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  1. - Top - End - #121
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Jun 2017

    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Lune Nyx
    AC: 15 | HP: 16/16 | HIT DICE: 2d8+4
    Speed: 30ft | Initiative: +1
    Passive Insight: 15 | Passive Investigation: 10 | Passive Perception: 13
    Conditions: ---

    Lune had barely returned from Kingseat, yet the day had already arrived - the beginning of her second Wintertide.
    Surprisingly, the trip home and the few months she spent in Kingseat had proven to be pleasant. On the night before her departure, the Nyxes had thrown a ball to celebrate the so-called exploits of their daughter in the last Wintertide and the one to come. Of course, it was mostly an excuse for them to show off to other noble houses and strengthen their relationship with the church, but Lune wasn't used to getting so much attention and she felt flattered. Having lived in the shadow of her three older brothers all her life meant that her parents had never particularly cared about her. In fact, it had been made clear for Lune quite early in life that her purpose had always been to be married off to some other house to strengthen alliances - a destiny she had all but refused by joining the clergy of the Celestial Court...

    ... And that decision, which had initially caused some turmoil in her family, had allowed her to be here, now, walking into the courtyard of the Keep of the Ci Gîts. It had even allowed her family to finally aknowledge her worth.

    ''Welcome, one and all, the Lady Lune of house Nyx, She Who Curries Favor With the Counselor.''

    Lune blushes slightly as her messenger and herald, Ogham, cries her arrival. She pulls her heavy winter cloak tighter around her shoulders, shying away from the attention... Just as Ogham pulls out a trumpet to make even more pomp. Although Lune had been against it, her parents had insisted that she bring her retainers to Coldwater. Flit, her young servant, had stayed behind, preferring the comfort of the inn where they had been lodging, but Ogham and Ezrim, an advisor supplied by the church of the Court, had insisted upon coming to see her off. And according to Ogham, it would be unfit of a Lady to step onto the property of another noble - a duke no less! - without proper pageantry.

    Ogham was adamant about this, so Lune had finally accepted to play the part even though she knew it would embarrass her. She did her best to appear presentable while also being practical - she was, after all, about to step onto a battlefield. Over her well polished armor she was wearing a heavy cloak lined with wool. It was a deep shade of purple with gold trim - the colors of her house. The clasp of her cloak bore the symbol of Nyx: A purple crescent moon and a star on a golden disc. Thanks to Flit, her usually messy short hair was skillfully braided. Finally, she carried the staff that had been offered to her in Kingseat during the ball held in her honor: crafted from a very light metal, the staff was tipped with the symbol of Lukas the counselor - an open hand wreathed in flame.

    Some people turned to look at her - some seemed impressed, some seemed annoyed, and others didn't seem to care at all. She looked around, hoping to see a friendly face to put an end to this awkward moment. Of her companions from last year, only Graek Tarr had survived... but it appeared as though he decided not to participate in a second Wintertide for he was no where to be found. She couldn't blame him - their group had suffered heavy casualties and had barely survived the battle... Remembering some of the horrors from last year's Wintertide, Lune started wondering why she hadn't just stayed in Kingseat, when all of a sudden the croaking voice of Ezrim pulled her from her thoughts: ''My Lady, the blonde man over there. He seems to match the description of Chase Thorndike, yes? He was the captain in charge of your, uh, merry band, I believe? Perhaps you should go and greet him?''
    ''A sound idea Ezrim. Thank you. Well. Goodbye then.'' She was all too eager to get away from her retainers and blend in with the crowd. ''Take care of Og and Flit while I'm away, will you?'' She hands the old man a pouch containing a decent amounf of gold: ''Take this. At least if I don't return you should have enough to get back to Kingseat.''
    ''Hogwash, My Lady'' spouts the old man, ''I have no doubt that your return shall be prompt.'' He smiles weakly. ''Of course,'' the woman replies. She returns his smile, but they can both read in each others' eyes that they are not so convinced of Lune's return... Ogham and Ezrim bow deeply and exit the courtyard. Lune walks towards Thorndike, waving her hand in his direction...

