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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Troll in the Playground
    mystic1110's Avatar

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    Default The Necropolis (OOC)

    The Necropolis

    The premise and rules are located on separate documents found on the Discord, this thread is, initially, for the applications for the starting districts. In that vein, below are the guidelines and rules in regards to creating a starting district.

    District Generation

    You must write a description of your starting District. Once this is approved by the GM, you may create your ruler and start play. A district description can be as detailed as you like but should include at minimum the following:

    • Ruler - Who is your Ruler? What are they like? Rulers are presumably immortal, but they do not have to be. Time can work differently in each District, so one Player’s never aging ruler could be dealing with multiple generations of an extended family.
    • Geography – how does your district look? A district could be as vast as your former empire was in life, or as small as a single city, the last holdout before your empire fell.
    • People – who were your people when they once lived, who are they now in this shadowed limbo - how much of the Necropolis do they know? How does their government work? How do their daily lives look? As a bonus - perhaps some info on the people that your Empire once ruled as well?
    • Diversion – Diversions are what gives your District motivation, energy and allows it to remain part of the necropolis rather than falling into Torpor. What game, theater, ritual, sport, or pastime defines your District.
    • Conviction – Conviction is your District’s faith, religion, philosophy, belief system.

    Once this is approved by the GM, you may create your ruler and start play.

    Additionally, since your realm is in fact a shadow of an Empire, it doesn’t enter the necropolis empty handed.
    • Roll a 1d3.
    You will start the game with that many Units, and Mirth equal to 4 minus that roll (so rolling a 2 will grant you 2 units and 2 Mirth at game start).

    In terms of what type of District a player may play, a player may consider an Empire that they previously played with in other Empire games, but fallen, degraded, lost. They can envision a new Empire reaching the height of its powers, only to be usurped. The Necropolis is a realm shorn of time, so any tech level is welcome, although Empires that have flown through the stars will find that technology in this land of shadows and candles is positively medieval, more grim magic than ecstatic science – although one could also imagine experiments in forbidden alchemy or maniacal research into lightning.

    Ruler Generation

    Rulers and Units in Empire die, but Rulers and Units in the Necropolis seemingly fade from existence. Whether one can return from death beyond death is unclear. Rulers start the game presumptively immortal. Whether there are successions are up to the player, but ALL new rulers, hereditary or otherwise roll for new stats as follows:
    • roll 1d4 five times in the dice rolling thread, dropping the lowest roll and arranging the remaining results however you like
    • then add +1 to any two different attributes.
    Additionally, Players are free to keep using their same ruler and simply refresh their stats for upcoming rounds using the same above generation.
    Last edited by mystic1110; 2024-04-29 at 09:04 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Pixie in the Playground
    SerakHawk's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2021

    Default Re: The Necropolis (OOC)

    Prayers of Sunset [POS]

    District: The Fading Dusk

    "Hope flees beyond the horizon
    All ends, everything fades.
    Shadows extend their chilling grasp
    All ends, everything fades
    Day’s Glory from memory slips
    All ends, everything fades
    Honor’s flaws ruthlessly exposed
    All ends, everything fades
    These small remnants soon lost to Black
    All ends, everything fades"
    ~ A Prayer of Sunset

    A glow from over the horizon suffuses the lands of the Fading Dusk in a permanent dull rust-orange coloration. The lands of unending dusk are broken up by a singular mountain shooting upward toward the light, its peak just barely hitting direct rays of the dying sun. The light of the peak hosts the palace of the Eternal Light. As the days, years and eons pass, the palace's shadow flows around the fields of Fading Dusk obscuring each segment in turn.

    Rust Red Buildings reach upward from the settlements built from the base of the mountain up the slope toward the peak all grasping for the fading light. The urban sprawl tapers into farmlands just beyond the mountain's base while the buildings rise taller and taller the higher up the face of the mountain they reach, each aiming for the light of the dying sun. As they approach the Palace of Eternal Light a cutoff is apparent with buildings growing shorter once more, capped in height to remain lower than the start of the Palace's roots.

    The Palace of Eternal Light is the home of the Twilight Sovereign, may their reign continue as dusk remains. The full force of the sun has caked its walls into an otherworldly colorless sheen. The External walls irradiate immense heat, almost scorching those who approach without using the access gates that avoid the direct glare of the dying sun. The interior of the Palace is in stark contrast to the dull-rust coloration of the external city of the Fading Dusk. Greens, golds, reds and violets splash in a diorama of opulence and decadence befitting the Eternal Ruler.

    While the urban sprawl is most evidenced by the myriad of buildings on top of the mountain reaching for the fading light, those who have rejected their hope instead dwell within the confines of the mountain home. Tunnels and pathways crawl and twist through the labyrinth of the deep with markets and vendors accost all who travel by. All diversions and distractions, vices and qualms can be found in the depths, if one knows where and how to look for them. The gaze of the fading sun does not pierce to these depths, and those who descend too deep are lost to any measure of sanity.

    People Remnants
    The Remnants of Dusk are a myriad of races and peoples, melded and mingled from eons past and into future unknown. Race or species had lost its meaning at the dying of the sun and the people have adapted to remnants. The populace is split into two main categories based on their outlook and where they live.

    The Hopeful are those who still reach for the dying sun's touch and wish to embrace what remnants of hope remain in these lands. They inhabit the top of the mountain and are most active as artisans and stewards maintaining what lands they can control and creating new mirth while it lasts.

    The Abandoned are those who have embraced the loss of the sun's life and dwell within the depths of the mountain itself, digging ever deeper into the roots of the darkness. Life has no meaning for the Abandoned and they have no attachments to the world of the living.

    The Eternal Twilight Sovereign has ruled the Prayers of Sunset since the sun died. Its Empire was formed to protect and guard the remnants of civilization in the wake of its death and the Sovereign was rumored to have made a compact to maintain the fading light and steer the course of the remnants until the end or a new beginning. Even the Twilight Sovereign is unsure of when they arrived in the Necropolis, perhaps beyond the end of all things everything lands here in 'death'.

    The Sovereign's descendants are integrated in the positions of power within the Sunset Court allowing the Sovereign to steer and rightfully command the Remnants of Dusk. None have seen the true face of the Sovereign, as they rest in the Eternal Light, the peak of the palace which receives the full light of the dying sun continually searing all others who approach. In rite of passage volunteering family members are offered to the Eternal Light to stoke the flames of the fading dusk, some return from the rite strengthened and empowered, but ever changed by the baptism of the Dying Light.

    The Night District contains all forms of exotic goods, brothels, hawkers, vendors and experiences for all who dare enter its depths and find some meaning within. Beware should you look to long or stare too hard that the depths catch a hold on you and abandon you from the dying sun.

    The remnants of the fading dusk delve into the maze like markets, bazaars and tunnels beneath the mountain taking from it what enjoyment can be provided from within. Parties, dances and brawls breakout spontaneously around musicians and bartenders plying their trade while others find amusement in watching the traffic travel the tunnels.

    The Night beckons to its children "Reject the allure of the dying sun" its shadows grasping outward "Come enjoy the Pleasures and Wonders of the Night"

    Remnants returning from the grasp of the Night District find respite from memories that haunt as what is unburdened in the Night District remains.

    The Dying Light believes in the eventual entropy of all things and the end of heat, light and life. While they don't condone the Twilight Sovereign for their compact to extend the eventual heat death of the realm they believe the eventual end of the dying sun is foretold and inescapable making the Twilight Sovereigns attempt to forestall and remain a forgone conclusion and not worth scorn. Instead the followers of the Dying Light preach of the literal end and death of all things having come, so enjoy the pleasures of what remains while it lasts. Why put off what can be obtained now until tomorrow- tomorrow is likely the end of all things.

    Twilight Sovereign
    Dis: 1 | For: 3 | Ent: 4 | Con: 1
    Units: 2
    Mirth: 2
    Diversions: 1
    Alters: 1
    Lantern: 1 (lit)
    Last edited by SerakHawk; 2024-05-02 at 12:35 PM.
    Something uniquely pithy, while remaining profound

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2024

    Default Re: The Necropolis (OOC)

    District: Hraesholm

    Hraesholm's biome is one of a temperate woodland overwrought with fauna and flora. Trees with gnarled, twisted branches reach towards the sky like desperate supplicants, while thickets of thorns and brambles form impenetrable barriers that bar the way for those unwilling to barter safe passage with blood. The city itself is a sprawling metropolis of limestone and twisted architecture. The streets are narrow and winding, lined with towering buildings adorned with macabre sculptures and flickering torches that cast long shadows across the cobblestones. The Primordial Sanctum lies at the center of the district--a large temple devoted to the Fangborne Covenant, and seat of power for Bloodcaller Valyn and her conclave. This sprawling complex is equal parts cathedral and administrative building--with most of the important business of the Synod coming directly from these walls. Finally, smaller settlements do dot the landscape once one leaves the walls proper, and those who live closer to the wild are treated with the same respect as those who live in the city proper. It is not.. uncommon for a settlement to disappear--or new ones to sprout in its place nearby--usually symbols of an unfortunate incursion of wildlife, and those too weak to fend it off.

    Hraesholm does feature a fairly 'normal' day and night cycle by most terran standards, though there is almost a liminal period at dusk and dawn, where the twilight seems to stretch on longer than it ought to. It is generally considered a sign of portent if sunset or sunrise lasts longer than the other, and the people of Hraesholm seem aware when something is amiss in this regard.

    While various fauna roam the landscapes of the district, the fringes of Hraesholm are where one's mettle is truly tested. Monstrous creatures lurk near the penumbra, their twisted and unnatural forms defying the most vivid imaginations of men--fueled by rage, pride, bloodlust, and madness--but also, faith. These creatures are intensely aggressive toward any form of life other than themselves, and it is theorized they may be a form of jailor for the Synod--trapping them in their collective lament forever as they orbit the Necropolis--until their eventual decay. Jagged spires of obsidian jut from the earth at equidistant points, erupting like some great beast's outstretched claws.. As if some greater force had simply plucked up the lands surrounding the district and suspended it in time. When the sun hits these spires just right, they gleam with a crimson-colored light near the peak, giving the eerie appearance of dripping blood. They are nearly always distant to the viewer--unless they are close to the penumbra, in which case the sudden change in proximity has served to startle more than one weary traveler.

