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  1. - Top - End - #271
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    Quote Originally Posted by Bohandas View Post
    335.) Qi Lager
    There is no rule for peeing in any edition of D&D (that I know of). Maybe giving a fixed duration to the effect would be better, either 1 hour or a day. Also, 400gp seems alright.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jatmaj View Post
    338: Reliant Circlet
    I'm not sure where you're going with that. If the point is to disallow people from giving the circlet to one another, a better way is to make the circlet only give its benefit after it has been worn for a day (example: Mask of the Skull, Ring os Sustenance...). As it is, I feel like it's just asking to be abused with ability damage immunity.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bohandas View Post
    340.)Procrustean Bed
    341.)Mirror of Reversal
    I'm... not sure what the point is here. There's no rule for either smaller or taller than average character, and no mechanical effect for the effect of the bed, and the Mirror of Reversal is even worse, since all characters are assumed to be roughly symmetrical, the target of the mirror may not even notice its effect. I just don't know why anybody would craft or use these. They would probably be better if they had other unique abilities, like the bed removing any form- and size-altering magic, or the mirror also being able to reflect spells cast at it, or to act as a portal to the Plane of Mirrors. Also, how do you revert the effect? Is that a curse? Is that permanent? Does looking in the mirror again revert the effect? Do you need Dispel Magic, Break Enchantment? This goes for the Cursed version too. Depending on the actual effect, the cost would vary, but with only these "nothing-effects", well, 100gp is enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bohandas View Post
    342.)Cursed Mirror of Reversal
    Items like that generally include a way to revert the effect. Not being able to eat again just cause you looked at it may warrant something like 10 to 15k gp at least, if a simple Remove Curse works, or higher if it requires a higher-level spell.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bohandas View Post
    343.)Energy Weapon [Synergy]
    +1 is good. A fixed increase in price is more for something that doesn't interact with other abilities.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bohandas View Post
    344.)Emergency Suit
    345.)Portable Panic Room
    I like these. The price seems right too.

    Quote Originally Posted by brian 333 View Post
    346: Die of Decision The Dodecahedron of Gygax
    That's so tedious... Also badly defined. Do I need to roll to breathe mechanically? At each step I take? To talk? At each word? Sentence? Just to start talking? It's just weird and honestly seems unfun.
    Quote Originally Posted by brian 333 View Post
    348b: Ring Of Halfling Might
    The +1 Str/12 level seems both arbitrary and a bit inconsequential. A level 20 character would just get +1. Maybe every 6 levels or 3 fighter levels would make more of a difference.

    Quote Originally Posted by D&D_Fan View Post
    #350 - Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, +1
    Seems a bit underpowered. You should give it another +1 to damage.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaern View Post
    353: The Hook of the Sea [Major Artifact]
    It's Maui time! The quest is a bit badly defined. Does it trigger when the character first takes the hook, everytime they grab it, or everytime they pull an island up?

    Anyway, more to the point:

    354: Spell Delaying Clock
    This small hourglass can hold a spell and unleash its power after a few seconds to produce powerful combinations. When you cast a spell or spell-like ability with it in your hand, you may choose a number between one and five. If you do, the spell doesn't go off immediately, and is instead cast at the beginning of your turn after the chosen number of rounds. The target of the spell, square or creature, as well as any other variable, must be chosen as the spell is initially cast. If this target is not valid anymore when the spell activates, be it because the caster or the target moved so that the latter isn't in range anymore, or for any other reason, the stored spell doesn't activate.
    Moderate transmutation; CL 7; Craft Wondrous Item, slow; Price 8,000 gp
    Resurrecting the Negative LA thread, comments and discussion are very welcome!
    Nice find! Have a cookie!
    Do you want to build monstrous characters with reasonable LA? Join the Monster Mash! Currently, round XII: One-Punch Monster!!! Come judge single-strike entries!
    Quote Originally Posted by H_H_F_F View Post
    3.5 allows you to optimize into godhood, yes, but far more importantly, it lets you optimize weak, weird, and niche options into relevance.

  2. - Top - End - #272
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    Quote Originally Posted by Beni-Kujaku View Post
    It's Maui time! The quest is a bit badly defined. Does it trigger when the character first takes the hook, everytime they grab it, or everytime they pull an island up?
    It triggers when they claim ownership of the hook, and then once per year as long as they retain ownership. It's essentially the same caveat that comes tied to the Shield of the Sun, just re-flavored to grant druid powers rather than paladin powers. I've made a minor tweak to the wording to at least clarify that the quest is the price of using the hook itself, and not just for the island ability :p
    Last edited by Vaern; 2023-10-31 at 07:10 PM.
    "Technically correct" is the best kind of correct.

  3. - Top - End - #273
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    Quote Originally Posted by Beni-Kujaku View Post
    I'm... not sure what the point is here. There's no rule for either smaller or taller than average character, and no mechanical effect for the effect of the bed, and the Mirror of Reversal is even worse, since all characters are assumed to be roughly symmetrical, the target of the mirror may not even notice its effect. I just don't know why anybody would craft or use these.
    They are indeed mostly pointless. They're meant to be bizarre magical pranks in the vein of the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity.

    This one is useful but not to adventurers

    355.) Seat of Elbow Room
    A person who sits on this chair is shrunk as if affected by a reduce person spell. The spell immediately ends if they stand up. Fortitude DC 9 negates if the person doesn't want to be shrunk.
    Aura faint transmutation; CL 3; Prerequisites Craft Wondrous Item, Reduce Person; Price 850 GP; Weight ??? (but it's like a chair chair, not a folding chair or whatever)
    Last edited by Bohandas; 2023-10-29 at 08:34 PM.
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  4. - Top - End - #274
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    Quote Originally Posted by Beni-Kujaku View Post
    That's so tedious... Also badly defined. Do I need to roll to breathe mechanically? At each step I take? To talk? At each word? Sentence? Just to start talking? It's just weird and honestly seems unfun.
    Normal and life sustaining activities are addressed in the description. You would have to roll if you wanted to not breathe. You would only have to roll to breathe if your breathing orifices were in poison gas, smoke, water, etc.

    It is a cursed item. The fun is in managing the disability until it can be overcome.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beni-Kujaku View Post
    The +1 Str/12 level seems both arbitrary and a bit inconsequential. A level 20 character would just get +1. Maybe every 6 levels or 3 fighter levels would make more of a difference.
    You are certainly allowed to modify as you like, but A: it is a relatively low level item and it is expected that upgrades will come along, and B: it is a flavor item intended to let the player of a halfling feel that her character is special.

    Back in 1st ed. a player of a half-orc assassin/cleric got The Mask of Gruumsh. It's sole power was to allow a half-orc cleric to gain one more level than the maximum 5 levels allowed. The character kept the item long past the point where any mechanical benefit gained by one extra level 3 spell mattered.

