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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2024

    Default The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Location: Barren Shore

    Sheer cliffs abut the shoreline in places before dramatically retreating back, leaving behind a mile wide beach. Cold desolate ground littered with a million tiny stones. A deep fjord cuts dramatically into the interior. A valley carved by retreating glaciers extends and elevates into the distance, flanked tightly by spiring mountains. Though which a river slices until it reaches the sea. Equally bisecting rolling fields of hearty grasses six miles across at their widest point. Bountiful schools of fish swarm the waters of the estuary returning to the streams from which they hatched.

    Positioned prominently at the entrance to the valley is a gruesome sight. Far enough inland from the delta for the ground to harden, suspended from a set of chains arcing across the towering stones of a narrow canyon is the mutilated body of an orc. Slack metal pierces his frame as he dangles high overhead for all to see. His throat has been cut, staining the front of his leather armor. Ritualistic cuttings on his face and arms indicate his tribal allegiance.

    Spoiler: Lore: Skincutting
    Roll knowledge to find out what your character knows about skincutting.

    Time Dusk
    Moon New
    Temp Cold
    Aurora No
    Precipitation None
    Terrain Tundra
    Last edited by CircleNavigator; 2024-04-15 at 03:24 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by CircleNavigator View Post
    Spoiler: Lore: Skincutting
    Roll knowledge to find out what your character knows about skincutting.
    Time Dusk
    Moon New
    Temp Cold
    Aurora No
    Precipitation None
    Terrain Tundra

    we should stick close to each other it may be easy to get lost. Keep an eye out for things we need or can use.
    Last edited by samduke; 2024-04-15 at 09:38 AM.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Skar steps out onto the beach, feeling the wind brush by he fur-lined clothing, tickling the cold into his bones. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes briefly, listening for his old friend's voice, trusting to know where he should go. The clink of the chains holding the swaying Orc in place reminds him... there is danger here... be wary.

    His eyes begin to scan and focus on the ground around their little group, and he whistles shrilly, holding up his leather-braced arm to the sky without taking his eyes off the ground. His faithful companion, Surreth swoops down from out of the marine dusk sky and alights smoothly on Skaruvus' arm.

    Skar whispers several words in a language that sounds like a gentle summer breeze, then pushes his arm gently skyward as the eagle takes off once again.
    Spoiler: For those who speak Auran
    "Seek people walking upright, then return."

    He turns to the others as the one who he knew as Naomi spoke. "Yes...the air is...nervous? Surreth will be telling I if people be living here," he says, his words still slightly uncertain in the non-native tongue after all these years.
    Spoiler: My Homebrew

    78% of DM's started their first campaign in a tavern. If you're one of the 22% that didn't, copy and paste this into your signature.

    Town Square execution.

    Fistful of Fate character: Aereck Tarrinsen

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Firbolg in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    New Zealand

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    A blue blur flips in the air and lands perfectly on his feet on the shore, revealing a dashing face with a scar running down one eye and cocky smile. His black hair is cropped, and he wears winter clothing colored blue with wool white fringes.

    "Freedom! Man, I felt like a fish flopping on land in that cooped up compartment!"

    The figure of Djin Mustafar dashes forward to absorb his surrounding like a sponge until he stops at the hanged orc.

    "Very aggressive. I like a challenge. Time to crack open the anonymity behind the veil!"

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Metastachydium's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Utra Griivens is many things. A sponge, nevertheless, she isn't. No sharp edge to those, no clear point. For one such as Utra, there must be a method. Focus. This comes with certain… Limitations, naturally. But she can understand and accept as much. She'll let the warrior sorts worry abut safety and such; the Society needs her to learn more, and not distract herself with such petty concerns as the immediate safety of her own hide.

    With the Orc coming into view, she, accordingly, bothers not to scan the horizon for flying men with sharp knives. Curious customs. she states bluntly, instead. Think we could go closer; take a look, mayhaps. she adds.1 Or not. Hm. This should attract scavengers. Wonderful chance to get some insight. All high up, hm. Birds, mayhaps. she narrows her eyes. Master Zipnog would be pleased.