    Spoiler: PS
    ignore the elven ears on Lune's portrait she is human. :D

    Last edited by NiKkatsu; 2024-05-11 at 09:08 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #122
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Aug 2018
    Denver CO

    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Chase Thorndike strides closer. He's a young man, and of noble birth himself, technically outranking the Nyx family, because his father was Prince of Thorndike in Three Sisters. But then, Three Sisters is a frontier principality; it's debatable if it's better to be a Lord in Old Solus than a Prince in the frontier. And anyway, he renounced the throne and passed it to his younger brother, to station himself here.

    His manner is as far from Beatrice's as you could imagine. "My dear Lune. I am pleased to see you again." He takes your hand. "I'm afraid you're the only one of your unit from last year to return, as you must suspect." He gestures towards the gaunt, pale Beatrice Prochaine and the motley crew she is meeting with.

    "There is another unit of warriors, with similar experience to yourself, who need the aid of a healer. Beatrice will explain the mission, but in brief, you'll be with Mason on the southern wall."
    He speaks familiarly, here, of Mason Ci Git, the eldest son and second heir of the Duke, himself a cleric.

  3. - Top - End - #123
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Jun 2017

    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Lune Nyx
    AC: 15 | HP: 16/16 | HIT DICE: 2d8+4
    Speed: 30ft | Initiative: +1
    Passive Insight: 15 | Passive Investigation: 10 | Passive Perception: 13
    Conditions: ---

    ''It will be my honor to serve in the name of the Celestial Court,'' she simply says, trying not to look too pained at the mention of her previous unit. A short awkward silence falls between them while Lune gathers her wits to ask: ''Would you mind introducing me to Beatrice and the others, my dear Chase? They seem, uh, a little rough...'' While finishing her sentence she stares at her feet, visibly embarrassed - she knew she should be more confident, but she couldn't help it. Even though this was her second Wintertide, she still felt so overwhelmed by the whole situation - she was still not used to being a warrior. And although she was primarily appointed as a healer, she knew from experience that in the coming days she would need to fight...
    Last edited by NiKkatsu; 2024-05-11 at 09:14 AM.

  4. - Top - End - #124
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Denver CO

    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    He inclines his head. "Of course."

    He cross the courtyard and brings you to the small group. "Beatrice. This is the Lady Lune Nyx, of Kingseat, of whom we've spoken. Lune, this is Vicomte Beatrice Prochaine, Captain of the militia, and the unit of experienced heroes of which she has the charge."

    He bows slightly.

    "Lune, I leave you in very good hands. There are new adventurers waiting for me. Good luck to all of you, and may we all survive to feel the sun's embrace once more." The sun, right now, is a dim and dirty coin half-hidden by clouds, doing its feeble best to warm you and melt the snow on the rooftops. Winter in Coldwater makes it easy to see how the Sun King has not prospered here.

    Beatrice nods to him, and to her new charge. She clears her throat. "Right. You folks have the day to get acquainted. Since you each hold a steel coin, you'll be on the second shift tonight, from midnight to dawn. If the new folk fail, you may be called on sooner. You have no relief -- you hold until dawn, or there is no special squad on assignment. Don't let that make you foolhardy; when your resources are exhausted, you have to call it, and damn your pride."

    "Damn few people return for a second year, and those who do tend to return for a third, and a fourth. If they don't get themselves killed. So don't be foolish."

    "When you are called, you will make your way to the southern wall, between the Porte Fleche and the Porte Cadette. Don't get distracted by anything else going on in the city... everyone is fighting their own war, and you must fight yours."

    "Now, it's hard for dead forces to get there, that far south, and hard for them to hold it. They besiege it anyway, to force us to spread ourselves thin. Most of the forces there will be mindless and weak, easy prey for the ordinary militia."

    "Typically, our biggest concern down there is the handful of more powerful and intelligent dead who will have founding hiding spots in the neighborhood outside the walls, the Arrowhead. That warren gives them shelter and cover, and those who survive sometimes hole up there. Mostly they lie in wait for the days after Wintertide. The strategic value is questionable... they just love to kill. But unlike the other settlements beyond the walls, the Arrowhead is large enough for them to possibly be up to some greater mischief -- summoning fiends, or opening gateways to suddenly put a powerful foe where we least expect it. It's happened before, and so it can't be left until morning like the other banlieue."