    The objection here seems to be, "Don't give my level 3 character a +1 ring because by level 20 it will not be of any use.
    Last edited by brian 333; 2023-10-29 at 09:42 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #275
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    I will not be able to figure out the rarity of any of these, so if you guys could help, it would be appreciated. In case it wasn't clear, the curses are not revealed when you attune to the item. This are all 5e


    The Red Wolfskin cloak.
    Requires Attunement
    This magical item is a wolfskin that has been made into a cloak and dyed red.

    It has 5 charges and regains 1d4 charges at dawn

    You may spend charges to gain 1 of the following benefits until your next short rest, or until you pick a different property to activate

    • Advantage on perception and deception checks
    • You gain a natural bite attack that does 1d8 peircing damage
    • You appear as an elderly version of yourself
    • You wild shape into a wolf (This effect can be ended early)

    Curse:When you use the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, you become infected with lycanthropy until your attunemet ends

    Red's Goody Basket
    Requires Attunement
    This basket is filled with tasty treats.
    As an bonus action, you may pull a treat out of the basket. This treat functions as a goodberry created by goodberry, but it heals for 10 HP and cures all diseases
    The treat basket refilles with 1d4+3 treats every dawn.

    Curse: Whenever the attuned character is traveling through an area and the DM has a random ecounters table for that area, the DM may roll twice and pick which one to use. Whenever you travel through a forest, you are guarenteed to encounter from 1 to 3 werewolfs.

    The Woodsman's Axe
    Requires Attunement
    This +1 greataxe allows you to cast find the path 3/day, but only in the wilderness. It is also a silvered weapon, and any creature vulnerable to silvered weapons takes double damage from this weapon. In addition, the attuned user is immune to the effects of lycanthropy

    Curse: The attuned character must make a DC 15 wisdom saving throw upon seeing a lycanthrope, or be effected by a 9th level geas spell to destroy the lycanthrope. The spell ends when the lycanthrope is knocked unconscious, and the effect can only trigger once per individual lycanthrope

    What do you guys think?
    Last edited by crabwizard77; 2023-11-08 at 10:08 AM.

  6. - Top - End - #276
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    Unique, one of each on the world.

    An ability to change shape into a powerful monster is a bit unequal to increased awareness. Think about balancing charges to effect.

  7. - Top - End - #277
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    Quote Originally Posted by brian 333 View Post
    Unique, one of each on the world.

    An ability to change shape into a powerful monster is a bit unequal to increased awareness. Think about balancing charges to effect.
    Thanks for the help, I edited the post. Is it good now?

  8. - Top - End - #278
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    369) Shrub Mask

    This crude wooden mask seems to meld into the wearer's flesh and spread through his body, causing his skin to harden and develop a bark-like texture. The mask increases its wearer's natural armor bonus by +4 and cuts his weight in half, but imparts a vulnerability to fire. The wearer also benefits from the woodland stride and trackless step class features.
    The wearer of the mask gains the ability to spit acidic sap up to 30 feet as a standard action, dealing 1d6 points of acid damage. This is a supernatural ability and does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
    Though the mask appears to become one with its wearer, he may take it off with ease as a standard action to immediately return to his original form.

    Faint transmutation; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, barkskin, trackless step, woodland stride; Price 37,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.

    370) Eel Mask

    This smooth bone mask seems to meld into the wearer's flesh and spread through his body, causing his skin to become pale, slimy, and scaley. The mask grants the wearer a swim speed of 30 for as long as it is worn, as well as the ability to breathe underwater (though this does not prevent him from breathing air). As long as the wearer isn’t carrying more than a light load, he can swim without making Swim checks. He also gains a +8 bonus on any Swim checks to perform special actions or avoid hazards, though he still takes the normal penalty for weight carried. He may choose to take 10 on Swim checks, even if rushed or threatened, and can use the run action while swimming if he swims in a straight line.
    The mask causes razor-sharp fins to sprout from the wearer's forearms, which he is automatically proficient with. The fins can be used to make melee attacks as the equivalent of a shortsword appropriate for the mask's wearer's size, and can also be thrown (don't question it) with a range increment of 10 feet. At the end of the fin's path it doubles back and returns unerringly to its owner, reattaching itself to his forearm (again, don't question it).
    Though the mask appears to become one with its wearer, he may take it off with ease as a standard action to immediately return to his original form.

    Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, Swim, water breathing, whirling blade; Price 55,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

    371) Stone-Eater Mask

    This rough stone mask seems to meld into the wearer's flesh and spread through his body, making him to grow considerably larger (though not enough to change his size category) and causing his skin to take on a rough, stony appearance. The mask grants doubles the wearer's weight, treats him as one size category larger when determining carrying capacity and when determining the damage dealt by his unarmed and natural attacks, and allows him to make a natural slam attack with his giant fists for 1d8 + 1 1/2 str damage (for a creature with a base size of medium). So long as he wears the mask, he may sustain himself by eating stones, rocks, and other inorganic minerals just as he may sustain himself on normal foods.
    The wearer may also curl up into a roughly wheel-shaped, boulder-like mass as a standard action. This position allows him to roll forward with surprising speed for his size and weight, increasing his normal movement speed by 20 feet. He may not make normal attacks while rolling, though he may charge an enemy while rolling to perform a slam attack.
    Though the mask appears to become one with its wearer, he may take it off with ease as a standard action to immediately return to his original form.

    Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, enlarge person, fist of stone, longstrider; Price 30,000 gp; Weight 2 lb.

    372) Vicious God Mask [Major Artifact]

    This well-crafted mask decorated with red and blue war paints is meant to depict the face of an ancient deity of war. When worn it seems to meld into the wearer's flesh, turning his hair and eyes a ghostly white and etching the mask's markings onto his cheeks and brow. He also grows somewhat taller and becomes noticeably more fit. Though the mask appears to become one with its wearer, he may take it off with ease as a standard action to immediately return to his original form.
    This mask grants its wearer the strength and abilities of the deity it represents, turning him into a formidable warrior. He gains a +6 bonus to strength, dexterity, and constitution; a +4 natural armor bonus to AC; a +5 competence bonus on all saving throws; and proficiency with all armor, shields, and weapons. His base attack bonus equals his hit dice, which may grant additional attacks per round, and he makes one additional attack at his full base attack bonus when making a full attack. The wearer's ability to cast spells while wearing the mask is suppressed, including the ability to use spell completion or spell trigger magic items, just as if the spells were no longer on his class list.
    At will as a standard action, he may summon forth a mighty sword of force with two vicious, twisted blades. This weapon functions as a huge greatsword, dealing 4d6 + 1 1/2 strength force damage with a threat range of 19-20 and a critical multiplier of x2. Because it is made of force the wielder suffers no penalty for wielding it due to its size, and it can strike ethereal and incorporeal creatures. The sword surges with power while its wielder is at full health, allowing him to swing the weapon as a standard action to unleash a wave of force up to 60 feet as a ranged touch attack that deals 4d6 points of force damage. If the sword leaves its owner's grasp it immediately vanishes, though he may always summon a new one.
    In exchange for the abilities and powers granted by the mask, its owner must continuously prove himself worthy of bearing the vicious god's likeness. If the mask's owner ever refuses a challenge from a worthy foe, falls in combat against a worthy or lesser foe, or surrenders to a worthy or lesser foe, the mask ceases functioning and will no longer function for him until he atones (which typically involves either defeating a greater foe or facing a worthy foe in unfavorable circumstances). For the purposes of this mask, a lesser foe is any creature with at least 3 fewer HD than himself, a greater foe is any creature with at least 3 more HD than himself, and a worthy foe is any creature within two hit dice of himself. So long as the mask is on his person, he knows intuitively whether any creature who challenges him or engages him in combat is a lesser, greater, or worthy foe.
    Last edited by Vaern; 2023-11-22 at 12:33 PM.
    "Technically correct" is the best kind of correct.