    Spoiler: OOC

    1Anyone who has spent any ampount of time around Utra will likely be able to tell that this is probably a question.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Mar 2024

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by samduke View Post
    Time Dusk
    Moon New
    Temp Cold
    Aurora No
    Precipitation None
    Terrain Tundra

    we should stick close to each other it may be easy to get lost. Keep an eye out for things we need or can use.
    Gather Information (18)
    The corpse is immune to conversation.

    Search (11)
    Eyes closed, it dangles lifelessly swaying slightly in the gentle ocean breeze. The body has not been stripped of its equipment. New boots fur-lined and water tight adorn his feet. Hide bracers are tightly strapped to his forearms. His sheathed falchion appears to be of high quality.

    The sky above is already starting to get dark. Even with less than ideal lighting it is obvious a great many humanoids have moved through this canyon recently. Distinct foot prints of a dozen medium-sized humanoids accompanied by a much larger set of footprints are stamped into the dry ground.

    Spot (24) Listen (11)
    The footprints lead to a narrow footpath ascending the canyon wall. Enclosed by shadow, to see beyond the entrance Naomi would have to advance further.

    Cast Goodberry
    A quartet of berries appear in Naomi’s hand, fresh and juicy with a deep purple skin.

    Search for Quest Items
    Dry land crunches underfoot as Naomi surveys her surroundings. Not a tree anywhere between here and the horizon. Patches of well adapted grasses intermingle with rock and snow. Clusters of woody shrubs dot the landscape.
    Coal is typically mined underground
    Ample fish swarm the estuary of the river. Upriver multiple prime fishing spots present themselves.
    Naomi can see no obvious source of medicine

    Spoiler: Knowledge Rolls

    Knowledge Arcana (16)
    DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses that spells can be stored in physical objects
    DC 15
    Research indicates, these cuttings are magical in nature

    Knowledge Dungeoneering (23)
    DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, that orcs are dazzled by bright lights
    DC 15 Research indicates, the few hours of daylight available offer only perpetual twilight, not enough to dazzle an orc
    DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is that most orcs sleep during the hours of daylight, if for no other reason than tradition

    Knowledge Geography (12)
    DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, that at this time of year, daylight will only last a few hours in the polar regions

    Knowledge Nature (20)
    DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overhead in taverns and public houses, birds and other scavengers will devour a body left in the open
    DC 15 Observation indicates, little to no signs of scavenging
    DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is time needed for a body to decompose when left in these conditions. Indicating the display was erected recently, perhaps no more than a few hours ago

    Knowledge Religion (21)
    DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overhead in taverns and public houses, Gruumsh is the head of the Orcish pantheon
    DC 15 Research indicates, Gruumsh demands sacrifice of body parts from his worshipers, in this case skincutting
    DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is Gruumsh promises power to those who are mutilated in his name
    Last edited by CircleNavigator; 2024-04-15 at 11:15 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2024

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by Yas392 View Post
    A blue blur flips in the air and lands perfectly on his feet on the shore, revealing a dashing face with a scar running down one eye and cocky smile. His black hair is cropped, and he wears winter clothing colored blue with wool white fringes.

    "Freedom! Man, I felt like a fish flopping on land in that cooped up compartment!"

    The figure of Djin Mustafar dashes forward to absorb his surrounding like a sponge until he stops at the hanged orc.

    "Very aggressive. I like a challenge. Time to crack open the anonymity behind the veil!"
    Spot (26)
    Away from the sea Djin advances, faster and further than most. Walking to the point directly under the swinging orc. Ambush positions abound, everywhere he looks are covered locations, seemingly perfect for launching an advantageous attack. Never fully exposed he keenly watches for any attackers but eventually concludes they are alone.

