404: Clockwork Cockroach

This object is a 1 inch long, 3/8 inch wide, 1/4 inch tall mechanical roach. From more than 5' away it is difficult to tell that it is not a living creature, but close scrutiny allows an observer to see the mechanical jointing of the legs and wings.

When a special key is used to wind up the device, it becomes a tiny focus for scrying. It will move up to 1/2 mile total distance under the control of the key-holder, who can see and hear whatever the device can observe.

The device can fly at 20ft/rnd
It can crawl or climb, (even on ceilings,) at 5ft/rnd. It can crawl underwater or in vacuum.
It is destroyed by even 1 hp of acid, electrical, fire, or sonic damage.
A single point of cold damage will render it dormant for 1 hour per point of cold damage inflicted. If allowed to thaw normally, the device will return to normal operation.
The Clockwork Cockroach has no ability to attack, and its small size is its best defense. It has 1d3 HP with AC 16.

The user can command the unit to move to a location or in a direction and it will do so even if the user does not maintain direct control. However, when observing and directing movement, the user must be in telepathic contact with the unit, to the exclusion of everything else. Unless the user is injured, he will be unable to move or observe anything in his physical presence while in control of the Clockwork Cockroach.