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Thread: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

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    Titan in the Playground
    Bhu's Avatar

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    Hell itself (Ohio)

    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Huge Aberration
    Hit Dice: 15d8+150 (217 hp)
    Initiative: +4
    Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares)
    Armor Class: 23 (-2 Size, +15 Profane), touch 23, flat-footed 23
    Base Attack/Grapple: +11/+29
    Attack: Flense +19 melee (2d8+10/18-20)
    Full Attack: Flense +19 melee (2d8+10/18-20)
    Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft.
    Special Attacks: Flense, Disconcerting Appearance, Aura of Terror
    Special Qualities: Dark Vision 60', Immune to Gravity, Size is No Weakness, Regeneration 10, Energy Resistance 10 (Acid, Cold, Fire, Electricity, and Sonic), DR 15/Lawful and Magic, SR 20, Planar Adaptation
    Saves: Fort +15, Ref +5, Will +11
    Abilities: Str 30, Dex 10, Con 30, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 18
    Skills: Concentrate +15, Intimidate +9, Listen +6, Spot +6
    Feats: Ability Focus (Aura of Terror), Greater Powerful Charge, Improved Initiative, Intimidating Strike, Powerful Charge, Reckless Charge,
    Environment: The Far Realms
    Organization: Unique
    Challenge Rating: 12
    Treasure: Standard
    Alignment: Always Chaotic Neutral
    Advancement: 16-30 HD (Huge)
    Level Adjustment: ---

    " that thing...and why does that look like paw's scythe attached to it?"

    Originally the Drei was an animal of some sort from the Prime Material in it's dim infancy (obviously a ceratopsian is the likeliest possibility) that wandered through a Gate into the Realms outside our own. Against all odds it survived and flourished there, changing bit by bit as it traveled from place to place, eventually coming to the Far Realms. Once there it panicked blindly, and attacked what would later be known as one of the nascent Lords of that place.

    Enraged that a being from our Plane of existence had injured it (even if only temporarily and to no real effect) the Lord spent millenia crafting changes in the poor beast, and then spat it back out onto the Prime material to wreak it's revenge upon us by proxy.

    It is since become known as the Drei (though the origin of that term is lost to tme), and it travels back and forth as it pleases wreaking havok and terrorizing all in it's path as it goes.

    Flense (Ex): Attacks from the Drei's natural weapons do untyped damage, and threaten a critical on an 18-20.

    Disconcerting Appearance (Su): The Drei's appearance alters significantly from one moment to the next, and the alteration is different for each viewer, sometimes incorporating elements of their past. Perhaps they see objects they once knew composing parts of it, or see the flesh boil away to mimic wounds they once suffered or that were inflicted on someone they knew. All opponents fighting the Drei take a -2 penalty on all rolls while they can see it, regardless of distance (this includes viewing it by scrying or other Divination spells).

    Aura of Terror (Su): Any being within 60' of the Drei cannot use an ability or take an Action requiring Concentration unless it makes a DC 23 Will Save for each attempt (Save DC is Cha based).

    Immune to Gravity (Ex): The Drei may alter how gravity affects it at will as a Free Action, effectively being able to walk on any surface or even upside down as though it's current location had Subjective Directional Gravity (see Manual of the Planes).

    Size is no Weakness (Ex): At the beginning of each round as a Free Action the Drei may decide to change all Size Penalties into Bonuses and vice versa (it's actual Size Class does not change). It remains this way until the Drei changes it back as a Free Action.

    Regeneration (Ex) The Regeneration ability of the Drei does not work against damage done by weapons doing Axiomatic damage/spells with the Lawful descriptor.

    Planar Adaptation (Su): The Drei appears to adapt to the Traits of any Plane it encounters as if it were a Native. It permanently has the benefits of a Planar Tolerance spell.

    Combat: The Drei generally relies on it's sheer unnerving presence to distract it's enemies while it rushes in for the kill. Despite this apparant lack of tactics it is not quite a dumb brute any longer, and does sometimes employ simple tactics and ambushes.

    Last edited by Bhu; 2022-11-02 at 11:59 PM.
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