    The sky above is already starting to get dark. Even with less than ideal lighting it is obvious a great many humanoids have moved through this canyon recently. Distinct foot prints of a dozen medium-sized humanoids accompanied by a much larger set of footprints are stamped into the dry ground. Leading to a narrow footpath ascending the canyon wall. Enclosed by shadow, to see beyond the entrance Djin would have to advance further.

    Listen (18)
    Any ambush able to threaten this group would not be able to maintain such absolute silence. In the silence all is revealed.

    Survival (3)
    Dry land crunches underfoot as Djin surveys his surroundings. Not a tree anywhere between here and the horizon. Patches of well adapted grasses intermingle with rock and snow. Clusters of woody shrubs dot the landscape. Bright red berries decorate a nearby shrub, standing out against the drab grey, brown, and pale green of the surrounding landscape. The berries look plump and ripe.

    Spoiler: Knowledge Rolls
    Djin Mustafar's local knowledge does not provide him with any useful insights in this situation.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2024

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by Breitheamh View Post
    Skar steps out onto the beach, feeling the wind brush by he fur-lined clothing, tickling the cold into his bones. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes briefly, listening for his old friend's voice, trusting to know where he should go. The clink of the chains holding the swaying Orc in place reminds him... there is danger here... be wary.

    His eyes begin to scan and focus on the ground around their little group, and he whistles shrilly, holding up his leather-braced arm to the sky without taking his eyes off the ground. His faithful companion, Surreth swoops down from out of the marine dusk sky and alights smoothly on Skaruvus' arm.

    Skar whispers several words in a language that sounds like a gentle summer breeze, then pushes his arm gently skyward as the eagle takes off once again.
    Spoiler: For those who speak Auran
    "Seek people walking upright, then return."

    He turns to the others as the one who he knew as Naomi spoke. "Yes...the air is...nervous? Surreth will be telling I if people be living here," he says, his words still slightly uncertain in the non-native tongue after all these years.
    Surreth takes off into the air. From an unassailable vantage point the eagle can survey the valley. Locating a structure outside of a cave high in the mountains. Perched upon a jagged rock the eagle watches diligently for anyone walking upright but does not see anything.

    Taking off once again into the air. Surreth expands the circle, gaining sight of a settlement far in the distance. Too far away to accurately report details. Impassible summits pass beneath a pair of outstretched wings, one after another. Landing atop a yurt after a strenuous journey, Surreth sees many figures walking upright. Mighty wings push the bird into the sky, returning on its long journey back to Skaruvus.

    Spot (23)
    Skaruvus keeps pace with Djin and Naomi venturing out deeper into the valley. Walking to the point directly under the swinging orc. Ambush positions abound, everywhere he looks are covered locations, seemingly perfect for launching an advantageous attack. Never fully exposed he keenly watches for any attackers but eventually concludes they are alone.

    The sky above is already starting to get dark. Even with less than ideal lighting it is obvious a great many humanoids have moved through this canyon recently. Distinct foot prints of a dozen medium-sized humanoids accompanied by a much larger set of footprints are stamped into the dry ground.

    The footprints lead to a narrow footpath ascending the canyon wall. Enclosed by shadow to see beyond the entrance Skar would have to advance further.

    Listen (36)
    Every sound is carried on the wind to the open ear of Skaruvus. He can be quite certain there is no-one else in the immediate area.

    Survival (22)
    Dry land crunches underfoot as Skar surveys his surroundings. Not a tree anywhere between here and the horizon. Patches of well adapted grasses intermingle with rock and snow. Clusters of woody shrubs dot the landscape.

    Skaruvus can confirm the berries sprouting from nearby bushes are edible. He also finds numerous roots and other edible plants. He also determines the water flowing through the river is pristine and safe to drink. If he wished to try his hand at fishing, he could easily snatch one out of the water with his bare hand. When finished gathering supplies he has enough food and drink to feed the entire party.

