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  1. - Top - End - #721
    Troll in the Playground

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    Mar 2012

    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    Round 6... ish

    Gabriel glares at Floral's outstretched hand, golden eyes bright with hate. With an enormous flap of her wings, she disappears into the air, dwindling quickly into a speck in the sky. For a moment, that seems to be all, until--

    With a shriek of fury, Gabriel drops towards the cocooned shape of Manchineel, her wicked, oversized talons outstretched.

    Heedless of the danger, Lucia's translucent gaze slips over the four of you as though she is looking at you from a distance. "You can't see it--feel it? That's... that must be good," she says to Nope, looking through him. "I tried to--or wanted to--make a place where it wouldn't want to go. Maybe I did that. That would be good, wouldn't it? Or maybe it would go wherever I am. It's claws--I don't know if they went away."

    Her eyes move towards Helios next, and she frowns faintly. "I don't know what to do," she says, her voice oddly petulant. "Calming down isn't doing, it's not doing. That isn't helpful. I need to hide, and I don't know where... can I go back? Maybe losing myself was the only way to lose it too...

    Spoiler: Expertise (Magic, "Magic", and/or Metaphysics) DC 20, nested
    All right, given what Helios has seen/expressed and what Lucia is saying, you can understand that her makeup, or essence, or what have you, is currently so intertwined with whatever is chasing her that separating the two isn't a straightforward task... but that only rules out the direct route. The person of Lucia and the power that welled up at Camp Bubble Brook are still two separate things; maybe, with some more prodding, you can find a way to... emphasize that difference by removing something else.

    Spoiler: DC 25
    Or you can be clever and come up with a concept immediately. If Nope can define and negate the relationship between Lucia and the power at Camp Bubble Brook, without negating Lucia or the power itself, he could free her from that influence without negative effects to either side... in theory, at least.

    To one side, the giant, clover-colored tortoise continues to happily munch nectar.

    Spoiler: OOC

    No attacks (pending below), so Life and Death remain in balance. The Persuasion roll isn't enough for her to take any particular action. She moves slightly closer to returning to Manchineel in form and personality.


    Keep on chewing. (1d20)[12]


    A 22 is a little low for her blind rage, I'm afraid--but it's enough to keep her from AoA/PAing this round.

    Move Action: Dramatically fly up, and then down to AB42.

    Standard Action: Use Thwack on Manchineel.

    Accuracy vs. Silken Shields: (1d20+12)[17] vs. 20 or (1d20+10)[26] On a hit, Resistance DC 31 + Penetrating vs. Damage: (1d20+10)[17] Miss

    If that at least Breaches, Manchineel (or Floral, since she's Interposing) needs to roll DC 31/26 vs. Penetrating Damage Linked Multiattack, Secondary Effect Weaken Defense.

    All PCs are up.
    Last edited by Zelphas; 2024-04-27 at 06:31 PM.
    Originally Posted by Xefas:
    "I need the Goblins in phalanx arrangement. Sky Blotters in the back! Swissles? Assume the Swizzle Stick Formation! We're going in!"
    What Pokemon am I?

  2. - Top - End - #722
    Titan in the Playground
    Quellian-dyrae's Avatar

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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    Lily kept her focus on Gabriel. Sparing Manchineel was about as far as she was able to go; she would leave it to the others to actually help her.

    (Because Lily Woods was Lily Woods, she did admittedly have a thought on the subject, one that in just about any other circumstance she would have suggested eagerly purely on its value as an interesting experiment. Whatever, Nope understood his powers better than she did and Helios and Ariadne had a better grasp of magic. They'd either figure it out or come up with something even better.)

    She wasn't getting through, although that was kinda okay because neither was Gabriel getting through Ariadne's shields. Gabriel had splattered Manchineel's minions like the insects they were made from, but her diving strike had failed to so much as scratch the barrier. Not for the first time and not for the last, Lily couldn't help but marvel some at the defensive power of Ariadne's thread magic.

    But she also knew that the threads were not impenetrable. Give Gabriel enough chances to get through them and she would eventually.

    ~Cosme, stop!~ she sent, once again opening herself to that strange communion with nature, the single least-understood ability she had. As before, she pushed it into forming a psychic link, though one that could only work between her and someone else with a connection to nature.

    But that wasn't the only power she pushed, in that moment, although I maintain it was her least-understood one.

    She may have had it longer, and used it more, but she still understood it less than the other power she called forth, then.

    Because scientists had their own understanding of Life.

    Lily's body began to glow. White light, with occasional sparkles of green. It did occur to her that Raphael's power might perhaps be of use in helping Manchineel. But that wasn't the purpose she called upon it for. Again, sparing her was about all the goodwill that Lily had to offer. Someone else more deserving had need of it.

    ~Listen to me. I understand. She hurt me too. I know...I know that it would not be so sad a thing, if Gabriel killed Manchineel.~

    The glow only grew brighter, intensifying, as with a beat of her wings she hurled herself at Gabriel, arm's outstretched. It probably looked like she was trying to grapple her, or something. To physically restrain her. Hah. She could not have even if she wanted to. Gabriel was far, far stronger than her.

    But she did try to throw her arms around her, in as tight a hug as she could give.

    ~But Cosme Muto should not have to live with that.~

    And if she could get her arms around her...she would start dumping Raphael's power into her, wave after wave of it. Everything that she had. To heal her, yes, but that wasn't all there was to it. To a scientist, Life wasn't really a force of healing and renewal, although certainly healing was a capability that seemed mostly unique to life. A force of growth, perhaps, but even that was only one small aspect. It wasn't a power of chi or of spirit, for at least until recently there had been little enough evidence of such things in the physics of the universe. That mages and the mystics might even recognize Life, as the scientists did, as part of the fundamental nature of animals and plants, but the scientists went deeper than that. And not just to the viruses and bacteria, and all the ways that Life could be wielded as a deadly weapon. Even those were just one facet of what science understood.

    To a scientist, Life was the process of cells growing, dividing, and replicating. Consuming energy and spending it. Bonding together into organs, and bones, and muscles, and skin. Reproducing, and passing along their genetic information to the next generation, keeping what worked and discarding what didn't. Evolving, mutating. Changing.

    Scientists had their own understanding of Life. They also had their own word for their understanding of it.

    They called it biology.

    And few in all the world had a more thorough understanding of it than Lily Woods.

    ~It's time for you to come down, now.~

    Extra Effort: Power Stunt off of Flower Power (+10).

    Repair Biology [Transformative] [Transmogrify] [Healing]: Mental Communication 1; Flight 5 (Wings), Enhanced Resistance 5 (Reduced Defense 5); Affliction 10 (Entranced/Stunned/Transformed [Original Human Form]; Cumulative, Concentration, Feature [If used as a Finishing Attack in lieu of killing, or target is willing, Transformed can be made permanent, but doing so sacrifices all of Raphael's power within Lily]); Enhanced Extra 10 (Extra Condition 2 [Impaired+Vulnerable/Disabled+Defenseless]; Limited [Only against this power]).

    Free: Set Favored Environment to Attack.

    Move: Attempt to Feint Gabriel at (1d20+7)[21], including +2 for Favored Foe (since while Gabriel is no longer a minion of Manchineel in terms of loyalty she is in terms of like creature type/power source, which I would figure is what matters in terms of Lily better understanding them).

    Standard: "Attack" Gabriel with Repair Biology, All Out Attacking for 5, Power Attacking for 2, +2 for Favored Environment, at (1d20+15)[23]. On a hit, Resistance DC 22 vs. Cumulative Concentration Entranced/Stunned/Transformed [Original Human Form], and also Impaired+Vulnerable/Disabled+Defenseless for purposes of this power. Descriptor-wise this a painless healing effect (although still registers as an attack if the target is not willing), with Entranced and Stunned simply being from the fact that it's kinda hard to do anything while your entire body is part-way through the process of being restoratively transformed. Ehhh...might land if the Feint succeeds I guess?