    Spoiler: People
    The Synod is a remnant of a long-forgotten theocracy, whose people hailed from a diaspora of differing nations all united under one banner by might and unshakeable faith. Its detractors would have called them zealots. Yet, as a result of this "encouraged" blending, the peoples of Hraesholm are varied indeed. Most are humans of varying sizes and builds--though it is not at all uncommon to see some occasional animalistic traits--strange eyes, jagged teeth, and so on.

    To some theologians, this is considered a side effect of whatever curse brought Hraesholm to this place of eternal death--a manifestation of their greater sin. This is not a view publicly spoken, however--for those beholden to it often find themselves an enemy of the state. Other species and subspecies of humanoids do exist--and are provided little discrimination based on biology. They are Faithful. Others are Not. That is enough.

    Even the most gentle souls of Hraesholm have an inextinguishable competitive streak in some form or another. Those who lack the heart for the Hunt (see Diversion) often express their superiority in some other fashion--whether ambition, cunning, or a desire to prove their inexhaustible intellect. Many times, this leads to some manner of exploitative behavior--and even crime--but not always. Amusingly, though the rate of crime may be higher than some other districts, not everyone makes it long enough to be a repeat offender.

    Spoiler: Diversion
    For the faithful of the Synod, their only way to feel fulfilled--or indeed, whole at all, is to partake in the Hunt.

    For most citizenry, this can be as simple as stalking the imitations of living creatures that are constantly birthed from the penumbra. Sustaining their place in the natural order as apex predators is an instinctual drive for the people of Hraesholm--a way for one's soul to persist, and just as vital as food or water. It is not uncommon to see particularly arrogant hunters upping the ante as they become more jaded or numb to the pleasure of slaughter. Instead of prey, they will hunt lesser predators. Instead of hunting far afield, they will drive dangerous game through city streets to showcase their glory--all in the hopes of recapturing the high, like an addiction that can never fully be sated. The eldest members of society, then, are not pitied, but feared. What must they have done, and what willpower must they have to have subsisted for that long against the call of blood and oblivion?

    This addiction can come at a high cost. Those who are deemed a true danger to society (beyond all boasting, bragging, and casual, sometimes deserved violence) are brought before a conclave to be judged--and the mettle of their souls tested. Those who are found wanting will find an asphodel delivered to the doorstep of wherever they next rest their head--even if tried in abstentia. The judged then has until the next dawn to conclude any unfinished business and speak their farewells.

    After that time, the petitioner's body is forcibly transmogrified into the form of a beast. They are then tasked with fleeing to the penumbra, that they might leave Hraesholm entirely. Something about the magic ingrained in the ritual prevents any sort of headstart. The moment a petitioner leaves the boundaries of the inner district, the transformation occurs--even if they still have time remaining. It's theorized by some that the greater purpose of this loophole is not to make things harder for the victim--but to encourage them to slow down and visit the last vestiges of their humanity before being swept away by adrenaline and instinct.

    If the petitioner is able to escape alive, with their mind intact, their life is their own. It is unknown if any have ever survived the trek since the Synod was courted by the King of Wax and Wick--for none have ever been foolish enough to return, even if they had.

    Spoiler: Conviction - The Fangborne Covenant
    The Synod was not always this. Once, before they faded from the annals of history, the Faith was righteous and the People were whole. Hunting, while still mired in ritual and mysticism, was a way of worship. Connection to greater forces than any one person could understand, through acts of devotion, service, and displays of prowess. The Faith was unafraid to defend itself or stand against those who would mean to cause it harm. This changed with the introduction of their soon-to-be eternal sovereign. The Synod grew in might, drawing zealous and bloodthirsty warriors into its grand armies--and began to spread its faith by means of force through the land. Somewhere within this grand and sprawling domain, a curse was levied. Savagery would beget savagery. Those who bathed in blood would be doomed to die the same. Little by little, the glory of conquest began to slip away, until the Synod nearly destroyed itself in grand dysfunction--only to seemingly disappear in its death throes.

    Now, what remains is a mockery of the heights of a great kingdom--perhaps one of the greatest of an epoch. The current faith teaches personal valor, might, and glory above nearly all. Violence and supremacy are ever-glorified, while the jaded souls under the banner of the Synod search for a way to take back what was robbed from them--perhaps cruelly without truly remembering what they had lost in the first place--though whether this is a manipulation of the Bloodcaller, a sign of the curse, or the influence of the Necropolis is difficult to say for certain.

    The current religious leadership begins with Bloodcaller Valyn, who is attended by a conclave of trusted advisors known as a samsaeri. The total number of members has fluctuated in history, anywhere between four and twelve members depending on life expectancies and fateful moments that inspire the need for a new confidant to be drawn into the fold. Individual members of the samsaeri are addressed by the title of Talon.

    One peculiar tradition that remains in spite of their turn toward depravity is that of the Feast of Solace. On the cusp of a harvest moon, all blood feuds are suspended within Hraesholm for the three days and three nights it cycles through the sky. It is a time of temporary peace, and those who break it are near certain to find an asphodel awaiting them in the final hours. The impoverished, the wretched, the treacherous are invited to sup at the tables of their enemies without fear, and to partake in what bounty yet remains for the peoples of the Synod. None go hungry, and the ill are tended to with what magic and medicine the fortunate can bring to muster. It is a rare return to humanity--if any such sentiment exists--if only for a time.

    The Synod of Savagery (SVG)

    Ruler: Bloodcaller Valyn (she/they)
    Dis 2 | For 5 | Ent 3 | Con 4
    Units: 3
    Mirth: 1

    Ruler Stats
    Unit Count/Mirth

    Last edited by Stygian; 2024-05-28 at 06:16 PM. Reason: Stole Ducj's formatting

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Titan in the Playground
    Aedilred's Avatar

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    Apr 2006

    Default Re: The Necropolis (OOC)

    The Dying of the Light

    Onende, the Silver Refuge

    The Universal Qeyzer
    Nendir the Eternal

    Discretion 3
    Force 4
    Entertainment 2
    Conviction 4

    Spoiler: Summary

    Ruler: Nendir
    Diversion: Kepyat
    Units: 1
    Mirth: 3

    Spoiler: Ruler

    On seeing Nendir for the first time, seated on his throne, he resembles a colossal statue, though on approach he is little more than six feet tall. His skin is black as obsidian, his eyes somehow blacker still. There is an elfin cast to his features, with slightly almond eyes and pointed ears, and what on close examination is a slender frame, though there is something massive about him. The statue-like impression is reinforced by his stillness: in audiences he seems rarely to move, even to blink. When he does move, it is with deliberation and certainty of purpose. Those who have seen him in battle would observe that this tendency continues there: there are no superfluous moves, merely precise and terrible strikes.

    Some say he is the son of the greatest hero of a dead world and of a fell sorceress. His people worship him as a god, the defiant light that holds the darkness at bay. Only Nendir himself and his closest associates know how true this is. It is by his strength of will that the District survives. While the people of the District worship the gods out of habit, he cleaves to the following of Sadukah and Jagonagir with a private fervour that borders on the desperate. There is no Great Fire to preserve and protect: there is only him. Nendir alone stands between his District and the abyss.

    It remains to be seen whether there is anything he will not do for the sake of his people and his District.

    Spoiler: Geography

    The core of the district is what resembles a huge ship, a cathedral the size of a city, fallen from the sky and, breaking its back on the valley walls burst open to reveal a host of smaller buildings. Making one’s way down through the valley, one finds that these smaller buildings are often themselves the size of palaces.

    It is none of these that is likely to arrest the traveller’s first impression, however. All colour has been drained from the district. The light is in places harsh, glaring a bright white from marble and plaster almost painful to the eye, casting shadows of the deepest black, where it seems no light could ever penetrate, and in other places soft, rippling on a silk dress or velvet curtain - but never does it impart any colour.

    After passing through the Gates of the Martiya, the traveller presses onwards towards the spires of the central district, along boulevards and through winding alleys, surrounded all the while by high arched walls and colonnades, here and there passing into a plaza, often with six sides surrounding a fountain or decorative feature. These plazas and the features they contain may have fallen into ruin, covered in debris from damaged or collapsed buildings nearby, but the inhabitants seem to pay this no mind. Where space permits, a shrine or statue may appear by the side of the road. Some of these are obviously venerated, with fresh offerings and candles, while others are neglected; statues may have limbs broken off, or even everything above the knee. If the traveller can decipher the monumental script on the bases, the traveller might even be able to discern some of the names of these entities.

    A map of the district (not that any exist) would chart various quarters: Lamadyr, Roan, Avali… but many of these would pass without distinction to the traveller. If the unwary trespass into Essera they might regret it, but visual distinctiveness between most quarters has been lost with the increasing dilapidation across the district as a whole.

    As they approach the city’s core, they may be able to make out, in the same monumental script, the letters, forty feet high, high on the face of the buildings above them to their left: S--N-D--R: any others to fill the gaps long since lost to time. Turning right immediately here will bring one to the University Quarter, whose students may even still make a token effort to mix scholarship with their habitual debauchery. As one enters the cleft in the core, to the right is Lagassa, marked by its impossibly tall spires, many of which retain the ancient beauty said to once have made men weep. Assuming they do not turn to their left into the royal quarter so marked and seek an audience with Nendir himself, they will pass on between the two halves of the great edifice, where the valley walls seem to close in, spires reaching on either side what seems like miles upwards, until finally they emerge beyond, to where the dense buildings give way to a gentle slope down to a seafront.

    To the right is Farbenza, the more glamorous quarter, although like all the city apparently fallen on hard times, where palaces cling to the valley walls above a delicate marina full of sailing vessels of all shapes and sizes. To the left is the rougher and more interesting quarter, the Beach of Whores, which despite its name is far more than a beach and is perhaps the largest quarter in the city as a whole (by land area, if not by actual living space). Here can be found almost all that a person could desire, and much that they never thought to.

    Spoiler: People

    The majority of the people of the district appear very similar to humans, albeit their ears are pointed and at home their skin might sometimes be assumed to be somewhat blotchy. They may refer to themselves as “elves” or “onende” but do not seem to give a great amount of consideration to the fact. A distinction might be observed between the people of the city proper and those who live in the forested hinterland in the valley walls upriver, who tend to be larger and bulkier, but this seems to matter nothing to the people themselves. Should they ever venture into a district where light sources provide actual colour, however, the reason for their blotchiness will become immediately apparent and their resemblance to humans will fade, for their skin is brightly coloured, in greens, blues, purples, reds - rarely outright black (although such is not unheard of). They tend to be sparingly clothed, but what clothes they do wear somehow rarely clash with their skin tones, a mystery that perhaps only they could explain, if they cared to.