    "So if the night has gone well, you'll be going door to door, clearing the Arrowhead for the citizens who live there and will return tomorrow. If the night hasn't gone well... there will be plenty to do."
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-05-11 at 10:18 AM.

  5. - Top - End - #125
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Hasgraek understand the mission and confirms such with a nod. He looks lune up and down and recalls her entrance.Hopin ya can be more descreet lass. Dont be needing a parade in each building we clear bwahahaha. But sorry ta hear bout yer bad luck last year. We bout lost aupti last year and lost me hearing but both came back strong as ever bwahaha. Wont be like that this year tho dont ye doubt shad wont let nothin happen to ya. Welcome to the gang good ta have ya fer sure.Cant belive conners da whats say after this is over we pay the boss a visit and show our support with a grand party. Yer parading will be much more suited for that me thinks lady lune bwahaha. he says tapping aupti on the shoulder when he mentions him. He winks just before every belly laugh. He pokes his thumb toward shad confidently when mentioning her.

    O where be me manners im hasgraek icegrip if lune takes a moment she sees a grayish dwarf with dark beard and hair. Red eyes. He's wearing dark studded leather where the studs seem sharper then usual. The armor has no sleeves.

  6. - Top - End - #126
    Titan in the Playground
    J-H's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    "It's too bad people build outside the walls... but the city would have constraints on its growth, too." Aupti thinks of plants that grow beyond the bounds of where they should... always seeking growth.

    "This will be harder than last year, but we can do it."
    Things published on DM's Guild
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    Baldur's Gate 2 (ongoing)
    Castle Dracula (Castlevania)
    Against the Idol of the Sun (high level hexcrawl)

  7. - Top - End - #127
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]


    "Good to meet you, Lune," Shad nods politely and smiles a little sheepishly as Hasgraek extolls her ability to prevent harm to others. "I'm Shad. Not sure how much help I'll be in making sure you don't get hurt, but I don't think any of us would have signed up for this a second time if we were all that afraid."

    Shad stands with a certain strength and poise about her that even Aupti and Hasgraek might notice. This is not the same girl as last year, just desperately trying to stay alive; she is planted, armor well-fitted, grip relaxed on her poleaxe and an unadorned helm under her left arm. Her freckled face and green eyes framed by an orange bobcut held back in a cloth band around her forehead, the young woman regards Lune with a look of social uncertainty, but mental fortitude.

    "Yeah, it might be harder than last year, Aupti, but then again so are we.

    Glad to have you with us, Lune. And I'm sorry to hear about your unit from last year. We were pretty lucky ourselves, all things considered."
    Spoiler: My Homebrew

    78% of DM's started their first campaign in a tavern. If you're one of the 22% that didn't, copy and paste this into your signature.

    Town Square execution.

    Fistful of Fate character: Aereck Tarrinsen

  8. - Top - End - #128
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Jun 2017

    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Lune Nyx
    AC: 15 | HP: 16/16 | HIT DICE: 2d8+4
    Speed: 30ft | Initiative: +1
    Passive Insight: 15 | Passive Investigation: 10 | Passive Perception: 13
    Conditions: ---

    Lune smiles, bows, nods, or waves her hand at each of the introductions. "Well met!" She says, addressing the whole group. "As for preventing harm and keeping others safe... Well I can definitely help with that! I am a priestess of the Celestial Court. My holy healing flames can help mend your broken bodies." A pause, then: "Not that I expect any of your bodies to be broken, I, uh-, well, you never know, right? It's always good to have a healer around, I guess!" She could feel heat rising to her cheeks. She was used to addressing nobility, but she always felt a little bit off when addressing commoners... Was she being too formal? Too informal? And how could she tell..? It was all so complicated. "Truth be told, I'm not so used to violence... But since the Counselor has put me on your path, I'll make sure to pull my weight."