    Current Status: 1 Bruise, Fatigued, Exhausted as of next turn, AoA -5, Floral Blood (-5 Def/+5 Res).
    Last edited by Quellian-dyrae; 2024-04-27 at 07:47 PM.
    A role playing game is three things. It is an interactive story, a game of chance, and a process in critical thinking.

    If brevity is the soul of wit, I'm witty like a vampire!

    World of Aranth
    M&M 3e Character Guide

  3. - Top - End - #723
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Jul 2020

    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    Ariadne maintains her webwork of magical silken barricades by flicking her needle through the air, in elaborate stitches and figure-eights. She keeps an eye on Lucia, and listens to her reflections and her response to Helios.

    "Engoní," says Ariadne the Elder internally, with a gentleness that Kal has never heard before. "Let me speak with her, hm? There is something I would like to say." Kal's mind slips into the back of her consciousness, still aware of her surroundings, and Ariadne takes over in full. The red thread flows over and coats Kal's body completely, almost like a liquid, and a red replica of her golden mask appears on her face.

    Ariadne drifts over to Lucia, hovering above the ground by way of red threads buoying her like wires on a stage actor. As she approaches Lucia's unmoored spirit, she meets her gaze.

    "A very, very long time ago, I was in a situation not entirely different from yours. I was trapped in a maze, you see. The largest one that had ever been built. 'The labyrinth,' maybe you have heard of it, hm? Awful thing. A million winding passageways, leading to a million dead ends. All while something lurking in the shadows hunted your every step. The story goes that the Minotaur found everyone and gobbled them up quick, but such was not the truth for many of the people condemned to that miserable hell. Some people spent weeks, months, years trapped in the maze, every waking moment a nightmare as they hid from a demon they could not see."

    Ariadne looks down at the body of Manchineel, still lying on the ground. "You are lost in a labyrinth of your own, I fear. Also stalked by something that dances at the edges of your eyes. It takes such courage to continue on in that wretched place, to keep peering down corridors with the hope that escape is near, to keep hiding when a part of you wants to be caught so the nightmare can finally come to an end. My tenure in the maze was brief compared to many. And I was equipped better than most." A pattern of red thread skitters through the air by Ariadne's face, as if aware of being mentioned. "But my greatest resource was not my magic, it was the people that were thrown in beside me."

    "There is a strange power in being surrounded by friends, in times of suffering. I cannot explain it, yet I know that it is the reason I survived the horrors of the labyrinth. My magic was no small comfort, but what kept my mind intact was knowing that when I reached a dead end, I would turn and see not just yawning darkness staring back, but the faces of my companions, anguished but hopeful that we would survive. You have been alone up until now, but no longer. We can be your allies, Lucia. We can be the faces staring back at you from the dark, so you know you are not alone in this maze of dream and doubt."

    "The end of your labyrinth draws near -- this I know to be true! You mustn't despair, when the exit lies just before you. Let me be your red thread, to paidí mou. Let me guide you back to the warmth of day."

    Ariadne extends a hand towards Lucia's wraithlike spiritual form.

    "Sing in me, O Muse! And through me, tell the story of this woman, Lucia Urquhart."

    Spoiler: OOC
    Persuasion check to soothe Lucia: (1d20)[3]

  4. - Top - End - #724
    Titan in the Playground
    Ridai's Avatar

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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    Nope feels very out of his depth in regards to the problem of separating Lucia from whatever necromancy stuff happened at the camp. He had to get into metaphysics to make sense of the forgotten doors, but it's not like he has a decent grasp on how the hell those happen. His knowledge of magic is more rooted in fantasy stories where they seemingly relate kinda-sorta to what is actually happening. Camp too far away to get there quickly and check things.

    So... Nope has to rattle off thoughts in hopes of something forming that might help, muttering as fast as he can in an instance of rubber duck debugging. "Lucia: life, soul, human, powers emerging, possessed/tainted/submerged. Death well: death, darkness, capturing souls, siren banshee, malevolent, hijacking host with powers. Death well keeps souls from afterlife, is there an afterlife, doesn't matter, doesn't actively spread, does it feed, if it doesn't, tied to universal concept of Death, does Death include souls leaving or not, just biological death, absence of life, souls untethered from bodies, doesn't make sense, why infest living, is it soul magic, is it negative energy, does it have agency, does it want to spread death through Lucia, is it all an accident because of her powers, consuming force, but it has presence, dumb animal god consuming life, does it have intellect, Lucia wanted place it doesn't want to go, place is Order, is Death entropy, losing self being hope of making Death go away, does it feed on order, erode, but why keep shades, camp still exists, is Death Order, unchanging stillness, everything repeats, cosmic hamster wheel, full entropy means no life, no life no death no order, humans and nature in flux, creatures of entropy, humans trying to bring order, does Death like buildings and right angles, internet fan raging at original being changed, capture all that is and preserve the eternal soul without decaying body, was siren willful creation or force of nature, but ghosts were twisted, is this undeath, the Dark Souls of camps, Dark Lord ending, no fire left, all is still, decay and dementia, does it hate life or want order or both, Manchineel wasn't spreading death, converted rather than destroyed, siren imprisoned souls against their will, leftovers of siren instantly ate through floor, is it entropy after all-"

    Nope shouts over to Lucia. "Lucia, did you create Order because it hates it, or did it make you create Order?" Axiomatic and chaotic forces are opponents, humans are neutral in nature, pure axiomatic and pure chaotic does not mesh with human.
    Last edited by Ridai; 2024-05-01 at 05:17 AM.

  5. - Top - End - #725
    Troll in the Playground

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    Mar 2012

    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    Round 7

    Now, Gabriel has been without human contact--and especially without human touch--for several months. It's possible that she is just touch-starved enough to--no, no, she jumps away from Floral's attempt to hug her as though it's the most dangerous thing on the field, flapping slightly into the air as she did so. Even as she runs, however, her eyes are tracing around, following the red threads back to their source. An instant later, she rockets towards Ariadne, aiming to knock the thread-weaver away from Manchineel's side and possibly free up Manchineel's form for a finishing blow.

    Before that strike lands (if it lands), the wavering shade holding Lucia's form looks up at Ariadne, her translucent shape becoming vaguely clearer. "Um..." her brow furrows. "Do I... know you? I don't understand..."

    Nope's shout draws the figure's attention more clearly, and Lucia grows slightly clearer even as she speaks confusing words. "Order... order, no, I... the diagnosis was given to me on a Monday, which meant it was good--or could it be a diagnosis? Is that a diagnosis? It was an even time--2:12--a palindrome and an even time, so it was good, it should have been good, but it wasn't, it was bad... You hear the jokes, the lines about it , but OCD isn't really like that, she promised, and promised there were steps we could take. That's right... but it wasn't so bad, the world wasn't so disordered, before..."

    Spoiler: Nope
    You're not quite correct, you can tell, but there's still information here: whatever is affecting Lucia enhanced something about Lucia that she considers bad. That might be a thread to pull.

    At Manchineel's side, the Raskovnik continues its peaceful forage.

    Spoiler: OOC


    Continued conversation brings continued clarity, but no direct action as of yet.


    Move Action: Shift to AB46.

    Standard Action: Use Talon Kickback on Ariadne, All-Out Attacking for 5. (1d20+17)[26] On a hit, Resistance DC 31/26 vs. Penetrating Damage Linked Launch (down and away from the battlefield). Gabriel shifts back up to AB42, next to Manchineel. Hit, not enough for Penetrating.


    Eat?: (1d20)[8] Not much...

    Keep going, PCs!
    Last edited by Zelphas; 2024-05-03 at 10:40 PM.
    Originally Posted by Xefas:
    "I need the Goblins in phalanx arrangement. Sky Blotters in the back! Swissles? Assume the Swizzle Stick Formation! We're going in!"
    What Pokemon am I?

  6. - Top - End - #726
    Titan in the Playground
    Quellian-dyrae's Avatar

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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    ~Darn it, Cosme, you're the one who asked me if I could turn you back! Let me turn you back!~ Lily sent exasperatedly as Gabriel dodged her. Gabriel's power came from a different sourceShe didn't give up though, her wings launching her after her friend as she made another attempt to lay hands upon her and deliver a wave of Life-aspected transformative power.

