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  1. - Top - End - #151
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    In the Yes-And spirit of our game, Yes; and doing so will give Taalia a +…20 bonus to the opposed strength test to pin.

  2. - Top - End - #152
    Titan in the Playground

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    Apr 2012

    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Let's see, opposed strength check: (1d100)[14] vs TN 64

    5 successes.
    Last edited by BananaPhone; 2024-02-16 at 08:34 PM.
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

  3. - Top - End - #153
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    It is... not possible for Margot to succeed that hard.

    vs50 - (1d100)[43]!

  4. - Top - End - #154
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Willpower roll: (1d100)[14] vs TN 44

    Holds it together.
    Last edited by BananaPhone; 2024-02-19 at 07:59 PM.
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

  5. - Top - End - #155
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Sweet, exp!

    I think Taalia will take:

    Ride (100) (finally lol)

    Will save the other 150xp. For now.

    She should be approaching an advanced career at some point. The one she can qualify for now is Veteran, amusingly.

    Or, maybe a Knight if Donallo christens her as such for helping save his wife lol.
    Last edited by BananaPhone; 2024-02-20 at 02:32 AM.
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

  6. - Top - End - #156
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Sort of a self-styled mercenary knight? Hmmm.



  7. - Top - End - #157
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Or a kinda in-joke between Briant and Donallo when they've had a bit too much wine.

    Briant, nudging Donallo, speaking low in Bretonnian, "bruh, wouldn't it be funny if you like...knighted the foreign woman? Wouldn't that be 'larious bruh?"
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

  8. - Top - End - #158
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Ho ho, tee hee! A ribald jape indeed!

    More seriously... Nothing quiet that official could happen, I think. Peasants can be raised to nobility in Bretonnia, but it's a big enough deal that it's reserved for like.. really special acts of heroism by yeomen as recognized by the Duke of the region or the king, I think. A Lord can't just start knighting peasants willy nilly!

    Where do you think this is, Jerusalem?

    On top of that, you're a foreigner, and a woman, and these are all obstacles. That said, being a foreigner can be to your advantage - Bretonnians and Tileans do different things, and who's to say that they don't make Tilean women 'knights' on account of having no noblemen of their own, hon hon hon hon?

    You'll be travelling with Briant for a little bit. If you wanted to juke to Squire for a bit, picking up enough from him and the ambient chivalry culture to fill out that career, I'll let you jump to Knight to continue Taalia's autodidactic journey after that. Squire has a lot of stuff you may want anyway. That may buy you the time you need to get the very expensive trapping requirements for Knight, anyway.

    TLDR, it's perfectly reasonable for a Tilean woman to start calling herself a knight and acting like one and establishing the validity of this claim by answering a duel or two from doubters. But Full Plate and Destrier are not yet in your back pocket.

  9. - Top - End - #159
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Quote Originally Posted by MrAbdiel View Post
    But Full Plate and Destrier are not yet in your back pocket.

    So you're saying Donallo is going to get cheap with her reward?

    On that note, Taalia still has about 1,400gc+ worth of goods she intends to sell in the form of her guns and jewels, which was the explicit purpose of transferring the currency into those sellable goods. (it beat suffering the exchange rate loss!) Maybe she might need to buy a horse at some point. If she did that she could enter the Squire career, but given her current exp expenditure, she would fill it out very quickly. There's just a few skills and talents that she doesn't have. Also, being a 'Knight' hasn't really been a dream of hers, as she doesn't even really know what they are, to a degree. She grew up in rat town, so the romantic and fantastical stories of heroic and daring knights and ladies escaped her during those impressionable years. Now, if it was something that was 'granted' or 'bequeathed' to her due to service, then I could see her being like "Oh, wow, what? I'm a knight now?!" and getting all excited and taking it seriously, but motivating herself towards that path, there are other options.

