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2009-04-07, 11:55 PM
MacArthur's Folly


July, 1950, the Korean War is in full swing as UN troops march across the 38th parallel into North Korea. The day after, Chinese forces in Manchuria mobilize and enter North Korea. As fighting begins, General Douglas MacArthur places a phone call to U.S. President Harry Truman. MacArthur suggests a full nuclear strike against the Chinese, and after several hours of argument, prevails on Harry Truman to once again order a nuclear attack on America's enemies.

In August of 1950, American bombers based in Japan drop atomic weapons on Beijing and a number of other important Chinese cities. The government of China is effectively beheaded, and degenerates into a series of feuding successor governments.

The Soviet Union's retaliation is swift, though their newer and smaller atomic program has only produced smaller numbers of less powerful warheads, they use their own warheads on the UN troops in South Korea, Seoul, and Japan. Soon both superpowers' nuclear bombers are striking targets all over the world, and World War Three, the world's second nuclear war, is in full swing. Both the US and Russia are on the receiving end of a number of atomic weapons, and much of industrialized Russia and the Eastern Seaboard of the US are in flames, but the real loser is Europe. As Soviet troops sweep across Europe, conquering the United States' allies, atomic warfare becomes the norm on both sides of the Iron Curtain.

World War Three: An abridged history

August 1st, 1950: American bombers destroy important Chinese cities and the Chinese army in the wake of the Chinese invasion of North Korea. By September, what remains of the Chinese government is consumed by civil war.

August 2nd, 1950: Soviet bombers drop atomic weapons on U.N. Forces in Korea, and, after a brief air battle against the surprised U.N. forces, major cities all across Japan and South Korea. Soviet forces stream across the Iron curtain all across Europe, taking Berlin and pushing into central Europe and western Germany.

August 3rd - 31st: The conflict effectively ends in the Pacific theater when American forces decimate the Soviet pacific fleet, destroy Vladivostok and its associated cities, and occupy what remains of the Soviet pacific coast. The advance stalls a couple of miles from the coast, as supply lines across the Russian steppes would be too long to support a full-scale invasion without further planning.

Full-scale nuclear war ensues in Eastern Europe. Both sides deploy tactical atomic weapons with impunity, and most of European Russia is destroyed when American air superiority pushes through a group of atomic-armed bombers. The Soviet war machine on the ground pushes into France on the western front, and as far south as Yugoslavia. London, Paris, Rome, Marseilles, Berlin, Oslo, Stockholm, Kiev, Copenhagen, Warsaw, and many other cities disappear beneath mushroom clouds.

September: Unsupplied and facing imminent atomic destruction, the Soviet forces are on the verge of surrender when a daring raid by the Soviet air force sneaks through the US radar net (compromised by the American Communist Party) and destroys most of the Eastern Seaboard. In the confusion, the Soviet army escapes and establishes defensive positions in the Alps and Western Germany.

October 1950 – December 1952: A war of attrition ensues in Europe, as neither side has many more atomic weapons (though the occasional mushroom cloud lights the sky) or much of an air force remaining. The battle lines remain mostly static, though naval warfare picks up when the Soviet navy sneaks through the Arctic in summer of 1951 and cuts off the American forces in the Eastern USSR, forcing the US forces to retreat into Korea. Wave after wave of emigrants flee Europe, mostly for the southern hemisphere, particularly Argentina, Brazil, Australia, and South Africa.

January 1953 – July 1953: The United States launches a massive offensive in Europe, landing in the Baltic and Adriatic seas and hitting the entrenched Soviet forces from three directions. The outnumbered, starved and undersupplied Soviet forces are forced into full retreat, withdrawing from Europe very quickly. It looks like the final defeat of the Soviet Union is at hand.

August 2nd, 1953: Argentina detonates an atomic weapon on Gough Island, in the south Atlantic, becoming the third nation to develop nuclear weapons. Argentina, Brazil, India, Australia and South Africa all call for an immediate ceasefire, and threaten war on both sides in very blunt language unless they get their way. The USSR readily agrees, and President Eisenhower reluctantly bows to overwhelming public support for peace.

August 5th, 1953: Brazil test-fires an atomic weapon on Gough Island; the CIA and KGB uncover that much of the Southern hemisphere was working cooperatively on an atomic program during the war, using secrets leaked from fleeing scientists from both superpowers.

August 7th, 1953: A ceasefire is signed between the US and the USSR. Europe is temporarily split into two occupation zones.

August 12th, 1953: South Africa test-fires an atomic weapon.

August 18th, 1953: Australia test-fires an atomic weapon.

August 25th, 1953: India test-fires an atomic weapon.

August 30th, 1953: The Treaty of Pretoria, an armistice between the United States and the Soviet Union is signed. It is heavily influenced by the emergent Southern hemisphere powers, and surprisingly neutral in treatment of both parties. It calls for the staged removal of US and Soviet forces from Europe to pre-World War two boundaries. The few remaining inhabitants of Europe rejoice at this, though the devastation is immense.

The game begins in 1954, with the world still devastated from the aftermath of WW2 and WW3. Nuclear winter is setting in, the global economy is a joke, and tension and suspicion run very high all over the world. The only real bright spots are South America, Australia and the Middle East, as the only areas mostly unscathed by the US-Soviet war or the lesser wars between them.





Blue: The United States of America (NOT PLAYABLE)
Red: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
Orange: China, Communist (CC)
Yellow: China, Nationalist (CN)
Light Orange: China, Tibet (CT)
Light Blue: India
Dark Green: Argentina
Light Green: Brazil
Maroon: South Africa
Dark Blue: Australia
Purple: Mexico
Salmon: Canada
Tan: Egypt
Light Brown: Iran
Brown: Spain
White: Israel


Dashes indicate stats that cannot currently be improved, as technology is unavailable. Zeros indicate stats that can be improved through spending, but do not exist currently. Population may not be purchased.

Stat explanations:
Space and WMD obey special cost rules: they cost (10 - ½ the number of other nations to reach this level) wealth per point.
WMD: A general indicator of the level of integration that atomic weapons have in your military. 0 indicates an active nuclear weapons program, - indicates no research or very preliminary research.
1: The first test-explosion has been completed and small atomic weapons may be deployed from bombers
2-3: Your stockpile has grown, and tactical weapons mounted on short-range missiles may be deployed by ground forces.
4-6: Larger weapons are available, and the nation possesses a moderate-sized nuclear arsenal. Atomic bombers based on carriers are a standard feature of your navy. The USSR used an arsenal of about this size in WW3.
7-8: You have a truly massive stockpile of weapons that can bring an enemy to their knees. The US used an arsenal of about this size during WW3.
9-10: You have perfected staged-fusion weapons (Hydrogen bombs), and can deploy them from bombers (if you don't have a space program) or ballistic missiles (if you do).
11-12: You have established multi-warhead technology and extremely high-yield nuclear weapons. Your stockpile is massive.
13+: You nuclear stockpile is large enough to destroy the entire surface of the Earth at least once. Above this level, it just increases the number of warheads.

- : Your nation does not possess the expertise or infrastructure to launch space expeditions
0: Your nation has the technology to start a space program but has not yet done so.
1: Your nation has launched small, unmanned, nonfunctional orbitals (think Sputnik). You have short-range ballistic missiles (range of ~1000 miles).
2-3: Your nation can launch primitive spy satellites, moderate-range ballistic missiles, and may deploy its missiles from submarines.
4-5: Your nation has begun to launch commercial satellites as well as more sophisticated spy satellites, and has begun a manned space program with Earth-orbiters. You also now have true ICBMs.
6-7: Your nation may launch extremely sophisticated spy satellites. You have made manned moon landings by space level 7. Your space program launches exploratory expeditions to the Solar system's other planets. You may now purchase up to 2 points of WMD defenses.
8-9: You maintain a permanent space station for military/research purposes. You have re-usable orbiters that routinely place satellites in orbit and service them. You may now purchase up to 4 points of WMD defenses.
10: You have launched a manned expedition to Mars, and may expand your space program to include nuclear rockets (this shouldn't happen until at least the 1990's or so-- I'll cross this bridge when I come to it).

Nuclear Devastation: Represents the level of destruction from nuclear war, either from direct attack or fallout from the blasts. May fluctuate as the game progresses (due, for instance, to nuclear winter), and may eventually be dealt with through careful environmental management (though not for at least 20 years after the game starts)
1: Fallout has drifted into your country from a nearby source.
2-3: One or two nuclear attacks have occurred in your country or fallout has caused significant problems with agriculture or general health.
4-5: Many nuclear attacks have occurred in your country, and in addition to the cost in population and economy (which have already been adjusted), you will have severe social, agricultural, health and trade problems.
6-7: You have been the victim of a determined, prolonged nuclear attack, or possibly nuclear attrition. Your country is almost completely devastated, and it almost certainly cannot feed itself. Waves of emigration leave it for less destroyed nations, though minor cities still remain and there may be self-sufficient areas.
8-9: Every major urban area in your nation has been the victim of at least one nuclear/atomic strike, and those civilians that survived the direct attack have either left or died from starvation. The only food in the country is that which has been traded for, the only manufacturing that which is done in protected or hidden factories. Drinking water is both radioactive and toxic. Unless your country has significant natural resources (such as the Soviet Union), your government will probably not survive as a cohesive entity.
10+: Your nation has been reduced to a glass-encrusted desert, in which not even the most robust of bacteria can survive.

|Starting Situation:

The United States of America
Following the election of Dwight D. Eisenhower, and the ceasefire, the US of A is lurching through a return to normalcy. After the destruction of the Eastern Seaboard and the reassembly of the government in Denver, almost the entirety of the US economy was channeled into the war effort. Agricultural exports have been badly hit by the fallout, and though it is still a net exporter of food, the US is not the breadbasket it once was. Truman and his vice president, Alben Barkely, were both killed in the Soviet attack on the Eastern US, and he was succeeded by the Speaker of the House, Samuel Rayburn. Protests of the war (similar to the protests of the Vietnam was in the 1960's-70's in the RL timeline) plagued the Rayburn administration, and resulted in a decisive defeat of the Democrats in the polls in the 1952 election. Republicans now control both houses of Congress and the presidency, though Eisenhower's campaign was nothing like it was in the normal timeline. Because of public outcry against the war, Eisenhower ran on a non-interventionist platform and coined “compassionate dynamic conservatism”; he promised to rebuild America's shattered cities while not involving the US in another horrible foreign war. His vice president, Robert A. Taft, is a noted isolationist and conservative, who decisively beat out Richard Nixon (who is now Secretary of Defense) in the Vice presidential convention. The Communist movement in America has disappeared or gone underground, largely because of the bombing of the East Coast in 1950. Still, anti-communist sentiment runs very, very high, and trials of suspected communists are very common.

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
After Stalin's death in the 1950 atomic attack on Russia, Nikita Kruschev did his level best to keep the USSR together. His government, based in Omsk, has largely fought a delaying action for three years, and tried to keep the remainder of the Soviet population from starving, leaving, or rebelling, and he has been (mostly) successful. The USSR is, except for its still quite large nuclear arsenal, opulent natural resources and elite espionage force, at best a second-rate power after WW3.

China, Communist (CC)
After the US's attack on China, the country was left reeling. Mao and his inner circle died in Beijing, and it was left to the periphery of the Party to resurrect the Communist movement. Following the attack, anti-communist forces touting Confucius's teachings about the Mandate of Heaven started a rebellion that quickly turned into a civil war. China is now split into three nations with constantly shifting borders and is actively engaged in fighting. The Communists control the devastated Yellow River valley and other previously agricultural and urban areas, and are clinging to them for dear life as Nationalist China tries to reconquer the country and Tibet tries to force both successor governments into recognizing its independence.

China, Nationalist (CN)
The atomic bombing was a huge blow to morale, and this quickly turned into out-and-out rebellion among many of the less fervent communist supporters in China. The Nationalist movement has seized much of the eastern coast of China and is actively fighting to regain control of the North. They advocate a return to traditional ways, and the restoration of the once-great Empire of China.

China, Tibet (CT)
In the power vacuum from the beheaded Maoists, the Tibetan rulers and the non-Han Chinese areas of Western China grabbed the opportunity to declare independence and dig into defensive positions. In the previous three years, the administration has done its best to fuel the conflict between the Nationalists and the Communists while it solidifies its position and strives for international recognition.

In January of 1950, India declared independence from Britain. In August of 1950, Britain's government effectively vanished, allowing India's independence to proceed unchallenged. British immigrants did end up settling in India despite its independence (though many more settled in Australia), and it has benefited greatly from this influx of educated and skilled immigrants. India has the least unrest of any of the major powers, as it was not involved in WW3, it has a great deal of new nationalistic fervor, and it did not receive enough immigrants to cause major social problems. The situation in China may end up being a very big problem, as fallout tends to drift south and west in the northern hemisphere; directly over India. India is one of the new nuclear-armed powers that brought the US and the USSR to the table. India has a small but active Communist party, though the relative wealth brought about by its WW3-lead industrialization has kept it in check.

Argentina was already one of the richest countries in the decades before WW2, and in the trade vacuum caused by the US's military problems expanded its agricultural exports massively, and took a very large number of immigrants from Europe. As one of the new powers that ended WW3, it has enjoyed international recognition and aims to play an increasingly large role in world politics. It has some social problems, mostly as a result of the fact that over half of its population is not a native-born Argentine. Argentina has a small atomic arsenal, and built a strong industrial economy during WW3. Argentina has a long-running rivalry with Brazil, including several actual wars in the 1800's and early 1900's. They established a loose cooperation in their atomic programs to bring an end to WW3, but the alliance has largely collapsed since (though it could easily be resurrected). Argentina has poor relations with Spain, one of the few European nations to emerge from the conflict relatively unscathed, and this may pose a problem in the post-war world. Argentina has problems with a large and angry communist movement that is based largely out of the immigrant population that is dissatisfied with its lack of voting rights and general destitution.

Brazil, like Argentina, expanded its agricultural exports and manufacturing economy during WW3, and is now an emerging power. It took a large number of immigrants from Europe, though less than Argentina. It too has unrest problems due to its large immigrant population. Brazil has a small nuclear arsenal. Brazil has problems with a large and angry communist movement that is based largely out of the immigrant population that is dissatisfied with its lack of voting rights and general destitution.

South Africa
South Africa took a large number of immigrants from Germany, the low countries, and Scandinavia during the War, and has a massive immigrant population. It is one of the powers that forced the belligerents to the table in 1953, and maintains an atomic program. Apartheid is causing major social problems, in addition to those from the immigrant populations, crowding, and general problems associated with a suddenly ballooning population. South Africa has a very strong communist movement based in the oppressed black majority, and the sudden arrival of a very large number of white immigrants from Europe (who are similarly qualified for work, but receive preferential treatment in hiring) has done nothing to solve this problem. Without careful management, rebellion or civil war is a possibility.

Australia was the principal destination for British immigrants during the war, and this greatly aided its economy, like the other four powers that knocked sense into the belligerents. Despite the recent immigration, it still has a very low population density, though many of its occupants still consider it more of an extension of Britain than a country unto itself. Australia is nuclear armed local superpower, and possesses the world's second-best Navy (mostly as a result of a large number of “borrowed” British vessels). Australia has a small communist party based mainly in unemployed immigrants, though the general availability of work and lack of large urban areas has curtailed its growth.

President Manuel Avila Camancho was already presiding over a crackdown on workers' rights when WW3 broke out, and used the sudden lack of international criticism to expand his power base and the PRI's power base in general. A dictator in all but name, President Camncho now maintains an iron hold over a country in the midst of an economic miracle. Following the nationalization of many key industries in the 40's the government of Mexico encouraged international investment a great deal, and has taken a large number of European and even some immigrants from the United States. While not as powerful as the five new powers, Mexico remains in a good position. Mexico has an extremely strong Communist movement among its oppressed poor; Camancho's secret police are effectively engaged in a secret civil war.

During the war, Canada also took a large number of immigrants, though less than it could have due to the devastation in the USA. Many US citizens who opposed the war moved to Canada to dodge the mandatory draft instituted in 1951. Canada was one of the few countries to directly aid the US war effort after 1951, though it escaped nuclear attack because the Soviet air force was unable to cross the Atlantic following their raid on the Eastern Seaboard in 1950. It is the only functioning government remaining in NATO other than the US.

Following the degeneration of British rule after 1950, the Egyptian military declared Egypt a republic in 1951. Under the rule of Gamal Abdel Nasser, Egypt has been steadily modernizing following its independence. It sits in a position of power now that it controls the Suez canal, and has become increasingly aggressive toward Israel following the removal of the Israelis' support from Europe. Egypt has a moderately strong communist party.

Another nation that benefited from British misfortune, Iran nationalized all British assets during the war. The Shah opposed the measure, and was shortly driven from the country by the Majlis' supporters. The US and the Europeans have not intervened, and don't seem willing to, as Iran's oil imports were vital to the US war effort. Iran has a small communist party.

Spain, under Franco, was isolated before World War Three, and the war did little to open it up. Although Franco fiercly opposed communism, he remained neutral in the war, and opened Spain to take refugees, especially from France and Italy. Following the war, Spain is one of the few nations with a functioning government in Europe.

Under the leadership of David Ben-Gurion, Israel managed to avoid engaging either side in direct hostilities during the war, though tensions with its Arab neighbors has escalated recently. Some of this pressure was relieved when the USSR attempted to advance through Anatolia in an attempt to cut off the US from Arab oil supplies, only to end in a battle in southern Turkey, in which both American and USSR tactical nukes were deployed. Still Egypt, Iran and Saudi Arabia are emerging nationalistic powers that have been suddenly freed from European colonial rule; its diplomatic situation is dire.


The game structure:
Rotating GMs:
One GM will be active for approximately 15 game years, which can range from 3 to 15 turns (3 to 15 weeks), depending on when and if the "interesting times" rule is invoked. At the end of this period, the GM will evaluate all the players' scores, step down, enter the game somehow, and continue as a normal player. A GM, previously (though not necessarily) a player, will take over and continue the game from there. The old GM will inform them of any plots that are continuing, relevant espionage info, and begin play as a normal player.

At the end of every GM tenure, scores will be added up and added to the running tally. The highest scorers will receive some benefits in the form of beneficial random events, and the reverse for the lowest scorers. Scores are persistent, though the benefits are assessed based on scoring in the current GM's tenure only-- a player with -50 points that scored 9 will still win a GM tenure against a player who has 50 points but scored 2. The "goal" of the game is to win the meta-game scoring, and to have fun telling an interactive story while doing so.

Each player will control a nation in one setting or another, to be decided (I present some possibilities below), and may choose to control one for the entire game, move around at the GM-switch, make new nations, etc. at their own discretion. The focus of the game is to tell a story, and this can be independent of the fate of every nation the player has ever controlled.


Each turn will normally be 5 game years and 1 RL week, though if a GM decides that the action needs more time to resolve itself adequately, they can declare "Interesting Times", and change the ratio to 1 game year per RL week.

Rule System:

This is heavily cribbed from Wizard of the Coat's Game of Nations, though it has been simplified, particularly the combat (it has been changed to almost entirely GM-fiat).

The Stats

Army: Ground forces of all types, which will change based on the era in question.
Navy: Boats of relevant tech level.
Air: Planes of relevant tech level.
Space: Spacecraft, both military and civilian.
Population: Number of people, at a scale that will change with setting
Economy: The level of prosperity of your nation
Resources: The amount of natural resources available.
Spy: The skill of your faction's spies.
Tech: The level of technology your faction possesses. Will influence the technologies available to you.
Civil: The level of corruption and general shabbiness of your standard of living. The higher, the less there is.
WMD: The level of tech-appropriate weapons of mass destruction in your nation.
Defenses: The level of tech-appropriate defenses, both against WMDs and conventional attack.

Wealth, Upkeep and Trade:

Wealth and trade are simple:
Wealth = Resources + population + economy + trade received. - Upkeep
Upkeep = sum (Army + Navy + Air + Space + Spy + WMD + Defenses + Tech + Civil) / 4

Trade capacity = resources + economy
Trade can be given to other nations and they can use it as wealth at a 1:1 ratio, but not used yourself. Trade treaties can be negotiated and changed at any time.

Wealth, trade, and interesting times:
The above formula is wealth for normal, 5-year turns; divide by 5 to get available wealth per year of interesting times.

Increasing stats:

Stats can be increased by spending two wealth per point increased. This expenditure should usually be accompanied by some level of roleplaying explanation that may influence the level of success pending GM fiat. Exceptions to this rule are population, which may not be increased through direct wealth expenditure, and resources, which may increase with technology or exploration, but cannot be directly increased.


Spies can be used to conduct operations entirely freeform, though the proportion of effort of your spy agency must be allocated, for example by making a spoiler including "my spy agency will spend 60% of its effort on Operation Tacitus (see PM), and 40% of its effort on counterespionage". The GM will resolve all spy actions.


The Clue model: Who, with What, Where.
Tell the GM who you're attacking, what forces you're using, where, and how they got there. Strategy included will be beneficial. Godmoding is highly discouraged, and players should not post their combat actions until they've communicated with the GM a great deal; in fact, the GM should post most major combat results. The GM will resolve the combat and show results, while giving a flavor account of the results.

1) Maldiem
2) Moody the Wise: South Africa
3) Minchandre: Israel
4) MorghorRB: Australia

1) Bosh: Korea
2) Narkis: Brazil
3) nothingclever: Nationalist China
4) drakeblood4: India
5) Joeluma: Canada
6) Silver Coin: USSR
7) Jamin: Spain

1954 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXjbMSUVuGU&feature=related)
((Yeah, I'm ok with being slightly music anachronistic))


Dark Blue: MorghorRB: Australia
Lightest Green: Reunified Korea: Bosh (USA OCCUPIED)
Maroon: South Africa: Moody the Wise
Lighter Green: Brazil: Narkis
White: Israel: Minchandre
Yellow: Nationalist China: nothingclever
Light Blue: India: drakeblood4
Purple: Canada: Joeluma
Brown: Spain: Jamin
Salmon: Mexico: Falconer
Red: USSR: Silver Coin
Blue: USA: GM Only

2009-04-08, 12:43 AM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5970598#post5970598)


Treaty of Pretoria Takes Effect!

With the start of the new year, US forces begin pulling back from the their defensive lines in Eastern Europe, liberating much of Poland, Bulgaria, and Central Europe. The treaty calls for a similar pullback of Soviet forces from their borders, and it remains to be seen if the Reds will keep their end of the bargain.

USA Withdraws from Japan!

With their bases in ruins and the war over, President Eisenhower has ordered the evacuation of all remaining American forces from Japan. The country, once an industrial superpower in and of itself, remains divided between Imperialist factions, democratic factions, the remains of its US-supported government, and local warlords. President Eisenhower announced today that the removal of US forces from Japan was part of a comprehensive plan to reduce US involvement in foreign affairs.

Chaos descends as the American forces take the last of the order in the island chain with them, and tens to hundreds of tiny wars erupt overnight.

USA Closes Many Bases in Korea, Turns Over Control

As guaranteed by the Treaty of Pretoria, the US relinquished control of the Korean penninsula to the newly-formed unified government. The Koreans face the daunting task of rebuilding a country that has had atomic attacks on its two most important cities and many of its trading partners directly destroyed.

Europe Still Smoking!

The future of Western Europe remains in question as the date of autonomous government nears; none of the major governments managed to survive world war three, and the vast majority of the population left. There has been talk of a "European Federation", but at this point nothing remotely resembling order has arisen.

Arabs Crowd Israel

Anti-Israel sentiment has reached a fever pitch in the Arab world, and what the tiny nation will do with the sudden absence of many of its historical allies remains a very important question.

Tibet Launches Offensive!

The Tibetans take advantage of a standoff between the Nationalists and the Communists by launching a major assault on the Communist home territory. Their stated goal is to sack important cities on the Yellow River and trade their return for official independence.

Ho Chi Minh Declares Victory, Indochina War Ends

The Vietnamese Communist/Nationalist revolutionary has completely defeated the French and US-backed loyalists, which suffered massive setbacks with the atomic attack on France and the subsequent collapse of the French state.