    Move: Into AB45.

    Standard: Attack Gabriel with Repair Biology, All Out Attacking for 5, Power Attacking for 2, +2 for Favored Environment, -2 for Exhausted, at (1d20+13)[22]. On a hit, Resistance DC 22 vs. [Transformative] [Transmogrify] [Healing] Cumulative Concentration Entranced/Stunned/Transformed [Original Human Form] and also Impaired+Vulnerable/Disabled+Defenseless against this power only.

    Current Status: 1 Bruise, Exhausted, AoA -5, Floral Blood (-5 Def/+5 Res).
    Last edited by Quellian-dyrae; 2024-05-04 at 12:50 PM.
    A role playing game is three things. It is an interactive story, a game of chance, and a process in critical thinking.

    If brevity is the soul of wit, I'm witty like a vampire!

    World of Aranth
    M&M 3e Character Guide

  7. - Top - End - #727
    Ogre in the Playground
    Dorni's Avatar

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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    Lucia was talking. Good. As long as they kept her talking he could help her. Even better, she was making at least a little bit of sense.

    A berserk Gabriel dive-bombing Ariadne was less good.

    Helios wove Air, shaping it into a net and flung it at Gabriel with a gesture.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Free: Set Spells to Strength 10, Affliction [Impaired & Fatigued / Disabled & Stunned] (Cumulative)
    Move: -
    Standard: Attempt to Use spell to Grab Gabriel. AoA 5. (1d20+15)[16] On hit, DC 25/20 vs Grab/Affliction.
    With your every step, these grand adventures shall grow more distant and faint. And there may come a day when you forget the faces and voices of those you have met along the way. On that day, I bid you remember this... That no matter how far your journey may take you, you stand where you stand by virtue of the road you walked to get there.

  8. - Top - End - #728
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    Completely off the mark, god damn it. But at least something else came up. "I'm trying to figure out the steps to help you with what's going down right now, Lucia." It's probably obvious, or maybe not in Lucia's current state. Maybe saying so doesn't do much either, it's unclear how much Lucia does and doesn't really hear or comprehend. But he can at least try.

    Nope looks down, bent, hands near face, fingers moving occasionally, erratically, fists sometimes balling, sometimes opening, just anything to somehow facilitate a useful train of thought. "Wrong assumption, already had OCD, wrong guess, Death made it worse, why make that worse, is it better senses, see more stuff, camera pans out, objective view, makes no sense, why make senses better, frickin pun, is it evil, does it skew perception, Mr. Frodo, why would Death do that, what's connection with Death, what definition of Death, frickin' fantasy bull****, attack angle change, heighten negative parts, is it negative energy in the downer meaning, from bad to worse, you always crit against yourself, know how that feels-" Gabriel comes screeching down at Ariadne, battering her away, bird lady Cosme lands next to Manchineel/Lucia. Keeping the intrusive thoughts out of the stream of consciousness is getting more difficult. "-Death the evil mirror you, does it point out all flaws, does it heighten all flaws, does it heighten all flaws, does it heighten suffering, aim for maximum damage or low hanging fruit, does it speak, evil inner monologue, just evil by presence, does it infest everything or just OCD, does it infest, is it the OCD now or deeper level, is OCD the open gate, are other things attack vectors, is it already inside, does it need to keep going inside, said she feels the claws again, is Death riding on stress, do satisfying experiences close gate, visual ASMR, Death negativity, too broad or off the mark or right, personal lens skewing analysis damn it-"

    He looks to Lucia again. "Lucia, do you remember being here in this place, nothing else being there, everything being in order, did you feel the thing's claws?" Why did the average loser get saddled with the Dwarf Fortress destructo power for the 160+ IQ and EQ crowd?!

    A connection is made. And it just leaves Nope more confused. "Death-energy makes more Death-creatures, but not if you make it part of you?! Extra Death-energy from Floral brought Death-infection back?! But Death-energy was already there- Death-energy needs to get out of Lily, because bad, but can't go out of Lucia- Remove extra but that reverts things back to square one, but Remove relationship between Lucia and Death is better- how, what, what relationship, do you gaslight fundamental energies into thinking they aren't what they are, does that work, why does that work, how, what relationship between Deathwell and Lucia, how does this magic bull**** work, I don't understand-" Nope is yelling at this point, trying to get his stupid brain to find something, anything remotely like a solution.
    Last edited by Ridai; 2024-05-06 at 06:03 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #729
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    As Ariadne sails through the air, she thinks to herself that pep talks aren't really her strong suit.

    With a great deal of lightning-quick weaving, Ariadne creates a threadwork trampoline to cushion her fall, which unravels the instant she steps off of it. She knows there's no time to waste, as she flies back to where she'd been standing before and starts weaving anew.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Add 1 Bruise, and Dazed.
    Action: Move back to her position from last turn.

  10. - Top - End - #730
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    Another realization hits. At the same time, the very dangerous moment of having had enough hits, which is when action becomes the most decisive, but also the most unshackled by deliberate consideration and vulnerable to intrusive thoughts.


    And Nope hits it. The identifying property of the Deathichlorian transmissions allowing it to do the handshake with the home base Goth Force and thus be allowed to communicate and do whatever necro BS is happening with Lucia is getting removed. Nope is imposing HTTPS-only rules on the necromantic forces if the Deathwell insists on having oh so special gluten-free all natural sustainable Death-energy, so no plebian mass produced Death-energy can mess with it. Magic isn't the only thing that can just decide to do things differently. Open a support ticket, Mystra!

    Nope's head hurts. He doesn't feel so good.

  11. - Top - End - #731
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    Gabriel's kickoff from Ariadne limits her movements, allowing Floral to grab her in a healing hug. The giant bird-creature freezes at the touch of healing light, her feathers and muscles twitching oddly once more while her body is once again rewritten (though this time it is seemingly without pain). The touch of hardened air from Helios' spell breaks Gabriel out of her healing-induced reverie, and she manages to dodge the wind-fist trying to grab her. Her fierce golden eyes swing around to track Ariadne leaping back into the scene, and she opens her mouth to screech her displeasure--

    --When the loudest dial-up screech any of you have ever heard suddenly tears the air into little fluttering bits, shaking apart everyone's plans. Sometimes, when you tried to use dial-up internet and someone was already on the phone, you'd accidentally be able to eavesdrop on their conversation; something similar happens now. The four of you hear incomprehensible growling and chilling scrapes, which are then cut off by an unintelligible voice speaking in the toneless flat voice of an operating service. There is the distinct sound of a phone line disconnecting.

    "...Oh." Lucia's shade sounds... surprised, relieved, and deeply confused, all at once. "The claws... they're gone. I don't... I don't think they're coming back. ... I'm going to go back now. Maybe I... maybe I can take some of me with me, this time." Moments later, the shade sinks back into Manchineel's prone form and vanishes fully from sight.

    Spoiler: Helios, Mystic Sight
    The Death energy in Manchineel changed profoundly in those few seconds. If you hadn't already sensed it before, you would swear that the Death-energy in her has nothing to do with the Deatrhwell--they're utterly unrelated. In fact, as time goes on, it becomes harder and harder to distinguish the traces of Death magic from the traces of Life magic, or simply the life-force of Manchineel itself. You think it's still theoretically possible to separate the two, but it's a much more difficult task now.

    That being said, the Life-energy and Death-energy in Manchineel seem... healthier, somehow. They are no longer in conflict, but seem to be in harmony, which part of why it's harder to distinguish them.

    Perhaps it's because of her longer exposure to Nope, but Floral recovers from... whatever just happened much faster than Gabriel does, intensifying her healing magic. In less than half a minute, Gabriel's form shrinks and changes, revealing a petite young woman with short, light brown hair, curled up on the ground.

    ...Er, make that short, light brown feathers, making up a hair-like crest on the top of her head. And... humans normally don't have long, curved yellow-and-black talons at the ends of their fingers and toes... right?