    Spoiler: Knowledge Rolls

    Knowledge Nature (29)
    DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, that birds and other scavengers will devour a body left in the open
    DC 15 Observation indicates, little to no signs of scavenging
    DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is time needed for a body to decompose when left in these conditions. Indicating the display was erected recently, perhaps no more than a few hours ago
    DC 25 Secret knowledge was once shared with you, about a similar structure erected by giants on a remote island. It is unlikely orcs or any medium sized creature is responsible for this display.
    Last edited by CircleNavigator; 2024-04-15 at 11:13 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2024

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    Utra Griivens is many things. A sponge, nevertheless, she isn't. No sharp edge to those, no clear point. For one such as Utra, there must be a method. Focus. This comes with certain… Limitations, naturally. But she can understand and accept as much. She'll let the warrior sorts worry abut safety and such; the Society needs her to learn more, and not distract herself with such petty concerns as the immediate safety of her own hide.

    With the Orc coming into view, she, accordingly, bothers not to scan the horizon for flying men with sharp knives. Curious customs. she states bluntly, instead. Think we could go closer; take a look, mayhaps. she adds.1 Or not. Hm. This should attract scavengers. Wonderful chance to get some insight. All high up, hm. Birds, mayhaps. she narrows her eyes. Master Zipnog would be pleased.

    Spoiler: OOC

    1Anyone who has spent any ampount of time around Utra will likely be able to tell that this is probably a question.
    Utra’s mind overflows with applicable knowledge. Facts and lore materialize rapidly, one after another, fighting to the forefront of her focus.

    Spoiler: Knowledge Rolls

    Knowledge Local (29)
    DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, that body modifications are used to indicate initiation or high status
    DC15 Research indicates, that this tribe cut their skin in the fashion shown on the corpse, likely taking their name from the practice.
    DC20 An obscure fact known to few is that the Skincutters live under the dominion of the Skullcrushers
    DC 25 Secret knowledge was once revealed to you, that the Skullcrushers regularly demand workers be sent to toil on their megaprojects

    Knowledge Arcana (23)
    DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses that spells can be stored in physical objects
    DC 15 Research indicates, these cuttings are magical in nature
    DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is the orcish rune for enhanced strength appears in many places on the dead body

    Knowledge History (14)
    DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, that tragedy has befallen many who have traversed the forbidden passages

    Knowledge Nobility and Royalty (21)
    DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, that in many martial societies the strongest individual rules
    DC 15 Research indicates, leadership can be influenced or even obtained by ritualistic single combat
    DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is that a people without a champion must submit to the rule of another

    Knowledge Religion (25)
    DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, Gruumsh is the head of the Orcish pantheon
    DC 15
    Research indicates, Gruumsh demands sacrifice of body parts from his worshipers, in this case skincutting
    DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is Gruumsh promises power to those who are mutilated in his name
    DC 25 Secret knowledge was once revealed to you, that followers of Gruumsh compete to be the best at everything, becoming unbalanced and hostile when beaten or disgraced

    Knowledge Architecture and Engineering (32)
    DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, that metal exposed to the elements will rust
    DC 15 Observation indicates, no rust on the chains
    DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is the rate at which rust forms, indicating this display was erected recently, perhaps no more than a few hours ago
    DC 25 Secret knowledge was once revealed to you, about the suspension system used. With a little ingenuity the body can be gently lowered to the ground.

    Paragnostic Lore (24)
    DC 10 The Skincutters are a people united in their worship of Gruumsh through skincutting
    DC 20 While most Skincutters are orcs, many other races follow their customs

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    We should follow these tracks over towards that narrow footpath ascending the canyon wall.

    Gruumsh demands sacrifice of body parts from his worshipers, in this case skincutting, he promises power to those who are mutilated in his name
    these cuttings are magical in nature, the corpse was erected recently, perhaps no more than a few hours ago
    orcs sleep during the hours of daylight

    We need to get moving as it is getting dark.