McCarthy Begins Trials of Suspected Communists!

Wisconsin Senator Joespf McCarthy began trials today of several American figures who are suspected communists.

Algeria, Laos Declare Independence

With the collapse of the French state and its own increasing nationalism, official governments began rule of Algeria and Laos completely independent of colonial trappings. French immigrants, who arrived only recently, begin to leave en masse, largely for South America, Africa, and the Pacific.

Marshall Plan Will Not Resume

"The United States of America cannot, and will not, rebuild Europe a second time. It is utterly unconstitutional for the US government to expend such a massive effort to drag a feuding and devastated continent back into prosperity. I have discussed this at length with President Eisenhower, the cabinet, and congress. The Marshall Plan is dead."

--Vice President Robert A. Taft, NBC interview, 1954

NATO Dissolves

"Despite my protests to the contrary, the President and Vice President have decided to propose withdrawing from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to congress. I expect that they'll pass it."

--US Secretary of State, John F. Dulles

Dow Jones Closes at 200.28

This marks the first time the Dow broke the 200 mark since Wall Street's destruction in 1950, and a remarkable step on the road to recovery.

Map of Communism Vs. Capitalism, 1954:
Blue: Officially capitalist countries with weak or absent Communist movements
Light Blue: Mostly capitalist countries with weak to moderate communist movements
Grey: No strong alignment
Pink: Socialist-leaning countries with active Communist movements but are not officially Communist
Red: Officially communist countries.

2009-04-08, 01:56 AM
"Lords and Ladies of the Council. I would like to bring to your attention the newest in the precedings, for this I present Finance Minister Shawn Collier."
Grand Minister Baoll stepped down from the central podium, letting Minister Collier take his place, before the hemisphere auditorium.

"Members of this Council, with the end of the War of Attrition, we find ourselves afloat with new citizens that have bolstered our population beyond the avaible infrastructure for industry. In order to improve the industry, and have our new people that are of Communist align settle, we shall be applying a new tax, the Infrastructure Construction Tax, ICT, of 8%. Now, building these new facilities may cover the nessecity of working citizens, but we must also increase the processing of our mineral wealth in order to keep ourselves independant of reliance on trade..."

A gavel tapped, bringing Collier's speach to a pause. Foreign Minister Davis stood from behind his desk, where two attendants shuffled through the documents that Davis had been reading, bringing the requested papers to the fore.

"Are you suggesting that we cut our honoured trade routes with New Zealand and Indonesia? The ones we have only began to see the true provisions of? The docks have just finished construction, and you intend to make them an invalid use of our finance?" Davis stopped, allowing Collier to respond after Baoll indicated for the discussion to move back to the Finance Minister.

"Not at all, indeed I was earlier conferring with High Commander Lakewood about that very ordeal, and what we can repurpose those docks for..."

(Spending six points on Economy, four on Navy. If I went and mixed this up, feel free to tell me so. Especially about the proper spelling of Indonesia. :smalltongue:)

Silver Coin
2009-04-08, 07:47 AM
Facing the glaring media lights, Nikita Kruschev stood on the podium and delivered his message from the Politburo.

"Citizens of the Soviet Union. There is no denying the amount of suffering our glorious Motherland has suffered in the aftermath of World War III. But, just like from the ashes of World War II, we shall emerge stronger than ever through this ordeal. But you, our citizens, the people who labour for the betterment of our motherland must come first. It has been decided that this country requires sweeping reforms are needed."

(Spend 8 points on economy, 8 points on civil. Remaining 8.5 into treasury. Extent trade offer to Iran and Communist China. Cuba, Vietnam and Mongolia as well if possible.)

2009-04-08, 05:25 PM
Rajendra Prasad began walking toward the podeum, the applause of a newly liberated India had brought great blessing to his people. They had gained independance, gained nuclear power, and even become a nuclear superpower. His smooth English accent serinaded the camreas as the world watched...

"Hello people of India, and people around the world. I would like to begin by saying that I welcome any southeast Asian or Northwest african country, regardless of creed, into a new union I wish to form. The Fraternity of Middleastern survival. As a nuclear power, I promise to help in the counterstrike against any nation in said union. Also, all those who join will be permitted terrif free trade from any other participating nation. In other news, I would like to congradulate the parlament for their amazing work in the in industrial revolution. You have helped to make India a force to be reconed with."

OOC in white
18 points into Economy, the leftovers go to savings

2009-04-08, 05:55 PM
Chiang Kai-shek returned from Taiwan with the full support of the Kuomintang military after the nuclear attacks and took back much of south east China. Today he addressed China as a whole in his speech:“Mao Zedong and his supporters were godless oppressors of the will of the people and I firmly believe their deaths were caused by an act of God. China will never return to its former glory with the backwards thinking of the communists that persecute our businessmen, landowners and scholars. These people are just as essential to the order of the government and the stability of society as the farmers that work the fields. To persecute these people is to punish success. We should not try to force a false sense of equality on others through communism. Instead we should create a China where those of lesser social and economic status can rise up to the same level if they work hard enough. In addition the people in power must be held accountable and be able to fall from their positions of authority if they do not fulfill their obligations to the common man. Neither the upper or lower class should look down on the other because both are equally important to society. We must follow the teachings of the founders of the Kuomintang such as Sun Yat-sen’s famous three principles of the people. He said that the government must be run by and for the people of China as a whole and not the imperial elite or corrupt communist leaders. I, like Sun Yat-sen, welcome people of all ethnicities and walks of life to join our movement to reunify China as a fair democratic country.

I will now specifically address the matter of religion and Tibet. I have always denounced the religious persecution of Mao and the communists and my vision of our great country is a China that accepts all religions. I ask the people of Tibet to join us in fighting the communists and to unite our lands so that we may remake China together. I am calling for an immediate ceasefire between all nationalists and Tibetans so that an agreement can be reached with our leaders. I recognize Tibet as a distinct society but I recognize it as one within China. True nationalists should want to preserve Tibet’s culture within China. One united China can have one national culture of pride and unity as well as many other equally important cultures. China needs to accept and evaluate ideas new and old to once again become a leading force in the world. The reason the China our ancestors lived in was so advanced is because its society encouraged thought and experimentation in all forms of study and life as a whole. The communists wish to discourage thought so that the country will become politically stagnant allowing them to rule forever. Embracing new ideas does not mean giving into the west. It means our vision for the future will stay competitive with the rest of the world so that we may once again become the greatest nation in existence.”
Spoilered so it doesn't take up too much space.
Nationalist China will wait for Tibetan China's response to see if the two can create an alliance to fight Communist China.

2009-04-08, 09:10 PM
Louis St-Laurent

The television sets in many Canadian households, and, indeed, in many other parts of the world are watching, as John Diefenbaker looks into the camera.

"Good Evening, Canada. This is John Diefenbaker."

Alertly looking into the camera, he continues.

"We Canadians are a country with a unique history, and a unique opportunity."

He leans forward. "In these past few years, we have seen the horrible power of these new weapons... we have seen a war to end all wars. Now, we are faced with an immense task. We must heal our wounds. We must heal the wounds of our neighbors. And we must ensure that this never happens again."

He pauses, and frowns for a moment, then continues. "We must build a world of neighbors. And, like good neighbors everywhere, we must help each other."

He looks at the camera intently. "There will be many trials on the road ahead. These will serve only to make our victories the dearer. Join with me, Canada. Together, we will not just face the future. We will make it."

He smiles into the camera, and continues. "I have dispatched Canadian forces to Europe, not for aggression, but to help those unfortunates caught in the middle of conflicts, those caught in countries whose governments have fallen. These 'peacekeepers' will simply be there to protect the dignity of the weak, and to rescue those without hope. They will not overstay their welcome, and will co-operate fully with local militaries."

Canada Announces Megaproject: Transcontinental pipeline

Canada will build pipelines from it's valuable oil fields to throughout Canada, and across the border into the U.S. (pending U.S. funding of pipeline south of the border).

Canada Announces Megaproject : Cadmus

Project Cadmus: Study the effects of the nuclear war, project future results of the energy release, dust clouds, etc. Begin research into techniques to reduce the affects of radiation, etc. (game terms : try to find out how to reduce a countries' Nuclear Devastation, discover the Global Cooling problem)

Canada Announces Immigration & Naturalization Project

Two main investments:

1)Automatic Citizenship, including funding to get to Canada, for anyone with Canadian relatives

2) Jobs for any skilled trades or scientist types - effectively guaranteed jobs for any highly educated persons who decide to immigrate to Canada.

Tertiary investments: Immigration offices at all Canadian Embassies.

Military Action:

Canada dispatches 2 Naval and 3 Army to Europe, entirely co-operating in areas with full governance. With them, is nearly the entire Engineering Corps, who prepare to assist as needed to restore vital infrastructure.

European countries without governments have peacekeeping forces dispatched, Canadian ground forces help to rescue refugees from these sort of situations, offering them transportation to more civilized areas, and warmly offering them passage to Canada to become Citizens.

The military forces will entirely avoid large-scale conflict, but will engage any disorganized attacks with crushing force.

Wealth after trade and upkeep: 35.75
Wealth spent: 34
Unspent: 1.75
How much wealth spent on what:

Category 1: Technology, 6 Wealth Spent (cadmus)
Category 2: Civil, 4 Wealth Spent (equality)
Category 3: Economy 14 Wealth Spent (pipeline)
Category 4: Europe 8 wealth spent (emergency relief)
Category 5: Immigration 2 wealth spent (Immigration)

Turn 1 Trade:

I'm Giving:I'm getting (all confirmed)
USA: 8:8
Mexico: 3:3
Australia 3:3
Israel 3:4
Spain 1:1
England 1:1

2009-04-08, 09:13 PM
An excerpt from President Camacho's letter to Francisco Angeles, the Chief of the National Security and Intelligence Agency:

And furthermore, old friend, it is paramount that the Communist movement within our borders be broken. According to your last report, the arson in Oaxaca resulted in the destruction of two entire warehouses full of goods. While I understand this is hardly a national trend, we cannot afford for the people to see the Communists as winning, however small their victory.

In order to increase the efficiency of your agency, I am placing the Propaganda Ministry under your control. Furthermore, this government will direct more funds NSIA. I expect you to use these resources well.

In terms of propaganda, perhaps you can use the current economic climate: what prosperity does communism bring while our own nation's economy is booming and, thanks to the Camacho government, only continuing to grow?

President of Mexico,

Manuel Camacho

A few weeks later, posters flood the streets of Mexico. The messages are many:

Only YOU can protect Our Homeland from Communism!
These terrorists dare to attack our cities and our people. You can save Mexico from the tyranny of Communism!

Long live Camacho! Long live Mexico!
Like the Heroes of the Revolution, Camacho has taken to heart the cries and needs of the people. Through his dedicated work, the flower of Mexico can truly bloom.

Make Our Fathers Proud
The great kingdoms and empires of this land are not dead! They live on in all of us! In you! In Mexico!

Make Mexico great again! Trust in Camacho, the Leader of Our Homeland!


Mexico launches the 5-Year Hidalgo Plan: An economic package meant to increase production and make the Homeland prosper. This program includes reforms in the banking system, the expansion of industry, and the creation of new jobs through public works.

The Mexican military is also constructing forts in areas that are frequently attacked by Communist guerrillas. Such areas are primarily in the poorer states of Oaxaca and Guerrero.

Trade Offers-PM to Accept/Decline/Whatever
Nationalist China-5:5

(Spend 8 points on Economy, 4 points on Spy, and 2 on Civil)

2009-04-08, 09:38 PM
King Miraz's first speech as King
My dear beloved friends I am here to warn you and to encourage you. We all know that we live in a world ruled by fear. Fear of the past, fear of the present and most of all fear of the future. Well I am here to say that we need not fear. Those who oppose Spain's rights as an once and future world power are the ones who should be afraid. We will not retreat into ourselves but will look outward. So I have 3 main goals to accomplish. First we must rebuild our broken neighbors. Using the Spanish manpower to rebuild will show the world that we are ready to be a world power. So I will be specking to the Canadian leaders to form a joint plan.Next we will need a more lucrative income of ourselves to help rebuild. I have plans to overhaul the Spanish economy. Last I want too..(message blocked)... but remember this my children never give in. Even if the enemy rains down fire and ash. Should the whole world turn on us. Even if the moon were to wage war on us. We will fight on until the last of us should fall with sword in hand defending his national family. We will remake this land into a land where our fathers died and make it great again. You grandchildren will remember our generation as the savors of Spain. The road will be hard but we shall overcome all that comes before us.
May God bless Spain and its people forever
1.5 on rebuilding Europe 6 on economy

2009-04-08, 10:48 PM
Chiang Kai-shek has contacted the Supreme Council of the now unified Korea and attempted to begin large scale trade relations and to form an official military alliance to defend against potential communist threats:

"Although much of China and Russia have worked together to support North Korea my people are entirely against what they stand for and wish to help you rebuild your country. We are both currently small nations facing a constant threat from the communists so I believe it is in our best interest that we join forces. If you are willing we would appreciate your help in fighting communist China. If you help us now I swear that we will return the favor.

I have spoken to the Tibetan faction of China and asked for its support in fighting the communists. If they agree to assist my men and your people do the same I am sure we can completely defeat them and eliminate a potential future threat to your land."

(Asking to trade 8 points with Korea and for military assistance against Communist China.)

2009-04-08, 11:01 PM
Excerpt from An Idiot's Guide to Israel:

The State of Israel, 1954 (Get it?:smallwink:)
Israel in 1954 is a nation in turmoil. Barely 6 years old, the nation finds itself beset on all sides; though treaties have been signed, no one expects the peace to last. It is increasingly clear that the Arab nations will not assimilate the Arabs expelled from within the green line, and the economy is in shambles, especially with incredible effort put into maintaining a sufficiently powerful military in order to prevent the State of Israel from being one of history's shortest running.

The greatest problem for now is the fact that Israel's population has grown by several hundred percent in the past few years, augmented by Jews expelled from Arab lands, as well as those seeking refuge from Europe, Russia, and the United States. The existing infrastructure was not able to deal with the influx. The kibbutz movement of farming communes, and a strong push to have families grow their own vegetable gardens has managed to keep people from starving, but conditions are far from ideal; the average Israel has running water and food, but is permitted only intermittent electrical power, and eats meat perhaps once a week.

The political situation in Israel is complex. The Socialist-Zionist Labour Party (incidentally, the party of almost all of the nation's founders) managed to keep control after the first wave of immigrants, caused by Holocaust refugees and Jews expelled from Arab nations; the recent influx of Western Europeans, Russians, and Americans has more than doubled the country's population again, and many of these citizens are educated, middle class skilled workers who are growing bored with the lack of appropriate work and turning to politics. This influx - particularly of former citizens of NATO members - has essentially shattered Israel's attempt to stay neutral in the USA/USSR conflict, tipping the scales decisively towards the Western side of the equation.

For their part, the Arab minority has gone from being a large minority to a very small one, constituting some 5% or so of the population. They fiercely guard their land, though the government has suggested it may forcibly purchase it, to provide space for the recent influx.

Population of Israel by Country of Origin
United States: 2,200,000
USSR (including Russia, Ukraine, and Caucausus: 1,200,000
Israel (including Ottoman vilayet of Beirut and Jerusalem Special Administrative Unit, and the British Mandate of Palestine): 850,000
Germany (including Imperial Germany, Wiemar Republic, Third Reich, Free City of Danzig): 550,000
United Kingdom: 310,000
Romania: 300,000
Morocco: 260,000
Hungary (not including Balkan holdings of Austria-Hungary): 200,000
France: 220,000
Algeria: 140,000
Iraq: 130,000
Iran: 100,000
Egypt: 80,000
Tunisia: 80,000
Bulgaria: 50,000
Poland: 40,000
Turkey (including Anatolian holdings of the Ottoman Empire): 40,000
Libya: 35,000
Arabia (including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait: 35,000
Italy: 30,000
Netherlands: 25,000
Syria: 25,000
Czechoslovakia: 15,000
Austria: 15,000
Lebanon (not including Zionist settlements in southern Lebanon): 10,000
Other <50,000

Total: ~7,000,000

Edit: I ordered the populations

2009-04-08, 11:11 PM
"Foreign Minister Davis." The two Council members sat in Boall's private office, a broad room with vaulted cielings and gothic arched windows, the walls lined with black marble. They reclined in comfortable leather chairs, Boall puffing on a fine cigar, Davis had turned down the offer of one for himself.

"Yes, Grand minister?" He asked plaintively.

"Send a representative to Canada. Tell them we accept the terms of the trade agreement."

Davis turned to leave the Grand Minister's Office, when he heard a little tap on the polished oakwood desk, "And Davis? Send word to India, we're going to open trade routes, if they wish to take part."

(Accepted Canada's 3:3 offer, offering 2:2 to India.)::Editted for fluff.

2009-04-09, 02:02 AM
1955 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jq4Lx3Y-CO0)

US Completes Pullout of Europe

On schedule, the last American forces departed Europe in early February of 1955. Small, local governments have sprung up in the remains, usually centered around a small intact urban or agricultural area.

Canadians, Spanish Pick Up Where America Left Off

Canadian forces move to re-establish order, particularly in central Europe where the devastation is most immense. Ireland, Britain and France are the least devastated areas, and have begun to set up provisional governments and restore a semblance of order (all three do no have significant famine, which is definitely helpful). Germany and Central Europe benefit from the presence of armed forces, but it promises to turn into an unwilling occupation if something isn't done about the famine; food riots have already begun in Germany, as civillians look greedily at the well-fed soldiers.

Convicted Communists in US Army Executed, McCarthy Lauded as Hero

Several high-ranking army officers were executed recently as they exhausted the appeals process for Treason and Espionage. Senator McCarthy, who made a persuasive case despite a paucity of evidence, has been awarded a presidential commendation for his efforts, and has already begun talk of a presidential run in 1956.

Eisenhower Diagnosed with Metastatic Lung Cancer!

The president's health has rapidly deteriorated, and he is expected to live only a few more months. Vice President Taft is rumored to be drawing up plans for a major shakeup. Recent research indicates that exposure to low-level radiation may be hazardous to your health, and doctors hypothesize that Eisenhower's narrow escape from the bombing of Washington may have contributed to his condition.

Dulles Visits Israel

In response to a heartfelt plea from the Israeli government, secretary of State Dulles payed a visit to the tiny new nation over robust protests from the isolationists at home. President Eisenhower is in the process of negotiating an aid agreement now, and should be able to align congress behind him.

Taft Blasts Dulles in Media

"We're in this mess right now because of precisely this sort of interventionist nonsense," Taft remarked, while overseeing the start of work on the new Interstate Highway program, "If I were President, Dulles would be doing some serious explaining right now."

Atomic Strike in Chinese Conflict!

A 20 kiloton atomic weapon exploded in the middle of Communist lines in Northern China in late 1954, leveling their forces and driving their command structure into disarray. In the confusion, Tibetan forces were able to push through and capture several key Communist leaders. In the next several days, Communist leaders officially surrendered to the Tibetans, and relinquished all claims on Tibetan territory.
The source of the weapon is unclear, as virtually every intelligence agency confirms that the Tibetans have no obvious nuclear research program.

Tibetans Respond to Unification Calls from Nationalists

The Nationalists' calls are met with icy silence, as the Tibetan army redeploys to guard their newly-more-legitimate borders.

Communist Revolution in Iran!

With the Shah's absence and a total lack of even token intervention from the West, the communist party of Iran overthrows the remnant of British rule and installs a new communist state.

Secretary of Defense Richard Nixon calls the development "outrageous, contemptible and completely preventable. We need to go in there and rip out the Reds by their roots. We shouldn't have stopped on the Soviet Union's doorstep, and we shouldn't walk away yellow now."

Crackdown on Communism in Mexico Widely Successful

Government forces meet little resistance as they eradicate the semblance of communist insurgency that been growing in its poorer regions. What guerrillas remain are either in hiding or have fled to central America or Cuba.

Laotian, Burmese Diplomats Lampoon India

"That Indian fellow is one funny character," remarked a Laotian ambassador in the UN, "at least, I'm assuming he was telling a joke. The thought that we'd fight for decades for our freedom, only to voluntarily hand it over to a new imperialist power has got to be a joke, right?"


Canada: 8:8
Israel: 8:2

Cuba, Vietnam, Mongolia, Communist China, Iran:
All respond favorably to the invitation to trade; they come up with varied ways to ask you what you propose.

Brazil, South Africa, India, Australia: Diplomats from Argentina arrive and propose 1:1 trade deals, up to 4:4 with each of you (which may be adjusted based on how the others respond). Argentine diplomats state that they want to continue the loose alliance that allowed them to end WW3.

2009-04-09, 04:37 AM

-8 for 8 trade deal with Nationalist China.
-2 wealth to increase Spy and 2 wealth to increase civil, for an RP justification of this see below. The rest to treasury.
-spies are ordered as follows:
30% counter-espionage.
20% to keeping tabs on dissident groups, specifically Communists (but no arrests, violence or crackdowns as of yet)
50% to anti-corruption (use to violent methods encouraged, this is a top priority).

Speech given by President Kim Chang-ryong, leader of the Supreme Council for National Reconstruction government of the unified Republic of Korea:

"We have been divided time and time again. In ancient times the T'ang played the Three Kingdoms against each other until Silla prevailed, then the Mongols strode across the north after the Koryo kinds defied them, then in more recent times the Chinese, Russians and Japanese pulled our strings and we danced until the Japanese, with the connivance of the Americans stomped us down under the boot of their cruel tyranny. Then, we had barely heard of our liberation and the glorious news of the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki when we were told that we would yet again be divided with the Americans and Russians presiding over our humiliation. This division has born the fruit of horrors and brothers turned against brother, first on Jeju and then across all of our land.

Never again! We will never let this happen again, if if all of our cities join Seoul, Busan and Pyeongyang in annihilation. Never again! The old capitols and the old divisions are dead and will never again rise to haunt us. Now let us build a new Korea here at Kaesong that will redeem the deaths of so many Koreans at the hands of the murderers who laughed as the world burned. For there will be one Korea, with one language, one people and one pure blood!

The old divisions are dead and burned away and let us build a new Korea to capture the attention of the ghosts of the dead. The 6/25 War will be but a horrible nightmare that we are now waking from and as a nightmare fades from your waking mind, so let the crimes of the past fade from our minds. All actions carried out in the 6/25 War will be pardoned and former communists will be appointed to positions of trust within the government of the Supreme Council for National Reconstruction.

But although we forget the past we cannot forgive those who do not. Any who attempt to revive the horrors of the past will be treated like the demons of nightmares that they are. All who try to divide the people and lead us to destruction will be shown no mercy. All those who steal bread from the mouths of the people will be shown no mercy. And all those who refuse to cooperate in the reconstruction of our beloved land will be cast aside."

Daetongyong Mansae!
Deahan Mingook Mansae!

The words echoes from the mouths of the assembled crowd, both from those who believed and those who were too afraid to do otherwise.

Silver Coin
2009-04-09, 04:59 AM
"Come gentlemen. In this time of crisis, it is necessary for the nations of the socialist world to stand together. Even now, we cannot bow to the Imperialism of the West. I am proposing here, a system of mutual aid intent upon strengthening our nations in the wake of nuclear war."

Nikita Kruschev paused as he watched the reaction of the representative of their nations quietly.

"I propose an exchange between the USSR and Iran, Monglia, China and Vietnam, trading food and raw material for technological products. Also, I has come to my attention that Nationalists in China seems to be harbouring ill intent towards our socialist friends, and as the representative of our Polituburo, I hereby officially extend an offer for military assistance in case of any form of armed conflict. We will also be watching the developments in the Western Hemisphere with careful interest."


CC: 5:3 (Joined with Siberia, hard to get the capacity very high up, benefiting CC more)
Iran: 12:12 (Shares border with most industrialised part of USSR after all.)
Vietnam: 4:4 (gonna need the rice if my population is not going to starve :smalltongue:)
Mongolia: 4:4 (Food as well)

Seems like I'm the only PC Communist country

Offer CC Air force and Naval assistance in case of war with Nationalist China and Tibet, since army is harder to mobilise.