    Ah well. She's definitely much, much more human than she was just moments ago.

    Spoiler: Floral
    Take a Hero Point for me fiating that Cosme retains some of the animal portions of her Menagerie transformation, since Lily is much more accustomed to working with plant-transformative powers.

    For the first time since you entered it, the unnaturally symmetrical grove falls into full, quiet stillness... except for a giant clover-colored tortoise munching at leaves, but he seems to be harmless.

    Manchineel has fallen.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Battle over! Everyone take a Hero Point!

    More than that: Manchineel Defeated! Everybody take 5 PP!

    More's going to happen now that a League member has fallen, but here's the important stuff for now:

    First, due to the League now seeing you as a threat and time passing to complicate matters: The DC for all Downtimes increase by 5.

    Second, Everyone gets 5 Downtime Actions.

    Third, the next Scene will be a Lull, so start thinking of ideas!

    Well done, everyone! One League Member down!
    Originally Posted by Xefas:
    "I need the Goblins in phalanx arrangement. Sky Blotters in the back! Swissles? Assume the Swizzle Stick Formation! We're going in!"
    What Pokemon am I?

  12. - Top - End - #732
    Titan in the Playground
    Quellian-dyrae's Avatar

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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    The sparkling light...didn't fade from Lily, quite. It rushed out of her and into Gabriel as she put everything she had into healing what Manchineel had wrought, permanently. Or most of it, anyway, but what little traces remained could definitely be filed under "take the win".

    She swayed on her feet, as the last of the energy left her. She felt tired and...strangely empty. Not hungry, something inside of her wasn't there anymore, something that had grown too slowly for her to even really notice it, until she felt the difference caused by its absence. She burned it all, she realized, every last drop of Raphael's power. To excise the power of one member of the Menagerie had taken the full strength of another.

    For a moment there Lily almost wanted to cry, or scream. She hadn't realized it would take all of it! She hadn't known! With Raphael's power she could have...she could have been, could have done...!

    Lily took a deep breath, something she could still do for its psychological benefits even if she had no physiological need for air, and looked down at Cosme lying on the ground, back in her human form - and hopefully freed of the awful biological chains and phobias that had been inflicted upon her as part of her transformation.

    Worth it, Lily told herself. It was fine. She didn't need Raphael's power to be a hero. Humans hadn't reached where they were by having the sharpest claws or the strongest armor. Lily had always believed that her mind was her greatest weapon, and if anything this battle had proven that she had been underutilizing it. Her attempts to play on Manchineel's weaknesses and obsessions, to provoke and disorient her, had done at least as much here as any of her powers or even the Blight she had prepared for her specifically. And now through their efforts, here she lay, defeated.

    ...Wait a minute.

    It was funny. With the whole thing with Lucia, and needing to stop Gabriel from actually killing her, and trying to heal Cosme, Lily hadn't actually had a chance to really let her brain notice but...


    As tired as she was and as belated as it was Lily didn't care! She let out an exuberant whoop of triumphant glee and literally launched herself at her nearest teammate (which according to the map appears to be Ariadne) in a massive hug! "We did it!" she said in an almost dazed tone of astonished joy and relief. "We actually did it! We got her! HAHAHAAA!"

    Lily released Ariadne and pulled the noseplug off of her nose. No danger now. In fact, a valuable opportunity. She made it a point to take several deep breaths of Manchineel's scent, and that of whatever traces of her previous pheromone attack still lingered in the air, analyzing the scent and committing every detail of it to memory. She wasn't sure what the effects of Manchineel's defeat and capture would be on her minions, but she'd bet knowing what Manchineel and her pheromones smelled like would be useful in making sure they ceased to be a bother to anyone.

    "Oh man," Lily said, a bit breathlessly between both excitement and fatigue. "One down, you guys. We can do this. We can actually, actually do this!" The air around Lily was filled with the scent of daisies and poppies, with some hints of sunflower and jasmine.
    Last edited by Quellian-dyrae; 2024-05-08 at 12:03 PM.
    A role playing game is three things. It is an interactive story, a game of chance, and a process in critical thinking.

    If brevity is the soul of wit, I'm witty like a vampire!

    World of Aranth
    M&M 3e Character Guide

  13. - Top - End - #733
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    Ariadne remains awkwardly still as Lily hugs her with glee. Almost in a state of shock, she can't believe they actually managed to take down one of the League. What was once a nice thought but felt unattainable, is finally starting to come sharper into focus.

    "We... really did it," Ariadne says, when Lily releases her. "Soon, things will become harder, this I know to be true. But for now, let us enjoy a triumph. A battle won, souls spared." Explosions of thread above them emulate fireworks, as Ariadne basks in the feeling of a job well done.

  14. - Top - End - #734
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    That... actually worked.

    Nope feels the adrenaline withdraw, leaving behind shaking limbs and flopping onto his rear in the grass.

    They actually beat Manchineel. And saved Lucia from... whatever the hell the Deathwell is. D&D magic has been replaced with IT problems in Nope's mind now, and he should probably quickly figure out how to fantasy those up before the next session to not entirely shred immersion/funtime with real life-ish things.

    Oh man. They went to fight Manchineel and now he'll get to go back to play RPGs and visit Nora again. Damn.

    First part of a marathon done, his brain informs him. Things are only going to get tougher from here. It's only done once the League is no more. Regardless, Nope's brain, at the same time, decides to also produce the happy juices over no one dying, and having been able to save Lucia.

    Remy honestly doesn't know how to handle this feeling of accomplishment. So he sits there, one thin-fingered hand going through a mess of short-ish(?) hair, while the other gives a shaky thumbs up.

  15. - Top - End - #735
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    "Of course you did it! You're heroes!" A familiar voice joins the fray as a pigeon flies out of the odd sameness of the nearby forest, landing on the trampled leaf litter with a slight puff of feathers. "I always knew you could do it! Fantastic! That's one down! Okay! Oh, I need to tell you!" The pigeon, hopping around aimlessly on the leaf litter, suddenly paused, fixing you all with a non-birdlike stare. "I've been watching you all--wait, that's creepier than I thought. I mean, it's in the name--does that make it worse? Back on topic! I think at least a few of my 'guests' here in the Obelisk deserve more than simply being locked away. I've been keeping my identity and their location a secret as much as I can--if my failure to contain things when I came here taught me anything, it's the value of at least thinking of backup plans--and so they could use more, if you're up to it. And so, I made some meeting rooms! Now, I know what you're thinking." The pigeon flaps its wings, avoiding an errant snap from the giant tortoise. It seems the tortoise was more interested in the leaves, so after a pause, Watcher continues. "If you were seen walking into the Obelisk all the time, this whole 'secretly working together' thing would fall apart. So, I thought about teleporting you--I even have a working model all set up, ready to integrate into the birds--but then I thought, well, you all might not like that much? So I got it! If you want to talk to someone in the Obelisk, talk to a bird. I'll get them to a meeting room, and then the bird will transmit your picture and voice to them, and transmit their picture and voice to you." The voice paused and the pigeon ruffled up its feathers. "I reinvented the picture phone. Right.

    "Okay! Congratulations again; I always knew you could do it!"

    Spoiler: Only for Story Purposes; PCs, Read if you wish
    Watcher blew out a breath, pushing away from his many, many screens. spinning once in his chair aimlessly, he snapped his attention to one particular screen. On it, a grim-faced woman with blond hair stalked towards a large patch of overgrown lilies, her arms melting into pistols while her body hardened into a flexible protective mesh. And older Greek woman stood behind her, spinning threads into tiny doll-like figures with scythes to chop at red grasses that sprouted up at every moment. Another woman, younger, seemed to be directing something alien and disturbingly faceless towards a sunflower with fire instead of petals. Finally, a fourth woman, compact, with dark circles under her eyes, fired an array of improbable weaponry at an ever-shifting patch of what was almost empty air.

    Only the most basic of projections, and even he didn't know where the computer got all of the readings; still, Watcher was glad to put that particular near future to rest.

