Wow, does he trust her so much he won't let Cypher do a detect thoughts interrogation when they get home maybe? We have a proper live wire in our midst!

Cheers JBE. Inspiration is one of those things where they didn't spell out the mechanic fully. Officially they reset at the start of an encounter, but they never defined whether that was combat encounters only or also social/exploration encounters etc. It possible to end up with a weird situation where a Factotum planning a big heist or something over weeks has to keep a supply of small rabid animals to fight to keep his skills and spells available.

A lot of the abilities are limited to a certain number of times per day, so any reset mechanism shouldn't be too problematic, but feel free to tinker if you think he's getting too much use out of inspiration. I've seen threads online recommending limiting it to one point regained per X unit time out of combat too.