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  1. - Top - End - #1441
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    Mall Walking
    “Well here,” she says as she motions for Keith to follow her. “We can go find the series together. I think I remember where they are.”

    She walks past several shelves and eventually finds the correct books. Hope hands him the first in the series and picks up the fourth one for herself.

    She shrugs as Keith asks about school. “I took a few online courses, but I’ve been working full time for the last year or so. I just couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do, and it seemed like a waste of money and time to not have a plan.”
    Keith's smile softens again as he follows Hope around the bookstore. "Sure, lead the way! The adventure awaits." He was enjoying the time with her. Though the back of his mind still wondered if this was entirely alright. Nothing was set in stone with Maeve, he reminded himself.

    "They've expanded the selection a bit since the last time I was here." He commented as they walked around. He grinned wide as she handed him the first book. "The way you sold this, I'll need to return next week for the second." He looked back up at her eyes, captivated again. "And the third."

    As she gave her response to the school question, he shrugged and grinned. "I get that, and it does feel that way if you don't know what you want to do." He looked at the ground for a moment. "Honestly, I thought I had a full idea but now, I'm not so certain anymore." He rubbed the back of his neck before meeting her eyes again. "Also taking classes online to get an idea. Who knows, maybe inspiration will strike again."

    "What do you do for work? Or should I save that question for the eventual book discussion?" His smile was a bit playful.

  2. - Top - End - #1442
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Mall Walking

    Iris looks at Louis for half a second too long before taking his phone and putting in her number.

    While she’s focused on that, Ryker chances another glance at his ex-girlfriend, examining the extent on the injuries that she’s covered up. His jaw clenches as he attempts to restrain his fury. “Aria,” he starts to say before looking for the right words to say. “We’ll get this figured out.”

    Iris meets his gaze and blinks a few times as her eyes get glassy. She nods before returning Louis’ phone.
    "Thanks." Louis says as he tucks his phone back into his jacket pocket.

    "Alright, we should probably get going since there's a ton of places we haven't hit yet." He says to the delinquent duo. "Let's catch up later okay? See ya around Aria."

    The West Side team lead offers their fan a friendly wave goodbye before disappearing behind the rows of shelves and begins combing the store for his counterpart.

    "Hey Keith, you find your book yet or did you get lost in fiction or something?" He calls out from the middle of the paper labyrinth.
    Last edited by PK-Leon; 2024-05-20 at 09:12 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #1443
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Mall Walking
    Louis and Raphael
    Iris nods and gives the three of them a thin smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. “Bye guys.”

    Ryker gives her one last look before going to follow Louis. “One of us will call later today or tomorrow,” he promises.

    Hope laughs lightly as Keith mentions coming back for subsequent books. “You’ll definitely be back. It doesn’t end on a crazy cliffhanger, but it really makes you want to pick up the next book.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    "Honestly, I thought I had a full idea but now, I'm not so certain anymore." He rubbed the back of his neck before meeting her eyes again. "Also taking classes online to get an idea. Who knows, maybe inspiration will strike again."
    “What were you studying?” she asks as she reads the back cover of the fourth book.

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    "What do you do for work? Or should I save that question for the eventual book discussion?"
    “I’m a bartender,” Hope replies. “I work at the Nightbloom Bar over on Rampart Street most nights, but I occasionally take some shifts at Code Black too.”

    Spoiler: Streetwise TN 4
    Nightbloom is a fairly high end bar that is well known in Iron Station. It sits right on the edge of the Iron River near the center of town on a street that is known for a nightlife scene.

    Spoiler: Streetwise TN 8
    Code Black is one of the larger clubs in the South side of town— rumored to be a Crown hangout.

    She looks up as Louis calls out Keith’s name and spots the three boys through a gap in the columns of books. “You know those guys? My friend Aria definitely seemed to know at least one of them.”

    Providence, RI
    I’m not in trouble, though I am moving too quickly, Emi assures him. He wants to make sure my mother is settled and ready for any number of visitors before we start really planning something.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kate
    You'll have to introduce me to him someday, Kate replied cheekily.
    I don’t think you’d like him very much, Mr. Shaw replies with a hint of bitterness. I prefer being Mr. Shaw anyway, even if it feels like I’m acting sometimes, rather than just being myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kate
    I'm guessing he has you to thank for that. Dad wouldn't have had enough time for one of his "A Kelley's as good as any man" pep talks.
    They actually had a short aside in the garage before dinner, Mr. Shaw says with a chuckle at her irritation.

    Shortly after everyone seems to finish eating, plates begin the float over the trash to be scraped off by a mental spatula, then neatly stack themselves by the sink.
    Last edited by InTheMachine; 2024-05-21 at 06:57 AM.

  4. - Top - End - #1444
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    Providence, RI
    I’m not in trouble, though I am moving too quickly, Emi assures him. He wants to make sure my mother is settled and ready for any number of visitors before we start really planning something.
    John tried not to get nervous at the shift from “we” to “I.” After all, there was no reason to think that Mr. Shaw might be angry and him and not…at…his…belovèd….

    Best not to think about it.

    Once the ritual is complete, your mother should be whole again without the need for healing, John explained as he retreated into explanations while he pushed his nerves aside, although it is possible it will take her some time to reorient herself. There may not be gaps in her memory but there may be a certain catching up she will need to do mentally.

    Or at least attempted to push his nerves aside.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    I don’t think you’d like him very much, Mr. Shaw replies with a hint of bitterness. I prefer being Mr. Shaw anyway, even if it feels like I’m acting sometimes, rather than just being myself.
    There was a moment’s pause as Kate’s mental state shifted from forthright to concern and caring.

    Then you’ll have to spend more time with us, Mr. Shaw, she offered with a hint of finality lurking beneath her compassion. After a few more dinners, I’m sure it will feel far less like acting.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    They actually had a short aside in the garage before dinner, Mr. Shaw says with a chuckle at her irritation.
    Trust dad to always find a way, she replied with mock exasperation.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    Shortly after everyone seems to finish eating, plates begin the float over the trash to be scraped off by a mental spatula, then neatly stack themselves by the sink.
    Kate bounced a little in her chair, watching the plates make their way to the kitchen before leaning across the table.

    “I don’t think that will ever get old,” she told Jefferey before turning to beam at the Shaws.

  5. - Top - End - #1445
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    Mall Walking
    Hope laughs lightly as Keith mentions coming back for subsequent books. “You’ll definitely be back. It doesn’t end on a crazy cliffhanger, but it really makes you want to pick up the next book.”

    “What were you studying?” she asks as she reads the back cover of the fourth book.

    “I’m a bartender,” Hope replies. “I work at the Nightbloom Bar over on Rampart Street most nights, but I occasionally take some shifts at Code Black too.”

    Spoiler: Streetwise TN 4
    Nightbloom is a fairly high end bar that is well known in Iron Station. It sits right on the edge of the Iron River near the center of town on a street that is known for a nightlife scene.

    Spoiler: Streetwise TN 8
    Code Black is one of the larger clubs in the South side of town— rumored to be a Crown hangout.
    Keith can’t help but laugh as well, and gets lost in her smile. “Holdin’ you to that. At least it isn’t a massive cliffhanger. Those endings just….” He shakes his head. “Well, they can be aggravating.”

    At the question of what he was studying, his face flushed again with embarrassment. “T-this is mildly ironic, considering earlier but was focusing on literary studies.”

    He sighed. “Should have a better way with words, but being mesmerized will do that.” He looks back up at her.

    Spoiler: Keith knows a thing!

    Streetwise: 1d4o4 2 1d6o6 4

    He whistles a bit. “Nightbloom is high up there. Never been, but that’s at the hub of nightlife if I remember right.” He tilts his head. “Never heard of Code Black though. You enjoy them?”

    Quote Originally Posted by PK-Leon View Post
    December 5th
    Mall Walking
    "Hey Keith, you find your book yet or did you get lost in fiction or something?" He calls out from the middle of the paper labyrinth.
    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    She looks up as Louis calls out Keith’s name and spots the three boys through a gap in the columns of books. “You know those guys? My friend Aria definitely seemed to know at least one of them.”
    Keith jumps a bit at Louis calling him and turns back. “Lost in hypnotic conversation.” He smirks before turning back to Hope.

