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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Default [IC] Banners & Blood

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    Banners & Blood
    IC thread

    The River Lands had once been a beautiful province, with green fields and blue skies that stretched into horizon as far as the eye could see. Limited by the Silver Moon Peaks to the north, the Crown Lands to the east, and the Great Lake to the west, the land was split into three, raked by mountains like fingers grasping the earth. With access to the sea and a strong fleet to secure it, the River Lands were a safe province for one to live.

    But now it was ravaged by war. A foolish war, if there was ever a wise one, waged by a false king and a usurper. To gain the undisputed support of the Church of Pelor, Wilhem had granted them lower taxes, persecuted pagan faiths, exiled druid circles, and raised several paladins to Generals, promising them lands and castles that would soon be taken from "the false King Harald and his blind followers", as he called them.

    All because one time, over a century ago, the Church of Pelor saved the kingdom from falling into the hands of conspirators by appointing the king's brother to the throne rather than his son. At the time, it was said that the Morninglord "sent a vision to the High Priest" announcing that death and calamity would plague the realm should the prince sit the throne instead of his uncle. And because the Priests of Pelor held so much power, and because a handful of lords and ladies believed the prince to be a bastard, the intervention was successful and the kingdom was saved.

    Now, over a hundred years later, the current High Priest claims to have had the same visions; That Lord Wilhem was to sit the throne instead of his nephew King Harald, and that the realm would be thrown into an age of darkness should Harald refuse to leave the throne. A foolish, foolish war.

    The sky was black with smoke. It billowed from wheat fields and orchards and meadows, and also houses and mills once their inhabitants had been cleared out. "Lord Wilhem is supposed to defend them", King Harald had said, as he commanded his troops to sail to the Western River Lands and set fire to everything between the Great Lake and the Spine. "Let the smallfolk find sanctuary in the Riverlord's Keep, and soon he will run out of grain to feed them. My uncle has limited resources, and cannot bear to wage a long war."

    Thus, While Wilhem's fleet sailed to the capital, Harald deployed a stealthy unit around the Inner Sea and deep into enemy territory, a smaller elite army lead by four hand-picked vassals: Percilla the goblinknight, Luna the emissary of the druids, Ginarie his First Ranger and Cheshire his spymaster. With no more than three hundred horse, they were to act quick and strong, and sail back home without many losses.

    It took them less than a ten-day to ravage the West. The River Lands lacked proper fortifications by the sea, leaving only town garrisons and scattered lawmen to stand in their way. Most of them surrendered at the sight of the column of armored knights, others barricaded behind their palisades, but all lost their courage at the sight of their crops ablaze.

    It was late in the afternoon when Harald's messenger reached the camp. The sunset sky had a queer reddish glow from the crops ablaze and the smoke that rose from them. The plan was to stay there and draw as much from Wilhelm's forces as they could, but that messenger changed everything.

    The commanders gathered in their tent when two knights burst in, escorting the messenger and his exhausted mount. He bore the colors of King Harald on his gambeson, and clutched letter with the royal seal:

    "My Three Hundred and Four,

    It is with a heavy heart and grave concern that I dispatch this missive unto thee. Dark tidings have befallen our realm, as treachery festers within our midst like a foul disease. Know ye that certain lords, sworn to our banner, have turned over to my uncle's side, forsaking their oaths of fealty in pursuit of base ambition and nefarious plots.

    The shadows of betrayal loom large, casting doubt upon the very foundations of our kingdom. Our enemies gather strength, emboldened by the weakness of those who once stood by our side. Peril surrounds us, and the hour grows late.

    In this dire hour, I beseech thee, my loyal vassals, to stand steadfast and resolute. You are to abandon the last mission I assigned you and return to the capital as fast as possible. I hoped to face Wilhelm in open field, but that won't be possible with his numbers. Return to me, and together we shall weather this storm, and emerge victorious against the tide of treachery that threatens to engulf us.

    May the gods grant us strength and wisdom in the days ahead.

    Yours in steadfast solidarity,

    King Harald."

    In addition to it, the messenger said "Wilhelm has withdrew some of his fleet to patrol the coast, my ladies. It will be dangerous to sail back home." And earlier that day, outriders had informed them that an infantry unit was marching south from Riverlord's Keep to push them away from their land. According to their report, they were at least six hundred foot and maybe one hundred horse.