(Continual reforms for the people of Soviet Union)
2 points into Civil
6 points into Economy

2009-04-09, 06:04 AM
August 24:
Brazilian president found dead
President Getulio Vargas has committed suicide hours after resigning amid a deepening political crisis. Dr Vargas, who shot himself through the heart, left a dramatic suicide note that was broadcast on national radio just two hours after his body was discovered.
In it he complained his efforts to "liberate" the people of Brazil had been hampered by foreign interests which he blamed for the economic crisis that is gripping the nation.
His letter read: "Nothing remains except my blood. I gave you my life, now I give you my death. I choose this way to defend you, for my soul will be with you, my name shall be a flag for your struggle."
It ended: "I take the first step to eternity. I leave life to enter history."
The president's death comes at a time of serious unrest in the country.

Discontent with Dr. Vargas came to ahead after the attempted assassination of opposition newspaper editor and Congress candidate Carlos Lacerda earlier this month.Mr Lacerda, a fierce critic of the Vargas regime, was wounded in the foot during the attack on 5 August and an air force officer was killed, sparking fury among the Brazilian military.

Thousands attended his funeral at his birthplace in Sao Borja and there were riots in the capital, Rio de Janeiro that were soon quelled by the armed forces.

Vice president João Fernandes Campos Café Filho has assumed the presidency following Dr. Vargas' suicide.
August 28:
President João Café Filho addressed the nation earlier today, on his first speech after taking the oath of office.
People of Brazil,
All I have I would have given gladly not to be standing here today. The greatest leader of our time has been struck down by the foulest deed of our time. Today Getúlio Dornelles Vargas lives on in the immortal words and works that he left behind. He lives on in the hearts of his countrymen. No words are sad enough to express our sense of loss. No words are strong enough to express our determination to continue the forward thrust of Brazil that he began.

Under Getúlio Vargas' leadership, this nation has demonstrated that it has the courage to seek peace, and the fortitude to risk war. We have proved that we are a good and reliable friend to those who seek peace and freedom. And now the ideas and the ideals which he so nobly represented must and will be translated into effective action.

In this age when there can be no losers in peace and no victors in war, we must recognize the obligation to match national strength with national restraint. This is the path that we shall continue to pursue. Those who test our courage will find it strong, and those who seek our friendship will find it honorable. We will demonstrate anew that the strong can be just in the use of strength; and the just can be strong in the defense of justice. And let all know we will extend no special privilege and impose no persecution. We will carry on the fight against poverty and misery, and disease and ignorance, in other lands and in our own.

We will serve all the nation, not one section or one sector, or one group, but all Brazilians. We must be a united people with a united purpose. Our unity must not depend upon unanimity. We have differences; but now, as in the past, we can derive from those differences strength, not weakness, wisdom, not despair. Both as a people and a government, we can unite upon a program, a program which is wise and just, enlightened and constructive.

Let all the world know and none misunderstand that I rededicate this Government to the unswerving support of peace, to the defense of the strength and the stability of the cruzeiro and to the expansion of our foreign trade.

We meet in grief, but let us also meet in renewed dedication and renewed vigor. Let us meet in action, in tolerance, and in mutual understanding. Getúlio Vargas' death commands what his life conveyed—that Brazil must move forward. The time has come for Brazilians of all races and creeds and political beliefs to understand and to respect one another. So let us put an end to the teaching and the preaching of hate and evil and violence. Let us turn away from the fanatics of the far left and the far right, from the apostles of bitterness and bigotry, from those defiant of law, and those who pour venom into our nation's bloodstream. The need is here. The need is now. I ask your help.

Thank you.
September 22:
In a long-awaited move, President Filho announced the reformation of the Brazilian nationality law. The proposed changes grant citizenship to every adult that has lived in the nation for one year and has the ability to speak and write Portuguese. The proposed law is expected to pass legislation despite the fierce opposition it has met.

Gotta go now, last of '54 and '55 coming in the afternoon. Actions in very short:

Spend 4 points in civil, 8 in economy, 2 in space. Accept the Argentinan trade offer, 4:4, and agree to enter negotiations for a renewed alliance. Extend trade offers to South Africa, India, Australia and Mexico, all 4:4.

2009-04-09, 08:19 AM
We will be using our trade form Canada to try and find new Resources and ways to use the ones we have better
spend 2 on Resources
if allowed

2009-04-09, 10:44 AM
Davis was nowhere to be found this afternoon, and in the Grand Minister's office sat Lakewood, Collier, and Boall. Lakewood slowly dragged his feet onto the footstand, his ruined knee a momento of the Second World War.

"So, Israel." Lakewood began, "We hardly want to drag our merchant fleet all the way around the southern tip of Africa. And those boys are going to need our help, and fast."

Boall nodded, "Indeed. The loss of Israel, especially to communist hands... would be reprehensible." He tapped some of the ash from the end of his cigar, looking as if he would rather have Lakewood's mahogany pipe. "Prehaps sending the Navy to clear the Suez canal?"

Collier frowned, "Weren't we dedicating those shi..." Lakewood cut him short with a glare. "Our local matters can wait, we're not going to be the ones responsible for losing a loyal country."

Boall eyed his two councillers, and leaned back. "We might as well make a big show of it..."

Within the next few days, recruitment papers, posters and war bonds flyers went out. In every local shop an Australian pride banner hung, here and there along the street they were stapled to light posts.

Australia, going to war
That's right! Our proud armed forces are going to be taking the Cruz Canal, opening a path to our brother-nation Israel, who is currently fighting off the local communist forces themselves! Could you be the one to let democracy, and the world down? Enlist! Join the fight today!

Communist Middle-East
You've heard the communist groups around here, quiet, peaceful. They might protest the happenings of today, but they do so with a quiet dignity quite alike to our common citizens. But over the big blue? Thier violent, killing, soulless animals! Would you let them plunder Israel?

RAF, to the skies
The British Royal Air Force has been moved here to Australia, and they've been working hard at training together with our fleet. The second largest navy, and the second-to-none Air force, we can take the Canal. But we need YOU. Our planes outnumber the pilots, and we can always have another brother join the squadron.

Keep them free
We just liberated them from the Nazi Germany, and now one of our best allies, they are surronded by the communist nations of the middle east, should we not save democracy? Should we not defend the Human Rights of those in Israel, so that there is another staunch defender of the democratic way of life? We should. And we will.

A few local newspapers put out articles, mostly about a peaceful resolution, and how the Council had sent missionaries and embassaries to Egypt and the surronding countries.

(Move 8 Navy, 5 Air, 3 Army to the Southern entrance of the Suez Canal. No engagements, blockading. Foreign Minister Davis, with guards, has gone to Cairo, Egypt.(Assuming that it's still the capital.))

2009-04-09, 12:06 PM
From the Jerusalem Post

Ben-Gurion Announces Massive Public Works

In a press conference early this morning, PM Ben-Gurion announced a massive public works project to improve the lot of the common Israeli, and to expand our economy to levels where we are actually a viable force in the world. While a lot of the project is dedicated to expansions of the kibbutz and moshav projects, which continue to produce the bulk of our food, the true heart of it is a massive boost to industry, focusing on precision electronic and mechanical manufacturing.

Also rumored to be in the works are a nation-wide public rail system, for both industrial and personal use.

Finally, the crown jewel of the program is said to be a small nuclear reactor built at the Weizmann Institute. This reactor, while too small scale to provide much in the way of power, is expected to act as a pilot project for a larger reactor which is hoped to completely end Israel's electrical shortages, and do so in a way that reduces dependence on potentially-hostile petroleum supplies, as well as providing a demonstration of the Israeli population's superior education and dedication to peace, harnessing the power of the atom in a constructive, rather than destructive, manner.

Point/Counter-Point: Iran
Point: We must intervene!
The recent Communist revolution in Iran is shocking and appalling. It is Israel's responsibility, to the world and to its own Persian citizens, to step in and help defend the legitimate government. Not only would such a move be the right thing to do, it would also benefit us. The Shah has historically been a great proponent of our state, and Iran remains the only other non-Arab force in the Middle East. With the recent fall of Egypt to radical revolutionaries, a rightfully governed Iran may be our only blanket against the Arab masses. Besides, there are Communist radicals in our own beloved nation, and taking a strong stance against them abroad will help to show them that we will have a sharp stance against them domestically, as well.
Counter-Point: Intervention goes against the principles of this nation
To intervene in the recent revolution in Iran would be incredibly hypocritical, as well as the height of foolishness. Our own nation is a free democracy, whereas the Shah ruled as a ruthless autocrat. That his people wish to depose him is proof of his incompetence. Even ignoring the grand hypocrisy of propping up a corrupt autocrat, there is also the issue that we simply cannot afford to become embroiled in a foreign war at this time. Children go hungry at night, and you wish to send them to fight someone else's war in someone else's land?

Dulles visits Israel!

US Foreign Secretary John Dulles recently visited Israel, apparently the harbinger of an incredibly generous aid package. Immigration Absorption Minister Shapira was famously so moved that he embraced the American, weeping openly. Though private sources suggest that any future American governments may not be so amenable, Ben-Gurion remains hopeful, pointing out that fully a third of Israelis were born in America, and that this gives our nations a bond that cannot be broken.

Editorial: What happened to neutrality?

Israel has recently signed large-scale trade agreements with Australia, Canada, and the United States. Sources in the Foreign Ministry say that a deal was recently sent out to India. Notice any omissions? If you thought, "The Soviet Union," you may not be as blind as our current government. In the years immediately following independence, our nation was careful to walk a path of neutrality between the two giants in the room. Now, however, that seems done; not only are we trading heavily with the three largest capitalist nations remaining, there are rumors that we are even to receive arms shipments from them! Part of this may be blamed on our new American, German, British and French citizens - Oh, apologies. We are all Israeli now, of course. Even those of our countrymen born in the Russian Empire or the USSR seem happy enough to effectively sever all ties with their nation of birth. Still, it seems foolish to me to so openly provoke a nation that is fully capable of wiping us off the map with scarcely a second thought.

Details pending on precise spending figures, but for now, trade allocations:
Canada: 4
Australia: 4
USA: 2

2009-04-09, 01:05 PM
Government of Canada Announces shift of Focus

Our peacekeepers in Europe report that the situation is more dire than originally thought. Airlifting of supplies is already underway to the harder-hit parts of Europe. We call upon the citizens of the world to join us in rescuing these regions from chaos, and Announce a new Initiative:

Operation Helping Hand

2:2 trade is offered to Britain (reducing trade with India, as it is the only currently unconfirmed trade)

2 trade is given as food supplies to be distributed without prejudice across Europe.

4 wealth is redirected from immigration to helping the Governments in these areas rebuild, with primary Focus given to Germany and Central Europe

We will be co-ordinating our effort with any who care to lend a hand.

We wish to recognize Spain for seeing this problem on the horizon, and taking early action.

We call on our neighbors to lend their assistance also. Distribution centers are being set up in the more troubled regions, and Canadian Troop support will be available as necessary to support the legitimate governments of Europe.

Moody the Wise
2009-04-09, 11:55 PM
January 3, 1954 – Pretoria, South Africa
Prime Minister Daniel François Malan makes a formal address to the country. He reads from his prepared remarks, and makes no eye contact with anyone in the assembled crowd. “The past few months have seen an unspeakable tragedy visited upon the world. The tragedy of which I speak is not the widespread use of nuclear weapons, but the degeneration of the White World. Northern Europe lies in ruins, a smoking crater. England may yet keep its feet, but still reels from the devastation wrought at the hands of the Asians. The dirty, poor refugees of Europe have flooded our country, and for all the dignity they command may as well be blacks.” Malan becomes visibly upset as he continues. “The ... future belongs to the darker races. But it is a future I will have no part in. As of this moment, I resign as Prime Minister. May God help you all.”
The next day, Malan boards a plane for England, intent on living out the rest of his bitter, miserable life in exile.

January 4, 1954 – South Africa
The country reels from the news of Malan's resignation. European immigrants flood the streets, bitter and angry over having been abandoned and insulted. Black South Africans flood the streets, their emotions ranging from confusion, anger, joy, liberation. The Afrikaners mostly stay in their houses, scared stiff of the mobs raging outside.

January 5-29, 1954 – South Africa
The chaos begins to subside. Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress manage to prevent much of the violence by organizing along non-violent means, heavily influenced by Gandhian satyagraha techniques. Communal violence declines drastically, as the increasingly organized black movement refuses to retaliate with violence.
A schoolteacher from Mogale, one Desmond Mpilo Tutu, is inspired by the actions of the ANC, and becomes an important figure in the movement, speaking to large crowds of people as if he were some kind of priest.

January 30, 1954 – Bloemfontein, South Africa
The ANC calls a congress to establish a new government. ANC leader Nelson Mandela is elected Prime Minister. A new South African constitution is drafted. Several important elements are discussed below:
Citizenship: All persons born in South Africa are legal citizens. Aliens may apply for citizenship after two years of residency and service to the state.
Legislature: The South African congress consists of only one house. Members are elected every two years, and may not serve consecutive terms.
Nationalized Industries: The South African Development Council, consisting of 13 members appointed by the Congress, is responsible for the direction of state-controlled industries, which include food, water, housing, energy, and transportation. It is for the SADC that aliens work to fulfill their citizenship requirements.

February 1, 1954 – Pretoria, South Africa
From the same podium that Malan had given his last speech as Prime Minister almost a month earlier, Mandela now gives his first. “All people of South Africa, I am proud to stand before you today in service. The last month has been difficult for us, but we have overcome. And we have overcome in the spirit of truth, and reconciliation, not violence. We stand today as a nation with many scars, but our scars are well on the way to healing. You are and always will be the first priority of this government, but even as we bandage our own wounds, we must begin to look outwards, to our African brothers and sisters that so desperately yearn to feel what we feel today. In the coming years, we will make South Africa a place where all can live and prosper, and we will lay the groundwork for all of Africa to be so. Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika!”

July 3, 1954 - Pretoria, South Africa

South Africa begins the first space program on the continent. The government explains that a competitive space program will be necessary to carry Africa into a new era. With so much of the government's efforts of the past months being devoted to economic and social reconstruction, and so much of it still being used in this manner, people can hardly complain about the excess of a space program.

OoC (Trade)
4:4 with Argentina (accepting an offer previously extended)
10:10 with Assorted Southern African Neighbors (defined as south of the Congo)
6:0 to closest neighbors (Besutoland [Lesotho], Southwestern Africa [Namibia], Southern Rhodesia [Zambia], Mozambique, Bechuanaland [Botswana], Swaziland)
Total given: 20
Total received: 14

OoC (Spending)
8 wealth to raise Civil from 5 to 9
10 wealth to raise Economy from 11 to 16
10 wealth to raise Space from 0 to 1
2 wealth to raise Tech from 8 to 9

2009-04-10, 12:30 AM
Diplomatic Victory?
Can our government make an agreement with the communists and hold face? I surely don't see how! After putting us all on war footing, why wold they back down now? Are they afraid of those forces that they were claiming able to crush? What is -really- going on in the Council Chambers?

(Redirect forces to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, willing to make concessions for five square miles of waterfront. Also ; See PM)

2009-04-10, 12:47 AM
Seeing that the Tibetan people remained silent to his offer of an alliance Chiang Kai-shek continued to recruit new soldiers to fight for the reunification of China with renewed vigor. He and his men campaigned across the land under nationalist control. He encouraged men and women young and old to fight for their land. His recruitment plan focused mainly on the peasantry, the poor, the homeless and the unemployed. Chiang promised everyone who fought along side his army that they would be paid in whatever means possible and receive food and shelter.

"We must prepare for the great war that is surely coming. The Tibetan people have rejected our request for an alliance and they have defeated the communists without formal aid from us. Although this is an admiral feat regardless of the help they received from the nuclear attack on the communists we must be prepared to fight them. They will surely attempt to conquer our land as well. The Tibetans may be a distinct society but they are still a minority within China. We, the Han, the descendants of the Dragon, make up the vast majority of the people in this great land. Many of the people on the side of Tibet are betraying their true heritage and country. At this point I would even accept the communists into our land. They at least understand the concept of a unified China run by the Chinese. I ask that anyone regardless of political, economic and religious beliefs join our cause to restore China to its rightful owners."-Chiang Kai-shek in a recent speech

2009-04-10, 01:23 AM
OOC: Am preparing to send 20% of my army (the infantry bits) as "volunteers" to China, they will be prepared to render all useful assistance. However, they will fight under the Republic of China flag and the Republic of Korea will disassociate itself from their actions.


Dear Yu Subin,

Thank you for your patriotic decision to volunteer for the Chinese Foreign legion, as the Republic of Korea recognizes that struggles that the Chinese nation is going through as it attempts to heal the wounds of the past, you are hereby granted a leave of absence from the Korean military for a period of one year. We look forward to your return to home in one years time and wish you luck in all of you...

Yu Subin stopped reading, "Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibal?! What is this? I never volunteered!"

2009-04-10, 02:23 AM


Australian Adventurism in the Middle East!

The Australian Grand Minister made a bold move recently, ordering a powerful Australian expeditionary force into the Red Sea. The fleet so far has set up blockades on traffic through the Suez Canal and menaced ports on the coast of Saudi Arabia.


Suez Blockade Disrupts World Economy

With trade through this vital artery cut off, major cracks appear in the global trade structure. Spain, North Africa, France, Italy, Turkey, Israel and Greece are hit particularly hard, as trade through the Mediterranean grinds to a halt.

Thousands Protest Australian Aggression

Protesters clog the streets of the Capital District in Australia, as native Australians and recent immigrants alike decry Australian interference in foreign affairs. "We just got out of a huge, world-ensnaring war," remarked one protester, "we need a government that does everything it can to avoid war!"

Egypt Nationalizes Suez Canal

In response to Australia's blockade, Nasser officially seized control of the canal from its British and other Western shareholders, citing naked aggression by the West.

Arab World Unites in Condemnation

In the UN and in embassies around the world, diplomats from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Syria and Lebannon all call for an immediate, UN-imposed halt to hostilities and withdrawal of Australian forces.

Crops Fail Throughout Northern Hemisphere

As snowpack melts throughout the northern hemisphere, radioactive and toxic contaminants that fell throughout the winter of 1954 enter the water cycle. This, coupled with nuclear winter causing an especially cold and gloomy summer, triggers a rapid die-off of much of the crops irrigated with rivers that contain significant snowmelt (read; all rivers in the temperate zones). Major shortfalls occur in Europe, Canada, China, the USSR, Central Asia, India, and the American Midwest.


Europe: Totally, completely screwed.
Spain: Needs to secure at least 2 trade with a food exporting nation to avoid significant famine. Loss of 5 trade output.
Canada: Self-sufficient, but not food exporting. Loss of 5 points of potential trade output.
USA: Self-sufficient, but not food exporting. Loss of 10 points of potential trade output.
Nationalist China: Major food shortages. Needs to secure at least 6 points of trade with a food-exporting nation. Loss of 3 points of trade output.
Tibet: Food shortages. Needs to secure at least 4 points of trade with a food exporter. Loss of 3 points of trade output.
Communist China: Major food shortages. Needs to secure at least 6 points of trade with a food exporter. Loss of 3 trade output.
Iran: Self-sufficient, but not food exporting. Loss of 5 points of trade potential.
USSR: No food grown locally. Needs to secure at least 2 points of trade with a food exporter. Loss of 2 points of trade output.
India: Food Shortages. Needs to secure at least 10 points of trade with a food exporter. Loss of 5 points of trade output.

Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Austraia, Indonesia, Venezuela, Colombia, Africa south of the Sahel, Southeast Asia.

Salk Announces Success of Polio Vaccine

Dr. Salk completed a successful vaccine for the scourge of the developed world today at the National Institute of Health's new campus in Dallas. A nationwide polio eradication campaign is set to begin shortly.

Rosa Parks Arrested, Martin Luther King Jr. Organizes Bus Boycott in Alabama

The spunky secretary of the NAACP in Montgomery refused to give up her seat on a bus, and was tried and convicted by an Alabama court. The NAACP in Montgomery has organized a bus boycott in the city, which has dramatically reduced revenue. Neither side has budged as of yet.

Eisenhower Dead!

Cancer claimed an American hero today, and thousands turned out in the streets of Denver for the president's funeral.

Taft Inaugurated

Eisenhower's VP, who he butted heads with repeatedly in the final year of his presidency, took the oath of office, waved to the crowd, turned, and signed the forms required to dismiss Secretary of Defense Richard Nixon and Secretary of State John F. Dulles.

For replacements, he selected South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond as Secretary of State, and Charles Erwin Wilson as secretary of Defense. Both were considered unusual picks, as Thurmond is a staunch Dixiecrat, and adamant segregationist (some would say racist), while Wilson is a major stockholder in General Electric.

Taft Proposes Comprehensive Space Program and Missile Research Agency

In a bill Taft pushed into congress through one of his contacts, he proposed a massive civillian research agency in partnership with the air force. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is set to begin work on rockets capable of launching orbiters shortly.

Communists Win Elections in Tibet

In Tibet's first elections since the Communists' surrender, the Communist Part of Tibet won a landslide victory as its better-funded (from mysterious sources) and educated politicians run roughshod over the other fledgling parties. In the next few months they institute a thorough Communist state.

Several Prominent South African Rocket Scientists Assassinated

The best and brightest of rocket scientists in South Africa (mostly Nazi refugees) suffered heavy casualties as a wave of assassinations ripped through Pretoria. No groups have claimed responsibility, and evidence is sparse.

Communist Insurgency in Cambodia, Laos

Partisans, probably from Vietnam, have shown up in the two nations bordering Ho Chi Minh's country and have begun armed campaigns against the existing governments. Both nations ask for help in the UN and their embassies throughout the capitalist world.

Taft Speaks on World Conflict

The president addresses the camera, wiping sweat from his forehead as he begins, "My fellow Americans, we have recently been in the two worst wars in human history, and we have emerged victorious. We beat the fascists, and then we beat the communists. What did our victory get us? Millions dead by atomic fire, decades lost in total war. No more. America is done being the world's policeman. God will sort them out."

2009-04-10, 02:43 AM

The Republic of Egypt is led by President Gamal Abdel Nasser. Having come to power with the independence of Egypt, the generous leader seems to have the best intentions of Egypt in mind. Under his benign rule, Egypt has steadily modernised over the last years.
In 1950, the Revolution Command Council came to power through a revolution. They made Egypt a republic and put Gamal Abdel Nasser to power as President. There was a three-year transitional period during which the RCC ruled, after which elections were held and Gamal Abdel Nasser won the elections. Just before the elections a law was passed granting women the right to vote for the first time in Egyptian history. Serving his second term as leader of Al-Ittihad Al-Qawmi party, the National Union, popularity of the ruler is currently high.

Arab World

Over the last years, President Gamal Abdel Nasser has put in a lot of effort to form greater relations between Egypt and the rest of the Arab World. Through his efforts, he propagates the idea for the unification among people and countries of the Arab World into one nation, this movement is Pan-Arabism. Trying to establish himself as leader of Arab nationalism, over the years and into this year, Gamal Abdel Nasser seeks contact with the following nations for improved political relations: Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Yemen. He will pay them a visit if possible or sent ministers for negotiations and closer relations.

Not surprisingly, it is with these nations that Egypt seeks to trade, to solidify relations and aid. President Nasser also encourages the nations to improve trade between nations of the Arab world. Lending his support towards Arab nationalists in Egypt as well as the other nations, President Nasser hopes to bring a greater sense of cohesion to the Arab World. To this end, he has held speeches, which have also been broadcasted on one of the latest technological sensations: television.


Trade: Giving 14: Receiving 0 as of yet

[Offering 14 trade throughout the Arab world at a 1:1 ratio. Of specific interest are Syria, Libanon, Libya, Sudan and Saudi-Aurabia.]

