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  1. - Top - End - #61
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Jun 2015

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Heading back walking with fork riding on triceratool nibum begins cleaning and adjusting his glasses. He says to the younger koboldYou know the olds purpose in life is to pass on thier wisdom to the young. Young man if ive heard right i believe i have heard of your family. Its hard to mistake one at least. Theyve been around as long as i can remember which is a very long time. Ive no idea what your time as a servant has been but i do know what its like to not have a purpose and as a loyal servant without purpose is awful. I found purpose with this ship.... er... where was i going with that..... oh yes. I think if ive heard right youll find yourself not as a servant any longer and i hope you might realize being of service isnt so bad. It gives purpose. I hope you have considered what your purpose will be. A kobolds life can prove difficult without patron.

  2. - Top - End - #62
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    It's not much longer until Goblin Steamship #749 is chugging into the distance and the White Cliff is cruising out of the Calm. The transition from the still waters around Lssthp and into the active weather of the Hic Sunt is subtle, but for the first time the sails begin to bell out and white-capped waves begin to slap at the stern. Overhead, the chaotic stars begin to dance closer and more frenetically, with the quiet, stable constellations shifting into the background. Cauda coils herself around the helm and begins the subtle and precise navigation to Baratano.

    You pass one full round of shifts and are rising for the third day at sea when small rocks and islets begin to appear. Before long, the hills of Baratano begin to rise over the dim horizon, lively with lamplight and campfires. As the ship draws closer, the first local ships appear; no obvious pirates yet, but fishing canoes carrying bullywugs and their spears, and then one of the graceful, slim inter-island sailing ships of the Hic Sunt glides past, the metallic dragonborn crew playing the wind like an instrument.

    Spoiler: The Grin
    On the eastward, mountainous side of Baratano lies the quartet of peaks called the Grin. The highest point in the region, these peaks have been the home to a succession of copper dragons who have called Baratano home, often slain as a preliminary stage of destroying the pirate haven, but always replaced.

    Spoiler: Pierholt
    A port built out more on piers and bridges than the islands themselves, Pierholt is homebase for both honest traders of the Hic Sunt and the pirates of the Flagless Fleet. Innumerable taverns, chandler's shops, flyby night dealers and open-air brothels operate on the edge of between indoor and outdoor, land and sea. A military ship would never survive making landfall here, but privateers as always are an edge case. Don't start nothing, won't be nothing.

    Spoiler: Frogtown
    Frogtown is a collection of impoverished villages on the southern West Horn where the bullywugs and grung of Baratano live, displaced by the reptilian sailors who cluster in Pierholt and settlers who occupy the more fertile and sheltered lands to the north. They live on fish, memory, and spite.

    Cauda guides the ship between the the scattered and broken islands of West Horn and the rising, spiky peaks of East Horn, towards the tangled forest of masts known as Pierholt. The Captain addresses her officers as the ship makes anchor.

    "All right, folks. We'll try to make our stop here quick, but I'm hungry to find some trace of Trionyx and what aid he might have acquired. He might not have landed in Pierholt proper, but if he wanted supplies or a place to rest or to find a new ship he must have passed through. The troglodyte on the goblin ship met him there, at least."

    "Mr. Achelous and I will stay with the ship; we stink too much of the navy for these folk. Tegu will be taking on supplies for us, and Kabett healing up our mount. Cauda... is better served on the ship."

    "I want the rest of you to get out there and hunt for the trail. Mr. Fork, trust your nose. Mr. Ttharg, I know you know these waters -- you can steer the others right. Mr. Pamphilius, maybe there's some magical trace to be found. Take Siduri if you think she can help you."

    She turns to Nibum. "Mr. Nibum, I know perfectly well you'd rather stay onboard and finish patching up the ship, but you've got a keen eye and unusual tools. I'd like you to take a peek too. The four of you..." She trails off. "I'm hoping the four of you can stir something up. If all else fails, we can approach Shanidar, the dragon of these islands, but he'll be touchy. I'd rather see what we can turn up in Pierholt before we try the Grin."

    Locations in Pierholt for Investigation or Social Checks:

    Spoiler: The Corsair's Rest Inn
    A renowned tavern where pirates and privateers gather to share tales, recruit crew members, and seek out lucrative jobs. It's a hub of information about the chaotic waters and potential raids.

    Spoiler: Wyvern's Roost
    A less popular tavern for those who want to avoid scoundrels or keep a low profile; built on a high bridge that affords a panoramic view of the chaotic waters and nearby islands, serving as a lookout post and a beacon for ship's entering the crescent.