    Percilla, Luna, Ginarie and Cheshire gathered in the commander's tent around a sheepskin map of the River Lands. The enemy pressed them from the north and the south, and to the east their way was blocked by the Spine. They had to make a decision - Hundreds of miles away, King Harald's forces desperately needed their help.

    One of the knights, Sir Brennan, asked the question that everyone was thinking: "What are we going to do, my ladies?"

    Spoiler: OOC
    The red cross marks your position, blue arrows mark Wilhelm's forces. We'll use proper tokens for this, but I'm posting from work now so this is all I could put together. Thanks for your patience!
    Last edited by dangelo; 2024-05-14 at 02:37 PM.
    Running Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: IC | OOC
    Playing Dracula's Curse: IC | OOC | Mustafa

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Oct 2014

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    ((Hope you all don't mind if I speak for you - cribbed a lot of this from the ooc chat))

    There were a few moments of silence around the table. Percilla leans over the table, studying the map.

    "The northern force is 600, with the addition of the cavalry... if we fortify a township, we may be able to stand against them. Going north to fight them knowing what they have is a slight advantage over the unknown of the ships."

    Luna pipes up, "If we're fortifying, I could turn the plants in the area to our aid!"

    Percilla nods, as a soldier rushes into the tent, and hands the messenger a second message, which he reads, before clearing his throat.

    "My deepest apologies, my lady, we did receive word on the southern force just now - they number about a hundred, on the boats."

    Percilla shifts her gaze to the southern half of the map. "If they number only a hundred, then we should head south, catch them in or near a village."

    "Mh, hold on." Ginarie swallows the last bite of the apple she'd been working on and points at the map, between the forces, measuring distance. "I was thinking, if we go that way, they'll have a lot of time - a few days, really - to fortify themselves in the port. Maybe they'll sink ships too, I don't know, but we'll really be pincered if the 600 catch us while we're driving them out. I'm thinking the only solid threat is the enemy cavalry - we've got horses, and so do they - so we hamstring them, and then go about our business. Get close, then run. People always chase when you run." She grins, wickedly.

    Percilla considers, then addresses the messenger, her mind made up and resolve hardening her expression. "Pack up, we're moving north - get together men for a detachment to bait the enemy. We'll destroy the cavalry when they follow our detachment, then head for the mountains."

    "Yes, my lady!" The messenger salutes, then beats a hasty retreat.

    With just the four commanders left in the tent, Cheshire comments, "Sounds very good to me." with a nod, her blank eyes fixed on the map.

    The plan settled, everyone moves to start their preparations. Ginarie puts a hand on Percilla's shoulder, and says, "So, I wanna go on that lure mission, if you don't mind." Ginarie lets her hand drop, and balances on her heels for a moment, adjusting her scarf with a smirk on her painted black lips. "I've got a feeling the upright knights here might want on a little guidance on the perfect time to retreat."

    "Granted." Percilla replies, with only a slight roll of the eyes. "Does anyone else wish to accompany the diversionary force?"
    Last edited by Flashkannon; 2024-05-19 at 01:06 AM.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    Mounting her steed, riding out to the 300 knights as they assemble. Addressing them boldly. Work together as a solid unit and you will live to see the sun rise another day. break formation and not only may you die but you may cause others to also die. Look to your left and right that man is responsible for you and you for them.

    Commanding Presence
    When you make a Charisma (Intimidation) check, you can expend one superiority die and add the superiority die to the ability check.
    (1d20+2)[19] + (1d6)[1]

    We will march north and take the village and you will fortify it. We your leaders will go forth and draw out the enemy cavalry and draw them into the village where we expect you to kill every last one of them.

    When done with her speech Percilla will wait for the other leaders before turning the knights north.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Jul 2017

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    The three hundred fall in formation quickly at the blow of the horn. Since this is a dangerous campaign in enemy territory, King Harald commanded that no camp followers or squires were to tag along, and so the knights look after themselves. They break camp with the discipline of soldiers and are ready to march at first light. Percilla and the other commanders find them organized in a column, thirty rows of ten knights each, dozens of them flying banners with a golden crown over blue-and-silver.

    Quote Originally Posted by Percilla
    "Work together as a solid unit and you will live to see the sun rise another day. break formation and not only may you die but you may cause others to also die. Look to your left and right that man is responsible for you and you for them."
    They bang their swords against their shields in response and exchange cries of encouragement between themselves. "We fight as one!" One of them bellows. "King Harald!" Goes another, and then "Death to Usurper!", and "We ride home! We ride home!". Some of them cry out the names of their own Houses, or the castle where they serve, displayed on the colors of their individual shields.