Aswan Dam Planning

An ambitious plan to dam the Nile again, the Aswan High Dam Project is meant to provide Hydro Electricity and tame the Nile. Its seasonal flooding is different each year, meaning that without a dam one year it can flood crops and endanger the lives of those living close to the Nile and the other year it can leave crops to dry. There is already a dam in place, but that Aswan Dam almost overflowed in 1946. The Aswan High Dam would be built 6 kilometer upriver and planning is currently underway. However, it is only planning so far. The funds are not there yet and the current Suez Crises has drawn away the attention of the government.

Nationalisation of the Suez Canal

In response to Australia's blockade, Nasser officially seized control of the canal from its British and other Western shareholders, citing naked aggression by the West. Egyptian forces have had the hand in the nationalization of the Canal. All assets of the Suez Canal Company had been frozen, and that stockholders have been paid the price of their shares according to the day's closing price.

Australian Tensions

Egypt is shocked and dismayed by the actions of Australia. Not only the government, but the populace is taken by this action. As one of the nations that called for ceasefire in the Third World War, it is shocking to see a nation like Australia to seek out conflicts only two years after a World War. One Egyptian Minister, Abdul Rahman, was noted for saying: “A nation develops an atomic weapon, is located far from the Third World War conflict region and now it looks for conflict? It seems like we are not the only ones affected by nuclear radiation.” While receiving heavy criticism for this statement, Abdul Rahman suffered no further consequences.

The origin of Australia is hardly forgotten either. Many see not Australia, but Britain behind this action. Having become independent from Britain, to see the army of basically a Britain colony almost literally on their doorsteps angers the Egypt nation throughout. It is as if the child comes under a thinly veiled order from its parent. With the many Britain immigrants in Australia, this seems a likely cause as well. In a newspaper article the comment “Australia, the new Britain?” seems to have gained traction amongst the populace.

Presidential speech

A public announcement was made by President Nassar. It would find its way in newspapers and even television, but mostly the masses of people whom had gathered in the plazas of Cairo to hear him speak. The charismatic President Nasser spoke to a public, looking serious and determined.

“This world lives in a chaotic and hectic time. A dark period lies behind us, where weapons of mass destruction were used without restraint. Even we can see the effects from here and experience it. In this dark time, we must unite and look out for each other. Not just as Egyptians must we take care of each other, but as Arabs. We have rid ourselves of the chains of colonisation, together, and we must cherish the freedom we now have. No longer do we have to live under the corrupt rules of people not even living on this continent. We live together, strong and determined as a people.

Despite the adversaries and obstacles we had to face, we have come out together, ushering in a new era where we can rebuild and prosper. Yet already, there are those seeking to undermine our Arabic values and cultural history. Invaders from the west, thinking they could take land for themselves without care. And now the servants of those who chained us for too long have arrived. The forces of Australia stand before us, threatening with its mere presence. It seeks to take away the property rightfully ours and lay upon us the chains we have cast aside from our previous corrupt oppressors. Their forces lay before the Suez Channel, but I will say to you now that we will not stand for this!

I call upon the Arab World to lend its assistance, to show that we are free and independent! I call upon the Arab World to show an act of unity and of defiance! We will not be intimidated by their display of force, nor their arsenal in wait! We will not tolerate the presence of those who seek to chain us and thus we say: Leave now, Australia!

I call upon each of you, fellow citizens of the Egypt Republic, here and now! Stand vast with us! Our roots are deep and our hearts are strong! Like the desert, our might is fierce and unwavering!”

Call for reinforcements

As per the Presidential speech, the neighbouring countries and other countries considered part of the Arab World are contacted. As the Australian diplomats move, phone conversations are being held with foreign forces to ask for aid against this foreign threat seeking to lay colonisational claim once more from Britain origin. It is time for the Arab World to unite and show that they are a force of their own as well. A force ready to stand on the same level as the powers of today, the Southern Hemisphere powers, as well as the USA and USSR.

As the Australian ships are stationed outside of the Suez Canal, their radars do pick up signals soon. Inside the Suez Canal and in the nearby waters, a large portion of the Egyptian fleets are amassing. The Army and its artillery stands ready near the coasts while airships land on nearby airports. While the Egyptian forces remain outside of firing range of both forces and no engagements are being made, it is obvious that the Australian forces are not welcome.

[Stationing part of the army near or in Suez Canal.]

Success obtained in unification - Arab World Unites in Condemnation

With the increased relations with its neighbours, it is not surprising that the Arab World shows a clear sign of unification. In the UN and in embassies around the world, diplomats from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Syria and Lebannon all call for an immediate, UN-imposed halt to hostilities and withdrawal of Australian forces.

A letter published in a public Egyptian newspaper

“It seems that Australia is intent on introducing war on this short term after the Third World War. Has the Third World War not ended to prevent further nuclear devastation? But already, one who has called for the cease fire in such a global conflict sees before it the power of the nuclear weapon and hastens to make use of its threat. In such an unstable world after a great conflict and crisis, a country who has had no effects from it seeks to exploit the current state of the world.

Are we, as world, ready to see such atrocities commence again? Do the countries of the world not realise that this obvious display of arrogance, domination and aggression from Australia is a threat to world stability? Ready to wage a war this soon after developing a nuclear weapon must mean that it will soon be ready to use that same weapon as well. Who will be the first victim to fall to the new nuclear threat?”

Australian Retreat?

The newspapers clearly show that the Australian forces have retreated in the Red Sea. Still a clear threat and disruptive of the economy, speculations are abound about the cause of this action. Are the Australians retreating or do they have other goals in mind? The consensus is clear though; the Australians still have to leave.

Australian Diplomats taken in with suspicion

The Australian diplomats have been allowed to enter negotiations, but an atmosphere of suspicion surrounds them. They are allowed to have their say in this grievous matter.

2009-04-10, 02:52 AM
A formal letter arrives on the Austrailian Prime Ministers desk, from the Prime Minister of India.

Due to severe food shorteges in india, I come to you now begging for the grain needed to keep my nation from starving. As we speak, starving farmers and food shortages threaten to cause one of the few bastions of Capitalism in the Middle East to fall. Therefore, I beg of you to supply us with the food needed to keep our people alive. In exchange, I will offer you the suppourt of all of my Naval forces, but I ask that you allow the nation of Israel to send its ships through.

Yours Truly,
Rajendra Prasad

OOC- Requesting a 10:5 trade with Austrailia for full Naval suppourt. Will be given suppourt of 4 worth of ground forces if Israel's ships are allowed to pass through the canal without hinderance.

2009-04-10, 09:11 AM
Israel Decries Suez Seizure!

PM David Ben-Gurion gave a speech today regarding the situation on our doorstep. In it, he condemned Egypt's seizure of the canal as, "The sort of naked greed civilized countries had come to accept from King Farouk," but added that he hoped that, "...Any [democratically elected] government will hold itself to a higher standard." He also added that while Australia's apparent adventurism is somewhat alarming, it is also completely justified: until WWIII, Suez was home to an 80,000 strong British garrison. Even today, the Suez Canal Corporation is held almost entirely by British citizens, the majority of whom have immigrated to Australia. Though there were no open words of conflict, Ben-Gurion's speech seemed to imply heavily that Israel would be willing to provide military and logistic support to the Australian military in the event of conflict; this conclusion may be strengthened by the recent shipments of brand-new jet fighters, apparently received from Sydney.

Silver Coin
2009-04-10, 11:00 AM
Kremlin Announces Projects to Improve Living Standards

"A significant amount of the government's resources would be devoted to ensure the security of the Soviet people. It is our hope that within 5 years, every citizen in the Soviet Union will have access to safe drinking water and better public health care. We will also be embarking on a project to construct fallout shelters capable of surviving nuclear blasts in case of another Nuclear conflict." - Nikita Kruschev in a recent public address.

Will Where be War?

Regarding the escalating situation in the Middle-east, the Kremlin has yet to issue an official comment but it is know that troop activities in Kazakhstan. Speculations run wild on what this means.

Construction of Trans-Siberian Railway

The Kremlin has recently announced the construction of a trans-Siberian railway, as well as an oil pipeline to bring in oil from more remote sections of the Soviet Union. This is regarded as the first step in making the Soviet Union a cohesive economic body. This mega project is predicted to span 7 years though the economic benefits could be huge.

Full Bellies at Last?

In a recent statement by the Kremlin, it has been revealed that the Soviet Union is currently negotiating with several food exporting nation in an attempt to prevent a famine. Little is know about the current state of discussions

OOC: So there you have it. 14 points in Economy and 10 points into Civil (3 on water, 4 on health, 3 on shelters). Still waiting for the NPCs to reply...Especially Vietnam

Trade offers:

Brazil: 4:4
South Africa: 4:4

Change of offer to Iran to 10:10

2009-04-10, 01:01 PM
After hearing and seeing the famine first hand that his people and neighboring countries were going through Chiang Kai-shek did not give up hope but believed he must take drastic efforts to ensure the safety of his people.

To Korea:
"I regret to inform you but I must already cancel most of our trade agreements before they even come into effect because all of China has been struck with a great famine and I need support from a nation that can immediately send help.

I am going to contact Australia for aid. If its leader really wants to help in the fight against the communists it should be willing to help my cause.

I will also ask India for military support. I suggest trying to trade with it.
I believe we should try to form an alliance between ourselves and Australia and India since they are also anticommunist nations."

To Australia:
"Although other countries may have already requested aid from you or began regular trade relations but I hope you will put some of them aside for now because my people are in great need of help.

All of China has been struck with famine and the communists have once again become the dominant force in my land. If you truly wish to protect the world or at least your own people from the threat of the communist your aid is crucial now.

If my people survive this famine while the communists starve we may be able to reclaim our land soon. India may have already asked for your assistance but my people are at war with the largest communist force in the world. The mere existence of my free unconquered land despite being surrounded by communist forces is an attack against them. I do not ask that you send military aid. I only want to a stable source of food so that my people can continue to fight for their freedom.

I will be asking India for military assistance. If it wants to protect itself from communist influences it should be willing to fight the active threat bordering them.

I suggest all three of our nations should form an anti communist alliance to defend ourselves along with Korea."

To India:
"I must formally ask you for military support. My people are unlikely to win against the communist forces within China. We are the last bastion of democracy. I ask that you help us fight against communist China because it is our mutual enemy. If it manages to take my land it may soon be after yours. The soviets will definitely try aid them one way or another.

If we strike together now we may be able to defeat them soon with the help of the famine they are experiencing. My land is also struck with severe crop shortages but I am asking Australia for assistance. You may also be seeking help from Australia but it can help us both.

I suggest an alliance between all three of our nations and Korea to defend against the communist China and Russia."

OOC: I am requesting 6:6 trade with Australia and keeping 2:2 trade with Korea.

2009-04-10, 02:15 PM
Assisting our nieghbors'; an editorial
Despite the blundering of our Council in thier military actions, and the cries of the Arab world that our military is planning to deploy atomic weapons once more, we've found ourselves giving out aid and food supplies to those who need it most, and though our own unemployment problem is just being solved, the goverment has proved itself mindful of other nations.

Taking India's offer, and allowing Australian Allied ships through the Red Sea (European, Indian, Israeli). Also, donating 4 points of wealth to Nationalist China, and accepting the 6:6 trade.

An excrept from a community newspaper, a suspect communist writer.

Greater Australia, for who?
The capitalists are sitting in thier offices, watching the working man toil to build the new factories, so that they can continue to line thier pockets and send more ships into this ill-begotten conflict. Can we knowingly enter another war so quickly? And is it a Australian interest, or is it the old British ways and lords that are pushing this, as they did in the past. Australia may claim independance, but look at the prominent members of society, and thier roots.

2 points on Economy, altered due to realization of spending rules. :smallsigh:

Boall shook his newspaper, as he turned away from the scathing editoral that it contained, and calmly began reading the sports. "Ah, Councilman Radager? I suppose your here with a proposal?"

The other man inclined his head slightly, "Yes, the world Olympics have fallen into disarray since the Third World War, I was thinking..." "Thinking, what exactly?"

Radager dropped a filefolder onto the polished desk. "We should get in touch with the other democratic nations, and arrange the next Olympic games."

Lakewood relaxed in the command deck of the Slate, the newest, and largest, aircraft carrier that was just launched from the Naval docks, "Well," He sighed, reading an Egyptian newspaper, "They're trying to claim we're bringing atomic weapons into this... And if I'm reading this right, they've siezed the Canal."

A reporter scratched the page with his pen as he took notes, already having flipped over two sheets, "What exactly do you plan on responding with?" Lakewood smiled.

Pulling back to the enterance of the Red Sea, still blockading, except as previously noted. Moving another 2 points of Navy to meet them.

Project Thor?
From undisclosed sources, it has been released that there is a secret project that is being, at least partially, funded in Canada. There has been mail going to and from Sydney and Ottawa at a regular basis, though there is no defenitive proof of what exactly this project is. An offiical, who is keeping his name disclosed, said "When it's complete, you'll know it. We're really reaching for the stars in this one." Wether he was being figurative or literal, we will soon know.

As per previous agreement, spending 10 points (or 9.5 if Africa's counts), for 1 point of Space, and transferring it to Canada.


Cambodian Assistance
We've heard from a local Air Commander that a squadron of jets, and a regiment of troops have been moved to Cambodia for a short campaign. Grand Minister Boall has sent out requests for the other democratic nations of the world to send assistance to this troubled nations.

Move 1 Air, and 1 Army to Cambodia to assist thier local military, the jets running regular partols along the boarder.

2009-04-10, 04:33 PM

Israel's Decry falls to deaf ears

The government seems to ignore the Israeli statement, though the populace and press seem to use the opportunity to ridicule the state and lay down criticism. Israel's statement of standards is immediately thrown back into its face by one of the Egyptian critics, Bakari Maburak: "How dare they talk about standards if they have none? They have settled in land that does not belong to them." Quickly after, he addressed their statement concerning the Suez Canal "..the Israeli sense of justification is a non existent sense, as proven by their presence. All others can clearly see that it is the Egyptians who are the rightful owners of the Suez Canal. We are an independent people now, liberated from the Britain rule. And now Australia comes in force? I am confident our government will not let the Britains, this time in the form of the Australian forces, dominate us again." And this sentiment rings true throughout the Egyptian populace.

Suez Canal receives ships once more, just not Israeli

As the Australian blockade is lifted for ships of European and Indian origin, these find unrestricted access through the Suez Canal, as long as they pay the usual fee for passage through the Suez Canal. Those ships meant for or from Israel are still withheld passage through the Suez Canal.

Continued Modernisation

The last years, under the benign rule of President Nasser, the Republic of Egypt has steadily modernised. This modernisation continues throughout this year, especially in regards to communication. Television and telephone access are improved, further developed and invested in amongst the general populace. Amongst the military, enhanced means for direct communication have been used and several armaments see improvements as a number of the existing equipment is refined and improved. Technologies that had made their entry in Egypt before are now embraced in greater amount and see greater investments.

[Invest 2 wealth towards Tech.]

2009-04-10, 05:25 PM

Mexico Pledges Support for a Prosperous Europe!

The Mexican government has sent troops and humanitarian aid to the European continent. This presence is mostly concentrated on Germany, one of Europe's most troubled and starving regions.

The Mexican forces will participate in reconstruction efforts, will distribute food and other necessities, and shall overall offer aid in any way they can. Where necessary, marshal law will be enacted until order can be restored.

The Mexican troops will not participate in any large conflicts, but will fight against and insurgents or militants that interfere.

"The chaotic situation in Europe has long troubled the people of Mexico," a spokesman for the National Palace said, "and many are glad that we're finally stepping in to help. This is truly a unique time: Europe is being reshaped, and we, the people of Mexico, will be taking part in its being remade."

(Send 2 Army, 2 Navy, 3 Trade to Germany)

2009-04-10, 06:06 PM
Late 1955 to early 1956



Presidential Race Begins!

Early in the Republican primary process, it becomes clear that Taft is unlikely to receive the nomination, as the wildly popular Joseph McCarthy was in the running, and had already selected a running mate; Richard Nixon. In late '55, Taft officially announces his switch in partisanship to the Democrats, following many of his voters (the isolationists) into that camp.

What follows is a bitter campaign with more mudslinging than ever before in American politics. McCarthy and Nixon do their best to portray Taft and Thurmond as cowards and closet communists, while Taft/Thurmond repeatedly throw the casualties and ruin associated with World war three and the policy of containment in the Republicans' faces.

Crocodiles Nab Saboteurs!

Several Australian nationals were apprehended in the reservoir of the Aswan dam, after guards on the dam were attracted by a large amount of screaming and gunfire; Nile crocodiles in the reservoir had attacked scuba divers as they attempted to sabotage the dam, and their comrades were attempting to free the mauled soldiers from the jaws of the sneaky reptiles. Egyptian authorities have detained the saboteurs.

Rockets Hit Australian Ships in Bab-el-Mandeb

Rockets fired from the Yemeni side of the 20-mile wide channel impacted an arriving carrier group in early January, sinking two destroyers and totaling the carrier's catapult system. The carrier cannot launch planes, and will most likely be ordered back to port for repairs. Australian air patrols locate a camouflaged, abandoned rocket site, using WW2-surplus short-range Soviet rocket launchers. No party has claimed responsibility.

Iran Releases Info About Proposed Indian Nuclear Trade

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who came to power after he coined an Islam-based permutation of Communism and overthrew the Shah, released communications between himself and Rajendra Prasad, prime minister of India. In them, Prasad offers nuclear secrets in exchange for very large sums of Irani oil.

"This is yet another example of the godlessness and greed of the West," Khomeini said in a press release, "when an elected official offers to hawk technology that devastated half of Allah's creation like some kind of common trinket, something is fundamentally wrong with that government."

Unrest in India!

Protesters march on the Indian capital of New Delhi in response to the news, and demand Prasad's resignation. Various legal challenges originate at all levels of the court system, and the legislative process grinds to a halt as Indian politicians do their best to distance themselves from Prasad.

Civil War in Southeast Asia

With the addition of Australian air patrols, the insurgency in Cambodia breaks out into all-out civil war. The nationalists have an advantage in technology and numbers, but guerrillas continue to stream across the border from Vietnam.

Tensions High in China

With the recent alliance between Korea and Nationalist China, Communist China and Tibet have both redoployed forces to better guard their border with the Nationalists, and have begun entrenching. Communist China officially opened an embassy in Tibet's capital, and vice versa, normalizing diplomatic relations between the two nations. Both have also asked to set up embassies in Omsk, and await the USSR's response.


Mongolia agrees to the USSR trade proposal, but Ho Chi Minh's ambassadors have some qualifications; see the PM.

Moody the Wise
2009-04-10, 06:53 PM
Pretoria, South Africa

Prime Minister Mandela calls a summit of Southern African [south of the Congo] leaders. The summit is convened for the purpose of renegotiating trade deals in order to feed the world (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoJf-9j2kNs) [totally anachronistic, and more than a little ironic], since all of the Southern African countries have food surpluses. Mandela promises to the other leaders that South Africa will not renege on any of its established trade deals without finding corresponding deals for its neighbors.

Up to 20 points of food exports are available. Any country that requires food and is willing to trade at a 1:1 ratio is given however much it needs. The rest is traded between South Africa and the other Southern African countries. The U.S.S.R.'s outstanding 4:4 request is approved, pending the agreement of the other leaders. [After all PCs have been given a shot at it, I'll offer it to any starving NPC nations]

After the food requests have all been dealt with, Mandela suggests to the summit members that they establish a permanent body to resolve similar issues in the future. He offers to host the Southern African Mutual Aid League in Bloemfontein.


South Africa opens its doors even wider to European emigration. Recognizing that those who most badly need to leave have no means to leave, South Africa sends naval vessels and several army divisions to Europe, offering free passage to South Africa for any who wish to leave Europe before they starve. The army is in charge of maintaining order on the ground throughout the mission. Mandela has pledged to leave nobody behind who does not want to stay, and the mission will make as many trips back and forth as necessary. All refugees are informed before boarding of the duties involved in gaining SA citizenship, but reminded that they will be taken care of in SA and will not go hungry.
8 units of SA Navy and 2 units of Army participate in this mission

Bloemfontein, South Africa

Mandela establishes a special commission called the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The task of the commission is to bring to light and record objectively all that happened under apartheid. The TRC is also empowered to grant amnesty to those who testify before it in exchange for community service. According to a speech by Mandela marking the founding of the TRC, "It is important that we, as a people, recognize and remember what we have experienced. We must illuminate even the darkest corners of our history. But when all has been brought to light, we must move forward. Let us look not to the past for retribution but to the future for redemption." Mandela also makes it clear that he will not allow any foreign power to extradite residents of South Africa for any reason. "If a man commits a crime and flees your country, do not follow him to South Africa. He is our problem now - be glad you are rid of the problem, and move on. For our part, we will deal with our new problem - as always, in the spirit of truth and reconciliation."

2009-04-10, 08:13 PM
To help with food problems Miraz urges the people of Spain to have a two day fast I myself will be trying to find us a food supplier but for now I will be forced to pull back our forces in Europe but next year we will return to fix this mess. On a different note I am deploying 5 fleets and 2 of our air fleets to remove any remaining Australians from somewhere they don't belong

2009-04-10, 11:05 PM
Wealth after trade and upkeep: 9.5(-3from crop failure+4from Australian aid-1 from giving 1 wealth back)
Wealth spent: 8
Wealth Left: 1.5
How much wealth spent on what:
Army: 8
My description is my previous post about recruiting everyone possible:

Seeing that the Tibetan people remained silent to his offer of an alliance Chiang Kai-shek continued to recruit new soldiers to fight for the reunification of China with renewed vigor. He and his men campaigned across the land under nationalist control. He encouraged men and women young and old to fight for their land. His recruitment plan focused mainly on the peasantry, the poor, the homeless and the unemployed. Chiang promised everyone who fought along side his army that they would be paid in whatever means possible and receive food and shelter.

"We must prepare for the great war that is surely coming. The Tibetan people have rejected our request for an alliance and they have defeated the communists without formal aid from us. Although this is an admiral feat regardless of the help they received from the nuclear attack on the communists we must be prepared to fight them. They will surely attempt to conquer our land as well. The Tibetans may be a distinct society but they are still a minority within China. We, the Han, the descendants of the Dragon, make up the vast majority of the people in this great land. Many of the people on the side of Tibet are betraying their true heritage and country. At this point I would even accept the communists into our land. They at least understand the concept of a unified China run by the Chinese. I ask that anyone regardless of political, economic and religious beliefs join our cause to restore China to its rightful owners."-Chiang Kai-shek in a recent speech

Left Over Wealth: 1.5

Trade: <Giving>: <Receiving>
Australia: 5 : 6 (I'm giving Australia 1 wealth back from the 4 aid it gave me so it's as if we were trading at 6:6)

If India sends troops to help me I will attack the rest of China before the end of this turn.

To Australia:
"You are truly a man of your word. My people have certainly received more than enough support to outlast the famine. With your great act of kindness I assure you that you have made a great future ally.

I do not wish to ask for too much but I have one final request, I would greatly appreciate it if you asked India to send as many troops as it believes it can safely spare to assist me. Right now I believe any air support would make a tremendous difference in my fight. All of China currently lacks air power. If India sends its air force I believe I will be able to defeat the communist threat and silence the Tibetan unrest in one swift attack. I will also ask India myself for support. Korea will be supporting my offensive as well."

To India:
"I would like to inform you that Australia has graciously provided my people aid necessary to outlast the famine they are currently experiencing. Korea will back my attack as well.

Since Australia has chosen to support both our nations I further ask that you send troops to help attack the communist and Tibetan forces so that together we can put an end to this terrible civil war.

I guarantee that should you help my people all of China will be your ally in the future. What I need most is air support because most of China lacks air power but any support will be a huge asset. If you send many of your air units you will easily rule the skies and keep casualties to a minimum. If my forces and the Koreans attack from the east and your men attack from the west we will surely catch our enemies by surprise."

To Korea:
"I know that you wish to only send your infantry but any air assistance will be extremely helpful. Australia has offered enough aid for my people to withstand the famine and if India supports me with its forces we will be able to bring all of my opposition down in one great strike. I will notify you if India comes through. Once we win I will make sure that your people get the land your ancestors rightfully owned returned to them."