    Action: with party, double move (100ft) towards the foot path
    track feat to follow the tracks
    Last edited by samduke; 2024-04-16 at 08:06 AM.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Troll in the Playground

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    Sep 2011

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Gozen let the others do most of the talking.

    how rude it was to speak in Auran when not everybody does.

    He thought as the others checked the scene.

    He then followed Naomi's tracking with his own, just making sure the speed didn't hamper the finding of clues. More importantly, making sure the footprints didn't hide something more dangerous.

    Roll spot and Survival +7 extra if a magical beast is involved:

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Metastachydium's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Do we, now. Utra muses on, her voice no less flat than earlier. The display is certainly recent. Not the best iron I have seen, and yet no rust. she gestures, reaching into her pack to retrieve a leather-bound book. But Skincutters we know of. Servants to Gruumsh, yes. Orcs, not neccessarily. Not all of them, by any means, no. Not all of htem sleep now. Not all of them wake with the night. she goes on, beginnig to scribble on the pages with a clumsy, gloved hand. So why the hurry. Can anyone get the body for me, actually. Just manipulate the mechanism… There. Should be easy to lower. she points a finger, barely looking up. The runes our Naomi mentioned. What I recognize bolster strength, I need a better look. Of the others too. I have some parchment, velum-thin… she trail of.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    New Zealand

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    "Too quiet. Boring!"

    When the Shugenja requests help to lower the body, Djin waves at Utra.

    "In a minute."

    The acrobat searches the area for anything the party overlooked.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Skar points out the relative sizes of the footprints as the others discuss next steps and Utra begins turning toward her mind of research. "There is being giants maybe. I am thinking they did making this structure, not the Orc who sways in wind. I have been hearing of such things in far places before."

    Leaving the others to ponder the information he'd offered and to bring down the body, Skar collects several pouchfuls of berries and roots and tests the water in the clear river with the tips of his fingers. He takes a deep breath through his nose at the frigidness of the water, smelling its purity, and then plunges his hand in and deftly catches up a decently sized fish.

    He calls out to the others, "This water is being very clean. I am filling up my waterskins for the goings ahead. And..." he pauses a moment to whisper a muttering of blessing in Auran to the fish before sharply cracking its skull against a rock. "I am catching dinner."
    Spoiler: My Homebrew

    78% of DM's started their first campaign in a tavern. If you're one of the 22% that didn't, copy and paste this into your signature.

    Town Square execution.

    Fistful of Fate character: Aereck Tarrinsen

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2024

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by Yas392 View Post
    "Too quiet. Boring!"

    When the Shugenja requests help to lower the body, Djin waves at Utra.

    "In a minute."

    The acrobat searches the area for anything the party overlooked.
    Djin Mustafar detects a magical trap

    A spell scrolled in scar tissue extends from wrist to wrist of the displayed orc. A simple incantation known those with experience trespassing upon the magically inclined. Should anyone touch the chains they will be delivered a nasty electric shock. Djin knows not every material conducts electricity. By using the right tool the trap can be disabled and the body retrieved.

    Disarm: The trap can be disarmed with a successful disable device check against a DC of 28 (25 + 3 for the 3rd-level spell effect)

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Mar 2024

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    The party begins to fan out. Skaruvus at the water’s edge. Naomi and Gozen the Naturalist pushing on deeper into the canyon. While Utra and Djin ponder the dangers and the possibilities of retrieving the body. With Orion and Stylianos still working to bring the boat ashore.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Mar 2024

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by samduke View Post
    We should follow these tracks over towards that narrow footpath ascending the canyon wall.

    Gruumsh demands sacrifice of body parts from his worshipers, in this case skincutting, he promises power to those who are mutilated in his name
    these cuttings are magical in nature, the corpse was erected recently, perhaps no more than a few hours ago
    orcs sleep during the hours of daylight

    We need to get moving as it is getting dark.

