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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default [NEXUS] GLoG 71: Redemption Equals Free Housing!


    The Good League of Good is an ACRONYM organization devoted to the redemption of evildoers and the care and support of those in need. If you are looking to smite evil, please check out HALO or WATCHTOWER.

    If you are new to Acro or ffrp, please come to the Nexus OOC thread and introduce yourself first.

    Our IC leadership council:
    Quinn (played by The Bushranger)
    Runner (played by KerfuffleMach2)
    Phoenix (played by Kid Kris)
    Andreas Emeral (played by Zefir)
    Susan (played by billtodamax)
    Shrike (played by The Bushranger)
    Zamira (played by horngeek)
    Saint Nil (played by Saint Nil)
    Reelshka (played by Morty)
    Ironbeard (npc, can be played by anyone)

    OOC: All players are welcome to make a character to join GLoG. The post-in-ooc-thread-first request is only so we know who is around. We aren't running auditions or anything.
    IC: Your character may be refused entry to the premises or asked to leave if they cause trouble in-character.

    Membership form:
    Current Moral or Ethical Leanings (Good/Evil):
    Desired Moral or Ethical Leanings (Good/Evil):
    Why do you want to join GLoG?
    How can you contribute to help support this organization's goals?
    Any other important information:
    Preferred room assignment:

    ((see room list and choose))

    Character room assignments:
    Main Lodge - Willow|||
    Cabin 1 - Oak|Jazirian,|KidKris|
    |Susan, Head of Security|billtodamax|
    Cabin 2 - Sycamore|Amadeus|Happy Days Falgorn|
    Cabin 3 - Redwood|||
    Cabin 4 - Maple|||
    Cabin 5 - Apple|||
    |Visitors Cabin|
    Cabin 6 - Cherry|Marley|ThePhantom|
    Cabin 7 - Chestnut|Andy|Zefir|
    Cabin 8 - Birch|Nil|Saint Nil|
    |Zamira, Shrike|Horngeek, BR|
    Cabin 9 - Dogwood|Coma Nothing|Beans|
    Cabin 10 - Elm|Kirk|RPGsr4me|
    |Sattael, Cacame, Nishtar|Earl of Purple|
    Cabin 11 - Denim|Rae|Rae Artemi|
    |Cabin is made of denim
    |Emily|Lix Lorn|
    Cabin 12 - Rowan|Din|iElf|
    |Dr. Rein, Sarah|Murkus|
    Infirmary - Cedar|Tobias Druid|FireFox|
    Cellar - Mushroom|Reelshka|Morty|

    Each cabin has rooms A-D. The main lodge has plenty of bunk space, but there are no separate rooms.

    Cabin 5 - Maple is reserved for visitors who do not want to stay at the lodge. They are requested to check in at the main lodge, where any member can give them permission to stay for a few days. Longer than that, and unless they are in need, they would be requested to either join or move to their own place or one of the local inns.

    New cabins can be added as the plot demands it. Here is a list of unused tree names:

    Linden, Larch, Ash, Pine, Hickory, Poplar, Magnolia, Olive, Rowan, Fir, Spruce, Holly, Cottonwood, Cypress, Hemlock, Teak, Ebony, Pear, Fig, Date, Mahogany, Palm, Lime, Acadia, Gumbo Limbo…

    Description of the new GLoG setting:
    After the original GLoG building was destroyed by an army of catpeople, the survivors took out a mortgage and purchased Phoenix Lake Campground. Facilities include the main lodge house, a bathhouse with separate male and female sections, a stable (no horses present), various picnic shelters, and a few scattered cabins. It's set in the foothills of the Acro mountains, and mainly surrounded by woods. There are many hiking trails nearby leading to mountaintop vistas, waterfalls, seacoves, and various other locations, both within this thread, and in the Outside thread. The campground is also within easy walking distance of the Taverna Generica and the city of Inside.

    At the lake, there is a small dock with a little shed nearby where a few canoes and paddleboats are stored. (They probably should be inspected first before trying to put them in the water.) The swimming area has a GIANT slide and a rope swing. Because GIANT slides and rope swings are awesome. There is also a playground under the trees, set back from the lake somewhat, and a set of horseshoe pits.

    Having been built on a Generic Ancient Burial Ground, Phoenix Lake Campground is haunted by various ghosts. They are generally harmless, and for the most part glad to have some company, though pranks and hijinks may occur. Ghosts, like the drones of old, can be NPC'd by anyone. They tend to speak in Gray.