2009-04-11, 12:41 AM
OOC: due to the presence of US forces in Korea wouldn't there be a lot of trade already taking place? Can I take a 6:6 trade relationship with the USA as a given or do I have to negotiate it?

Republic of Korea

Wealth after trade and upkeep: 5.25
Wealth spent: 4
How much wealth spent on what:
Spy: 2
See my first IC post, am building up my spy forces as a domestic secret police force.
Civil: 2
See my first IC post, am using my secret police force to launch an anti-corruption campaign

Nationalist China : 2:2
USA: 3:3 (proposed)
Mexico 3:3
Military orders: send a portion of my army (a strength of 1 in game terms) to Nationalist China as a "volunteer" force. It will take part in any military actions that Nationalist China takes part in until it is recalled to Korea.

2009-04-11, 01:05 AM
Prime Minister Rajendra Prasad now stands at a press conference. The nation's rage now was brought against him, as famine brought communism to his door. He began accepting questions.

"Minister Prasad, what motives did you have in attempting to agree to nuclear proliferation with Iran?"

"So quickly to the point." Rajendra said, chuckling "The theology behind my attempt to spread nuclear force within the middle east is a combination of previous nuclear tactics. MAD, Imperialism, the studies of Counterforce, Countervalue and the Decapitating strike. The summary of it is as follows: Given the nuclear power of middle eastern countries, we are all incredibly vulnerable to tactical nuclear strikes from either of the world superpowers. Due to this fact, nations have to latch themselves to either superpower, to communism or capitalism. Even when one or two of us has moderate nuclear power, the lack of silos spread along a vast area, otherwise a single nuclear strike would destroy our negotiating power. The incentive of nations to have nuclear weapons is not in their use, you see, but in their disuse. If India has the bomb, the USA and USSR might still strike against us. But if all of the middle east has the bomb, never will the superpowers meddle in our affairs. Never again will supplies be squandered on guns and tanks, but used to feed our people and allow us to prosper. Why do you think America and Russia are so powerful? They hold vast amounts of land without internal unrest. With this intent I offered Nuclear power to Iran, so that we would not be used as puppets against each other. But if Iran wants to be a tool of the Ruskis in their passive agressive combat, I hold no regret."

"What are you going to do about the recent failure in crops?"

"In exchange for alliance with Austrailia, India has been given significant amounts of food supplies to ensure that we will be able to procure food. Within three weeks, the first aid from Austrailia will come into India."

This announcement brings resounding cheers from the mobs of farmers and workers. They are quick to turn from communism as only their growling stomachs brought them there in the first place.

"What is the news on the Suez Canal?"

"We are mobilising naval forces and ground troops into Egypt. They have monopolized their trade power in the Canal and used it to drain the lifeblood from Israel. I have commited a significant amount of our Naval and ground forces to Egypt. However, Nationalist China is also in need of military aid if it is to survive all of the enemies at its gates. It is with that in mind that I commit some of our navy and air forces into China. I also request that Japan assist with its navy.

+6 navy and +5 ground into Egypt
+5 Air and +5 Navy to Nationalist China

2009-04-11, 02:22 AM
A letter to Miraz
Our ships have recently ceased the blockade of European based ships, and we are willing to offer a supply of trade and foodstuffs in order to maintain a proper relationship.

(2:2 trade.)


Supplies to Israel

Early one Monday morning a trio converted Halifax bombers landed on Israeli airstrips, holds filled with supplies. A telegraph soon accompanies them ;

"We apologize for the delay in supply." STOP "We hope this will help you with the upkeep of our noble allies." STOP "I shall be speaking with the Prime Minister of India later this afternoon, in a hope to have our countries cooperate in this matter, and to help the peacekeeping efforts of Canada and Spain in Europe." STOP

Airdrop 2 Wealth worth of foodstuffs.

In pro-government newspapers across the country...

We have been attacked!

That's right, rocket strikes from unconfirmed sources have been fired upon our ships as they maintained harbour to the Red Sea, extensive damage was taken on two of our destroyers, resulting in the loss of hundreds. The Mayweather, one of our fine Carriers, has been damaged and is returning to docks for minor repairs. Lakewood has pushed forward, and there is rumor of massive bombing runs made in retaliation.

4 points of air (the last point being trapped on the damaged carrier) make bombing runs on Egyptian Airfields. (See below) The ships take full steam toward the entrance of the Canal, and enter combat with the shoreside (Also, see below.)

Dozens of fighters escort heavy bombers across the skies of the middle-east, and search out any visible Egyptian airfields, dropping carpet bombs, 500-pounders and spraying the buildings with heavy caliber machinegun fire. Sevral of the bombers make close-to-ground runs on known airfields, and concentrate the payloads on hangars.

The battlegroup moves full steam toward the canal, cruisers leading the move akin to a calvary charge of old, blasting massive shells through the early morning air toward anything that looks vaguely fortified along thier way.

Troops that had been dropped off earlier that night move up, infantry gathered around tanks and halftracks, with smaller armoured scout-cars rolling in the lead as they moved up the western bank of the Red Sea, seeking to engage Egyptian batteries that would threaten the ships.


"Our scientists want funding, they have a new project in mind, but it's going over thier usual yearly budget." Minister Mallenburg had stopped Boall in the hallway outside the Council Chambers, "This needs your signature in order to preceed..."

Boall scanned it, "We still need to feed our people, build hardware for this conflict, and improve the infrastructure... where am I supposed to find funding for this?"

"Well... Seeing as our trade was fair, I was thinking about dedicating some of that surplus toward this, instead of letting it build in the treasury."

"Fine. Just get out of my face."

Mallenburg smiled, "Don't worry sir, these missles are garunteed to be a hit. Literally."

2 wealth on Tech, Missles/radar guided. Altered due to realization of spending rules. :smallsigh:

An excrept for the Sydney Spinner ;
Communist Cambodia?
Our troops have been fighting with amazing precision and tact in the foreign land, trying to help the current government survive agains the wave of communists, and despite thier best efforts at not causing any unwarranted damage, recent reports tell of light bombing in overrun Cambodian towns.

Air begins bombing runs on the Guerllia forces, Army continues holding with the Cambodian.


An editorial released from a southern-Australia paper, The Spring.
Our government hasn't had enough suffering of people in the past years, and now instead of putting a full fund toward the betterment of our country, they find it nessecary to go romping into unfriendly territory and trying to lay down laws as if this was colonial days. WAKE UP, Boall!

The 1 point of Army remaining in Australia is now dedicated not only to protecting the boarders with the navy, but watching for any violent communist-activists in the cities. Mostly police forces involved in this. Also ; dedicate 1 point of Spy to rooting out anti-democratic cells.

2009-04-11, 03:26 AM

Egypt thanks our crocodiles

A special act of gratitude has been made towards the Egyptian crocodiles, stating that “..even they have the best for Egypt in thought..” after their action to stop a sabotage action from Australian origin. The saboteurs had attempted to sabotage the Aswan Dam, an act of grievous and malicious intent. The same saboteurs are under close guard at this time, being interrogated.

The Australian Offence

President Nassar once again holds a speech, directed at its country and the Arab World.
“The veil has been undone and the Australians reveal themselves as the enemy of our prosperous country. They have already launched their attack as we speak, but know that we will fight! We will not face oppression again and our actions are just!

Guided by Britain ambition, Australia has launched its offence not just to us, but towards the Arab World! It can not tolerate the independence we have gained in Egypt, but also in the Arab World. Still licking up to the boots of its beaten oppressor, trying to take its place in the world, it reacts in even greater aggression.

And with them is India, a country claiming that it has to side with capitalism or communism. It is afraid of nuclear devastation and has sought to introduce nuclear power in Iran, hoping to see another nuclear superpower emerge who can stand against either side. Iran has bravely brought out this news and I agree with Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini sentiments. He stated that when an elected official offers to hawk technology that devastated half of creation like some kind of common trinket, something is fundamentally wrong with that government.

I stand against this black and white view of the world. There is not just capitalism and communism which govern the world. I say we must stand together and show that there is room for other forces. And I tell you right here and now, that there is another force, another side in this world. It has emerged here and around us. It is the Arab World, which we are tied into and a part of. If we stand together, release the feuds between us and unite as one common force, we can change the world for a better place!

Whether you are Sunni, Sufi, Christian or part of any other religion, whether you live in Egypt, Sudan or anywhere else in the Arab World, you are still Arab. We share common cultural roots, we are neighbours and we are more than friends. We are a people!

And now Australia has attacked that form of people. Our enemies manifest anew and we must face them. Let us not face them merely as Egyptians, but let us face them as the Arab people we are, let us face them together and show our true spirit!”

Egyptian Defence

As the first signals of the Australian Offence come into show, the Egyptian army, navy and airforce gear up and retaliate. Not all national forces are dedicated to this fight, standing ready to stand against Indian and Israeli attacks. While the planes of the first airport to be bombed would not be able to stand up against the Australian force, soon the sky is filled with Egyptian fighters from other airports. The bombers try to relocate away from the Australian force. The majority of the fighters groups together and when the group arrives at another airport, they launch a counter offence. Ground forces have been gathered and stationed to assault the incoming air troops while the fighter forces try to flank the large force flying through the sky. Their goal is to take out the fighters, after which the bombers will be easy pickings.

Batteries are set up along the Red Sea and near the Suez Canal to meet the Australian Navy, which is only getting closer. They are protected by the Egyptian Army, but the Egyptians do not wait for the Australian Army to clean up. Trying to catch the Australian Army without naval support, they launch a large scale assault from several flanks, using greater numbers and with artillery support to demolish this force. This way, the Australian Navy will already be able to be weakened by the Egyptian batteries when it meets up with the Egyptian Navy, which will be heavily supported by artillery fire. Ideally, the aerial strike will be struck back before this meet up, after which the Egyptian bombers can strike escorted at the naval force together with the Egyptian Navy and Artillery.

During this defence, Egypt will be putting a lot in gear to make sure that foreign support will get the proper aid to merge seamlessly in the fight. Surprisingly, amongst the forces repelling Australia are Spanish fleets and planes.

2009-04-11, 03:57 AM
Egyptian Defence

As the first signals of the Australian Offence come into show, the Egyptian army, navy and airforce gear up and retaliate. Not all national forces are dedicated to this fight, standing ready to stand against Indian and Israeli attacks. While the planes of the first airport to be bombed would not be able to stand up against the Australian force, soon the sky is filled with Egyptian fighters from other airports. The bombers try to relocate away from the Australian force. The majority of the fighters groups together and when the group arrives at another airport, they launch a counter offence. Ground forces have been gathered and stationed to assault the incoming air troops while the fighter forces try to flank the large force flying through the sky. Their goal is to take out the fighters, after which the bombers will be easy pickings.

Batteries are set up along the Red Sea and near the Suez Canal to meet the Australian Navy, which is only getting closer. They are protected by the Egyptian Army, but the Egyptians do not wait for the Australian Army to clean up. Trying to catch the Australian Army without naval support, they launch a large scale assault from several flanks, using greater numbers and with artillery support to demolish this force. This way, the Australian Navy will already be able to be weakened by the Egyptian batteries when it meets up with the Egyptian Navy, which will be heavily supported by artillery fire. Ideally, the aerial strike will be struck back before this meet up, after which the Egyptian bombers can strike escorted at the naval force together with the Egyptian Navy and Artillery.

During this defence, Egypt will be putting a lot in gear to make sure that foreign support will get the proper aid to merge seamlessly in the fight. Surprisingly, amongst the forces repelling Australia are Spanish fleets and planes.

Australian, continued offence *COUGH*

The Egyptian fighters meet one small group of planes, eight bombers and twelve fighters, all vetrans of both WWIII and some of them are still flying from the last dogfights of WWII. They break formation, ripping thier engines to the limit to engage Egyptian fighters away from the bombers, that let loose streams of fire from ventral, broadside and nose turrets.

Other groups continue with far less hinderance as thier fellow squadron takes the brunt of that offensive, and soon the second wave of planes is deployed and avoid that airspace entirely.

The Aussie groundpounders, with a few minutes warning from the air, turn thier offensive movement into a impromptu defence, moving to have thier rear flank to the Red Sea, where destroyers had followed them up the coast, lending 10" guns to the spray of 35mm mortar fire and the snipers who set out billowing camoflauge nets that they set up in teams of two under, one sniper and one submachine gunner.

Reluctant to engage the Spanish ships, the Australian fleet stops further out only firing at the most adventurous of the Spanish planes, and works to focus thier fire on Egyptian ships, some of the destroyers close the distance, friendly shells being shot just over them as they continue toward the near shoreside of the Canal.

(Unless you actually had a PM about those Spanish troops, there probably should have been a chance for him to choose his own reaction.)

2009-04-11, 05:23 AM


Australian Forces Advance in Red Sea

The Australian/Indian naval force charges up the narrow sea, along with a massive air assualt over Egypt. The naval advance is severely hampered when the fleet encounters a large number of naval mines set in its path, and several advancing destroyers are sunk before they slow down and resume their advance using sonar. Hidden Egyptian gun embankments, mobile artillery and mortar teams take a heavy toll on the ships, beginning their barrage while the destroyers and cruisers try to maneuver through mine fields within sight of the shore.

Egyptian forces attack the oncoming Australian ground forces, who retreat to the Red Sea as planned to receive naval support. Unfortunately, the naval support has stalled a large distance south of their position, and the Egyptian forces corner the Australians on the beach and begin to shell them mercilessly. Cut off, surrounded and outnumbered, the Australian ground forces surrender after taking heavy casualties.


The air raids are initially successful, as several Egyptian airfields are caught by surprise and bombed into uselessness. At this juncture, many important anti-air batteries are destroyed by saboteurs, and the remaining Egyptian air force scrambles into the air. Egypt's older, less advanced planes are no match for the Australians' new planes, but there are a significantly larger number of them. Egypt takes heavy casualties, but many of the RAF's pilots meet their end at the bottom of a sandy crater.


The Egyptian Air Force is in no condition to strike back at the Australian and Indian fleet, but the Egyptian Navy (along with a small battle group from Saudi Arabia) do a great deal of damage strafing the Australian bombardment group while it is in the minefield and beset by land-based artillery; with no room to turn or maneuver, the ships are sitting ducks, and a great many are sunk.

Australian planes return to their carriers farther up the Red Sea as the day wears on, and recon planes and radar spot a large number of ships approaching the gulf of Aden, most likely from the Persian gulf; Iran and Iraq.


Navy: 4
Army: 3 (about 1/3rd taken as prisoners of war)
Air: 2

Navy: 2

Army: 1
Navy: 0
Air: 4


Syria, Lebannon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Yemen Declare War on Israel, Australia, India

With the opening of hostilities, forces from all around Israel charge across the border. Fighting begins immediately, with the IDF engaged on all fronts and badly outnumbered.

Pakistan Warns of Further Indian Meddling in Arab Affairs

There have been rumblings from the Pakistani government that India would do well to distance itself from Western imperialism. One anonymous official said, "They should, perhaps, mind their own business, lest someone else mind it for them."

South Africa Begins European Evacuation

With the famine setting in in earnest, South African refugee boats come away heavily loaded from the most devastated continent in the world.

Silver Coin
2009-04-11, 06:26 AM
Australians meet bitter defeat! (Note: This is really just for propaganda purposes to the Russian people)

As events continue to escalate in the Middle-east, Australian Imperialists have attempted to invade Egypt but were bitterly resisted. Syria, Lebannon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Yemen have also declared war on Israel, Australia and India. The initial fighting have inflicted heavy casualties both sides but there is no doubt that the Egyptians got the better end of the deal.

Opening Doors to Our Neighbours

While it could be said that the Capitalists and Imperialists brought nuclear fire upon themselves and deserve no pity, there is also no denying that the majority of the people who suffered in World War III are simple, hard-working citizens that had no choice but to go along with the exploiting Upper Class. Today, the USSR has opened the door to the worker's paradise, with the promise of citizenship to anyone who will contribute the growth f our glorious motherland. Yes, anyone, from the humble labourers to the scientists that can contribute to out technological growth. Every one is well comed

Research into Methods of Fighting Radiation Poisoning Yield Promising results

Scientists currently researching ways to combating radiation poisoning are hopeful that they might soon have means of lightening the effects of radiation poisoning. As one of the worst hit countries by nuclear weaponry, the benefits for public health could be immense. It remains to be seen whether it will be possible to implement public screening and treatment for radiation poisoning on a large scale.

Income: 4 from trade with Mongolia
Spendings: 4 into Technology. (I would assume anything research related would go under technology.)

Moody the Wise
2009-04-11, 06:49 AM
Pretoria, South Africa

South Africa, famous in recent days for its liberal immigration policies, has instituted a harsh restriction on immigration from Australia. All persons seeking to visit South Africa from Australia are put through a serious visa application process. The current wait-time for a visa is at least six months. Says Mandela: "We have very convincing evidence that the deaths of our dearly departed scientists in the space program several months ago are directly linked to the Australian saboteurs that have been detained in Egypt. We have no desire for vengeance - these men will no doubt face harsh justice in Egypt - but we cannot allow this tragedy to be repeated. It is always a sad day when we must close our doors to a people, but Australia maintains a high standard of living. The men and women that we turn away will not starve for want of food, and this is at least some meager consolation." Current residents of South Africa, of Australian descent, are not kicked out of the country, although any of them with knowledge of the Australian government's covert operations are encouraged to testify before the TRC.

2009-04-11, 09:05 AM
A few days before he took action Chiang sent a message to the US president that his attack to unify China would begin soon and asked that he tell the Russians that should they get involved he would take action whether he would truly do so or not. He swore to the president that his China would not be like the one his people were fighting. He instead wanted a neutral China that was neither an enemy to the US or Russia.

Today Chiang Kai-shek rallies his commanders and the leaders of India's and Korea's support troops to plan and launch an immediate surge into communist and Tibetan territory.

The combined naval forces of Nationalist China and India strike at the the north eastern shoreline and attack whatever ships the enemies have in place. They also carry the Korean soldiers that will storm the beaches from the east and attack while Nationalist China's soldiers will attack directly from south. During this time the Indian air force bombs all of the enemies land defenses and troops starting from around its boarder with China in the south west ignoring obvious residential areas. The air force will focus most on the air fields of the enemy to achieve full control of the skies. Nationalist China uses its meager air support to attack the northern communist forces as well.

Chiang Kai-shek did not make a speech or give any special warning to the Tibetans and communists. He simply sent his troops into action.

Chiang does not expect the Indian air force to defeat the Tibetan side on its own but he hopes that it will surrender after hearing of the devastation on the communist side and the combined casualties of both sides. He will not accept anything less than a full surrender from his enemies and his faction has already spent the money necessary to build an army that will be able to occupy the conquered territory in the coming years.

2009-04-11, 11:42 AM

President Camacho, in light of the events of the Suez War, has publically proposed a military alliance with its primary trading partners, Canada and Spain.

This proposed "Triple Alliance", as it has come to be called, will be formed with the express intention of discouraging foreign powers from going to war with any of its members. With such an alliance, each nation will pledge to defend the others against foreign aggression, as well as work together economically.

"It seems that mankind will never learn," Camacho said in a speech from the National Palace, "that war does not determine who is right. Only who is living, and who is dead. Do the nations of Egypt and Australia not notice this? Then look at Europe. Look at its cities that once stood tall and proud: they are nothing more than a smoldering ruin today. If the rest of us do not tread carefully, our own nations may suffer the same fate."

"With a Triple Alliance between our three great nations, it may be that our peoples never need know the horrific scourge of war."

2009-04-11, 12:38 PM
"Well, they went off without us."

"So much for that. Now we're at war with all of 'em again?"

"So it seems."

Israel acts as soon as they get word of the Australian air strike, scrambling all their own available aircraft. Once in the air, Israeli planes will seek to completely clear the skies over Israel and the Sinai desert, and then to destroy any forces coming in. Ground troops are given defensive positions to hold, with strict orders not to cross the border for any reason. Naval forces are mostly kept at home on close patrols.

All 11 Air forces are in the sky, getting busy. First objective is air superiority, followed by destroying any group troops threatening Israel. Pilots are under orders not to stray more than a little from Israeli airspace.

All 11 Ground forces are arrayed along the border, in emplacements where possible, with orders not to advance.

The 5 Naval forces are on defensive ops

2009-04-11, 04:21 PM

Australian Offence

With the first large scale offence behind them and Australian naval forces in the Red Sea, the Egyptian forces await the action of those same forces now that Iranian and Iraqi forces are heading towards the Sea. Will Australia retreat or go into battle? Naturally, the Egyptian forces are ready for when the latter happens.

Israeli Attack

Not one to be left behind in the attack against Israel, half of the Egyptian Ground Army arrives from the Egyptian borders to stage their attack against Israel, adding another front to the war. They try to coordinate properly with the other sides of the conflict, Syria, Lebannon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Yemen, to make the blows against Israel more effective and to enhance them.

During the attack, President Nasser expresses that it is pleased with the united spirit of the Arab World and tells how it foresees great things in store for that same spirit. He personally offers his gratitude towards each country on the same in the conflict. His attention also goes towards Iran and Iraq, approving of their joint action and pressing the issue that this part of the world needs to act together.

Silver Coin
2009-04-11, 09:24 PM
Kremlin condemns Australia, India and Nationalists!

"Comrades, the naked greed of the Imperialists and Capitalists are revealed for all to see! In one fell swoop, India, Australia and the Nationalists, backed by the Koreans, have invaded our Socialist brethren. This is unacceptable and we WILL NOT let this go unanswered. Unless they withdraw immediately, the Russian people is going to war!" - Nikita Kruschev in an impassioned speech to the Soviet people.

A need for war?

"I know that we have all suffered much in our recent conflict with Western Powers, but I give all of you the promise that I will not allow this to escalate into another Nuclear War. If we sit and watch our comrades fall, then what are we? Nothing. It means that we have abandoned our dreams and ideals when we over threw the tyranny of the Tsars. We must stand to ideals and the Soviet Union and her people must stand for something! We will not let this go unanswered!" - Nikita Kruschev in the same speech.

OOC: Send in 3 units of Army into CC to bolster their defences and also supply more modern equipment to CC and CT.
Use guerilla tactics and not direct confrontations. The Viets managed to beat USA that way after all.

2009-04-11, 09:38 PM
Lakewood, after transferring the planes off the recalled damaged carrier, sent it ahead of the fleet, other ships moving up in it's wake to avoid any excess mines, in order that the Iraq-Iran fleet has to close through the leftover mines. Shallow-bottom support ships followed along with it, continuing the fire on the shoreside emplacements, being too shallow in the water to disrupt the sea-mines, and the other ships lend fire once the angle is favourable.

Planes take off from the Carriers once more, this time heading east, and preforming strafing runs on the Egyptian army that was heading toward Israel, and some of them making the longer trip to bomb the other Arab armies.

Newspapers across the country cry out,
Might is not Right!
Why do we try to force our views onto others? What kind of Civilized nation are we? Our military should pull out of the combat, call it a day, let Egypt have it's Canal. This war is about nothing, old British superiority? End this conflict.

No spending. Altered due to realization of rules. :smallsigh:


"The people of Australia, the Suez Canal should be an international gateway, not the financial crutch of a nation that seeks to blur the lines of enemies and allies. Egypt seems to insist that communism and capitalism were things of the past, yet our allies in Nationalist China find themselves fighting for thier lives to resist a communist control." Boall paused, taking a sip from his glass of water, the prismed glass window reflecting the sun as it set onto the horizon behind him, "The losses we have suffered shall be nothing compared to those in Israel, and though it has been grevious for our nation, I hope you all can understand why the Canal must be for all, so that supplies and foodstuffs can move freely from the southern nations to assist the devestated nations of Europe." He paused a moment, "Prehaps some of you have heard the news from Southern Africa, prehaps not. If this is the first you have heard of it, then I shall explain it as best I can. The blame for the deaths of thier ex-Nazi scientists, assassinations that took place some years ago, has been placed upon us. Now, it may have been Australian ultranationalists, or your common man acting out in violence, but I understand thier reaction to this, and wish them the most sincere condolances."

