Usual disclaimer about my lack of psionics knowledge... (also, insert rant about the later 3.5 stat blocks).

  • Large Fey (incoporeal)
  • 11 HD
  • Fly 50 ft (perfect)
  • Cha as deflection bonus to AC
  • Fast healing, regeneration: undefined. Impossible to rate, and in likelihood, the DM would be within rights to say they don't exist. For me, I'd probably rule fast healing 5, regeneration 5 overcome by cold iron.
  • Immune mind-affecting: nice defence for anyone.
  • DR 5/cold iron
  • PR 21
  • Dream phase: only visible to creatures that can sleep and dream.
  • Sleep Touch: sleep effect unlimited by HD. Save is Cha based.
  • Dream gaze: gaze attack that inflicts -4 on attacks, save and skill checks for 1d6 rounds. Save is Cha based.
  • See in Darkness: see through all kinds of darkness.
  • PLAs: not well versed, but seems like a decent array of low-mid power PLAs. Looks like it might struggle against mindless foes.
  • Str --, Dex +6, Con +2, Int -4, Wis +6, Cha +8
  • Relatively small racial skill list.

This seems to make for a pretty decent CR 9 encounter, but not sure how it stacks up as a PC. No languages listed, unless I'm missing something? You seem to get decent attacks and definitely solid defences. Incorporealness is a mixed bag: great for defence, but makes interacting with things difficult at times.

I'm going to tentatively agree with +1, but again, my grasp on the PLAs involved aren't that great.

I'd be interested in home-brewing a non-psionic version for my own game, and swapping out the PLAs for similar themed SLAs.