    Action: with party, double move (100ft) towards the foot path
    track feat to follow the tracks
    Quote Originally Posted by Auranghzeb View Post
    Gozen let the others do most of the talking.

    how rude it was to speak in Auran when not everybody does.

    He thought as the others checked the scene.

    He then followed Naomi's tracking with his own, just making sure the speed didn't hamper the finding of clues. More importantly, making sure the footprints didn't hide something more dangerous.

    Roll spot and Survival +7 extra if a magical beast is involved:
    Cliffs of broken stones, having tumbled down the mountainside flank the waterway. Creating a ridge wide enough to be walked upon overlooking the valley. A steady climb from the water’s edge to the eventual plateau requires fortitude.

    DC 12 Fortitude or take 1 hour to rest before reaching the top

    Atop the ridge is a footpath traversing a considerable distance. 125 feet wide from the impassable mountain to the crumbling ledge. A straight vertical drop on to the rocks below.

    Spot (15) Survival (7)
    Gozen does not see anything unusual
    Last edited by CircleNavigator; 2024-04-16 at 08:28 PM.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Mar 2024

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    Do we, now. Utra muses on, her voice no less flat than earlier. The display is certainly recent. Not the best iron I have seen, and yet no rust. she gestures, reaching into her pack to retrieve a leather-bound book. But Skincutters we know of. Servants to Gruumsh, yes. Orcs, not neccessarily. Not all of them, by any means, no. Not all of htem sleep now. Not all of them wake with the night. she goes on, beginnig to scribble on the pages with a clumsy, gloved hand. So why the hurry. Can anyone get the body for me, actually. Just manipulate the mechanism… There. Should be easy to lower. she points a finger, barely looking up. The runes our Naomi mentioned. What I recognize bolster strength, I need a better look. Of the others too. I have some parchment, velum-thin… she trail of.
    Awaiting Djin’s assistance, Utra notices a diminutive ice spider spinning a web over a vertical break in the rock face. Unbothered by Utra’s presence, the spider toils endlessly. Weaving frozen silk into an intricate trap.
    Last edited by CircleNavigator; 2024-04-16 at 07:31 PM.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Mar 2024

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by Breitheamh View Post
    Skar points out the relative sizes of the footprints as the others discuss next steps and Utra begins turning toward her mind of research. "There is being giants maybe. I am thinking they did making this structure, not the Orc who sways in wind. I have been hearing of such things in far places before."

    Leaving the others to ponder the information he'd offered and to bring down the body, Skar collects several pouchfuls of berries and roots and tests the water in the clear river with the tips of his fingers. He takes a deep breath through his nose at the frigidness of the water, smelling its purity, and then plunges his hand in and deftly catches up a decently sized fish.

    He calls out to the others, "This water is being very clean. I am filling up my waterskins for the goings ahead. And..." he pauses a moment to whisper a muttering of blessing in Auran to the fish before sharply cracking its skull against a rock. "I am catching dinner."
    A sparkle in the shallow water catches Skaruvus’ eye. An oval stone of brilliant deep blue, small enough to fit in one’s hand. It would take little effort to snatch it from the bottom.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Oct 2013

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by CircleNavigator View Post
    A sparkle in the shallow water catches Skaruvus’ eye. An oval stone of brilliant deep blue, small enough to fit in one’s hand. It would take little effort to snatch it from the bottom.
    As he lays the dead fish aside and crouches, spotting for another fish to catch, the sparkling stone comes into gleaming view. Odd... he thinks, as he plucks it from the silty streambed, examining it closely, then calls to the others, "Anyone is knowing what this is?" as he holds the stone up for them to see.
    Spoiler: My Homebrew

    78% of DM's started their first campaign in a tavern. If you're one of the 22% that didn't, copy and paste this into your signature.

    Town Square execution.

    Fistful of Fate character: Aereck Tarrinsen

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Feb 2013
    New Zealand

    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Djin holds one hand to stop Utra.

