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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    Oh! Which one?
    "Alchemie: Lexikon einer hermetischen Wissenschaft", collated and edited by Claus Priesner and Karin Figala

    I see! And here I was thinking it's a 5eism or something. Language barriers can be tricky.
    Don't worry, you won't see 5e-isms in my work. I got raised on 3.5 and am too old and calcified (I'm 30 ) to learn 5e. Edit: By the way, the German translation of 5e is horrid. Idioms translated literally, words mistaken for similiarily spelled words, etc. All the signs of bumbling amateurs.

    Hah! (Also, yes, gehreleths are kind of there But We Don't Talk About Them. I wonder if they too were more of a thing pre-3e.)
    As, like the Rilmani, all 3.x has to offer on them are a few stats in the Fiend Folio, this is true by necessity.
    What 2e had additionally on them was a bit about how much they hate the 'loth, about their society and who rules them, and where they (allegedly) come from. Also propably a bunch of adventures involving them.

    Etymologically, it really just means 'if you hit it with a hammer, its shape's going to change slightly (but it doesn't break)' (18th century minerology books often used malleable as the counterpart of friable, i.e. 'breakable'). I think it could work.
    As you wish.