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    Ogre in the Playground
    mattie_p's Avatar

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    Default Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    Welcome one and all to the eleventh Zinc Saucier challenge, where Playgrounders come to test their skill in the art of beautiful and bizarre (and bizarrely beautiful) builds.

    The challenge? To come up with a build that has the same abilities and feel as the Secret Ingredient WITHOUT actually using it!

    For the eleventh challenge get ready to channel your inner wilderness, from the Player's Handbook, the Druid!

    Our challengers will have about 2 weeks to build a complete build from levels 1-20 using a 32 point buy and all official 3.5 material (excluding dragon magazine, but including any WOTC online enhancements) with the abilities and feel of a Druid without actually using any levels in it.

    Entries must be submitted by Sunday, 11:59pm GMT, 6 January, 2013.

    Contestants will be judged and awarded a score out of 5 in each of 5 categories;

    * Innovation (Uniqueness in character concept, race, class, etc)
    * Power (How powerful and versatile it is compared to the base class)
    * Elegance (What can only be described as how well the build "flows", i.e not using lots of 1-2lv dips, sacrificing flavour for power or using flaws)
    * Fluff (How well the characters back-stories and classes mesh)
    * Ingredient (How well the build captures the abilities and feel of the base class)

    Presentation would be best in the style of how the iron chef does their presentations, however any style is allowed so long as it is clear on how the build was made.

    Recommended style:
    {table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

    1st|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    2nd|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    3rd|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    4th|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    5th|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    6th|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    7th|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    8th|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    9th|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    10th|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    11th|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    12th|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    13th|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    14th|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    15th|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    16th|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    17th|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    18th|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    19th|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    20th|New Class Level|
    |Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities[/table]

    Copy and Paste:
    [b]NAME OF ENTRY[/b]
    {table=head][b]Level[/b]|[b]Class[/b]|[b]Base Attack Bonus[/b]|[b]Fort Save[/b]|[b]Ref Save[/b]|[b]Will Save[/b]|[b]Skills[/b]|[b]Feats[/b]|[b]Class Features[/b]

    1st|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    2nd|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    3rd|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    4th|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    5th|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    6th|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    7th|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    8th|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    9th|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    10th|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    11th|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    12th|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    13th|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    14th|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    15th|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    16th|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    17th|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    18th|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    19th|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

    20th|New Class Level|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities[/table]

    For entries with spellcasting, use the following table for Spells per day and Spells Known. (Spells Known only if necessary, i.e. Sorcerer or Bard, but not Wizard or Warmage). For other systems (Psionics, ToB, Incarnum, etc.) keep track of PP/maneuvers/essentia separately, preferably in a nice neat list, similar to this:
    Spells per day/Spells Known





















    Copy and Paste:
    [b]Spells per day/Spells Known[/b]





















    Please do not post details of your build on the board before it is ready, so as not to spoil the surprise for others.

    Sauciers may submit as many builds as they want but please don't use leadership, as we don't want to overfeed the judges.

    In a change from previous competitions, we are permitting open posting of your builds prior to the deadline. Please post your ideas, and final builds when you can. Others (competitors or otherwise) are free to comment on your ideas, and sauciers are free to edit their ideas up to the deadline. Judges should not penalize competitors who edit or modify their builds prior to the deadline, regardless of input from others.

    Previous challenges;
    1. Soulknife
    2. Bard
    3. Monk
    4. Assassin
    5. Barbarian
    6. Warlock
    7. Paladin
    8. Warblade
    9. Pyrokineticist
    10. Ninja

    A few administrative notes:
    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Chef Chairman"
    Competitors will be free to use any official 3.5 rulebook in constructing their builds. Dragon magazine is disallowed, and Unearthed Arcana is allowed; but see Elegance below. Web-exclusive 3.0 or 3.5 materials by WotC are expressly allowed, but take care to verify that an updated version did not appear in print elsewhere, as this may cause an Elegance deduction at the judges' discretion. Alternate rule systems from UA such as gestalt are not allowed, as they create a different playing field. Also, item familiars are forbidden because I hate 'em. This comes up often enough to bear mention in the rules: Dragon Compendium is allowed.

    Power level is up to you. Cheese is acceptable, but should be kept to a sane level unless you're showcasing a new TO build you've discovered. In the words of one of my predecessors, a little cheddar can be nice, but avoid the mature Gruyere unless you're making a cheese fondue.