    “Yeah, they’re good people. And generally keep an eye out for people they know too.” He grins. "Aria?" He briefly tilts his head and remembers the conversation with a concussed Ryker. "Small world then, them running into each other here."

    “And that’s not where I thought he would interrupt either. So,” He started. “Would you be open to talking again sometime? Or possibly discussing our thoughts on the series over coffee?”
    Last edited by Roguewolf; 2024-05-24 at 11:00 AM.

  6. - Top - End - #1446
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Mall Walking
    Hope returns Keith’s smile as he flirts with her. “The Nightbloom is great. I got really lucky getting to start there, honestly.” Her expression falls a little as she continues. “Code Black is… rougher. I only work the upstairs bar though, so it’s not too crazy. The tips are so worth it though. Code Black is where I met Aria, actually.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    "Small world then, them running into each other here."
    A spark of interest enters her eyes. “I’ll have to grill Aria for the deets later.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    “Would you be open to talking again sometime? Or possibly discussing our thoughts on the series over coffee?”
    “Sure,” she replies. “Let me know when you’ve finished it and we can set something up. Maybe lunch instead though? I’m not a huge coffee drinker.”

    Providence, RI
    Quote Originally Posted by Kate
    There was a moment’s pause as Kate’s mental state shifted from forthright to concern and caring.

    Then you’ll have to spend more time with us, Mr. Shaw, she offered with a hint of finality lurking beneath her compassion. After a few more dinners, I’m sure it will feel far less like acting.
    Kate feels a warmth fill her mind. Hopefully so.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kate
    “I don’t think that will ever get old,” she told Jefferey before turning to beam at the Shaws.
    Emi returns Kate’s smile, then her gaze grows curious. “Have you met many metas? I suppose a casual use of powers is probably not a common thing for you to see.”

  7. - Top - End - #1447
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    Providence, RI
    Emi returns Kate’s smile, then her gaze grows curious. “Have you met many metas? I suppose a casual use of powers is probably not a common thing for you to see.”
    “I’m up to a grand total of two,” Kate replied excitedly, “three, if we get to count John. I’m a little unclear on whether he, Debonair, Dreamtime, and Windwalker are considered Metas or if they are considered to have followed a specialized career path. The literature seems unsettled on that point.

    “I’ve seen Hope and Anchor from a distance and everyone in Providence has had at least one encounter with Rock Lobster.

    “And no one wants to meet The Longshoreman,” Stephen said quietly.

    “He does have a darker reputation,” Kate conceded. “But even with Rock Lobster and Hope and Anchor’s public appearances on behalf of the Providential, I can’t say as I have been introduced.”

    She looked across the table at her brother. “Come to think of it, we haven’t even seem John use his magic more than three times.”

    “The first,” she counted, noting that he crossed his right hand over the top of his left, “was when he showed us he was Dee and the second two were when he has opened doorways to the Spire for us.”

    John shifted his left hand into his lap as he reached for his wine. “There hasn’t really been a call for me to do anything out of the ordinary.”

    Kate could tell he was hiding something — something other than his hand. The narrowing of his mother’s eyes and the slight cocking of her father’s head hinted that they had picked up on that, too.

    Perhaps the Shaws could or would as well — Mr. Shaw certainly would have now that she had thought it. But that, she decided, was okay. It would be up to him to offer any hints, as he saw fit and it wouldn’t be proper to immediately ask for his help.

    And she could ask Emi later — by text if not in person.

    “Watch out, Boyfriend,” Jefferey mock-warned with half-lidded eyes. “I think you’ve piqued her curiosity.”

    “What?” John replied. “You want me to start pulling rabbits out of a hat? That’s more Miss Menagerie’s shtick than mine. Besides — I don’t have a hat like her’s.”

    “I’d offer her something, John,” Stephen recommended, recalling how complete a profile Kate had put together about Samantha within 48 hours when he was trying to act cool.

    “Okay, okay” John conceded, hoping to distract his inquisitive sister.

    “Something brief but familiar,” he added, quickly scribing a spell.

    Spoiler: John weaves a spell
    Illusion (4)
    John takes them on a trip: 1d12o12 4 1d6o6 5

    The dining area faded and the light of the day brightened the space.

    The memory of Block Island Sound stretched out around them from the patio of a holiday rental. As a memory of a moment, there was an odd mixture of movement and stillness. From behind him, he could hear Stephen practicing his rendition of “I Want to Be Happy” — the signature piece of his upcoming performance at the Ballard Beach Resort later that evening. From the kitchen window came the laughter of his parents, enjoying a glass of wine together during one of those periods where banking and government work were distant concerns as they worked on the 1000 piece puzzle they had bought in a local store. Frozen in time, Kate and Jefferey were laughing with one another and walking towards the center of town to get a cup of coffee and make sure that they had added Jeffery to their table at the Ballard — as if either of his parents would overlook a thing like that.

    Out to sea, the storm that had washed over the island still rumbled — flashes of lightning playing within the clouds while others dove into the sea. Beneath them, the storm driven waves pounded against the rocky shore. Seagulls, frozen in time, circled above them, trying to find their way in the gusty winds coming off the Atlantic.

    The taste of the air mingled the clean sea with the fading memory of recent rain.

    On the nearby table, a copy of Badeker’s city guide to London lay next to Lyrical Ballads.

    John turned to Emi, marveling at the way his memory of the wind appeared to play with her hair. Welcome to Block Island, from about a year and a half ago. It’s the kind of memory Wordsworth wrote about in “Tintern Abbey” — the type of thing you hold onto in the future to buttress to you in times of trial and trouble. It was a moment of peace and belonging, when all felt well and right with the world. Mom and Dad had brought us here for the week so we could enjoy some of Stephen’s performances. He was working here for the summer and performing at the Ballard Beach Resort, which you can just see down by the docks.

    Jeffrey had come by ferry earlier that day to stay overnight because he needed a little bit of a morale boost. He was planning to come out to his parents before he started at the Rhode Island School of Design and wanted some reassurance from Kate. John smiled. As you already know, he needn’t have worried. They had known for years and were just waiting for him to become comfortable enough with his identity to tell them.

    The two of them had just told me they were going to find me this shirt after looking out to sea. He smiled fondly. It would take them until Christmas to find it.

    He looked back up at Emi. How could he have known at the time of this memory that she was missing from it?

    I’d tell you that I’ve never considered sharing this memory with you but I suspect it is bad policy to lie to a psychic once you have let them past your defenses. Even if they aren’t trying to pry, they are likely to pick up on things like that.

    It’s the one I wanted to share with you on the roof of West Side during our first in person date.

    John permitted the memory to fade.

    It was an almost perfect moment and I wanted to share it with you — now that I have figured out a way of doing so without risking the kind of emotional entanglements you and your father have to be careful about.

    Because now that I have, it is perfect.

    Because you are part of it and part of my life.

    I love you, Emi Shaw.

  8. - Top - End - #1448
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Spoiler: Meanwhile: Girl Talk
    Yuki hesitates outside of the lounge door before she opens the door. She fights the urge to shift into her wolf form as three pairs of eyes— Stella’s, Sidney’s, and Brynn’s— look over the back of the couch to see who had come in behind them.

    Stella and Sidney greet her and Brynn gives her a silent nod as Sidney pauses the movie they were watching. Yuki doesn’t recognize the character on screen, a thin man with shoulder length hair wearing a bloody suit and wielding a handgun.

    “What’s up?” Sidney asks, turning in her seat to face the shapeshifter. “Did you want to watch with us? We’re about twenty minutes in, but I can give you the highlights so you’re not lost.”

    Yuki shakes her head. Her face heats slightly. “I wanted to ask for your advice. If you don’t mind taking a break from the movie.”

    Sidney and Stella exchange a glance, then look at Brynn who shrugs.

    “Sure Yuki,” Stella says. She scoots down so that there’s room between her and Sidney. “What did you need help with?”

    The shapeshifter sits and her blush gets deeper. “It’s about Drake.”

    “Ahhhh,” Sidney says, leaning back into the corner of the couch. “Boy troubles. Well, you’ve come to the right place.”

