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  1. - Top - End - #361
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Athedia's Avatar

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    Default Re: Graduates of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    One small snag in my plan is I didn't realize punishment was only performed on the daily life stage and part of my big plan was to get punished. No matter, because I can't be punished anymore I will just quote away. Btw folks this means ISOs are open again.

    You are part of the White team. You win if every member of the Black team dies.

    You are the **Ultimate Moral Compass**
    You are always part of the White team.
    You cannot become blackened. You cancel every action from other players that could conceivably cause you to become blackened.
    The first time Monokuma should punish you, he publicly reveals your identity and Ultimate talent instead.
    So yes, I did set it up to look like I had been blackened. And it is possible for the Black team to have gotten the blackened text by asking, that is how I got it. If you look back at an earlier post (I will find the exact one when I am not on my phone at 3 AM) you will see some lines I put in black color. Those specifically are lyrics from a song called Moral Compass, a song I referenced to point back to later.

    I was also repeatedly bringing up the idea of blackening removal or immunity. So honestly at this point the vote is either the other white team member gives me enough to trust them.

    Or I basically flip a coin to figure out who I am siding with.

    Or the last white team member sides with the wolf I guess but neither of you are stupid.

    So balls in yalls court, and apparently punishments are off the table.

  2. - Top - End - #362
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Graduates of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    ...okay. Fine. So I'm not mechanically clear any more.

    I don't see why what you said makes me more likely to be a wolf than Zelphas though.

    Trying to construct a town!Zelphas/wolf!Athedia world that makes sense mechanically. It requires the Ultimate Manipulator to have some means of giving false investigation results for previous night phases to someone whose investigations can't be disrupted (I presume your passive also applies to past crime scene investigations, Zelphas?) or to make others kill for them despite the fact we've already flipped a different wolf with that power... actually now I think about it if I were manipulated into killing I'd be blackened, and I'm not, so that possibility doesn't hold either. Unless bladescape was somehow manipulated into killing himself which I think is... improbable.

    And even if that's the case it also requires the Ultimate Manipulator to be Athedia and to have self-targeted with some action so she was targeted by the Ultimate Manipulator as my power says, and it also requires that night's kill to have been blocked some other way unless we're proposing wolf!Athedia tried to kill herself gambling I'd protect her which seems. Implausible at best. Honestly Athedia if you did that and it worked out then congratulations, enjoy your victory.

    So yeah. Zelphas, can you construct a plausible town!me/wolf!Athedia world fypov? If not I think that means we're back to where we started, Athedia is town and the last wolf is either me or Zelphas.

    Athedia, I've revealed everything I have mechanically, but if you want me to put together a wolf!Zelphas case or explain anything I've done this game or have any questions lmk. I will try to do some of that stuff regardless but RL time constraints being what they are I can't promise anything, so it's probably best that I prioritise what you want me to do.
    I'm writing stuff, come and read it!
    Werewolf games won: 28
    Werewolf games lost: 19
    Games as town: 29.5
    Games as neutral: 6.5
    Games as wolf: 11
    Games narrated: 2
    Deaths: 31

    Extended Signature

  3. - Top - End - #363
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Athedia's Avatar

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    Default Re: Graduates of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    I want to see your best White Snowblaze/Black Zelphas.

    And the reverse for Zelphas of course.

    For more context on my lies and general weirdness with opinions, I needed to stay in the game til end game. As long as I was alive White Team couldn't lose due to Blackening.

    Tomorrow I will probably work on a look at yalls actions and patterns with the known wolves. Also look back at the day BCH was executed and look at both scenarios.
    ...I should be asleep

    - - - Updated - - -

    What do we think the ultimate manipulators power does?

    - - - Updated - - -

    I missed something obvious but waiting on yalls breakdowns first

  4. - Top - End - #364
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Graduates of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    Zelphas explain post 298 please, where you state that you know Athedia can't be the killer. Yes there can't be more wolves and you and now sure I am?

  5. - Top - End - #365
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Dec 2019

    Default Re: Graduates of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    Okay. Why I am town, "I don't actually have time to write this" edition.

    - I have a verifiable claim; technically we don't have hard proof because no-one else targeted my protection targets except the night the Ultimate Manipulator targeted Athedia and I, uh, somewhat doubt that said Ultimate Manipulator particularly wants to come out and confirm that. But if anyone had targeted someone I was claiming to protect I would have been outed as a liar, and that has not occurred.

    - there was no kill the-first-half-of-last-night-phase, and my power is the only explanation for that - neither Athedia nor Zelphas has a power that could block a kill and Caoimhin was sulking so couldn't use theirs

    - I don't treat my partners the way I treated Dakrsidder and MossDragon this game. I basically just passively sat back and let them both die, which is the worst option for wolf!me to take: I have the disadvantage of losing a partner without even the compensation of towncred for bussing

    - I definitely don't play the day-Moss-died-with-the-LyLo-regulation the way I did. People were definitely talking about me/Moss as a pairing there, and I honestly expected to be eliminated the following day. That means wolf!me's best hope at victory is to present a sufficiently convincing case on someone who isn't Moss, which I made no attempt to do.