    Elegance could bear a little elaboration. It basically measures how skillfully you put your build together, and whether you sacrificed flavor for power. We're cooking here - if your dish doesn't taste good, it doesn't matter how well-presented it is. Use of flaws is an automatic loss of one point per flaw in this category. Other things that will cause lost points here are excessive multiclassing, and classes that don't fit the concept - using Cloistered Cleric in a front-line melee fighter, for example, may lose you points. Please note the following change: a legal source's relative obscurity should not be considered as penalizing Elegance, excepting the aforementioned issues with Unearthed Arcana. Using too many sources may be an Elegance deduction at the judges' discretion, but a book's relative obscurity may not.
    Level adjustment buy-off (from Unearthed Arcana) is expressly prohibited, because this is an ECL 20 build. You are not granted a set experience point total to use. Bloodlines are permitted, but at the cost of +1LA per bloodline level (this is a change from the rules in UA where the character's ECL does not increase).

    This competition is inspired by the Playground Iron Chef Competitions and uses mostly identical rules.

    Also it comes with double prize money.

    Allez Sauciers!
    Last edited by mattie_p; 2012-12-23 at 11:44 PM.
    Blank 3.5 Character Creator Iron Chef Style Tables (in Google Sheets)

    Chairman Emeritus of Zinc Saucier.

    Avatar by Derjuin, sing her praises to Elysium.

    Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
    So now you're claiming that spellcasting "lacks a clear, supernatural element?" Being supernatural is literally the only point of magic.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Dec 2006

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    1. Druid of Change

    So far my first thought is that druid seems a class more concerned with preserving things as they are right now rather then the "Natural Order" of things. This seems especially true in Eberron where the druids are opposed to the Delkyr lords, who once every few thousand years or so invade the word and warp living creatures to new forms that they much prefer. What I find notable, is that the invasion of the Delkyr is a regularly occuring event, and in the setting seems to be the only system that creates natural change, that in a way the Delkyr might be a living force of evolution. This becomes even more apparent if you look at the way their main magic artifact, the husk of infinite worlds works. It takes a sample creature, and forces it to reproduce and go through generation after generation of offspring, with the Delkyr killing off the children that do not have the "correct" mutations, until finally the creatures descendents become something truly pleasing. This is how they made the Mindflayers the beholders and pretty much all of the other Aberrations in the setting.

    This makes me think that the most natural of processes in Eberron is Aberrant mutation.

    So the first concept I have going is a "Druid of Change" who would be opposed to the old fashioned "Druid of Stasis". Mechanically I was thinking Delkyr Half-Brood Psion Shaper going into that prestige class that gives them wild surge and the ability to open up portals to planes of madness. Might also try the calamaty mage prestige class, I think its from the explorers madness which directly allows its casters to open up a portal to the Xoriat and douse their enemies in the flesh melting lemon rains of the plane of madness. If I went with that, would see about either a psionic adaptation, or going Half-Brood wizard base.

    2. Druid of the People

    Druids are able to take the form of animals, magical beasts, and even sometimes outsiders and aberrations. What they are rarely able to take the form of however is people. Which is strange, because in the end people are naturally occuring creatures too. While they have tools and a society, they are not alone in this. Many species of birds are noted for their tool use, and many insects are noted for their large societies, dwellings, and even their practices of domestication.

    Shouldn't a druid also be able to emulate the naturally occuring social tool-using animals? The People Druid would try to do just that, to be able to "Wild Shape" into, in the end, entirely different people. While binder would probably be the best way to do this mechanically, it doesn't quite have the feel I am going for.

    What I was thinking instead is some sort of Changeling Chameleon. What would be ideal is to get a few caster levels in before taking Chameleon, maybe some bard or beguiler? That way after taking Chameleon the character can take a prestige class that advances their casting abilities. Now Chameleon doesn't qualify as a prerequisite, but it never says it can't be affected by the abilities of another prestige class, so bard would qualify but then the prestige advancement would be applied to chameleon instead.

    Now at first this might seem too distant from druid itself, but I think that the ties to the Wild Shape ability, Wild Empathy, and thousand faces should be enough to make it work.

    What are others thinking so far?

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
    mattie_p's Avatar

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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    With the new open format, I was thinking of entering myself - ruling myself out as a judge. I was thinking going wildshape focus, emphasizing all the various options available with WS. Not sure how I intend to go about pursuing WS yet, but those are my initial thoughts.
    Blank 3.5 Character Creator Iron Chef Style Tables (in Google Sheets)

    Chairman Emeritus of Zinc Saucier.

    Avatar by Derjuin, sing her praises to Elysium.

    Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
    So now you're claiming that spellcasting "lacks a clear, supernatural element?" Being supernatural is literally the only point of magic.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    I think the traditional wild shape without druid option is Wild Shape Ranger, as long as you prestige out of it early, however that (and many of the wild shape options) will cost you spellcasting. The Planar Shepherd gets you lots of nice shaping with casting though. Not sure how that would rate with judges though on closeness to druid.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    Well, yes, but there are other ways to get something similar to wildshape. (Wiz 17 gets shapechange, for instance). Just thinking out loud here, and we have no judged yet. But in 3.5 Wildshape is fairly archetypical for Druids, and I'd want to seriously address it in any entry.
    Blank 3.5 Character Creator Iron Chef Style Tables (in Google Sheets)

    Chairman Emeritus of Zinc Saucier.

