Here's an interesting episode of the "Uncertain" podcast, that I thought was relevant here:
Overconfidence Can Blindside Science and Society Alike. Here's How Not to Get Fooled

Essentially, it's a reminder that science is done by humans, and as humans, we are flawed, and thus, a lot of our results end up being flawed. We have have discovered many beautiful and exciting truths using science, but there have also been many, many things that became "science" that are wrong. Everyone knows penguins have over a hundred feathers per square centimeter of skin, everyone eats a credit card's worth of plastics every week, and if you don't have 8 cups of water per day, you'll die of dehydration. And yet, those are all false.

So no, I don't think we'll ever stop learning new things, and learning that some of the things we thought were true are wrong. I think science will continue for as long as there is someone (or something) capable of doing it.