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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation - The Divine Compact

    Quote Originally Posted by zzzzzzzz414 View Post
    Ah, might've gone a bit overboard/opaque on the description lol. To clarify, I see them as more of a jester role (partly intentional and partly unintentional) rather than a constant antagonist, yeah. Their default response to another god's actions isn't going to be "i want to stop that" or "i want to undermine/corrupt that", it's "oh, i wanna do that too! but Weirder, and with more insect wings." Early actions I'm thinking of would be shapeshifters, various types of Fey, bizarre insectoid versions of other gods' creatures, Name-related or Illusion-related magic, mirror plane or planes, that kind of thing. They'll be riffing off of other gods' creations, but there won't be countering or disruption for countering and disruption's sake. Central character thesis I'm trying to follow with them is, "they think everything is amazingly interesting and funny, and they explore this interest mainly through imitation." Might tweak the personality section to make that clearer...
    Ah! So kind of like Delight/Delirium from the Sandman comics? Either way, with more of a clarification, I'm leaning more towards entertaining! Approved! Don't mind me, got Del inspired for a moment...

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation - The Divine Compact

    Quote Originally Posted by zzzzzzzz414 View Post
    Oh, I love LOC games! This is my first time seeing the updated ruleset, though, the changes look interesting.

    Anyway, here's a concept I've had in the back of my mind for a bit that I hope works?

    Spoiler: Ixipilzi
    Names: Ixipikzi, Ikzipixi, (but never Ixipixi or Ikzipikzi), The Laughing One, The Jeweled One, The Cruel One, The Thing In The Mirror, The Empress of the Isle, The King In The Wood, Nametaker, Silver-Slaker, The Worm and The Fool and a thousand thousand thousand more

    Pronouns: They/Them

    Player: nottoph

    Domains (Portfolios): Reflections (Parody), Trickery (Mimicry)

    Divine Rank/AP/Infusion Slots: Demigod, AP 12/12, IS 3/3

    Divine Symbol: Typically a set of insect wings (often moth's or butterfly's wings), with one half smeared, scratched, charred, torn, cracked, scribbled over or in some other way made asymmetrical.

    Personality: Ikzipixi is said to be childlike and mercurial, flitting from one thing to the next, passing though names, creations, moods, allegiances, taking up or discarding whatever suits their fancy for as long as it holds their interest; endlessly fascinated by everything around them, and expressing that fascination mainly through mimicry. They consider imitation both the highest form of flattery and the highest form of insult; Ixipikzi enjoys mimicking the things and people and creations that they like, but they also cannot resist exaggeration, stretching and twisting the identity of a thing just to find out where it breaks. For this reason they are also associated with names, labels, and the subversion thereof, things that aren't what they are and are what they aren't. They are always laughing; whether the joke is funny or cruel depends largely on the one looking in the mirror.

    Appearance: Ixipikzi's "true" form is said to be a shifting kaleidoscopic fractal of insect wings, but this is rarely, if ever, seen (though it is sometimes artistically depicted). They are almost always mimicking something else; usually, whoever they are speaking to. They like to appear in clear water and other reflective surfaces, but also sometimes as merely a stranger in a familiar place: a version of you with a too-wide smile or too-big eyes or chitin where there should be skin.


    Dogma: Ikzipixi's "teachings", such as they are, are not so much like lessons imparted as much as jokes told, japes and mockeries and riddles that work again and again and again, the punchline always the same. The more itself something is, the harder it is to stop itself from becoming something else; what doesn't bend and twist will break and shatter, imprisoned by its own name, suffocated by its own weight, unable to take a joke and looking all the more ridiculous for it. Denial as affirmation in and of itself, twisting into a parody of itself to avoid becoming what it already isn't not. Identity is like quicksilver, slipping through the fingers the tighter one grasps. Identity is like an endless set of nested cocoons, getting smaller and smaller as you go in. Or bigger and bigger as you go out, depending on the point of view. Never become too sure of what you are and aren't; if you look at a reflection and see what's in there too clearly, consider not. Try cutting out your eye instead - maybe it will give you new perspective. If the person in the mirror looks unfamiliar, good - better to make a new friend than to be stuck with oneself.
    A fun looking character for the game that I'm looking forward to interacting with. With the response you gave Fuzzy I believe my own worries are settled. Approved.