    They wait patiently until you command them to march, then they will move steadily in a gentle trot.

    Exploring the mountains:
    Once you reach a mountain hex, you may roll Survival to being your search for a way to go through them with 300 mounted knights. A success will tell you if the passage is north or south of you. A failure will tell you nothing. You can only explore each hex once, and it doesn't cost you any time to do it, you just analyze the terrain as you travel.
    Running Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: IC | OOC
    Playing Dracula's Curse: IC | OOC | Mustafa

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Oct 2014

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    Ginarie shades her eyes with a hand. "Ah, men in uniform, chanting in formation. Even under the light of the sun, it's a sight to see." She states to no-one in particular.

    "Alright, Commander Percilla, ready when you are. I'll happily travel by day or night, I don't think it'll make much of a difference for this mission."

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    Standing just outside the tent flap, the tall Eladrin paladin known as Galinmorn nods as the others exit. He follows behind them as they prepare to depart. "Our course is set then?"
    Last edited by Lioslaith; 2024-05-21 at 05:43 PM.
    I like the globe warm...

    If you live for people's acceptance you will die from their rejection.

    Remember, no matter how hot she is, someone, somewhere is tired of her crap.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Jul 2017

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    Two days go by, the Spine growing higher and higher in the horizon as you near them. The terrain grows tougher, and the column now has to go around rocky hills to advance.

    Riding ahead of the column and up high hill, Ginarie observes the terrain and concludes that the mountains can probably be crossed in this region, but a few leagues to the south.

    On the night of the second day, your outriders bring you gruffy looking dwarf mounted on a huge aurochs. He wears mismatched armor and carries battle scars all over his body.

    "I am Durin "Ironcloak", of Clan Merdûk." He introduces himself without any courtesies. "Our leader, Gizmur, wants me to inform you that these mountains are our territory, and you are not to enter. We care little about squabbles of men, so long as you keep your battles away from our rocks."

    "He sends this as an offering." He holds out a dwarven battle-axe, beautifully forged and decorated with thick emeralds. Magic is palpable within the weapon. "A gift, along with the warning."

    He waits patiently for your reply.
    Running Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: IC | OOC
    Playing Dracula's Curse: IC | OOC | Mustafa

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Oct 2014

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    Ginarie regards the axe with some interest, but she's not capable of wielding it, so her attention wanes quickly. She sets her eyes on the horizon, squinting in the bright sunlight.

    "You and Galinmorn are going to fight for the axe now, right Lady Percilla? Don't worry, I won't take sides." She whispers to Percilla, her scarf up over her mouth to prevent lipreading. "More to the point, we have to just... give the army the slip and head north? It'll be hard foraging in fields we burned, though."
    Last edited by Flashkannon; 2024-05-22 at 01:29 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    (Presumed the dwarf is still around)
    Master Dwarf of Clan Merdûk. please bring word to your leader, Gizmur we wish no battle with your people.
    But if we have need to cross these mountains we will do so in the least intrusive manners possible, a few leagues to the south of here.

    Ginarie, I have no need of an axe, give it to Galinmorn and if he does not wish it send it back to Gizmur with Master Dwarf of Clan Merdûk.
    Last edited by samduke; 2024-05-22 at 03:53 PM.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Oct 2009

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    Galinmorn steps up and takes the axe reverently in hand, trying to get an impression if it's made more for the mantle or the battlefield comparing it to his own axe. "The king nor his men wish to draw you and your's into a battle, but we have been called back to the capital and need to get there with some expediency. We only wish to cross these mountains, not wage war in them."
    Last edited by Lioslaith; 2024-05-22 at 05:14 PM.
    I like the globe warm...

    If you live for people's acceptance you will die from their rejection.

    Remember, no matter how hot she is, someone, somewhere is tired of her crap.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Oct 2014

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    "Well don't go tellin' them, what do they need to know?" Ginarie hisses, having handed off the axe. "They've seen our numbers - they clearly think they can outlast, outnumber, and/or outfight us, so they're imposing their will on us. They've got the defensive emplacements, we don't have the full king's army behind us right now, since civil war and all that. So long as our enemies don't get through either, that's fine enough."
    Last edited by Flashkannon; 2024-05-23 at 09:39 AM.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Oct 2009

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    ”Perhaps a mission of dire import conveyed from the king might help to convince them we have a legitimate reason to need to cross over the mountains instead of wasting days going around?”
    I like the globe warm...