  9. - Top - End - #129
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    As you make your introduction, Beatrice hurries away to speak to other members of the militia. You are free until midnight -- but there is still the matter of the Duke's speech, if you choose to remain to hear it.

    Spoiler: The Duke's Speech
    Once again, the ancient Duke of Coldwater mounts the dais to address the courtyard.

    It follows many of the same lines as last year's, but Pierre Ci Git seems much more than one year older. He stammers and searches for words. He speaks more about his family, and their heroism in defending the city, calling them each by name; Domane, his daughter and heir, the bladesinger who already commands so much of the city's defenses. Mason, his eldest son, a cleric of the Maiden. Cassien, the youngest and least-touched by his shadar-kai heritage, at least visibly, handsome and charismatic. And he speaks again of the Diet of the Still, the undying spirits bound to the defense of the city while the walls stand.

    Spoiler: Insight 8+
    It is, very clearly, a goodbye.

    He ends the same way he did last year; the same way he must have ended dozens of these speeches:

    "By our lives and deaths we rebuke the forces of undeath and we buy, at greatest cost, another year. We are the keystone... we are the shield of the North! Fais sonner les cloches qui peuvent encore sonner!" By now most of you have picked up enough of the local language to know what that battlecry means; ring out the bells that still can ring.

    The old man exhales as his words call up the power of the city once again, and seems suddenly, visibly, even older. He staggers, and Domane Ci Git puts a discreet hand on his elbow.

    At his command, the Iron Carillons begun to ring, for the first time today but not the last. In the stones of the Keep and in the walls around the city, spirit guardians stir and stand, spectral, beside the living guards. In the harbor, a net of copper and silver is raised across the bay, held up by tall towers. The soldiers of Coldwater clash their swords on their shields, a vast ringing that echoes the bells and fills the city.

    Spoiler: Perception 15+
    Those close enough to the Duke, or listening closely enough, hear him mutter a few other words in the Shadar-kai language.

    "...une chandelle pour m'éclairer au lit..."

    (...a candle, to light me to bed...)

  10. - Top - End - #130
    Titan in the Playground
    J-H's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Aupti picks up on the mutter. "He's been ruling longer than I've been alive. Someone else may give that speech next year," he mutters quietly. "Just have to live through it."
    Things published on DM's Guild
    Campaign Logs:
    Baldur's Gate 2 (ongoing)
    Castle Dracula (Castlevania)
    Against the Idol of the Sun (high level hexcrawl)

  11. - Top - End - #131
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Hasgraek gives a dwarven warriors war call/cheer at the end of the speech in respect.

    Aye. Lift a glass ta the man we should. I told ya I'd pay yall back and for this I shall! To the Boss I say! Come along too lass I've got coin enough fer ya as well! he says urging them to the boss.

  12. - Top - End - #132
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]


    It hadn't occurred to Shad just how old the Duke was at this point, but Aupti's point rang true, especially with his softly spoken melancholy words at the end.

    "I think the Boss is a good choice before we get to our post. It'll be nice to see Connor, and drink the health of his dad and the Duke."
    Spoiler: My Homebrew

    78% of DM's started their first campaign in a tavern. If you're one of the 22% that didn't, copy and paste this into your signature.

    Town Square execution.

    Fistful of Fate character: Aereck Tarrinsen

  13. - Top - End - #133
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Lune Nyx
    AC: 15 | HP: 16/16 | HIT DICE: 2d8+4
    Speed: 30ft | Initiative: +1
    Passive Insight: 15 | Passive Investigation: 10 | Passive Perception: 13
    Conditions: ---

    Although Lune was slightly caught off-guard by the invitation, she also couldn't help herself being slightly touched by the gentle, trusting naiveté of the dwarf. He was offering to pay for her drink even though they'd met less than a minute ago, and the invitation felt completely harmless and disinterested. ''I've spent too much time with my family in the last few months'' she thought to herself. She smiled shyly and answered: ''It would be my pleasure to join you all for drinks. Actually, I've rarely had the chance to visit any pubs in my life. My family usually preferred to hold festivities at Nyx manor rather than mingle with the, uh, common folk.''

