[25] to assist the gunners in their spell attacks.
    Things published on DM's Guild
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    Baldur's Gate 2 (ongoing)
    Castle Dracula (Castlevania)
    Against the Idol of the Sun (high level hexcrawl)

  9. - Top - End - #39
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Denver CO

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Responding to Fork's command, the group of crew trained as scouts and marines swing into action, vaulting onto the stern to confront the sea serpent directly. One of their own just disappeared down its gullet, and their rage is palpable. The first round of attacks glance off the scales disappointingly, until one scout embeds a morning star right in the Broad Fin's eye. Salty black blood splashes over them, and three lizardmen go into a frenzy, tearing at the pleisosaur's throat with their teeth. All three clamp down, and two manage to tear loose chunks of flesh and gulp them down raw, howling with fury.

    Their howls seem to ignite something in Tegu, who bursts onto the deck amidships with a huge iron-braced wooden mallet, ululating, and recklessly pounds at the middle coil of the beast, then takes her own tearing bite out of the flesh. "Sauirusoi omophagia!" she screams in an obscene war cry. "No offense to yer table, Cap'n but I'm still hungry!"

    The Broad Fin moans and writhes in pain. It beats its tail against the aft deck, causing more worrying splintering sounds up and down the ship, but no serious damage. In its agony, the coils around the ship loosen further.

    With rather more discipline than the rampaging marines, Servius's scouts swing into action. Any of them inclined to look their new commander askance are swiftly brought in line by his discipline and tactical assessment. From across the deck, sorcerers and warlocks send blasts of fire sizzling into the wet flesh of the Broad Fin, aiming for the eyes as the man said.

    Spoiler: Summary
    Fork commands the Scout crew; with a 20 on insight all 4 surviving scouts get advantage on their attacks.
    Fork's drake attacks and hits for 5 damage
    Scouts move into position on the stern and make 4 morningstar attacks with advantage (1 crit, 3 misses) and 4 bite attacks with advantage (2 crits, 3 hits, 1 miss) for 36 damage
    The Broad Fin is bloodied at this point.
    Tegu moves into position amidships and goes into a rage, attacking recklessly. Hits with her melee attack for 14 damage and her hungry jaws attacks for 8.
    Legendary tail attack from the Broad Fin on the White Cliff -- 7 damage to the mount and 14 to the ship; however 14 damage fails under the damage threshold!
    Servius commands the gunner crew; with a 25 on arcana all 5 gunners get advantage on their attacks.
    Gunners make 15 Fire Ray attacks with advantage, with 6 hits and 1 crit for 32 damage.
    Sustained damage to the head and middle coil cause the sea monster to reposition, losing the grapple entirely.

    Broad Fin:
    HP lost: 107 head / 0 first loop / 43 second loop / 0 third loop
    AC: 17 + 2 for partial cover (doesn't apply to White Cliff)
    Crew: 5 gunner, 4 scouts, 5 carpenters, 5 medics

    White Cliff:
    Mount HP: 134 / 170
    Ship: 71 / 130 (damage threshold 15)

    22 - Enemy Serpent
    19 - Siduri
    18 - Cauda
    17 -Fork

    16 - Ttharg
    15 - Tegu / 4 Scouts / 5 Gunners
    10 - Nibum
    8 - Kabett
    4 - Servius
    3 - Capt. Magyar / Cocytus / 5 Carpenters / 5 Medics / White Cliff


    Spells can be cast on the White Cliff's mount without having to touch the beast's skin; there's a reason it's called a living ship.

    Kabett can use his action to command the White Cliff's mount to fight; otherwise Cauda will command it (losing her turn). Here's a statblock:
    (bite or breath attack ONLY -- the ship is in the way of the other attacks)

    The rest of you can each use your action to direct the actions up to 5 members of the crew for various purposes.

    Servius can direct a salvo from the gunnery crew, giving some of them advantage on their attacks. Otherwise, the First Mate will command them (losing his turn). The number of crew aided is determined by an Arcana check.

    Fork can direct a melee attack from those trained as scouts, giving some of them advantage on their attacks. Otherwise, Tegu will command them (losing her turn). The number of crew aided is determined by an Insight check.