    The second group are the goblins. They stand around four to five feet tall at the maximum, and have the prominent ears, bulbous nose and large eyes one might expect of a goblinoid people. As time has gone on, they have tended to form the district’s creative core, and produce the bulk of its entertainment output in some form or other.

    Harpies inhabit the spires of Lagassa and the Yerkir, the “harpy quarter” (although people of all kinds live there) on the upper reaches of the valley slopes. In the lower-lying quarters occasionally a structure like a large dovecote might be seen on the roof, indicating that the building was at one time, even if not presently, a harpy residence. The harpies are one of the more energetic groups in the district, and being almost exclusively carnivorous, have a tendency to cause problems when their boredom or desire for new experiences leads them to attack other residents for food. Rumours of illegal goblin hunts conducted by harpies never quite goes away.

    The remainder are the Free People, a cosmopolitan human group which has over time absorbed various smaller populations, be they from outlying colonies, refugees or groups not large enough to sustain themselves in the city, and which has formed a sort of identity of its own, one largely reflected in the character of their quarter - the Beach of Whores. If someone is looking to lose themselves, whether for safety from a pursuer or merely in leisure, the Free People will always accept newcomers.

    Spoiler: Diversion

    All manner of sports, games and entertainment are available within the city, from sailing races to fighting pits to gambling dens, but the most distinctive, and popular, such diversion is the game of Kepyat. It is a bat-and-ball game which in its “pure” form takes several days to play, and draws large crowds who can immerse themselves in the contest and thus stave off tedium for almost a week at a time. (Those who claim the game is itself tedious have no culture or taste, and are moreover doomed in the world of the Necropolis, for they will struggle to find anything else to occupy their attention for so long so unproductively).

    While the sport is played at all levels, the highest and most popular is the quarterly championship, decided between teams from each of the fourteen eligible quarters (Essera never submits a team) in a league format.

    Some time ago, an enterprising individual endeavoured to “make the game more exciting” and “broaden its appeal to foreigners” by dramatically shortening it and changing many of the rules. He was able to put on one demonstration game of this new version - the “Fivescore” - before anyone stopped him, after which he was flayed alive in Tempest Plaza and then beaten to death with Kepyat sticks. It was an occasion which drew a larger crowd than the exhibition match had itself, and one that people still talk about to cheer each other up.

    Spoiler: Conviction

    There are forty-two gods followed in the District, organised according to the sixfold elemental nature of the universe, and the product of millennia of accretion and syncretism from and of various belief structures, with lesser gods folded into major ones, portfolios overlapping or falling by the wayside, and all the internal consistency that that implies.

    The gods are:
    • Nendir, Defier of the Dark, god of light
    • Asurah, the Ambassador of Morning, the Morningstar
    • Larutir, the Silver Spear, god of courage
    • Nanah, She Who Endures, goddess of the Moon
    • Elarendeh, the Illumination of Heaven, the Evenstar
    • Sabukah, She Who Watches in the Night, god of hope and the Sun
    • Dinarah, the Silver Coin, goddess of prosperity
    • Alyssa, She Who Reigns with Her Left and Rules with Her Right, goddess of night
    • Nepireh, the Dark Sister, goddess of the Moon
    • Lembal, god of the wilderness
    • Susinir, god of judgement
    • Nabir, god of wisdom
    • Alkabir, god of prophecy
    • Nisu, god of scholarship
    • Arursha, goddess of the World
    • Zeminur, god of earth
    • Ninurtir, Lord of the Near and Nigh, god of law
    • Renadra, Who Sees in the Shadow, goddess of music
    • Chera, goddess of dance
    • Essun, goddess of family
    • Laimah, goddess of marriage
    • Nanumir, the Divine Stallion, god of the ocean
    • Abazir, god of springs and water sources
    • Napatir, god of rivers and streams
    • Varunal, the Slayer, god of violent and undeserved death
    • Hathal, the Horned Serpent, god of storms
    • Lumisand, the Wyrm Below, god of life and chaos
    • Alkam, the Ravager, god of warfare and destruction
    • Therzir, the Divine Twin, god of the people
    • Zithir, the Divine Twin, god of the people
    • Sasha, goddess of fertility
    • Amblika, the Spider, goddess of protection
    • Sharamayah, She Who Weeps, goddess of mercy and compassion
    • Rendinir, the Huntsman, god of hunting and archery
    • Turanda, goddess of love
    • Jaburah, goddess of the Underworld
    • Lelaneh, goddess of death
    • Yamaneh, Guardian of the Underworld
    • Jenehuntir, guide of souls to the Underworld
    • Nanshah, goddess of justice
    • Jagonagir, the Fire That Died
    • Targizir, god of the ancestors

    The principal god in day-to-day life is Nendir, but within the palace are huge private shrines to Jagonagir and Sabukah, who Nendir himself considers the deities of primary importance to the survival of the District.
    Last edited by Aedilred; 2024-04-30 at 10:23 AM.
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    Spoiler: Previous Avatars
    (by Strawberries)
    (by Rain Dragon)

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2020

    Default Re: The Necropolis (OOC)

    Discretion - 5
    Force - 2
    Entertainment - 3
    Conviction - 5
    Units - 3
    Mirth - 1
    Spoiler: Geography
    Okynnets Urskog is a verdant forest filled with glimmering insects, fluffy squirrels, friendly rabbits, and a raging wildfire choking all life in its path. After its fall the realm has taken on a constant cycle of destruction and rebirth, at one edge old growth turns to cinder in a wall of flames and at the other new growth sprouts and matures far faster than it should. Between lies a band of carefully maintained life. Huts and passageways woven from live branches among the treecrowns marks the Elfs’ presence.
    No longer able to build anything truly grand before it’s turned to ash, the settlement looks more akin to closely knit together villages than a proper city. Before its fall Okynnet’s core was a sprawling city grown entirely by hand with no twig left to its own whims and then came the burning stars, setting it all ablaze. As a Realm of the Necropolis it’s no longer clear if the Elf are shaping the forest or if it’s the other way around.

    Spoiler: Diversion - Yearling hunts
    The Elfs are Elfs, tall, slender, beautiful, pointy ears, in tune with nature as its apex predators.
    However there is a distinct lack of proper game in the forest since it got cut off from the living word. Save the Yearlings rabbits are the largest animal around and they’re just too dumb and weak to be a proper challenge. The Yearlings though is the Necropolis’ recompense for all fun strays that no longer wanders into the forest. Best described as charred bipeds the Yearlings appear in the freshest part of the growth, often with tears streaming down from their oh so expressive eyes. They understand the game, some have even been known to lay in wait for the hunters. The longer they are left unculled the more cunning they get. Fresh Yearlings often stand still silently gaping when they see an Elf, much like a fish on dry land. It’s better to let them run away and get their bearings, while easy prey fresh Yearling meat tastes like ash.

    Spoiler: Conviction - Brandnävans Rike
    The daily life in Okynne is picturesque as can be, children laughing, an inquisitive and kind wildlife, caring elders, the muffled cries of the flames claiming their prize. Once thought to be unaging the Elf’s lives have been tied to the forest in the Necropolis. For the first there are more old cripples than respected elders. In a realm where nothing is permanent neither should life be. Those unable to help move the settlements faster than the flames devour them are left behind - From old ashes new visions are born.
    Driven to reclaim their former glory the Elfs no longer have time for dogma, if a youngster can best an elder with new concepts it is their right to do so. If the old is outclassed it can either adopt or fuel the new age through the rebirth of its life force. In this realm of not quite death there are three things that hold true:
    Nothing is permanent
    Adopt or die
    Rebirths fuel innovation

    Spoiler: Ruler
    The Throne of Elfs is a fickle thing, not only because it burns down every so often. The dogma is meant to be challenged through combat, poetry, weaving, hunts, and more. Being bested does not necessarily result in a change of the throne though it tarnishes the current ruler and opens the door for even more preposterous challengers ever so slightly.
    Currently the throne has been held by Videkvist through half a cycle. Still in her prime the frizzy blonde claimed her seat by taming a yearling while the previous ruler unfortunately became the prey instead. The charred visage of Nattviol has proven an invaluable deterrent for ambitious challengers, allowing the ruler to rule and prove their worth for once.

    Spoiler: 0-RION, Crashed do ignore
    Spoiler: Geography
    Entering the penumbra is as though walking through the night sky itself. Distant specks of light give of a cold ambiance without shadows, for there is nothing they can land on. Up, down, left, and right seemingly lose their grasp on reality as all references float away, yet the empty stars always feel like solid ground beneath. Should you manage to meet someone in the outer layers of the void chances are they will walk on a different plane, perhaps upside down to yours. Try not to think about it or you may lose yours and begin to fall.

    Trudging on “forwards” long enough through the sky will inevitably lead to 0-RION. Approaching from above one will see an outer rim of dense metal with thin spokes leading towards a shattered core of debris. Entering the sphere of the behemoth's influence reaserts directions and many find themselves being pulled towards the center. Living in 0-RION is to constantly struggle outwards, away from the core.

    Inside the metallic walls energy seems to have taken on a life of its own, as lights follow along the inhabitants, turning off behind them and doors open on their own whim. Despite being circular from afar everything seems to be at right angles once inside, the simple wheel no longer relatable but incomprehensibly large.

    Spoiler: People
    Once the crown jewel of a galaxy 0-RION was the first to be built and last to fall. The projections had been clear for a few revolutions when the environmental core came under attack and disintegrated. At first everything went suffocatingly dark but then the lights turned on and life resumed.
    Only this time something was different. There was no environmental control, yet they could breathe. There was no power supply yet the lights turned on, sometimes on their own whim, as if leading the way. Engineers tried their best to repair what they could, only to realize nothing should work and yet it did. Curious they tried to exit only to find unknown stars and all their gear shutting down beyond the walls of home. A home that pulled them back.

    Everyone has called the megastructure home at some point, quadrupeds, bipedals, even fish, yet most remain distinctly humanoid in shape and size. There might be an extra arm or two, hair moving on its own will, gills, and much much more. If it’s the result of engineered interbreeding between races, once trending bodymods turned genetic, or the latest accident is anyone's game to guess but a human heritage still manages to shine through. Since hindrances like breathing and staying warm have become something of non issues, clothing tends to focus more on making a statement, rather than covering skin.