    Spoiler: Captain's Court
    An open-air forum where disputes among pirate crews are settled, alliances formed, and bounties proclaimed. It's a place where the code of the sea is enforced and respected... but the mood and interpretation of the code can change wildly from day to day based on who is dominating the crowd.

    Spoiler: The Gilded Galleon
    A permanently docked ship/casino where gambling, high-stakes games, and clandestine deals take place, attracting both fortune-seekers and trouble.

    Spoiler: The Platinum Spring
    Many islands across the Hic Sunt are marked with a platinum spring, a shrine dedicated to Bahamut as god of the sea. Adventurers might seek blessings or guidance here before embarking on perilous voyages. Located just outside Pierholt proper to the north.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-03 at 12:04 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #63
    Titan in the Playground
    J-H's Avatar

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Servius Calventius Pamphilius
    Yuan-ti Evoker
    AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 27/27
    PPer: 11 PInv: 17 PIst: 11
    Conditions: --

    Servius considers the port area carefully. Parts of it remind him of the areas just off-campus, where foolish but wealthy students were often separated from their money via application of strong drink. He never had the funds to spare for that, and was too serious anyway.

    "Siduri, would you like to split up, or should we travel as a pair? Anyone who looks like an unaware target may awaken the next morning with a headache and an empty purse."

    There are three areas he considers traveling to, in this order:
    First, the area of the docks where living ships typically moor and are cared for. If the Broad Fin docked here, someone is likely to remember it, and perhaps its lone passenger.
    Second, the Captain's Court. If another ship has been stolen, or if the monk had magically influenced someone, there might be knowledge of it there. Even if it is an informal court, they will still have records, and he only needs to check a few days.

    Third, as a last resort, the Wyvern's Roost. Perhaps there is someone there who watches ships come and go as a hobby, or to make unofficial records that are for sale. Some of the less personable individuals at the university - those less social than Servius and noted for making more social mis-steps - tended to have hobbies that revolved around obsessive specializations.


    Ship docks
    Investigation (1d20+8)[11]

    Captain's Court
    Investigation (1d20+8)[23]
    Possibly plus a fee to access the records?

    Wyvern's Roost
    History (1d20+4)[6] to find "that guy" by way of excessive knowledge of obscure topics
    Things published on DM's Guild
    Campaign Logs:
    Baldur's Gate 2 (ongoing)
    Castle Dracula (Castlevania)
    Against the Idol of the Sun (high level hexcrawl)

  4. - Top - End - #64
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Spoiler: Servius
    Quote Originally Posted by J-H View Post
    "Siduri, would you like to split up, or should we travel as a pair? Anyone who looks like an unaware target may awaken the next morning with a headache and an empty purse."
    The librarian-monk has changed out of her habit and into a more typical sailor's garb, no doubt borrowed from some other serpentine crew member. She is now wearing visibly a pendant you haven't seen on her in the last few days; it looks religious in nature, but not immediately obvious what god. "I don't know much about places like this," she admits. "I'll follow your lead."

    First, the area of the docks where living ships typically moor and are cared for. If the Broad Fin docked here, someone is likely to remember it, and perhaps its lone passenger.
    Living ships are few and far between here, and no one seems to remember the Broad Fin. On the other hand, no one is certain.

    Second, the Captain's Court. If another ship has been stolen, or if the monk had magically influenced someone, there might be knowledge of it there. Even if it is an informal court, they will still have records, and he only needs to check a few days.
    A little light bribery gets you access to the records of the Court; as Siduri makes conversation with the archivist about filing systems, you pour over the comings and goings of the last week. This confirms that the Broad Fin never docked at the port--Trionyx must have landed outside the port and sent the ship back, then walked into town. But more importantly, you find something very interesting about a minor spree of disappearances to the south.

    Sailors venturing down into Frogtown haven't come back, and the grung and bullywugs insist they know nothing and have lost their own people. The disappearances started about a week ago and after a few days, they were reported to the Court by Captain Vaarth Pthax of the Broken Wing, whose own quartermaster had vanished into Frogtown.

    The decision of the Court was not to send anyone to investigate--land business, not sea business--but the clerk studiously recorded that Pthax called them cowards and swore to investigate himself.

    The Broken Wing left port a day later, about three days past.

    The archivist mentions he has heard the disappearances have continued.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-03 at 01:08 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #65
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    During the remaining voyage to Baratano, Ttharg invited Tegu to sample some of the Goblin Rotgut with him to see what it tastes like proper.

    As the Broad Fin docked in Pierholt, Ttharg was uneasy. He doubted he'd be personally recognised here, it had been years since he'd been here, but there was always a risk of some kind of recognition when operating in Hic Sunt waters. He saluted the Captain and the First Mate before addressing the others: "Watch ye coin purse, be wary o' followin' strange men down alleys, act confident but don't be pushy. These sailors are here for rest and a good time, and to be away from the laws o' the world. Long as ye don't disturb that, ye should get on just fine."