    Nobim can direct a repair action from those trained as carpenters, who will each attempt 2 repairs. Otherwise, no repairs will be attempted.
    (+4 to the check, 1d6+2 repair on a success, DC increases as the ship takes damage)

    Ttharg can direct a triage action from those trained as medics, which will stabilize injured/unconscious crew and get them out of danger. Otherwise, crew will be left where they fall.

    The Captain can take a morale action, giving inspiration to up to three crew members, in place of her action.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2023-12-24 at 09:47 AM.

  10. - Top - End - #40
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    The cries of battle, pain, the splintering of wood, and sweat and blood of men and women fighting for their lives and their ship. For a moment, Ttharg is transfixed, his mind elsewhere and nowhere. The moment lasts only a second until Ttharg is on his feet, moving with practised motion and surprising alacrity.

    He moves up to the Captain, knowing that she is the most important part of this engagement (barring the ship itself of course, but he could leave that to the Keeper). He reaches out a scaly hand to her and, muttering deep and guttural words like the sound of a sinking ship cracking under the pressure of the waves, he casts Warding Bond upon her. The platinum rings upon both of their fingers glow brightly for a second, creating an almost invisible link between the two Dragonborn.

    With the Captain safely protected by the Bond, Ttharg made his way up on deck and drew his Shield.

    Move up to Captain and Main Action to Cast Warding Bond (2nd Level Spell) on her. We must remain within 60ft or the effect ends, so Ttharg would not want to get too far ahead of her, but he imagines that she'll head up the main deck as well, and so uses the rest of his movement to get up on deck at the entrance to the hold.
    Free Action to draw Shield.

    Warding Bond: Captain gains a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws, and it has resistance to all damage. Also, each time she takes damage, I take the same amount of damage. It is not Concentration, but lasts 1 hour, until we are more than 60ft apart, or if I fall Unconscious.
    Last edited by The Commander; 2023-12-24 at 10:04 AM.

  11. - Top - End - #41
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Jun 2015

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    "DONT YOU WRECK MY HOME YOU SON OF A SNAIL" nibum yells as he rushes onto the back of triceratool his assistants beginning flying past him. They knew thier job was to assess the damage and help with hasty repairs. Nibum takes up a gear that he straps to his left are and a very large screw driver as he reassures the white cliff "Don't worry I'll not let the beastie destroy you my home and my friend"
    Spoiler: summary
    acting before i reach the deck
    Move: get on triceratool
    Bonus: none

    Triceratool and my 2 assistants can take move actions without command so i move them up to the deck

    Once he reaches the deck he barks out orders Yall just gonna stand around as this beast destroys our home. Get to fixin. he says commanding the carpenters. Nibum sends minicliff to help with repairs (familiars providing help action). He moves next to siduri to keep her safe remembering the captains words.

    Spoiler: summary
    action: command the carpenters
    Move: next to siduri
    Bonus: command familiars to help with repairs

    Basically at this point the ship should be getting heroism temp hp of 3 every round. My familiars should be able to do help action at least to 2 of the carpenters for 2 rolls (i think). I moved next to the siduri so triceratool can use its reaction to basically make the the first attack on siduri at disadvantage (because i cant do it for the ship i think)
    Last edited by zylodrizzt; 2023-12-24 at 02:47 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #42
    Titan in the Playground
    J-H's Avatar

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Servius Calventius Pamphilius
    Yuan-ti Evoker
    AC: 12 / 15 (Mage Armor) HP: 22/22
    PPer: 10 PInv: 16 PIst: 10
    Conditions: --

    Seeing that the creature's scales are hard to penetrate, Servius attempts another tactic: Freezing the water inside its veins.