  14. - Top - End - #134
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Oct 2013

    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Human Grappler Fighter
    AC: 16 HP: 22/22
    PPer: 12 PInv: 9 PIst: 12
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Shad raised an eyebrow at Lune. She was a noblewoman then... She probably should have put that together from the somewhat stiff manners. But what was she doing fighting at Wintertide for then?

    As they head toward the Boss, Shad ponders how to ask that question... "So, um, Lune..." she finally decides to give it a shot. "Your family considers themselves above the commoners, then?"

    Her face immediately turns bright red. She heard it as soon as she'd said it.

    "Or, I mean, um, like, you haven't had much chance to spend with those beneath-- I mean, um...

    "What's your family like?"

    Shad begins studying the ground at her feet very intently hoping that maybe Lune will not hate her for how offensive she must have just been. THERE was the Shad she'd thought she'd grown out of.
    Spoiler: My Homebrew

    78% of DM's started their first campaign in a tavern. If you're one of the 22% that didn't, copy and paste this into your signature.

    Town Square execution.

    Fistful of Fate character: Aereck Tarrinsen

  15. - Top - End - #135
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Lune Nyx
    AC: 15 | HP: 16/16 | HIT DICE: 2d8+4
    Speed: 30ft | Initiative: +1
    Passive Insight: 15 | Passive Investigation: 10 | Passive Perception: 13
    Conditions: ---

    Lune can't help but laugh at Shad's reaction, though the laugh is not malicious or mocking in the least. When the red-headed woman first introduced herself, Lune thought she had picked up a trace of eastern accent, but she wasn't quite sure. Now, it hit her: Shad had to be from one of the principalities of Croplan (something about the way she pronounced certain vowels). And, although the woman seemed intent on hiding it, Lune thought she might even be of noble birth.
    The other woman seemed embarrassed, but Lune was actually slightly put at ease by Shad's faux pas. She could certainly relate, and was eager to learn more about her new companion now.
    ''My family are... good people. At heart, at least. But after joining the church and exploring parts of the world in the past few years I've come to the realization that their privilege has blinded them to many things. Important things. If you will, we could continue this conversation at the pub! I'm excited to see it.'' As she says this last sentence, she claps her hands together excitedly.
    Now, Lune was quite curious about Shad, but she thought it might be better to question her about her heritage during a private conversation at the pub - she did not know if the woman was trying to hide her descent or if her companions knew anything about it and she did not wish to put Shad on the spot.
    Last edited by NiKkatsu; 2024-05-17 at 12:37 PM.

  16. - Top - End - #136
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Human Grappler Fighter
    AC: 16 HP: 22/22
    PPer: 12 PInv: 9 PIst: 12
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Shad blinked a couple of times at Lune's warm and genuine response. That was weird; usually her stupidity elicited a response of icy demands for her punishment and shame in her family. I mean, they weren't here now, but still... was Lune just that good at keeping her motives hidden until the right moment?

    "Um... sure," she says in surprise and continues with the others to the pub.

    Once they get there and have their drinks, Shad takes a deep breath and says, "Look, Lune, I really am sorry about what I said. It was...not polite."
    Spoiler: My Homebrew

    78% of DM's started their first campaign in a tavern. If you're one of the 22% that didn't, copy and paste this into your signature.

    Town Square execution.

    Fistful of Fate character: Aereck Tarrinsen

  17. - Top - End - #137
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Jun 2017

    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Lune Nyx
    AC: 15 | HP: 16/16 | HIT DICE: 2d8+4
    Speed: 30ft | Initiative: +1
    Passive Insight: 15 | Passive Investigation: 10 | Passive Perception: 13
    Conditions: ---

    Lune puts a hand on Shad's hand: ''Where we (Lune puts a certain emphasis on ''we'') are from that might be true, but out here I would think it matters very little. In fact, if anything, politeness is the poison of collaboration.'' Lune smiles before adding: ''Gods! If my mother heard me saying that, she would have me flayed... But the point is that we are here as comrades-in-arms, are we not? Plus, you've not offended me in the slighest. In fact, I am glad to meet another highborn woman who is willing to put herself on the line for the Light. Or for whatever other reason, really. In fact, what brought you here?''
    Last edited by NiKkatsu; 2024-05-17 at 01:27 PM.