    He considered the options available to him. "If ye don't mind lads, I'll be headin' up to the Spring first. Be more appropriate to make me prayers with a clear head before heading to the taverns on this scalerotting island. Ye be welcome to join me if ye want."

    Ttharg's first port of call is the Platinum Spring. He approaches and strokes a claw over the amulet of Bahamut around his neck. He begins to pray for guidance and safety for himself and his crew at the shrine. Once completed, Ttharg then makes his way over to The Corsair's Rest Inn.

    At The Corsair's Rest Inn, Ttharg makes a beeline for the bar and orders a drink. He drinks it quickly and orders another one. This one he drinks more slowly. As he drinks, he begins to ask the bar staff and nearby patrons if they've seen or heard about the injured Living Ship that docked here and it's Captain, and where he might have gone now. He'll freely share the story of how it was lying in wait for them and they had to fight it off, including the detail about the Lizardfolk being eaten up; but he'll avoid mentioning this took place in the Calm. He'll even go as far to suggest the ship may have had a crew of Undead to help it get to port (sailors love tales, even if they're tall-tales). He'll continue to buy drinks (and maybe offer to buy a few rounds) if the information is good and forthcoming.

    (Let me know if you'd like me to make any rolls, and how much money I need spend)

    If the Inn is a bust, he'll then head to the Roost and try a similar approach.
    Last edited by The Commander; 2024-01-03 at 03:02 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #66
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Spoiler: Ttharg
    Quote Originally Posted by The Commander View Post
    Ttharg's first port of call is the Platinum Spring. He approaches and strokes a claw over the amulet of Bahamut around his neck. He begins to pray for guidance and safety for himself and his crew at the shrine.
    The spring spills out of the rock and fills a stone basin at the base of the rock. You pass other sailors returning from the spring, and find a few worshippers here kneeling in the pool to offer their own prayers.

    You feel the presence of Bahamut strongly here, and in the shimmering waters of the pool you see the same fractal pattern you saw unfolding in your dreams, torn apart and reconstructed by flashes of light as the spring spills into the water. You feel the will of the seagod to oppose Tiamat laying on you like a massive paw laid on your shoulder; you know your power has been growing recently, and you sense dimly that great potential has been granted to you and your companions to meet this crisis. The future feels ominous and heavy.

    A little kobold beggar wrapped in a grey cloak offers you a clear flask of the waters of the pool for a few copper.

    At The Corsair's Rest Inn, Ttharg makes a beeline for the bar and orders a drink. He drinks it quickly and orders another one. This one he drinks more slowly. As he drinks, he begins to ask the bar staff and nearby patrons if they've seen or heard about the injured Living Ship that docked here and it's Captain, and where he might have gone now. He'll freely share the story of how it was lying in wait for them and they had to fight it off, including the detail about the Lizardfolk being eaten up; but he'll avoid mentioning this took place in the Calm. He'll even go as far to suggest the ship may have had a crew of Undead to help it get to port (sailors love tales, even if they're tall-tales). He'll continue to buy drinks (and maybe offer to buy a few rounds) if the information is good and forthcoming.
    You do pick up some gossip; no one saw a Living Ship land here, but you meet a salvager who tells you about discovering the wreckage of one just off the crescent of Baratano. When you describe the tortle with the kintsugi shell, you get some thoughtful looks; but before you can follow up with the bartender, you are recognized by an old crewmate from your days on a fishing boat. He insists on buying you a drink, and then another, and the delicate discussion is disrupted.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-03 at 02:53 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #67
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg kneels down to the beggar Kobold. He offers them a gold coin instead, takes the flask, and says: "May Bahamut change the tides o' ye fate today." He then leaves.

    Ttharg was glad it was a distant crewmate who recognised him, and accepted their hospitality. Ttharg was genuinely curious how the old-salt was doing and inquired about their own recent experiences around Baratano; including any ships to watch out for in these waters.

    (I'll knock off 2gp for the beggar and the drinks)
    Last edited by The Commander; 2024-01-03 at 03:10 PM.

  8. - Top - End - #68
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Spoiler: Ttharg
    Quote Originally Posted by The Commander View Post
    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg kneels down to the beggar Kobold. He offers them a gold coin instead, takes the flask, and says: "May Bahamut change the tides o' ye fate today." He then leaves.

    Ttharg was glad it was a distant crewmate who recognised him, and accepted their hospitality. Ttharg was genuinely curious how the old-salt was doing and inquired about their own recent experiences around Baratano; including any ships to watch out for in these waters.

