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Thread: (3.5 OOC) End of Fate

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: (3.5 OOC) End of Fate

    Quote Originally Posted by zlefin View Post
    we don't know how many more foes we may face or how long the potion lasts, then again this thing might have a higher movespeed than i'd guess. thoughts?

    It's unclear to me just how long the earlier wilderness run (when the wraith was running in my body) lasted, nor was it clear that I was even able to so readily break its control or that there was even a chance to try. I'm surprised we never met up with the Captain's group, because they should've been near the area so we should've run into them at some point.
    Finally this site loaded been trying for days

    1 The wraith ran you until nightfall so you were a couple extra hours away from the village.
    2 Yeah the captains group made it back to the village before nightfall. If you guys werent distrubed and were able to just go straight back to the village you would arrive roughly at 2am at the speed you were moving. If it wasnt as hard of a movement you would normally arrive at 4am.

    (1d20+4)[5] (1d3)[3] If the umbrella doesnt make it you manage to successfully escape

    edit noice the webs have him fully trapped now.
    Last edited by Forsaken; 2024-04-02 at 05:26 AM.
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