    South, by Neon Knight:
    [Lake, Southern Shores]

    Our descriptive tour starts here, because NK has jurisdiction here.

    The southern shore is a gentle slope descending into the waters of the lake, sandy here and there, and perfect for waders and swimmers. There are no high banks along the water, which is normally quite pleasant. Being winter, of course, it is rather chilly. The foliage around the lake isn't prickly or harsh at all, and a free trees provide shade for those inclined to lounge nearby.

    [South Meadow]

    Immediately south of the central shoreline is a rather nice meadow. Although winter has robbed it of some joy and vitality, [South Meadow] will be a lovely spot for picnics when warmth returns, with soft grass, pretty blooms, and an arrangement of surrounding trees that lets in just enough wind to cool you off in the summer but blocks enough so that the windchill doesn't freeze you.

    [South Forest]

    As the tree line thickens, conifers and deciduous trees grow in thick clumps, making a patchy canopy overhead. Hiking trails wind through it here and there, but it is mostly overgrown; the southern woods are a more remote and neglected part of the campground.

    The bare wooden limbs of the deciduous trees contrast sharply with the continued vitality and life of the firs and other conifers. The elevation gently slopes up the deeper south you go, wit forested hills rising and eventually the great peaks of the mountains forming the southern part of the valley.

    North, by EleventhHour:
    [Once in a lifetime, you get a new beginning]

    GLoG, was blown apart and torn down, those who visited it mourned the loss of such an extravagant building, and for the loss of a landmark they grew up with. When they heard word of it being rebuilt, from almost the ground, people came to see, and to work. The following is an excerpt from a journal of a woman who came to see the new place...

    On the northern shores of the lake, 'tis easy to see why they pick such a place. To the south it one range of mountains, sandy beaches and old forgotten trails, on the north side, things are rockier. For example, even as I write this, I stand on the head of a short cliffside some six feet above the glistening blue waters, well they are frozen over with ice at the moment, glittering in the sun, but I can imagine the summer view...

    To look around, turning in an eastward fasion, it's easiest to notice the grey mountain peak of the beginning of the northern range, the massive waterfall feeding the lake shining white even from here, there are the forested groves and the low growing holly bushes, some dead for the winter, others still a vibrant green as thier sort dictates. To the north, I will have to travel through the woods, to be looking upon the sights. Coming back 'round to the west, you can see the battered place of old, where a graveyard must have stood, some pitted old pillars and laystones of granite grown over with moss, and pushed aside by saplings.

    Upon starting the climb up the hillsides about the mountainous locale, I noticed that where some rockslides had taken the face away from the lower mountain revealing black, midnight cracks into the roots of the world, leading who knows where, and sealed for who knows how long. Ah! I have reached a merry pinnacle, about halfway up those imposing peaks. Oh, 'tis cold, certainly, but any who dare venture up this far are surely in for a treat of wonder. Looking down across the forest, you can see the blackened trees to the west, and the breaks in the treeline where the cabins and lodges stand empty, with the little cleared roads drawing snaked pathes between them.

    Up here, you can taste the frigid air, and only the lowest growing bushes are able to grow at all. Miraculously, when I stopped in a little enclave on the side of the hill, heading back down now, there were blueberries growing! In the middle of winter, no less! Unfortunately, there was a storm brewing, and I had no time to stop and wait. One thing did catch my eye though, on the way down, that somehow I couldn't see from the peak, and I have yet to drop by the main lodge itself to see, but from here I could see a tree, massive beyond reason of twisted branches and a trunk easily as large as a house, I would say it was a blue ash, but they couldn't possibly grow so tall...

    Island: (by Rebonack)
    In the midst of the lake there is a small island. Getting here is a bit of a swim unless other means of transportation are available.

    It's generally sandy with more than a few alder trees quite happy to take advantage of the water. Everything is powdered with a light application of snow, disturbed by only the occasional bird footprints. Isn't exactly the sort of location large animals come to.

    The place is largely wooded with the occasional granite boulder sticking out of the snow, strange swirling petroglyphs etched into them. And in the middle of the island is a structure of decent size. A low, squat building of stacked stones. Looks to be a crypt of some kind.

    Should one step into the barrow...