    Avatar by Derjuin, sing her praises to Elysium.

    Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
    So now you're claiming that spellcasting "lacks a clear, supernatural element?" Being supernatural is literally the only point of magic.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    I probably won't get time to write a full entry, but I'm thinking Bard / Totemist, with the Divine/Savage/Fey Bard Variants. Maybe with Holt Warden (CCh) as the PrC?
    You can call me Draz.

    Also of note:

    I have a number of ongoing projects that I manically jump between to spend my free time ... so don't be surprised when I post a lot about something for a few days, then burn out and abandon it.
    ... yes, I need to be tested for ADHD.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    I'll play. I love me some druids who aren't druids.
    Pointy-eared and proud.

    Avatar by Oneris.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    I want to do some book diving for some monster that works as a druid. Don't give me hints. Nymph is too obvious.
    Blank 3.5 Character Creator Iron Chef Style Tables (in Google Sheets)

    Chairman Emeritus of Zinc Saucier.

    Avatar by Derjuin, sing her praises to Elysium.

    Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
    So now you're claiming that spellcasting "lacks a clear, supernatural element?" Being supernatural is literally the only point of magic.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    Looking at the people druid option, what seems like it might work out pretty well is 3 Wizard / 3 Cleric/ 1 Chameleon / 9-10 Geomancer / 3 ? Could possibly shave off some wizard levels with Precocious apprentice as well although that might hurt elegance. I think I can get Bluff and Disguise with the right cleric domains.

    Cleric and Wizard fulfill the geomancer requirements, but then after taking geomancer I'd apply the spellcasting to Chameleon each time. This would progress the Chameleon spellcasting whether it was arcane or divine at the time. Also between Chameleons own abilities, and Ley Lines, the caster level could be boosted to 23 before any feats or magic items.

    The Drift would also work well with the whole druid wild shape idea, and Im pretty sure changeling would be able to cover up the effects as it actually changes your form. The nice bit was that geomancer would allow casting arcane spells in armor, and casting divine spells with an intelligence modifier.

    Still, it would be nice to get higher level spellcasting, and potentially be able to do both arcane and divine at the same time, which requires 7 chameleon. Although the dual casting doesn't really fit druids as well, as they usually can only be in one "Shape" at a time.

    Another option is Wizard 1(Precocious Apprentice) 4 Binder, Chameleon 1, Anima Mage 9. This gives a wider variety of class features available, however sadly Anima Mage advances arcane only. Maybe there is an arcane prestige class that emulates druid or another divine casting list?

    Also looked at Master of Masks, but it didn't really offer enough.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    I have an idea...
    It is glorious.
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  11. - Top - End - #11
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    Would it be considered "level-dips" to go back and forth between a pair of classes? Say, Ranger1/Mystic1/Ranger2/Mystic2 and so forth?

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    I dont think so? usually judges seem to dislike it when somebody has less then 3 levels in a class, but dont care as much how they are connected.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    I have a great build, but it needs a feat from Dragon... I'm gonna try and work it around another way.
    "Hex grids are the way forward! And slighty to the side..." - Studoku

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    Is there a requirement on waiting until we can post submissions? Have a fair amount of time and might have it done much sooner than the deadline.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    Feel free to post when you are able. Multiple entries are permitted, and judges will have to take into account timing of submissions for potential "borrowing."
    Blank 3.5 Character Creator Iron Chef Style Tables (in Google Sheets)

    Chairman Emeritus of Zinc Saucier.

    Avatar by Derjuin, sing her praises to Elysium.

    Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
    So now you're claiming that spellcasting "lacks a clear, supernatural element?" Being supernatural is literally the only point of magic.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Barbarian in the Playground
    motoko's ghost's Avatar

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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    Does anyone have anything? I know a couple of people were working on something.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Ogre in the Playground
    Tokuhara's Avatar

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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    I may try my hand at this. I don't care if I win or not. I'll post it tonight and try and work outside the guilded cage with a Dark Horse option. No more than that will be released at this time.
    Current Avatar:
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anecronwashere View Post
    Cleric: Right, I cast Infict Serious Wounds on that guy.
    DM: Sorry, you kissed too many babies this week, you heal him instead
    Cleric: Quick! Someone find me a dog to kick

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Jan 2012

    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    I just made something that might just fit the bill, but... It uses Dragon Magazine material
    Metal Perfection - a template for creatures born on Mirrodin.
    True Ferocity - a simple fix for Orcs and Half-Orcs.
    Monastic Magus - a spiritual successor to the Unarmed Swordsage.
    Pathfinder-ish Synthesist - a simple fix making Synthesist Summoners follow polymorph rules.
    Sword & Sorcery for Sneaky Scoundrels - rogue archetypes/fixes that aim to turn the rogue into a warrior/caster.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    Markhus the Psi-"Druid"