    After its fall life became a slog as 0-RION provided warm food, pleasant living quarters, and adequate entertainment areas at np charge. Slowly billions turned to millions and millions began to dwindle down towards thousands as people lost their will to wake up and continue moving in endless steel halls.

    But with every death the pull grew stronger towards the core, until some started putting mattresses on the former walls, now floors to sleep better. Then someone braved the void and jumped from a broken spoke into the minefield of metallic debris of the environmental control.

    Spoiler: Diversion and the Overseer
    The first jumped out into space towards the core’s familiar pull and promptly got impaled on a stray piece of ventilation. For the first time in a very long time the onlookers felt something other than contentment - shock, excitement, anticipation.
    From one bored individual rose a tide of fools, each with their own reason to join the Core-Chase.
    The rules were simple, start with nothing but shoddy clothes and get to the middle. Try not to die or get lost in space as your momentum goes on beyond the horizon to somewhere other than 0-RION’s penumbra. So far only one has survived the challenge. The debris becomes too dense for sight to pierce far before the pull stops, concealing the winner, but everyone can feel his will subtly influence their everyday life. A flickering light there, a closed door, lost documents for renovations, and new drafts for weapons none remember making.

    He rules from within the walls and to defy him is to see doors close in your face, steps crumbling below your feet, and your food either being frozen or burnt to a crisp. The Overseer knows all and to be of 0-RION is to cower in his shadow, yet constantly feel the pull to replace him.

    Spoiler: Society
    Daily life is centered around the enclaves. With the population being a fraction of its intended density there is no lack of space, but there is a lack of excellent living quarters. Sometimes halls in disrepair can stretch for miles before the next inhabited section, save the odd outcast. The enclaves are as varied as their members, some are democracies, others dictatorships, monarchies, and meritocracies among others. Some try to fix 0-RION, others are roving bands of looters or evangelists. They share but two rules - Respect the Overseer’s omens and no wars between enclaves, technically part of the first rule.

    Spoiler: Conviction - EmoTech
    No technology functions in 0-RION without the inhabitants having an intrinsic understanding of its components, that is to say nothing should function. Yet it does because that understanding does not need to make sense, just be there. The light turns on because the core wishes it to be so, doors close because the overseer is mad.
    To believe is to make it true, to disagree to make it lesser. EmoTech thus seeks to make everyone agree on how technology works to make it so. Debates are shunned, accept the dogma. Your food becomes hot if you throw it in the box, turn the dial to the max and hit it once in impatience to distribute the heat evenly. No further questions allowed.

    Spoiler: Outsiders and leaving the Realm
    0-RION tends to attract visitors with its many unique and convenient inventions. There is however the issue of outsiders questioning why miracles seem to be a daily occurrence in the metallic city and not anywhere else. Such questions are better left as thoughts, or an Emo-Core evangelist might suddenly give you the honor of participating in the next chase. Attendance is mandatory, death or embracing truth the only accepted conclusion .
    On the contrary natives rarely leave the pull of home. All but the most steadfast conveniences from thousands upon thousands years of invention begin to break down beyond the metallic confines and none last outside the penumbra. Going back to savagery is for many worse than withering away in complacency. If it is not part of a Core-Chase, suffering in squalor is something the savages of other Realms can do on their own.

    Losers, those that both fail to die and reach the center while Core-Chasing are 0-RION’s most trusted zealots. Flung out of its penumbra they end up in odd places with no choice but to preach of their home in hope to find it again and return in splendor or bear their new epithet to an unfortunate demise.
    Last edited by Torv; 2024-06-02 at 02:04 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Lleban's Avatar

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    The Astral Plane!!!

    Default Re: The Necropolis (OOC)

    [CENTER]fifteen hundred

    Spoiler: The District
    Halfway along the Pearl River rests Uxmal the ancient capital of the Holy Xykothian Empire taking up over two-thirds of the district. Uxmal was founded Twenty-Five hundred years ago as a center for imperial administration that sprouted into a labyrinthine expanse of crimson clay buildings, impossible walls, and great pyramids. The bricks and terracotta of crimson clay are interrupted by the yellowed ivory of obelisks and overgrown temples. Uxamal's sprawl is bound by 3 great walls resting against the raging torrent of the Pearl River. Each wall is inset with a precious metal depicting religious iconography. Statues of saints, soldiers, and exarchs loom above the wall's parapets like metallic gargoyles frozen in poses of triumph over enemies real and imagined.

    Outside the Bronze Wall is a hive of slums that have expanded via tethered boats on the river like a tumor. While the river may try to cure itself with the occasional flooding the bamboo anthills and lashed boats always return to clog the waterways in a twisted respiration. The residents of these slums consist of the ritually unclean, the damned who can't pay holy tithe. Originally this was the purpose of the Bronze Ring but population expansion pushed most of the vagrants, unclean, and fishermen out of the city walls. Some fled to escape the vampiric inquisitions but those too expanded their reach.

    In the current era, The Bronze Ring is the realm of artisans, soldiers, and the petite aristocracy who desire to have a presence in the capital. The slaves of the more important aristocratic families also reside here. Despite the higher affluence, the crimson clay of the ring is slow to change and slower to rebuild. A traveler will stumble and find streets and apartments charred black from fires long past. Entire blocks remain abandoned after the invasion of the Cinder Queen. The remains of wooden palisades and alchemical weaponry dot lots that once were vibrant marketplaces. The contorted iron machines of an invasion long past give many areas a unique hostile architecture. Still, the people who call this area home take great pride in their ring, even to the point of violently evicting the ritually unclean foolish enough to try and claim even the most charred neighborhoods.

    The Silver Ring is where the most powerful families reside. Old blood flows through the streets with great vistas and dozens of imperious statues per block. Inside the great vistas are a collection of libraries, vaults, and gardens each owned by the families, all of whom have been thoroughly vampirized. The scars of battle come not from historical invasions but from the remains of palace coups. Here the losers are hung up in great cages on the rim of the golden wall, eventually dying of exposure.

    Surrounded by the golden ring is the Great Pyramid of Uxmal. A 500ft tall step pyramid dominates most of the district. Surrounding are the once-grand remains of the emperor's palace. Years and Military coups have destroyed most of the compound. The remainder has been hastily converted into barracks for General Toyollo's elite guard. Here the General and his retinue hedonistically dine on the empire's riches. Arcane scrolls were reduced to napkins, crown jewels crushed into powder. Expensive inks used to light lanterns, the blood of slaves dyes once purple robes distressing rust. Since the generals took over, the fortifications of the Golden Wall have been amplified manyfold. Trebuchets and ballistas line the walls, while stores of alchemical fire have been placed under the gates. Defenses barely used against the Cinder Queen's invasion were vital to ending the bread riots that inaugurate military rule.

    Spoiler: People
    The Icoatzin average height is estimated to be 5'5 for women and 5'10 for men. Most have relatively lanky body types with a diverse array of skin tones that range from tan to cinnabar. Icoatzin civilization is built on the banks of the Pearl River. here they grew corn, squash, onions, and soybeans. The district dwellers represent much of the artisanal class. Specialized workers, regional aristocracy, merchants, and military men make up the district's free population.

    Most Icoatzin speak Coatli, a language native to the region. For most of the dynastic period, pictographs and the tongue's written form were used. However, centuries of conquest and mercantile influence have supplanted the traditional script. Now Avakonian is the dominant script outside of the priestly castes. While this has increased literacy beyond that of the priests, many historians now frown that the sacred language has been diluted by mercantile. Some of this represents a nostalgic pinning for a pure era. However, this whining represents an ascending merchant class's material threats against traditional priests and aristocrats.

    Society- Coatl society is very hierarchical, and can be divided into five classes. In order of importance, the classes are priesthood, warriors, land owners, artisans, merchants, and slaves. Children of all classes are educated by their parents and priesthood until the age of 14. Once their local priest evaluates them, the results will show whether the child has the opportunity to change their class. Children who run afoul of the priesthood, unclaimed, or otherwise dishonored usually become slaves. The priesthood examination is the main form of social mobility for the lower classes.
    • Roles of each class
    • Priesthood- Run the bureaucracy of the state, this includes collecting taxes from landowners, foreign relations, and creating laws. The Council of Hierophants represents the 15 most powerful priests, second in power only to The Rightly Guided themselves. draft most of Coatl's laws. The priesthood also regulates magic's use in the region. In recent history, the Council has become the subject of increasing military policing on both a political and ideological front. Record numbers of priests have been flayed, burned, and sacrificed for heresy.
    • Landowners- Landowners own most of the arable land in Coatl. Most of their duties revolve around collecting tribute from slaves, protecting their land, and enforcing the laws of the priesthood. Landowners also are the beating heart of the vampire community. Despite its foreign origins, the power vampirism provides insulates them from slave rebellion while guaranteeing spots among the warrior class.
    • Warriors- The one class you cannot be born into, most warriors consist of the sons of landowners and priests. From a young age, warriors are trained in traditional martial arts, clubs, spears, and bows. Adulthood is signified by official war paint, placed on the face and back. A vampire patron officially inducts those with potential. New vampires join various factions who gamble for material control of the districts in ever-widening schemes.
    • Artisans- Consists of weavers, blacksmiths, tanners etc. Landowners protect most artisans due to their specialized labor. While protection does limit the artisan's exposure to political violence, these specialized workers are still vulnerable to enslavement depending on the fortunes of their patrons. Though the slavery of an artisan resembles a debt slavery
      more than the cattle slavery of the peasantry. However, some, like Tanners are seen as lower than slaves due to the ritually unclean nature of their labor.
    • Slaves- Those who work the fields are considered state property. Slaves are not allowed to leave their villages without official permission. Slaves have few rights and are often moved to certain lands to suit the whims of the state. Slaves must both pay tribute to the landowners and submit a certain amount of time per year for labor.

    Spoiler: Ruler

    The Veiled General Toyollo VII. Once the sun of a teacher the boy was forced to take back arms against the Cinder Queen and her Dragonforged. In the apocalyptic battle, he was forced from the slum's edge to the gates of the Silver Ring. The boy fought until he was deep in blood. Forced to trudge through a canal of bodies the boy found little in the way of respite before he was burned by the queen's breath. In a baptism of fire and blood, the nameless boy was born again. Forced to become a vampire to survive, even the necrotic powers of blood magic were unable to reverse the Queens brand. Despite his terrifying disfigurement, the nameless vampire had an uncanny charisma and extreme viciousness that allowed him to rally veterans and disgruntled landowners against the theocratic exarch. The militia's who followed the Veiled one gained power in the shadows. Friends were gifted with slaves and vampire sorcery while those who stood up faced assassination and armed expropriation. When the Exarch died without an heir not even the Heirophants had the manpower to stop the vampire's coup. Not even their blood sorcery could spare the imperial palace from a brutal sacking. Now The General rules with an iron fist as the military has started to co-opt and infiltrate the priesthood itself. Using the power of Xykothos to legitimize his coup.