  18. - Top - End - #138
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Human Grappler Fighter
    AC: 16 HP: 22/22
    PPer: 12 PInv: 9 PIst: 12
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    ”What?! No, no, I’m not highborn, haha,” Shad replies nervously. “What would make you think that? No, I’m just Shad! Hah!”

    Smooth, Shad. She definitely bought that…

    She abruptly cuts herself off and takes huge gulp from her mug.

    “Connor!! How about a rousing song before the night gets dark!” she calls to the other end of the busy pub, then thumps her elbow onto the table in front of Hasgraek. “Arm wrestle round 5, Icegrip?? Aupti! Count it off!”
    Spoiler: My Homebrew

    78% of DM's started their first campaign in a tavern. If you're one of the 22% that didn't, copy and paste this into your signature.

    Town Square execution.

    Fistful of Fate character: Aereck Tarrinsen

  19. - Top - End - #139
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Aye lass be there ta beat ya quicker then ye can say ouch bwahaha. he was clear across the pub near aupti trying to convince him to play darts. His voice seeming raising volume as if he were approaching before you realize he was already there. Quickly and somewhat carefully he clears a table nearby enough to get between them. Round 5 eh how bout another 5 after bwahaha

    If aupti declines the count he gets someone else nearby attention Hey there friend how bouts ye give us a fair count.

    After a few moments of not gaining or losingaye lass good on ya he says before shad even realizes he had already let go and had a tankard in the same hand chugging.

    (So I wrote this under the impression that lune and shad were at least private from hasgraek)

  20. - Top - End - #140
    Titan in the Playground
    J-H's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]


    Aupti does the countdown as requested for the arm-wrestling match. Women are weird, especially when they're feeling each other out and maybe jockeying for social status. It's kind of interesting to watch, and he feels like he's starting to understand how most of it works.
    Things published on DM's Guild
    Campaign Logs:
    Baldur's Gate 2 (ongoing)
    Castle Dracula (Castlevania)
    Against the Idol of the Sun (high level hexcrawl)

  21. - Top - End - #141
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Jun 2017

    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Lune Nyx
    AC: 15 | HP: 16/16 | HIT DICE: 2d8+4
    Speed: 30ft | Initiative: +1
    Passive Insight: 15 | Passive Investigation: 10 | Passive Perception: 13
    Conditions: ---

    Lune saw how flustered Shad became at the mention of her origins, so she decided it might be better to let it go for now. She filled her wine glass and cheered for the arm-wrestling match instead. She noticed the man named Aupti staring at her every now and again... she wondered what he might be thinking, but didn't make too much of it since she was enjoying the rowdy fun in the pub.

  22. - Top - End - #142
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Denver CO

    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    If it was a long wait getting through the day last year, waiting to be called at midnight is somehow more than twice a long. The bells ring out throughout the night as the battle rages on with you.

    You know you could be called early if the less-seasoned adventurers on the first shift have to tap out; but you make it all the way to midnight until they file in, looking shell-shocked and much the worse for wear, but all somehow still there. They are a flock of birdfolk warriors from the Touchskies, and their feathers are bloodstained and bedraggled. The owlin wizard looks barely conscious, and his fellows steer him into a cot you recently vacated.

    As soon as you leave the barracks, the siege is alive around you. As with last year, now that midnight has passed, the battle for the skies has begun, necromancers on skin-bats and broomsticks engaged by the aerial cavalry. A necromancer swoops at you, but is intercepted almost immediately by a knight of the Keep on a nightgaunt.

    Your orders bring you to the southern wall, between the Gate of the Arrow and the Cadette Gate. The Gate of the Arrow is a huge one, one of the primary gates of the city, looking down the broad Rue Desouers that runs from here to Three Sisters. The road forks south of the city, throwing off a spur that runs to the much smaller Cadette Gate and creating the deep V of territory known as the Arrowhead.

