Seeing that the dog appears to be some harmless runaway farm pup or suchlike, Skorri relaxes.

"It's your father's call on if you can keep him, not ours," he says to Runa, "And if the rightful owner shows up and has proof of a claim on him, you'll have to give him up. But aye, I swear that we'll protect him, just as we would any other member of the jarl's household. Of course, if Bogi is going to be yours, you need to be responsible for him and care for him y-" he cuts off as he hears the cry from Fastvi.

Skorri runs towards the fallen girl, but backs off to let Signy examine her.

"I think that using the healing elixir might be the best course of action," he says in response to the young Cunning Woman's assessment. "Otherwise it's going to be a slow and painful ride home for Fastvi, and we'll have to leave immediately if we want to make it back by nightfall. I remember when I broke my leg as a child, trying to climb to the top of the mast on my father's ship - if it weren't for Odi's help, I'd be walking with a limp."