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation - The Divine Compact

    If gods are still being accepted, I would love to throw my hat into the ring. I've never heard of LoC before but it seems fascinating!

    Names & Epithets Syron, Siron, The Upbringer (most common), The Storyteller, The Opposition (least common)
    Player Name LavenderT
    Domains (Portfolios) War (Heroism), Nature (Monsters)
    Divine Rank Demigod 12/12
    Infusion Slots & Infusion Maximum 0/3
    Divine Symbol A sword above a reptilian eye
    Personality Syron is an eager and hasty deity. They are not one to think their actions through, some might go so far as to consider Syron to be naive. Their most defining feature, though, is their love for people. They seek to raise individuals of races to higher heights, they encourage ambition, they want to witness glory. Sometimes, they get a bit overzealous in this endeavor resulting in tragedies that they do not often fix - but they will protect societies from other threats if they feel the threat is too great.
    Appearance Syron appears as a humanoid figure in golden armor with extensive filigree. Whether they are wearing the armor, or the armor is Syron is a matter of theological debate. Syron has never given any clarification or preference.
    • The only unforgivable acts are cowardice and senseless bloodshed.
    • Should someone perish to save another, they are to be revered forever after.
    • Glory is precious. It should always be sought but never stolen.

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation - The Divine Compact

    Quote Originally Posted by LavenderT View Post
    If gods are still being accepted, I would love to throw my hat into the ring. I've never heard of LoC before but it seems fascinating!

    Names & Epithets Syron, Siron, The Upbringer (most common), The Storyteller, The Opposition (least common)
    Player Name LavenderT
    Domains (Portfolios) War (Heroism), Nature (Monsters)
    Divine Rank Demigod 12/12
    Infusion Slots & Infusion Maximum 0/3
    Divine Symbol A sword above a reptilian eye
    Personality Syron is an eager and hasty deity. They are not one to think their actions through, some might go so far as to consider Syron to be naive. Their most defining feature, though, is their love for people. They seek to raise individuals of races to higher heights, they encourage ambition, they want to witness glory. Sometimes, they get a bit overzealous in this endeavor resulting in tragedies that they do not often fix - but they will protect societies from other threats if they feel the threat is too great.
    Appearance Syron appears as a humanoid figure in golden armor with extensive filigree. Whether they are wearing the armor, or the armor is Syron is a matter of theological debate. Syron has never given any clarification or preference.
    • The only unforgivable acts are cowardice and senseless bloodshed.
    • Should someone perish to save another, they are to be revered forever after.
    • Glory is precious. It should always be sought but never stolen.
    We are always accepting new gods! Technically recruitment never ends for a game like this.

    I like the concept :) I am approving this, once another moderator of the game weighs in you should be good to go.

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation - The Divine Compact

    Quote Originally Posted by LavenderT View Post
    Spoiler: Syron
    If gods are still being accepted, I would love to throw my hat into the ring. I've never heard of LoC before but it seems fascinating!

    Names & Epithets Syron, Siron, The Upbringer (most common), The Storyteller, The Opposition (least common)
    Player Name LavenderT
    Domains (Portfolios) War (Heroism), Nature (Monsters)
    Divine Rank Demigod 12/12
    Infusion Slots & Infusion Maximum 0/3
    Divine Symbol A sword above a reptilian eye
    Personality Syron is an eager and hasty deity. They are not one to think their actions through, some might go so far as to consider Syron to be naive. Their most defining feature, though, is their love for people. They seek to raise individuals of races to higher heights, they encourage ambition, they want to witness glory. Sometimes, they get a bit overzealous in this endeavor resulting in tragedies that they do not often fix - but they will protect societies from other threats if they feel the threat is too great.
    Appearance Syron appears as a humanoid figure in golden armor with extensive filigree. Whether they are wearing the armor, or the armor is Syron is a matter of theological debate. Syron has never given any clarification or preference.
    • The only unforgivable acts are cowardice and senseless bloodshed.
    • Should someone perish to save another, they are to be revered forever after.
    • Glory is precious. It should always be sought but never stolen.
    Approved. We'll be doing the actual game over on MythWeavers, but wanted to open up recruitment here as well; the GitP forums have been struggling with performance for the past few months. Please also submit here as well, assuming you have an account.