    Frostbite (1d6)[3] cold damage and disadvantage on its next attack.
    Con DC 14 negates
    SS Con save (1d20)[7] plus mods.
    Things published on DM's Guild
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    Baldur's Gate 2 (ongoing)
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  13. - Top - End - #43
    Troll in the Playground
    Infernally Clay's Avatar

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Tortle Druid, Circle of Spores
    AC: 19 | HP: 35/35 | Initiative: +0
    Str: -1 | Dex: +0 | Con: +3 | Int: +4 | Wis: +5 | Cha: -1

    Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 3/3
    Wildshapes: 2/2
    Active Effects: None
    Conditions: None

    "Attacking us was an unwise move," Kabett says slowly, seemingly undaunted by the scene unfolding around him. He then kneels down, touching the ship and through his old friend carrying it, and says "Let us show this beast why."

    Kabett commands the ship to use Rime Breath, aimed at the Broad Fin's head but without risking anyone on the ship. DC 18 con save, taking (9d10)[25] cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

    Kabett then moves closer to the head of the ship.
    "Don't think of it as dying," said Death,
    "Just think of it as leaving early to avoid the rush."

  14. - Top - End - #44
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    The crew Nibum has trained as emergency carpenters swarm over the ship, patching and repairing as best they can to hold the ship together. But at the same time, the Broad Fin prepares to tighten its coils again and smash the ship apart. The tiny, hooded eyes of a living ship are normally wise and placid, but these are rabid pinpoints.

    Before it can act, the White Cliff responds to Kabett's touch. It positions itself between the tortle and the other sea serpent and draws in a mighty breath. Just as the Captain and First Mate clear the stairs and come on deck, the White Cliff unleashes a torrent of freezing breath. It reeks of salt and fish and death, a wind out of the dark seas of Blackreach and the lands of Death beyond. Frost forms over the flesh of the serpent and crystallizes its glazed eyes, spreading down the throat already ravaged by the scouts.

    The White Cliff thrusts its own head forward and bites down hard, shattering the frozen flesh and dropping the icy decapitated head into the placid sea of the Calm.

    The sword in the Captain's hand slowly droops from its upright position. She looks around the splintered ship, still draped in the lifeless coils of the Broad Fin.

    "Report!" she cries.

    The tiny grung lookout, trapped in the crow's nest this whole time, scrambles down the rigging as the other hands start to free the ship from the Broad Fin's corpse.

    "I saw it all, Cap'n! It was lying in wait for us under the water!" he pipes.

    Spoiler: Summary
    The Broad Fin failed its save and the 25 damage finished it off.

    White Cliff:
    Mount HP: 134 / 170
    Ship HP: 71 / 130 + 25 repair HP that will need to be made permanent
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2023-12-24 at 08:33 PM.

  15. - Top - End - #45
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Nibum trying to correct himself from earlier reports Well we took some not insignificant damage to the ship. Seems we killed a sea serpent that used to carry a ship. I imagine the repairs may take awhile depending on supplies or how many can cast mending. Likely we can scavenge some supplies and food from the serpent. White cliff seems to have been hurt but not too badly so healers might be able to patch them up in near no time. Not sure if I said anything you couldn't see yourself tho. I imagine you'll order me to begin repairs so I'll just grab the carpenters and get to work. he signals his 3 assistants to assess the damage and get to work. Clean up This mess you layabouts he yells at the carpenters
    Last edited by zylodrizzt; 2023-12-25 at 12:14 PM.

  16. - Top - End - #46
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg puts his shield away and bows his head. He begins a quick prayer for the swallowed crewman. "May ye find rest, that ye duty was done, on the Seas, Bahamut keep ye soul safe." He then raises his head and shouts: "Any o' the rest o' ye need puttin' back together? Sound off!"

    Seeing that the rest of the crew were uninjured, Ttharg moved to look over the side of the ship at the corpse of the Broad Fin. It was dead, which was unfortunate, but Ttharg hoped he might learn something with a keen eye.

    Medicine and Investigation check both rolled a 15. Ttharg wants to look over the corpse and identify any additional wounds or anything odd about the Broad Fin that might give some clues as to what happened to it; and if anything might be salvageable from the wreckage of it's harness/hull.

