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Thread: Orc/Goblinoid Resources

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    Titan in the Playground
    Bhu's Avatar

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    Default Re: Orc/Goblinoid Resources


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    "How much for the girl?

    Rescue workers are dedicated to finding Ruhigbar and bringing them to the homeland in progress being built by/for their race. They buy/steal enslaved or imprisoned Ruhigbar, or escort free ones safely out of harms way along check points and safe houses.

    How you would normally become a member of this prestige class.

    Race: Ruhigbar
    Class Abilities: Opportunistic Piety
    Feats: Font of Inspiration, Wanderer's Diplomacy
    Skills: any 5 Int, Wis, or Cha based skills at 6 ranks

    Class Skills
    The Rescue Worker's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are all skills.
    Skills Points at Each Level : 6 + int

    Hit Dice: d8

       BAB  Fort    Ref    Will  Abilities
    1. +0    +0     +2     +0    Inspiration, Cunning Diplomacy
    2. +1    +0     +3     +0    Improved Cunning Strike
    3. +2    +1     +3     +1    Improved Opportunistic Piety
    4. +3    +1     +4     +1    Improved Cunning Knowledge
    5. +3    +1     +4     +1    Improved Cunning Strike
    6. +4    +2     +5     +2    Improved Opportunistic Piety
    7. +5    +2     +5     +2    Improved Cunning Diplomacy
    8. +6    +2     +6     +2    Improved Cunning Strike
    9. +6    +3     +6     +3    Improved Opportunistic Piety
    10.+7    +3     +7     +3    Cunning Persuasion
    Weapon Proficiencies: A Rescue Worker gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

    Inspiration: Your Factotum and Rescue Worker Levels stack for purposes of determining your Inspiration Points.

    Cunning Diplomacy: When making a skill check with certain Charisma based skills that you have at least 1 rank in you may spend 1 point of Inspiration to achieve the following effects:

    Rushed Diplomacy Checks do not take the -10 penalty for the next 10 minutes.

    Shorten the time required for a Gather Information Check from 1d4+1 hours to a 1d4+1 minutes.

    Improved Cunning Strike: At 3rd Level when you use Inspiration points to gain Sneak Attack Dice, you now gain them for the duration of the encounter.

    At 6th Level when you spend Inspiration to gain Sneak Attack dice, you may spend one extra Inspiration, and any attack you make causes your victim to make a Fortitude Save (DC is 10 plus 1/2 Hit Dice plus Dexterity Modifier) or be unable to speak for 1d4 rounds.

    At 9th Level when you spend Inspiration to gain Sneak Attack dice you gain one additional Sneak Attack die.

    Improved Opportunistic Piety: At 9th Level you gain additional options when using Opportunistic Piety. You may now use it to cast Calm Emotions, Delay Poison, Lesser Restoration, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, or Remove Paralysis.

    Improved Cunning Knowledge: At 4th Level you can use Cunning Knowledge on the same skill more than once per day as long as you have at least 6 ranks in that skill.

    Improved Cunning Diplomacy:
    You may now spend one point of Inspiration to negate the penalty to Bluff Checks made for purposes of Feinting in combat against non-humanoids or animals for the duration of the encounter.

    Cunning Persuasion: You may declare you are using this ability any time before making a Charisma Based Check up to three times per day. You automatically succeed and do not need to roll. For skills with varying levels of success such as Diplomacy or that have results based on the Check, consider your roll to be maxed out. In other words if you normally roll 1d20+8, you're considered to have a 28.

    Rescuing the target is the important goal. Everything else is secondary. For a particularly large group of Ruhigbar (if there is such a thing) you could even be asked to sacrifice yourself if there were just cause.
    Combat: You try to avoid combat as it draws attention, but if it does happen your goal is to end it as quickly and quietly as you can. Getting away is more important than beating others in a fight.
    Advancement: Your advancement often depends on what the job requires. If you need to pretend to be a priest you study religion. If you need to be a banker you study finances.
    Resources: Rescue Workers work with what resources they can make available, which can sometimes be pretty meager.

    " aren't a priest of St. Cuthbert!"
    You fade into the background. At least that's your goal. The guy no one remembers or cares about. After all if you are truly memorable they'll come looking for you once you abscond with the target...
    Daily Life: Life is pretty much nonstop subterfuge for you, or hiding waiting for the next job.
    Organizations: All Rescue Workers belong pretty much to the same loose organization that serves to rescue and relocate other members of their race, though many do mercenary work to raise funds or to get access to knowledge.

    NPC Reaction
    You do your best to be faceless and draw little in the way of attention so most npc's really have no problem with you. You're that quiet guy no one notices.

    This assumes the PC spends much of his time looking out for and rescuing members of an oppressed minority. That kinda makes adventures along certain themes a no go.
    Adaptation: This is kind of meant for more serious campaigns but i suppose it could be done silly.
    Encounters: Rescue Workers could be found just about anywhere.

    Sample Encounter
    EL 12: The PC's are escorting a priest and some young families on a pilgrimage. They all look a little odd, like they may be related somehow...

    Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
    AC , touch , flat-footed ()
    hp ( HD)
    Fort +, Ref +, Will +
    Speed ft. ( squares)
    Base Atk +, Grp +
    Atk Options
    Combat Gear
    Spells Prepared
    Supernatural Abilities
    Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha


    Hit Die: d8
    Skills Points at Each Level : 6 + int
    Bonus Feats: The Epic Rescue Worker gains a Bonus Feat every 2 levels higher than 20th


    Level 1: Replace Skill Focus (Diplomacy) with Wanderer's Diplomacy
    Wanderer's Diplomacy: You gain Wanderer's Diplomacy as a Bonus Feat.

    Levels , 7, 11, 15, 19: Advanced Learning is modified
    Advanced Learning (Ex): Instead of Illusion and Enchantment you may choose from Enchantment and Divination.

    Levels 10: The Level 10 Rogue Special Ability gains additional options.
    Special Ability (Ex): You gain the following new options when you may choose for a Special Ability:

    Ruhigbar Mindnet Prerequisites: Brothers and one other Ruhigbar Feat. If another Ruhigbar is within range of your Telepathy, none of you in range can be Flanked unless all of you can be.
    Last edited by Bhu; 2012-02-09 at 09:45 PM.
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