2 wealth to South Africa - other spending removed due to realization of rules. :smallsigh:


(...Err? I've only given NC trade, not troops. Not a big deal, I'm just curious.)

EDIT:: Just a quick final note, shouldn't affect the posts that were made after this one. Moving 4 points of Navy from Australia to the Cambodian coastline to lend assistance.

2009-04-11, 10:46 PM
Chiang Kai-shek offers Korea 1.5 wealth if it will send air support and any other additional military aid.

"The communists are right next door to your people. If that is not enough of an incentive to send more troops I am willing to pay you now and in the future when China is united. With India's help my side has air superiority and its navy is larger than either side individually. If you send your full navy we will have more than both sides combined. If you send your air force we will have double their air units. With additional soldiers you will be able to hold your new land we agreed upon without any trouble."

To US:
"I have heard the Russians are sending soldiers to back Communist China. I wanted this to be a war where Russia and the US would not be involved but that does not seem likely. I ask that you send support as you have in the past to fight these insurgents otherwise the communists will conquer all of China and it will become your enemy again. Korea, Australia and India have already sent me substantial aid so it is certain that my fight is not a lost cause."

(...Err? I've only given NC trade, not troops. Not a big deal, I'm just curious.)
Just referring to the financial aid.

2009-04-12, 03:58 AM

The Conflict

The remaining Egyptian anti-air batteries are heavily guarded and strictly controlled. The Egyptians try to put them up against the Australian airforce still, though. The remainder of the Egyptian airforce also tries to get a victory over the Australian airforce, as the Egyptian Navy and Army tied into the Red Sea conflict continue to deal with Australian forces.

Egypt congratulates the South African Initiative

At one point, a spokesman of the Foreign Ministry finally manages to address the South African Initiative, where it congratulates the country on its initiative. The summit to feed the world, the opening of doors to European immigration and even the creation of the TRC, are all exemplary actions which Egypt supports.

2009-04-12, 11:46 AM
Spain will be pulling out of the war zone and I Miraz accept Mexico's Proposed Alliance

2009-04-12, 09:00 PM
Still 1956 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6LvsqDmDIY&feature=related)

The Charge of the Mayweather


The Australians utilize the most expensive and least effective mine clearing technique in history, and use the Mayweather, the aircraft carrier damaged in an earlier rocket attack, as a battering ram to trigger naval mines. The carrier serves well in that faculty for about five miles, when the preposterous amount of hull damage it took causes it to founder and sink.

The Australian Naval forces follow in the wake of the Mayweather until it begins to sink, and then discover that not only are they trapped five miles into a minefield, they're spread out in a line one ship wide, and still can't turn, maneuver, or even turn around. Falling into the same trap as the bombardment group did earlier, the remainder of the Australian force is strafed and sunk amid a firestorm of Egyptian artillery and naval fire.

The other carriers, now without support ships, are quickly picked off by the Egyptian Navy (after it slowly and carefully navigates the minefield, with their maps) and air force

Ride of the Israeli Air Force

The Israeli Air Force makes short work of the Arab air forces, and then sets up combat patrols along the ground combat lines. The IAF is a huge factor in turning the tide, even when a group of modern, Soviet-made planes of unknown origin enter the fray from the North.

Terrestrial Stalemate

The Arab advance stalls very close to the border as the IAF makes supply lines untenable and destroys most of the Arab armored forces. IDF lines hold, and only the lack of counterattack orders stop the Israelies from pushing into the Golan heights, Jordan, and Lebannon. On the Egyptain front, the battle is less one sided, though the IAF is a factor here, too.

Iran Blockades Gulf of Aden

The fleet approaching the Gulf of Aden, identified as a sizable battlegroup from the Irani navy, sets up blockades and declares that it is setting up a minefield in Bab-el-Mandeb. It declares that it will not allow any other powers to pass through the straits until the conflict in the Holy Land is resolved. The Indian reinforcements arrive at this blockade, and tensions build while both sides wonder who will make the first move.


Expeditionary force completely lost
Navy: 4 (many crews taken as prisoners of war)
Air: 3

Navy: 0
Army: 2
Air: 0 (has not engaged Israel)

Army: 2
Air: 1
Navy: 0 (no engagement yet)

Arab Nations:
Army: 5
Air: 1 (air force completely destroyed)
Navy: 0

Air: 1

Navy: 1

Hostilities Restart In China


The Nationalist Chinese launch an assault on Communist positions, and soon fighting again engulfs East Asia. The Nationalists outnumber the Communists, who are still reeling from their failed war with Tibet, and the Nationalists make very good progress in the first few weeks of the conflict.

The Koreans stage a raid on the eastern coast of China before the fight really starts in earnest, and this two-pronged assault is especially effective, even though the Koreans are heavily outnumbered.

At sea, the Nationalist and Indian navies are outnumbered by the Communist navy, and they suffer a major setback when three carrier groups from the Soviet Union's pacific fleet, still one of the most advanced, conduct lightning raids on the Nationalist and Indian fleets while they engage the Communist frigates. The Soviet carriers then sweep around and regroup with the Communist Navy. The remains of the Nationalist and Indian naval groups are forced to retreat into Nationalist harbors, and control of the Yellow Sea falls into Communist hands.

The land invasion isn't lost, however, because the Nationalists are able to achieve total air dominance over the Communists, who have no remaining air forces. The Nationalist air force is a serious thorn in the Communists' side, and the Nationalists are able to take a good deal of Communist territory.

Indians Open Himalayan Theater

In the first few days of the conflict, the Tibetans sit on their hands, giving aid to neither side. Then, the Indian Air force begins air raids on Tibetan military facilities, and an air battle ignites in the skies of the Himalayas.

Tibetans Demand Immediate Ceasefire with India, Threaten Atomic Strike, Communist Aid

Tibetan diplomats and politicians are outraged about the undeclared, unprovoked war waged on them by India, and take their grievances to the UN. They demand that the Security Council sanction the Indians, and request mediation from a neutral party to resolve the conflict.

"We have atomic weapons, and we have shown the world we're not afraid of using them. We aren't going to follow the Indians' example and shed blood where words may yet work, but if this continues we can and will wage total nuclear war against our enemies."


Nationalist China:
Army: 2
Navy: 3
Air: 0

Navy: 3
Air: 1

Navy: 1
Air: 0

Air: 1

Communist China:
Army: 2
Air: 0 (didn't have any)
Navy: 2

Army: 0

Supreme Court Rules Census to be Done On Schedule

Despite calls by Democrats for a new census before the election, the Supreme Court ruled that the census will be carried out in 1960, on schedule. This is expected to bias the results heavily in favor of the Republicans, who control the New England states, which wield a disproportionately large number of electoral votes (because the nuclear attack happened after the 1950 census).

McCarthy, Nixon Win Election, Lose Popular Vote


Despite a 42.5% to 54% popular vote, the McCarthy/Nixon ticket got a vast majority of electoral votes. President-elect McCarthy will be inaugurated in January of 1957.

Taft, Thurmond Contest Election

"One man, One Thousand Votes," was the idea of a protest in Denver today, lead by Taft's supporters. The protesters were upset that the New England states maintained their massive number of electoral votes despite their dramatic depopulation.

Supreme Court Denies Appeals for New Census and New Election; Declares McCarthy President

The Supreme Court threw out the appeals made by the democrats and once again declared McCarthy the winner amid a widespread media outcry.

Second American Political Party Reversal

With Taft and the isolationists' defection to the Democrats, the ideology of the American political parties has inverted for the second time in as many decades. The Democrats now stand for a small government, little foreign involvement ideology, as they had for most of American History. The Republicans are once again the party of Abraham Lincoln, which stands for larger government programs and an interventionist foreign policy.

Morocco, Tunisia, Indonesia, Singapore Declare Independence

More European colonies formally declare their de facto independence.

IBM Invents 5 MB Hard Disk Drive

The American computing manufacturer came up with a revolutionary invention recently, though there are many steps to be completed before computers are widely applicable.

Cambodian Civil War Worsens

With more weapons and more modern weapons coming into Cambodia from Vietnam, Australian air patrols are frequently mired by a deluge of small arms and rocket fire. Several planes are downed by the rebels, and Cambodian loyalist forces are in dire straits.

Protests Turn Violent in India, Australia

Upset by the total destruction of a large part of Australia's navy, and India's aggression toward Tibet, protests in both countries took a violent turn recently, with cars set aflame and widespread looting. Without military intervention, both threaten to balloon into genuine insurrection.

2009-04-12, 09:48 PM
Israeli General Election Postponed!

The Israeli General Election, scheduled for early January of this year (1956), was postponed by a unanimous vote of the Knesset following PM Ben-Gurion's request that it be held off until no less than 60 days after a lasting cease-fire is declared.

Nevertheless, Ben-Gurion's own Mapai party, which has dominated Israeli politics in the years since Independence, continues to doing strongly in the polls, bolstered by the recent military victories. The only clear opposition party is the immigrant-led (well, more recent immigrant-led) Reform Party, whose platform of "capitalizing" the economy strikes a chord in many hearts...at least until they realize that the government's monopoly on everything is the only thing keep food in bellies right now. Still, people will often follow hearts over minds.

Israeli Troops Victorious; Tentative Advance Begun!
Some mood music, as Maldiem likes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz3Cc7wlfkI&feature=related)

Following their amazing victories in the skies, Israeli forces have begun a tentative advance along their boundaries with Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. With close air support, and moving with unusual amounts of caution, the Israelis will advance as far as the Jordan in the East, the Litani in the North, and the Golan in the northeast, giving them very defensible boundaries.

Map of Northern Israel/Southern Lebanon/Southwestern Syria: Red Line is the ideal greatest extent of Israeli advance
http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/2729/375pxblueline2.th.jpg (http://img16.imageshack.us/my.php?image=375pxblueline2.jpg)

In Egypt, Israeli fighters will continue to maintain air superiority, and smash any forces crossing the Sinai. Israeli ground forces will not advance until the north and east are securely held.

EDIT: Adding a bit for Singapore

Israel Makes Overtures to Singapore
Even amidst a major war, Israel took time today to officially recognize the new-born state of Singapore, with Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett saying, "We know what it is like to be a small, advanced nation surrounded by a united and hostile front. We look forward to establishing a lasting friendship."

Missives were also dispatches to Morocco, Tunisia, and Indonesia, but even the most optimistic analysts remain sanguine about possible response.

2009-04-13, 12:41 AM
Chiang Kai-shek to the UN:

"How can the Tibetans dare ask for the UN to help when they threaten people with nuclear weapons? They've obviously already used them on communist forces now that they've spoken up about their nuclear arsenal. That alone is ridiculous. China has already been hit with many nuclear attacks and they're polluting the country even more. If they want peace so badly why are they fighting at all? If they had joined my forces and fought the communists with my people they wouldn't have needed to use any nuclear weapons and we could've repelled Russia's influence from our lands. Instead they choose to create their own faction and war with us and the communists over cultural differences. They choose to distance themselves from the rest of China rather than try to unite everyone. That is my goal. I want to unite everyone, rebuild this country and then let the people choose what to do after readjusting from being a puppet of the Soviet Union. If anyone should be asking for UN intervention it should be me. I ask that the UN immediately send its military to force Tibet to disarm and arrest its leaders for the crimes they have committed. Why did India help my people? Why? Because it realized that that the divisions between the Chinese need to stop. Whether you believe in democracy or capitalism, whether you are religious or not and whether or not you consider yourself a Tibetan first and a Chinese second, we need to unite as one people with the goal of prosperity for all. Having nuclear weapons does not make Tibet right and the UN should not give into its threats. How did the Tibetans even get these weapons to begin with? Why do they hold on to them and threaten nations with them? Because they most likely planned this all along. I am willing to forgive and forget what the communists and Tibetans have done to split this country apart if they would join my efforts to bring everyone together but I doubt they will. They are the ones consumed by greed. My desire for peace through unity cannot be selfish. The communists fight for communist China. The Tibetans fight for Tibetan China. I am the only one actually fighting for China as a whole. Tibet should embrace unification because of its own history. The country has been divided into four parts many times and each part has been ruled by China at one point or another. The Tibetans themselves have historically not been unified and yet they will not embrace this chance to have a long lasting unity with their own people even though China is just as much a part of Tibet as Tibet is a part of China. India also has had deep historical bonds to Tibet. Is it really any wonder that India would support my cause to unify China when it is in the best interest of Tibet? I ask that the UN officially recognizes my people as the one official China so that the other sides will have less of an incentive to fight and more of an incentive to join as one under the banner of nationalist China. A China for China, not a select group. I ask that any nation that agrees to support me in whatever way it can so that this civil war will come to an end."

2009-04-13, 02:55 AM

No time to celebrate

While the victory over Australia has been achieved, the armed forces of Egypt have hardly been given time to celebrate this victory. The Navy turns around, moving through the Suez Canal, along the Sinai and towards Israel. They will strike against the air force, trying to lend support to the forces already there. The Egyptian Navy will push forward and all anti-air batteries are constantly on watch towards the sky to fire at the Israeli Air Force. The Navy is supported by the remainder of the Egyptian Air Force, which main goal is to strike at the Israeli Air Force when it gets to bear.

Of the Egyptian Army only a few remain to safeguard the Red Sea, but most march towards Israel over the Sinai. The forces move along the northern shore, hoping to gain support from the Navy as they move. Anti-Air armaments are safeguarded along the way as the Army tries to keep them whole. The Army already near the Isreali border does not advance and seeks to fortify itself until the remainder of the Army meets them.

When the Egyptian Army is complete and can count on the support of the Egyptian Navy and Air Force, it will hold the lines, focusing most of its force to combat the Israeli Air Force. This happens as the Israeli advance in the north, so Egypt hopes to distract the Israeli from that.

Silver Coin
2009-04-13, 07:13 AM
To the UN Secretary-General, Security Council and whoever else it may concern:

The USSR is waging war, but it is waging war on the enemies of peace. It is a war where the invaders shall not prevail. It is a war in which the defenders are fighting for their right to even exist as a nation. How can they claim to be fighting for their very survival when its the other way round? China was at peace. They started the war for nothing but their paranoia and ambitions.

The USSR is hereby calling for an UN sanction. The invaders are to desist and withdraw immediately and the USSR is open to methods of peacefully resolving the conflict, however, if there must be war, the Russia people will carry it to the bitter end.

Nikita Kuschev

Moody the Wise
2009-04-13, 08:35 AM
Mood Music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgECKj9LSH4)

OoC: Where IS the U.N. these days? I doubt it's still in the smoking crater that once was New York ... Also, for reference, the members of the Security Council in 1955 (http://www.un.org/sc/searchres_sc_year_english.asp?year=1955) were Belgium, Brazil, China, France, Iran, New Zealand, Peru, Turkey, U.S.S.R., U.K., and the U.S.

U.N. Speech

South Africa's U.N. ambassador reads a prepared speech by Prime Minister Mandela, who is unable to make the trip to ((wherever the U.N. is these days)) to deliver it himself.

"South Africa supports the resolution before the Security Council against India's unprovoked attack on Tibet. Furthermore, South Africa rejects Chiang Kai-Shek's idea that Tibet should simply know its place, and submit to naked Chinese imperialism.

However, South Africa has little hope that this broken institution will be able to effect any change in this or any other matter. It is unlikely that representatives from Belgium or France will even show up for the vote, as their governments have all but dissolved. The issue of who speaks for China's vote on the Security Council complicates matters even further.

It is clear to South Africa that changes must be made to the United Nations if it is to continue to exist in a meaningful way. The times they are changing. We must admit that the waters around us have grown, and that soon we will be drenched to the bone. We had better start swimming, or we'll sink like a stone. Therefore, we submit the following resolution to the General Assembly for an immediate vote."

1. That all current members of the Security Council have that status revoked.
2. That the Security Council be reconstituted.
3. That the new Security Council will include one permanent member from each of the following regions: North Atlantic (the U.S., Mexico, Canada, and still-solvent European states), South America (including central America and the Caribbean islands), Africa, the Middle East, Asia (including the Pacific Islands and Australia). The new permanent members will be elected once by a vote of each member nation in that region. Permanent members of the new Security Council will no longer have veto power.
4. That the Security Council will at all times number 15, and that the other ten will be elected by the General Assembly to the council for five-year terms.
5. That the new Security Council require 12 votes for substantive measures, and 9 votes for procedural measures.

South Africa votes in favor of the resolution, and Mandela encourages the other SAMAL (South African Mutual Aid League) members to vote in favor.

2009-04-13, 10:44 AM
The Weekly Truth
News you can trust
Miraz to marry a noted reformer
Miraz shocked all of Spain today when he stated in a press conference that he will be marrying Esperanza a strong critic of Miraz's government. They met in a conference last year and it seems that after that time they met often to "discuss things".
Miraz gives up kingship
But not power when asked if and when elections will be help Miraz stated Most likely after my death. However local elections will be held and I am forming a Council of People which will be elected within a few years. They will be giving me advice on what you my children want and need. I will now be called the All Father of the Holy Spain or simply Father. My lovely wife will be know as the All Mother of the Nobel Spain or simply perfect.laughter
Miraz denounces holy war
God should never be the cause of wars it gives the wrong impression about him. But of course other wars are fine.

2009-04-13, 01:49 PM

Victory obtained, Egypt seeking to negotiate

With the defeat of the Australian Attack Force and the Military currently safeguarding the Egyptian borders from the Israeli forces, the attack from the Australians, Israeli and Indians against Egypt and the Suez Canal has been firmly beaten back. While casualties have been made on both sides, Egyptian declares this a victory and seeks to reopen negotiations with Israel. Egypt offers a cease fire and peace treaty, to cease the hostilities and urges the others in the conflict to do the same. "With the attack force beaten back, we see no further need for combat and we ask Israel to sign a peace treaty. It is not our intention to prolong wars on this already war-scarred planet and we hope Israel sees the sense in this sentiment as well."

Similarly, a peace treaty is offered towards Australia and India. "With no Australian forces nearby and Indian forces not attacking, we urge both nations to cease their intervention far away from their respective countries. Let us seek to end this conflict."

If Australia is willing to negotiate on the matter of the many Australian prisoners of war Egypt currently has in custody, Egypt will be more than willing to listen to proposals from the Australian side - What is Australia willing to offer for the return of the prisoners of war?

Addressing the Arab World

"We were assaulted by foreign forces and forces close to home. The foreign attack has been beaten off and we have stood together. This example of acting united we must strive for and embrace. Egypt thanks Syria, Lebannon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Yemen for their war effort and we even extend our gratitude towards Iraq and Iran. We hope that the united effort can be repeated in the nearby future, not in war, but in relations, trade and mutual development. Let us show the world that the Arab World stands together, where Arabs stand shoulder to shoulder with one another and act united."

2009-04-13, 03:27 PM
To India:
"If you want to cease using your forces to attack the Tibetans because of the risk of nuclear war I beg that you give them the command to bomb communist China. My army has discovered it has no air forces left. Your attack could force the communists to surrender. Please consider this. I asked that residential areas be avoided and that air bases and fortifications would be focused on to draw as little bloodshed as possible. Now that the Tibetans most likely have no air units left either if we defeat the communists on land we can begin negotiations with Tibet with an advantage. I suggest that you stop attacks on Tibet but do not recognize them as a separate nation. They are probably bluffing about nuclear weapons.

I swear that if I reunite China I will pay you back for the forces you have lost in the coming years."

2009-04-13, 07:00 PM
Ben-Gurion: Peace with Egypt!

PM David Ben-Gurion, acting in his capacity as Defense Minister, has agreed to sign a ceasefire with Egypt, effective immediately, pending a more permanent treaty. Some analysts have floated the idea of establishing the all-but-uninhabited Sinai Desert as a demilitarized zone, to protect against future Egyptian assaults.

At any rate, Israeli forces have been ordered to stand down along the Egyptian border, though air forces continue to patrol the skies several tens of miles into the desert. According to all indications, they continue to push forward in the north and east.

Sharett Visits Denver!

Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett, who is considered likely to retain his seat even after the upcoming general election, has embarked on a visit to the United States, spending large amounts of time with McCarthy, Nixon, and their shadow cabinet. Though the visit is officially simply to begin cooperation with the United States as early as possible - perhaps to win votes from the 25% of voters that are American - others view it as a sign that the negotiations with Egypt and the other Arab nations are considered a strictly military matter. The projected presence of the Deputy Foreign Minister Chaim Katz, apparently appointed to the position specifically for this purpose, eases few concerns, though some consider it to presage the appointment of a "Minister of Arab Affairs", whose hypothetical portfolio will include foreign and military relations in the Middle East, and perhaps relations with Arab citizens of Israel.

2009-04-13, 07:19 PM
To Tibetans:

"I have reached an agreement with the leader of India. My men will not attack your land and I am willing and want to create a formal peace treaty. India will continue to support my fight against the communists with its air support if we can reach a peaceful agreement. I ask that you also fight the communists with me or else they will attack either of us at some point. They cannot be trusted if they gain any advantage over us so trying to negotiate with them is pointless, especially since you have already used nuclear weapons against them.

I ask that if we drive the communists out that my people are given the majority of their land because we currently have the least and my people have fought just as hard against them as you have. You already have more land even though I have more citizens so there's no way that what I'm asking can be unfair. I also ask that my people are given at least some of the land you took from the communists and my people already. Tibet was never as large as it is now and you know that to be true. Mongolia also acts as a shield between your people and Russia giving you an advantage even if Mongolia is under the influence of Russia. The northeast is directly connected to Russia. A truly fair way to divide the land would be proportionally based on population and I have more citizens and my side will take on the burden of defending the boarder with Russia so I believe my people should have more than half of China."

I am ready to send my full army to attack the communists as soon as you agree to a peace treaty. If India, Tibet, Korea and my army all attack together we can defeat the communists in one swift movement. We have nothing to fear from Russia because even it knows fighting our combined forces would be too costly."

2009-04-13, 07:22 PM
Israel's Economic Data, 1954-1959
(sorry for the double post...I want to get this all over with before I start HW so to be less distracted)

Wealth after trade and upkeep: 18.5 (Note: I started with an upkeep of 12.5, and am currently with an upkeep of 12.5; I did briefly peak at 13.25. I'm not certain how to handle this. Maldiem, add or subtract as appropriate from economic development)
Wealth spent: 18.5
How much wealth spent on what:
Category 1: 3
American Arms Shipments
Category 2: 15.5
Economic Development

Trade: 12:17
United States: 2 : 8
Australia: 4 : 4
Canada: 4 : 3
India: 2 : 2

2009-04-13, 08:50 PM
OOC: 3:3 trade with Mexico agreed to.

OOC: the one ground force worth of "volunteers" sent to China will follow any orders that the Nationalist Chinese player issues. They are under Chinese chain of command.


The offical position of the Republic of Korea re: Chinese matters:

1. Korea has been ravaged by war and now that it is experiencing the fruit of peace, it is the responsibility of the responsible government of Korea to ensure the continuation of peace on the Korean peninsula.

2. However, the division of China is a tragedy and Korea sympathizes with the plight of the Chinese people. Korea recognizes that China is truly one unified nation and recognizes only the Nationalist Chinese government of China and engages in trade with that portion of China only.

3. All Korean citizens who desire to volunteer for the military forces of Nationalist China are free to do so and soldiers currently enrolled in the ROK military forces can obtain a waiver of service while serving in the Chinese military.

4. Chinese merchants are free to purchase military arms of all sorts from Korea.

2009-04-14, 03:58 AM


Egypt finally knows peace again after the assault that has been made against them. Diplomats have started negotiations with Egypt for a permanent peace treaty. Once that has been established, a large part of the military starts to move away from the Israeli border. When Israel also withdraws the majority of its military near Egyptian borders, Egypt withdraws further, leaving only a reasonable force to guard their borders, which is bigger than the force that was there before the assault.

On the Egyptian side, some analysts ponder about the idea of demilitarising the southwest of Israel, to protect from another offence originating from Israel. A few even ponder about demilitarisation on both sides. A few advisers suggest that the issue of the Suez Canal could be dealt with, considering that this seemed to be the origin of the problem.