  17. - Top - End - #47
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Denver CO

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by zylodrizzt View Post
    Nibum trying to correct himself from earlier reports Well we took some not insignificant damage to the ship. Seems we killed a sea serpent that used to carry a ship. I imagine the repairs may take awhile depending on supplies or how many can cast mending. Likely we can scavenge some supplies and food from the serpent. White cliff seems to have been hurt but not too badly so healers might be able to patch them up in near no time. Not sure if I said anything you couldn't see yourself tho. I imagine you'll order me to begin repairs so I'll just grab the carpenters and get to work. he signals his 3 assistants to assess the damage and get to work. Clean up This mess you layabouts he yells at the carpenters
    With the help of the apprentice carpenters he's trained among the crew, Nibum begins to assess the damage.

    Spoiler: Repair Mechanics
    Ghosts of Saltmarsh offers the depressingly low rate of repairs at 1d6 per day, and requiring an Athletics check first. Since you have mending, we will skip the Athletics check; with the assistance of your 5 helpers and your various pets, I will give you an additional +8 to the d6. And for the hasty repairs, I will treat making them permanent as a max repair roll, so one full day shift will give the ship back 14 hp.

    Once the hasty repairs are all converted into permanent repairs, you will have to roll 1d6+8 per day.

    The real limiting factors will be supplies; you only enough supplies for 5 days of steady repair efforts.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Commander View Post
    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg puts his shield away and bows his head. He begins a quick prayer for the swallowed crewman. "May ye find rest, that ye duty was done, on the Seas, Bahamut keep ye soul safe." He then raises his head and shouts: "Any o' the rest o' ye need puttin' back together? Sound off!"

    Seeing that the rest of the crew were uninjured, Ttharg moved to look over the side of the ship at the corpse of the Broad Fin. It was dead, which was unfortunate, but Ttharg hoped he might learn something with a keen eye.

    Medicine and Investigation check both rolled a 15. Ttharg wants to look over the corpse and identify any additional wounds or anything odd about the Broad Fin that might give some clues as to what happened to it; and if anything might be salvageable from the wreckage of it's harness/hull.
    Looking over the corpse, Ttharg can see that it was already injured before the fight began, an old wound that was not allowed to heal. Not much remains of the ship itself, just leather straps and chains of harness and a few scraps of wood. It looks like it was torn apart by being submerged. It looks much as if the Broad Fin had run wild, but that doesn't explain its behavior of lying in wait and attacking a larger and healthier sea serpent.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2023-12-26 at 11:08 AM.

  18. - Top - End - #48
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Servius Calventius Pamphilius
    Yuan-ti Evoker
    AC: 12 / 15 (Mage Armor) HP: 22/22
    PPer: 10 PInv: 16 PIst: 10
    Conditions: --

    Servius addresses the warlocks. "Acceptable shooting, but more practice is needed. This was a big target, and small misses count for a lot against heavy armor."

    Looking over the side of the ship. "So, this used to belong to another ship. Any way to tell who it came from? Surely there's a registry or book somewhere."
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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by J-H View Post
    Looking over the side of the ship. "So, this used to belong to another ship. Any way to tell who it came from? Surely there's a registry or book somewhere."
    Cauda peers over the side at the great corpse, light filming over her eyes. "His eyes opened but his heart in chains," she croons.

    "Cauda," says the Captain with flat irritation.

    Sulkily: "Divination, enchantment."

    "Mr. Fork said she's the Broad Fin herself," says Tegu. "So he sent his own mount back to 'wait pursuit? And bespelled to know who to attack?" She shakes her head. "If he gave up the Broad Fin, he must have found another ship, or took passage on one. Nowhere to do that but Baratano."

    Baratano is a pirate haven, the one located the closest to the Calm and thus most frequently raided by privateers and chromatic military.

    "Might be we could catch his trail there, and resupply to boot."

    First Mate Achelous scowls. "I disagree. We ought to hold course for Sunhome. Getting ahead of him is what matters."

    The Captain considers for a moment, and checks her pocketwatch. "It's late, and much to do before we rest. Cauda, adjust the course for Baratano. Everyone else, get to work." The First Mate looks displeased, but does not speak further.

    Eventually, you all sleep.

    Spoiler: Nibum

    Darkness. A looming, terrible draconic skull, gleaming in the shadows.

    Hungrily: The streams that dissolve and do not quench.