    “It’s not… like that,” Yuki says, looking to the side. She misses the quick, questioning glance that Stella shoots Brynn, who nods in response. “I’m worried about him after what happened a few days ago. He said that he didn’t want to talk about it when I asked. I just want to know if there’s anything I can do for him.”

    Sidney’s expression softens. “He went through a lot. Not just physically, but emotionally too. And Drake, to me, seems to be a little…” She waffles, twirling one hand as she tries to think of the right word. “Stoic.”

    Stella nods in agreement. “He does seem distant emotionally. The only time I’ve seen him upset, or anything really, was when Calvin was pushing his buttons, or something had happened to you.”

    “So I wouldn’t worry if he wants to try to work through it himself, especially over the next few days,” Sidney continues. “I’m sure if it’s really bothering him, he’ll talk to Harbinger or Seraph about it. All you need to do is be there for him if he does decide to open up to you about it. I wouldn’t push it though. If it was Ryker going through this, I would. But not Drake.”

    “Why would you push Ryker?” Yuki asks. She relaxes a little after seeing that the other girls weren’t laughing at her inexperience, looking over at Sidney.

    Sidney smiles. “Because I know he feels better getting his emotions out. He doesn’t do well with bottling everything up.” Her curiosity gets the better of her and she tilts her head slightly as she asks her next question. “How physical are you guys anyway?”

    “We spar several times a week,” Yuki replies earnestly.

    “Not what I meant,” Sidney says with a good-natured roll of her eyes. “Like, how intimate are you guys?”

    The shapeshifter stiffens at the question. Her cheeks heat as she recalls last night, when he’d given her a neck and shoulder massage after she’d finished her homework. While he was normally extremely respectful of the boundaries that she’d established over the last month, last night he’d pushed for just a little more, and she’d let him massage her stiff muscles while she was stripped down to nothing but a thin cami up top. She hadn’t stopped him when strong, capable fingers were replaced with gentle lips on her neck. Or when his hands slid under her top.

    She looks around at the other three girls waiting expectantly for her answer. She hesitates before reminding herself that although she’d only known Sidney and Stella for a little over a month, they had both proven themselves to be trustworthy. And while Brynn was a new addition, Sidney seemed to Yuki to be a good judge of character. “We’re… not really,” she says slowly. “I still have trouble with… all of that. We’re so busy with school and AEGIS work. On top of that, I don’t want to do anything wrong.”

    “Trust me,” Sidney says with another smile. “You really can’t do anything wrong. Guys are easy. They’ll like basically whatever you do.”

    “I can’t say much since Raphael is my first boyfriend,” Stella adds, “but I can confirm that he seems to have enjoyed everything that we’ve tried together so far.”

    Yuki looks at the sorceress in surprise. Raphael was Stella’s first boyfriend? An American girl as stunning as Stella was just as inexperienced as she was?

    “And,” Sidney continues, “you have the added bonus that you’ve known each other for a while. There isn’t that kinda awkward phase of trying to learn each other’s likes and dislikes while you’re dating.”

    Yuki’d gaze drops down to her hands folded in her lap. “I just know that it’s… frustrating for him. Maybe that isn’t the right word, but I know that he wants more than just a few kisses while we’re alone.” She sighs before looking up at the other girls. “I want to give him more, but…” she trails off, going pink again. Everything about Drake was just so intimidating. His size. His demeanor. The amount of experience with previous girlfriends he had. The fact that he was her Team Lead. “I just want to make him happy.”

    Not to mention that her father would be furious if he found out that she was dating a foreigner with no marriage contract in place.

    Sidney gives her a sympathetic look. “It’s okay to be nervous about it. But based on what I’ve seen and what Ryker’s told me, Drake would never hurt you. It’s been a month. He’s obviously going at your pace. A lot of guys… wouldn't. He cares about you being comfortable with everything. Just being with you makes him happy. Everything else will happen in time.”

    “It’s sweet,” Stella says with a dreamy smile. “Raphael is just as careful with me.”

    Brynn’s gaze slowly wanders over the other three girls, watching reactions and listening to their words of advice. “Can I add something?” she asks, unsure if the others would even want her input.

    “Of course,” Sidney answers emphatically.

    The newest West Sider smiles slightly before all eyes turn to her, and she bites down on the sudden surge of embarrassment and fear of having people’s attention, even though she was currently disguised in her ‘human’ form. “My boyfriend always appreciated me initiating stuff with him.”

    A pang of melancholy hits soon after as she recalls several fond memories and tender moments with him before everything had happened, before she’d been turned into… whatever she was. Brynn notices Stella’s sympathetic look and nods to let her know that she’s okay. “I’m not saying that you need to like, jump into the deep end or anything, just… make sure you’re the one giving him a kiss every once in a while. It lets him know that you’re interested in him and not just going through the motions.”

    Yuki’s face slowly heats again at the thought of being the one to ask Drake for a kiss, or pull him down for one. But, she’d done it before, the night that Calvin had punched Drake and she’d cleaned his wound in her bathroom— the night they’d officially become a couple. She could summon enough courage to do it again. Especially knowing it would make Drake happy.

    “Maybe you could try watching a movie with him tonight or when the boys get back,” Brynn continues as her confidence grows a little. “Cuddle for a little bit and then give him a kiss or two. I bet it’ll surprise him and he’d really like it.”

    The other two girls give their agreement.

    “Okay,” Yuki says, gathering her determination. “Thank you for talking with me.” Her head dips in a quick bow before she smiles at the other girls. “I appreciate you all being so nice about giving me advice. Now, what was this movie that you were watching?”

  9. - Top - End - #1449
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Mall Walking

    Keith jumps a bit at Louis calling him and turns back. “Lost in hypnotic conversation.” He smirks before turning back to Hope.
    "That some kind of self help book?" Louis inquires across several rows of shelves.

    "I think the rest of us are about done here so we'll meet you and Drake out front whenever you're finished." He says, his voice trailing off toward the front of the bookstore.
    Last edited by PK-Leon; 2024-05-28 at 02:13 PM.

  10. - Top - End - #1450
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by PK-Leon View Post
    December 5th
    Mall Walking

    "That some kind of self help book?" Louis inquires across several rows of shelves.

    "I think the rest of us are about done here so we'll meet you and Drake out front whenever you're finished." He says, his voice trailing off toward the front of the bookstore.
    "Gotcha, and not a self-help book." He facepalmed a bit. "Talking to someone that is enthralling."

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    Mall Walking
    Hope returns Keith’s smile as he flirts with her. “The Nightbloom is great. I got really lucky getting to start there, honestly.” Her expression falls a little as she continues. “Code Black is… rougher. I only work the upstairs bar though, so it’s not too crazy. The tips are so worth it though. Code Black is where I met Aria, actually.”

    A spark of interest enters her eyes. “I’ll have to grill Aria for the deets later.”

    “Sure,” she replies. “Let me know when you’ve finished it and we can set something up. Maybe lunch instead though? I’m not a huge coffee drinker.”
    He chuckles a bit. “Glad to hear it lives up to its reputation. Now curious what your specialty is.”

    As she continues, he offers a comforting smile. “Hopefully it never gets too crazy. I can only imagine what happens. If you ever just need some help, feel free to call okay?”

    “And meeting Aria had to be worth it. She seems cool.” At the spark and mention of grilling Aria, Keith snickers. “Guess I need the full story too.”

    His eyes widened for a moment hearing that small laugh come out of his mouth. Just like him he thought. He’d only heard it a few times, but it still sent a chill down his spine hearing the same noise when Jason wasn’t even around.

    Don and his Uncle’s voices rang out in the back of his mind, reminding him, ‘You’re not your father, Keith.’ He knew it of course, but why would anyone even think to say that?

    He took a steadying breath before continuing, and brought out his actual phone.

    “Lunch sounds way better. What types of foods do you prefer as well?” His grin returned. “So, how should I contact you? Phone, email, carrier pigeon? Leave it all to the whims of fate that I happen to run into you after finishing Red Rising?” He let out a slightly nervous laugh.

  11. - Top - End - #1451
    Troll in the Playground

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    Jun 2010
    Out in The Sticks

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Finishing Touches:

    "Tell Laura I said 'hi' and that I'd like to see her soon." Raphael says to Aria. He drifts after Louis, trying to feel out Ryker's emotive state as he glides vaguely after his team lead.