    "Body is rigged. Someone did surgery and slapped some spellwork on his wrists. We touch the chains, we get a nasty shock. If you got any spells that boosts my skills before I work on this magical trap or deal with this spell, that would be helpful."
    Last edited by Yas392; 2024-04-17 at 12:34 AM.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by Breitheamh View Post
    As he lays the dead fish aside and crouches, spotting for another fish to catch, the sparkling stone comes into gleaming view. Odd... he thinks, as he plucks it from the silty streambed, examining it closely, then calls to the others, "Anyone is knowing what this is?" as he holds the stone up for them to see.
    In Skaruvus’ hand is a gemstone, cut, shaped, and polished to resemble a humanoid eye. Complete with iris, sclera and a pupil drilled deep into the center of the stone.

    Spoiler: Knowledge Roll
    Knowledge Nature (20)
    DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overhead in taverns and public houses, that naturally occurring crystals can be cut into gemstones
    DC 15 Research indicates this stone was made from a Blue Zoisite
    DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is Blue Zoisite is a material component used in spells

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Presuming the Party is with or near Naomi.
    Spoiler: checks

    Skill Checks for following the tracks up the path

    Survival (1d20+9)[19] Varies Follow tracks (see the Track feat).

    Fort save: (1d20+9)[25]

    Skill Checks for at the top
    Listen (1d20+10)[28]
    Spot (1d20+10)[19]
    Search (1d20+10)[21]

    Following the tracks up the narrow path to the top where she will look around to see what can be seen

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Utra absently motions towards Skar to bring whatever he found closer; she doesn't bother to actually turn and see what it is. The spider is way too interesting a sight for that. Only in very minor ways. she addresses Djin's query in the meantime. Unless you would like it Dispelled; but I deem that would mayhaps be a waste of resources. her eyes, still fixed on the spider begin to shimmer with a strange glow. If you are much worried, I will be with you in a moment. Hm. Take a look. she offers.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Utra activates Magic Sensitive to gain the benefit of Detect Magic. She stares at the spider for now; if it isn't magical, she'll go over and stare at the Orc some too.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by Yas392 View Post
    Djin holds one hand to stop Utra.

    "Body is rigged. Someone did surgery and slapped some spellwork on his wrists. We touch the chains, we get a nasty shock. If you got any spells that boosts my skills before I work on this magical trap or deal with this spell, that would be helpful."
    Little assistance is offered to Djin in the difficult task of disarming a dangerous device. Even reaching the chains requires feats of precise acrobatic athleticism. A difficult climb up the cliff would have to be made in order to trigger any misfortune, and the party could easily bypass it on the ground below. What a strange trap.

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by samduke View Post
    Presuming the Party is with or near Naomi.
    Spoiler: checks

    Skill Checks for following the tracks up the path

    Survival (1d20+9)[19] Varies Follow tracks (see the Track feat).

    Fort save: (1d20+9)[25]

    Skill Checks for at the top
    Listen (1d20+10)[28]
    Spot (1d20+10)[19]
    Search (1d20+10)[21]

    Following the tracks up the narrow path to the top where she will look around to see what can be seen
    Tracks lead up the path, the canyon acting as a major thoroughfare from the mountains to the sea. The party lingers near the delta, except for Gozen who stands at Naomi’s side.

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    Utra absently motions towards Skar to bring whatever he found closer; she doesn't bother to actually turn and see what it is. The spider is way too interesting a sight for that. Only in very minor ways. she addresses Djin's query in the meantime. Unless you would like it Dispelled; but I deem that would mayhaps be a waste of resources. her eyes, still fixed on the spider begin to shimmer with a strange glow. If you are much worried, I will be with you in a moment. Hm. Take a look. she offers.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Utra activates Magic Sensitive to gain the benefit of Detect Magic. She stares at the spider for now; if it isn't magical, she'll go over and stare at the Orc some too.
    The spider is simply an animal, the only magic being in its natural adaptation to the harsh environment.