    Watcher said softly, Screen 2245, end current program and run one-year projection," and the images fuzzed to nothingness. Moments later, a new image popped out; a wide view of Forester's Bay. The buildings were cracked and broken. Large patches of the ground were piled high with red sand. A few fires blazed, seemingly untouched. And the entirety of Lakeside was charred husks and melted glass. In the center, the Obelisk still stood tall, untouched.

    Watcher frowned. The ivy was gone, and some of the damage seemed much less, but the majority... He shook his head again and dismissed the image. He'd put his trust in them. They'd figure it out.

    His only job this time was to watch, after all.

    The Calm Before

    Wednesday, September 26, 2018.

    Forester's Bay is quiet. For the past several days. No one seems to know what to do with the news that Manchineel is no longer a threat. Even the other League Members have gone quiet: Lockdown hasn't been seen since then, nor has Apophis; Doctor Proxy is seen so rarely that their absence is pretty much par for the course, in any case. Even outside the Dome, the world feels as if it is holding its breath, uncertain of what will happen next.

    It's the perfect time for a relaxing game night.

    Uncle Bruno (He certainly has a last name, but he very quickly becomes "Uncle" Bruno to those of you who haven't met him) seems to take the fact that he's dealing with superheroes in stride incredibly well. He doesn't ask about your identities if you don't tell him (he knows Nope's, of course), inviting you all in with a jolly smile and a wave of his hand. "I've got all the classics, of course," he says, leading you all to what he affectionately calls his "game space" and the ludicrously overstuffed game shelf there. "As well as a lot of the stranger ones! I thought you all might like something a little calmer, so Catan is on the table, but we could also go to something more intense. It's a few days early, but I can't let the Halloween season go by without playing Betrayal at House on the Hill at least once..." He trails off hopefully. Nope and Lily would know that he's up for anything, no matter what he's leaning towards at the moment.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Okay, this is up, finally! Sorry for the delay. If you have an idea for a game, suggest it!
    Originally Posted by Xefas:
    "I need the Goblins in phalanx arrangement. Sky Blotters in the back! Swissles? Assume the Swizzle Stick Formation! We're going in!"
    What Pokemon am I?

  16. - Top - End - #736
    Titan in the Playground
    Quellian-dyrae's Avatar

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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    Speeches and Shouting

    Lily stepped up to the lectern, taking a brief steadying breath. She was in costume, although of course, that did little to conceal her identity from those who knew her, ever since she had dispensed with her veiled hat after the first Vesper attack. Lily's social skills were well-developed, but she wasn't especially used to public speaking. She kinda idly realized she was actually feeling a bit of stage fright here. Silly.

    "Almost two months ago, I joined forces with three other superpowered people* - Nope, Ariadne, and Helios - with the intent of doing what we could to protect Forester's Bay from the League of the Future. If I'm honest, it had not at the time been my goal, to actually defeat the League. I hadn't believed such a thing could be possible, for just the four of us. The League of the Future outnumbers us, outpowers us, has virtual armies of loyal minions and de facto control of the city. I didn't really set my sights any higher than mitigating the harm they would cause in the service of their goals."

    *If other PCs are present this gets edited to account.

    "...But I've learned a lot in the past two months."

    "First, I've learned that these so-called armies of ostensibly loyal minions are anything but. It's a sham! The Watcher could not truly command the rest of the League, and cannot even secure enough loyalty to keep them from operating at odds with each other! Lockdown compels obedience through supernatural contracts! Doctor Proxy programs his robotic minions, and any task that requires a person to accomplish he achieves through direct mental control! Apophis doesn't direct his cult at all, and they enlist and control their members through threat and fear! All of them have so-called minions who actively want to disband, or even oppose them directly! Let me be very clear to anybody who is considering joining with any member of the League - they are not offering you safety, or community. They are offering you slavery under threat at best and direct supernatural compulsion in the average case! To anyone listening to this who has already been forced to join them against their will, or come to realize the mistake they've made, don't lose hope! There is a way out, and we will help you!"

    "To anyone who believes themselves to be a loyal minion of any member of the League, operating of your own will and in your own interests...I predict you'll learn the truth soon enough."

    "I did not mention Manchineel, there. To be clear, she is no different. Her forces were controlled by mind-altering pheromones and instinctual chains transmuted into their biologies. One of her most powerful 'minions' actively hated and betrayed her; a second clearly opposed her aims and only obeyed her out of a mix of compulsion and fear. A third showed no loyalty to her and willingly chose not to come to her aid if called. The other two were built from animals and lacked the freedom of will to act against her in any case. Abel, Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, and the spy she named Uriel, her Menagerie, her most powerful minions, and not a single one of them held any actual loyalty to her. They were her victims as much as anybody subject to her Punishments."

    "But it's also a moot point. Because the second thing I learned is that we are not outpowered! Because this past Sunday we took the fight to Manchineel directly and defeated her!"

    Lily's not a professional orator, but even she knows that's probably the sort of place that you pause for a reaction.

    "Manchineel is no longer a threat to this city, and will create no more minions and no more Punishments. Her Menagerie has mostly been captured or disabled as well; the only one who remains active, Abel, we believe not to be a threat as long as he is not threatened. It is my current hypothesis that without her direct control, what remains of her minions will no longer be a particular threat to anybody, but that isn't confirmed. I would nonetheless advise informing a professional of any encounters with Saplings or other lingering minions of Manchineel, and to continue avoiding Manitou Forest until it has been confirmed safe."

    "That's big game, but I want to make clear: the four of us did not accomplish that on our own. People have been calling us the Heroes of Forester's Bay and I mean...okay, sure, maybe. In a comic book sense. We're the ones who dress up in silly costumes and go dispense the superpowered beat-downs to the bad guys, I'll cop to that."

    "But everything we've been able to accomplish is because we've had the support of this community. Helping us learn where we're needed, giving us opportunities to learn about our foes or neutralize their minions, keeping us informed of the biggest problems so we can react to them when they come up, and even working to solve several of them directly, freeing us up to act in the ways that get the greatest advantage. We could never have come this far without that support, guidance, and assistance."

    "So be it known to the League of the Future! You are not in control! You do not rule this city, whatever districts you may purport to claim for your own! You can't even command the loyalty of your own forces! You're not fighting four newbie supers! You're fighting the collective will and heart of the strongest ****ing town in the Midwest! You can try to threaten us! You can try to hurt us! You can try to enforce your will, on power alone! But it won't work, because we're Forester's Bay! You can't stop us, and now we've seen you bleed!"


    "One down, everyone. Th- Four to go."

    Lily turned, took a step away from the lectern, paused, and then stepped back up to it. "Oh, um. One more thing," she said. "Just, kind of, on a personal note?"

    "The name, is Floral."

    Spending that last Hero Point I saved to Edit Scene. Between everything in that whole speech about loyalty and such, that last "slip of the tongue" at the end gets generally taken by the League to mean that one of them are working in opposition to the rest, but they have no evidence as to which. Basically the Hero Point is meant to ensure that Watcher doesn't get any undue suspicion cast on him, it gets distributed evenly among them.
    Last edited by Quellian-dyrae; 2024-05-19 at 11:16 AM.
    A role playing game is three things. It is an interactive story, a game of chance, and a process in critical thinking.

    If brevity is the soul of wit, I'm witty like a vampire!

    World of Aranth
    M&M 3e Character Guide

  17. - Top - End - #737
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    In the forest

    Watcher bringing up possible rehabilitation of... well, effectively their captives does touch on something that has been bothering Nope. "Thank you. I've been wanting to do something about Wrath and Pride's condition. If what just happened is possible, maybe that's also in the cards."


    Speeches and Shouting

    Nope is present, but honestly, he is not one to get into speeches or posturing. Hell, he hated doing anything in front of the class back in school. His only really public appearance was after his major screw up with the insect Removal, and that was... yeah, that entire situation is going to haunt him until the day he dies. Thus, he hangs out in the back, more or less. People seem scared of him anyway.