    It's dark inside. And kinda wet. The walls are carved with the same odd swirling sigils that were found on several of the stones outside. In the middle of the ruin lies a huge stone table, ancient glyphs ringing the edge. The slab appears to have broken ages ago, split right down the middle. Several windows allow sunlight to filter in, causing the various stone to cast long shadows.

    Or at least they do when the skylights aren't covered in snow.

    Main Lodge: This large building contains an industrial kitchen with a cafeteria style serving area, and an open space that was once used as the dining hall. The space is warmed by a massive fireplace. Bunk beds are lined up on one end of the hall, opposite the kitchen, and a few comfy chairs and sofas are beginning to appear around the fireplace as they are procured. The building itself is made of stone.

    Bathhouse: This building is divided into the men's and women's bathhouses, with entrances at either end. It has shower stalls, a line of sinks, and toilet stalls in each. By now, the shower curtains have been replaced and the whole area has been scrubbed to cleanliness and usability.

    Cabins: Each cabin has 4 rooms, each with shelves and space for three bunk beds. The ones nearest to the lodge have been cleaned out and are habitable, though they lack furniture and any source of heat.

    Workshop: A well built cabin designed by Reelshka, containing nothing at present but the Mainframe installation. It is locked.

    The outside of the infirmary looks just like all the rest of the buildings. Nothing distinguishes it at all.

    But inside, everything is white, with silver highlighting. Even though it doesn't seem possible, when looking from outside, sunlight filters inside. Giving the place a warm feeling with natural light.

    A soft, soothing music filters through the whole building and words can barely be heard saying words of healing and comfort, like: "You are going to be okay." "We'll take care of you." "You are dear to us." and so on.

    Each room is walled off for a limited amount of privacy, because the pixies know that humans seem to need this. Strange. But it is limited. There are no doors.

    Kinda looks like this:

    Except the angles are more severe, so that people on the other side of the hall can't see into anyone's room. Only someone intentionally looking in, can see you.

    There is also a small living area in the back which includes a small kitchen and bedroom among a few other things.

    About the Drones Mk 2:
    In other news, the drones are back at GLoG.
    • Drones are NPCs who can be played by anyone, within the guidelines below
    • Their Primary Function is member safety
    • They no longer have teleport beams or alignment scanners
    • They do have stun beams and the ability to record what's going on around them
    • They follow orders, unless those orders conflict with their Primary Function
    • There are only 10-12 in operation at any one time
    • They can be destroyed, but if so, they'll be restored from backup
    • A few have been supplied with medical programming, and thus can be godmodded for infirmary duties.
    • Sadly, they have no cake fixation. Sunny arrived after the Top Secret Cake Baking Kitchen had been abandoned.
    • They speak in DarkOrange FixedSys



    Palon|Hyozo|Teenage Prankster, seems to enjoy tormenting Charity
    Bloody gentleman|Hyozo|
    Ironbeard|Happyturtle|A dwarven gentleman rake
    Lady Anastasia Miranda Ophelia Stuart|Happyturtle|former royal courtesan
    Nurse Piper|NPC|Former camp nurse, thinks of the GLoG infirmary as her domain
    Lady Phoenix|ThePhantom|the lady in the faded red dress
    Vidalia|Lex-kat|Former member of old GLoG
    Heather|Happyturtle|Drowned teenage girl
    Jase|Happyturtle|teenage boy

    Attention villains:
    Conflict is great! It's the heart of any story, and there isn't much to roleplay without it. However, as a player to player courtesy, please check in with the players who are active at any given time before launching an attack. Not everyone wants to roleplay combat scenes, and sometimes there are other things going on that players don't want to interrupt for a random fight. Either a PM/IM to players, a short post in thread to say ((Mind if I introduce a villain here?)) or a longer post in the OOC thread if it's a larger plot is appreciated.

    Also, please don't plan any villainy that will result in destroying the base or having the same effect (poisoning the lake, burning down the forest, etc.)

    Base Defences:
    So Khiansa goes around the grounds, casting alarm spells around the surrounding woods, and wards against the weaker classes of undead, devil or demon (eg. Those least likely to be PCs ), weak wards to limit the strength of destructive magic, and other such weak fields of protection, in order to make things a bit safer in general, before he can eventually go back over and make stronger, more selective wards.
    After setting up the wards, he'll start the considerably harder work of magically fortifying the buildings themselves, especially the lodge, weaving spells of protection and strength in between and through the building materials, so that they may better withstand attack.