    Spoiler: Knowledge Roll

    Knowledge Nature
    DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overhead in taverns and public houses, that species adapt to their environment
    DC 15 Research indicates, this is an uncatalogued subspecies
    DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is this species produces a weak Dex/paralysis poison capable of being harvested.

    Spider Size Diminutive
    Save DC 6
    Initial and Secondary Damage 1d1 Dex/paralysis
    Last edited by CircleNavigator; 2024-04-17 at 03:58 PM.

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    "Dispel will take away the fun. I need to scratch the itch. You might want to stand back away for this."

    Djin takes out his tools and begin dismantling the trap after Utra detaches herself from the approximate proximity she can perceive.
    Last edited by Yas392; 2024-04-17 at 05:49 PM.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by Yas392 View Post
    "Dispel will take away the fun. I need to scratch the itch. You might want to stand back away for this."

    Djin takes out his tools and begin dismantling the trap after Utra detaches herself from the approximate proximity she can perceive.
    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    Utra absently motions towards Skar to bring whatever he found closer; she doesn't bother to actually turn and see what it is. The spider is way too interesting a sight for that. Only in very minor ways. she addresses Djin's query in the meantime. Unless you would like it Dispelled; but I deem that would mayhaps be a waste of resources. her eyes, still fixed on the spider begin to shimmer with a strange glow. If you are much worried, I will be with you in a moment. Hm. Take a look. she offers.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Utra activates Magic Sensitive to gain the benefit of Detect Magic. She stares at the spider for now; if it isn't magical, she'll go over and stare at the Orc some too.
    Turning her attention away from the spider’s intricate weaving Utra focuses her concentration on the orc, his body radiating a magical aura only she can see.

    Rock climbing is all about finesse, which Djin Mustafar effortlessly displays on his way up the cliff wall. Which goes unnoticed as Utra maintains her concentration. The auras differentiate from each other their number and strength becoming clear. Four shimmering auras, the strongest showing fourth level magic radiating from the body itself.

    Djin presses on further, nearing the top of the rock face, where chain is hammered into stone. With a nonconductive tool in hand, the mechanism is released. The body rapidly drops ten feet before the remaining chains prevent it from hitting the ground. Thirty feet from the canyon bottom Djin moves along the rock face towards the other trigger.

    Maintaining concentration, Utra’s magic sensitivity comes into sharp relief. Faint auras emanate from his boots, bracers and the chains from which he is suspended. The final aura being the strongest surrounds his body.

    Spellcraft: The school of magic involved in each aura can be determined with successful Spellcraft check against a DC of 16, 16, 17, 19. One check per aura.

    Utra is able to make her determinations before the body falls. Crashing to the ground with a heap of heavy metal chains still piercing its flesh. An immediate change is obvious to all, the moment the lifeless corpse hit the dirt. Clouds encroach from all directions, quickly filling what was a clear sky. The wind picks up speed, playfully at first but quickly becoming much more serious. Lighting arcs across the sky, followed by a ground-shaking rumble. The body, once motionless rises to its feet, returned from death. All of the violence done upon it begins to regenerate, as the soul of the deceased returns to its vessel. A beating heart thunders in his chest. His eyes open wide, cloudy white.

    To Be Continued…

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

    Of the fourth level, hm, quite impressive. Utra begins to muse aloud, as though anyone present had reason to understand what she's even making a reference to. But then, it really is quite impressive, and indeed beyond what she is capable of herself.

    The body suddenly standing, nevertheless, alters the focus of her interest somewhat. …ah, well, a local. she pronounces dryly, the only indication of wariness or worry being her suddenly turning so that her minuscule form is somewhat interposed between the newly risen Orc and the newly found spider. It would be a pity to see the latter suffer for her curiosity. Its venom must be sampled and that web as well before they'd head on. A drawing would not be half-bad itself… Much is left to do here!

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