    If you live for people's acceptance you will die from their rejection.

    Remember, no matter how hot she is, someone, somewhere is tired of her crap.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Oct 2014

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    "See, the best way around the mountains for us is just going north, and, like, we're going that way already."

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    Durin reflects on the matter. "Your Lord Wilhem has requested that we set up a trap for your army in the pass. Our chief refused his request, wishing to remain neutral in your squabble."

    "If we let you pass and still your King Harald loses the war, the mountain clans will be in a terrible position. Wilhelm will wage war against us, and our merchants will not be welcome in the River Lands anymore. Unless you can guarantee our safety, we won't join one side nor the other."

    "The Narrow Path is too dangerous at this time of the year, anyway. It is wyvern's mating season. Even the mountain clans avoid it if we can."
    Running Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: IC | OOC
    Playing Dracula's Curse: IC | OOC | Mustafa

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Oct 2009

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    ”If Harald loses because we were delayed by the stubbornness of the dwarven clans do you think Wilhelm will be satisfied with simply letting you be? Either one can cut off trade now without having to venture into the mountains.

    Also, the wyverns are looking for things that smell like wyverns, the males likely aren’t even eating much this time of year. Too busy chasing tail, as it were.

    It is good to hear you refused his request and I would point out the Harold has made no such approach to you or your kin.

    Let us pass, we do not hold any responsibility to you or yours for our safety. That is for us to procure.”
    Last edited by Lioslaith; 2024-05-23 at 01:27 PM.
    I like the globe warm...

    If you live for people's acceptance you will die from their rejection.

    Remember, no matter how hot she is, someone, somewhere is tired of her crap.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Titan in the Playground

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    Feb 2015

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    No my fellow leaders we shall respect the dwarves request and remain out of the mountains, we will go north and skirt around the infantry

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    ”Bah.” Galinmorn puts on a sour look as he resigns himself to the others wishes. “I still say taking our chances with the hole diggers is better than possibly running into Wilhelms forces and possibly running low on food.”. He nods to the dwarf and takes his leave, heading down the road to reroute the troops.
    I like the globe warm...

    If you live for people's acceptance you will die from their rejection.

    Remember, no matter how hot she is, someone, somewhere is tired of her crap.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    Quote Originally Posted by Lioslaith View Post
    [B][COLOR="#000080"]Also, the wyverns are looking for things that smell like wyverns, the males likely aren’t even eating much this time of year. Too busy chasing tail, as it were.
    "Har! Good luck with that, sir. Them lizards become more protective of their territory during mating season. You'd be wise to fear them. If we could face them, believe me, we would have. Would make our lives much easier if we could just ignore them, or even just slay them, for that matter."
    Running Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: IC | OOC
    Playing Dracula's Curse: IC | OOC | Mustafa

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    "Mayhaps when we win this war, we can come back and solve your problem for you."

    Once he is away from the dwarf Galinmorn will cast speak with animals and see if he can get a butler or some other common bird that follows armies to keep tabs on the rival group. And ask it to report back should anything happen like a change in direction towards us, etc.
    Last edited by Lioslaith; 2024-05-24 at 01:11 PM.
    I like the globe warm...

    If you live for people's acceptance you will die from their rejection.

    Remember, no matter how hot she is, someone, somewhere is tired of her crap.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    Harald's Three Hundred wound their way through the foothills of the Spine when Golinmorth approached a pair of mountain falcons, a kind of bird of prey who mates for life. With the wyverns agitated, a lot of them had been hunting in the foothills rather than the peaks.

    "They've come to this side of the mountains. They wear blue. Yes, they wear blue indeed, they wear blue." What to many would have sounded like a simple raptor's call, to Golinmorth took the form of clearly spoken words: "On the other side, nothing. No men, no colors. They've all come here."
    Running Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: IC | OOC
    Playing Dracula's Curse: IC | OOC | Mustafa

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Oct 2009

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    "Dwarven wishes be damned, we need to cross these mountains. There are no troops on the other side.
    I like the globe warm...

    If you live for people's acceptance you will die from their rejection.

