Quote Originally Posted by Bennosuke View Post
Sorry for not specifying. As previously stated, the forie... ?forrie?... "foyer"... entranceway is pretty massive, both Drimmle and the massive man are about 10 meters away. And remember, Marcella sensed a third individual...

The "bomb" can definitely be shut down for a round as it is an electrical device. As per the rules, when an explosive jams (such as the bomb) we would use the Explosive Mishap table on page 137, with 9-10 meaning it goes off as normal. However, both enemies have a bead on the group and if Marcella tries anything, she risks them noticing. Since activating a psychic power requires rolling, I imagine it requires enough effort to show what you are doing, unless you try to "hide it". So if Marcella wants to activate a power without it looking like she is doing so, I will have her make a contested Deceive vs. Perception roll against all enemies who can directly see her.

Ahh, interesting.

So the bomb needs to physically make contact with the ground to detonate? So Drimmle pushes the button, the electrical/mechanical systems above our head "release" the warhead, it drops into our midst and boom?

If that's the case, would Holding Action and using Spectral Hands to 'fling' it mid-flight towards the big guy with the Heavy Stubber work out?

(I swear I'm not a stalker, I'm in paper writing season so I'm glued to my computer 14 hours a day and receive emails from giantitp about new posts lol)