Some Cat Burglars decide that thug life isn't as attractive as the fuzzy life. They give up the material fast paced urban world to live permanently the life of a cat. Granted they aren't animals so they bore easy. This means they still meddle sometimes. Just to protect people and get food for survival though. Money is no longer a necessity.

At 1st Level you permanently become a Tiny or Small Cat in form. This permanently boosts your speed to 40 feet, and gives you a Climb speed of 30 feet, as well as Keen Smell and 60 ft. Darkvision. Your ability scores are unchanged except for Strength and Dexterity. If you decide to become a Small Cat, lower your Strength score by 2 and increase your Dexterity by 2. If you decide to become a Tiny Cat, raise your Dex by 4 and lower your Str by 4. You also gain a Claw attack doing 1d4 damage for Small (1 point if Tiny) slashing damage, and uses Charisma for your attack and damage rolls. You can still speak, and your spells are modified so that you can cast them in cat form, though you may need someone to hold the material components for you.

At 6th Level you learn one additional spell of each Spell Level when you would gain access to a new Level of spells. For example, when you gain this ability, you learn one new cantrip and 1 new spell each for Levels 1-3. At Level 7, when you gain access to 4th Level spells, you gain one additional spell of 4th Level, and so on. This does not count toward the maximum number of spells known.

At 14th Level your claw attack is considered a magic weapon. You may now cast spells as though you had an Arcane Focus available.

At 18th Level you are immune to spells or effects that would reveal your thoughts or that you are anything other than a normal cat.