    NB: As part of a continuing effort to move away from DnD and become more freeform, there is no longer any inbuilt organizational capability of 'alignment detection'. Individual PCs may or may not have this ability.

    Reference images:

    Main lodge:

    GIANT slide:

    The lake:


    GLoG 70 - Apr 7, 2011
    GLoG 69
    GLoG 68 - Mar 6, 2011
    GLoG 67 - Feb 11, 2011
    GloG 66: Coupon Redemption - Jan 23, 2011
    GloG 65 - Jan 8, 2011
    GLoG 64: Campsites, not Chessboards! - Dec 26, 2010
    GLoG LXIII: Roman Numerals are back! - Dec 9, 2010
    GLoG 62: Come for the paddleboats. Stay for the hawt shirtless catboy! Nov 19, 2010
    GLoG 61: Now with 100% More goblins 31/10/2010
    GLoG 60 18/10/2010
    GLoG 59: Now with Trees! 07/10/2010
    GLoG 58: Shaken, but not baked 30/08/2010
    GLoG 57: Princess Power Trio Plus Protective Parents 31/07/2010
    GLoG 56: I had a joke but I forgot it 02/07/2010
    GLoG 55: Witty Title And/Or Song Reference 10/06/2010
    GLoG 54: Sleeping with the Lights On 26/04/2010
    GLoG 53: These are the Days of our Lives. 30/03/2010
    GLoG 52: Home of the Next Generation 07/03/2010
    GLoG 51 05/02/2010
    GLoG 50: Rife with new Life. 20/01/2010
    GLoG 49: Who Ya Gonna Call? 07/01/2010
    GLoG 48: From the Ashes 19/12/2009


    GLoG 47: Nothing can stop us. Well, except that. 24/11/2009
    GLoG 46: With a Maraschino Cherry On Top. 06/11/2009
    GLoG 45: The winds of change be darned! 20/10/2009
    GLoG 44: Continuity has no place here! 09/10/2009
    GLoG 43: Behave yourself, Dani! 27/09/2009
    GLoG 42: Yes, curtains still get dropped here 17/09/2009
    GLoG 41: When you're smiling, the world plots against you. 02/09/2009
    GLoG 40: Now one year old! 27/08/2009
    GLoG 39: And there was much rejoicing. (Yay!) 20/08/2009
    GLoG 38: Pay No Attention to the Computer's Paranoid Ramblings 12/08/2009
    GLoG 37: Dysfunction Junction 02/08/2009
    GLoG 36: Curse You, Dramatic Irony! 26/07/2009
    GLoG 35: There shall be happiness!!! 20/07/2009
    GLoG 34: It gets worse! 11/07/2009
    GLoG 33: Do you think you can handle it? 04/07/2009
    GLoG 32:The Loved and the Lost 27/06/2009
    GLoG 31: To live defeated and inglorious is to die daily 19/06/2009
    GLoG 30: Defying Biology Since 2008! 13/06/2009
    GLoG 29: Under New Management 09/06/2009
    GLoG 28: The People's Republic of Magtok 06/04/2009
    GLoG 27: Pay No Attention to the Thead Behind the Curtain! 31/05/2009
    GLoG 26: Now With 100% More Things Trying to Nom You! 25/05/2009
    GLoG 25: Mapped out and everythin'! 20/05/2009
    GLoG 24: This Ain't No House of Cards 08/05/2009
    GLoG 23: With malice towards none. 27/04/2009
    GLoG 22: Ahhhhhh!!!! They're after us!! 12/04/2009
    GLoG 21: Half of Life, the Universe, and Everything. 28/03/2009
    GLoG 20: Twenty Times the Awesome 03/03/2009
    GLoG 19: For those who can't make it over the rainbow 13/02/2009
    GLoG 18: It's A Brand New Day 31/01/2009
    GLoG 17: SMITE CONTINUITY! 23/01/2009
    GLoG 16: Built out of 100% recycled babies. That's why we're good. 12/01/2009
    GLoG 15: Beware the Ides of GLoG. 03/01/2009
    GLoG 14: Where Bad Puns Go To Die. 29/12/2008
    GLoG 13: Bring It On, Omnipotent Beings! 21/12/2008
    GLoG 12: [Insert Unique and Witty Title Here] 06/12/2008
    GLoG 11: We Failed Our "Witty Title Check" (DC 3). 23/11/2008
    GLoG 10: More Like Good League Of... Of... Crazy 03/11/2008
    GLoG 9: Death is no longer cheap 22/10/2008
    GLoG 8: Thread of Exalted Deeds 17/10/2008
    GLoG 7: Now Vampire Free! 07/10/2008
    GLoG 6: Thread of One Thousand Plots 29/09/2008
    GLoG 5: Where Everyone's a Hero (In Their Own Way) 20/09/2008
    GLoG 4: Please refrain from kidnapping our members 11/09/2008
    GLoG 3: Albeit, we ate the cake with our sporks 02/09/2008
    GLoG 2: Now with 30% More Sporks 26/08/2008
    The Good League of Good 22/08/2008