    (I'll knock off 2gp for the beggar and the drinks)
    In response to your questions, the crewmate (a gem dragonborn) tells you about a few of the more notorious pirates operating in the area lately--the Sea Viper, the Whispering Banshee, the Broken Wing. He mentions that the Broken Wing belongs to the notorious pirate Vaarth Pthax, after surviving the wreck of his last ship, relating it only as an interesting tall tale.

    As you reach into your purse to pay, you find that all of your copper coins have been transformed into solid platinum.

  9. - Top - End - #69
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Jun 2015

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    To the captian.Yes captain understood he says sadly. He then mumbles and grumbles in goblin about many things like how his time would be better spent on the ship or how he could take a look from the ship but it was best not to argue. He intended to investigate but he didn't have to talk to anyone so he decided to send minicliff ahead just a bit. He knew what sort of magic the tortle was using so nibum decided to start casting detect magic. He followed along with everyone else keeping his companions and his own senses open to it all for any hints that and you don't live as long as him without being a bit paranoid.

  10. - Top - End - #70
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Spoiler: Nibum
    Quote Originally Posted by zylodrizzt View Post
    To the captian.Yes captain understood he says sadly. He then mumbles and grumbles in goblin about many things like how his time would be better spent on the ship or how he could take a look from the ship but it was best not to argue. He intended to investigate but he didn't have to talk to anyone so he decided to send minicliff ahead just a bit. He knew what sort of magic the tortle was using so nibum decided to start casting detect magic. He followed along with everyone else keeping his companions and his own senses open to it all for any hints that and you don't live as long as him without being a bit paranoid.
    As you lurk along, you periodically peek through the eyes of Minicliff to look for anything suspicious, and you do indeed find it. You observe a muscular Yuan-Ti serpentfolk surreptitiously following Siduri and Servius as they move through the city. He follows them as far as the Captain's Court and then hangs back, fiddling all the time with a pendulum dangling from his fingers.

    People use the term Yuan-Ti loosely to describe all serpentfolk, but it really refers only to those in the cult of Apophis. This is a true Yuan-Ti, with constricting brass bands stretching the neck and fused around the wrists, representing the coils of the great Constrictor. You circle back to detect magic at him and find lingering scraps of divination magic around him. Your familiar is able to follow him back to a run-down and nameless tavern squeezed between two other businesses.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-03 at 05:27 PM.

  11. - Top - End - #71
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg almost chokes on his drink when his old ship-mate speaks the name Vaarth Pthax. He tries to recover quickly, asking where the Broken Wing was supposedly last spotted.

    Ttharg quickly hides the platinum back in his purse - it's not a wise idea to be openly showing that kind of money here - but inwards gives thanks to Bahamut for blessing him.

  12. - Top - End - #72
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Spoiler: Ttharg
    Quote Originally Posted by The Commander View Post
    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg almost chokes on his drink when his old ship-mate speaks the name Vaarth Pthax. He tries to recover quickly, asking where the Broken Wing was supposedly last spotted.
    He tells you the Broken Wing passed through Pierholt and only left a few days ago. He clearly doesn't know much about it, though.

  13. - Top - End - #73
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Jun 2023

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Spoiler: Back on the Goblin Ship with Nibum:
    Quote Originally Posted by zylodrizzt View Post
    Heading back walking with fork riding on triceratool nibum begins cleaning and adjusting his glasses. He says to the younger koboldYou know the olds purpose in life is to pass on their wisdom to the young. Young man if I've heard right I believe I have heard of your family. Its hard to mistake one at least. They've been around as long as i can remember which is a very long time. I've no idea what your time as a servant has been but i do know what its like to not have a purpose and as a loyal servant without purpose is awful. I found purpose with this ship.... er... where was I going with that..... oh yes. I think if I've heard right you'll find yourself not as a servant any longer and i hope you might realize being of service isn't so bad. It gives purpose. I hope you have considered what your purpose will be. A kobolds life can prove difficult without patron.
    Fork was silent for a moment. He nodded. "Thank you for sharing your personal wisdom, old friend." He said. "I am bound to little under fifteen years of service left. And I don't plan to regret a second of it." He was silent for a while longer.. "But the privilege of determining my own purpose after that time is something I hold dear, and it's something I will put a lot of thought to when that day comes."

    Fork studied his quarry as much as he could in the short time before they spotted Baratano. The known items he was likely to have on his person, his looks, mannerisms and his most notable feature: his shell. When the crewmember in the crows nest finally signalled land in sight, Forks companion, the Drake, took off with purpose. Around his neck a leather tube with a letter in it.