    He glances over his shoulder when he thinks he's put enough steps between them and the girl. The vampire turns his gaze on the acidic malcontent.

    "You wanna talk about it?" He mutters to him, making a show of stopping and examining a random book on the shelf next to him.

    Spoiler: OOC/Mechanics/Whatnot

    The correct set of synapses fire that Raphael is concerned that Ryker is going to screw things up with Syndey by the vehicle of his feelings for his ex, and therefore ruin Stella's day, and moves to intervene.

    angling to set up a comfort and support when the conversation happens.

  12. - Top - End - #1452
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Jan 2015
    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Mall Walking
    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    “Now curious what your specialty is.”
    “I guess you’ll have to find out over lunch,” Hope replies with a teasing smile.

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    “Hopefully it never gets too crazy. I can only imagine what happens. If you ever just need some help, feel free to call okay?”
    “Like I said, upstairs isn’t too bad.” She sighs a little and continues under her breath, “Even if Colt won’t leave me alone.”

    She shakes her head a little and pulls her gaze back up to Keith’s. “But yeah, Aria’s cool. Super nice. I met her a few weeks ago and I feel like we’ve really hit it off.”

    She catches Keith’s sudden change in mood and his return back to somewhat normal, but doesn’t call attention to it. Hope gives him her number. “Text is better. I work pretty late, so I’m more likely to see it if you text me in the afternoon. As for food, I’m pretty open, but we can figure something out that’s close for both of us later.”

    “Sure,” Iris replies with some confusion. As the vampire glides away, he can feel her gaze on his back until he rounds a corner.

    Ryker stops next to Raphael. “No,” he answers, still looking at the carpet. A few moments pass and he shifts uncomfortably.

    Providence, RI
    Emi grins at John’s joke of pulling a rabbit out a hat. “I don’t think you could pull her outfit off either,” she jokes.

    As the memory fills the room, Emi’s smile softens. She takes in the sky and sea, then her dark gaze turns to John. It’s beautiful.

    Quote Originally Posted by John
    It was an almost perfect moment and I wanted to share it with you — now that I have figured out a way of doing so without risking the kind of emotional entanglements you and your father have to be careful about.

    Because now that I have, it is perfect.

    Because you are part of it and part of my life.

    I love you, Emi Shaw.
    The Shaw Reserve cracks as Emi’s cheeks tinge a pale pink. Her eyes grow glassy as she looks at John, her gaze heavy with adoration. I love you too, John, she whispers.

    She takes a moment and excuses herself as she stands and places her napkin on the table, then heads for the downstairs bathroom.

    Mr. Shaw is quiet, but his gaze is heavy on John for a moment too long.

  13. - Top - End - #1453
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    Providence, RI
    Emi grins at John’s joke of pulling a rabbit out a hat. “I don’t think you could pull her outfit off either,” she jokes.

    As the memory fills the room, Emi’s smile softens. She takes in the sky and sea, then her dark gaze turns to John. It’s beautiful.

    The Shaw Reserve cracks as Emi’s cheeks tinge a pale pink. Her eyes grow glassy as she looks at John, her gaze heavy with adoration. I love you too, John, she whispers.

    She takes a moment and excuses herself as she stands and places her napkin on the table, then heads for the downstairs bathroom.
    “Well,” Jeffery observed to Kate, “that explains all the looks we got in town that day. We. Were. Fabulous!”

    “When aren’t we?” Kate responded with a melodramatic flip of her hair as she barely managed to contain her impulse to bounce with delight.

    Joe offered Emi a reassuring smile and a wink as she passed.

    Noting the way Alastair was looking at John, he held off on suggesting that their families might consider a holiday there this coming summer. After all, he would probably be reassessing anyone who made Kate respond the way Emi had. And while he might be anxious to aid and support his son, he also knew it was important for any father to have some room to process such a response — even if he expected it to come.

    “Are you planning on trying to get a gig at the Ballard again this summer, Stephen?”

    “I’m, um, maybe,” Stephen responded, not daring to look towards his mother. The opportunity for the quintet to perform there offered some additional opportunities that, tempting though they were, he remained uncertain about. “The good news is that I still have that piece down.”

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    Mr. Shaw is quiet, but his gaze is heavy on John for a moment too long.
    John’s elation at Emi response evaporated under Mr. Shaw’s steady gaze.

    Oh, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, he thought with a sinking realization.

    You, um… You heard all that, didn’t you? John asked as he mentally reviewed everything he said, hoping he found nothing untoward. I…that is… Ahem. My intentions remain honoooh-boy.

    While his training was sufficient to mostly control his facial expression, he couldn’t entirely contain the deer in headlights response at seeing his mother, her full attention focused on the moment, watching Emi walk towards the bathroom. While the smile on her face may not have been the least bit predatory, he couldn’t avoid conjuring the image of an absolutely delighted cat that had caught a much desired canary.


    And, he added with a steady certainty, unchanged since when we first discussed the matter.

    Spoiler: Mary’s Thoughts
    Mary noted Jefferey and Kate’s exchange. Their delight at John’s spell was obvious. Both of their eyes had widened when the planes of light appeared beneath John’s hands and both had mentioned that day before — even if John had been reticent about it.

    She had underestimated how much it had mattered to him.

    But their exchange was in part driven by their perpetual teamwork. Sitting next to him, Jefferey couldn’t miss the look Emi had given John. It was difficult to tell if Kate had caught it as well. Her delight could have been the result of seeing the spell, reliving the memory, seeing Emi look at John, or some combination of the three.

    Mary had also noted Stephen’s evasions. She had some guesses as to why he might be hesitating. But the glamor was impressive enough — and familial enough — to make anyone somewhat nostalgic for the moment.

    That week had been a delightful time.

    But the memory of that delight had been eclipsed by the light in Emi’s eyes as she looked at her firstborn.

    Something had passed between them in that moment. As curious as she was to what that might have been, the details were unimportant.

    What mattered is that she felt more secure in thinking of Emilia Shaw in terms of her becoming her daughter.

    What was the word John so often used with her?



  14. - Top - End - #1454
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    Mall Walking
    “I guess you’ll have to find out over lunch,” Hope replies with a teasing smile.

    “Like I said, upstairs isn’t too bad.” She sighs a little and continues under her breath, “Even if Colt won’t leave me alone.”

    She shakes her head a little and pulls her gaze back up to Keith’s. “But yeah, Aria’s cool. Super nice. I met her a few weeks ago and I feel like we’ve really hit it off.”

    She catches Keith’s sudden change in mood and his return back to somewhat normal, but doesn’t call attention to it. Hope gives him her number. “Text is better. I work pretty late, so I’m more likely to see it if you text me in the afternoon. As for food, I’m pretty open, but we can figure something out that’s close for both of us later.”
    Keith just grins at her smile. Now if he could just avoid getting beatdown in front of Hope, that would be nice!

    Keith….. It’s not exactly a date. You still haven’t sealed the….. Oh **** IT! At this point, it was decision time for him and why not go for it? Why keep waiting around for someone he knew wasn’t going to return any kind of discussion?

    “Can’t resist a good mystery.” His grin turned to a coy smile.

    His expression as she continued was softer, and he tilted his head hearing about this “Colt”, but decided it best not to push right now. She didn’t seem like she wanted to think about any of that. He understood all too well not wanting to think.

    Maybe Mimi could help me find out some….. Wait…. This is exactly what Jason would have done too…. ****....

    “Force of habit from growing up in Southwest Georgia, but I’m glad to hear that Aria is super nice. She seems it from what I’ve heard too. Sounds like me and my buddy Louis that just walked out.”

    She doesn’t need to know that there’s been a snag there with everything.

    He types in her number as she gives it to him and chuckles a bit sending a quick text with his name to her. Essentially a short, “Hey, it’s Keith.”

    “And saved. I’ll keep that in mind too. Bit of a night owl myself.” He had a lopsided grin now. “And really glad you didn’t say carrier pigeon.”

    “I’m not overly picky either so that works. Suppose I need to deep dive into this soon then."
    Last edited by Roguewolf; 2024-06-03 at 08:34 AM.

