Quote Originally Posted by Kareeah_Indaga View Post
[...] and Sleeper’s been hanging out with Daredevil for the last month or so, ergo I’m inclined to think he’s had some practice hiding his scent [...]
I was thinking the Chemokinesis might allow to cover up your scent-- basically by just emitting more molecules of the existing ambient scents to cover your scent. It would eventually tell Kaine that something's up... but not before you've revealed yourself on purpose, and it would keep Kaine from recognizing your ET origins, again, until you felt like disclosing them.

Gwenompool (ugh) actually pulls this off well enough to fool most human senses, but Murdock saw (smelled) right through her attempts-- but, as you've said, you have a lot more practice and practice specifically dealing with superhuman senses.