    ***When this thread reaches 50 pages, anyone can make a new GLoG thread, which grants them the right to choose the title and (optional) theme song. Please be willing to keep the cabin list updated, and check that the link to the Nexus OOC thread is current. If you anticipate being away from the forums much during the lifetime of the thread (each thread usually lasts a few weeks) then please let someone else do it.***
    Last edited by The Bushranger; 2011-04-21 at 10:44 PM.

    Inner Circle

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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: GLoG 71: Redemption Equals Free Housing!

    [Cabin 8]

    "The demons just need a strong soul to parasitize off of. Nothing else! I would have been better off if that bear had killed me on its first swing," Kalis growls, edging even closer now. He's getting angry. And the demon is just fanning the flames.

    Thing is, Kalis is actually a pretty nice kid. But that evil spirit bound to him is not nice. Not even a little. So there's a good chance that pointing out that he's going a little crazy might give him pause long enough to shake free of the demon's hate.

    Or Shrike could just point out that he said something really odd.

    Kalis blinks, pulling back a bit. "Wait... what...?"

    He sounds... confused.

    "What did I say?"
    Warning! Random Encounter™ detected!
    The Eternal Game Nightmære Stuff
    It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, just how awesome you look doing it.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: GLoG 71: Redemption Equals Free Housing!

    [Construction Site]
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bushranger View Post
    Even Destro the Friendly Lich has been scarce! D=

    "Maybe we should force him into that last form. It would drive him nuts," Quinn says, giggling at the thought and relaxing. "Just as long as nobody sends foxes out of style."
    [Cabin 8]

    "You said I serve the Ardent Traitor," Shrike says matter-of-factly.
    She doesn't look to have been intimidated in the least.
    Maybe she wanted him to get angry and fight her?
    "Which I don't. The Solar Exalts originate from the Unconquered Sun."

    Inner Circle

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: GLoG 71: Redemption Equals Free Housing!

    [Cabin 8]

    Kalis... looks equal parts confused, baffled, and shocked. "The... uuhh... Helios... He's called Helios back home. And I don't even know what 'Ardent Traitor' is supposed to mean. I think..."

    He glances back at his snarling aura.

    "I think that was something It wanted me to say..."

    The demon doesn't seem terribly inclined to give an answer on that one way or the other. It just glowers at everyone in the room silently.


    This is the first time it has stopped making sound, threatening or otherwise, since it manifested.

    "Does the phrase 'Ardent Traitor' mean anything to you?"
    Warning! Random Encounter™ detected!
    The Eternal Game Nightmære Stuff
    It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, just how awesome you look doing it.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: GLoG 71: Redemption Equals Free Housing!

    Cabin 8

    Shrike glares at the demon!

    Or something like that.

    "Never heard the name before in my life. Or my previous life," the redhead adds.

    Inner Circle

    Werewolf Games
    Games Won: 5
    Ashna and Brendan dolls by Recaiden
    BR by Dr. Bath

    BR's Bag o' Nuts · The Russkijs · Bushrangers explained
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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: GLoG 71: Redemption Equals Free Housing!

    [Cabin 8]

    The demon remains silent still. Though it does offer Shrike a rather nice view of all of its teeth when she glares at it.

    Kalis seems...


    Shaken maybe?

    Certainly disturbed.

    It feels like everyone except him knows what's going on. The horrible MOON BEAST chews on his lip a bit as he thinks this one over. "Alright... where do these Exaltations you've been talking about... Where did they come from? How were they made?"
    Warning! Random Encounter™ detected!
    The Eternal Game Nightmære Stuff
    It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, just how awesome you look doing it.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: GLoG 71: Redemption Equals Free Housing!

    Cabin 8

    Shrike just grins cheerily back at Big, Anemic, and Toothy.
    Rubbing her knuckles on her robe.