  9. - Top - End - #279
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    373.) Fairy Bills/The True Fiat Currency
    Sturdy cloth notes imprinted/imbued with a geas forcing those who come into contact with them to accept them as legal tender. An eladrin trick to short-circuit currency systems powered by unproductive toil and waste.
    Aura: Overwhelming Enchantment and Illusion; CL: 20?21?; Prerequisites: Craft Wondtous Item, Geas/Quest; Price: exactly face value; Cost to create: ??? (possibly lesser artifact?)
    "If you want to understand biology don't think about vibrant throbbing gels and oozes, think about information technology" -Richard Dawkins

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  10. - Top - End - #280
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    374) Runebone Lifecarver (D&D 3.5)
    This finely-crafted, yet fire-scorched bone dagger is shaped into a serpentine figure, seemingly light-eating arcane markings scrawled across its surface. Upon speaking a command word, it lengthens to a Shortsword for one hour and gains a +2 Enhancement bonus to attack and damage, alongside dealing an extra 3d6 Negative Energy damage on a successful hit.

    Upon speaking a second command word, the next attack made inflicts a wasting curse for five rounds if the roll would hit the target's Touch AC, even if the attack normally would not. This curse forces the target to make a Fortitude save (DC 14). On a failure, they take 1d6 Negative Energy damage and a stacking -1 Profane penalty to Constitution. On a success, the curse ends. When the curse ends, whether from its own duration or the target succeeding their saving throw, the Constitution penalty ends.

    Each effect may be used up to five times per day.

    Faint Necromancy (Evil); CL 5th; Craft Magic Weapon, Black Lore of Moil, Boneblade, Spirit Worm; Price 14,502 GP.

  11. - Top - End - #281
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    DND 5e

    This long sword hilt is made from the weathered and broken fang of the now ancient white wyrm, Bitterfrost. A blade can be anchored in the still frozen marrow rendering the metal ice cold at the wielderÂ’s whim. Once per turn, on a hit the weapon does additional cold damage equal to your Proficiency bonus.

    If the hilt is bathed in the blood of Bitterfrost, the Ancient White Dragon, any mounted blade is immediately shattered and an icicle sprouts from the roots transforming the weapon into a Frostbrand long sword.

    Rarity varies by volume consumable

    This fine powder is made from crystals that grow on the bones of adult and ancient dragons that have returned their power to the land.
    The powder color matches the color of the dragon whose bones birthed it. The powder can be packed in a bindle or device that can be affixed to a Spell Focus or kept in a component pouch.

    When you cast a spell that deals a damage type matching the powder color you can include a volume of the powder based on the level of the spell as seen on the chart below. Doing so causes the spell to deal maximum damage. Effects that alter the damage type of the spell as itÂ’s being cast are incompatible with Dragonite Powder.
    Cantrip and 1st. 1 gp common
    2nd 10gp common
    3rd 100gp rare
    4th 1000gp very rare
    5th 10000gp. Legendary

    Creatures with a breath weapon can also consume the powder in varying quantities as a bonus action to maximize the damage of their next breath attack. Used this way the cost in powder is 10gp per die they want to maximize.

    Dragonite is somewhat unstable. 100gp worth can be carried without issue but any amount beyond that risks a reaction if the bearer takes damage of its type. If the bearer rolls a 1 on a save to resist the damage or the damage is a critical, all the matching Dragonite is consumed and deals 1 point of damage
    Per gold pieceÂ’s worth of powder on hand.

    These weapons resemble a flintlock pistol or rifle and can be packed with Dragonite as ammunition. They have following stats
    Damage 1d8 (type matches ammo color) 1 handed Ranged, 60/120, ammo cost 1gp, loading

    Damage 1d12 (type matches ammo color) 2 handed Ranged, 100/300, ammo cost 2gp, loading/heavy

    Double Packing. If twice the default volume of Dragonite is loaded, any damage of the ammunitionÂ’s type dealt by the weapon attack is maximized.

    Dragonite cannot be replicated with the ArtificerÂ’s Repeating Infusion until 17th level and then only single loading is replicated.

  12. - Top - End - #282
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    377: Spellbonds

    A rope, ribbon, or string which, when used to tie the hands of an arcane spellcaster, renders the spellcaster incapable of casting spells or using magic items.

    These items are desired by law enforcers and bounty hunters. They are almost always created by divine crafters.

    They do not prevent mundane escape attempts. These are resolved as if the bonds were ordinary materials.

    The bonds do not break or suppress magic which is active when the spellcaster is bound, unless such magic requires concentration to control. Magical jewelry, for example, which grants a buff of some kind continues to grant that benefit, and spells already in effect continue to function.

  13. - Top - End - #283
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    378 : Berries of Ice and Fire
    Though these respectively white and red berries are magic items in their own right, they are not crafted so much as grown as the fruits of the magically-designed scorching shrubs. They are generally sold in small bags containing 1d10+10 of each variety. A single berry thrown or put in the ground behaves as a mundane berry, eventually growing in a full scorching shrub in a year and bearing 1d% berries of ice and 1d% berries of fire per year if tended to. Throwing two berries of the same color (a ranged touch attack with a 10ft range increment) triggers a 10ft radius explosion on impact. The blast from two fire berries deals 3d6 fire damage (Reflex half) and may ignite flamable material, while the blast from ice berries deals 2d6 cold damage (Reflex half) and living creatures that take damage must make a Fort save DC 13 or be fatigued for 1 minute. Throwing one ice and one fire berry instead triggers a 20-ft radius wind blast pushing creatures and unattached object to the limits of the blast (treat it as a knockback attempt from a Medium creature with Str 20).
    Eating berries of fire and ice is extremely dangerous, as the remains of several berries in one's stomach may interact and trigger their effect. If a creature has eaten more than one berry of fire and ice in a day, there is a 20% chance each round that they explode, dealing 2d6 points of fire damage per berry if all ingested berries were red (no save), 2d6 points of cold damage per berry if all ingested berries were white, and 2d6 points of force damage per berry if both white and red berries were ingested. Once berries have exploded, they become inert, even in a creature's stomach.

