You notice no guards come running, despite your howling - and the people of the city, those not in the house behind you, know not to emerge and stick their necks into a screaming street fight.

But you notice this after the rage goes away. The young man breifly transfixed on your blade stumbles away to a bleeding run, and you let him go; the rest of the gang scattering into the dark streets. All but the pair -the shot man, and the young woman helping him along. They reach the far end of the street, and the wounded man slouches to the ground. His friend tries to hold him up, and you hear with your excellent hearing a choking sob as she yields to the situation, and lets him go; scampering up the side of a building and over the roof, away into the night like her colleagues. Only the silent body of their one member, and the trail of blood leading back to the empty sack by the Locksmiths' door, mark that they came.

Elmuccio and Buonamico, Franchino's grandsons, are there in the doorway when you turn around; sweaty faced and pale, barefoot in their nightclothes, each holding a metalworking hammer in one hand, and a knife in the other. They look on with confusion and bewilderment as your choler settles; and soon, Biagio and Signore Maso Cestié manifest behind them, too; the former with a hatched in hand, the latter with lantern lit.

"What... Taalia, what happened here?", Signore Cestié asks with alarm; looking down at the sack.