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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Exalted 1.0 - Alchemical Mayhem!

    Gears chuckles as he brush's his jacket off

    "Well...this will certainly be interesting."

    Gears then stides off into the city, passing his time merely people watching, fascinated by the bustling city. Every now and then he would begin to talk to himself, or to who ever was around to listen to his chatter.

    At the appointed time, he sat out in front of Platform 4, not a minute early or late with a pack of his gear.
    My Current Works

    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
    Also I'm pretty sure you're GLaDoS now.

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Exalted 1.0 - Alchemical Mayhem!


    Silver nods graciously to Six.
    "Very well then. That will suffice."
    She bows to those leaving, waving them off before turning to Airi with an apologetic smile.
    "I suppose our lessons will have to be post poned."

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Library Lovers Contest Winner
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    Default Re: Exalted 1.0 - Alchemical Mayhem!


    August bows slightly as he leaves, returning to his apartment at double-time. The image of Surveyor crackles back into existence as they enter.

    "Hmm. Wonder who implicated me for this little diversion,"
    August says as he collects his satchel, filling it with odds and ends: an adamant rectangle the size of a paper fan, two orihalcum-filigreed jewels. He stops as he examines his Ten-Song Talons, then sets them gently inside as well.

    "You can't go into something thinking like that, August," Surveyor says, taking the satchel from him and setting it around his thick, jade neck. "You'll only make the whole thing even more miserable than it has to be."

    "I guess. C'mon, Surveyor," he says, hand at the door, "let's just head out. We can take the long way to the trams."

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Exalted 1.0 - Alchemical Mayhem!

    Airi nods, then, after August leaves, she pounces on Silver and squeezes her tight in wide, grinning hug.

    "I'm SO happy for you! You've been noticed by the Assembly! That means you'll get more important missions! It's a big step up!"

    She relaxes her grip for a moment, and moves her hands down to Silver's waist.

    "Do NOT worry about me. You have to concentrate on what you're being asked to do. I'll manage until you come back."

    She smiles softly, and lets herself get captured in her lover's eyes once more.
    Why is it Plan A is always, "Get 'Em!" and Plan B is, "Cause as much collateral damage as possible"?

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Exalted 1.0 - Alchemical Mayhem!


    Silver pulls Airi close, returning the embrace and smiling back at her, giving her an affectionate kiss on the forehead.

    "It is exciting, but I'm going to miss you. I rather think I would stay here if I had the choice."

    Her voice doesn't so much imply reluctance to go as it does flatter and tease Airi, letting her know exactly where her thoughts will be even while she's gone.

    "I'll make sure they don't keep me away too long, okay?"

    Silver raises one hand to Airi's cheek, beaming down at her.

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Exalted 1.0 - Alchemical Mayhem!

    Airi nods softly, and leans her cheek against Silver's hand, closing her eyes and sighing gently, enjoying her touch. She reluctantly moves away slowly.

    "I suppose, you should get your things. Best not to keep them waiting, right?"
    Why is it Plan A is always, "Get 'Em!" and Plan B is, "Cause as much collateral damage as possible"?

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Exalted 1.0 - Alchemical Mayhem!


    The alchemical grins mischievously, not letting go of one of Airi's hands, raising it to her lips and kissing it.

    "Oh, I'm sure they can wait a little bit. Everyone here is always hurrying... you need to be able to stop and enjoy yourself as well."

    Silver gives Airi a flirtatious smile, trying to gently draw her closer again.

    "Surely you'll at least give me a kiss goodbye?"

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Exalted 1.0 - Alchemical Mayhem!

    "Hmmm...I suppose so, " Airi teases, letting Silver draw her closer again. She smiles again, and leans up to kiss Silver passionately, letting the restraint she had earlier fly to the wind as she gets caught up in the moment. Neither one of them speak for a long time after that....


    Six is waiting on the platform when Gears arrives, along with a bit of the freight that usually goes when the pneumatic trams go from city to city. She's leaning up against one of the larger crates, head down, eyes closed. If he didn't know better, he'd swear she was asleep. August and Surveyor arrive several minutes later, though Silver is still nowhere to be seen....
    Why is it Plan A is always, "Get 'Em!" and Plan B is, "Cause as much collateral damage as possible"?