    Faint Evocation, CL 3rd, cannot be crafted, Price 500gp per bag
    Last edited by Beni-Kujaku; 2024-01-09 at 06:42 AM.
    Resurrecting the Negative LA thread, comments and discussion are very welcome!
    Nice find! Have a cookie!
    Do you want to build monstrous characters with reasonable LA? Join the Monster Mash! Currently, round XII: One-Punch Monster!!! Come judge single-strike entries!
    Quote Originally Posted by H_H_F_F View Post
    3.5 allows you to optimize into godhood, yes, but far more importantly, it lets you optimize weak, weird, and niche options into relevance.

  14. - Top - End - #284
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    Some items based on the Fire Mace from "Ittle Dew 2"

    379.) Fire Mace
    This +2 Flaming burst heavy mace can fire a mote of flame equivalent to Produce Flame once per round. The mote is produced by swinging the flail and because of wielder not proficient with the heavy mace suffers a non-proficiency penalty on their attack roll. The mote deals 1d6+5 fire damage and has a range of 120 feet.
    Aura: Strong evocation; CL 12; Prerequisites: Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Produce Flame and either flame blade, or flame strike, or fireball; Price 56000; Weight 8lb

    32000gp (for +4) + 24000 (for use-activated produce flame)

    380.) Flail of Flickering Flames
    This +2 Flaming burst flail is forged partially of exotic and mystical materials such as shadows and elemental fire. Like a flame or a shadow its shape is not entirely constant. At will the wielder can attack with it as if it had 5 foot additional reach. Additionally it can - to an extent - go around or through obstacles and therefore against it the AC bonus for cover is halved. It can also shoot a mote of flame equivalent to Produce Flame once per round. The mote is produced by swinging the flail and because of wielder not proficient with the flail suffers a non-proficiency penalty on their attack roll. The mote deals 1d6+5 fire damage and has a range of 120 feet.
    Aura: Strong evocation; CL 12; Prerequisites: Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Produce Flame and either flame blade, or flame strike, or fireball and either Shadow conjuration or Shadow evocation; Price 84000; Weight 5lb

    +25000 (Treating the additional ability as an at-will shadowstrike; 5000 gp x 5) + 3000 for higher CL
    Last edited by Bohandas; 2024-02-23 at 01:33 AM.
    "If you want to understand biology don't think about vibrant throbbing gels and oozes, think about information technology" -Richard Dawkins

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  15. - Top - End - #285
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    Elemental Weapons, (inspired by the above post.)

    381: Air Scythe
    This +2 Keen weapon inflicts its bonus damage as Cold Damage. On a Critical Hit it generates a Gust of Wind as if cast by a level 6 wizard, with the line of effect determined by the position of the scythe wielder and the target of the Critical Hit.

    382: Earth Maul
    This +2 weapon inflicts its bonus damage as Magic Damage. It ignores the effects of the Stone skin spell, completely bypassing any DR, but also not reducing the pool of HP it can otherwise absorb. On a Critical Hit it reduces the effectiveness of metal armor by -1AC. This has no effect on non-lethal armor, and magical metal armor does not lose its magical bonus. (Damaged armor can be repaired at a cost reflective of the percentage of damage done, so chainmail reduced by 2 AC points can be repaired by an armorsmith capable of producing a suit like the damaged one for 40% of the cost of a new suit.)

    383: Fire Lash
    This +2 Whip inflicts its bonus damage as Fire Damage, which affects the target if the roll to hit would have hit a target with AC 10 +Dex, Dodge, and Deflection Bonuses. On a critical hit the lash creates an effect similar to the Burning Hands spell as if cast by a level 6 wizard, with the target as the point of origin and the center of the cone a line from the wielder to the target.

    384: Water Net
    This weapon does not inflict damage, but it can be used to bind and restrict foes in two ways:
    When held in the hand and used, it allows the wielder to Grapple as if one size category larger without allowing an AoO from his foe. On a Critical Hit the opponent may be disarmed with a successful Str or Dex check,(attacker chooses.)
    When hurled at an opponent up to 10feet +5ft x Str Bonus, it attacks as a thrown weapon with +2 To Hit and ignores any AC bonuses except Dex, Dodge, and Deflection. On a successful hit the opponent is considered Grappled and Held until making a successful Escape attempt vs. DC 22. Each round held the victim takes 1d6 Drowning damage.
    Last edited by brian 333; 2024-02-22 at 11:51 PM.

  16. - Top - End - #286
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    More Elemental weapons (inspired by the above post, itself inspired by a post above it) :

    385 : Air Scimitar
    This +2 Throwing Dancing scimitar is constantly surrounded by powerful supporting winds. When thrown at an opponent, it automatically starts dancing, but stays in the targeted opponent's space rather than in its wielder and keeps attacking them until called back to the wielder's hand (a standard action) or until one minute has passed. If the target moves, the Air Scimitar follows them at a speed of 100ft per round, but not further than 300ft from the wielder. The powerful winds surrounding the scimitar prevent anybody except its wielder from grabbing it while it's dancing, but it can be attacked (40HP, Hardness 14, AC 24 (10 +2 size +2 Dex +4 natural armor +6 deflection) ). When it comes back to its wielder (be it because it is called back, because one minute has passed or because the target went further than 300ft from them), the Air Scimitar creates an overwhelming wind trying to push the target back towards the wielder. Treat it as a Gust of Wind starting in the target's space going towards the wielder. The Scimitar's target is considered two sizes smaller for the purpose of this Gust of Wind.
    Strong Evocation and Transmutation, CL 20th, Craft Magical Arms and Armors, gust of wind, animate object, magic stone, 120,000gp

    386 : Earth Tower Shield
    This +2 Anchoring and Retaliation tower shield affects the earth all around its wielder. When the shield is used for cover, it still grants its AC bonus, as well as modulating the ground in a 50ft radius around its wielder, making it difficult terrain and granting the benefits of the Roots of the Mountain stance from the Stone Dragon discipline. Creatures in the area are attacked each round by a CL 20 Stony Grasp effect (if they are already grappled, new stone arms appear each round anyway and secure the grapple or pin further).
    Strong Transmutation, CL 20th, Craft Magical Arms and Armors, stony grasp, bull's strength, symbol of pain, move earth, 90,000gp

    387 : Fire Halberd
    This +2 Flaming Explosive halberd of Wrathful Healing both warms its user with the regenerative fire of the phoenix and burns its foes in hellfire. Once per day, the wielder of the halberd may unleash its full potential for one minute. During that time, the wielder may use its own life force to power the fire inside, taking up to 20 points of damage to increase the halberd's Explosive damage by that much (this additional damage does not heal the wielder as per Wrathful Healing), and any fire damage dealt by the halberd bypasses any fire resistance (any fire immunity only halves the fire damage rather than suppressing it completely). If the user dies during the halberd's activation, they explode in a searing blast of golden fire that deals 10d6 points of damage in a 20-foot radius (Reflex half, DC 19 + key spellcasting ability modifier), leaving only a pile of ash. 1d6 minutes later, they reappear at the same place with 1 HP, and all their equipment intact including the Fire Halberd.
    Strong Evocation and Conjuration, CL 20th, Craft Magical Arms and Armors, greater fireburst, resurrection, death throes, 135,000gp