    As soon as the gangplank hit land, Fork was off as well. He made a beeline to the Wyverns Roost. He was dressed different. Gone was the stiff uniform. Instead he wore crocodile leather armour, straps and pouches. His blade and hand crossbows carefully concealed. His large crossbow, the one he'd bought on the Goblin vessel, was strapped to his backpack and visible enough to make ruffians think twice before harassing him. A dark cloak with a hood draped over him in a half concealing manner.

    At the Roost, he took a side entrance. A small wooden door seemingly forgotten about.

    It led to a narrow stairs going up and after a few curves another small door. He rapped a signal before he opened and entered the small office type building built onto the side of the Roost overlooking the south side of Pierholt from atop the bridge. A peculiar grung, bespectacled and with a few white hairs on the sides of his otherwise bald head sat at his desk, flanked by stacks of paperwork. Behind him more books, scrolls and stacks of paper. Several empty ink pots were strewn about and he was just about to dip his feathered pen in a fresh pot when he looked up at the intrusion.

    "Ah." He said with a croaky voice. "Sooner than expected."

    Fork threw his hood back and smiled. "Archibald. You got my letter?"

    Archibald was a tight friend of the family, and quite the accountant. He didn't look like much, and it was precisely therefore he got around without much hassle. A staple in Pierholt in his own right and his connections with the FarSeers largely forgotten, there wasn't much that happened without the nosy old Grung knowing about it. If anyone could help Fork look in the right, or at least likely direction worth looking, it was Archie.

  14. - Top - End - #74
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Spoiler: F'rrkkk
    Quote Originally Posted by Dirty View Post
    Spoiler: Back on the Goblin Ship with Nibum:

    Fork was silent for a moment. He nodded. "Thank you for sharing your personal wisdom, old friend." He said. "I am bound to little under fifteen years of service left. And I don't plan to regret a second of it." He was silent for a while longer.. "But the privilege of determining my own purpose after that time is something I hold dear, and it's something I will put a lot of thought to when that day comes."

    Fork studied his quarry as much as he could in the short time before they spotted Baratano. The known items he was likely to have on his person, his looks, mannerisms and his most notable feature: his shell. When the crewmember in the crows nest finally signalled land in sight, Forks companion, the Drake, took off with purpose. Around his neck a leather tube with a letter in it.

    As soon as the gangplank hit land, Fork was off as well. He made a beeline to the Wyverns Roost. He was dressed different. Gone was the stiff uniform. Instead he wore crocodile leather armour, straps and pouches. His blade and hand crossbows carefully concealed. His large crossbow, the one he'd bought on the Goblin vessel, was strapped to his backpack and visible enough to make ruffians think twice before harassing him. A dark cloak with a hood draped over him in a half concealing manner.

    At the Roost, he took a side entrance. A small wooden door seemingly forgotten about.

    It led to a narrow stairs going up and after a few curves another small door. He rapped a signal before he opened and entered the small office type building built onto the side of the Roost overlooking the south side of Pierholt from atop the bridge. A peculiar grung, bespectacled and with a few white hairs on the sides of his otherwise bald head sat at his desk, flanked by stacks of paperwork. Behind him more books, scrolls and stacks of paper. Several empty ink pots were strewn about and he was just about to dip his feathered pen in a fresh pot when he looked up at the intrusion.

    "Ah." He said with a croaky voice. "Sooner than expected."

    Fork threw his hood back and smiled. "Archibald. You got my letter?"

    Archibald was a tight friend of the family, and quite the accountant. He didn't look like much, and it was precisely therefore he got around without much hassle. A staple in Pierholt in his own right and his connections with the FarSeers largely forgotten, there wasn't much that happened without the nosy old Grung knowing about it. If anyone could help Fork look in the right, or at least likely direction worth looking, it was Archie.
    Archibald has much to tell you, although he hesitates and wavers often. You rely on your insight into his fears and mindset to read his pauses and halts as clearly as his words.

    He looks at your sketch of the gold-sealed cracks in the back of Trionyx, and nods gravely. "Yes, he's been seen. He rbbt tried to stay at the Roost and was pushed out. Quite rbbt a disturbing fellow, I'm told. Unwell-looking. Fires and lamps extinguishing themselves around him. Salamander hounds and wyverns rbbt unsettled. Nasty business."

    "The Apophians tried to take him in--gods know why--but rbbt the neighbors wouldn't have it. They pushed him all the way out of town, into rbbt my people, with the other unwanted things."

    He also shares a variety of other information which seems trivial at the time; only one of these becomes important later in hindsight: the Broken Wing was seen at anchor overnight at the cape south of Frogtown a few days ago.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-03 at 06:03 PM.

  15. - Top - End - #75
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    "Many thanks, may the spirits guide your steps." Fork closed the door behind him and took a deep breath. It was his first time connecting with Archibald and the stories about him seemed so much more real after having shared a space with the legendary Grung. If only half of the stories about him were true.. but Fork shook off such thoughts and focussed again.