    Considering that Druid is my class of choice, I wanted to exemplify the Naturalist aspect. But since no druid levels are allowed, I decided upon the Dark Horse that is Psionics. For this, I will be using an Azurin (Magic of the Incarnum) and I will have no “traditional” spellcasting in this design. Also, I have placed upon myself the constraint of no flaws, no alternate class features, and using as few books as possible, as well as Randomly Rolled Ability Scores (as an added challenge). With that, here's my Nature-Lovin' Psychic Hippie.

    Ability Scores:


    Strength: 12 (+1)
    Dexterity: 13 (+1)
    Constitution: 16 (+3)
    Intelligence: 13 (+1)
    Wisdom: 23 (+6) {All ability score adds were put into wisdom}
    Charisma: 10 (+0)

    {table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

    |Knowledge: Psionics 4, Knowledge: Nature 4, Autohypnosis 4, Psicraft 4|Azure Talent, Able Learner (Azuran Bonus), Ectopic Form : Emerald Gyre (Creation Bonus) |Assume Mantle (2) : Natural World, Creation

    |Knowledge: Psionics: 5, Knowledge: Nature 5, Autohypnosis 5, Psicraft 5||Assume Mantle: Time

    |Knowledge: Psionics 6, Knowledge: Nature 6, Autohypnosis 6, Psicraft 6|Practiced Manifester (Ardent)| -

    |Knowledge: Psionics 7, Knowledge: Nature 6, Autohypnosis 7, Psicraft 7, Concentation 1||Wild Empathy, Illiteracy (Lost)

    |Knowledge: Psionics 8, Knowledge: Nature 6, Autohypnosis 8, Psicraft 8, Concentration 2 ||Totem Chakra Bind (+1 Capacity)

    |Knowledge: Psionics 9, Knowledge: Nature 6, Autohypnosis 9, Psicraft 9, Concentration 4|Midnight Augmentation|Totem's Protection

    7th|Soul Manifester|
    |Knowledge: Psionics 10, Knowledge: Nature 6, Autohypnosis 10, Psicraft 10, Concentration 5||Psionic Investment 1

    8th|Soul Manifester|
    |Knowledge: Psionics 11, Knowledge: Nature 6, Autohypnosis 11, Psicraft 11, Concentration 6|| -

    9th|Soul Manifester|
    |Knowledge: Psionics 12, Knowledge: Nature 6, Autohypnosis 12, Psicraft 12, Concentration 7|Improved Initiative|Chakra Binds (Crown, Feet, Hands)

    10th|Soul Manifester|
    |Knowledge: Psionics 13, Knowledge: Nature 6, Autohypnosis 13, Psicraft 13, Concentration 8|| -

    11th|Soul Manifester|
    |Knowledge: Psionics 14, Knowledge: Nature 6, Autohypnosis 14, Psicraft 14, Concentration 9|| -

    12th|Soul Manifester|
    |Knowledge: Psionics 15, Knowledge: Nature 6, Autohypnosis 15, Psicraft 15, Concentration 10|Psycarnum Infusion| -

    13th|Soul Manifester|
    |Knowledge: Psionics 16, Knowledge: Nature 6, Autohypnosis 16, Psicraft 16, Concentration 11|| Psionic Inventment 2

    14th|Soul Manifester|
    |Knowledge: Psionics 17, Knowledge: Nature 6, Autohypnosis 17, Psicraft 17, Concentration 12||Chakra Binds (Arms, Brow, Shoulders)

    15th|Soul Manifester|
    |Knowledge: Psionics 18, Knowledge: Nature 6, Autohypnosis 18, Psicraft 18, Concentration 13|Bonus Essentia| -

    16th|Soul Manifester|
    |Knowledge: Psionics 19, Knowledge: Nature 6, Autohypnosis 19, Psicraft 19, Concentration 14||Psionic Distillation

    |Knowledge: Psionics 20, Knowledge: Nature 6, Autohypnosis 20, Psicraft 20, Concentration 15|| -

    |Knowledge: Psionics 21, Knowledge: Nature 6, Autohypnosis 21, Psicraft 21, Concentration 16|Overchannel| Assume Psionic Mantle: Elements

    |Knowledge: Psionics 9, Knowledge: Nature 6, Autohypnosis 22, Psicraft 22, Concentration 17|| -

    |Knowledge: Psionics 23, Knowledge: Nature 6, Autohypnosis 23, Psicraft 23, Concentration 18|| -[/table]

    Power Points/Powers per Day

    {table=head]Level|Power Points|Powers Known






















    {table=head]Level|Soulmelds|Essentia|Chakra Binds













    13th|7|15|3 [/table]

    Note: The Essentia Totals have the feats and racial added

    Soulmelds & Powers:

    This is a matter of personal preference. I'd give a list, but the Min/Max boards are down . As for the Ardent Side, you will know the powers from all three of your mantles fully, so have fun with that.