    388 : Water Trident
    This +2 Waterborn and Sending trident was used by darfellan matriarchs to turn the fight against invaders in their favor. The wielder can only use the trident's Sending ability to teleport the target to an underwater location, and can choose to be transported with them. In that case, they are brought back to their original location (or the closest free space) after 1 minute. Once per day, the user may either engulf the hemispheric area in a 100ft radius in water (if outside of water) or prevent any number creatures in a 100ft radius from holding their breath (in underwater), acting as a Drown spell on creatures unable to breathe underwater.
    Strong Conjuration and Transmutation, CL20th, Craft Magical Arms and Armors, flash flood, drown, teleportation circle, lesser planar binding, 110,000gp
    Resurrecting the Negative LA thread, comments and discussion are very welcome!
    Nice find! Have a cookie!
    Do you want to build monstrous characters with reasonable LA? Join the Monster Mash! Currently, round XII: One-Punch Monster!!! Come judge single-strike entries!
    Quote Originally Posted by H_H_F_F View Post
    3.5 allows you to optimize into godhood, yes, but far more importantly, it lets you optimize weak, weird, and niche options into relevance.

  17. - Top - End - #287
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    (hope this hasn't been done yet)

    389. Sparkbite
    Weapon (Spear, Lance, Harpoon, Trident) Rare (requires attunement)
    You can use the item's command word to cause electricity to leap from the handle and travel all along the rod. This weapon, on a hit, while the sparks are flying, does an additional 2d6 lightning damage. The sparks last until you use a bonus action to turn them off.

    390. Thundercracker
    Weapon (whip) Uncommon
    This whip is especially crisp, giving it a powerful crack. When you select the Attack action, you can choose to crack the whip in the air, doing 1d4 thunder damage to every creature within 15 feet of you.

  18. - Top - End - #288
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    391: Epee of Disarming and Sundering

    This light, rapier-like weapon is a Masterwork Weapon which also grants the abilities of the Improved Disarm and Improved Sunder feats to its wielder.
    (Both feats negate the -4 light weapon penalty and allow use of the feat without provoking an Attack of Opportunity.)
    These feats are granted by the sword, and do not require any prerequisites normally required to use the feats.
    Additionally, all attempts to use these feats are treated as if the weapon is used two-handed, even if the other hand is occupied, such as by using a shield, for example.

    392: Shattershield
    This bronze shield is treated as a +2 heavy metal shield. When a foe attacks and would have hit the wielder if not for the additional +4AC granted by the shield, its special power is invoked.
    The special power has the effect of a Shatter spell as if cast by a level 6 sorcerer upon the weapon that struck it. If a magical weapon or a creature strikes the shield, the spell effect is of the area of effect version of the spell, centered on the shield.
    The wielder of the shield can intentionally evoke its AoE version by striking the shield, but the wielder gains no protection from its effects.

  19. - Top - End - #289
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Post Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    I'll add some of my better ones onto the pile. All magic items are for 5e.

    393: Beam Sword
    Weapon (Shortsword), Uncommon (requires attunement)

    When you make an attack with this weapon, you can choose to attack with it normally or to fire a magical beam. Doing so converts the melee weapon attack into a ranged spell attack, with a normal range of 60 feet and a long range of 120 feet. This spell attack deals force damage instead of piercing. Anything that allows you to make a melee weapon attack can be converted into a beam.

    394: Wand of Mage Annoyance
    Wand, Uncommon (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

    This wand appears to be a Wand of the War Mage and an Identify spell reveals it as such, but does not grant its benefits.
    Curse. This wand is cursed. When you cast the spell Mage Armor, the wand will cast Counterspell against the casting of Mage Armor. If the Counterspell fails by any means, the wand will shout an obscene insult at you audible up to 300 feet away and then cast Fireball centered on itself, burning to ash in the process.

    395: Attractor Javelin
    Weapon (Javelin), Rare (requires attunement)

    This steel javelin attracts metal objects within 1 inch of it and occasionally gives off a jolt of harmless but slightly painful static electricity to its wielder. The javelin comes with a leather glove with metal fingertips. This glove appears next to the javelin each dawn. This weapon has 5 charges, and regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges each dawn. While you wear the glove, you gain the ability to use the following two features:

    Magnetic Onrush. When you make a ranged attack on your turn with this weapon and it hits, you can immediately use a bonus action to expend one charge and move yourself 30 feet directly towards the target. If this brings you within 5 feet of the target, the javelin returns to your hand.

    Magnetic Recall. As a bonus action, you can expend one charge to call the javelin to you. A creature holding the javelin when it is recalled takes 1 bludgeoning damage and is disarmed of the javelin.
    The javelin moves up to 60 feet in your direction, stopping when it reaches your location or it runs into a strong enough barrier. When it reaches your location, you catch it with your glove hand. If your glove hand is occupied, it flies into you dealing 1 piercing damage and lands at your feet.
    If the javelin moves through a creature's space, you make a ranged attack roll with the javelin against the creature, and it continues moving. A creature that is missed by this attack can make a DC 24 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, catching it and stopping its movement on a success.

    396: Double-Edged Sword
    Weapon (Greatsword), Rare (requires attunement)

    One side of this two-sided greatsword is decorated with flowing ivory designs, and the other side is splattered with blotchy red spots resembling blood. Once per turn when you hit a target with this greatsword, you can choose to take necrotic damage up to your proficiency bonus, which can’t be reduced or nullified in any way. The target then takes necrotic damage equal to twice the damage you took.

    397: Blood Pact
    Scroll, Very Rare

    This fine parchment scroll comes sealed in a case resembling the architecture of devils and is frequently used by them to make contracts with mortals, especially warlock pacts.
    When a contract is written on the scroll, and two creatures sign their names on it in their own blood (or equivalent bodily fluid, such as ichor), they are bound together by magical law. Neither creature may violate the guidelines set in the contract willingly. If one of them violates the contract unintentionally for the first time, it takes 10d10 necrotic damage which can’t be reduced or nullified in any way, and the other creature is mentally notified of the nature of the infraction. This damage is increased to 20d10 upon their second infraction, and their third infraction causes instant death. One infraction lasts for 6 seconds (1 round), so a continuous breaking of the rules lasting longer than that counts as multiple infractions.
    After a contract is signed upon the scroll, it becomes indestructible by most means. If a clause in the contract states that it ends, it burns to ash. Otherwise, nothing short of a Wish spell or divine intervention by a Chaotic deity can end the contract. An unsigned scroll can be destroyed as if it were a normal piece of parchment.