    The Calm Before

    "Hey guys," Remy greets the others as they arrive. He is still looking bordering on dangerously thin, even if much of it is hidden by the baggy hoodie and sweatpants, but he seems to be in good spirits still wishes Nora could be there as well, which dings things a little) and like he has actually been able to get some sleep. "I managed to scrounge together enough to make pull apart bread." The flat sure smells like it.

    "Maybe Catan first as a primer, that's relatively simple to explain and doesn't take that long. Maybe then Betrayal? I can do setup pretty quick. Kind of wish we could get Fantasy Realms in here." "In here" meaning "the Dome". Meanwhile, he is already snacking on the snack bread, especially after he has been told he should be eating more, damn it.

  18. - Top - End - #738
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Speeches and Shouting

    Kal can feel Ariadne's contempt for their public display, crackling through her mind like electricity.

    "I do not understand why we must announce this," Ariadne thinks, irritably. "Perhaps we should send letters to our enemies from now on, hm?"

    "It's not always about the mission," Kal thinks back. "Sometimes, it's about giving people hope. Alien concept to you, I know."


    The Calm Before

    "I didn't know you could bake!!" Kal says, as she tries some of the snack bread. "We'll have to trade recipes later. I can really only bake two things, and not very well."

    "I'm not really a board game person, but those both sound fun." Kal picks up the Settlers box and turns it over. "So it's like Monopoly, but with trading goods instead of money or property? I understand Monopoly."

  19. - Top - End - #739
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    In the forest

    Lily released Ariadne after only a moment, with an awkward, "Uh, sorry." Okay she was maybe a little bit overly excited but could you blame her? She nodded to Watcher's bird (yes the fact he was watching them was kinda creepy but fortunately Watcher had pretty much maxed out Lily's creepiness meter when he told them something like half the birds in the dome were his drones, and that hadn't actually diminished over time because Lily was reminded of it every time she smelled one which happened rather often given the whole half the birds in the dome were his drones thing. She wasn't sure off the top of her head what she could do for the prisoners, just over comms, but there might be something. Lily did have a pretty strong conviction at this point that many of the League's so-called minions were as much their victims as anyone else.

    The Calm Before

    Lily's demeanor was different than normal when she arrived. Partly that was because she was still kinda riding the high from their victory over Manchineel, but mostly it was because Lily was in fact more relaxed and casual when hanging out and gaming with friends than she was when adopting the persona of Floral. Even though she had given up on her secret identity, she still acted somewhat different in costume. She took things more seriously and was just generally...tenser, more concerned about missing something, messing something up, or doing something embarrassing.

    Or at least that had been the case. Defeating Manchineel had helped her see that not only was defeating the League as a whole a real possibility, but that living up to the image of the Floral in her head was possible too. She wasn't quite ready to say she had fully become the Floral she imagined, yet, but she at least felt she was on the path to growing into her, rather than just pretending to be her.

    Regardless, now was not the time for that, now was the time for hanging out and playing games! "Rockin'! I brought fruit salad, brownies, and garlic-and-onion flavored potato chips," she reported cheerily, setting her contributions by Remy's, because you couldn't have game night without lots of snacks that was why! She hadn't done it this time but next time Bruno started up a D&D campaign she was totally going to bring mead. Lily didn't drink much but mead was a total classic and it was literally fermented honey so she had to try that eventually!

    Lily's baseline vegetable transmutation power may not have normally been of much value in a heroic capacity (although it had proved itself valiantly against Manchineel), but for day-to-day life in the Dome it had proven one of her most important, because it let her transmute any vegetable matter into various forms of edible vegetable matter. Two pounds a second wasn't much on a tactical scale, but on a logistical scale, it meant Lily could produce a pound of plant-based food a day for every person under the Dome with less than an hour of her time, conditional on availability of raw materials (while using stored sunlight to fuel a tactical transmutation Lily could create more mass than she started with, those were as always subject to sharp limits on duration; with her base power she had relatively little wiggle-room in terms of changing the total amount of mass). Early on the availability of materials had been a pretty sharp limiting factor, but the fast-growing plants that could be nourished by Watcher's gruel had helped a lot. She still wasn't actually hitting a pound per person per day - she needed to do more logistical work on getting additional materials from like composting and such, and on improved distribution logistics which were probably the more important bottleneck - but it was still a solid supplement to the town's food stores. And while the people of Forester's Bay wouldn't actually go hungry without it and were a tiny population in any case, she could admit that it was still satisfying to the part of herself that wanted to solve world hunger.

    Anyway, point was, when it came to plant-derived foods, Lily could cheat cheat cheat and did not hesitate to do so. While she couldn't produce animal-based products like milk and eggs, there were enough plant-based substitutes for them to work in baking. (The chips were unsalted; there were some plant-based substitutes for salt too but Lily hadn't really been experimenting much with them yet).

    Lily's own experience around Bruno's table centered more on table-top RPGs than board games, give-or-take the odd chess tournament. She'd never played any of the ones that Bruno had mentioned and Settlers of Catan was the only one she'd actually heard of, so she answered the question of what to play with "I'm good with whatever!" Lily's approach to new games was basically to read through the rules, maybe get some clarifications from people who had more experience with the game, and then try to derive the optimal strategy and play it hard. She'd often come across as highly competitive as a result, and to be fair she a little bit was, but mostly it was just that she kinda looked at games as a puzzle and got at least a third of her fun from trying to solve them. Once she was more experienced with a game she'd start experimenting with less-obvious strategies to see which ones worked out better in practice.

    "You know I still kinda can't believe that I never met the nephew of my local GM of the past, like, decade or something until we ended up on a superhero team together. I'm guessing you're more into video game RPGs than tabletop RPGs?" she asked Remy. He literally attacked his enemies by conceptually removing their hit points, so he had to play games that involved hit points, and she assumed if they were tabletop games she would have met him at some point in the past decade. This was a pretty good assumption given she had in fact "met" Remy at at least six different points in the past decade. Lily did seem to be able to remember him since he had revealed his identity, but evidently even seeing him at Uncle Bruno's house in the context of a game night was not enough to retroactively get her to remember having met him before. Possibly if they reminded her of it now it would actually stick though?
    A role playing game is three things. It is an interactive story, a game of chance, and a process in critical thinking.

    If brevity is the soul of wit, I'm witty like a vampire!

    World of Aranth
    M&M 3e Character Guide

  20. - Top - End - #740
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    The Calm Before

    Remy did not expect Kal being excited about being able to bake. That's a first. "I cook and bake with Uncle Bruno, yeah. And I guess I also was the main cook at home at some point." And Remy made himself sad again. But trading recipes came up! "Sure! I have a few that amount of using whatever cup you have around, using it to dump everything into a bowl, mixing, then putting the dough onto a baking sheet. Really easy, turns out really well, very versatile."

    He is in the process of wanting to try one of Lily's brownies when she brings up never having seen him before the Dome went up. Though he does not like the fact, Remy has plenty of experience infiltrating various groups under various identities. Something about him lets him easily blend into the background noise of groups, plus some things he actually picked up from roleplaying (and internet dives that spiraled out from there). He has become pretty good at keeping a kinda-sorta pokerface-adjacent. Lily's words, however, remind him of his intense loser energy and thus deal a critical hit to Remy, visibly hitching in his motions. "Y-yeah, I guess, crazy huh." The thoroughly unkind, reflexive part of his brain informs him that, congratulations, he managed to leave zero impressions on the girl with the 18+ Int and Cha throughout all of the seventeen sessions they played together, and that fact changed only once he got horrible monster powers. Just... just take the L, don't make this awkward for the rest.

    Back to Kal, quickly. "So, uh, there are some concepts like in Monopoly in there, like for example you frequently trade resource cards with other players, and you can build settlements and upgrade them into cities with those resources. Those also let you get more resources in turn. You are trying to be the first to gain ten victory points and have a number of ways to get them. Like settlements and cities give you points, whoever has the longest road gets two, whoever has the biggest army gets two, some special cards give you some, that sort of thing. The rules are pretty easy to learn, but you can do a lot with them, and you have multiple ways to win," Remy explains as he puts down the beginner scenario with the expansion for five to six players. "What color do you want?" Pointing to the red, orange, green, blue, brown, and white little settlements and roads.