    Designer's Notes & Inspiration:

    I designed this build to replicate as much of the druid as possible. The Creation mantle mimics Summon Nature's Ally (somewhat) and Animal Companion (Somewhat) while the Soulmelds can mimic Wildshaping (more akin to the Shapeshifter variant Druid). I dunno where it ranks tier-wise, but I had a lot of fun building this and I hope I do well. And now, if you will excuse me, my fingers are going on strike from all the typing I had to do

    I know this is a hair late, but I didn't see the original thread. Hope mine can be judged .
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anecronwashere View Post
    Cleric: Right, I cast Infict Serious Wounds on that guy.
    DM: Sorry, you kissed too many babies this week, you heal him instead
    Cleric: Quick! Someone find me a dog to kick

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    Completely forgot about this, and therefore completely forgot to keep it bumped. I have an idea, may not get a chance to complete it, we'll see. Obviously people are free to keep posting builds. With no big reveal, there is no official deadline.

    Larkas, feel free to post it anyway, any judges we do get may make a deduction, but better than no entry at all.
    Last edited by mattie_p; 2013-01-11 at 02:10 PM.
    Blank 3.5 Character Creator Iron Chef Style Tables (in Google Sheets)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
    So now you're claiming that spellcasting "lacks a clear, supernatural element?" Being supernatural is literally the only point of magic.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    Okay! I finally came up with this build. Turns out the other build I had in mind was more "nature gish" and less "druid-like", so I ended up doing this from scratch. Good news is, I could do this with 100% official material, so, yay! I think it came out alright. It is the first time I enter a competition like this, so let me know if there's any information missing or anything that needs clarification! And lastly, sorry for the crappy background story, it was the best I could do in such a short notice Well, without further ado, I present to you...

    Ainuliel Thundaravunii, the Sky Priestess

    Ainuliel is a Raptoran born in the high forested regions of the Monsoon Peaks, a range of mountains present in the equatorial region of an unknown Prime world. Trained from a very young age by her tribe's seer in the ways of the druids, her apprenticeship would be cut short long before she came of age. Ainuliel's world was shaken to its very core when a large scale war between Air and Earth elementals broke out, and the Raptoran's warriors were all called to aid their elemental lords in battle. Ainuliel's master went to war, of course, and most of the adults in her tribe also did. The only ones that stayed behind were those too old, too young or the so-called "gliders", Raptoran's that, for one reason or another, couldn't use their wings for proper flight.

    One of these gliders was Ainuliel's uncle, a frail man that kept mostly to the ground, studying dusty tomes of weird appearence and even weirder origin. He was a kind man, to be sure, but most others in the tribe viewed him with a mix of pity and contempt. His name was Hentofinin, meaning "Glory of the Heavens" in their tongue, and he never bothered to take the rite of passage that all Raptorans must undergo to earn their ability to fly, something that bordered heresy in that society. He was a very intelligent man, however, and the rest of the tribe frequently turned to him for advice. He took care of Ainuliel while both her parents went to war, and also sheltered many of the elderly.

    The war was fierce, and soon large swaths of land were ruined by earthquakes and hurricanes. It was when the ground beneath her beloved mountains started to shake that Ainuliel's life took a sharp turn. Her uncle, fearing that the mountains' peaks would come tumbling down, started to search furiously between his books for something that might change their grim fate. After a few minutes, he found what he was looking for: a large piece of parchment, full of symbols Ainuliel couldn't understand. Hentofinin read the scroll's brief words and, in a moment, something that could only be described as a gate opened before Ainuliel's eyes. Her uncle urged her and the elders to enter the strange passage, and yelled for a few younglings that were looking through his window to follow them.

    Ainuliel couldn't believe her eyes. When she stepped through the portal, he saw herself in the most beautiful place she had ever seen, a real paradise. Soon, she would learn that she, her uncle and the remnants of their tribe were transported to a realm of pure good: they were in Elysium.

    Her new home was filled with powerful creatures, creatures with animal-like features not unlike herself. They called themselves Guardinals, and were, to her child eyes, something like beast angels.

    Ainuliel's tribe was welcomed, and was allowed to settle a mountainous region under the guidance of Avorals. It was under these creatures that Ainuliel came to know Mielikki, which would become her patron god.