    Spoiler: The Arrowhead
    Small communities exist outside the walls near each gate, home to the poorest citizens who cannot afford property in the city proper. They are usually named after the closest gate. During Wintertide they huddle inside the walls and wait to see how much survives the seige.

    The Arrowhead is the largest of the communities outside the walls. The southern walls are less targeted than the northern, but nonetheless, nothing in the Arrowhead is permanent.

    It is the center for most illegal or quasi-legal activities in Coldwater, including the illicit trade in the illithid drug ink and amateur combat sports. The oldest continuously occupied structure in the Arrowhead is the tavern with the quasi-blasphemous name of The Maiden's Head; it serves bad beer to a rough clientele, and the main attraction is the fighting pit in the basement.

    You find Beatrice on the wall between the gates, next to the tall man most of you recognize as Mason Ci Git--the eldest son of the Duke and a cleric of the Maiden. He is pale and thin, like all the Ci Gits, but next to Beatrice his trace of shadar-kai blood is almost unnoticeable. They are looking out over the Arrowhead -- which shockingly, is clear of all visible undead.

    You can see remnants of an army of zombie and skeletons lurching outside the roads that define the Arrowhead, but the little wedge of buildings itself is clear of undead. The streets are littered with fallen Hachoir standards, bits of armor and rusty weapons; you can see that a lot of damage has befallen the little unofficial district. But nothing moves.

  23. - Top - End - #143
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Human Arctic Druid
    AC: 13 HP: 10/10
    PPer: 15 PInv: 10 PIst: 13
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Aupti studies the area, his hunter's eyes noting the lack of motion. "The first group must have been very successful your g...uh, sir and ma'am."
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  24. - Top - End - #144
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Beatrice snorts, not unkindly, but the Marquis Ci Git only says quite seriously, "The Exaltation acquitted themselves respectably, but, no. The ground between the roads is consecrated, but being outside the wall the reach of our power is limited. I have been able to clear the Arrowhead multiple times tonight, channeling the power of the St. Epony bell."

    You passed the black iron carillon just north of the wall on your way here.

    "At midnight, I was able to make one last push to destroy the undead forces, and the militia have been able to destroy everything that remained standing in plain view. The consecration of the area between the roads is renewed, and the siege, we may hope, is ended between these gates for tonight." He looks quite weary.

    Beatrice steps in. "But in the time that the Hachoir held this ground, fiends or undead may have hidden themselves within the buildings. Either waiting for morning to cause some last mischief, or with something more dire planned from behind cover."

    "There shouldn't be any civilians in there. Shouldn't be, and if there were it's damn unlikely they're still alive. But you never know with the banlieue. If it were up to me we'd burn them to the ground."

    "Cousin," says the Maquis, mildly. This has the ring of an argument argued to the point where it can be played out almost without words. Beatrice shakes her head.

    "Anyway, that's your mission. You're going house to house. It'll be harder for me to provide support while you're in cover, but I have ways to move. Anybody got a cantrip that can send up a flare?"

    If not, she will provide you with a wand of fireworks to use.

  25. - Top - End - #145
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Lune Nyx
    AC: 15 | HP: 16/16 | HIT DICE: 2d8+4
    Speed: 30ft | Initiative: +1
    Passive Insight: 15 | Passive Investigation: 10 | Passive Perception: 13
    Conditions: ---

    ''I can provide us with something akin to a flare.'' Lune says. ''A lance of piercing light should be easy enough to notice in the darkness.''

    Once the crew is down from the wall and onto the streets, Lune clangs her staff against the ground. The ringing of the metal echoes faintly around the party as the open hand atop the staff lights up, providing better visibility. She sticks close to the others, visibly nervous. Even though she'd done this once before, the eerie calm of the streets in the darkness of the night made her skin crawl...

    Once the party begins their search, she will impart the wisdom of the Counselor upon Shad: ''May the Light guide you.'' she whispers.