    "Well. That's a long story. The short version is that very long ago in a place called Creation, the Primoridials - who made the place - made the Gods to run the place while they played games. The Gods thought this was unfair, but had to obey the Primoridals. So they had a Primoridial who agreed with them - Autochton - create the Exaltations. Each a sliver of the essecnce of one of the Incarnae. The Unconquered Sun, Sol Invictus, for the Solars, generals and priests. Luna, the Unconquered Sun's companion and another renegade Primorial, for the Lunars, savage warriors and companions to the Solars. The Five Maidens for the Sidereals, who are tasked with the proper running of Fate. These were released where they found worthy souls to empower - to Exalt.

    "And then they sicced the Exalted on the Primoridals, and the Primordials died."
    Last edited by The Bushranger; 2011-04-20 at 12:05 AM.

    Inner Circle

    Werewolf Games
    Games Won: 5
    Ashna and Brendan dolls by Recaiden
    BR by Dr. Bath

    BR's Bag o' Nuts · The Russkijs · Bushrangers explained
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  8. - Top - End - #8
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: GLoG 71: Redemption Equals Free Housing!

    [Cabin 8]

    Kalis wrinkles his nose at Shrike's use of YAWN TECH: BORING EXPOSITORY. Though none of that sounds right to him. At all. Which in turn results in shaking of the head. "I've never heard anything like that before. I was always taught that the universe sprang into being and the gods with it. There was a war a looong time ago against these monsters called the Titans. And the ones that weren't killed were thrown into Tartarus. After the Titans were defeated the gods made the Kami to watch over the world. And the Kami in turn made all the mortals."

    Like daffodils!

    Daffodils are totally a kind of mortal.

    "The gods are really busy doing really important things, so they don't bother with terrestrial affairs. The Kami see to that kind of thing. I... really don't see how your story would fit into all of this."
    Warning! Random Encounter™ detected!
    The Eternal Game Nightmære Stuff
    It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, just how awesome you look doing it.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: GLoG 71: Redemption Equals Free Housing!

    Cabin 8

    "Then it seems either your story was...changed at some point, or we're dealing with a bizzare case of convergent evolution," Shrike points out.

    Inner Circle

    Werewolf Games
    Games Won: 5
    Ashna and Brendan dolls by Recaiden
    BR by Dr. Bath

    BR's Bag o' Nuts · The Russkijs · Bushrangers explained
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  10. - Top - End - #10
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: GLoG 71: Redemption Equals Free Housing!

    [Cabin 8]

    The MOON BEAST huffs. "Or there's just a superficial similarity between my body-guest and your special wonderful gift from the gods that has no practical downside," Kalis replies bitterly.

    He gains super powers and gets to have his soul nommed as the price! And he didn't even ask for it either! Isn't that just swell?

    Kalis growls in frustration. "Graw! All this has done is raise more questions. It hasn't helped at all. All I've learned from you is that your world has something like our demons, except without a mind of their own and without soul-eating. This doesn't do anything for me."


    He's upset by the stupid waste of time!

    "I'm still left waiting for my soul to be devoured. So I may as well use this thrice-damned demon to accomplish something good before it eats me and someone else has to kill my puppet-body."
    Warning! Random Encounter™ detected!
    The Eternal Game Nightmære Stuff
    It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, just how awesome you look doing it.

  11. - Top - End - #11
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    Default Re: GLoG 71: Redemption Equals Free Housing!

    Cabin 8

    "Downside? Oh. Yeah. I didn't mention that did I? There's a pretty big downside to being Exalted: you go mad. Slowly, but surely, you go stark, raving mad. Or power-mad. Or simply both."

    Or if you're a Sidreal, you have stupid-level hubris that increases the more of you there are!
    ...or in Shrike's case, you don't at all, now!
    Being an (solar-turned-)abyssal-turned-solar cures that.

    "Knowledge is power. And, the more you know, is always good. And we may have ways to help you so that you don't get...eaten. Are there others like you, you say?"

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    Default Re: GLoG 71: Redemption Equals Free Housing!

    [Cabin 8]

    "Neat. Seems I don't have to bother with the slowly part," Kalis replies with a dead pan snark.

    At least it'll be over quickly! Nom nom goes the soul.