    Ainuliel trained hard and long under his clerics' tutelage, while also trying to honor the memory of her late master. She became an embodiment of good, certainly, but she also became a hero of nature, of animals and plants both big and small, and a leader to her people. Following in her master's footsteps as best as she could, Ainuliel came to be a fast friend of her Guardinals' hosts, and became a paragon of her race. Seeking to help the downtrodden and stop evil in any way she could, she became an important champion of those celestial realms. Now, powerful and wise, she wants to go back to her home plane to tend to her war-torn world - but also to learn what became of her parents and her tribe's seer.

    Basic Information:
    Race: Raptoran
    Sex: Female
    Alignment: Neutral Good

    Ability Scores:
    Strength: 10 (+0)
    Dexterity: 10 (+0)
    Constitution: 14 (+2)
    Intelligence: 12 (+1)
    Wisdom: 23 (+6) (18 base + 5 from level up)
    Charisma: 10

    Character Progression:
    {table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

    |Knowledge (nature) 4, Survival 2, Handle Animal 2|Animal Devotion|Aura, turn undead, animal domain, plant domain

    |Knowledge (nature) 5, Survival 2.5, Handle Animal 2.5| |

    |Knowledge (nature) 6, Survival 3, Handle Animal 3|Favored of the Companions|

    |Knowledge (nature) 7, Survival 3.5, Handle Animal 3, Concentration 1| |

    |Knowledge (nature) 8, Survival 4, Handle Animal 3, Concentration 2| |

    |Knowledge (nature) 9, Survival 4, Handle Animal 3, Concentration 4|Skill Focus (Handle Animal)|

    |Knowledge (nature) 10, Survival 4, Handle Animal 3, Concentration 6| |

    |Knowledge (nature) 10, Survival 4, Handle Animal 8, Concentration 6| |Skypledge, divine spellpool I

    |Knowledge (nature) 10, Survival 9, Handle Animal 8, Concentration 6|Natural Bond|Animal companion, wild empathy

    10th|Lion of Talisid|
    |Knowledge (nature) 10, Survival 9, Handle Animal 8, Concentration 11| |Animal companion, lion's courage

    11th|Lion of Talisid|
    |Knowledge (nature) 12, Survival 9, Handle Animal 8, Concentration 14| |Scent

    12th|Lion of Talisid|
    |Knowledge (nature) 15, Survival 9, Handle Animal 9, Concentration 15|Natural Spell|Wild shape (1/day)

    13th|Lion of Talisid|
    |Knowledge (nature) 16, Survival 9, Handle Animal 12, Concentration 16| |Exalted companion, wild shape (2/day)

    14th|Lion of Talisid|
    |Knowledge (nature) 17, Survival 9, Handle Animal 15, Concentration 17| |Lion's pounce, wild shape (3/day)

    15th|Lion of Talisid|
    |Knowledge (nature) 18, Survival 9, Handle Animal 18, Concentration 18|Dragon Wild Shape|Wild shape (Large)

    16th|Lion of Talisid|
    |Knowledge (nature) 19, Survival 11, Handle Animal 19, Concentration 19| |Lion's swiftness

    17th|Lion of Talisid|
    |Knowledge (nature) 20, Survival 13, Handle Animal 20, Concentration 20| |Wild shape (4/day)

    18th|Lion of Talisid|
    |Knowledge (nature) 21, Survival 15, Handle Animal 21, Concentration 21|Exalted Wild Shape|Wild shape (Tiny)

    19th|Lion of Talisid|
    |Knowledge (nature) 22, Survival 17, Handle Animal 22, Concentration 22| |Leonal's roar

    |Knowledge (nature) 23, Survival 19, Handle Animal 23, Concentration 23| |Beckon breeze[/table]

    Spell Progression:




















    Last edited by Larkas; 2013-01-12 at 05:43 PM.
    Metal Perfection - a template for creatures born on Mirrodin.
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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    I like Lion of Talisid, I was gonna use that too.
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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    Quote Originally Posted by IdleMuse View Post
    I like Lion of Talisid, I was gonna use that too.
    That PrC is certainly the crux of this build I built around the concept of using it, and much to my surprise, things fit quite well. You end up with an animal companion equivalent to a level 17 Druid, nature-based Cleric spellcasting (equivalent to a level 19 Cleric, and the first level of Skypledged gives access to up to 3rd level Druid spells.) and a somewhat good wild shaping feature, roughly equivalent to a level 11 Druid. Between that, all the goodies given by the PrCs and the fact that the build wasn't feat starved, I really hope that this "pseudo Druid" can fare well in the comparison with the real deal.
    Metal Perfection - a template for creatures born on Mirrodin.
    True Ferocity - a simple fix for Orcs and Half-Orcs.
    Monastic Magus - a spiritual successor to the Unarmed Swordsage.
    Pathfinder-ish Synthesist - a simple fix making Synthesist Summoners follow polymorph rules.
    Sword & Sorcery for Sneaky Scoundrels - rogue archetypes/fixes that aim to turn the rogue into a warrior/caster.