    Mirth 3
    Units 1
    Discretion 4
    Force 3
    Entertainment 2
    Conviction 4

    Spoiler: Diversion

    In Uxmal the main diversions are religious festivals...which often climax into state-sponsored sacrifice. Of course, there are competitive sports, and the dramatic arts. But the most popular diversion in Uxmal is gladiatorial combat versus creatures warped with blood magic. These spectacles of might and magic are events that draw in thousands in both official and black market capacities.

    Spoiler: Conviction

    (Coatl Perijanism): The people of Coatl, the Icoatzin, once worshiped many gods. However, as time passed on the Iconography of the Serpent eating its tail would gain prominence. The Serpent god Xykothos would eventually be placed in the Perijani pantheon consolidating the domains of Trodje and Khompur. Xykothos was able to be inserted into the Perijani pantheon due to his worshiping style being fairly similar to the rest of the pantheon with an emphasis on sacrifice.

    Tenants - Xykothos is the serpent that embodies creation.
    • Xykothos is and emanates from all things.
    • Xykothos rejects the separation, mystical and material, sin and virtue, order and chaos. All is one and one is all with Xykothos, which is frequently represented by a snake devouring its own tail.
    • As the serpent continuously eats its own tail, all things are cyclical. Time and space are viewed cyclically, if somethings happened before it'll happen again. Most importantly life and death are cyclical in nature, as such the belief in reincarnation is prevalent among the faithful. Essentially every action has an equal reaction.
    • All life is part of the cycle of nature, it's up to believers to keep the cycle in balance.
    • The cycles must be kept in balance, for example the chaos of nature must be kept in balance by the order of society. Those who force too much order on the chaos of nature will suffer. Ex. Irrigating and farming too much land will cause the soil to stop yielding crops. Using magic to bring extra rain may lead to droughts later.
    • Giving to the cycle means the cycle will give back. Ex. Sacrificing some of your crops to ensure the health of the rest of your fields.
    • Rumor has it that those who respect the balance get reincarnated as spirits or higher beings, while those abuse the balance return to the soil.

    Magic attitude- To use magic requires taking from the cycle of nature. Because of this, the use of magic requires sacrifice to function. Within Coatl, to become an official magi, one studies the mysteries of the faith for an extended period. Once they're ready they need to pass a trial. After the pass, they need to set up their own ascension ritual which gives them access to the mystical arts. Said ritual usually involves the sacrifice of a slave or precious personal property. Magi are preachers but, mainly serve the state as a career, usually, they'll assist medium-sized settlements in helping to manage the church and help with infrastructure projects/charity/ food assistance.

    Last edited by Lleban; 2024-06-03 at 11:03 PM.
    Beautiful Avatar thanks to Gengy

    Hangs out on the World building forums

    Giantitp projects: Caligoven the toxic seas, Baalbek Empire!3, Coatl Empire!4, Short and sweet world building
    Personal stuff: World of Tieg, Nexus: City of the Multiverse, Forgotten Planet Lost Between 2 stars, World of the 9 gates
    Spoiler: The gift that keeps on giving
    Spoiler: and giving
    Spoiler: and giving some more
    Spoiler: Metric tons of giving
    Spoiler: Keep going
    Spoiler: Suprise

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Ausar's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Necropolis (OOC)

    Awaken, Aurelius

    Aurelius' eyes shot open, hands tightening on the flight controls before him. From his cockpit it looked as if every star in the sky had winked out for a moment. The distorted voice in his ears barked again.
    "Oh Master it is you!"
    There was a star in the sky once more. Just one. And it was getting... closer? No. No star. A light. Blinding. He frowned, blinked, and thumbed his own landing lights. The approaching light dimmed a little as the deep crimson starfighter that bore it flipped and burnt, slowing to a halt above his own battered craft. He could see the other pilot waving at him. He waved back. Was that-
    "First familiar sight I've seen in days, Master. Well, first anything I've seen, really. I thought you were dead, you know. Come to think of it, I thought I-"
    "We are, Marius." There was a thudding in Aurelius' temples that seemed to subside all at once as the thought came to him. "We are dead."
    "Not quite yet, old boy." A cream starfighter streaked with gaudy yellow trim screamed past them, engines silently whining. "Glad I found you both, before you could do anything stupid. Fighters have been drifting in at quite a rate this last while. Some fools get to shooting each other before we can get to them." Aurelius frowned. He knew that voice.
    "Jorus, is that-"
    "Of course it is, old boy, but vacuum's no place to tarry and chit-chat. Fire up those thrusters and follow me. We've nearly got the whole Officer Corps back together now, you know." Jorus' ever-faintly-mocking drawl faltered for a moment. "It's- I- Aurelius, it's good to see you." The habitually unflappable Officer cleared his throat, and when he spoke again, his voice was as sardonic as ever. "Do try to keep up now, my dear ancient friends." Marius sputtered.
    "I'm younger than you, you stone-skulled-" His voice became a brief yelp as Aurelius fired up his fighter and flipped it about, as near as stripping paint from Marius' craft's nose. Aurelius grinned.
    "Younger or not, you're still stationary my friend." There was no reply, but the crimson warbird spooled up its thrusters and streaked after the pair up ahead, heading for the last vestige of a dying Dominion.

    The Final Frontier

    Ruler: Aurelius Marten Vox, Master of the Twilight.
    Discretion: 2 | Force: 4 | Entertainment: 2 | Conviction: 4 |
    Units: 1 | Mirth: 3 |

    Spoiler: Geography
    The Final Frontier is a facsimile of Hallion, the small, rocky, mined-out waterless lump that housed in its time the beating heart of the Dawnstar Dominion's power - the Naval Academy. Now this last vestige of the heart of the Dawn is fading, crumbling, slowly collapsing into the cold dark of surrounding space. Perpetually a stream of substance flows off the freezing rock, and yet at present, it seems not to wane in size. Frozen in its final moments, Hallion is wormed through with tunnels that house the ruins of the 'Academy, the staging ground for the shadows of the dead to plot their last raging against the death of the Dawn.

    Spoiler: Geography
    The people of the Final Frontier are shadows of the Dasari, a people of the stars, pilots and engineers and navigators and marines who sought to expand their dominion wheresoever a star's light could reach. Now their starships are eternally fixed in the moment before their destruction, their bodies murky replicas of their own in the seconds before their deaths. The only people who seem to have passed on into the Necropolis are pilots, but such was the only rank of note in the Dominion before its fall in any case. They dwell in their habitual quarters in the 'Academy's decrepit tunnels, meeting as they ever did in mess halls and council rooms, drinking from empty cups, scraping bare plates clean. Sanity, or at the very least their sense of self, is maintained in the mundane routine, the order that their military lives made innate. Their ships still fly patrols and training exercises around the Frontier, they still account the passage of time by the hours that seem to have passed. But they only seem. Days blend into weeks into months into interminable ages in the Final Frontier. Those that find themselves embroiled in a training accident typically find themselves waking up in their old beds the next morning meal. There is but one new rule in the Frontier - never turn your weapon on a fellow Starfleet member in anger. For those slain by their fellows impassioned never awake again.

    Spoiler: Diversion
    The Dasari maintain a custom that seems eternally novel, being as it was introduced in the old Dominion after the lives of most of the inhabitants of the Frontier had shuffled off the mortal coil - gravracing. It is only once a month that another material planetoid appears in Hallion's orbit - Laria Prime. Festooned with canyons, craters, spires, molten rivers and searing lakes, the planetoid is devoid of life, but not of joy. For here the remnants of Starfleet have one day to cobble together gravcraft, and one night to race them, before the whole fades into the starless sky like dust into air.

    Spoiler: Conviction
    The Dasari followed, in their heyday, the Way of the Illuminated Mind, a series of tenets defining the relationship between state and citizen. A honed form of these tenets still guides these last vestiges in their forlorn hope.
    The Master and Officers have this duty: to safeguard and preserve the ratings.
    The ratings have this duty: to serve and obey their Officers.
    All have this duty: never to give their unlife in vain.
    Last edited by Ausar; 2024-05-21 at 05:18 PM.
    "Into the Jaws of Death, into the Mouth of Hell;" (Tennyson)
    So shall you tread, once you pass the precipice of villainy.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Limbo, I guess

    Default Re: The Necropolis (OOC)

    Tisaer, the Calling Tower

    Spoiler: Tisaer - Geography

    Tisaer looks now as it felt in its waning days - lifeless. Shattered rocks lie in tumbled heaps atop an ocean of thick gray sands. The skeletal stains of long-dead lichen crust the tops of boulders, while flakes of ancient, bone-dry mud sit in recesses as of yet unfiled by sand. In shifting rocks, one might find the desiccated, crumbling remains of some beast from the early days or a rusty tool, so ancient its purpose can only be guessed at.

    Where stones were long-ago rolled away to create space for living, a fine coating of dust sits undisturbed by life or wind or rain. Near the borders of Tisaer, one might quickly find evidence of life - shivered swords, splintered shields, crushed helms. The bones of beasts of war, engines of destruction, and hangers-on lie strewn across the landscape.

    At the center of Tisaer, surrounded by hundreds of miles of nothing, stands the Calling Tower. A massive, bone-white structure supported by a rippling, contorting mass of insectoid stilts, the Calling Tower is at once palace of the Unstained Prince, redoubt when the Obscene Ones fail, and font of corrupting power. It looms over the collapsed city of Tis, with arms across the top floors casting an imposing silhouette in the district’s permanent twilight. The Calling Tower is so named because all who spend more than a few moments in Tisaer feel its pull. It takes a powerful force of will, or an ingrained obedience to another power, to resist. The Tisaeans, thus, cluster around the tower in shelters cobbled together of rock and the detritus of generations past.

    Spoiler: The Tisaeans
    There are exactly three classes of people in Tisaer.

    By far the most numerous class is the citizenry. A citizen of Tisaer is a person who eats, sleeps, works, loves, and dies in the shadow of the Calling Tower. They are human, with a tendency toward thin, colorless hair; pale, loose skin; and large eyes. The citizenry are, of course, loyal to the Tower and its devices, though they did not, and can not, choose this for themselves.