    Spoiler: Servius

    A colossal, flame-lit cavern. Something too vast to understand, pinned beneath something vaster still. Muscular, writhing, an eternal struggle.

    Ominously: The grips that crush and do not build

    Spoiler: Ttharg

    An endless shimmering geometric perfection, growing and expanding chaotically, fractally. A thunderbolt.

    Sadly: The lights that burn and do not reveal.

    Spoiler: Frrkkk

    Glaciers and blind, blowing snow. Something vast, hunting in the white-out. Three stars, burning with cold.

    Grimly: The winds that freeze and do not refresh.

    It's just barely a long rest before you are awoken by cries from the crow's nest.

    Spoiler: OOC
    All PCs are now level 5. It is a noticeable change.

    "Goblin ship off the portbow!" Indeed, a goblin steamship flying a legitimate flag of trade has appeared as you slept.

    "We’ll stop briefly," the Captain decides. "To ask for word of Trionyx. It must have been chugging in this direction for some time."

    "Permission to go aboard for a bit of shopping, Cap’n?" asks Tegu.

    Humans think of goblins as savages and plague carriers, but the reptilians remember the height of their civilization, and the surviving goblin cities are still home to some of the finest artificers and creators of magic items in the world.

    The Captain looks around at her officers. "All right, but make it snappy."

    The ship is manned mostly by goblins, with a few hobgoblins and bugbears scuttling about, and quarters are a bit tight for the larger among you. The ship is a working ship, not a showroom, but they are willing to haul things out of the neatly-packed and organized cases to make a sale.

    There are a few people among them who stand out from the busy, uniformed crew; Min, a young goblin woman in a toolbelt and civilian clothes, seems excited to be out in the world and is the main person who helps you find goods and makes sales.

    Additionally, there is a moustachioed male hobgoblin and a female troglodyte, both in uniforms, but not sailing uniforms, who both radiate a sense of competency and sheathed danger. Captain Magyar, stooped in the narrow corridors, speaks briefly not just the captain of the goblin vessel but to them as well.

    Spoiler: Prices for Specific Items already mentioned - Inquire with Min for more.

    Sentinel Shield - 200 gp
    All Purpose Tool - 150 gp
    +1 shields/weapons - 150 gp
    Mariner’s Armor - 200 gp
    Luckstone - 200 gp
    Clockwork Amulet - 50 gp
    Bracer of Defense - 150 gp
    Cloak of Protection - 150 gp
    Assorted Scrolls
    Magical Ink and Paper

    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-03 at 12:04 PM.

  20. - Top - End - #50
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Servius Calventius Pamphilius

    Yuan-ti Evoker
    AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 27/27
    PPer: 11 PInv: 17 PIst: 11
    Conditions: --

    Servius crosses to the other ship, cautiously balancing as he slithers across the planks laid as a bridge. A long-time sailor with "sea legs" he is not. After persuing the magic items, he spends his funds, and a bit of the Captain's, on a spell scroll, some inks to help him expand his spellbook in the future, and two items which make him more likely to stay healthy and protected against all manner of hazards. After finishing, he returns to the ship, where he pulls out some of his old books and finishes a project he'd been working on for several days - copying a pair of common spells from a textbook into his personalized notation.
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  21. - Top - End - #51
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Some time before the tradegoblins show up:

    Fork helped the Mariners collect the gear of the fallen scout. He carefully separated the package every scout had from their travel chest. The package he left into the care of the Captain. She'd see to it that it got back to the next of kin. It had some personal items, a letter and some coins. The Captain would no doubt add the wages owed, for the whole trip, as was customary.

    The rest of the chest was weighed down with rocks and tied shut. In a short and silent ceremony every crewmember walked past and put their hand on the chest as they said a quick prayer, or something personal. Fork then took his own hand, blackened it with charcoal, and pressed his imprint upon the chest just before two large Lizardmen threw the chest in the water. They had no body to bury, but now in spirit too Able Seamen Riverdancer was committed to the deep.

    The whole ceremony took about ten to fifteen minutes but all crew were on their best behaviour and everyone saw to it that it got done with the reverence it deserved.
    As the two ships meet to trade goods and information, Fork makes sure to put his scouts on alert in case of problems. He hoped nothing would go down because the boys were in a foul mood after the burial.