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    I submit my opinions as judging. Ready your torches and pitchforks.

    My criteria:
    Note: My criteria was yanked from Piggy_Knowles and Kazyan, kudos to them.

    Start with a 3 in Innovation, Fluff, and FtSI and add +1/0.5 for each yes, -1/0.5 for each no, or 0 if it's ambiguous.
    Innovation: (+/- 1 each)
    Does the entry make use of any unique mechanical tricks/feat chains?
    Does the entry avoid known cheese and overused optimization suggestions?
    1: Build is helpless even at its job.
    2: Build cannot fill any of the roles of a mildly-optimized Druid: primary melee, primary ranged, primary skillmonkey/scout, primary healer, primary buffer, or primary caster
    3: Build fills one party role of a mildly-optimized Druid.
    4: Build fills at least 2 roles of a midly-optimized Druid.
    5: Your build is solidly tier 1 or higher (several 9th level divine spells-or equivalent-per day at level 20, competitive with Shapechange, Tsunami, and Summon Elemental Monolith; or excellent summoning/wildshaping tricks that can solve any encounter with reasonable prep time).
    All builds will start at Elegance 4, and then be given the following deductions and benefits:
    -0.5: Difficult to follow or figure out what it does
    -1: Choppy power growth so that the build is unacceptably weak for
    many levels: waiting for it to "come online", as the other judges put it.
    -1: Overreliance on items or other WBL-based options, such as paying NPCs for expensive spells.
    -0.5 per use: May-contain-dairy-products rule variants. LA buyoff, magical locations for feats, lesser planetouched, and bloodlines count, but the list is not exhaustive.
    -1: Dismissing/handwaving fluff.
    Up to -2: Rules violations. Nitpicks that don't affect anything? -0.25. Things that negate one of your tricks or require selective rebuilding? -1. Pulling athread that basically unravels your entire build? -2. Any build that recieves -1 or worse in rules violations is eligible for a 0.
    +0.5: Class progression is particularly natural, such as X 5/SI 10/Y 5.
    +0.5: Does not require multiclassing penalties to be ignored.
    Up to +1: Build seems like it would appear natural, not abominably min-maxed, to a fairly new player. Max score is 5.
    Fluff: (+/- 1 each)
    Does the backstory account for any PrC/additional base class choices?
    Does the backstory explain how this character ends up emulating the SI?
    Faking the Secret Ingredient: (+/- 0.5 each)
    Does the entry have the same or better chassis (HD/BAB/saves) as the SI?
    Does the entry have all the same or better class abilities (not including spellcasting) as the SI? Druid has a lot of minor class features, so I'll be a bit lenient on this.
    Are the abilities gained on the same or earlier level compared to the SI?
    Does the entry have similar spellcasting progression as the SI?

    Innovation: 3.5
    Natural World mantle + Totemist levels are nice, as is Psycarnum Infusion + Midnight Augmentation (+1). Other optimizations (eg Ardent mantles) are right out of an optimization handbook (-0.5).
    Power: 2
    Thanks to your totemist meldshaping and chakra binds you can almost pull off primary melee, but your HD is so low from Ardent and Soul Manifester that your chassis doesn't support it. Totemists have the potential soulmelds for a scout, but your build doesn't have the skills. You were right to assign the two highest rolls to Wis and Con, but your Str is low for a frontline meleer, and your dex is low for stealth. You don't have the abilities for primary ranged/healer/buffer, or variety for primary caster, and your 9th level powers are meh. On the plus side, you have Autohypnosis, which is a fun skill, and great utility, some BFC and some self-buffing from your ardent psionics.
    Elegance: 2.25
    Choppy power growth so that the build is unacceptably weak for mid-levels; not so much waiting for it to "come online", as it is going offline (-0.5). Requires multiclassing penalties to be ignored (Azurin's favored class is Soulborn) (-0.5). Class progression seems like it would appear natural to a new player, as expected of a Soul Manifester entry (+1).
    Rules violations: too many skill points spent (Azurin doesn't get bonus skills and you have 13 int), Ardent gets 2+int, conversely only 4/5 points spent as Totemist 1&2 (-0.25 for the bunch); Practiced Manifester doesn't advance PP gained or powers known (so you only get 17th level ardent powers known/PP, albeit with ML20) (-1); BAB is too high at level 18 (-0.25); You have the equivalent of a 42 point buy with your rolled stats, and 32 point buy was in the rules (-0.25, since a point buy would presumably have looked similar).
    Fluff: 1
    No backstory, despite it being a listed category (-3). On the other hand, a nature warrior who can alter reality with his mind is pretty close to a druid (+1).
    Faking the Secret Ingredient: 1.75
    Druidic Language - none
    Animal Companion - (similar) Emerald Gyre Astral Construct
    Nature Sense - none
    Wild Empathy - Wild Empathy
    Woodland Stride - none
    Tracksless Step - none
    Resist Nature's Lure - (similar) Totem's Protection
    Wild Shape - Metamorphosis (5 levels late, can't become elemental), (worse) meldshapes
    Venom Immunity - none
    A Thousand Faces - none
    Timeless Body - none
    Spellcasting - (worse) Ardent psionics
    Note: Creation Mantle's powers are similar to the Image spells in their variety and usefulness, but do not mimic SNA except for Astral Construct, which is already on duty as your Animal Companion substitute, can't cast spells (unlike SNA summons), and debatably can't change forms (based on your DM's reading of Ectopic).
    Worse chassis than druid in HD, BAB, and Fort saves (-0.5). Better Ref and Will, if not by much (+0.25). Entry is missing several druid abilities (-0.5). Wildshape via metamorphosis comes late and meldshapes are worse than wildhape without optimization that wasn't shown. Ectopic AC and Wild Empathy are at the same level, but Totem's protection comes late. In total this build loses abilities compared to the druid, but you covered the major ones, so I'll let it wash (0). Ardent psionics advance late compared to druid spellcasting due to the totemist dip (-0.5).