  15. - Top - End - #1455
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV


    Raphael snorts and puts the book back on the shelf, wrong side out and upside down, and looks at Ryker. "Sorry, I misspoke. Do you wanna talk about it, now?"

    Raphael moves a few steps further down the aisle and picks up another book, repeating the pantomime of interest. "How badly it's bugging you is more obvious than my tenuous grasp on my delightful and sunny disposition. You live under my roof, so I choose to make you my problem." He looks at the former rook and winks "Right, buddy?"

    He flips the book open to somewhere in the first third and reads a few lines, actually intrigued by the art. "It's cool if you don't wanna talk about it surrounded by civvies. Really."

    Spoiler: OOC/Mechanics/whatnot

    Raphael attempts to Pierce the Mask: 7 +/-1 = 7
    I'll take any variation of any question that goads Ryker into spilling his guts about what's bugging him, and what he wants to do about it. He *doesn't* have to spill his guts here in tomes-a-trillion, but Raphael isn't gonna let the topic go.

  16. - Top - End - #1456
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Mall Walking
    The phone in Hope’s back pocket chimes a few seconds after Keith sends his text. “Perfect,” she says.

    Iris enters the aisle that they’re in and stops at the end to wait until her friend is done, trying to be unobtrusive.

    Hope gives her a little wave before she turns back to Keith with one last smile. “Well, get to reading, and we’ll set something up soon. See you later, Keith.”

    She joins Iris and the two of them head deeper into the store.

    Ryker shoots the vampire a halfhearted glare, then sighs as he moves with him up the aisle. “Fine,” he says flatly. “Meet me down in the gym when we get back.”

    Back at Base- 1pm
    When Raphael enters the gym to meet Ryker, he finds the former Rook already working up a sweat as he beats one of the reinforced punching bags with heavy blows that echo throughout the room.

    After several more punches and kicks, he steps back and heads to one of the nearby benches and grabs a small towel to wipe his face and the back of his neck as he sits. “Mimi, would you scan for Watchers in here?”

    “Scan complete,” Mimi replies after a moment. “The gym is clear. Would you like for me to lock the doors?”

    “Yeah,” Ryker says before he looks up at the vampire, waiting for his first question.

    Providence, RI
    Yes, Mr. Shaw replies. It’s a little hard to ignore when we’re sitting at the same table.

    The older hero pours himself another half glass of wine and offers to the rest of the table to pour for them as well.

    I apologize that I made you uncomfortable. I’ve never seen my daughter look at someone like that, nor did I think that she would be quite this head over heels for you in only just over a month. I suppose I was just a little surprised. Enzo and Mr. Radke will be crushed.

    “Shall I help clear the table?” Mr. Shaw asks Mary. “I still have a little over an hour before I need to head to Aeon City.”

  17. - Top - End - #1457
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    Providence, RI
    Yes, Mr. Shaw replies. It’s a little hard to ignore when we’re sitting at the same table.
    John considered apologizing but two things stopped him:

    1. He wasn't sorry for anything he had said.



      (Focus, John.)

      Not a bit sorry. Quite the opposite, in fact.
    2. The last time he apologized and promised to be more circumspect had been in the aftermath of the Halloween party and his family’s dinner table didn’t seem the ideal place to recall the moment when Mr. Shaw had misinterpreted his and Emi’s encounter in the kitchen and felt the need to make an implied threat.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    The older hero pours himself another half glass of wine and offers to the rest of the table to pour for them as well.

    I apologize that I made you uncomfortable. I’ve never seen my daughter look at someone like that, nor did I think that she would be quite this head over heels for you in only just over a month. I suppose I was just a little surprised. Enzo and Mr. Radke will be crushed.
    No apologies necessary, Mr. Shaw, John replied with palpable relief. I was worried that I might have misstepped with you in my profession of love for Emi. And I am conscious of how very fortunate I am to have her return my own feelings for her.

    At least this time it went to her before you
    , he added ruefully, recalling his psychic gaffe during his and Emi’s date at West Side.

    Both Enzo and Grayson are fine and admirable men and I hope to gain or maintain their friendship. That said, I hope you can forgive the natural limits on my sympathies for my rivals for Emi’s affection.

    Exchanging places with them, he had to admit, went well beyond what goodwill he had for them.

    And dragons and vampires weren’t the only supernatural beings to occasionally feel somewhat territorial.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    “Shall I help clear the table?” Mr. Shaw asks Mary. “I still have a little over an hour before I need to head to Aeon City.”
    Mary turned and smiled warmly at Alistair, finally daring to fully consider him a part of her family circle. There were enough similarities between him and Joe that she anticipated no major issues folding him into the family dynamic — especially as he grew more comfortable with them.

    She abstractly wondered how complete his reserve would be as he walked Emi down the aisle in however many years it would be until the wedding before she pulled her focus back to the moment.

    "Thank you, Alastair, but you're our guest,” she replied as Joe offered his glass for a little more of the wine. “All I need to know of you right now is whether you'll want coffee with desert. Joe learned to make Turkish coffee while he was in the Balkans, if that sways your answer any."

  18. - Top - End - #1458
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV


    "I'll find you there." Raphael says with a nod, this time precariously balancing the book atop it's fellows to make a crude facsimile of a torii gate.

    The vampire reaches out and punches Ryker in the shoulder without any force behind it. "Let's go see where Louis and Keith and Drake have wandered off to. There's shopping afoot."


    "Ah, I see you're hard at work proving me right." Raphael announces himself, seeing Ryker working up a lather.

    Raphael turns on his heel and begins to pace the room, hopping up onto the wall to complete the circuit and rove the geometry, rather than limiting himself to the floor.

    The socially predatory part of his mind toys with circling Ryker out of his field of vision, but the possessive, pack leader oriented part of his mind wins out.

    "Oh dear me, where to begin." He muses aloud.

    "So. Like. What is this girl to you? You get all twisted up every time we run into her. Like, I get you were close, but you seem to take whatever situation she's in, like, reeeeally personal. It's not like its your fault."

    Raphael looks 'up' at Ryker and then drops to the ground in front of the former Rook. He jabs a finger out at Ryker. "How much does Sidney mean to you? What do you plan on doing about Iris' predicament? Is it worth worrying your woman over? Is it worth the strain on what you have? Huh?"

    Spoiler: OOC/Mechanics/whatnot

    Raphael is driving at the idea that Ryker needs to let Raphael and Louis play hero to Iris, rather than rescuing her himself. Even if, especially if, he somehow feels responsible about how her life has turned out. Raphael plans to argue that, regardless of how he feels, it is in fact, *not* his fault. (unless Ryker like... stuck her in The Garden or something).
    Key Premise: Raphael is *absolutely* willing to play dirty to get Ryker to agree to his point of view. "I will bully you into doing whats best for you and Sidney"

    Raphael attempts to Provoke Ryker (NPC)
    Roll + Superior (like the Greater Being that I am, heh heh heh) +1 for having Influence over Ryker
    Provocation of Friendship! 13
    "On a 10+, they rise to the bait and do what you want."

    Raphael is provoking Ryker into speaking his mind, openly and without reservation, stream of consciousness, heat of the moment type stuff. Like "oh my god I can't believe I said that." later kinda stuff.

  19. - Top - End - #1459
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    Mall Walking
    The phone in Hope’s back pocket chimes a few seconds after Keith sends his text. “Perfect,” she says.

    Iris enters the aisle that they’re in and stops at the end to wait until her friend is done, trying to be unobtrusive.

    Hope gives her a little wave before she turns back to Keith with one last smile. “Well, get to reading, and we’ll set something up soon. See you later, Keith.”

    She joins Iris and the two of them head deeper into the store.
    Keith smiles and puts his phone away. “I’ll have better wording in the next. Promise.”

    He turns as he sees Hope wave to the other girl and returns her smile as she tells him to get started. One last smile from him as well.

    “Right away! See you later, Hope. Take care.”

    He watched her round the corner and then looked back at the shelf they had been in front of. “May as well grab the second then. Why not?” He also contemplated putting back the book by Brooks, but she saw him hold it and would probably ask how it was.