    It's actually funny pondering what she would go into for her advanced career. Remember as well she's got this idea to become a wizard (remember that? lol) that sprung into her head since she was arrested, believing that the only means for security in life is to have power, and who in society was everyone afraid of meddling with? Wizards. She could be a student/engineer/artillerist, or she could go into sergeant then captain, or...well, keep collecting exp and see where the game takes her!

    If the exp build up does get too much, she could go into Veteran pretty easily.
    Last edited by BananaPhone; 2024-02-20 at 03:50 AM.
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

  10. - Top - End - #160
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Yeah, fair enough. She's more of an all round adventurer than a knight, anyway. Squire's got a lot of things that might be good for Taalia's loose trajectory - etiquette, strike mighty blow, animal training, another hit of Dodge, Charm, Ride... But it might just be that I like that career!

    Veteran I still writhe at a bit because it's ... well, it's about Veterancy. Taalia has awesome amatuer talent and potential on the battlefield, but Veteran (in this career-deep version of the game I'm running for you) is about fighting big battles many times. I'd want to tread it with the same level of attention that we did for Taalia's time as a slave, as a farmer, as a tradeswoman, as a militiawoman... Taalia could do it, but it would be something of a divergence from her current goal of getting to Altdorf and Nuln. I don't like it just as a combat-effective way to spend XP on the way there, y'know?

    Honorable mention, by the way, to the Explorer career. Given the amount of roving Taalia is doing, it's a neat thematic fit. Or scout for that matter? Perhaps through outrider? Food for thought.

  11. - Top - End - #161
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Also this, but goat:

  12. - Top - End - #162
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Quote Originally Posted by MrAbdiel View Post
    Also this, but goat:

    When they next meet...

    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

  13. - Top - End - #163
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Quote Originally Posted by MrAbdiel View Post
    Yeah, fair enough. She's more of an all round adventurer than a knight, anyway. Squire's got a lot of things that might be good for Taalia's loose trajectory - etiquette, strike mighty blow, animal training, another hit of Dodge, Charm, Ride... But it might just be that I like that career!

    Veteran I still writhe at a bit because it's ... well, it's about Veterancy. Taalia has awesome amatuer talent and potential on the battlefield, but Veteran (in this career-deep version of the game I'm running for you) is about fighting big battles many times. I'd want to tread it with the same level of attention that we did for Taalia's time as a slave, as a farmer, as a tradeswoman, as a militiawoman... Taalia could do it, but it would be something of a divergence from her current goal of getting to Altdorf and Nuln. I don't like it just as a combat-effective way to spend XP on the way there, y'know?

    Honorable mention, by the way, to the Explorer career. Given the amount of roving Taalia is doing, it's a neat thematic fit. Or scout for that matter? Perhaps through outrider? Food for thought.

    Ahh, being a bit tight on ye olde Veteran huh? Fair enough, very well.

    I am a bit torn on spending exp to advance and keep her relevant in game, but also to save it up. If she does end up becoming Golden Gandalf or something, she's already 3k exp into life; that's a huge exp sink.

    Explorer is a possibility. She'll need to buy a horse.
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

  14. - Top - End - #164
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    I definitely “prefer” you spend XP as you go and don’t try to save a whammy load to blitz your first year at magical Yale. It’s just less interesting to go “wow I’m suddenly the best at this hurrah!” Than it is to play out the learning. Taalia is going to be way over XP’d as a solo character. She’s gotta be rounded enough to overcome challenges a party of 4 normally deals with. Camping, navigation, research, social graces, all of that on top of combat. But I’m not short on adventure I want to expose Taalia to, so you can afford to have some deviations into other careers that interest Taalia on your way to glory.

  15. - Top - End - #165
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Quote Originally Posted by MrAbdiel View Post
    I definitely “prefer” you spend XP as you go and don’t try to save a whammy load to blitz your first year at magical Yale. It’s just less interesting to go “wow I’m suddenly the best at this hurrah!” Than it is to play out the learning. Taalia is going to be way over XP’d as a solo character. She’s gotta be rounded enough to overcome challenges a party of 4 normally deals with. Camping, navigation, research, social graces, all of that on top of combat. But I’m not short on adventure I want to expose Taalia to, so you can afford to have some deviations into other careers that interest Taalia on your way to glory.