    Fork wasted no time and booked passage on a local fishing skiff towards Frogtown. He keeps a low profile and wraps the crossbow in cloth this time. Hunched over, to make himself smaller and unassuming he scours through the run down villages looking for signs.

    He's keeping his ears open for glimpses of conversation, he's scanning the wildlife for signs of anomalies. And most importantly, he's aware of his surroundings at all times. He won't let haste risk a meeting with the crew of the Broken Wing.

    If salamander hounds and wyverns are unsettled by the tortle, Fork will look out for the smaller cousins of these beast. The tiny salamanders scurrying about. The wingless snakes crawling through the marshes. If he sees such a creature, and is out of earshot from locals, he'll cast speak with animals to ask around about any creatures that might have left a bad impression on their olfactory senses.
    Last edited by Dirty; 2024-01-03 at 06:25 PM.

  16. - Top - End - #76
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Spoiler: F'rrkkk
    Quote Originally Posted by Dirty View Post
    Fork wastes no time and books passage on a local fishing skiff towards Frogtown. He keeps a low profile and wraps the crossbow in cloth this time. Hunched over, to make himself smaller and unassuming he scours through the run down villages looking for signs.

    He's keeping his ears open for glimpses of conversation, he's scanning the wildlife for signs of anomalies. And most importantly, he's aware of his surroundings at all times. He won't let haste risk a meeting with the crew of the Broken Wing.

    If salamander hounds and wyverns are unsettled by the tortle, Fork will look out for the smaller cousins of these beast. The tiny salamanders scurrying about. The wingless snakes crawling through the marshes. If he sees such a creature, and is out of earshot from locals, he'll cast speak with animals to ask around about any creatures that might have left a bad impression on their olfactory senses.
    You find both tracks and traces in the wilds south of Frogtown, and testimony from a small wild swampdrake. It definitely has seen scary, dangerous creatures moving around out here; a tortle who filled it with an unreasoning, unholy terror, and some sort of massive predator, which it fears for simple and rational reasons. It is able to confirm the story of the Broken Wing weighing anchor here and then sailing away, but did not see if the ship took on a passenger or let off raiders. The cape has become a no-go zone for most of the beasts. The tracks you find support and help you piece together this story from the rather simple-minded conversation of the swampdrake.

    However, the drake has not seen the tortle in a few days, and seems to assume the larger predator ate or cached him as it did other creatures. It offers, tentatively, to show you one of the caches, although it seems very uneasy.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-03 at 06:30 PM.

  17. - Top - End - #77
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Fork conveys his thanks to the swampdrake and shares his concern about the Tortle and the predator.

    He promises food in return for the favour, and says he will protect him if it would come to that. Fork says he cannot abide the nasty Tortle to poison the swamp and it's surroundings. Small drakes need healthy nests and Fork feels strongly about the natural order of things. He will fight for this swampdrake like it's his own spawn. To put power to his words he fishes a small strip of meat out of his rations and tosses it over.

    He's hoping to appeal to the animals pride and sense of drake-ness. A shared idea that eggs should hatch in good swamps, not bad ones. And please, to show him the cache.
    Last edited by Dirty; 2024-01-03 at 06:35 PM.

  18. - Top - End - #78
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Spoiler: F'rrkkk
    Quote Originally Posted by Dirty View Post
    Fork conveys his thanks to the swampdrake and shares his concern about the Tortle and the predator.

    He promises food in return for the favour, and says he will protect him if it would come to that. Fork says he cannot abide the nasty Tortle to poison the swamp and it's surroundings. Small drakes need healthy nests and Fork feels strongly about the natural order of things. He will fight for this swampdrake like it's his own spawn. To put power to his words he fishes a small strip of meat out of his rations and tosses it over.

    He's hoping to appeal to the animals pride and sense of drake-ness. A shared idea that eggs should hatch in good swamps, not bad ones. And please, to show him the cache.
    Reluctantly, the drake leads you to a corpse cached in a hollow log. It is a lizardfolk sailor, bloated with death. Its filmy eyes bulge strangely, and its scales seem to have begun to slough off, leaving a weird splash of red skin across the snout. The drake tells you that the predator has been killing and caching prey like this, but only the larger ones. It just eats the little ones. The drake doesn't understand why it is stashing so much.

    You are able to view the cache and make it back to Pierholt without being seen by anything.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-03 at 06:52 PM.

  19. - Top - End - #79
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Nibum swallows his pride and buries his anger and speaks to siduri Captain says im to work with you and so i shall. I must defer to you in this matter. Why might the cult of apophis align with Trionyx? Something to do with the heresy?