When the permanent peace treaty between the Arabs and Israel as well as its allies has been signed, however, victory celebrations are held in Egypt. The Army will march through the streets of Cairo, with the Air Force flying a few runs over the same march as they are hailed by the citizens. The celebrations heighten the spirit of the people and things will seem to go back to normal for the common people.

Rebuilds, Construction and Modernisation

The Egyptian Airforce has been dealt a harsh blow, with less planes and airstrips having been bombed. Egypt takes this opportunity to modernise its Airforce as the airports are being rebuilt and new planes are made. Existing industry is upgraded and new industry emerges around and in the military industry. Trade deals are made with other corporations, even promoting investment in the industry in Egypt.

Not just the military industry is being modernised. Other branches of industry and economy are invested in and developed as well, continuing along the lines of modernisation from earlier years. Economic expansion occurs and new modern trade centers are being set up to launch Egypt as the economic and trade center in the Arab World. This holds especially true with the current trade going on between those parties, which is also the reason why infrastructure is being enhanced.

The trade centers being set up not only cater to the Arab World, but also to foreign trade and trade going through the Suez Canal. After the conflict, the Red Sea has seen Egyptian minesweepers and hired minesweepers to clear the region from sea mines so that foreign sea traffic can pass through it safely once again. During the operation those ships wishing to go through the Red Sea and its mine field are escorted with sonar ships and guided safely through the field with the maps Egypt has.

Egypt's attention also turns towards the Aswan High Dam again, and while plans are worked out a bit more, the realisation is obvious that the main project will be on hold for a while until funds can be freed up again for this purpose.

Egypt supports Morocco and Tunisia Independence

Egypt is pleased to learn of the Morocco and Tunisia independence, supporting and recognising this independence. More diplomats are sent towards both states to improve relations.

Eyes on Triple Alliance

With the Mexican initiative for a Triple Alliance between Mexico, Spain and Canada, Egypt seems to pay attention towards this initiative. A few snippets in the media relate this to one of President Nasser's earlier words, as well as the current state of the world. "These three nations seek to prevent further wars and may emerge as a united power, separate from the black and white view of Capitalism versus Communism which seems to dominate the world view of some politicians in other nations. Several critics hope that the Mexican initiative will be a success and example to the world."

Egypt supports South African U.N. Resolution

"We are pleased to see South Africa acting upon this new state of the world and introducing much needed changes. We support the resolution brought forth to the General Assembly and urge the other nations of the Arab World to do the same."

As announced, Egypt supports the resolution brought forth by South Africa. In UN-related matters, it also supports the resolution before the Security Council against India's unprovoked attack on Tibet.

Strengthening of ties in the Arab World

Egypt continues its effort to bond the Arab World together more. He addresses the other nations when speaking about their valiant effort to come to Egypt in aid when under attack and underlines the cooperation that was there and which should be enhanced.

Throughout the nations of the Arab World Egyptian diplomats travel to increase relations. Egyptian merchants regulate trade and start to adapt themselves towards the new trade centers developing in Egypt, as well as encouraging other Arab merchants to use those trade centers and think on an Arab scale instead of a national scale when trading.

The modernisation Egypt is going through and the technology being adopted and developed are made public towards those of the other Arab nations. If they want to modernise as well, Egypt will lend its assistance and offers reports on their advancements so that the other nations can learn from the mistakes Egypt has made in the progress.

Within Egypt as well as the other Arab World nations, the Arab spirit is becoming more and more advertised and glorified through several initiatives on all levels of life. Several Egyptian religious people have started to take initiatives towards tolerance and cooperation between religions, on a national, but especially international scale where they seek to ease religious conflicts in other Arab nations.

If there are conflicts between Arab groups, be they nations or religious groups, Egypt will offer a supervising role in negotiations. Positive relationships with Iran are encouraged. In regards to Iraq-Iran relations, Egypt point out how both nations send naval troops towards Australian forces and that there is a basis for cooperation and negotiation.

United Arab Republic?

After a period of active strengthening of ties in the Arab World, President Nasser and Egyptian officials try to take the first greater and official steps towards a pan-Arab state. They discuss the idea of a United Arab Republic with nations of the Arab World, underlining how they should stand together in this divided world. Those who seem willing to do this are further approached and Egypt tries to start up negotiations for a real United Arab Republic.

Total Spending Summary

Wealth after trade and upkeep: 12.25
Wealth spent: 12.25
How much wealth spent on what:
Category 1: 4
Tech. Egypt continues the modernisation of the last years. Egypt is modernising over several branches, such as modern trade centers, modern industries, modern military industries and facilities, as well as the upgrading of current military. With the destruction of airports and airplanes, it uses this opportunity to modernise those airports and modernise the construction of the new airplanes being ordered.
Category 2: 4
Air. With the destruction of a large part of its aerial force in the Suez Conflict, Egypt has given order for a whole batch of new and improved planes to supplement its reduced air force.
Category 3: 4
Economy. Through modernisation of trade, new industries, a lot of trading with the Arab World, the Suez Canal, making foreign trade easier, advanced planning for the High Aswan Dam and investments in economy, industry and trade, Egypt hopes to see an economic increase and proliferate itself as economic center of the Arab World in time.
Category 4: 0.25
Pan-Arabism propagation. Initiatives and actions are being funded and launched on all levels of life to support the Pan-Arabism ideology. This extends on an international scale, with initiatives being supported publicly and covertly across Arab nations.

Trade: 10:10
Arab World: 10:10

2009-04-14, 01:29 PM

Camacho Dies!

Mexico's beloved president Manuel Camacho died on Thursday. According to officials, the president was reading in his private study when he suffered a heart attack.

"It really is a tragedy," one commented, "he has done so much for Mexico, and he will not be forgotten."

Francisco Angeles, who was declared the new President in Camacho's will, gave this speech during a parade in the old president's honor:

"Citizens of the United Mexican States! My brothers and sisters, today we honor the passing of a truly great man. Camacho saw to it that our nation prospered, and that ties with other nations were strong. This work shall not be in vain! This nation was great once, in the days when the Aztec Emperors ruled from Tenochtitlan. I shall dedicate my administration to making the nation of Mexico great again!"


Jose Orozco, the new chief of Secret Police, was working at his office when the telephone rang.


"Hello. This is Francisco Angeles, your president. I bear good news: I will be expanding the authority of the Mexican State Police. This is to be kept secret from the public."

(4 on Spy, 4 on Economy)

Wealth after trade and upkeep: 22
Wealth spent: 22
How much wealth spent on what: 12 on Economy, 6 on Spy, 2 on Civil
Economy: 12
The Hidalgo Plan to expand Mexico's agriculture
Spy: 6
The powers of the Mexican State Police (i.e. the secret police) being greatly expanded
Civil: 2
Propaganda campaigns to increase support for government

Category N: #

Trade: 11:11
Canada: 3 : 3
Spain: 5 : 5
Korea: 3 : 3

2009-04-14, 10:40 PM
The Republic of Korea worried about the prospect of war erupting along its borders and sends a request to the Soviet government to clarify its official position on Chinese matters, especially with the prospect of a renewal of Civil War in China.

2009-04-15, 02:47 AM
Late 1956 to 1957


US Conducts Castle Bravo Nuclear Test; First Hydrogen Bomb

The Post WW3 balance of power shifts with the detonation of the first Hydrogen bomb by the United States. President McCarthy promised that America would never launch an unprovoked nuclear attack again, but "Even friendly Eagles have their limits".

Nixon Warns Against Further USSR Interference in Asia

Excerpt from Richard Nixon's speech during a meeting with the ambassador with the USSR:
"Let the Chinese sort it our themselves; they've both got powerful friends, and we don't want a repeat of 1950. Mr. Kruschev, let it be."

Nixon is reported to have met in private with the Russian Ambassador for several hours, though they acted friendly upon leaving the meeting.

Israelis Push Back Arabs


The IDF runs over the beaten Arab forces, pushing into the Golan heights, the Jordan River, and the Littani River with little resistance. The remaining arab forces retreat and regroup on the other side of the new battle lines. Various leaders from the nations sue for peace.

Hostilities End in Tibetan Theater, Peace Treaty Signed, Tibetans Refuse Nationalists Aid

The Tibetans, the Nationalists and the Indian ambassador sign a peace treaty, and that air battle halts. The ex-Chinese nation refuses help to either side in the conflict, and returns to a defensive posture.

Chinese Meat Grinder Continues, Nationalists Gain Ground

With the Indian air support and the USSR's sudden halt in aid to the Communists, the Nationalists push their enemy back again, gaining ever more ground. Communist forces, backs against the wall, are about to make a last stand on the northern side of the Yellow River

Massive Civil Disorder In India, Australia

With the silence of their government and their continued practice of policies that started the disorder in the first place, the populations of India and Australia have started rebellion in earnest, and their governments will most likely fall if something drastic isn't done quickly.

Arab Nationalism Grows Despite Suezcide


With Nasser's declaration of victory (and his timely pullout from the conflict), the Arab world begins to rally around Nasser's leadership. His secular nationalist doctrine appeals to much of the moderate Muslims in the area, and does much to bridge the religious divides in the region.

UN Security Council Measures Fail Due to Absenteeism

Not enough of the security council members send an ambassador to the UN, so no measures put before it pass.

Overwhelming Support for UN Reconstruction

Those nations sending representatives to the General Assembly vote in favor of the restructuring of the security council proposed by South Africa; a notable exception is the USA. The measure passes by a wide margin.

Soviet Troop Buildup in East Asia

The Soviet Army is amassing near its border with China and Korea, and their intentions have not been disclosed.

Red Sea Returns to Normalcy

With minesweeping operations by the Egyptian navy, trade once again resumes through the Suez and Red Sea..

Irani Navy Goes Home

The Ayatollah claims that his action brought peace to the Middle East by preventing the Indians from interfering with it in a more obtrusive manner, and recalls his forces. Irani ships resume their normal deployments.

Communist Victory in Laos, Cambodia


The Australian air force takes unacceptable casualties and is forced to retreat; with no orders from their central government they land on their carriers and await instructions.

The Communist Party of Cambodia finishes off the loyalist forces, and institutes a one-party communist democracy, based on the Vietnamese model. They begin by expelling all foreign land and factory owners and nationalizing all farming and manufacturing.

The Communist revolution in Laos finishes their fight around this time, and becomes a protectorate of Vietnam.

Signs of Life in British Isles, Queen Returns to Britannia


The British Military finally manages to secure the isle, and a real government begins to rise from the English countryside. The new United Kingdom, based in Liverpool, moves to re-establish order in Britain.

The Queen, hearing this news, returns to the islands from her voluntary exile in Canada.

European Federation Nucleates in The Hague

The first government to re-establish itself in Europe, Belgium announces its intent to form a European Confederation, with the aim of preventing another war in the future through a unified government.

Congress Announces Phoenix Plan; Rebuild Eastern US


Several prominent Republicans came up with a plan for a massive government investment to rebuild the industry and infrastructure of the Eastern US. Taft ridiculed the bills as "a money pit worse than the New Deal that will do nothing other than gratify the few remaining constituents of the grossly over-represented East Coast and the Republican Liberal establishment".

Opponents of the bill cite the example of Nantucket, Massachusetts, in which 10 of the 14 remaining permanent inhabitants are members of the House of Representatives, two others are Senators, one is Governor, and one is Mayor.

Little Rock Crisis; Arkansas Governor Calls in National Guard to Enforce Segregated Schooling

The Governor of Arkansas, Orval Faubus called in the National Guard to stop nine black students from attending Little Rock Central High school today, in a move that directly conflicts with the existing ruling in Brown v Board of Education.

Justice Department Officials Uphold Brown vs. Board of Education, National Guard Removed

Justice Department officials, under McCarthy's direct supervision, garnered an injunction from the Arkansas state court, ordering the governor to withdraw the national guard. The governor complies, but the guard's place is quickly taken by local police.

McCarthy Sends Federal Government Troops to Allow Students Entry

The President called in a division of the US army to allow the students entry today, in a move that is expected to end the crisis once and for all. Prominent democrats blast the decision as a gross violation of States' rights by the increasingly tyrannical federal government.

Shots Fired by Crowd, Federal Troops Fire Into Crowd, Gun Battle with Police, Little Rock Nine Among Dead

Unidentified gunmen fired on the little rock nine from the crowd as they were entering the school, and the US army, nervous and surrounded by a hostile crowd, reacted by firing into the crowd. A gun battle with police ensued in which 5 federal troops, 23 police officers and 14 civillians were killed and hundreds more were injured.

Race Riots in United States

Riots burst onto the streets of most large American cities in response to the massacre, amid a harsh crackdown by police in the South and less severe response in the rest of the US.

Montgomery Bus Boycott Ongoing

The Montgomery city government has yet to yield to the NAACP in the boycott of the city's bus system sparked over a year before when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat and was arrested. Martin Luther King Jr., the protest's organizer, said "We are prepared to wait as long as it takes to regain our dignity and our human rights."

The Mayor of Montgomery remarked, "The buses sure do smell better now."

NASA Launches Explorer 1

NASA launches the first man-made satellite into a low orbit, and President McCarthy lauds this as a shining example of America's ability to recover from the worst decade in Humanity's history. The satellite, which does little more than orbit and beep, generates a huge media splash.

Ford Releases Edsel, Massive Hit

Ford released a new model of car this year, which achieved widespread popularity both in America and in the international market.

Silver Coin
2009-04-15, 07:19 AM
Withdrawal from Chinese Conflict

Under the pressure of the US government, now the only superpower left in the world, the Soviet Hight Command has issued an order for the Soviet navy to withdraw from the conflict.

"Troops on our Eastern Border shall remain where they are, though they shall be for purely defensive purposes. We shall not incite any kind of conflict, but of the Nationalist and Korean troops get a bit too over eager, there will be repercussions," said one governments spokesman in an interview with the press.

Nominal Relations between China, Tibet and the USSR

The Tibetan and Chinese governments have recently set up embassies in Omsk and the vice versa. It is hopeful that the three nations can come closer through collaborations in various fields.

USSR Opens Door to Chinese Refugees

The Kremlin has recently announced that it will be opening the Eastern border to Chinese refugees fleeing from the war zone.

"This move we make is a humanitarian gesture that we hope will help as many people as possible avoid the horrors of war. We are willing to provide food and basic shelter for the refugees as well as Citizenship if they take up permanent residence." - Nikita Kruschev in a recent public address.

Kremlin Supports Reconstitution of the UN

The Kremlin has recently issued a statement that it fully supports the South African initiative and that representatives would be sent to the first meeting of the General Assembly. It is hopeful that the restoration of this coalition of world governments would help restore peace and avoid conflict. A pertinent question now would be where would the new UN headquarters will be set.

OOC: Do I count as part of Asia or Europe now, since Moscow is no longer the Capital, or both?

2009-04-15, 01:13 PM
Peace in the Middle East!

Following on the ceasefire signed with Egypt in recent weeks, PM Ben-Gurion flew to Cairo today to sign a permanent peace treaty with the Arab Republic of Egypt. The treaty, which had apparently been hammered out by frequent phone and telegraph conversations between Ben-Gurion and President Gamal Nasser, was approved by an emergency session of the Knesset while the PM was in the air. Though cynics suggest that the peace cannot last, many are hopeful that this will usher in a new age of peace and cooperation. Concurrently, forces stood down on both sides of the border, with Israeli and Egyptian soldiers now outside of gunshot, though neither side shows much interest in withdrawing completely.

On the eastern and northern fronts, Israeli forces enjoyed unbelievable success, seizing all land west of the Jordan and south of the Litani's bend. The most notable new possessions are the ancient port city of Tyre, and the Old City of Jerusalem. Lebanon and Jordan almost immediately sued for peace following the near complete destruction of their militaries, followed shortly by Syria. After the three primary combatants withdrew from the war, geographically further powers officially laid down arms as well.

As the skies were finally clear for the first time in many weeks, stock was taken. Israeli forces occupied over 7,000 km^2, containing just under 1 million Arabs. Israel lost 2,591 son, including 12 stilling missing in action. Arab casualties are estimated at 10,000-15,000, though poor organization and high levels of desertion make an accurate count impossible. Funereal services will be held this Thursday in newly-united Jerusalem, followed by their burial at the Mount of Olives.

Next Year in Jerusalem
Editor's Note: the following is a letter submitted to the Jerusalem Post by Zamir Gavra, an Iraqi-born soldier with the elite Paratrooper's Brigade, which handled the bulk of the fighting in Jerusalem.

The thing I remember most about this war was waiting. When conflict broke out between Australia and Egypt, we were put on high alert, and placed in Jerusalem, staring across the fence at the Arab half of the city. As if that weren't enough, High Command sent a special helicopter to drop a line of red paint all across the barrier: this line we were not to cross under any circumstances; I remember [Captain] Danny [Halevi] say, "I don't care if you see your sister at the center of an orgy; you cross that line an I shoot you." He laughed as he said it, but he finger stayed steady on the trigger of his Uzi.

When the Arabs did come, it was pretty bad; I understand that most of the time, our jets were able to sweep the Arabs from the ground like so many insects, but the Air Force dared not fire upon the Holy City. So we took them, mostly waves of untrained teenagers with WWI-era rifles and the occasional bazooka. We took them with our Uzis and our machine guns, and though we had a great deal more fire, for a time it seemed that the weight of them might overwhelm us.

After a time, there were no more. We waited then, for three days, nervously looking for enemies to assault again, but thankfully they never came again. On the third day, in the late afternoon, we got orders to advance that night. With sunset, we stole forward, running from alley to alley, taking care not to disturb the residents, lest they alert enemy forces (we did not know at the time that the Jordanian army had been reduced to two men with a single rusty pistol). The going was slow, and at some point we found ourselves in the Old City. With its loud, slippery cobblestone streets and its narrow stone alleyways, the Old City was even worse than the Ottoman-era urban center we had been passing through before. Sometime around dawn, we found ourselves with our backs to a retaining wall, thinking how to get over or around it, when someone saw a giant golden dome, and cried it out. Within moments of that shout, we all looked to the sun to judge the direction, and within moments we had all realized: we were at the Western Wall. I don't think any of us could believe it; Danny took of his helmet. Next to me, someone muttered, half-joking and half-disbelieving, "Next year in Jerusalem."


General Election Held!

As promised, a general election was held 42 days after the cessation of hostilities with the final combatant (Yemen). The results were not shocking in shape, but they were in scope: Mapai, riding high on economic reforms and crushing military victory, received an astounding 53% of the vote, allowing them to form a government without any coalition. Nevertheless, PM Ben-Gurion invited his main opposition, the American-influenced Reform Party to form a "Grand Coalition", saying that "Any government that rules with the support of precisely half the population is at a great risk the moment it does anything even vaguely unpopular." Considering the ease with which an early election can be called, this move is widely considered a wise one.

Though the two top ministries - Defense and Foreign Affairs - are being retained by Mapai, Reform members will receive several other gems, including Internal Affairs, Education, and the brand new position of Minister of Arab Affairs, tasked with handling nearby diplomacy and the populations of the West Bank and South Lebanon.

The new Israeli President is the world famous physicist Albert Einstein, convinced to run by his companions at the Hebrew University, and looking set to create a tradition of selecting scientists as president (the first President of Israel, Chaim Weizmann, was a noted chemist for whom the Weizmann Institute has been named). Said Einstein, "I never thought to run for office, but I was convinced this was the best for Israel. Make no mistake, however - I remain tenured, and plan to return to academics after I finish my stint."

The following is an excerpt from the Arabic-language document that has been distributed on billboards, as fliers, and over the radio in all newly occupied Israeli territories

The land you are standing on is now a part of the State of Israel, a Zionist democratic republic established in the Holy Land. Though Israel is a Jewish state, we already have substantial Arab minority, and will not terribly mind an addition. Nevertheless, we will not hold you against your will: any resident of newly-occupied Israeli territories will be permitted emigration to the nation of their choice, and will be permitted to take their possessions with them (bar certain controller substances, including weapons and certain drugs).

Those of you who choose to stay will be granted legal status as non-citizen permanent residents. Permanent residents will be permitted unlimited work and residency rights, issued travel papers, and will possess all the rights of Israeli citizens before the law. The primary difference will be that as non-citizens, you will not be required to serve in the IDF, nor will you be permitted to vote in General Elections (though your right to exercise local politics remains untouched).

Citizenship may be acquired in the following ways:
-Any permanent resident with 7 years' residence, no criminal record, and 3 years' service in the IDF will be granted citizenship
-The permanent-resident spouses and children of citizens will be granted citizenship
-Any permanent resident child under 12 who continuously attends public school until 18 will be granted citizenship upon graduation
-Any children of permanent residents born after January 1, 1957 will be granted citizenship

In the short term, may find that police services are filled by IDF servicemen; this is due to a shortage of trained personnel. Please be assured that civilian police officers will replace military personnel as soon as possible.

2009-04-15, 04:51 PM
Diplomatic Communication:

Canada accepts the proposed Triple Alliance, and proposes the name 'W.P.A', the World Peace Alliance. Further communication is additionally proposed to decide on the goals and means of the new alliance.

David M. Johnson adresses the U.N. General Assembly:

I thank the Representative from South Africa for bringing up this important matter. Now, more than ever, it is vital that we have a strong, functioning U.N, as demonstrated by the current flurry of conflict.

I agree with the Delegate from South Africa on several points:

Firstly, I agree, with point 1, that all current members of the Security Council have that status revoked. And with point 2, That the Security Council be reconstituted.

However, this is where I begin to disagree with the resolution. Nothing has proved more deleterious to peace than the constant stratification, and division of the world into easily quantified areas. Likewise, members of the Security Council must prove their dedication to peace, not once, but repeatedly. Having permanent members runs contrary to this goal. Therefore, I suggest the following modification:

3. That the new Security Council includes NO permanent members, and, every 10 years, the General assembly shall nominate their preference for the new members of the Security Council, with no rule barring a Country from serving multiple terms. Each country will be able to secretly nominate two choices, and the top 7 will form the Security Council.

Also. The sole reason to have a Security Council is to ensure fast response to issues requiring immediate response. A Council made up of 15 members, while admirably inclusive, ensures there will be no fast decisions. Therefore:

4. The Security Council will at all times number 7.

The entire point of the Security Council, likewise, is to ensure that when the U.N. does take action, it takes it with majority support.

5. That the new Security Council require 5 votes for substantive measures, and 4 votes for procedural measures.

This number of members ensures fast response to issues requiring such attention. More ordinary problems will of course be the purview of the General Council.

I Hereby call for a vote on this amended version of the South African proposal. I recognize that the measure has passed, but feel that these flaws must be addressed for the U.N. to have a functional role in the world.

Moody the Wise
2009-04-15, 11:55 PM
Cape Town, South Africa

The country revels in excitement as the first bit of shiny metal blasts off from the African continent and achieves Earth orbit. The event is widely covered in the media, and is a moment of national pride. What is less publicized, although still brought up in certain circles, is the fact that the same technology now allows the launch of ballistic missiles capable of striking multiple other countries by land. Few really think that a man of Mandela's convictions would use this new capability aggressively, but there are those who are discussing the possibilities.

Mandela On Tour

Prime Minister Nelson Mandela has begun a pan-African tour in order to garner support from other African Nations for South Africa's bid for the new permanent African seat on the Security Council. He totes his country's recent exemplary ethical behavior, as well as its stability and multilateralism as compelling factors. He is also open to the concerns of the other African nations, as he must be if his country will one day represent them on the Security Council, but he makes it clear that he will not perform favors or become beholden to narrow personal interests in the name of obtaining this seat.