    Total: 9.5

    On a side note: Next time provide a list of Powers/Soulmelds Known. This build could have gotten different Power, Elegance, and FtSI scores with the right powers and soulmelds presented, and it does not gain all powers from its 4 ardent mantles.

    Ainuliel Thundaravunii
    Innovation: 4
    Unique combinations I see include Animal Devotion + Wildshape, and Beastmaster + Natural Bond (+1). Avoids known cheese, however Dragon Wild Shape, Natural Bond, and Animal Devotion are a common optimization suggestions (0).
    Power: 5
    Exalted and Dragon Wildshapes with Natural Spell, 9th level spells including Shapechange, Animal Companion as a 16th level druid (if only level 7 for options), good scouting with high survival ranks + scent, Lion's Pounce. You earned this.
    Elegance: 3.25
    Even with Animal Devotion your Str is low before level 7 when you get Divine Power, so you're mostly a support cleric, but there's nothing wrong with that (0). You have 2 dips though (-0.25).
    Rules violations: You don't qualify for Lion of Talisid because you can't cast SNA II unless your DM rules that the Divine Spellpool allows you to (as opposed to restricting it to spells you can already cast), or that SNA IV is an adequate substitute. However since by RAW the spellpool grants you any spell, I'll let this one by (0). Skypledged doesn't grant BAB+1 at first level (-0.25). Lion of Talisid doesn't grant an effective druid level so by RAW you don't gain Wildshape from it, but I think any sane DM would allow it (-0.25)
    Fluff: 4.75
    Backstory accounts for all class choices except beastmaster (+0.75). Backstory explains how this character ends up emulating the SI (+1).
    Faking the Secret Ingredient: 3.5
    Druidic Language - none
    Animal Companion - same with limited choices (as 7th level druid), advances to 16th level druid
    Nature Sense - none
    Wild Empathy - same (later)
    Woodland Stride - none
    Tracksless Step - none
    Resist Nature's Lure - none
    Wild Shape - possible same (7 levels late, can't become plant or elemental) + Dragon + Exalted, later (better) Shapechange
    Venom Immunity - none
    A Thousand Faces - none
    Timeless Body - none
    Spellcasting - (similar) Cleric
    The chassis has -1 HP and -1 BAB, but better saves (+0.5). Got the major class abilities (Wildshape, Animal Companion) and one of the minor abilities, but still missed out on most (0). Abilities gained later than druid abilties (-0.5). Similar spellcasting progression as the SI (+0.5).

    Total: 20.5

    On a side note, it would be nice if the entries cite their sources. I had to search for Soul Manifester, not having seen it before, and it's nice to be able to check where sources come from all in one place.
    Last edited by rockdeworld; 2013-03-18 at 09:44 PM.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Zinc Saucier XI (Rebooted): Roman numerals and nature

    And we finally have a winner!

    Congratulations to Larkas, 1st place Zinc Saucier 11.

    And a nifty performance by Tokuhara, the runner up.

    Special thanks to Rockdeworld for judging this event, and also Roland St. Jude for permitting the minor necromancy to post the judging.
    Blank 3.5 Character Creator Iron Chef Style Tables (in Google Sheets)

    Chairman Emeritus of Zinc Saucier.

    Avatar by Derjuin, sing her praises to Elysium.

    Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
    So now you're claiming that spellcasting "lacks a clear, supernatural element?" Being supernatural is literally the only point of magic.

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