    At the height of Tisaer, most citizens that were not directly involved in providing necessities - food, clothing, shelter - worked in mines or quarries or were stone carvers, masons, and jewelers. If it came from below, the citizens were masters of manipulating it. Tisaeans produced the finest sculptures, the most intricately shaped gems, and the strongest bridges. They dug deep, pulling from the earth the raw materials to power an empire. Their metallurgists, though not as superb as their stone workers, were more than capable. The armies that marched forth from Tis were clad in bronze and steel and mithril, bearing weapons of the same, gleaming in the sun of distant lands.

    The second most numerous class in Tisaer is the Nineteen. These knights are the right hand of the Prince, singular in power and influence. They bore many names in many eras among the citizenry, themselves, and their enemies: The Obscene Ones, the Siphons, Knights of the Tower, the Chained Swords, the White Host, the Blazing Steel, and more. Each wore glorious armor in their heyday, and provided protection when the realm needed its defenders. When the Prince needed new lands to excavate, the Nineteen led armies across the border. When armies were headed by a member of the White Host, they were said to be unbeatable. Such was their strength, their arcane gifts, and their elan, no foe could stand before them and no follower would dare shirk their duties.

    The Siphons gain their power from the Tower, and the Prince within. So long as he commands the Nineteen, they are shackled to his will and drink freely from the font of his fastness.

    Finally, standing alone above all others, untouchable in his domain and unreachable in his tower, the Unstained Prince rules the Calling Tower and Tisaer around it.

    Spoiler: The Unstained Prince

    The Prince has ruled Tisae for countless years from his seat in the Calling Tower. His provenance, the source of his abilities, even his name are lost to history. No one is quite sure, either, whether it is his own power that draws the minds and bodies of all who enter his domain or if the Tower itself is the source, for he is never without.

    The Prince himself, though, is a mighty binder. When the miners broke into a vein of pure, roiling corruption, it was the Prince that bound this torpid flow into his Tower. The Nineteen took on a new role with this new wellspring, serving to absorb the bleed of the Prince’s binding. All twenty individuals grew in power with reckless speed, but only the Prince, the Unstained Lord, remained pure. The knights grew twisted, gnarled, misshapen with the Prince skimming off the pure energy for himself.

    Now, the Prince sits in his perfect marble palace. As the seat of his government pulls resources into itself to create an army to protect its lands, so too does the Prince pull corruption from the earth, protecting his citizenry, and siphons it into his Chained Swords to protect all of Tisaer.

    Spoiler: Diversion: The Dark Leap
    In Tisaer, the only true diversion from work is the Dark Leap. Beneath the Tower, there exists a sphere of perfect void, the distillation of the corrupting bleed that the Prince reins in. It is the anchor for the Nineteen and a focal point of Tisaer’s power.

    Naturally, thrill-seekers have found another use for the sphere. The Dark Leap is a practice that involves throwing something, or multiple somethings, through the sphere at various angles to control how long the item in question spends in the darkness. Because the nature of the Prince’s power is binding, the results can often be spectacular. Items can merge into one, or one item can subsume others, or what comes out of the sphere will bear no relation to what went in, or any number of other results.

    Naturally, the next step was for people to begin jumping through. Some people do this to test courage or prove themselves to friends or lovers. Others do it simply for the thrill. Living beings typically survive the jump, but not always.

    Unsurprisingly, the gambling opportunities are immense. Wagers can be placed on the nature of the emergent item, the condition of the item, the amount of time the Leap takes, and any other variables.

    Spoiler: Conviction: Alabaster Nightmares
    There is one faith in Tisaer - Alabaster Nightmares. The constant psychic strain across the district induces frequent nightmares among the citizenry. These visions are full of ivory shapes grasping and scrabbling at the psyche, with edges of maroon and gold pulling at loved ones.

    When awake, the citizens venerate the Prince. When they sleep, they fear the Alabaster Nightmare. In all states of consciousness, the ideology allows no dissent. It is a binding, a call to action, and a life-long adherence to a simple tenet - when the Tower Calls, you answer.

    Spoiler: Starting Mechanics
    Mirth: 1
    Units: 3
    Discretion: 4 (+1)
    Force: 4
    Entertainment: 4 (+1)
    Conviction: 2
    Last edited by JBarca; 2024-05-20 at 09:28 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necropolis (OOC)

    The Darkthorne Deprivation

    Discretion 5 Force 3 Entertainment 5 Conviction 1 Mirth 3 Units 1

    Spoiler: Geography


    The Deprivation is divided into three notable regions, the coastal east, the large, green meadow of the inland, and the foothills of the north-west. The coastal terrain is flat and rocky, its nutrient poor soil and often strong westerly winds render it inhospitable for agriculture. The north-east peninsula is the home of the capitol, Askerville. The Deprivation is centered around the Askerville which is a large coastal city constantly filled with festivals and celebration, watched over by the looming castle overlooking the sea. Red flags with a barely discernible rose emblem hang everywhere you look, though they are tattered and sun-faded. There are small fishing villages dotting the southern coastline, and small groups of hardy goat herders.

    The farther you get from the coast and capitol, the more rural the landscape grows. After the city, fields of wheat stretch to the horizon. The warm meadow, known colloquially as the Tipsy Plain after the grapes and wine produced here, is irrigated by the Sparklean River, which flows from the northern foothills. This region produces the area's crops, and houses the bulk of the military. It is here the low quality mass-produced wine is patiently distilled into a fine brandy that is used for trade and enjoyed by the district’s more well-to-do citizens.

    The remote foothills of the north-west house several monasteries, which have been abandoned and have fallen into ruin. Whispers of The Sanctuary of Reflection spread rumors of this once grand structure and the secrets one might find within its vaults, but the exact location has fallen out of the people’s memories and it and its treasure remain lost to the wilderness. Few people dare to travel far from the populated seats of activity within the district, for there is an eerie cold fog that shrouds the Deprivation that seeps into any who dare to enter it which seeps deep into their bones so that they may never feel warmth again.

    Spoiler: Ruler

    Ruler: Mad Maldarr Drivas

    Maldarr wanders the Deprivation in search of something just beyond his recollection. He is obsessed with finding the Darkthorne, though he knows not if what he seeks for is an object or a person. Memories evoked by the golden sunrise and the flaxen fields of drying hay that stretch beyond the borders of his territory flicker just beyond his grasp. As he prowls the capitol restlessly, an air of dissatisfied longing clings to him along with a sense of incompletion, as if a vital part of him was missing. He pays little mind to the constant revelry around him, or to those who consider themselves his subjects, even this deference seems out of place somehow, he can’t remember being the Protos, that title seemed to belong to another, a man who was like a brother but not, but even his memory is blurred and distant, and so Maldarr restlessly searches the Deprivation lost and unknowing just what it is that he has been deprived of.

    Spoiler: People

    The denizens of The Deprivation are brunette humans with warm, tawny beige skin that tans golden under the long summer sun. Average in height and stature, with eye color ranging from blue to violet to brown, and various shades of each. They often ornament themselves with tribal clan tattoos on their calves, shoulders and upper back - anywhere that would be visible while dressed sensibly for the long dry season. Each clan has their own specialty, but those lines have blurred inside the Necropolis. The Drivas clan, from which Maldarr hails, was known for embracing and monetizing vice. Under his rule, reluctant or not, the air of the District is one of joviality and indulgence to excess.

    Spoiler: Diversions


    A popular diversion in the Deprivation are the races at the Speedway, which is a race track where simurgh jockeys race for fortune and glory. (simurghs are large wolf-like creatures, with wings and tails like peacocks.) Racing Simurghs are prized and treated like celebrities and have their own fans and followings. Gambling is a rampant pastime in the Deprivation, be it on races, boxing matches, or in the many taverns of the District. Those who wished to indulge their thirst might be surprised upon entry to a tavern, at the unbridled hostility of its patrons. A hostility not directed at the thirsty traveler, but amongst some of the local tribes between which has grown great rivalries.

    It is not unusual for there to be many men needing to be carried out onto the streets by his brethren, laid low by fist or drink. It was often seen from two rivals to be seated across from each other and engaged in a contest of wills and intimidation, downing draught after draught of the golden ale to see who might last the longest. The winner of these conflicts almost always came out slightly richer, as a popular way of threatening your foe was to place three coins on the table in front of you, indicating that you were prepared to pay the fine for violent assault, if necessary.

    Every day is a Festival day in the Deprivation, streamers of all colors hang from windows and ripple in the sea breezes. The main Festival attraction is the daily parade that winds down from the castle and through the city streets. Musicians and dancers perform in the parade for the revelers pleasure, and many a performance troupe present their own form of the simurgh dance which is performed by a team of dancers who manipulate a long flexible figure of a simurgh using poles positioned at regular intervals along the colorful length and wings. Local celebrities often join the parade, and Maldarr himself is often known to join in the parade route, to the loud cheers and adoration of his subjects.

    Spoiler: Conviction


    The inhabitants of the Deprivation devoutly worship the Moirai, the three sisters who control the fates of all mortals. Three temples have been built in the region, each one dedicated in honor of one of the sisters. Zoi, giver of life and master over who gets born and reborn at any given time. Efkairia, she who deals you your lot in life, be it good or ill. Lastly, Therastis, she who reaps your soul upon death. The sisters are a traditional maiden/mother/crone trinity associated with the phases of the moon.
    Last edited by PepperP.; 2024-05-24 at 02:28 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kasanip View Post
    Somehow it is nostalgic to see the lewd discussion to return again to EMPIRE game.
    BIG thank you to Gengy for my fabulous avatar! ღ

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necropolis (OOC)

    Chronocruise Enterprises

    The Aetherial Mechanica

    Ruler: SeaEO Vivienne Locke (DIS 4+1 | FOR 3 | ENT 4+1 | CON 3)
    Mirth: 3
    Units: 1

    Spoiler: Ruler
    In the most traditional sense, Chronocruise Enterprises was not an empire by any means. In a world where entertainment was dictated entirely by the free market, however, its grasp over the tourism and vacation industries would mean it was as close to an empire that any non-government could have hoped to achieve in its clockwork-powered medieval world. Tragedy struck, however, when that world fell into an everlasting war. No polity could come out on top, entering into an industrial and magical stalemate, and the common people were untrusting of international voyages. The Enterprises had no choice but shut down after selling one vessel after another, leaving their final asset, a record-breaking beauty, to rot. Or, at least, that’s what tradition would make one believe happened.