  9. - Top - End - #39
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Exalted 1.0 - Alchemical Mayhem!

    Gear's waves slightly at his approch and to those that arrive after him, his attention seeming to be occupied with the tram and the people boarding them
    My Current Works

    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
    Also I'm pretty sure you're GLaDoS now.

  10. - Top - End - #40
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Exalted 1.0 - Alchemical Mayhem!


    "Now... wasn't that more satisfying than just watching me walk out the door?"

    Silver asks, very tenderly caressing Airi's cheek.

    "Don't be afraid to act on your desire."

    After a moment more, she steps back, and begins gathering her things as she continues to speak.

    "I'll be back as soon as I can, Airi, else I'll twist their arms until they send you to me."

    She winks and pauses for another kiss.

    "Now I'd best be off before they explode with impatience."

    The alchemical doesn't sound overly worried about that possibility, more amused at the idea. She waves, then heads off to the designated meeting spot.

  11. - Top - End - #41
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Exalted 1.0 - Alchemical Mayhem!

    Airi kisses Silver goodbye, then watches as she disappears out the door. She sighs contentedly, then flops backwards on the bed, and takes a satisfied nap...


    Six looks up as Silver arrives at last. She says nothing to the Moonsilver caste, but simply motions for the others to join her on the tram, where several crates have already been loaded, and a Jade caste Alchemical is waiting. He tips the cap back on his forehead.

    "Oy, brought the lot of 'em, did ye Miss Six?" he asks, in a jovial tone.

    "Yes, Navigator, I did. Express back to Kadar."

    "Roight, love!" He turns to the others as they board the tram.

    "I'm Azure Navigator of the Veins, but ye ken all call me Navigator. I'll wager that ye've all ridden the tram before, so shouldn't need to tell ye to keep yer hands and arms inside the bloody thing and lastly, to hold on to somethin'. We're express to Kadar; trip'll take about a day."

    Six mumbles something unintelligible. Navigator just grins, and heads for the pilot seat.
    Why is it Plan A is always, "Get 'Em!" and Plan B is, "Cause as much collateral damage as possible"?

  12. - Top - End - #42
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Exalted 1.0 - Alchemical Mayhem!

    Gears grabs ahold of the first thing at hand, giving the jovial Jade just the slighest of smiles.
    My Current Works

    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
    Also I'm pretty sure you're GLaDoS now.

  13. - Top - End - #43
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Exalted 1.0 - Alchemical Mayhem!


    Silver grins at the others and nods to Navigator, taking a light hold of whatever rail or sturdy object might present itself.

  14. - Top - End - #44
    Library Lovers Contest Winner
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    Default Re: Exalted 1.0 - Alchemical Mayhem!


    August grasps at the wall, and the Surveyor sets one solid paw on his master's shoulder to steady the otherwise ungraceful Alchemical.

  15. - Top - End - #45
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Exalted 1.0 - Alchemical Mayhem!

    The tram shudders and begins to move, quickly picking up speed as it rushes though the veins of the Great Maker, the lights of Ot fading into the distance, bringing the darkness inherent in the depths of the reaches. The inside of the conduit used for the pneumatic tram is lit by the tram's headlights, but everywhere else is pitch dark. In a few short minutes, the Alchemicals grow used to the rocking of the tram as Navigator speeds them on their way....

    About 6 hours out, however, the tram slows drastically, then abruptly stops.

    (Everyone make a Dex+Athletics roll)
    Why is it Plan A is always, "Get 'Em!" and Plan B is, "Cause as much collateral damage as possible"?

  16. - Top - End - #46
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Exalted 1.0 - Alchemical Mayhem!


    Silver quickly attempts to catch her balance, caught quite off guard by the sudden stop. However, with her hand on a stable surface, and her natural dexterity and trained skill, she braces herself quickly, hopefully to catch herself in time.


  17. - Top - End - #47
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Exalted 1.0 - Alchemical Mayhem!

    (Where did everyone go?)
    Why is it Plan A is always, "Get 'Em!" and Plan B is, "Cause as much collateral damage as possible"?

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