  20. - Top - End - #80
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by zylodrizzt View Post
    Nibum swallows his pride and buries his anger and speaks to siduri Captain says im to work with you and so i shall. I must defer to you in this matter. Why might the cult of apophis align with Trionyx? Something to do with the heresy?
    Her expression tightens and she fingers the amulet around her neck. "Yes--this is what I was afraid of. The Litany of Kin claims Tiamat's authority over all reptilian gods, even those that have always been considered independent. If Trionyx can command the loyalty of the Apophidians and unite them with the cult of Tiamat, that alone would be a grave danger to us all. It was possible that the heresy would not persuade them, but... it seems we cannot hope that any longer."

    "With this tome, Trionyx's power is waxing, and the cult recognizes power. The effects Fork described -- frightening beasts, quenching flames, disrupting sleep -- they attend only the most powerful artifacts. And the predator unleashed in the wilds... sometimes these powerful tomes are used to imprison enemies of the authors, and tampering can release them?" She smiles weakly. "We could hope it killed him, I suppose."

    She looks at the group. "Do any of you recognize the creature from what Fork saw? If I had a bestiary..."

    Spoiler: Religion or Arcana 15+
    The cached, transforming body makes it sound like one of the slaadi, frog-like Outsiders of chaotic nature that reproduce by infecting humanoids. The slaadi were the original masters of the Hic Sunt and were driven out by the dragons and their inheritors, so one could quite plausibly be trapped in a lawful, Tiamatic tome.

  21. - Top - End - #81
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    With the drinks and latest gossip consumed, Ttharg thanks his old ship-mate and stumbles out of the Inn and heads towards The Captain's Court. If Captain Pthax was operating again, there would almost certainly be a bounty on him from at least one injured party - even if they had no intention of collecting it themselves - and so the Court would be the best place to find information about the Broken Wing and perhaps Pthax himself.

    Ttharg shuddered to think that Pthax had survived the terrible storm all those years ago. Perhaps others had survived? No... surely not... the Blind Sun had been broken in two. It was a miracle that Ttharg and Pthax had survived at all.

    Once inside the Court, he made inquiries into the Broken Wing, Captain Pthax, and any who might have a grievance or, Bahamut forbid, an alliance with him.

  22. - Top - End - #82
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Spoiler: Tharg
    Quote Originally Posted by The Commander View Post
    Ttharg Krixkrux

    With the drinks and latest gossip consumed, Ttharg thanks his old ship-mate and stumbles out of the Inn and heads towards The Captain's Court. If Captain Pthax was operating again, there would almost certainly be a bounty on him from at least one injured party - even if they had no intention of collecting it themselves - and so the Court would be the best place to find information about the Broken Wing and perhaps Pthax himself.

    Ttharg shuddered to think that Pthax had survived the terrible storm all those years ago. Perhaps others had survived? No... surely not... the Blind Sun had been broken in two. It was a miracle that Ttharg and Pthax had survived at all.

    Once inside the Court, he made inquiries into the Broken Wing, Captain Pthax, and any who might have a grievance or, Bahamut forbid, an alliance with him.
    You don't find anything new from what Servius found, looking at the recent events, but digging in on the subject of the Broken Wing in particular you find some background. Before Pthax the ship was in the hands of a Captain Bronzebeard. You find the case that Bronzebeard brought before the court when his crew elected Pthax to replace him as captain and put him ashore in Baratano. Bronzebeard lost the case, on the ancient pirate code that if the men won't have you as captain, no law can make you one. There's no record of Bronzebeard as captain of another ship, but he might have taken passage as some lesser rank on another ship.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-04 at 02:41 PM.

  23. - Top - End - #83
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Back at the ship, everyone shares their findings. Servius sums it up. "Concerning. He may have left, or he may still be here. We have no evidence that he is with those who follow Apophis now, but they are likely on his side. There are so many stupid people in this world. If he is here, he may be to the south, and if he is not, he likely left heading out that way. I propose that some of us go to the area south of Frogtown to seek his trail there."
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  24. - Top - End - #84
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Fork nodded in agreement with Servius. "We should group up. I fear we're dealing with a Slaadi.. and it's been infecting people."

  25. - Top - End - #85
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Finding something nearby that he feels is fixed improperly and starts redoing it he says Whatever needs done to get me back to work since these...LAYABOUTS CAN'T SEEM TO GET ANYTHING DONE RIGHT WHEN I'M NOT AROUND He yells as he finishes the job I bet the captain will have me come along despite how much work i have to get done. Longer we wait or take the further the shell head gets away. he says as he finds something else to get done.

