Name: Nero Clodia Race Class Silverbrow human, Duskblade Profession Wander Alignment CN Age 22

Coming from a long line of wizards and sorcerers, his father sent him to study, but all he wanted was to be a soldier and a great swordsman. His first mentor, the sorcerer Orfin, also his uncle, saw Nero skill with the sword, his desire to be the best, and the look of someone about to run and find his own destiny. Not wanting to lose his position and disgrace the family, Orophen decided to send Nero to study with the Dusk Edges. Nero's swordsmanship could be cultivated there, and yet his magical abilities would not be lost to the family.

Nero threw himself into training him without regard for everything else. Months turned into years, but it seemed too soon for his mentors to warn him that he couldn't learn anything more from them. With the exception of one of them, who was recent with the fame of his family. He decided to challenge him to use his techniques with a whip. Frustrated by the frustrating weapon he focused on it until he ended up asking at a bar and there he was introduced to the spinning blade. Shortly afterward he was able to show the jealous teacher his progress, leaving him once again frustrated with the family.
The other masters, seeing this and not wanting to let him stagnate, released him to find his destiny and forbade him to return until he had made a name for himself and was truly worthy of joining their ranks as a Dusk Sword. .

This is how Nero finds himself a few months later in a world he has only read about, in a dusty old tomb, playing dice with some new acquaintances and 4 unpleasant guys.

Sheet its a WIP. Need to spend money.

The weapon is a spining blade, fuffled as a whip sword. Like Ivy from Soul calibur.