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation - The Divine Compact

    Name & Epithet: Vlix; The Visionary, The Dreamer, The Star-Child

    Player Name: MutantDragon

    Domains (Portfolios): Magic (Wonder), Light (Stars)

    Action Points: 12AP

    Infusions: 0/3

    Divine Symbol: A circle of stars

    Personality: Vlix is a dreamer at heart, seeing infinite possibilities in every blade of grass or mighty king. He strives to always maintain a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world and he prizes those traits in others. He can be flighty and prone to changing his mind or abandoning projects halfway through in favor of exciting new ones, but he is always kind and empathetic, and he tries to approach everything with enthusiasm and cheerful optimism.

    Appearance: Vlix most often appears as a human boy, apparent age ranging from 5 to 13, with pale skin and jet black hair and eyes. Both his hair and eyes sparkle with starlight. He takes other forms as they suit him, but he always has an appearance of youth.

    • Thou shalt never dismiss the value of others
    • Thou shalt be always curious about the world and strive to see the potential in everything
    • Thou shalt cultivate curiosity in others
    • Thou shalt always render aid to those less fortunate
    • Above all, thou shalt hold all children sacred and do all you can to ensure their development, health, and safety, even at the cost of your own

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation - The Divine Compact

    Quote Originally Posted by MutantDragon View Post
    Name & Epithet: Vlix; The Visionary, The Dreamer, The Star-Child

    Player Name: MutantDragon

    Domains (Portfolios): Magic (Wonder), Light (Stars)

    Action Points: 12AP

    Infusions: 0/3

    Divine Symbol: A circle of stars

    Personality: Vlix is a dreamer at heart, seeing infinite possibilities in every blade of grass or mighty king. He strives to always maintain a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world and he prizes those traits in others. He can be flighty and prone to changing his mind or abandoning projects halfway through in favor of exciting new ones, but he is always kind and empathetic, and he tries to approach everything with enthusiasm and cheerful optimism.

    Appearance: Vlix most often appears as a human boy, apparent age ranging from 5 to 13, with pale skin and jet black hair and eyes. Both his hair and eyes sparkle with starlight. He takes other forms as they suit him, but he always has an appearance of youth.

    • Thou shalt never dismiss the value of others
    • Thou shalt be always curious about the world and strive to see the potential in everything
    • Thou shalt cultivate curiosity in others
    • Thou shalt always render aid to those less fortunate
    • Above all, thou shalt hold all children sacred and do all you can to ensure their development, health, and safety, even at the cost of your own
    Minimal but I know you can make posts that have the appropriate amount of detail from the previous LoC. Approved
    Last edited by AlexanderML; 2024-05-30 at 11:51 AM.

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Nov 2021

    Default Re: Lords of Creation - The Divine Compact

    Quote Originally Posted by MutantDragon View Post
    Spoiler: Vlix
    Name & Epithet: Vlix; The Visionary, The Dreamer, The Star-Child

    Player Name: MutantDragon

    Domains (Portfolios): Magic (Wonder), Light (Stars)

    Action Points: 12AP

    Infusions: 0/3

    Divine Symbol: A circle of stars

    Personality: Vlix is a dreamer at heart, seeing infinite possibilities in every blade of grass or mighty king. He strives to always maintain a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world and he prizes those traits in others. He can be flighty and prone to changing his mind or abandoning projects halfway through in favor of exciting new ones, but he is always kind and empathetic, and he tries to approach everything with enthusiasm and cheerful optimism.

    Appearance: Vlix most often appears as a human boy, apparent age ranging from 5 to 13, with pale skin and jet black hair and eyes. Both his hair and eyes sparkle with starlight. He takes other forms as they suit him, but he always has an appearance of youth.

    • Thou shalt never dismiss the value of others
    • Thou shalt be always curious about the world and strive to see the potential in everything
    • Thou shalt cultivate curiosity in others
    • Thou shalt always render aid to those less fortunate
    • Above all, thou shalt hold all children sacred and do all you can to ensure their development, health, and safety, even at the cost of your own
    Ditto, Approved.

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