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Thread: Ruins of Azlant IC 2

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Nov 2013
    Texas, again!

    Default Re: Ruins of Azlant IC 2

    Jessica frowns thoughtfully. "Surely the colonists would be pleased to have the original governor and another well-esteemed member of the first wave back. Remember, they were expecting to join an existing colony, not start one."

    She turns to Eliza. "You asked another question that we didn't answer yet." She takes a deep breath- if this is new information to Eliza, their discovery may not be nearly so fortuitous as she hoped. "When we arrived, the colony was abandoned. You two are the first survivors we've yet found. Can you tell us anything about what happened before? Surely you must remember something!"

    At mention of an elemental, and the ensuing confusion over their speech, Jessica smiles winsomely. "I ah- I actually might be able to speak with it," she offers. "It's been a while, but I spent some time with a pair of druids who taught me to listen to the waves. It's hard to make sense of it at first, but really beautiful once you know how it... well, flows." After entreating Eliza, she approaches the indicated tank. In Aquan, she calls out, "Hello in there? Can we talk for a moment?"