    He didn't feel like socialising much himself, but forced himself out and about amongst the traders. He picked up a cloak and a crossbow that looked like it meant business. As he was browsing he made sure to keep his ears open about any strange happenings, and he asked the salesman if they'd seen the Broad Fin recently, or perhaps a goal oriented Tortle? He asked casually, like it wasn't a big deal either way.

  22. - Top - End - #52
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Spoiler: after the fight
    there was alot to do when it came to repairs. The serpent did a number on the hull and a crewmember was swallowed. Nibum paid more attention to his duties and the living then the things he couldnt change and the dead but knowing the funeral was immenent he took special time out to do his part. He made sure the chest was absolutely water tight and wouldnt deteriorate for a very long time. Never being the one to show much of any sympathy he took this time to say his goodbyes the man even though he barely knew him. Then returned to work. He was the last to finnish repairs and possibly the last to be awake even he again shows some empathy but this time to the ship thank you lass and good night he says deep in the bowls of the ship bending down to cast cure wounds. Before he heads off to bed he surveys the work done That will dohe says like every night taking pride in his work. He sets fetcher and triceratool to help keep watch paying special attention to the scholar. Wether good or ill nibum was keeping to captains orders.

    (triceratool has an ability that prevents surprise and much of this nibum keeps to himself but if anyone wants to observe this go ahead. Nibum isnt stealthy)

    The dream seemed a bad omen perhaps he'd speak to someone about that soon but now there was some exploring and learning to do.

    When the merchant ship shows up nibum checks his pockets... he finds barely a few gold to scrape together and that's quite alright there isn't much he needs. He takes a break from his work to check out the merchant vessel and how it operates.

  23. - Top - End - #53
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Dirty View Post
    As he was browsing he made sure to keep his ears open about any strange happenings, and he asked the salesman if they'd seen the Broad Fin recently, or perhaps a goal oriented Tortle? He asked casually, like it wasn't a big deal either way.
    Min is happy to listen to Frrkkk's questions, but she is not very much help, unfortunately; she is out of the goblin city of Sheerfast for the first time and can only talk about her own adventures. She doesn't have any memory of a Tortle, but she is full of information about their ultimate destination (an extremely rare diplomatic delegation to human lands for a coronation), her shipboard romance (a stoker named Brom), and their other passengers (two 'bigshot Bounders' she calls Moustakas and 'your cousin.')

    Quote Originally Posted by zylodrizzt View Post
    He takes a break from his work to check out the merchant vessel and how it operates.
    Nobim has never been on a steamship before in his long life, and it's fascinating. The concept of a boiler and using steam to drive a wheel is obvious to anyone who has seen a teapot, but the problem is elemental spirits -- boiling steam in quantity attracts steam mephits, and steam mephits destroy things for the fun of it. Only goblins have the art of building steam engines that aren't elaborate bombs. The boiler is hung with large quantities of spirit traps that extract the mephits into glass and silver canisters. They make terrible faces at Nobim, and it occurs to him to wonder where they are disposed of. Mass banishment? Dumped into the Cataract of Steam? It's interesting.

    Nobim and Frrkkk fall into stride beside each other on their way back to the White Cliff, and so it is that you are both approached by a uniformed female troglodyte. Unlike the occasional semi-feral troglodytes who scrabble up from the Underdark in Lssthp, this one is clean, upright and seems to have her smell under control; strong and unusual, but not actually offensive. Like those trogs, however, she is blind, led through the world by her nose. It's strange to see the double handcrossbows strapped to her narrow hips. But somehow she does look like she can use them. Other than her eyes, she doesn't look that different from an ordinary red kobold.

    "Word to the wise, lads," she says conversationally. "Your captain was asking us about a tortle and a ship. Don't know much about tortles or ships, and I told her so. Asked if we've seen anything weird and I don't see -- much. But I've been doing some thinking and I might've left something out."