    "Yes, there are others like me. There were these demons that stole light from heaven. They were cursed, had their Will destroyed. So they just started grabbing onto mortals to hijack their Will instead. The Disciples of the Kami usually hunt them down and kill them. Then you have a dead mortal and a free demon to go find someone else to glom onto."

    It isn't a very ideal situation.

    Kalis suddenly looks thoughtful.

    "Y'know... come to think of it the Disciples of the Kami sound kind of like this whole Exalted thing. They're monks that follow the ideal of a powerful Kami and gain boons from them to help protect people from all the various nasty things in our world. Like... me..." he sounds rather bitter about that. "The most popular patrons are the Five Great Dragons, though any Kami can serve as a benefactor. Is there anything like that in your world?"
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    Default Re: GLoG 71: Redemption Equals Free Housing!

    [Main Cabin]

    Since Mukus is a bit Deadtime Andy plot clone will walk around in GloG.

    ((BR here is GloG 69 Link I missed it))
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    Default Re: GLoG 71: Redemption Equals Free Housing!

    ((thanks Zefyr ^_^))

    [Cabin 8]

    Shrike, as it just so happened, had just leaned over to grab a can of soda from the mini-fridge.
    Kalis is of course free to look.
    ...she barely manages to avoid crushing the can and getting Dr. Nexus everywhere as Kalis expounds on the situation.

    "There is a fourth kind of Exalted." Well, and two more, but she'll break the news of Abyssals and Infernals later. "The Terrestial Exalted. Children of another of the Incarnae, Gaia - the spirit of Creation itself. Given the power of the Five Elemental Dragons.

    "When the madness of the Solars was considered too much, the Sidereals spurred the Terrestrials to the Usurpation. They fell upon the Solars and killed nearly all of them, binding their Exaltations away for a thousand years."
    More or less. "Many Lunars were also killed, and the rest fled to the Wyld.

    "Some of the Solar Exalts escaped, however, and as they were killed off and died later, their Exaltations sought new hosts. To combat this proble, they formed the Immaculate Order. A group of monks, both Terrestral Exalted and empowered mortals, who organise Wyld Hunts to track down the newly Exalted - or Anathema, as they call them - and kill them."

    dun Dun DUN!
    Last edited by The Bushranger; 2011-04-20 at 01:14 AM.

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    Default Re: GLoG 71: Redemption Equals Free Housing!

    [Cabin 8]

    Clearly, Harnel has been in here the whole time, listening. He thought about intervening earlier, but realized that Kalis was an untrained peasant with nifty powers and would be trying to fight a pair of divine warriors if he did something stupid, so he didn't worry. Besides, learning about other worlds was fascinating. The gods had never been so active in his own world, unless you counted paladins and clerics. But they were too rare, and no stronger than normal people. They just had divine magic.
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    Default Re: GLoG 71: Redemption Equals Free Housing!

    Zamira frowns. "To be honest? Only type of being that would refer to Lady Luna as an Ardent Traitor would be a Primordal-spawned entity.

    In addition, the Casteless still have Caste Marks, they just change with the phase of the moon. Finally... Lunar Exalted always have a natural animal as their Spirit Shape. Not... that.

    Shrike, his theory might not be too far off the mark. Only problem is that the Yozi can't make new Exalted. Even if they knew how, they're probably too twisted to make any now."

    Quote Originally Posted by Revlid View Post
    And so it was that Zaeed, Aang, Winry, Ezio, Sadoko and Snow White all set out on their epic journey to destroy The Empire.

    God I love Exalted.

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    [Cabin 8]

    Harnel finally says something helpful to the conversation! "Forgive me if I don't grasp the situation, but it seems that these worlds might be divergent timelines of the same plane. The in either case there's a big war in the beginning where gods fight some other incredibly powerful being, Primordials and Titans. Each time, they win."

    "And there could be where the timeline splits. Each has spirits that represent the world around them, and each has beings that gain power through a connection to these gods, whether it be a parastic bond based on a theft," he motions to Kalis, "Or a beneficent one, directly from the god itself." he motions to Shrike and Zamira.

    "It seems to me that these demons are latching on to souls to gain a measure of what they lost, which Kalis suggests is will. It's not that uncommon of a story - A spirit devolves to the point where it loses something vital, and to regain it it can only feed off of others. It's one reason there were Vampires and Mind Flayers in my own world."
    Last edited by Halae; 2011-04-20 at 05:03 AM.
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    Default Re: GLoG 71: Redemption Equals Free Housing!