    - it makes zero sense for wolf!me to kill Caoimhin last night. She would have known Caoimhin and Athedia were blackened (or believed that to be the case, anyway) and thus assumed that the reason the game was still ongoing was that Zelphas was bluffing about being blackened by the BCH kill and killed him. (And if she somehow knew your role, she would have killed you.) (Yes I know it's also pretty hard to explain why wolf!Zelphas killed Caoimhin by the same logic. I'm making the argument anyway.)

    That's about all I can think of otoh. I'm probably not out of my wolfrange on the strength of my ISO alone, but that is basically impossible for me to accomplish that without dedicating far more time than I have to a game these days. But I do think a lot of the things that have happened this game are just... not sound strategic choices for wolf!me to make.

    Wolf!Zelphas case will probably be tomorrow since I will actually have to reread stuff to make it. lmk if you want me to clarify or elaborate on anything.
    I'm writing stuff, come and read it!
    Werewolf games won: 28
    Werewolf games lost: 19
    Games as town: 29.5
    Games as neutral: 6.5
    Games as wolf: 11
    Games narrated: 2
    Deaths: 31

    Extended Signature

  6. - Top - End - #366
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Athedia's Avatar

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    Default Re: Graduates of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    I was just rereading Bladescapes abilities and it very specifically says for Ultimate Magician that the swap only swaps stuff that was *specifically targetting*. Which means you Snow were likely bladescapes crush. The wolves targetted you, and you were protecting Bladescape. Your protect got swapped to Zelphas, but the wolf attack against you wasn't something that specifically targetted bladescape, it was a knock on effect of being his crush. So you were spared, Bladescaped died and it fell down in Zelphas's favor.

    That day was the one day that wasn't squaring for me. Why would the wolves target their own and how would Zelphas have been the original target. But on a closer reading it makes sense.

    Zelphas was the one to bring us the name ultimate manipulator as well.

    So... either Snow you are on my team and after the game I will deeply apologize for pushing so much at the end.

    Or you are the wolf and it was another masterful play. But you are correct in that your behaviors haven't super lined up with distancing yourself and if I was willing to keep lying about being blackened there is no reason the wolves wouldn't.

    Zelphas unless I get a totally 100% flawless breakdown.

  7. - Top - End - #367
    Troll in the Playground

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    Mar 2012

    Default Re: Graduates of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    I don't have a flawless breakdown. I don't think I even have a breakdown at all, really.

    I was the first one to push dakrsidder on the Trial that caught them, but there was probably enough evidence beforehand for Snowblaze to retroactively say that I was cutting off a scum "buddy" of mine that was already revealed.

    I didn't vote against Mossdragon at first, and changed my vote last-minute, which probably looks like it counts against me as well.

    Athedia, your reveal as the Ultimate Moral Compass is credible enough to me to switch my vote to Snowblaze, on the slightest hope that my day one tunneling was actually right after all and they are really the last wolf.

    I bungled this game enough already, and I'm too tired to make a valid case. Let's just get this over with.
    Originally Posted by Xefas:
    "I need the Goblins in phalanx arrangement. Sky Blotters in the back! Swissles? Assume the Swizzle Stick Formation! We're going in!"
    What Pokemon am I?

  8. - Top - End - #368
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Dec 2019

    Default Re: Graduates of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    Athedia, no need to apologise, being incorrectly suspected is part of the game and I don't think you've been unfair to me. Also I am lowkey mad at myself for not figuring out the bladescape thing. If I had a nickel for every time bladescape and I have had a doomed romance ending in his death, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's strange that it's happened twice.

    In Zelphas's defence (even though that's against my interests atp, lol) I have also confirmed the existence of the Ultimate Manipulator. Which means he gave the actual name of his Black talent rather than making something up... eh. Don't think that's enough to tip the scales, for me at least.

    Anyway. Wolfcase. Might not do the full thing because lack-of-time but I can at least manage a couple of paragraphs.

    I think the main thing is that his entire claim feels very convenient. "My investigations can't be disrupted" is basically the perfect fakeclaim for a wolf - or possibly even a truthful claim as a wolf, since that power would be pretty useful in allowing wolves to gain information while shutting down town's ability to do so simultaneously. But it's difficult to test and gives the option for a fake result to screw someone over.

    I'm majorly biased here but the part where he claimed I killed bladescape is also kind of suspicious. "So, yeah, I have this whole other power I never mentioned, and now it's endgame I've used it to prove that this fairly suspected player is a wolf". It feels kind of tunnelly to add the fact he never claimed any other results from that power to the list - actually wait I'm not sure that even holds, wasn't it every night before the bladescape death the killer was probably Dakrsidder who was sulking - okay, fine, that point's invalid. But yes, it is Convenient(TM).