  21. - Top - End - #741
    Troll in the Playground

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    The Calm Before

    Bruno takes whatever's left of the colors, letting everyone pick first, and then settles into his usual "strategy" when playing with brand new players: starting his first two towns as far apart on the board as he can make them, and then spending the rest of the game trying to connect them via the most winding, convoluted road you can imagine. It's definitely not a winning strategy--even if he gets the "longest road" points, the resources involved and the singular attention on roads simply can't keep up with more standard methods of play--but it's entertaining to him, and it keeps him active without interfering with the learning curve of the rest of the group.

    Throughout the game, Bruno keeps things moving with bits of small talk, generally avoiding personal lives and the larger state of the Dome unless the conversation is pointedly pushed that way by anyone in the group. He does keep circling back to the D&D campaigns he's run before, asking Lily and Remy occasionally if they remember this or that event in this or that campaign a few years back. It's a little odd, for those who know him; maybe he's looking for more players, and is trying to tempt Kal or Flint into joining a group (or bring Lily back to the table)?

    Spoiler: Lily
    You know, it's odd; if you didn't know any better, you'd say that Bruno was talking about the same campaign when he asked you and Remy if you remembered certain events. But that can't be right. Right?

    Speeches and Shouting

    In this momentary period of calm and quiet, the response from the League of the Future to Floral's speech has yet to materialize. They're still biding their time, it seems, before they'll make their response known.

    Someone else makes her response known in the meantime, however.

    "Was your goal to unify the League and paint the target on you?" Hannah's voice cracks out like a sniper shot nearly the instant Lily enters the room with her, her hard eyes and tense, angry posture belying the attempt at sarcastic congratulation in her words. "If so, then good job. Because that's what you just did. Or has grandstanding as a 'superhero' gone fully to your head?" The sarcasm fades almost as quickly as it appeared, leaving only anger (and to Lily's enhanced senses, fear). "There are procedures for taking down a large criminal organization. Some of them are useless, absolutely, but there's a reason they exist. And one of the reasons is because no matter how bad they are normally, career criminals will get nastier when you try to drive them into a corner. I know you were thinking, obviously, but what were you thinking? I can't--" Hannah seems poised to continue without a pause for as long as you'll let her.
    Originally Posted by Xefas:
    "I need the Goblins in phalanx arrangement. Sky Blotters in the back! Swissles? Assume the Swizzle Stick Formation! We're going in!"
    What Pokemon am I?

  22. - Top - End - #742
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    The Calm Before

    Lily didn't have an eidetic memory, but her memory was pretty good. Remy being uniquely immemorable may have been enough to dodge it, but she had a pretty clear memory of Bruno's various campaigns. She was also entirely capable of reasoning under uncertainty, had pretty good people-reading skills, and could literally smell feelings. All of which was to say that she did pick up on something of a vibe from Remy when she mentioned not having been in a campaign together, and it only took two of Bruno's anecdotes before she put two and two together (strictly speaking it took one before the realization became the dominant theory in her hypothesis space; she waited until the second merely for confirmation.)

    Lily Woods was not, in the general sense, slow to update. "Wait a minute. You were there for that? How was I not aware of this?" And why hadn't they just said anything?

    Speeches and Shouting

    It was important to distinguish your hopes from your expectations. And your fantasies from your hopes.

    Fantasies could be pleasant to imagine, but they weren't theories, weren't credible hypotheses of how the world might turn out to be. Indeed do many things come to pass, but just because the probability is not literally 0 does not mean it is high enough to be worth bothering to assign a number to. The idea that having proved herself against Manchineel, her team having taken down a full member of the League of the Future, Lily's sister would come to realize that she actually did know what she was doing with this whole superhero thing, admit she had been wrong, and put an end to this whole fight, was nothing more than fantasy, and it proving indeed to be false did not have any particular impact on her feelings.

    The hope had been that Hannah would recognize it as the strong probabilistic evidence that it in fact was and approach their next inevitable argument in a more tempered fashion, at least grudgingly accepting that Lily was, in fact, no longer just her helpless baby sister who it was her responsibility to keep safe. Lily did not expect this to be the way reality was, she had the idea flagged in her head as having been generated by optimism. Still, it could have happened. She would have been (pleasantly) surprised, but not shocked. The evidence was in fact fairly clear, and Hannah was in fact smart enough to recognize and update on it. It only hurt a little to watch that hope die.

    But she had, at least, considered defeating Manchineel to be a big enough deal to expect that even Hannah would at least take a moment to congratulate her on it before starting in about how she was an idiot and insane and going to get herself killed. Like, that just seemed polite, you know? She'd given that one solid two to one odds. That Hannah wouldn't even give her that much was, if I'm honest, kinda infuriating.

    "The League of the Future isn't a large criminal organization!" Lily snapped, spitting back the description with contempt. "They're hostile invaders! Enemy warlords! Your protocols are as useless against them as your guns are!"

    She was so sick and tired of being underestimated, especially the way Hannah did it, where it wasn't enough to just call her weak, she had to insinuate she was also being stupid. "Think about it, Hannah! You're supposed to be the tactical genius, right? The League of the Future isn't going to just not notice that Manchineel's been taken off the board. And it's not like there's anybody else in the Dome who could have taken her out. We were going to shoot to the top of their threat assessment list either way. But if we keep quiet about it, that just signals to them that we're scared of them, that we hope they don't notice us. They're predators. Hannah! They sense fear, and they target weakness!"

    "And they don't trust each other. If they think we won because we flew under the radar until we could properly prepare and got lucky, then yeah, it's clearly in their best interests to work together and crush us before we can do it again. If they think we won because we're just that good, and possibly have the backing of one of them? Then it becomes in their interests to wait for one of the other League members to take us out."

    "So no, I wasn't thinking about police protocols for dealing with large criminal organizations. I was thinking about how to win!"
    A role playing game is three things. It is an interactive story, a game of chance, and a process in critical thinking.

    If brevity is the soul of wit, I'm witty like a vampire!

    World of Aranth
    M&M 3e Character Guide

  23. - Top - End - #743
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    The Calm Before

    Remy tries to give Kal and Flint small little pointers to help them learn the rules and what they can do, just to get the brain going without telling them what to do. Catan is a relatively simple game, rules-wise (well, the 5-6 player expansion with the extra turns complicates it a little, but still), but people might not realize how things fit together or how many paths to victory there are. Remy himself keeps to a small area (but with okay resources) and focuses on building tall, so the others have some more room to build. Trading is pretty chill, people tend to be pretty open to trading with people who are nice and non-threatening.

    Then Uncle Bruno started dropping a hint towards that one boss fight against a necromancer called Dagon Daggerdark. The boss sidestepped a trap built by Lily's wizard, only to be semi-accidentally get pushed into it by Remy's thief Wind trying to the Orb of the Twice Dead Stars via what passes as extremely necrogoth chandeliers. That natural 1 for trying to secure a rope from the bone chandelier ended up quite funny, even if it broke the at the time mayonnaise-filled alchemy jug (Wind's most prized possession) over the necromancer's head and nearly all of Wind's bones, which earned the character the nickname "Breaking Wind" for the entire rest of the adventure.

    Remy could feel the danger and awkward rising. Why have you forsaken me, Uncle Bruno? I always wrote the campaign journals...

    So Remy tries to just keep his head down, but then the anecdote of the Grand Cheese Heist came up. Lily was busy planning for all eventualities of getting into the vault to get the Astral Cheese Wheel to trade to a library dragon for the needed McGuffin. The plan went mostly without a hitch, except for Boot's side of things, getting caught infiltrating despite the odds. However, again due to a natural 1, Boot was mistaken for a vermin exterminator by the staff, there to eliminate some mice. Remy thought he might be safe. Until the rats were revealed to be cranium rats, wanting the mind-expanding Astral Cheese. So while Lily and gang were doing a professional heist movie, every now and then Uncle Bruno went "Meanwhile on Secret Boot's side of things", where the cat was increasingly panicked and trying to get the plan work done while getting harried by psychic mice.