    Yeah, being a solo character she kinda does...need the extra exp hah.

    Who knows where this girl will end up. It's the Warhammer world after all. Where I her, I wouldn't have gotten on that flying machine, I would've just chilled in beautiful Tilea, overseeing my salty bacon empire and raised a huge family to become a dynasty.
    Last edited by BananaPhone; 2024-02-20 at 09:57 PM.
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

  16. - Top - End - #166
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Question: were the riding horses, thus implied, free? Or do we have to pay for them?
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

  17. - Top - End - #167
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    They are free!

  18. - Top - End - #168
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Hmmmm *thinking cap on*.

    Riding Horses and their riding kit are about 90gc.

    ...would it be possible to reduce that price from a Bretonnian Warhorse? So 660gc?

    ...given how prodigiously amazing these horses are, Taalia would get a stallion and charge ludicrous amounts of money to stud him in the Empire?
    Last edited by BananaPhone; 2024-02-24 at 08:21 AM.
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

  19. - Top - End - #169
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    *takes ur thinking cap off*

    listen here u lil shirt

    But nah, this is more of a "please, take some of the horses that are mine to give" and less of a "Please have these fungible horse vouchers" situation. Also it's illegal throughout the land to sell ungelded destriers. Bretonnians are somewhat protective of their big horsies.

  20. - Top - End - #170
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Heh horse vouchers. Very well, no Bretonnian Warhorse breeding program today.

    Btw, tbree rolls:

    1st d100: (1d100)[95]
    2nd d100: (1d100)[38]

    Ourdoor Survival: (1d100)[37] vs TN 25
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

  21. - Top - End - #171
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    This feels like a… charm roll!

  22. - Top - End - #172
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Let's see: (1d100)[82] vs TN 44
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

  23. - Top - End - #173
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Paying the Fate Point tax: (1d100)[34] vs TN 44

    A success.
    Last edited by BananaPhone; 2024-03-02 at 09:21 AM.
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

  24. - Top - End - #174
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Oh and, for clarity, since the charcoal burners are keeping back from the hole fearing the ground around it will collapse... is Taalia getting roped up before she goes and yells down the hole? Or is she just sneaking up and trusting her instincts to warn her if the ground is going to give way?

  25. - Top - End - #175
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    She'll be wearing a rope, just in case.
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

  26. - Top - End - #176
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Making a Knowledge (Skaven) roll to gauge the probability she thinks this is a trap: (1d100)[2] vs TN 49

    Any bonuses for her small ruse and the (lack-of) response?

    Edit: that's about as certain as can be lol.
    Last edited by BananaPhone; 2024-03-11 at 01:24 AM.
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

  27. - Top - End - #177
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    With a roll that good... You have no substantial reason to believe it is a trap. :)

  28. - Top - End - #178
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    War of the Beard? Surely you mean the War of Vengeance!

    You can’t really, say, take one of the big quartz lighting stones or anything; but you could definitely take a shard of stone from the collapsed roof. Hopefully a sufficiently canny dwarf will know the difference qualities from stone in different parts of the world, and such.

  29. - Top - End - #179
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Transplanting this message over here, to the OOC thread, where it belongs:

    *Summoned by email alert*

    Interesting, an ancient Dwarven tunnel since before the War of the Beard? That's some time to have passed! Here I was thinking with your mention of mail armor, that some new little surprise beastie was lurking down here that the boy had noticed and was hiding from.

    Are there any archaeological evidences available to be taken for proof of the tunnels existence? Like special rocks, metals etc.
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

  30. - Top - End - #180
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Power of One - A WFRP2e Solo Experience (OOC Thread #2)

    Sorry for being slack on Taalia's thread! No excuse really, bit I'm here and I'm catching up. I have work tomorrow, but after that I'll get ya!

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