    Also there's the question of "why is he still alive". If he's town wolves could probably have deduced his power (at least the "investigations can't be disrupted" part) several phases ago, and that kind of power would be pretty high on wolf!me's "kill asap" list, and yet... here he is in F3.

    And the whole part where he suddenly turned round and suspected you... that doesn't seem like believable progression from "my investigations prove Snowblaze is the killer" at all. I think it makes a lot of sense from the perspective of a wolf who suddenly realises "wait, no, if I'm claiming to be blackened and I 'know' Athedia is blackened then the only explanation for the game still being ongoing is that Snowblaze is town and not blackened" and panics because they've accidentally locked themselves into a 1v1 with "confirmed town".

    Plus Caoimhin's and my investigations from when bladescape (I think it was bladescape?) died said the killer was hanging out in the Cafeteria, and Zelphas is the only one who was hanging out there that night and hasn't died and flipped town.

    If I get time and motivation in the next few hours I might do some more. Probably not though, so hope this is sufficient.
    I'm writing stuff, come and read it!
    Werewolf games won: 28
    Werewolf games lost: 19
    Games as town: 29.5
    Games as neutral: 6.5
    Games as wolf: 11
    Games narrated: 2
    Deaths: 31

    Extended Signature

  9. - Top - End - #369
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Athedia's Avatar

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    Default Re: Graduates of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    The accusing me did stand out as strange since he had stated earlier that he knew "without a doubt" that I wasn't the killer before.

    Also you only get an apology after the game. If you were White Team.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Just a lot of pressure rn because my vote wins or loses it right here. 2 hours 6 minutes and I am so nervous.

  10. - Top - End - #370
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Dec 2019

    Default Re: Graduates of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    Well, no need to apologise after the game then. (I am White team. (Obligatory "I would say that if I wasn't."))

    And yes, the nervousness is relatable. I'm ninety-something percent sure I'm voting the wolf but there's still a voice in the back of my mind saying what if... and you never actually reread the entire thread and ISOed Zelphas how can you be certain?

    But setting tinfoil aside I still can't actually construct a believable wolf!you world so. One hour and eleven minutes.

    I will be afk for most of them if I have sufficient self-restraint, which knowing me I do not.
    I'm writing stuff, come and read it!
    Werewolf games won: 28
    Werewolf games lost: 19
    Games as town: 29.5
    Games as neutral: 6.5
    Games as wolf: 11
    Games narrated: 2
    Deaths: 31

    Extended Signature

  11. - Top - End - #371
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Athedia's Avatar

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    Default Re: Graduates of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    25 minutes, I am metaphorically pacing in my office at work

  12. - Top - End - #372
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Aug 2014

    Default Re: Graduates of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    The game is over. Please wait for narration.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Spoiler: Vote recap
    Zelphas : 2
    Snowblaze : 1
    "Is that your final word? Very well, then..."
    Monokuma lets the suspens run for a moment that seems to last an eternity.
    "Zelphas... is not part of the Black team ! You lose !"
    Monokuma laughs in a tone more menacing than ever.
    "Take him away, boys !"
    Spoiler: Execution
    Other Monokuma bears show up. Zelphas is chained and dragged into a narrow cell, which is then dropped into a pool of water, where he drowns.

    Monokuma drops from the judge bench and points Snowblaze towards a backstage elevator.
    "This elevator will carry you straight to the surface. Congratulations ! You deserve your prize in full."
    As soon as Snowblaze gets in, the elevator closes and starts moving.
    "You will get to meet the Ultimate Despair in person ! Lucky you !"

    Monokuma then turns to Athedia with what looks like a sinister glare.
    "And as for you..."
    He drags you back all the way to the gigantic sas at the entrance of this facsimile of Hope's Peak. The door slowly opens.
    "You get to play again with an Ultimate Survivor perk ! Lucky day for everyone !"
    Monokuma laughs as the opens sas reveal a large circular room with dozens of similar doors in every direction.
    "Welcome to the Pits of Despair !"

    The game ended in a victory of the Black team and the Ultimate Stalker.
    Yes, I am slightly egomaniac. Why didn't you ask?

    Free haiku !
    Alas, poor Cookie
    The world needs more platypi
    I wish you could be

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari
    Also this isn’t D&D, flaming the troll doesn’t help either.

  13. - Top - End - #373
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Surely not here?!?

    Default Re: Graduates of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    Ok I know I might have seemed lonely in deadchat but you didn't *have* to go for max deaths :P
    I play W/W Mafia! I still claim I was Town all along! Believe me!
    Spoiler: Idea stolen from Snowblaze

    W/W games played (excludes spectating) total: 11
    W/W games won: 7
    W/W games lost: 5
    W/W games narrated: 0
    W/W games spectated: 5
    W/W games as wolf: 3
    W/W games as Town: 6
    W/W games as Neutral: 2
    W/W games as Other: 0

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