    Before he could even react to that second anecdote, Lily already figured it out. Remy is hit critically by the awkward, knocking over a settlement he wanted to replace with a city, and one of his roads. Naturally, nothing is coming out of Remy for a few seconds, lack of social skills for chill and friendly environments kicking in (he only got practice for infiltrating really nasty ones).

    "B-because people always at most remember the characters, not me." People remember the concept of Nope, but nothing of how Nope looks like. Remy would be lying if he said he was not used to reintroducing himself all the time after gaining his abilities. It just became more frequent/severe. Daily checking in with people has become a daily activity, in hopes of not being forgotten.

    And thus, awkward silence follows. Thanks, Uncle Bruno. Good job.

    "So I'll upgrade this to a city. Another victory point and two resources from a roll," Remy says, trying to somehow keep things from getting worse. Ending his turn, Remy helps himself to some more of his bread.
    Last edited by Ridai; 2024-05-31 at 09:40 AM.

  24. - Top - End - #744
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    The Calm Before

    "Uh, I dunno about Dungeons & Dragons, guys," Kal says, a little sheepish. "I'm all for game night, don't get me wrong, but like -- don't you have to dress up for D&D? I don't really have the wardrobe, and I wouldn't know my lines. But you guys could play and I could watch!"

    Meanwhile, she tries to follow along with Catan, but feels like she's missing the point somewhere. How are all these people so good at these games?

  25. - Top - End - #745
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    Kal with the distraction! Remy has heard this kind of thing a lot (well, the perception of needing to dress up is rare, but still), and he jumps on it to make the awkward go away and replace it with nerdiness. "Nah nah, that's live action roleplay, or LARP for short. Regular tabletop roleplaying like D&D, everyone just sits at a table with their dice and character sheets, players describe what their characters do, the Dungeon Master handles all the non-player characters, the world, enemies etc. No need to dress up." A beat. "And yeah, you just imagine what's happening, even if some groups have miniatures or maps or handouts and whatnot." That last bit seems to confuse people.

  26. - Top - End - #746
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    "Oh, ok!" Kal says, breathing a sigh of relief that she won't have to design crazy costumes for her friends that were into some kind of theater fantasy game. "So it's kind of like a board game, but without a board. That could be fun! What do I have to do to make a character?"
    Last edited by Abracadangit; 2024-06-04 at 03:50 PM.

  27. - Top - End - #747
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    "Think about what your character is like as a person and what their motivations and goals are to go on adventures. And ideally making them want to work with a group and not randomly kill people. Pick a race, like human, elf, dwarf, halfling, the works. Pick a class, fighter, barbarian, rogue, paladin, cleric, wizard, warlock, druid etc. If you don't want to deal with the rules all that much, someone can help you put something together quick. If you want to do it yourself, you can do some more customization. Just think of what you want to be in broad strokes, go with what fits that. I played an awakened house cat shooting magic lasers from its eyes due to an angel going 'you're a good little bean, you're getting powers to help people'." Remy shrugs in a very "just go for it" kind of way.

  28. - Top - End - #748
    Titan in the Playground
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    ...That was so weird, but Lily did pick up on the fact that Remy seemed uncomfortable talking about it, so she didn't press the matter. She mostly managed to keep a straight face at Kal's questions about D&D, although the air around her did begin to smell faintly of poppies. "I don't think she ever mentioned it 'on screen', but for the record Nourmea spent about half that campaign trying to figure out if there was a way to get Boot as a familiar," she chimed in with a laugh. (Lily of course would never seriously attempt to do such a thing without working it out with the other player first, it had just amused her to have her character trying to do that in the background.)
    A role playing game is three things. It is an interactive story, a game of chance, and a process in critical thinking.

    If brevity is the soul of wit, I'm witty like a vampire!

    World of Aranth
    M&M 3e Character Guide

  29. - Top - End - #749
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    The Calm Before

    "It is a shame that D&D isn't what you could call a pickup game--though I have plenty of premade characters..." Uncle Bruno says, before shaking his head and laughing. "No, I think we have plenty to play tonight for a relaxing evening. Still, the door's always open; I don't travel much in any case!"

    Spoiler: OOC
    Feel free to suggest other games that you'd all play, or put up little vignettes; I think this is nice as a quiet little group bonding scene, so it doesn't need to worry too much about the structure.

    Speeches and Shouting

    "'Win'? Is this a game?" Hannah's voice is hard, her eyes harder. "For the past three months, the League has been operating under the belief that the only threat to them in this Dome was each other. Now, you proved them wrong, and you think that their next 'move' will be to run and hide? You expect Apophis to act according to your logical expectations? Or Doctor Proxy to respond at all to what we've done? For all you know, Watcher already knew this was going to happen, and has something prepared? And Lockdown, he's a career criminal, so at best he'll see you as a dangerous rogue factor now, to be recruited or crushed directly.

    "And what if you're right? What if the League starts suspecting each other more? What if they decide to go on the offensive against each other? We're stuck in this snowglobe with them, and the only reason most of our buildings are still standing is because the League thought they had a handle on things! If two of them come to blows, what happens to everyone else close to them? Do you think any of them care about bystanders? Do you think any of them will hesitate to use whatever they need to in order to 'win'?"

    Hannah runs one hand through her hair in frustration, her anger giving way to tiredness just for a moment. "The problem, little sister, is that you expect people to think and act like you. You think they'll calmly assess the problem, find an angle that works best according to their knowledge, and work that angle. But most people aren't you. They never have been. And sometimes the least 'optimal' choice just needs surprise to work against you."
    Originally Posted by Xefas:
    "I need the Goblins in phalanx arrangement. Sky Blotters in the back! Swissles? Assume the Swizzle Stick Formation! We're going in!"
    What Pokemon am I?

  30. - Top - End - #750
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    Speeches and Shouting

    "'Win'? Is this a game?"

    "No. It's a war!" Lily shot back.


    "You know, Hannah, you say words that are supposed to convey some amount of respect for my intelligence and reasoning ability, but it's clear from your apparent model of me that you think I'm an idiot. Of course I don't expect them to run and hide! What is your notion of what I am trying to do here, exactly? Do you think I perceive myself as a brilliant puppetmaster who can perfectly model the thoughts and reactions of the entire League of the Future, manipulate their actions flawlessly, and drive them into a trap from which there is no escape? I AM NOT THAT STUPID, HANNAH!"

    "No, I don't know exactly how they'll react, and most of my probability is on 'they'll do something I don't expect, and it will predictably suck'. SO WHAT!? That doesn't change the fact that looking weak increases the probability that they act more aggressively and looking strong reduces it! I don't have the luxury of outpowering my opponents by orders of magnitude and catching them by surprise like you get in SWAT! I have to act in ways that maximize my chance of success despite being outpowered and outnumbered by enemies who are aware of my existence!"

    "And guess what. Giving up? IT DOESN'T DO THAT! Cowering doesn't do that! Playing defense doesn't do that! Yes, there's some risk that if the League conflicts with each other, people will get hurt in the crossfire. What do you think happens if nobody steps up to fight the League? What do you think happens if they coordinate and work together? Everybody's just totally fine and stay fine forever? It's soooo easy to just point out all the ways what I did can go wrong, but that's meaningless! It's noise! It only matters in comparison to the potential harms from other possible courses of action, including no action at all!"

    "I don't have the luxury of being certain. But when I envision possible worlds developing from my choices, the ones where I don't call out the League after beating Manchineel, the ones where I don't try to sow discord among them, the ones where I don't try to inspire the populace, the ones where I don't fight in the first place, all look worse in expectation than the ones where I do. Standard heuristics for dealing with bullies and predators don't change just because they have superpowers. You think I erred? Tell me what you think I should have done instead. Or stop acting like you think I don't know how to reason under uncertainty!"
    A role playing game is three things. It is an interactive story, a game of chance, and a process in critical thinking.

    If brevity is the soul of wit, I'm witty like a vampire!

    World of Aranth
    M&M 3e Character Guide

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