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Thread: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

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    Titan in the Playground
    Bhu's Avatar

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    Hell itself (Ohio)

    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Jungle Ghost
    Small Ooze
    Hit Dice: 1d10+3 (8 hp)
    Initiative: +0
    Speed: Flight 30 ft. (6 squares)
    Armor Class: 11 (+1 Size), touch 11, flat-footed 11
    Base Attack/Grapple: +0/+4
    Attack: Grapple +1 melee touch (attach)
    Full Attack: Grapple +1 melee touch (attach)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Attach, Constrict (1d6 acid plus poison plus disease), Grappling
    Special Qualities: Mindless, Ooze traits, Blindsense 60 ft.
    Saves: Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +1
    Abilities: Str 5, Dex 10, Con 16, Int -, Wis 12, Cha 2
    Skills: -
    Feats: Weapon Finesse (B)
    Environment: Warm Forest
    Organization: Solitary, Pair, Group (3-5), Swarm (10-40)
    Challenge Rating: 1/2
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always Neutral
    Advancement: -
    Level Adjustment: ---

    "Wee do not go into that part of the jungle kind sir. if you wish to travel there we will not stop you, but we do not pass by these warning posts."

    In some jungles there are dark corners avoided by even the hardiest of warriors. Rumors abound of flying apparitions of the dead that devour the living. The truth is that they are simply large amoeba like predators. And unfortunately for anyone entering their domain, they tend to be brutally efficient. The semisolid substance making up their body is the perfect medium for bacterial and viral growth, and grappling one can be dangerous. Especially since it will start to bore tendrils into your body by sweating an acidic substance at the tips of cilia it extends. The means by which they fly is unknown at this time, but it doesn't appear to be magical.

    Attach (Ex): Jungle Ghosts can make a touch attack to attach themselves to opponents, effectively grappling them. It loses its Dexterity Bonus to AC while attached, and to remove it the opponent must Pin it in a Grapple or do enough damage to kill it (the opponent may Grapple with the Jungle Ghost or strike it with a Light Weapon).

    Constrict(Ex): Jungle Ghosts do 1d6 acid damage with a successful Grapple check plus the opponent must make 2 Fortitude Saves against Poison and Disease.

    Poison: Contact, Fortitude DC 13 (Save DC is Constitution based), initial and secondary damage 1d2 Con.

    Disease: Injury, Fortitude DC 13 (Save DC is Constitution based), incubation period 1 day, damage is 1d2 Str and 1d2 Dex.

    Grappling: Jungle Ghosts do not take Size penalties to Grapple checks, and have a +4 Racial Bonus to Grapple checks. They may use Dexterity instead of Strength for Grapple checks.

    Combat: Jungle Ghosts simply fly up and swarm opponents, grappling as soon as possible. They have little to no tactical ability, and will flee if damaged badly. It is thought that some post attack (i.e. infect victims, and wait for the disease/poison to wear them down before attacking again).

    Last edited by Bhu; 2022-10-25 at 09:59 PM.
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