    “Guess I’ll hold onto it then. And speed read it.” Since she was gone, he could think a bit on everything now. His demeanor change, how she didn’t call attention to it, if she even noticed at all. He would need to look into some things later.

    Also, Ryker nearly described Aria, at least he hoped that was her, to a t.

    Ya know, most people wouldn’t be overly concerned about talking and flirting with another girl after only one coffee date that was botched. Then again, most also didn’t have about two years put into a single day where they have a ton of time to think.

    He made his way up to the counter to pay for his books, and then to where Louis had gone.

    “Think this may have been the best decision I made all day. What’s next, boss?”
    Last edited by Roguewolf; 2024-06-03 at 10:03 PM.

  20. - Top - End - #1460
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    December 5th
    Mall Walking

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    “Think this may have been the best decision I made all day. What’s next, boss?”
    "Book was that good huh?" Louis remarks as the first of his teammates rejoins him at the entrance of the bookstore.

    "After this I wanna check out some artsy spots. Stationary, photography, and I remember there being a music store here too but it's been a minute. That's basically everything on my list but I'm down for whatever y'all wanna do too. It's not like we're on clock today so we can take our time looking around."
    Last edited by PK-Leon; 2024-06-05 at 12:06 PM.

  21. - Top - End - #1461
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Mall Walking
    Drake joins Louis and Keith just outside the entrance of the store. He’s holding a small bag from Tomes-a-Trillion. “Nah,” he says to Louis. “I saw Keith talking to a girl.”

    He claps Keith shoulder gently, for him, though it still knocks the wind out of the shadowmancer. “Did you get her number?” he asks.

    Raphael and a sullen Ryker come out of the store next, and join Keith and Louis.

    In the Gym
    “Wouldn’t you take it a little personal if your ex was working as a whore because you introduced her to the wrong people?” Ryker retorts. “I tried my best to keep her out the Rooks stuff. I got together with her in high school. She was my first girlfriend that I really, like actually cared about. I didn’t break up with her because I wanted to. One’a the top dogs was threatening me to bring her into the gang, so I deliberately pissed her off so she’d break it off. Made it messy so that maybe she would hate me and stay away, but she still ended up workin’ for Lady Orchid of all people.“

    One of his hands clenches into a tight fist on his thigh. “And now someone’s hurt her. You saw her, she weighs like 100 pounds soakin’ wet. If some dude is beatin’ on her, she can’t stop him. So yeah, I’m a little pissed off.”

    He sighs, running head through his hair and sweeping it back before looking down at his knees. “I just… I feel so ****in’ guilty about everything that’s happened to her. She never would’ve met any Flowers if she hadn’t dated me.”

    Ryker is silent for a moment as he works through his thoughts before he stands, pushing past Raphael, and starts to pace away from the vampire. “I’m also kinda pissed at myself. Why the **** do I still feel anything for Aria when I have Sid? I’ll admit I was kinda thinkin’ with my **** at the hospital after I got my brains scrambled, but when I told Sid, the betrayal and hurt in her eyes crushed me. It felt like I got stabbed right in the chest and somebody twisted the knife. Nothin’s worth hurting her like that again. I love her too much… to…”

    Ryker stops in his tracks, going still and quiet.

    Providence, RI
    Emi returns from the bathroom just as the bottle of wine floats over to refill Joe’s glass. She sits and gives the table a rueful smile.

    “I’ll take a coffee,” Mr. Shaw says. “I have a long night ahead of me.”
    Last edited by InTheMachine; 2024-06-05 at 08:32 PM.

  22. - Top - End - #1462
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    Providence, RI
    Emi returns from the bathroom just as the bottle of wine floats over to refill Joe’s glass. She sits and gives the table a rueful smile.
    John felt his heart thump as Emi returned to the room. He was vaguely aware of the welcoming smiled his family returned to Emi and was certain the almost bashful grin he was wearing appeared foolish in comparison.

    Of course, Emi and her father were likely used to that smile. He seemed to alternate between it and the one of Starry-eyed wonder he often wore when seeing her.

    Mary smiled gently as her eldest son looked at the woman he adored, pleased to no end she found no jealousy in her heart for their feelings. Joe had once told her that a friend had explained to him that a father’s love expanded at the birth of a child in a manner that did not eclipse the love he had for his wife. It made generous room for a family.

    It had been some time since they added someone to their family the way they had when Kate started bringing Jefferey home with her. That love, she felt, was expanding again.

    Whether that lasted or not was up to them, Joe would doubtless say. But Mary noted that even he had done what he could to give shelter to their blossoming love. And she suspected he might want to meddle more than he admitted.

    John could take care of himself, she reminded herself as she focused once more on the table before her.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    “I’ll take a coffee,” Mr. Shaw says. “I have a long night ahead of me.”
    “I’ll be sure to make yours extra strong, then,” Joe replied as he stood and took his wine glass into the kitchen to begin the process of making the coffee. “Anyone else for coffee?”

    “I’d take a small cup,” John replied as he retrieved the salad bowl. Caffeine not helping in the morning was a struggle he was still getting used to but it did mean he didn’t have to worry about it keeping him up all night.

    “I’ll be sure to cut you an extra large slice of the maple syrup cake,” Kate offered Mr. Shaw conspiratorially as she handed the pot roast plate to Jefferey. The secret ingredient — which isn’t much of a secret, really — is mixing in a little bit of Dave’s Coffee Syrup along with the maple syrup. It helps it pair with the coffee. If you like it and want to experiment, I took the precaution of making a copy of my version of the recipe for you.

    John mentioned your deserts and I thought you might be interested.

    “Just make sure you take that extra bit out of Boyfriend’s piece and not mine,” Jefferey noted archly before turning to Emi. “She spent all day on it and I know what that extra effort means for the taste. Be ready to steal a bit from John.”

    “It’ll be okay, Emi,” Kate assured her airily. “Mom and I have trained the Kelley men well. He won’t stop you from stealing.”

    “Jefferey, on the other hand….” Stephen observed.

    “Don’t throw shade just because I’m smart enough to finish while you two are the easy targets, Stephen. Momma One didn’t raise any foolish children.”

    “We can make sure you leave with a travel mug if you think it’d help, Alistair,” Mary added. “We know better than to ask what you will be dealing with but that doesn’t mean we won’t have you leave empty handed if it will help.”

  23. - Top - End - #1463
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    At The Mall:

    Raphael gets a certain look in his eye when Louis mentions heading to the music store. "Guys, guys, guys. We should start a band. I feel, deep in my soul, that Seraph would love it. We can practice in the Lounge! the holo-projector thingy and the sound system they've got set up for morning meetings would be positively killer for light shows, or, you know, holding up the music while we're playing."

    He nudges Ryker repeatedly. "We could put you on drums, or, or, oooh, the Triangle, cause you know, it's metal. and hardcore."

    Raphael pauses, looks down, the hamster visibly running full tilt. Then he looks at Drake. "No... wait... yooooou."

    Spoiler: conspiring:

    Raphael can be redirected from music oriented trolling to being told about Keith's new goyle.

    Bro Talk:

    Not my woman, not my problem.
    What, she can't make her own decisions?

    Raphael keeps such thoughts to himself as he let's Ryker work through it. He eyes his fellow hero in shared silence for a moment when Ryker comes to a stop. He pads over and puts a hand on Ryker's shoulder.

    "I want you to listen to me, Not-Nice-Dude to Not-Nice-Dude." Raphael says.

    "You still caring about her means you're at least a little nicer than you'd have the rest of us believe. Don't worry, I won't tell. Aria is her own person, and she gets to make her own decisions. You don't get to claim them."

    The vampire walks a couple steps forward, rounding into Ryker's field of view, but still not looking at him.

    "But you have something much more valuable, here, with Sidney. And I like you too much to sit here and watch you @#$& it up." Raphael squeezes Ryker's shoulder with more emphasis than he'd use on the less durable members of the team.

    "So I want you to let me and Louis handle this. If you still care about this girl, I will do something about it." Raphael lowers his head, so Ryker can't ignore his pale eyes, so he can see the intent there.

    "I want you to trust me on this. Focus on Sidney. Focus on what is, not what was."