    "There was a fella approached me in Baratano. Can't smell a shell, of course, much less anything about cracks filled in with gold, but he sure moved heavy. Smelled bad, and that's me saying that, you know? Wanted me to bring him on the ship as a stowaway. Weird thing is, I thought about it. I thought about it hard. I've had some experience with enchantment, though--" She touches a silver figure of a goat's head on a pendant-- "And I came to my senses and shot him down."

    "Thought it might be the kind of thing you wanted to know. I'm Tomyris,"
    she adds belatedly.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2023-12-30 at 11:02 AM.

  24. - Top - End - #54
    Ogre in the Playground

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    On his tour of the steam ship nibum was taking notes and thinking of ways to incorporate this into things like the shell or maybe landing or escape ships or perhaps even into triceratool itself.

    After the trog had spoken. The gears in his mind spun into overdrive thinking of many revelations this simple conversation had.Lucky you werent tricked so easy. Do you suppose that charm you just touched had anything to do with it? he said while considering who he should speak to first about this information.

  25. - Top - End - #55
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Quote Originally Posted by TriciaOso View Post
    "Mr. Fork said she's the Broad Fin herself," says Tegu. "So he sent his own mount back to 'wait pursuit? And bespelled to know who to attack?" She shakes her head. "If he gave up the Broad Fin, he must have found another ship, or took passage on one. Nowhere to do that but Baratano."
    Ttharg looks grim. "Then he knows we be after him. We'll get no element o' surprise with him. That's a bad omen that is. As fer bookin' passage with another boat; that be makin' a lot o' sense. Ye'd be making a date with Bahamut's Locker if ye attempted to take a wounded an' neutral flyin' living boat out into the Hic Sunt, 'specially around Baratano. The lad would need something less conspicuous." It's clear Ttharg speaks with a level of confidence and knowledge on the subject, but others can see a slight discomfort about him.

    Quote Originally Posted by TriciaOso View Post
    The Captain considers for a moment, and checks her pocketwatch. "It's late, and much to do before we rest. Cauda, adjust the course for Baratano. Everyone else, get to work." The First Mate looks displeased, but does not speak further.
    Ttharg salutes the Captain, but as he walks away it's clear he is also troubled about the prospect.

    Ttharg was glad Bahamut (or at least he assumed it was Bahamut) had decided to gift him a dream rather than the regular nightmares he had. He pondered upon what he was being told. The dream of last night made him feel more empowered, as if Bahamut trusted him more. He felt that he could reach out to the skies and call the very lightning that set him on this path of faith and privateering.

    As the Goblin ship pulls up for trade, Ttharg makes enquiries as to whether the vessel has any goblinoid liquor. He had already purchased all the necessary supplies he needed back in port, and having spare gold was always important in the Hic Sunt, but it was rare to see the Goblins and obtaining Goblin-made liquor was even rarer. Besides, he owed Tegu a drink anyway.

  26. - Top - End - #56
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Fork took stock of the woman that approached them and found that he liked what he saw.

    "Pleased to meet you, Tomyris. I'm Fork, this is Nibum." He reached out to grab her hand for a heartfelt handshake.

    "You have no idea how much we appreciate you sharing this with us. I have but a few coins left after Min shook me down, but it would be my pleasure and honour if I could buy you a drink and a prime cut of meat."

    He wholeheartedly hoped she'd take him up on it, and continued jokingly. "When you say you shot him down, do you mean his idea or did you plant a bolt between his eyes?"

    He looked at Nibum expectantly. "What do you say my ancient kobold friend? A good meal is in order am I right?"

  27. - Top - End - #57
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by The Commander View Post
    As the Goblin ship pulls up for trade, Ttharg makes enquiries as to whether the vessel has any goblinoid liquor. He had already purchased all the necessary supplies he needed back in port, and having spare gold was always important in the Hic Sunt, but it was rare to see the Goblins and obtaining Goblin-made liquor was even rarer. Besides, he owed Tegu a drink anyway.
    Min doesn't have any liquor for sale, only magic items, but you are able to charm her enough to be put in touch with a stoker named Brom, who slips you some of the local rotgut in exchange for some of the product of your own ship's still.