  26. - Top - End - #86
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg has an uncomfortable look when the crew gathers back up at the ship. "We must be careful around Captain Pthax; he be a pirate o' some infamy and a merciless son of a grung. But aye, I agree we should focus on the area south o' Frogtown for clues."

    He looks to Fork. "Never heard o' a Slaadi before, lad. What can ye tell us about them? Ye say they're infected the townsfolk?"
    Last edited by The Commander; 2024-01-05 at 02:14 PM.

  27. - Top - End - #87
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    The captain grimaces at F'rrkk's words. "The threat from Trionyx is potentially very dangerous, but the existence of a Slaad this close to the mainland is concrete and intolerable. And time is our greatest enemy." She looks over her forces.

    "Mr. Pamphilius, Mr. Nibum, Mr. F'rrkkk, Mr. Krixkrux. I'm sending you as a strikeforce to neutralize the Slaad and keeping the rest of the crew to wrap things up in town. We'll meet you at the cape by 12 bells."

    "Mr. Achelous, pull together a squad and go into Pierholt to raid these Apophidians. Take Siduri and find out what information they have or doctrine they've been fed to ally with a Tiamat worshipper. If the situation turns, fall back to the ship. Cauda and I will remain aboard and prepare for a hot exit."

    She turns to the four of you. "Running these operations simultaneously, the four of you will be on your own for a time. It may all be over before we reinforce you." She pauses, and only says, "Good hunting."

    The four of you man the oars and paddle along the coast to the cape south of Frogtown, nosing into the swamp further than a deeper keeled ship could go. There's no clean line between the sea and the swamp, only brackish water muddily mingling with the land in a host of islands and hummocks. The salt marsh is lit by the dance of the chaotic stars, and it's darker than it was when F'rrkkk first came here. Caiman surface briefly to regard you, and sahuigin paddle hastily away at the approach of your prow.

    You bump into the same dock where Fork spoke with the swamp-drake; the surrounding islands hold the caches pointed out and investigated, along with ruined huts and abandoned miscellany of the amphibious folk who live north of here. In the murky swelter of the salt marsh, the simple lights of Frogtown in the distance look downright homely.

    Spoiler: Perception Check 10+
    There's a murky figure under a tree a few islands away, roughly frog-shaped and about the size of one of the kobolds.

    Spoiler: 15+
    A bullywug swamp hunter is poking at the mud with his spear. In the water there are the swift-moving v-shapes of three or four larger predators, although they seem to be directed away from your landing, not towards you.

    Spoiler: 20+
    The cache F'rrkkk viewed earlier has been disturbed.
    Spoiler: 25+
    There are one or two ominous spots of too-still water, indicating a submerged predator that has not fled.

    Ttharg, as you set foot on the little dock, you feel a silent thrum in your pocket from the vial of holy water from the Platinum Spring.

    Spoiler: If you take it from your pocket...
    you see the fractal geometric patterns dancing in the water, but can still see through it -- and through it you see phantom shapes moving over the dock like ghostly afterimages.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-05 at 02:16 PM.

  28. - Top - End - #88
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg regards the water and images, paying little attention to the outside world. He tries to focus on the individual images, looking to see if any look even remotely recognisable as a Tortle or, Bahamut forbid, Captain Pthax. He moves the vial around, using it almost like a primitive spyglass, trying to see what the water shows him from many other angles and parts of the small island they were on.

  29. - Top - End - #89
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by The Commander View Post
    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg regards the water and images, paying little attention to the outside world. He tries to focus on the individual images, looking to see if any look even remotely recognisable as a Tortle or, Bahamut forbid, Captain Pthax. He moves the vial around, using it almost like a primitive spyglass, trying to see what the water shows him from many other angles and parts of the small island they were on.
    You see, in fact, both; you see Captain Pthax move across the dock followed by some tough and ugly pirates in his wake; then a spark crosses the water, disturbing the shapes, and you see the Captain and his cohorts returning, minus two pirates but accompanied by a hunched and sickly-looking Tortle.

    Spoiler: Insight 10+
    He looks more like an honored guest than a prisoner.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-05 at 02:32 PM.

  30. - Top - End - #90
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg sighs. It was too good to hope that Captain Pthax had merely passed this way; but it seemed as though he was now deeply involved in their quest. "Aye, the Tortle lad was here alright; as was Captain Pthax. Pthax came ashore with a party, two died or were left behind, but our lad returned with them; freely it looks like. Seems like he be aboard the Broken Wing now. Perhaps this Slaad killed two o' the pirates?"

    He puts the bottle back in his pack and draws his Shield and Warhammer. "No use standin' around here, where's the best place to look for a Slaad?"
    Last edited by The Commander; 2024-01-05 at 02:43 PM.

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