    Remember, no matter how hot she is, someone, somewhere is tired of her crap.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Oct 2014

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    "Neat bird trick, never seen a hawk lookd determined. Maybe we can follow the river? I don't see the point, though. They're all concentrated on this side? Good. That means when we crest the mountain ridge, there won't be a squad waiting to ambush us. As long as the infantry here are eating our dust, we can make it to the capital unopposed."

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Jul 2017

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    Camp Report, day two
    Twentieth Day of Summer

    Harald's 300 horse: [NW] [N] [N] [NE]
    Wilhem's 600 foot: [S] [S]
    Wilhem's 50 horse: [SW] [S] [S] [S]
    Wilhem's 100 foot: [N] [NW] [N] [NW]
    Spoiler: Day 2 (tall map)

    Morale is high
    Food is plentiful (20 days worth of rations and plunder)
    Running Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: IC | OOC
    Playing Dracula's Curse: IC | OOC | Mustafa

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    Quote Originally Posted by dangelo View Post
    Camp Report, day two
    Morale is high
    Food is plentiful (20 days worth of rations and plunder)
    Ginarie partakes in a few more apples from the stock, and gazes out, down the river.

    "They're working so hard to get south and catch us, but we're already much further north. I wonder, are they trying to meet up with the southern force? If so, they'll be way out of position when we reach the capital." She snickers at this thought.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    Quote Originally Posted by Lioslaith View Post
    "Dwarven wishes be damned, we need to cross these mountains. There are no troops on the other side.
    I will not incur the wrath of the dwarves we may yet have need of them as an ally. No We march north and go around the long way. take a short rest here and then we march on we need to cover distance and tomorrow we will rest.
    Last edited by samduke; 2024-05-26 at 08:06 AM.

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    "You would risk the lives of 300 in order to not make some hole diggers mad?"
    I like the globe warm...

    If you live for people's acceptance you will die from their rejection.

    Remember, no matter how hot she is, someone, somewhere is tired of her crap.

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    "Ugh, this extra marching sucks. Good thing we have fruit still, or I'd complain." Ginarie noshes on an apple, to mask her tiredness.
    Last edited by Flashkannon; 2024-05-26 at 07:00 PM.

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    "We need to stop, give everyone a rest."
    I like the globe warm...

    If you live for people's acceptance you will die from their rejection.

    Remember, no matter how hot she is, someone, somewhere is tired of her crap.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    You feel hot under your armor. It's summer, and you ride under a glimmering sun for hours and hours. Sometimes a scarce grove or lone tree offers a friendly patch of shade, but most of the time you're marching over rugged rocky hills and under the unrelenting sun.

    The knights show signs of weariness too, but hide them well behind their full helms. When it is finally time to make camp, the smell of sweat is stronger than in the past days, both from the horses and from the soldiers. Outriders report that enemy troops are changing course to give chase, but you've put a good distance between you and them already. Despite being saddle-sore, the knights drink to the successful maneuver. "Hail King Harald! Hail the crown!" they sing. "We ride home! We ride home!"


    Camp Report, morning day three
    Twenty-first day of Summer


    Morale is high
    Food is plentiful (19 days worth of rations and plunder)


    Razed fields and abandoned villages spread over the land to the North and Northwest. To the East, the Spine blocks the way like a huge wall, stretching into the distance. The knights break camp and fall into formation, ready to march.
    Last edited by dangelo; 2024-05-26 at 03:28 PM.
    Running Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: IC | OOC
    Playing Dracula's Curse: IC | OOC | Mustafa

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Jul 2017

    Default Re: [IC] Banners & Blood

    The long march took its toll on your stamina, but it had great effect on morale. The knights believe Wilhelm's forces to be left behind for good, and any additional troops he could send their way will have to detach from his main host besieging the capital. You are already saving King Harald, even from far away.

    You make better time on the morning of the fourth day. It's a nice refreshment to leave those rocky hills behind, and after one hour or marching you reach the fords of River Whiteflow, half a mile wide, but shallow enough that your horses can wade through.

    The three of you ride ahead of the column to scout the river. From a lone hill, a safe distance away from the fords, you glimpse a humanoid form walking up and down the waters of the Whiteflow. Its body is entirely composed of water, and it seems to be patrolling the fords like a guardian. If you wish to cross the river, you and your troops will undoubtedly run into the elemental creature. It hasn't spotted you yet.
    Running Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: IC | OOC
    Playing Dracula's Curse: IC | OOC | Mustafa

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