    Spoiler: spells
    flare cantrip will be lambent lance if we ever need it. she casts light on her staff and guidance on shad to help her find stuff

    Last edited by NiKkatsu; 2024-05-21 at 12:50 PM.

  26. - Top - End - #146
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Human Grappler Fighter
    AC: 16 HP: 22/22
    PPer: 12 PInv: 9 PIst: 12
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    As they look out over the urban battlefield that would be their assignment, Shad ponders the strangeness of the pall hanging over it. She'd never before seen the Arrowhead look and feel anything but alive, and now she could not help but feel this would be the fate of all the world if Coldwater ever fell.

    She nods gravely at Beatrice and Mason and leads the way down to ground level, mentally reviewing what she knew of the streets and alleys of one of her more regular haunts. "Thanks," she whispers to Lune and keeps her eyes as sharp as she can.

    Spoiler: Mechanics
    Roll Perception? Or Investigation?

    Perception (1d20+2)[5] + Guidance (1d4)[4]

    Investigation (1d20-1)[9] + Guidance (1d4)[2]
    Spoiler: My Homebrew

    78% of DM's started their first campaign in a tavern. If you're one of the 22% that didn't, copy and paste this into your signature.

    Town Square execution.

    Fistful of Fate character: Aereck Tarrinsen

  27. - Top - End - #147
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]


    Human Arctic Druid
    AC: 14 HP: 17/17
    PPer: 15 PInv: 10 PIst: 13
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --
    "We're to turn over rocks and stomp on the snakes that crawl out, then. I can throw a flame up in the air if needed."

    As they go forth, Aupti summons a torch in his palm (Produce Flame). "Hopefully there's nothing tougher than an Owlbear."

    Perception or Survival (same mod): 11
    Last edited by J-H; 2024-05-21 at 09:37 PM.
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    Castle Dracula (Castlevania)
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  28. - Top - End - #148
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    The first hour passes tediously.

    The Arrowhead--especially near the wall--is a typical banlieu, only larger. Anchored by some useful out-building, surrounded by a corona of poverty. The anchor of this one is the tavern with the semi-blasphemous name of the Maiden's Head, planted in the wedge where the road from Three Sisters splits to run an off-shoot to the Cadette Gate. The oldest building in the Arrowhead, it has endured because sometimes travellers need a cheap place to stay and locals need somewhere off-the-map to go.

    Perhaps a better search strategy would've started at that end and worked towards the wall. In your eagerness, however, you are working from the wall southward; and the area immediately near the wall is a packed warren, lots of little buildings, thrown up quickly and without permission, with jagged dogleg paths between them. The oldest of them is less than ten years old, and many of them aren't even designed to last a season. The worst have flat roofs and no windows, more like vertical coffins for day laborers to fall over inside. You can't check under the beds for monsters because the beds are straw pallets. The best are simple two room hovels.

    The first hour passes tediously and most of the second. You are closing in on two in the morning when you hear the sound of a faint scuffle, and the terrified, distressed scream of a dying horse. It takes a few moments to hone in on it, but you follow the noises to a lop-sided stable on the other side of the Rue Cadet. A very badly-painted sign on the outside indicates that the inhabitant has a horse for rent; perhaps several small inhabitants who squabbled over the paintbrush and couldn't spell very well.


    5 depasit SILVER
    WE KEEP 1
    The stable looks old and decrepit, but has recently been renovated by the same many, small and careless hands that painted the sign.

    The door to the stable stands ajar; at the moment, it seems silent inside.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-05-22 at 12:28 PM.

  29. - Top - End - #149
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Human Arctic Druid
    AC: 14 HP: 17/17
    PPer: 15 PInv: 10 PIst: 13
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Aupti circles around the door at a distance of about 20', trying to see as much of the inside he can in the light of the flame burning on his hand.
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    Castle Dracula (Castlevania)
    Against the Idol of the Sun (high level hexcrawl)

  30. - Top - End - #150
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]

    Through the door you can make out three fallen kobolds, unmoving, and the back legs of a horse, twitching. A faint growling and lapping sound comes from the unseen part of the room.

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