    The final Captain Executive Officer (SeaEO) would not let go, however. Her great grandfather had founded the corporation many years ago, and she could not let that dream die, no matter the cost. SeaEO Vivienne Locke, known for her upright attitude and predisposition to smell the roses, refused to leave the vessel and became its longstanding Captain, encouraging her most loyal crew members and final fanatics to stay aboard.

    Spoiler: Geography
    The Aetherial Mechanica is all that remains of a once great and lucrative fleet of skyliners, the largest clockwork powered cruise ship known to the world it once resided within. Stretching nearly half a mile long, it remains dormantly docked in the Cloud Sea aside a small industrial port town where it and its accompanying ships would have regularly been resupplied by global businesses. With millions of reinforced wooden gears and thousands of spinning mechanical arms, it was powered and propelled by secrets of perpetual motion, along with a sprinkling of magic, both of which have been long lost to time and can no longer be harnessed, leaving the Mechanica stuck where it docked after its final voyage.

    In spite of its rotting and overgrown state, the ship has the remnants of everything a functional society would need. The Enterprises were proud to say that should the Mechanica ever be stuck among the clouds, it could have maintained itself for up to five years. Indeed, offices, gardens, and even a bank made the ship their home, in addition to the hundreds of recreational activities and expansive living quarters. The district also includes about a hundred miles of open Cloud Sea in each direction.

    There is no day and night cycle in the realm of the Cloud Sea. The clockwork aboard the ship does not turn, and leaving the cycle of the sun and moon unable to turn. Time is kept by dedicated custodial staff.

    Spoiler: People
    The ship is able to house nearly 10,000 total passengers in its compact cabins, of which approximately a quarter would have been crewmates. The vast majority of these voyagers would have been humans of varying complexion and background.

    Spoiler: Diversion
    Back in the day, nothing brought more profits to the Enterprises than semiregular Happy Hours. Very few would deny the opportunity for a few complimentary drinks at one of the dozens of bars aboard the Mechanica. In addition to the profits, however, spirits were kept high through playful banter and party games, as well as the occasional bout of gambling in one of three casinos. For most, it was something to look forward to after the kids have gone to sleep and to shake the nerves that come with any family vacation. And, except for those whose shift it was, the crew were included in the festivities, leaving none to have a dull evening.

    Spoiler: Conviction
    Though individuals aboard the Mechanica may have found themselves adhering to one belief system or another, the desire to live life to its fullest stood at the forefront. Indeed, if something does not spark joy, or at least enable a good time in the near future, it is almost certainly not worth doing. Even in the afterlife, if there are no consequences to one’s own actions, it only makes sense that each act should serve to fulfill their own wishes and desires, and quench their own boredom. Though more of a motivational philosophy that united those aboard the ship than a strict faith, this general belief is occasionally acknowledged and referred to as Personal Chronology, as everyone has ultimate control over maximizing their own time.
    Last edited by MappyPK; 2024-05-31 at 10:03 AM.
    world's gayest deer

    Splendid Miru Miru in Empire! 7

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necropolis (OOC)

    The People's Revolution

    Do you hear the people sing?
    The 1st Joint Committee of Public Safety
    Discretion 2 | Force 4 | Entertainment 2 | Conviction 4
    Units 2 | Mirth 2

    Spoiler: Geography
    Luttoise was the jewel of the empire, a sprawling city at the mouth of the River Argent. It was a beautiful city once. The wealth of continents flowed through the veins of the city, and her tradesmen were her beating heart. Even in her last days the city was fat with riches. Even while tradesmen starved. Decades of distant wars drained the palace coffers, and spineless tax policy had pushed the burden solely on the peasantry while nobles built fortress mansions to hide from the decay and festering unrest.

    But that was before. Now her gutters overflowed with blood. The air was thick with black powder and ash. Fire danced across the skyline, leaving the whole city a hazy orange. You could still see her beauty in the chipped marble facades of once proud buildings, under the ash. In the military square, outside Château d'Orgueil, an ancient prison turned armory, now a symbol of the might of the rebellion, statues had been toppled and a guillotine erected in their stead. Fighting continued endlessly across the city, but not here. Here there was silence. The people here were spellbound by the executioner's unending procession.

    Spoiler: People
    The people here come from all ends of the empire. They are an occupying army of like-minded revolutionaries. Yet, they cannot agree on if the war has ended. The march on Luttoise may have doubled the population of the city. There was no way to tell with the fighting ongoing. The emperor had been defeated days ago though, or was it months? Time didn't seem to move properly anymore.

    The fighting started before the march. The Marteaunards launched their coup with a raid on Chateau d'Orgueil to arm the revolutionaries. Rumors that the emperor was going to crack down on the liberal faction in parliament had ignited the powder keg. The news spread like wildfire across the countryside bringing hundreds of thousands to the city. The revolutionaries began to break into factions before they even made it to the palace. Some even hoped to reason with the emperor for a stronger constitution to enshrine the beliefs of the revolutionaries; liberty, equality, fraternity. They didn't survive the Night of Bayonets.

    The revolutionaries in Luttoise after the death of the emperor largely fell into three parties, though even those had their subdivisions. The Marteaunards, the hammerers, were the largest. They had started from the labor unions when the taxes started to surpass the cost of bread. Next was the Society of Friends of Liberty or Byzantins as they commonly called themselves for the church they originally met in. They had become the center of the revolutionary spectrum, calling for a peaceful resolution even after the emperor's body had been dragged through the streets. The Tulanists were the smallest faction, but the only one with any wealth. They espoused equality only in as much as it would make them equal to the nobility. Together the three factions rule the city, for now.

    Spoiler: Ruler
    Luttoise is ruled by the Joint Committee for Public Safety, an organization supposedly made up of hundreds of voting members from the three main parties that run the city. Ostensibly they are a democratic forum for debating and deciding the goals of the revolution. In reality they are a continuous barely controlled riot. Political purity testing and subsequent executions are a daily occurrence, and outright assassinations are just as common. It is only a matter of time before the balance of power shifts and the parties eat each other. The Committee has a Speaker elected from its number, but the actual speaker is inconsequential. They rarely survive election day.

    Spoiler: Conviction
    The people of Luttoise have few things in common. They fight for liberty, equality, and brotherhood. They believe in democracy. They're ready to die for it, even if they can't agree on how it should be implemented. The Revolutionary Spirit unites them even as it urges the bloodshed ever onward.

    Spoiler: Diversion
    The district is a constant churn of bodies as revolutionaries kill each other and new ones seem to appear endlessly from somewhere beyond hazy borders, but one thing stops even the thickest fighting. Executions are the entertainment of choice in Luttoise. They're voted on after all.
    Last edited by zabbarot; 2024-05-24 at 09:36 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by lt_murgen View Post
    Exploratory expeditions expeditiously expediting exploration would be epicurially equipped.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necropolis (OOC)


    A Figurative Utopia With a Literal Collapse
    The Prismatic Collective - Gold Caste
    Discretion 3 | Force 5 | Entertainment 1 | Conviction 3
    Units 3 | Mirth 1

    Spoiler: History
    Hundreds of thousands of years is a very long time. Here, after the End, it doesn't matter. Some force or forces unknown swept across the world and destroyed nearly all of the proud people that would become the Sanctified. As providers died, resources became scarce. As resources became scarce, conflict broke out. As conflict broke out, infrastructure failed. Millennia later, there remained only a single lingering bastion of this once world-spanning society and the many wonders it held. The survivors called it Sanctum.

    So much has been lost that some Sanctified could - and did - spend their entire lives trying to put back together even a small piece of it. Estimates guessed that they could step across continents for breakfast and move the very stars. Regardless, the true nosedive in their fortunes began when their direct connection to the grand Directors was severed. The pre-Sanctified relied on these incredible magitech marvels to share information with a thought and maintain a clear and disciplined mind capable of working on and visualizing several complex tasks simultaneously. With its collapse, due to reasons lost to strife, the people of that empire were in many ways no longer to maintain their grandest workings... and then their not so grand workings. Entire provinces were lost, sectors went dark, and the lights of the great Otherways Gate Network went out one by one and dozens at a time.

    Eventually, pushed to the breaking point, these precursors came up with the Sanctum scheme. They retreated to a single protected city, a final remaining jewel in what had once been a vast dragon's hoard, and hid, venturing forth to subtly shape history and redirect the curious - and lesser - kingdoms while rebuilding their strength and knowledge, occasionally poaching raw talent where they found it. One day, they said, it would rise again.

    It did not. Sanctum died not with a grand last stand, but a whimper. One plague, one surge, one breakdown too many, and that was that. In the real world, the last of their ruins was picked clean.

    Spoiler: Geography
    Bastion is the name of Sanctum's final city, and here in the End, it is the place Sanctum is modeled after, the locus of the Otherways Gates. By all accounts, it is beautiful, or was. The 'current' iteration of it shows signs of what it will become - discarded, broken magitech litters the streets in spite of cleanup efforts. Every gathering place is just a little too empty to be natural. And no matter how well maintained, the gear is always a bit rusty.

    Spoiler: People

    Biologically, the Sanctified and all of their feudal vassals followed the human or near-human template. The people of Sanctum call themselves the Sanctified, though the primitive civilizations they watch over, on the rare occasions that they make any contact at all, have been known to call them Sanctumites (wrong), Sanctiles (very wrong), or Sancs (comically wrong).

    Little is known about their culture outside of Sanctum itself, but those within belong to a semi-permeable caste system. Children are born into one of several overarching castes, which are color coded for the convenience of those outsiders or small children learning about it. Within that caste, though, are many roles, and as a given child’s compulsory education is underway, the child is evaluated for aptitudes. Upon completion of their education, these aptitudes are combined with stated preferences, psychological evaluations, and current manpower needs and the person’s actual job is assigned to them. A given individual may never change their caste. They may apply for career re-evaluation once every five years, though this is not required of them.

    Each child is also assigned a citizenship identification number, largely for ease of book keeping. The only other birth-related aspect of their identity is their lineage, which is tracked partly as a source of intra-caste pride and partly for the monitoring of certain aptitudes (and occasionally, assigning special responsibilities) among bloodlines.

