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Thread: Orc/Goblinoid Resources

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    Titan in the Playground
    Draconi Redfir's Avatar

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    Feb 2010

    Default Re: Orc/Goblinoid Resources

    i've got a statcard for a Norker model i got once, want me to go dig that up?

    Edit: Feedback: The damage sponge thing Nilbog barbarians and Rogues are supposed to get doesn't seem to exist anywhere, unless i just missed it or you haven't added it yet.

    Also the nilbog seems kinda overpowered since it can only be hurt by positive spells, i'd suggest damage reduction, but that kind of kills the theme, I’d suggest other non-negative spells being able to hurt it, but that would kill the magekiller. Plus since i'm pretty sure the nilbog exists in a monster manual somewhere, deviating too much from the existing stuff might not be the best idea. Maybe a fast healing? Unsure, just my thoughts.
    Last edited by Draconi Redfir; 2011-12-30 at 06:48 AM.
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