    398: Scroll of Temporal Banishment
    Scroll, Legendary

    This ancient scroll is covered in strange markings. An Identify spell does not reveal the scroll's properties, but does reveal that it is of a Legendary rarity. Its properties can only be discovered with a successful DC 25 Intelligence (Arcana) check by a creature capable of casting at least one 9th level spell. This check must be taken after spending 150 hours total studying the scroll, and consecutive checks must be taken after repeating this study.
    A creature that has succeeded on this check can, as an action, expend a 9th level spell slot and force a creature that it can see to make a DC 27 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the target is sent 10d10 * 10 years into the future. It appears in the closest free space to where it was initially banished. Regardless of the result of the saving throw, the scroll vanishes in a flash of golden light, leaving behind a pile of broken clockwork pieces.
    Last edited by notthegiant; 2024-03-14 at 07:14 PM. Reason: Formatting

    "Disintegrate! Gust of Wind. Now can we PLEASE resume saving the world?"

  20. - Top - End - #290
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    399: Handy Notebook

    A small lead charm such as might dangle from a charm bracelet, when held and invoked, becomes a sheaf of writing paper, parchment, papyrus, or whatever is common for the society of the charm's creator. The 25 pages are loosely bound and each is easily removed from the notebook. Pages removed from the notebook are ordinary, and in no case are they of sufficient quality for use as spell book or scroll media.

    A wooden stylus with a graphite core appears with the notebook. Notes written in the book are not lost when the notebook is reduced back to charm size, but pages removed are gone. More blank pages can be added by a process similar to recharging magic items.

    400: Figurines of Squires

    These two-inch lead figurines can be invoked and they assume the form of squires, each having a specific function.
    Groom: will tend a single horse, feeding, watering, currying, etc. as an expert in animal care. He has tools, but no tack, feed, or water, which must be made available for his use.
    Can be invoked once per day, and remains animate until the assigned horse is properly groomed.
    Batman: will care for the personal needs of the invoker, as a valet. He also cares for the cleaning and maintenance of arms and armor, setting up campsite amenities, and serves, (but does not cook,) meals.
    Can be invoked up to eight times per day, for a total of eight hours per day.
    Cook: will prepare meals using supplied cooking utensils and ingredients. Such meals require 1d12x10 minutes to prepare. The cook will not wash dishes, nor will he cook use dirty utensils.
    The Cook comes with a cookbook detailing the gear and ingredients required to make 5d8 gourmet meals. The gear costs 120gp, and may be reused until lost or damaged. Each of the up to 40 gourmet meals costs 5d8 GP per person and requires 4d6x10 minutes to prepare. As each unique recipe is generated, the cost for that meal and the time required to prepare it remains the same every time that masterwork meal is prepared.
    The cook can be invoked three times each day, and will revert to figurine form when it has completed a meal or reached a point where the meal cannot be completed.
    Clerk: will maintain an orderly office space, take dictation or make copies of letters, copy drawings, plans, or designs. It can write in any language spoken to it, and can read aloud any non-magical wrighting in the language in which it was written, (but it cannot translate between languages.) It will not remember even simple codes, but if asked to retrieve a specific item in its office space it will do so.
    The clerk can be invoked up to eight times in a day, for a cumulative total not exceeding eight hours.
    Herald: can serve in two roles. The first is as a personal attendant who walks (or rides) ahead of the one who invoked it. In this form it can be dressed any way the invoker desires, appearing male, female, or otherwise. While it cannot use weapons, it can wear them. It can carry a scroll, standard, or other heraldic device, and it can speak 25 words or less, (multiple times, if desired,) as determined by the one who invoked it. Examples include announcing the invoker when a specific place is entered or speaking a phrase every two hundred paces as they travel through a town.
    The second function acts as a Sending Spell except that the figurine sends a full-sized illusion of itself to the recipient, and everyone in sight and hearing will be able to see and hear it. After it repeats its reply from the recipient it will revert to figurine form.
    The first mode can be invoked up to eight times per day for a total of eight hours while the second can be used only once a day. In any 24 hour period only one of the two modes can be used.

    (More as time permits)

    401: Chess Pieces

    A box containing red and white chess pieces unfolds to form a chessboard. It is a masterwork box, with cutout slots for each piece lined with green felt.
    The chess pieces are also works of art. They are figurines which create various soldiers. Each can be used only once, and when the soldier is killed or the time expires, the piece turns black, and either glossy, (red pieces,) or matte, (white pieces.) The chess pieces may not be healed in any way, nor may they be repaired, refurbished, or recharged.
    Pawns wear studded leather armor, carry a metal shield, and wield a half-spear with a backup short sword. They are level 2 fighters, and persist for two hours, faithfully following simple instructions.
    Knights are equipped with chainmail-barded warhorses, and they wear full plate, carry a metal shield, lance, and longsword. They are level 4 fighters, and persist for up to 4 hours. They do not dismount.
    Bishops are equipped with half-plate, tower shields, and +1 maces. They are level 6 Clerics, and can cast spells either in combat or at the request of the invoker. Their spell list is determined by the DM, and they cannot cast spontaneously. They last up to six hours.
    Rooks are stone forts which, once invoked, remain stationary until destroyed or eight hours has elapsed. They are 35 feet high, 20 feet diameter, with crenelated walls tops. Two floors, at fifteen and thirty feet, are accessed via a stairway which is built into the outer wall. The double door, at the ground floor, is made of steel bound timbers eight inches thick, with two steel locking bars. It is eight feet tall and six feet wide. The ground floor is stone and there are no windows or other openings into the ten-foot diameter room. The second floor is supported by wooden beam arches, and decked with thick wooden planks. It has eight embrasures in the outer wall which are crossletted, allowing any point outside to be covered by at least three. The upper deck is also beam arch construction, but its deck is the exposed roof. It is covered in 4 inch thick pavers, except where the stair penetrates it. The stair hatch is 3 feet wide by 5 feet long, constructed of 4 inch thick steel-bound timbers, with a steel locking bar. Above the door two murder holes allow a defender to fire down or to pour liquids or other substances on anyone in front of the door.
    At each of the eight embrasures stands a level 1 fighter wearing leather armor and armed with a crossbow. These crossbows magically generate an unlimited supply of crossbow bolts, but if the crossbowman is disarmed or the weapon taken, the crossbowman, crossbow, and all bolts fired dissolve into smoke. The one who invoked the rook can direct the crossbowmen to target specific targets or move to different points within the fort. They cannot leave the fort, and vanish if forced to.
    Queens wear monk robes which grant 10 points of damage reduction to physical attacks, and grant immunity to force damage. They are level 10 monks, and remain for ten hours after being invoked.
    Kings wear robes of elemental resistance which grants 20 points of resistance to fire, water, earth, air, positive, and negative energy. The King is a level 13 sorcerer, whose spell list is generated by the DM. It will cast spells at request, if the spell is available, but otherwise it performs as instructed for up to 13 hours. It cannot rest and recover spells.
    Last edited by brian 333; 2024-03-16 at 07:52 PM.