    Distilled discreetly in and around the engine, the clear alcohol he provides you seems to be always smoking hot. He explains that that's from the steam mephits who got boiled away in the distilling process.

    Quote Originally Posted by zylodrizzt View Post
    After the trog had spoken. The gears in his mind spun into overdrive thinking of many revelations this simple conversation had.Lucky you werent tricked so easy. Do you suppose that charm you just touched had anything to do with it? he said while considering who he should speak to first about this information.
    "Could be," she says, and repeats: "I've had some experience with enchantments. I've got a special arrangement with a fae spirit of my acquaintance."

    Quote Originally Posted by Dirty View Post
    Fork took stock of the woman that approached them and found that he liked what he saw.

    "Pleased to meet you, Tomyris. I'm Fork, this is Nibum." He reached out to grab her hand for a heartfelt handshake.

    "You have no idea how much we appreciate you sharing this with us. I have but a few coins left after Min shook me down, but it would be my pleasure and honour if I could buy you a drink and a prime cut of meat."

    He wholeheartedly hoped she'd take him up on it, and continued jokingly. "When you say you shot him down, do you mean his idea or did you plant a bolt between his eyes?"
    "No, no such luck. He was creepy and tried to put a whammy on me, but I didn't suppose it rated homicide. From what I'm hearing maybe I should've."

    He looked at Nibum expectantly. "What do you say my ancient kobold friend? A good meal is in order am I right?"
    Tomyris grins, not precisely at either of you, holding her head like someone who has heard about eye contact but never experienced it. "I'll have to take you up on that later," she says. The Underdark has no word for 'raincheck.' "I reckon both our ships have to be about their business."

    "But for your kindness I'll give you one more piece of advice. My impression is, you're meddling with god business, here. There's folks who'll tell you little guys like us ought to stay out of that kind of thing, that we can't make a difference and can only get hurt. But that's not my experience. All I'll say is when gods get desperate, power is there for the taking, if you're brave enough to jump in the middle and tough enough to survive it."
    She lays her hands on her crossbow stocks for a moment before walking away.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2023-12-30 at 11:01 AM.

  28. - Top - End - #58
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg took the Rotgut. Even if it wasn't something fancy, it might still be good. He'd have to try with Tegu later when they were on a rest shift. For now, he simply put the bottle away in his pack and thanked the stoker, before returning to the White Cliff.

  29. - Top - End - #59
    Ogre in the Playground

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    As he replies nibum pulls out a small device oh yes young lady thank you. Where does this vessel call home? Dont thunk we will have time to share a table for awhile. This information is vital and i must inform the captain and such he says before speaking into the device Captain i believe fork and i have come across vital information. Think we should talk as soon as possible. before handing the device to fetcher. Fetcher heads off to find the captain and play the recording
    Last edited by zylodrizzt; 2023-12-31 at 04:43 AM.

  30. - Top - End - #60
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by TriciaOso View Post

    "No, no such luck. He was creepy and tried to put a whammy on me, but I didn't suppose it rated homicide. From what I'm hearing maybe I should've."
    "I have a feeling you would have saved us a whole lot of trouble." Fork thought to himself, but held his tongue. He also kind of wished for this whole ordeal not to be over yet. The start of a hunt was exhilarating.

    Quote Originally Posted by TriciaOso View Post
    Tomyris grins, not precisely at either of you, holding her head like someone who has heard about eye contact but never experienced it. "I'll have to take you up on that later," she says. The Underdark has no word for 'raincheck.' "I reckon both our ships have to be about their business."

    "But for your kindness I'll give you one more piece of advice. My impression is, you're meddling with god business, here. There's folks who'll tell you little guys like us ought to stay out of that kind of thing, that we can't make a difference and can only get hurt. But that's not my experience. All I'll say is when gods get desperate, power is there for the taking, if you're brave enough to jump in the middle and tough enough to survive it."
    She lays her hands on her crossbow stocks for a moment before walking away.
    "Spirits guide you." Fork said kindly. He watched her walk away and made note of her scent before getting back to business. "Right you are Mr. Nibum.. Lets go."
    Last edited by Dirty; 2023-12-31 at 04:47 AM.

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