    Quote Originally Posted by The Bushranger View Post
    ((thanks Zefyr ^_^))
    ((My Nick is wrote with an I not Y..., well many people tend to write it wronge these days. Also [Nexus] is missing on the thread title.))

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    "Hmmm... Kalis! What shape is your homeworld?"

    Quote Originally Posted by Revlid View Post
    And so it was that Zaeed, Aang, Winry, Ezio, Sadoko and Snow White all set out on their epic journey to destroy The Empire.

    God I love Exalted.

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    Default Re: GLoG 71: Redemption Equals Free Housing!

    (([Nexus] tag needed))

    Some GLoG drones float around, dismayed that nobody ever roleplays them.
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    I know! It's terrible!

    *pets his creations*

    Now a... Jazirian! He's around! As is Phoenix!
    Those are my GLoG characters, right? I think? It's been a while.

    Jazirian should meet Harnel sometime, come to think of it. Would be... interesting.
    Last edited by Ashen Lilies; 2011-04-20 at 05:50 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok
    She’s graduated from child soldier to unstable teen sorceress, way to go.

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    Default Re: GLoG 71: Redemption Equals Free Housing!

    [Cabin 8]


    So much delicious exposition...

    The conversation has been going for a while now and the calmer Kalis gets the more his AURA loses its cohesion. Eventually it has faded back into a simple silvery glow around him. The voice in his mind quiets down a bit. And for that he's thankful.

    If last time is any indication he'll be able to force himself back into human shape once the aura is totally gone. Which will be nice since looking like that makes him uneasy. He just thought it might prove that Shrike is reaching a bit too far with her explanation.

    Harnel's comment seems... more fitting. Kalis nods in reply to it. "See, that makes a bit more sense. It sounds like my world has a few similarities to yours. But even more differences. Like... I'm pretty sure the gods beat the titans on their own. They wouldn't use mortal help for that..."

    He shakes his head at the very thought of such a thing. "That would be ridiculous. What would they need our help for? And besides, I don't think mortals had even been created yet."

    There's always the possibility that the history he's reporting is wrong. Though there honestly isn't any reason to suspect as much. And Zamira's question manages to get little more than a really odd look. "Shaped like a disk of course, what else? I suppose you could have a world shaped like a square, but I imagine all the pointy edges would wear off over time and it would just look like a disk too."

    Apparently the concept of a round world never crosses his mind.
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    Reelshka is sitting on a bench, dividing her attention between the construction site and Cabin 8, where someone is yelling.

    [Main Cabin]

    Brinika is curled up in an armchair, napping and clutching her plushie molerat. Caretaker is hovering above protectively.
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    "Okay. Defenite differences.

    The mortals were needed in our world because the gods were bound by the Primordals so that they were unable to attack them.

    Also, I meant flat or round. That's one similarity."

    Quote Originally Posted by Revlid View Post
    And so it was that Zaeed, Aang, Winry, Ezio, Sadoko and Snow White all set out on their epic journey to destroy The Empire.

    God I love Exalted.

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    ((Nexus tag fixed...and I keep forgetting about the poor drones. ))

    [Cabin 8]

    "I think Luna would be referred to as argent, Lunar mine," Shrike drawls to Zamira, listening quietly to the discussion at hand. "And while we're on a round world now, Creation is flat - like your world, from your calling it a disc."

    At least he isn't from the Disc!


    Jamie returns to the porch, smiling at how cute the napping Brinika is as she sets about collecting the now-empty bowls of ice cream.

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    [Main Cabin]

    Andy walks around and sees Brinika. He now tries to sit ihimself in a chair without waking her.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThirdEmperor View Post
    Sol, well, he's freaked out pretty bad right now, mainly because Crae looks like an angel. In his world, seeing an angel was generally regarded as a bad thing, and usually ended with the unfortunate person being tortured eternally. And when Sol gets freaked out, things around him have a habit of igniting. In this case, the unfortunate bush Crae was talking to explodes into flames.

    "So, I'll take it it's not going very well."
    Crae says, putting his hand on his sleeve, the blue deepening, and then water rushing out of it akin to a fire hose. And, to be fair, Saera looks like an angel too, but her wings are much smaller and she's little giggling, so she can't be of much harm.
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    [Main Cabin]

    After a while, Brinika wakes up, yawns and looks around blearily.
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    Um, morning, the tiny goblin girl says.
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