  21. - Top - End - #291
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    The following are two things from my current campaign which is a Pathfinder 1e E8 campaign, so although the first is technically an "artifact" in setting, they would likely be just items in some other campaigns/contexts:

    402: The Lying Mask

    The mask is made of what appears to be ivory. It has caster level 12. When worn, the user may choose to have it be invisible (and generally does given the abilities and nature, see below). When worn and invisible it does not detect as magical at all nor is it seen by effects such as True Sight unless their caster level is at least 8th level in which case they may make a caster level check.

    While the mask is worn by someone who is bonded to the mask they get a +5 bonus to all bluff checks, and a +2 bonus to sense motive checks to see if a lie they've told is believed.

    Bonding to the mask takes 24 hours. However, once one is bonded to the mask, one must every subsequent day tell a lie to a being, and they must believe the lie (which can be difficult if someone knows you have the mask). The lie cannot be trivial and must be one one considers reasonably consequential. For example, lying about what one ate for breakfast would likely be insufficient.

    If one does not tell a believed lie in a 24 hour period, the mask becomes affixed to one's face, which is painful, giving a -2 penalty to all concentration and intelligence checks, until 24 hours until the next time you tell a believed lie. Worse, for this period, the bonuses for the mask do not apply.

    Written in words that seem to be of the native language of anyone who reads it on the inside are the words "Lying is a skill and all skills must be practiced."

    Note: If adopting to 5e, this should probably become advantage and disadvantage on the relevant checks.

    403: Quicksilver Key

    A Quicksilver Key appears as a small puddle of silvery material in a small glass vial. When pored out near a lock it slowly takes the form of a working key for that lock.

    (Some people who wish to protect themselves against the use of a Quicksilver key may among other protections have locks that require both a key and a combination.)
    Last edited by JoshuaZ; 2024-03-17 at 03:56 PM.
    My homebrew:


    ToB disciplines:

    The Narrow Bridge
    The Broken Blade

    Prestige classess:
    Disciple of Karsus -PrC for Karsites.
    The Seekers of Lost Swords and the Preserver of Future Blades Two interelated Tome of Battle Prcs,
    Master of the Hidden Seal - Binder/Divine hybrid
    Knight of the Grave- Necromancy using Gish

    Worthwhile links:

    Age of Warriors

  22. - Top - End - #292
    Troll in the Playground

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    Nov 2011

    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    404: Clockwork Cockroach

    This object is a 1 inch long, 3/8 inch wide, 1/4 inch tall mechanical roach. From more than 5' away it is difficult to tell that it is not a living creature, but close scrutiny allows an observer to see the mechanical jointing of the legs and wings.

    When a special key is used to wind up the device, it becomes a tiny focus for scrying. It will move up to 1/2 mile total distance under the control of the key-holder, who can see and hear whatever the device can observe.

    The device can fly at 20ft/rnd
    It can crawl or climb, (even on ceilings,) at 5ft/rnd. It can crawl underwater or in vacuum.
    It is destroyed by even 1 hp of acid, electrical, fire, or sonic damage.
    A single point of cold damage will render it dormant for 1 hour per point of cold damage inflicted. If allowed to thaw normally, the device will return to normal operation.
    The Clockwork Cockroach has no ability to attack, and its small size is its best defense. It has 1d3 HP with AC 16.

    The user can command the unit to move to a location or in a direction and it will do so even if the user does not maintain direct control. However, when observing and directing movement, the user must be in telepathic contact with the unit, to the exclusion of everything else. Unless the user is injured, he will be unable to move or observe anything in his physical presence while in control of the Clockwork Cockroach.

  23. - Top - End - #293
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    404: Clockwork Cockroach

    This object is a 1 inch long, 3/8 inch wide, 1/4 inch tall mechanical roach. From more than 5' away it is difficult to tell that it is not a living creature, but close scrutiny allows an observer to see the mechanical jointing of the legs and wings.

    When a special key is used to wind up the device, it becomes a tiny focus for scrying. It will move up to 1/2 mile total distance under the control of the key-holder, who can see and hear whatever the device can observe.

    The device can fly at 20ft/rnd
    It can crawl or climb, (even on ceilings,) at 5ft/rnd. It can crawl underwater or in vacuum.
    It is destroyed by even 1 hp of acid, electrical, fire, or sonic damage.
    A single point of cold damage will render it dormant for 1 hour per point of cold damage inflicted. If allowed to thaw normally, the device will return to normal operation.
    The Clockwork Cockroach has no ability to attack, and its small size is its best defense. It has 1d3 HP with AC 16.

    The user can command the unit to move to a location or in a direction and it will do so even if the user does not maintain direct control. However, when observing and directing movement, the user must be in telepathic contact with the unit, to the exclusion of everything else. Unless the user is injured, he will be unable to move or observe anything in his physical presence while in control of the Clockwork Cockroach.

  24. - Top - End - #294
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    405 Yodeling Monkey

    This object is a 6 in tall statue of a monkey, seemingly carved from green jade. Upon winding a key sticking out of it's head, the monkey will be begin yodeling at 120 decibels.

  25. - Top - End - #295
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    406: Cymbal Monkey

    This accursed magic item appears to be a twelve inch furry toy monkey complete with red fez and vest. It is in a seated posture with a tiny brass cymbals held out and ready to clash together. A brass key in its back is obviously intended for winding up the mechanism.

    When the key is turned, (at least three 180 degree turns,) the monkey will begin clashing the cymbals together, bouncing, and repeating a mechanical-sounding monkey-laugh. This will last for 15 seconds for every 180 degree rotation. This will also activate its curse.

    The last person to wind the monkey will discover that whenever a die roll of any kind is required, the monkey will appear within 5' of the character and activate. The monkey can be discarded, broken, or even disentigrated, and it will appear on cue. Leaving it in a closed Portable Hole or Bag of Holding, or on an alternate plane allows the character to make a Will save (DC 25) to prevent summoning the cursed item.

    A Remove Curse or similar spell is sufficient to break the link. The next person to wind it after that becomes the Monkey's target. Dispel may allow removing the curse from the item with no harm to the monkey, if the DM wishes.

  26. - Top - End - #296
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    407: Hadozee's Paw [Minor Artifact, Cursed]

    This mummified hadozee hand hangs by a leather cord around a character's neck (taking up space as a magic necklace would). Besides being cut from a hadozee rather than a human, it appears to all forms of magic to be nothing more than a hand of glory and functions as such.

    The hadozee's paw grants the wishes of its wearer, regardless of whether he is aware of the paw's true power or whether he intends for the wish to be granted. When found the hadozee's paw has 1d3+2 charges, each indicated by an extended finger. Any time the wearer speaks the phrase, "I wish..." the paw activates: A single long, gnarled finger on the hadozee's paw curls inward as the wish becomes reality. A DC 10 spot check when a wish is granted allows nearby characters a chance to see the finger moving, which may inform them of the paw's true power. Regardless of what the wearer wishes for, the hadozee's paw always either twists the wish in an undesirable way or generates an additional undesirable effect as a consequence. Once a wish has been made, the wearer is unable to rid himself of the paw by any means short of a wish or miracle until all of its charges have been expended.