    Spoiler: Come and Gone in a flash

    His mind is unable to ignore the direct comparison, a series of images and recollections flicker through his mind on top of each other.
    Stella, the way she looks at him.
    The warehouse, his new home
    The castle, the one destroyed
    The team, something approaching a new family in the making.
    Cassandra, her mace crushing into his family's servants, reducing them to burning cinders that fade into dust caught up in the updraft of the flames of the castle.
    Mimi's ever constant presence and watchfulness over the team.
    Louis, his willingness to stand shoulder to shoulder with a Monster like him...
    Louis, and his infuriating unwillignness to acknowledge the monster he is.
    Amity Court, and how he was nearly sent hurtling into whatever awaits vampires after this world.

    Raphael grimaces for just a moment and then controls himself, wondering if Ryker noticed, wondering if he'd see it as his own memory, or as disgust about the whole situation. He turns and paces away, giving Ryker some space.

    He keeps silent until he reaches another obliging wall and walked up it back onto the ceiling before he spared the former rook a glance.

    He completes two orbits of the room.

    Spoiler: If Ryker stays Quiet

    Raphael drops back to the floor and heads toward the stairs.
    "And for the love of God, man, tell her how you feel. A-about her, not this, not seeing Aria again."

    He stops at the stairs and whips around, his usual, flippant demeanor restored and cheeky grin on his face. "Oh, hey, and uh, if you're wondering. It'd really upset Stella if Sidney got hurt or upset, or if you guys were in a rough spot. So I'm highly motivated, if liking you isn't a good enough explanation for why I care."

    Raphael winks and turns and climbs the stairs.

    Spoiler: OOC/Mechanics/whatnot

    Comfort and Support Ryker: 7 (flat roll, Influence cancels out the lack of Mundane)
    "On a Hit, they hear you, they mark potential, clear a condition, or shift labels *if* they open up to you."

    He's an NPC, so I'm not quite sure what we're getting out of this except for bro points, warm fuzzies, and a moral boost.

  24. - Top - End - #1464
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by PK-Leon View Post
    December 5th
    Mall Walking
    "Book was that good huh?" Louis remarks as the first of his teammates rejoins him at the entrance of the bookstore.

    "After this I wanna check out some artsy spots. Stationary, photography, and I remember there being a music store here too but it's been a minute. That's basically everything on my list but I'm down for whatever y'all wanna do too. It's not like we're on clock today so we can take our time looking around."
    Keith tilts his head and laughs a bit. “Ya know, that is an appropriate metaphor-” He was cut off by Drake showing up.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    Mall Walking
    Drake joins Louis and Keith just outside the entrance of the store. He’s holding a small bag from Tomes-a-Trillion. “Nah,” he says to Louis. “I saw Keith talking to a girl.”

    He claps Keith shoulder gently, for him, though it still knocks the wind out of the shadowmancer. “Did you get her number?” he asks.

    Raphael and a sullen Ryker come out of the store next, and join Keith and Louis.
    His face went a little red and then coughed a bit as Drake’s hand hit his shoulder. After steadying himself again, he nods with a grin.

    “Yep, with the caveat of needing to finish this one book though. And a good little bit about her too.” He pulls out the first book. “Think this’ll be my project for tonight and tomorrow, she sold it well.”

    He turned back to Louis. “Guess I should thank you for talkin’ with her friend so she went around the store. Mostly we chatted about books, thoughts on school, what she did for work.” He looked at the ground for a second. “Embarrassing myself at my brain not working properly to think of other words to say.”

    He laughs a bit at Raph’s suggestion. “Gonna need to figure out all instruments first. Guess we would also have a manager too.”

    He looks back at the ground with a soft smile. For once feeling like he belonged a bit. “She had possibly the most prescient name as well for right now too.”

  25. - Top - End - #1465
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Mall Walking
    Drake gives Keith a small smile. “Sounds like the right girl for you if she likes books.”

    “Oh yeah, Seraph would loooove that,” Ryker says, almost but not quite enthused out of his brooding. “Harby too.” He looks over at Louis. “Your girl has stuff recorded right? I bet she could help us get a single out there,” he jokes.

    Drake huffs a breath out of his nose at the thought of playing the triangle. “I could play cymbals too. Why stop at the triangle?”

    Those paying a little attention can see Ryker mouth prescient, then shake his head as they continue to walk to the next store.

    Bro Talk
    Ryker gives Raphael the hint of a nod as he meets the vampire’s gaze.

    “I really don’t wanna **** things up with Sid again,” he says, mostly to himself, as Raphael goes back to pacing.

    The former Rook sighs, sweeping his hand through his hair again. “Fine. You and Big Man can take care of whatever’s goin’ on with Aria. I’ll stay out of it.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Raphael
    Raphael drops back to the floor and heads toward the stairs. "And for the love of God, man, tell her how you feel. A-about her, not this, not seeing Aria again."
    Ryker swallows, stuffing his hands into his pockets as the vampire goes to leave the room.

    Raph’s sharp ears pick up Ryker’s quiet, muttered words just before the door closes.

    “Thank you.”

    Providence, RI
    “I’ll also take a small cup,” Emi says. The banter around the table soon makes her forget her embarrassment at having to leave to compose herself.

    I’ll be sure to make something with that soon, Mr. Shaw replies to Kate. Perhaps I’ll use it as an excuse to come back for dinner again.

    “An extra mug would be great,” Mr. Shaw says. “I’ll need it. Thank you.”

    Dessert is served and Emi makes a point of stealing one small bite from John’s piece of cake using her telekinesis. Even her father chuckles as she gives John the most innocent look she can muster.

    Once everyone is finished, Mr. Shaw checks his watch. “My apologies, but I need to leave soon.” He stands and gives his hosts a genuine smile. “Thank you for your hospitality tonight. It was pleasure to meet all of you. Conversation was excellent and dinner and dessert were delicious.”

  26. - Top - End - #1466
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    Providence, RI
    “I’ll also take a small cup,” Emi says. The banter around the table soon makes her forget her embarrassment at having to leave to compose herself.

    I’ll be sure to make something with that soon, Mr. Shaw replies to Kate. Perhaps I’ll use it as an excuse to come back for dinner again.
    You don’t need an excuse, Kate replied. You’d be very welcome any time. Emi has my number and you can always reach out to John. Just let him know I said you could come whenever you want and he and I can make the arrangements.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    “An extra mug would be great,” Mr. Shaw says. “I’ll need it. Thank you.”
    “I’ll put it in the travel mug from the Berlin conference,” Joe replied as he rummaged towards the back of one of the cabinets. “That should provide any plausible deniability you might want or need.”

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    Dessert is served and Emi makes a point of stealing one small bite from John’s piece of cake using her telekinesis. Even her father chuckles as she gives John the most innocent look she can muster.
    John’s eyes sparkled as he watched the cake float away from his plate, the world once more briefly fading to the two of them as he watched Emi take another step towards integrating with the family.

    “Watch out, Jefferey,” Joe warned with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “She’ll be able to strike any plate at the table with those powers.”

    “I think I’ll be safe. Word is that stolen food from a boyfriend tastes better,” Jefferey replied, “which means Boyfriend’s should taste doubly good.”

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    Once everyone is finished, Mr. Shaw checks his watch. “My apologies, but I need to leave soon.” He stands and gives his hosts a genuine smile. “Thank you for your hospitality tonight. It was pleasure to meet all of you. Conversation was excellent and dinner and dessert were delicious.”
    “The pleasure was all ours, Alistair,” Mary replied, rising with him. “You must come back soon.”

    “Any time,” Joe added with a smile. “Someone has to help me drink the whiskey and scotch John bought for us, if nothing else.

    “Just be warned that Jefferey may have sketches for you to review and the longer you don’t return, the more material there will be to go over.”

    “I’ll should be able to resist the urge to make a Keynote presentation,” Jefferey added.

    Kate handed him a 4 ounce bottle of Dave’s Coffee Syrup along with the travel mug of coffee. “Small enough to fit into your pocket,” she said. But large enough, perhaps, to speed your return.

    John exchanged a glance with Emi. Has Kate managed to figure out telepathy?

    As his family said their goodbyes, John focused on the French Doors next to the table. His back yard shimmered as the Chamber of Doors appeared behind them.