    Spoiler: Ruler
    How Sanctum’s government works is an even more closely guarded secret. Fortunately, the very few times it has somehow managed to leak, those spreading the news were dismissed as raving lunatics, not least because they lacked the vocabulary to properly verbalize the revelation. Technically speaking, the Gold caste is in charge of government administration, but that hides a greater truth - their job is to maintain and execute the decisions of an artificial intelligence, a powerful and self-aware entity officially called the Administrative, Military, and Systems Analysis Engine (AMSAE). Originally one of several linked supercomputers, the primary imperial administrative machine was the only one not to fail in the events that annihilated the old empire.

    These days it is simply called the Director by the Sanctified, and while every citizen has a certain reverence for it, it strongly discourages attaching religious significance to itself. Nor does it do everyone’s thinking for them; the number of tasks that require attention on a daily basis within Sanctum and without is beyond even the ultra-strength machine’s ability to deal with, even at a high level, and it is here that the Gold caste, if you’ll excuse the wordplay, shines. Domestic issues, from infrastructure failures to criminal activities, are taken up with the Gold caste (reports of external threats are usually deferred to the Black caste for military solutions). Issues with the Gold caste can be referred directly to AMSAE, but the Director, while fair, harshly punishes frivolous persecution.

    Spoiler: Diversion
    Above all else, the Sanctified remember - when they can remember - that knowledge and the lack thereof led to their downfall. They crave Lore above all else.

    Spoiler: Conviction
    The Sanctified philosophy is almost completely rooted in their unifying mission. While there are layers and layers of nuance to it, 'good' is whatever hastens the arrival of the Second Singularity - their renewed ascension - and 'bad' is the opposite. The inherent value of the ancient empire they descended from is a matter of some debate, but attempting to reclaim those heights is not.As such, the Sanctified follow a strict policy of Collective Materialism.
    Last edited by Jade_Tarem; 2024-05-31 at 07:04 PM.
    Amazing Zealot avatar by Elder Tsofu.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necropolis (OOC)

    The Decadence of Blood and Ash

    Spoiler: Ruler
    Teotlkan. Xiuhtlatec. Father. Dragon. God. Nezetkhamun of Tzalteclan was once all these things. Immortal and beloved, he guided the fate of his Empire for more than a century. Until, at the last, he was betrayed by that which he held most dear - his family. Reduced to a transient shadow of his divinity, the still-burning body of Nezetkhamun stands entombed and mummified at the heart of his royal palace. The memories of his children and his children's children reduced to little more than elemental projections of his own shattered mind, the dragon of ash and blood presides over the unceasing gyre of the Decadence with loathing and possessive obsession. It is a rare thing for the Teotlkan to remember himself, but the summons of the Sovereign of Wax and Wick has clarified his mind like nothing in the unceasing purgatory of the Necropolis before. Woe betide those who would now deny him a return to glorious, invincible life.

    Spoiler: Geography
    The road to the Decadence traverses a canyon of broken stone, its weathered track carved along a long-dead seabed of black sand. On either side, the remnants of enormous reliefs and statues glare down from arcades of shadow, a lost and forgotten history pressing in with all the weight of creeping dementia. The ashen skies swirl, echoes of the forgotten waters below, parting here and there like wounds to reveal a sunset sky of reds, oranges, and purples. At last the canyon widens into the remnants of a great bay, pockmarked here and there with stagnant wells of brackish water, the cliff face peeling aside into an intricate hive of caves and hidden tunnels whence come the mewling wails of half-formed, forgotten things. Across the bay rises the city of the Teotlkan, sprawling atop the plateau remnants of an ancient shield volcano stirring once more to life. It is only above the topmost pyramid of the city that the skies clear at the eye of the storm of ash, revealing a blood-red sun partially eclipsed by a too-small moon. A terrible, inescapable eye whose suffocating heat has transfigured the jungles beyond the city into a festering hotbed of rot and decay. Rough steps have been worn up from the bay, past the jagged teeth of impotent piers and sea walls, to the paved road leading to the city gate. Beneath the dragon's eye above, the tile flickers like molten gold, but like so much in the Necropolis it is a cruel joke, as the ash from above mixes with the vital fluids oozing up from between the flags to create a tacky lacquer that clings hungrily to boot and wheel alike. Past the outer gate, the sprawling majority of the population dwells in the tumbledown slums of what were once sumptuous villas, now riven by the movement of the earth below and the arcane whims of their ruler above. Here and there, sinkholes have opened in the faded tiles of plazas and fountains to unleash plumes of noxious gasses or the slow bleed of magma down hastily-constructed canals leading out the city. Only one thoroughfare dares an unbroken trail through this labyrinth, its perfection built atop the bones of generation after generation of sacrificed laborer, as the road to the Teotlkan's palace stands inviolable. This road leads through a second gate, far grander and yet more monstrous than the first, through a district of raised steppe pyramids and gardens that seem to defy the decay around them. The music of distant fountains and the wafting scent of hothouse flowers assail the senses with the promise of some paradise beyond the rot of the Necropolis, but this too is a lie. The fountains run with the blood of the sacrificed, and the roots of every plant and flower drip with poison malevolence from their sanguine cultivation. Atop all, the Teotlkan's palace looms, a hungry beast with a dozen raised limbs, a throne at its apex framed by the terrible light of the eclipsed sun above. The throne is always and never empty, for a shadow larger than any man slouches atop it in repose, the emptiness of its eyes shone through in fiery majesty by the eye above.

    Spoiler: People
    Echoes of a monstrous caste system, the people of the Decadence are even more starkly divided than in life. The vast majority of the population dwells unseen from most who might visit the city, consigned to festering hovels in the rotting jungle or held in claustrophobic pens carved into the cliffs across the bay. These pitiable, malformed creatures suggest humanity in their shape and profile, but are uniformly broken, dolls shattered at the whim of a petulant god. They live because the city could not exist without them, crawling like maggots from the hidden dark to be predated upon by the city's warriors. Bereft of hope and sanity, most are little more than beasts, though rumors persist within the underclasses of the city of a movement of reformed slave brood that have escaped to other districts and there found their sanity. These dangerous insurgents are hunted and guarded against incessantly by the Teotlkan's secret police, though travelers through the Decadence have wondered whether they are simply another fantasy to titillate and radicalize the population.

    Above the slave brood stand the common people of the Decadence, men and women in whom the memory of humanity still endures. They stand straight and tall, secure in their worth and destiny, but that calling is simply another echo of forgotten grandeur. It is a distraction from the corruption that roils through the streets, the children born scaled or horned, or exsanguinated, and the shadows that move when no one is looking. Bound up in the religion of their own purity and supremacy, the commons work tirelessly for the glory of the Decadence and the approval of their rarely-seen masters in the palaces above. Their lives have meaning in the Decadence, but that simply means the cost is closely tallied when they are spent on new, doomed edifices to the Teotlkan's glory.

    Atop the pyramid of society in the Decadence are the nobles, those families that serve to guide the organs of state in the Teotlkan's name. These bronze-skinned, statuesque creatures seem as gods compared to the masses they rule, but it is a parasitic divinity. The blood sacrificed to the Teotlkan nourishes the eden of the noble quarter, their beatitude little more than a mask over ravening addiction and lust for their ruler's approval. And, buried beneath all, the diamond-cold fear of the Teotlkan's disapproval. Tales endure in the grand guignol of the Necropolis of nobles cast out from their paradise by the Teotlkan reduced to blood-crazed revenants, their strength turned brittle and savage, their beauty burned into cadaverous horror.

    Spoiler: Diversion
    With the sun and moon permanently locked in the holiest of holy configurations, every day in the Decadence is marked by the Dragon's Eye Festival. The people gather their offerings and crowd tumbledown temples to watch as the slave brood are sacrificed by the score, their blood flowing in slick rivers down the streets. Roving bands of dragon knights engage in perpetual raids for more cattle to feed to the Teotlkan's glory, while the inhabitants of the noble quarter pass down invitations to waiting supplicants among the commoners who ascend to become blood sacrifices atop the grand pyramid itself. Gore and viscera flow through the streets of the Decadence like blood through veins, nourishing and corrupting the land and its people.

    Spoiler: Conviction
    Once, the empire that would lose itself in the Decadence called out to great beings of infinite might and power, and sat at the center of a great confluence of divine powers. It was a faith of centuries, a faith burned away in a single act of divine retribution for the hubris of one man. But that hubris, like so much, has been forgotten. So too the names of the serpentine gods that once watched over the people in their mortal days. All now has degenerated, collapsing back to the personage of their Teotlkan, their savior, their doom. The Dragon Cult worships only one dragon now, his ravenous needs and mercurial rages interpreted by prophets and madmen, his whispered word as like to drive adherents to mania as to set them on a righteous path.
    Last edited by TheDarkDM; 2024-06-03 at 12:11 AM.

    I was old when the pharaohs first mounted
    The jewel-decked throne by the Nile;
    I was old in those epochs uncounted
    When I, and I only, was vile;

    Quote Originally Posted by apocalypsePast2 View Post could possibly refer to you guys' elaborate dance of allies-to-enemies-to-suicide-of-the-universe as some sort of weird art form.

    If one were on drugs.
    Quote Originally Posted by VonDoom View Post
    Behold, the mighty slayer of strangely coloured mutant equines! The thwarter of forum woes! The! Dark! DM!

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necropolis (OOC)

    The Maelstrom

    Spoiler: Ruler

    The Great and Powerful Merlyn, Immortal Ruinarch of the Maelstrom. The Damned Fool who brought us all here.

    Spoiler: Geography
    The Maelstrom is a district of turmoil, conglomeration, and collapse. A massive black hole sits in the center of it, known as "The Source", and it constantly rips up and changes the land around it. A vast wasteland stretches from this bleak hole, rolling into terrifying mountains, deadly deserts, consuming bogs, and massive glaciers. It is a district of many different realms all desperately trying to float above the other.

    Spoiler: People
    The people of The Maelstrom are an eclectic bunch, torn from different biomes and realms, ranging from Rat to Man to Elf to Vulture and Owlbear. Fractured kingdoms and shattered tribes forming a diaspora in perpetual turmoil and conflict with one another.

    Spoiler: Diversion

    Ice Scream - The sole pleasure all the people of the Maelstrom take comfort in is the thawing of the Mighty Glaciers that releases the trapped mournful wails of their past conquered foes.

    Spoiler: Conviction

    Ruin - The People of the Maelstrom have no unified faith, for each of them holds to their own codes of delusion, and only the violent chaotic imposition of one arbitrary ruleset over another is consistent between the many people.
    “I’m a Terrorist not an idiot.” - Me

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