    When a ring is placed on the paw to benefit from its hand of glory abilities, each wish has a 50% chance to curl the finger wearing the ring (100% chance for the final wish). The paw's fingers can not be forced to extend once they have been used, making it impossible to remove a ring from a curled finger. The hadozee's paw continues to function as a hand of glory once its final wish has been granted, though it remains impossible to remove a ring from its fingers short of destroying the remains of the artifact, nor can a new ring be placed its curled fingers.
    "Technically correct" is the best kind of correct.

  27. - Top - End - #297
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    408: Instant Rest (Just Add Water)

    This tiny 1/2 inch x 1 inch, (1cm x 2 cm,) fine vellum envelope contains a white powder with shiny, golden highlights. There is no aroma, and the quantity is so small that a sample tasting might not leave enough to have the desired effect.

    When directly injested either by eating or mixing into a drink the powder has the effect of a short rest. The easing of tiredness begins to immediately ebb, and within 3d6 rounds the character is restored as if having completed a short rest.

    This product may only be used once in a long rest period without consequence. Debilitating effects begin to accrue after the second dose.

    2d6 effect
    2 -1 to Int based skills until short rest.
    3 -1 to Wis based skills until short rest
    4 -1 to Dex based skills until short rest
    5 Non-caster -1 to hit. Caster forgets how to cast a random known or prepared spell in a d3-1 level spell slot until short rest.
    6 -2 to Dex based skills until short rest
    7 -2 to Wis based skills until short rest
    8 -2 to Int based skills until short rest
    9 Non-caster -2 to hit. Caster forgets how to cast random known or prepared spell in a d8-1 level spell slot until short rest
    10 -2 to Dex based skills until long rest
    11 -2 to Wis based skills until long rest
    12 -2 to Int based skills until long rest
    13 Non-caster -2 to hit. Caster forgets how to cast random known or prepared spell in a d10-1 level spell slot until short rest
    14 Non-caster -2 to AC, Caster forgets how to cast all spells of highest level until long rest
    15 -4 to Int based skills until long rest
    16 -4 to Wis based skills until long rest
    17 -4 to Dex based skills until long rest
    18 Permanent -1 to Int Ability Score


    Rest must be an actual rest period. Instant Rest cannot relieve the user of debilitations caused by repeat use of Instant Rest. Effects are cumulative and stack until the appropriate rest period has been taken. Each subsequent use adds +1 to the 2d6 roll to determine the effect.

    Non-caster refers to primary casters. Martial classes with some spellcasting ability are considered non-casters.

    Caster forgets how to cast disables a spell slot. The spell in that slot cannot be used, but is not eliminated. The slot is selected randomly by the DM, but the level is rolled.

    Short rest relieves debilitating effects and resets the multiple use counter to +1, but a long rest is required to relieve disabilities requiring a long rest, and reset the multiple use counter to 0.

    (My first attempt at a 5e item. Laughter and ridicule is an acceptable response.)
    Last edited by brian 333; 2024-05-01 at 09:11 PM.

  28. - Top - End - #298
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    409a: Goad of Animal Control

    This item can be used to manipulate Animal subtype creatures only, and only those with Int scores of 5 or lower.

    The Dominate Animal spell can be cast by the wielder of this magic item 3/day as if cast by a level 12 caster, but only 1/day per animal. An animal dominated at least one day previously may be dominated again.

    The goad is a cruel device and animals will resent its use. It is an evil-aligned item, and careful consideration must be given to its use to avoid alignment change.

    409b: Goad of Monster Control

    As above, but the goad casts Dominate Monster as if cast by a level 16 magic user.

    410: String of Arcane Restraint

    The city of Carthine, weary of street feuds between rival schools of wizardry, developed this item to put an end to it. The string is about twelve inches long and contains strands of every color braided together into a cord of about 1/8 inch thickness.

    In Carthine, officials posted at every city gate and outside each school of wizardry have them available to tie around a finger or wrist of the arcane caster. The nature of the string makes it impossible for anyone not bearing a specific seal issued to these city officials to untie the string. Breaking or cutting the string activates its magic, as does any attempt to cast a spell while wearing it.

    The magical effect this item produces is an Antimagic Field in the form of a 5' radius globe centered on the one upon whom the string was tied. The outer surface of this globe strobes with all of the colors chasing each other in random patterns around it, and glowing as brightly as a Light spell.

    The penalty for anyone caught removing the string is the forfeiture of all magic items. Anyone capable of casting arcane spells who does not wear a string within the city walls of Carthine, except within the schools, who is later discovered by the town guards to be an arcanist, is subject to forfeiture of all magical items and imprisoned for a time equal to the severity of the cast spell, and is required to perform manual labor on the prison work gang.

    (The local thieves' guilds have dummy-strings and stolen seals which allows them to remove and replace the real ones. Finding the right person may prove difficult, and it is rumored that some of the guildsmen are loyal to the town guard, or that they are paid to inform on wizards who violate the law.)

    411a: Ring of Arcane Power

    This ring grants all of the bonuses offered to a Specialist Wizard in a single School of Magic without prohibiting or impairing the casting of known magic in any school. (It does not remove the Specialist barred school rule, so Specialist Wizards already barred from casting from a school remain barred, and cannot use this item if its power is focused on the barred school.)

    Bards, Sorcers, and Wizards, (and others who use Arcane Magic,) can benefit from this ring. It grants Arcane Magic Users the following benefits:

    +2 Deflection Bonus to AC
    +2 Caster Level when dealing with magic of the Ring's School.
    Spell Storing of 1 spell of each level the wearer can cast.
    +10 to Knowledge (Arcana) or Spellcraft checks involving that school of magic.

    Stored spells must be cast into the ring by the wearer, and not 'captured' from another caster. They can only be spells of the School of Magic associated with the ring.

    A newly discovered ring might have stored spells on it which exceed the ability of the caster to use. This might prove disastrous or the DM may choose to not allow their casting.

    411b: Cursed Ring of Arcane Power

    This ring prohibits the casting of spells from a specific school of magic, imposes a -2 penalty to Saves versus magic from that school, and imposes a -10 penalty to Knowledge (Arcana) or Spellcraft checks when dealing with that specific school.

    It cannot be removed by the wearer except with a Remove Curse spell. (If Abjuration is the barred spell school a scroll or another caster is required.)

    The curse may be Dispelled by the wearer using any of the various Dispel Magic spells versus DC 25. Dispelling by someone not wearing the ring may destroy the ring, but a successful Dispell by the wearer may eliminate the curse from the ring, allowing it to become a Ring of Arcane Power.
    Last edited by brian 333; Yesterday at 03:07 PM.

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