    He turned back towards the Shaws, suddenly conscious that he had no idea if one or both of them would be leaving.
    Last edited by mmdeforrest; 2024-06-10 at 08:16 PM.

  27. - Top - End - #1467
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Mall Walking

    Quote Originally Posted by Drake
    Drake joins Louis and Keith just outside the entrance of the store. He’s holding a small bag from Tomes-a-Trillion. “Nah,” he says to Louis. “I saw Keith talking to a girl.”

    He claps Keith shoulder gently, for him, though it still knocks the wind out of the shadowmancer. “Did you get her number?” he asks.
    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    His face went a little red and then coughed a bit as Drake’s hand hit his shoulder. After steadying himself again, he nods with a grin.

    “Yep, with the caveat of needing to finish this one book though. And a good little bit about her too.” He pulls out the first book. “Think this’ll be my project for tonight and tomorrow, she sold it well.”

    He turned back to Louis. “Guess I should thank you for talkin’ with her friend so she went around the store. Mostly we chatted about books, thoughts on school, what she did for work.” He looked at the ground for a second. “Embarrassing myself at my brain not working properly to think of other words to say.”
    Louis arches a brow in surprise and smiles upon hearing about Keith's seemingly good fortune. While they weren't exactly on the best of terms with one another it was still clear to him that a number of things weighed on Keith's mind and even he deserved to catch a break every now and then.

    "Happy to help... I guess? I feel like I can't really take credit for something that happened by chance but I'm glad it worked out for you even if it means you ended up with more work on our day off."

    Quote Originally Posted by Raph
    Raphael gets a certain look in his eye when Louis mentions heading to the music store. "Guys, guys, guys. We should start a band. I feel, deep in my soul, that Seraph would love it. We can practice in the Lounge! the holo-projector thingy and the sound system they've got set up for morning meetings would be positively killer for light shows, or, you know, holding up the music while we're playing."

    He nudges Ryker repeatedly. "We could put you on drums, or, or, oooh, the Triangle, cause you know, it's metal. and hardcore."

    Raphael pauses, looks down, the hamster visibly running full tilt. Then he looks at Drake. "No... wait... yooooou."
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryker and Drake
    “Oh yeah, Seraph would loooove that,” Ryker says, almost but not quite enthused out of his brooding. “Harby too.” He looks over at Louis. “Your girl has stuff recorded right? I bet she could help us get a single out there,” he jokes.

    Drake huffs a breath out of his nose at the thought of playing the triangle. “I could play cymbals too. Why stop at the triangle?”

    Those paying a little attention can see Ryker mouth prescient, then shake his head as they continue to walk to the next store.
    "The five us definitely give off garage band vibe if I'm bein' honest." Louis laughs. "I'd have to run the idea by Iz but I think we could work something out. Then again I wouldn't want her to get intimidated by Raph's vocals. Hard to compete with a voice like that."

    After a few minutes spent walking and a flight of stairs later the band arrives at their next destination. "Alright boys this is 'All She Wrote', the malls one and only stop for all of your stationery needs. So if you've been thinking about writing a letter to that special someone in your life then you might wanna pick up something while we're here. I already know what I'm getting so it ain't gonna take long."

  28. - Top - End - #1468
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    Mall Walking
    Drake gives Keith a small smile. “Sounds like the right girl for you if she likes books.”

    “Oh yeah, Seraph would loooove that,” Ryker says, almost but not quite enthused out of his brooding. “Harby too.” He looks over at Louis. “Your girl has stuff recorded right? I bet she could help us get a single out there,” he jokes.

    Drake huffs a breath out of his nose at the thought of playing the triangle. “I could play cymbals too. Why stop at the triangle?”

    Those paying a little attention can see Ryker mouth prescient, then shake his head as they continue to walk to the next store.
    Quote Originally Posted by PK-Leon View Post
    December 5th
    Mall Walking
    Louis arches a brow in surprise and smiles upon hearing about Keith's seemingly good fortune. While they weren't exactly on the best of terms with one another it was still clear to him that a number of things weighed on Keith's mind and even he deserved to catch a break every now and then.

    "Happy to help... I guess? I feel like I can't really take credit for something that happened by chance but I'm glad it worked out for you even if it means you ended up with more work on our day off."

    "The five us definitely give off garage band vibe if I'm bein' honest." Louis laughs. "I'd have to run the idea by Iz but I think we could work something out. Then again I wouldn't want her to get intimidated by Raph's vocals. Hard to compete with a voice like that."
    Keith smiles a bit and nods at Drake's comment. "I hope so. Talkin' with her felt like the most....." He stopped for a second thinking on the right word to use. And he remembered he was around friends. "Honestly the most human of the past while."

    He looks at Louis and shrugs with a grin. "Fair enough, still though. Also wouldn't have happened if I didn't come out with y'all." He chuckles a bit. "Honestly part of why my degree is in a research area. Blends a lot with work."

    As the jokes about the band keep pouring in, he just shakes his head. "She'd probably be able to tell us who to put where then. Oooo and a name too." He snickers a bit, then catches himself hearing the sound again. Nope, not going back there. Already freaked in front of Hope, can't in front of these guys.....

    Quote Originally Posted by PK-Leon View Post
    After a few minutes spent walking and a flight of stairs later the band arrives at their next destination. "Alright boys this is 'All She Wrote', the malls one and only stop for all of your stationery needs. So if you've been thinking about writing a letter to that special someone in your life then you might wanna pick up something while we're here. I already know what I'm getting so it ain't gonna take long."
    As Louis runs into the store, Keith contemplates it. Not much sense in writing a letter to someone he literally just met. Could be useful for later down the road should things go well, but every time he's tried to plan ahead, not like things worked in his favor. Best to be go with the flow right now.

    Not to mention, letters have a way of leading back to someone. And the one thing he wanted to do right now with a letter was write one to leave at his mom's grave. He knew it would be dangerous, but he still felt the need to. Eh, why not be prepared this time?

    "Louis, you're giving me too many ideas today." He says making a quick run inside with an idea of what to get. Even if he would just burn one letter, best to have something nice at least.
    Last edited by Roguewolf; 2024-06-14 at 07:33 PM.

  29. - Top - End - #1469
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    "Louis, you're giving me too many ideas today." He says making a quick run inside with an idea of what to get.
    "For free even. Imagine if I started charging money." Louis jokes as he begins scouring the store for a scrapbook and any other accessories a person might need to get into the hobby. Though the longer he spent looking the more apparent it became that while he knew what he was looking for he didn't really have an idea of what kind of materials his mentor would like, if she even liked the gift at all.

    I'm sure she'd appreciate anything I get her... but a second opinion wouldn't be the worst here right?

    Louis flags down whichever employee appears to be free and asks for their opinion on his gift and if they know of a store in the mall that still sells retro electronics, like instant cameras.
    Last edited by PK-Leon; 2024-06-17 at 08:08 PM.

  30. - Top - End - #1470
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Jan 2015
    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Mall Walking
    Drake follows Louis into the store and quickly disappears down an adjacent aisle.

    The girl that Louis flags down points out a few other options to him similar to what he was looking at and offers him her opinion. When he asks about a retro electronics store, she smiles. “Yeah, there’s a store called Re-Powered that has a bunch of old stuff. My fiancé honestly spends way too much money in there.”

    When Louis emerges from the store, Ryker is heckling Drake to see what he’d bought.

    Drake sighs and rolls his eyes before pulling out a white plush pencil case shaped like a cute anime character from his bag. “Her old case is looking a little rough, so I saw this and thought she’d think it was cute. I’ve seen her wear a shirt with this rabbit thing on it, so I know she likes it. I think its name is… Cinnamon? Cinnamon Roll? Something like that. I also got her some new pens too.” He pulls out a set of five pens with more Sanrio characters on them.

    Providence, RI
    Mr. Shaw offers handshakes to everyone and a particularly warm smile to Kate before he takes the mug of coffee from Joe.

    Emi, on the other hand, gives hugs to all of the Kelleys and Jefferey. “Thank you for having us. I’m sure we’ll be back soon. And next time, I’ll try to get Ian to come too.”

    She has, Emi replies to John as she joins her boyfriend and father at the French doors. My father has been blocking me from their conversation, but she figured it out after I smiled to one of her thoughts.

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