Skorri happily chews on the offered dried apples, as he listens to what One-Eyed Sven has to say. His eyes wander to young Runa when Sven mentions the troubles of Sigfastr the dwarf. If ever there was one to attract the attention of faerie-folk...

He does take note of Sven's comment about the weather - Runa probably wouldn't even notice it was raining, and Fastvi would probably think it all great fun, but Inga's complaints would probably make an attacking troll seem a pleasant option in comparison! He only listens with half an ear to the battle yarns, having heard them all or variants of the same tales before.

* * *

Like the Nuklander, Skorri can't help but initially wonder if the stuck wagon is some kind of prelude to an ambush. He scans the forest, looking for any signs of trouble, before dismounting and approaching the wagon.

"Greetings, folks; I'd say 'good afternoon', but it doesn't seem that you're having much of one given your current predicament." He gives a sympathetic smile to the woman and boy. "Where're you headed, if you don't mind my asking?" He circles around the wagon, eyeing the depth of the wheel and the load on the wagon. "Might need to use some branches to lever that wheel out of the mud, or lighten the load a little, or both."

Checks if needed:

Perception: (1d20+3)[8]
Sense Motive: (1d20+3)[9]
Diplomacy: (1d20+5)[10]