2009-04-16, 01:24 AM
Nationalist China opens its doors to all refugees from Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Tibetan China and Communist China. All people will be given food, shelter, medical attention and all the other necessities they need to survive. The government will negotiate deals with independent businesses to employ the refugees in factories and on farms doing basic work to earn their keep. Government funded jobs will also be created for excess workers. While this is happening they will be formally documented. As Chiang's government becomes more stable the people will eventually be given formal citizenship and will be allowed to pursue whatever careers they want. Chiang's administrators will make it clear to all new refugees and future citizens that China is doing them a favor and they are only allowed to stay as long as they support the government and do what they are told. Refugees will be issued special identification cards and will be given communal housing. At first they will not be allowed to leave certain areas and checkpoints will be established but eventually they will be given full mobility rights. If any refugees demonstrate anti-government sentiment they will be harshly reprimanded. Any negative political demonstrations will be broken up by police and people may be imprisoned and forced into labor camps. Any newcomers that commit crimes will be put in these labor camps as well. Chiang will do his best to make sure the refugees are not abused and that they will not be exploited. When refugees gain full citizenship status and continue to work in the same government funded or independent businesses they first worked in upon arrival they will eventually receive the same rate of pay, benefits and room for advancement as regular citizens. Anti-discrimination discrimination laws will be enforced as well. Naturally at first refugees will not be given normal salaries. Eventually job placement and retraining programs will be enlarged to accommodate the increase of workers so that they can be given proper jobs for their qualifications.

2009-04-17, 03:21 AM
1957 to 1958

Communists Abandon Mainland, Invade Kyushu


With the Nationalists moving in for the kill and the USSR standing off, the remaining Communist forces abandon China by sea, and make an amphibious landing on Kyushu, the southernmost of Japan's main islands. The organized and well-armed Chinese take the small, feuding states of the island by surprise, and quickly consolidate control. They continue to declare that they are the only legitimate government of China, though they do sue for a cease fire with the Nationalists.

European Confederation Makes Inroads in France, the Netherlands, Western Germany


The Hague, with aid from Canadian peacekeepers and their newly-solvent statehood, persuades numerous independent factions in France, Germany and the Netherlands to join the confederation. As the organization grows, militias that sprung up after WW3 join its peacekeeping forces, and soon a true military has begun to form. The fledgling nation then carriers out a "peacekeeping" campaign, in which it subdues several small, belligerent states that had sprung up in Germany and central Europe.

England Holds Elections

With the return of the Queen and the restoration of order to the island, England held their first elections since the war.

Widespread Declarations of Independence

With England and Europe stirring once again, and the opportunity to vote in important elections in the UN, those former colonies who have yet to formally declare their independence do so.

UN Security Council Seat Voting:

North Atlantic
USA: Nominates USA
England: Nominates Canada
European Confederation: Votes for Canada
Spain: Yet to vote
Canada: Yet to vote
Mexico: Yet to vote
Portugal: Nominates Portugal

South America
Argentina: Nominates Argentina
Brazil: Nominates Brazil
Uruguay: Nominates Uruguay
Paraguay: Nominates Paraguay
Chile: Votes for Argentina
Peru: Votes for Argentina
Venezuela: Nominates Venezuela
Colombia: Nominates Colombia
Panama: Nominates Panama
Costa Rica: Nominates Costa Rica
Honduras: Nominates Honduras
Belize: Nominates Belize
Nicaragua: Nominates Nicaragua
Guatemala: Nominates Guatemala

Elected: Argentina

etc. etc. South Africa elected.

The Middle East

Saudi Arabia elected (plurality of Arab nations)


Tibet: Nominates Tibet
India: Civil disorder; abstains
Pakistan: Nominates Pakistan
Afghanistan: Votes for Pakistan
Bangladesh: Nominates Bangladesh
Burma: Nominates Burma
Thailand: Nominates Thailand
Malaysia: nominates Singapore
Singapore: Votes for Singapore
Indonesia: Votes for Singapore
Vietnam: Nominates Vietnam
Cambodia: Votes for Vietnam
Philippines: Nominates Philippines
Australia: Civil disorder; abstains
Korea: Yet to vote
Nationalist China: Yet to Vote
USSR: Yet to vote

Mass Lynchings in South


The Ku Klux Klan comes out in force in response to the Little Rock Massacre, and stages lynchings of African Americans all over the South. The body count is in the hundreds, and a firestorm of fear and hatred sweeps across the country.

National Guard Massacres Crowd in Montgomery, MLK Jr. Shot

During a peaceful demonstration in the continuing Montgomery Bus Boycott, the Alabama national guard opens fire on the crowd. Hundreds are killed as the crowd refuses to disperse despite the bloodshed. The protest's organizer, Martin Luther King Jr., along with most of the senior staff of the NAACP in Montgomery are among the dead.

US Army Moves to Restore Order in South

President McCarthy orders the United States Army to quash the rioting in the South, and the army has several tense encounters with the National Guard when it moves to restore order. The army imposes a curfew, and goes so far as to declare martial law in some of the hardest-hit areas.

McCarthy Pressures States to Disarm National Guard, Threatens Federal Funding Embargo

In a national speech and in the capitol, President McCarthy and Vice President Nixon both argued that the offenses by the National guard merit tighter regulation and a reduction in size, while Democrats argue that the second amendment guarantees the right for them to have a militia.

When Republicans pass several laws requiring federal oversight of the national guard to be eligible for federal funds, many of the Southern states lodge formal protests and refuse to disarm.

This results in yet more bias in the ongoing national reconstruction protest (the "Great Deal") toward Republican states and the East coast. The South, already in an economic depression from WW3, WW2, and a shift in agricultural industries to the Midwest, sinks into a deep economic hole.

Alaska Joins the Union

President McCarthy signed a bill recognizing Alaska's petition for statehood, marking a single bright spot in an otherwise bleak political landscape.

Post World War Three Baby Boom

Statisticians in the Unites States and other countries with intact governments and no famine have reported a spike in births, most probably from soldiers returning from war and the increasing peacefulness of the international landscape.

Syria, Egypt Form United Arab Republic

With the increasing pan-Arab nationalism, Egypt and Syria announce the formation of the United Arab Republic, the beginning of Nasser's dream of a United Arab state. Tensions rise between the UAR and several other Arab powers, particularly the government of Iraq.

Federation of Iraq and Jordan Formed

In what many have described as a knee-jerk reaction to the UAR, Iraq and Jordan announce the creation of the Federation of Iraq and Jordan, under the leadership of the king of Iraq.

Yemen, UAR Form United Arab States

Yemen forms a confederation with the UAR, marking yet another consolidation in Arab power.

Civil War in Lebanon

Fueled by interference from Syria, a civil war breaks out in Lebanon, in which an Arab nationalist rebellion tries to unseat the government.

Chamoun Asks US for Military Intervention

President Camile Chamoun, the prime minister of Lebanon, formally asks for US military intervention in the civil war.

American Marines Land in Lebanon


Secretary of State John F. Dulles, under advice from the vice president, agrees to the request, and the president orders a contingent of US marines to land in Lebanon and support the government. With air support from a US carrier group in the Mediterranean, the rebels quickly take dirt naps. The marines move to secure Beruit and Beruit air port, though they reinstate several key Muslim leaders to positions of power, which does much to quell the popular resentment.

Revolution in Iraq, Federation of Iraq and Jordan Dissolves

The King of Iraq is deposed by conspirators in the army and shot while trying to flee wearing an abaya.

The successor government is formed as a republic, with representatives from each major ethnic group in Iraq, the Sunni, Shiite and Kurd, acting as a president.

Avro Arrow Makes First Test Flight


Canadian Engineers unveil their new prototype supersonic interceptor. It could conceivably set new speed records, though senior military personnel question its effectiveness in the coming missile age.

Communist Revolution in Cuba

Castro and Che Guevara's forces finally overtake the Batista government, which signs a formal surrender. It remains to be seen how the US will take a Communist government so close to its borders.

Silver Coin
2009-04-17, 06:05 AM
"Gentlemen, perhaps it has come to your attention that our military now pales against those of the West. We have come to a stage that our ability to even defend the Rodina is severely limited. If we were to face a determined and well planed assault, our armed forces would seem frail and powerless. I believe, that this has to change, for the security of our motherland is at stake. I propose that we establish a strong, technologically advanced and highly professional military. That we creating a military comprised entirely of well trained, well equipped volunteers, men and women determined to defend the interests of their nation at any cost."

Rodion Malinovsky, Minister of Defence, paused to watch the responses of his peers. He was glad that most of them seem to be nodding encouragingly.


Income: 14
(10 from trade with Iran, 4 with Vietnam)

Expenditure: 14
4 to Technology (Guided Missiles)
2 to Navy
4 to Air
4 to Economy (Reconstruction Efforts in Major Cities)

2009-04-17, 10:31 AM
Chiang Kai-shek celebrates his defeat of the communists and immediately claims the communist land as his own. He attempts to start immigration relations with the new governments of Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Tibet. He asks that anyone that wishes to leave their countries be allowed safe passage into his own.

To the Chinese communists:
"Nationalist China will never truly be at peace with you until you admit that we are the only legitimate Chinese government and support our unification. This is the most fundamental belief that we have. To go against it is to oppose us.

In addition it is obvious that you plan to fight my people again as long as you claim to be the only legitimate government since it is the duty of a government to protect its land and to reclaim any it loses. If you choose to occupy Japan I suggest you worry about the Koreans. They are right next door and obviously see you as a threat. I am sure they would not mind trying to take Japan to expand their territory.

For now I will agree to a ceasefire but I will not discourage Korea from taking action against you."

Any Japanese people that somehow manage to flee Japan will automatically be allowed to stay in Nationalist China. If possible Chiang Kai-shek would like to establish formal safe passage for Japanese fleeing Japan to Nationalist China despite the tone he has used with the communists.

Chiang Kai-shek formally recognizes Korea's right to make any attacks on Chinese communists in Japan to protect its land and if it feels so inclined to liberate Japanese people.

2009-04-17, 12:00 PM
United Arab Republic

With the newly formed United Arab Republic under the leadership of President Nasser and the United Arab States introduced as well, a pan-Arab state is one step closer. Recognising the value of these first advances, several measures are taken by the government to ensure the success of these efforts.

Cairo is the capitol of the United Arab Republic and Damascus is still a central organ for Syrian politics and regulations. Syrian politicians can chose freely where to go and this results in Egyptian and Syrian politicians often travelling between Damascus and Cairo. While Egypt is the leader of the union, Syria is regarded equal in importance.

Egyptian and Syrian military and administrative personnel were exchanged to ensure smooth cooperation between them. Personnel was also appointed to oversee and monitor the state of interaction and how the United Arab Republic was perceived in both Egypt and Syria. If displeasure was noticed, its goal was to find the reason for this displeasure and see if the source could be dealt with and cooperation increased.

Markets opened up between Egypt and Syria, allowing both markets to expand across each other. The new technology Egypt recently adopted was passed on through Syria and freely given access to. Investments were made to allow industry to use and incorporate the technology. New trade and economy centers in Syria were developed to propagate national and international trade and economy.

The United Arab Republic is putting in a lot of effort to make the new Republic work. This in hopes to show that a pan-Arab state is plausible and to entice other nations to unite with it as well. It is the hope that Yemen, part of the United Arab States, will eventually become part of the United Arab Republic as well. Likewise, it is the hope that others will join the United Arab Republic as well, or at least the United Arab States.

United Arab Republic supports new Iraqi regime

In a public announcement, the United Arab Republic supports the new Iraqi regime. It expresses its hope to create closer ties and to see Iraq on its proper feet again.

United Arab Republic seeks to smooth relations

That the newly created United Arab Republic created tensions was obvious due to the creation of the now dissolved Federation of Jordan and Iraq. Hoping to smooth things over, the United Arab Republic offers a friendly hand towards Jordan and especially the Jordan people, where President Nasser states: "We are all Arabs, let us work together as Arabs."

In a similar vein, it has sought to improve relations with Lebanon and stating that: "Hopefully such foreign intervention will not be necessary in the future." Meanwhile, UAR diplomats continue to talk with the other Arab nations, trying to lobby the ideal of a pan-Arab state and extending the offer to join the United Arab Republic or United Arab States to any Arab nation wanting to hear it.

2009-04-17, 01:20 PM
IDF Forces cross the Litani

Elements of the Israeli Defense Forces, composed primarily of infantry from the Golani brigade, have crossed the Litani and moved into Lebanon to assist American forces with enforcing peace. Though Lebanese officials remain somewhat wary of the military that recently annexed a tenth of their country, Israeli soldiers conduct themselves well, and are relatively tolerated by locals. American forces mostly seem to get along well with their Israeli counterparts, especially the American-born ones. Israeli-occupied territories are mostly governed with a light hand, though any signs of resistance are stomped on fiercely.

Israeli Economic Program Extends to New Land

A recent document released by Mapai indicates a strong intention to extend the extensive infrastructure development scheme to include the newly-occupied territories. Chief among the changes will be the resettlement of Jews to much of the now mostly-vacant West Bank (see article: "Arabs leave West Bank for East"), as well as the institution of public schools and jobs. Special emphasis is placed on integration of Jews, Muslims, and Christians, with strong efforts made to break religious boundaries.

Arab Group Blasts Israeli Schools

A prominent of Arab community leaders in the West Bank and Lebanon have blasted the new Israeli schools and initiatives. Mohammed el-Khoury, speaking for them, said, "These new Israeli schools are just a thin veil to hide the brainwashing of our children. In them, my sons and daughters learn about the victimization of the Jewish people, the triumph of the Zionists, the superiority of European methods over the tried-and-true ways of our ancestors. If I try to keep my children at home, they send police or soldiers to take them to these schoolhouses by force. Yesterday, my youngest told me of Israel's great military victory in 1948, retaking ancestral Jewish lands."

2009-04-18, 04:56 PM
1958 to Early 1959 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twxR8L-rw3Y&feature=related)


Explorer 6 Takes Pictures of Earth From Orbit

The sixth satellite in the Explorer program takes the first picture of Earth from space; followup satellites provide weather data and are pilot programs for satellites to come that will include living creatures.

Hawaii Joins the Union

The 50th state to join the Union was formally admitted in 1959, and will be permitted electoral votes and congressional representatives after the upcoming census.

United States Refuses to Recognize Castro's Cuba

President McCarthy refused to recognize the new Communist government of Cuba, calling for an economic embargo. He also mobilized the carrier groups in the Gulf of Mexico and moved several more in from the Pacific.

Critics argue that the President is less concerned about the Caribbean island and more concerned about bringing a greater force to bear on the South in the continuing power struggle in American politics.

United States Marine Corps, Army Invade Cuba

Carrier groups begin a bombing campaign over Cuba, which decimates the revolutionary army. The US's modern aircraft quickly down the revolutionaries' small number of old Russian planes, and virtually destroy all opposition from the air.


The Marines and Army stage a land and paratrooper invasion of the island and quickly move to secure major airports and urban areas. Castro and Che Guevara are rumored to have fled to Central America immediately prior to the invasion, but a manhunt is underway nonetheless.

Popular support for the Communists in Cuba is high, and opposition to the Marines leads to several casualties to guerrilla warfare.


This is followed by several months of arms shipments to the new democratic regime set up by the Americans, and McCarthy and his advisers project that the American military presence in Cuba will be reduced to none in the next two to three years.

"Massive Resistance" to Desegregation, Continued Lynchings

Lead by Harry Byrd, a Senator from Virginia, a backlash to the Civil Rights movement among even the moderates in the South leads to counter-desegregation protests for nearly a year. Several schools in the South close altogether rather than desegregate, and the situation continues to spiral out of control.


African Americans Leave South by the Thousands

Following the violence and protests, African Americans begin to leave the South for the West Coast in record numbers. This is expected to polarize the 1960 elections even more, which adds greater fury to the allegations that have already arisen over Gerrymandering and census fraud by both sides.

McCarthy Institutes Martial Law in South

The US Army effectively occupies much of the South, and forcibly disarms the National Guard in several instances. Martial law is extended to include a temporary ban on Freedom of Assembly and Second Amendment, which receives several ongoing challenges in the Supreme Court.

Ireland Returns to Solvency

The third government to regain sovereignty in Europe, setting up a representative democracy, and reaffirming its claims of independence from England.

Revolution in India, Australia

Prime Minister Prasad is pulled from his office in New Delhi and drawn, quartered, and hung from a lamp-post in the city center. India holds new elections, and the opposition party (which is socialist-leaning) comes to power, though the moderates in the party are the ones who hold all the power.

In Australia the revolution is less spectacular, but several junior officers in the military order the armed forces to remove the Republican government, and the vast majority of the military is only too happy to do so. The British brass is largely deposed, and Australia returns to the democracy that existed before its brief stint with Republic.

Argentina Claims Antarctic Peninsula

The South American power laid claims to the northernmost portion of Antarctica today, amid similar claims by Chile. A tense situation erupted as the Argentinan and Chilean navy faced off across Cape Horn, that was eventually resolved when the governments arrived at a compromise, in which Argentina allowed Chilean economic exploitation of the waters around the peninsula and agreed to cooperative development.

Communist Insurgency in Thailand

A Communist revolutionary movement gains a foothold in Thailand, though the public opinion is far less socialist-leaning than it was in either Cambodia, Vietnam or Laos. Still, violence has broken out along its borders, and threatens to balloon further.

Turn 2! 1959 to 1964!


Player map:
Zweanslord: Light Green: United Arab States
puppyavenger: Green: European Confederation

Communism and Capitalism:




Results of Spending:


Economy: High government spending on reconstruction efforts yields results, but with the continuing impossibility of growing food the country and dearth of laborers of all kinds, progress was hampered significantly.

Navy: The ships are built without incident.

Air: Planes, including several new jet engine models and a few long-range nuclear bombers, are ready for the battlefield.

Civil: The investment does well to bolster confident in the solvency of the USSR, and order is restored to much of Pacific and European Russia.

Tech: With the loss of many of your best scientists, progress is slow, and radiation has always been a very difficult thing to treat. The existing treatments (palliative care) are still the standard, though your biomedical scientists develop some chelation therapies, and ways to remove radioactive dust from lungs.
Progress on guided missiles is slow, especially since they aren't working from an example of larger missiles. Prototypes have a range of a couple hundred miles and cannot carry anything much heavier than 50 kg or so; they are not suitable for delivering atomic weapons.

Nationalist China (Just going to call it “China” from now on)

The spending on armed forces goes smoothly, though concerns exist over how wise it is to spend all surplus wealth on weapons.

South Africa

With the abolition of Apartheid, a great deal of progress is made toward a more equitable society (though you aren't there yet). The recent influx of immigrants has once again caused a labor crisis, though your spending on the economy has done much to generate the jobs required by this new deluge of people.

A giant influx of labor, low nuclear devastation and income from food exports create a favorable economic climate; the economic expansion proceeds slightly faster than planned.

Your investment in technology allows you to modernize slightly faster than the rest of the world, though nothing spectacular.


The Hidalgo Plan is a resounding success, as your farmers and scientists develop better ways to fertilize fields and get even more yield per acre. This, coupled with the Green Revolution, has once again made Mexico a food exporting nation.

The State Police get a bunch of new toys, including bugging equipment and an upgrade to their communications and training. All in all, a more effective force.

The propaganda campaign manages to undercut what little support the Communists had, and the country is relatively free of unrest.


Australia's revolution halts the shipments of equipment for the space program when it is abut 60% complete. (6 of 10 wealth worth of things arrived before it stopped).

Project Cadmus reveals a sobering truth: with the massive input of ash into the upper atmosphere as a result of World War Three, the Earth's climate could become significantly cooler in the coming century, as the aerosols from the war and from fossil fuel combustion (in its current dirty state) seed clouds and increase the planet's albedo.

Radiation is a difficult thing to treat, though your scientists make some strides in palliative care, chelation, and radioactive dust removal.

Talks with the Native Americans and French Canadians appear to be going well, with an overall increase in equality.

The transcontinental pipeline construction is completed, allowing Canada to become a major exporter of fossil fuels.

Masses of immigrants stream across the Atlantic from Europe, though this slows down considerably after the founding of the European Confederation and England's return to solvency.

United Arab Republic

Egypt and UAR hire foreign engineers and scientists to modernize their economic structure and military, and make great strides toward the present level of development

The planes that Egypt ordered roll off the production lines and into hangars without incident.

Egypt's economic efforts meet with success, both through investment in industry and through the union with Syria. The Suez also generates significant revenue.


The country's economy grows slightly, and Spain gets significant immigration from Europe before the European Confederation's founding.


Despite the arms shipments from America, the IDF and IAF are slightly smaller than they were prior to the Suez War. Israel's economy, however, undergoes something of a miracle, as the aid from the United States (which congress refused to let Taft halt on several occasions) allows economic planners to really turn Israel into a manufacturing powerhouse.


((You didn't spend any of your trade income (9); I spent it for you on economy. If you want to retroactively change it, let me know.))

Despite little to no government investment, Korea's economy grows as it rebounds from WW3. Its spy forces and general level of infrastructure are also recovering.

2009-04-18, 06:47 PM


Triple Alliance!

Representatives of Canada, Mexico, and Spain formally create the World Peace Alliance, an agreement between the three nations to cooperate in economic and military affairs. The Angeles government offers to host the first formal meeting of the three nations in Mexico City.

Mexico pledges to support Project Cadmus

In light of Canada's new discoveries regarding climate change and the effects of radiation on the planet, Mexico has offered to dedicate a portion of its R&D to extending Project Cadmus to reversing climate change and cleaning the atmosphere. The Mexican government encourages its ally, Spain, to do the same.

(OoC: basically, I'm proposing we three pool tech together for Project Cadmus)

Angeles Announces the Cultural Rebirth

President of Mexico Francisco Angeles has announced the "Cultural Rebirth", a program to restore Mexico's cultural history. Among other initiatives, the native language of Nahuatl will now be taught in schools alongside Spanish, and the Angeles government will begin to integrate the language into the everyday. Aztec holy days and festivals will be recognized as national holidays, and old Native American poetry and literature will be introduced into the academic field.

Mexico Withdraws Troops From Germany


In light of the creation of the new European Confederation, Mexico has withdrawn its soldiers and supplies from Germany and sent them home.

Current Budget, May be Subject to Revision

6.75 Wealth on Civil- Along with the Cultural Rebirth, the Mexican government continues to promote nationalist sentiment and promote loyalty to the state.

6 Wealth on Economy-The government continues to aggressively expand Mexico's economic strength.

6 Wealth on Spy-Angeles continues to show favoritism towards the Secret Police, and further molding them into an elite force. Currently focus is on training more effective spies and more effectively tapping into communications. Yay totalitarianism!

Trade: PM to Accept

Canada-7:7 *Confirmed*

2009-04-18, 09:10 PM
European Federation

short summery of government

Basically, provinces are divided along geographic lines, they have control over misdemeanor offenses, road building and infrastructure projects, a police force and reserves, and economic development. The governments very highly centralized as the current government is working very hard to promote a national identity, and are terrified of any dissent.

Currently ruled by an interim government of the demagogues, militia leaders, experienced politicians, and former rulers who worked together to form the Federation.

When election are held (after economic and political situation stabilized somewhat) each province sends one councilor(usually also the provincial premier) and one senator is elected for every 5 thousand people (rounded up). Upper and lowers houses respectively, Leader of larges party or coalition is the Prime Minister. weather Head of State will be a monarch or president is to be determined after elections.

EF troops assume Mexicans German positions

As the Mexican troops in Germany return home, EF troops, drawn mainly from the German population, arrive to take them over. They generally just keep order, and a referendum for the area to join the EF is scheduled in a years time.
2 ground sent to take over positions and ensure peace
European immigration system announced

In an effort to attract some of the European diaspora to return home, the New immigration system announced today that any citizen of a European country who left just before, during, or after WW3 will be allowed free settlement into the EF, compensation in euro's for the value fo any goods they can verify they lost well leaving for their value at the time they were lost, and a free plot of unclaimed land.

1 wealth in add campaigns and propaganda efforts
Diplomatic overtures made to French warlords

Several Overtures have been made to the warlords and government controlling the remainder of France. Although all are classified, common knowledge indicated that the offers seem to be mostly centered around, amnesty, a position of interim governor, and plain bribed.

2 spy sent to try and ensure a positive conclusion to the talks
Trade deals offered to solvent European nations

In order to promote European unity, as well as help improve the finances of the three nation, today a series of tariff lowering and goods movement treaties were presented to the governments of Ireland and England.

4:4 trade deals offered to both of them (I have 9 trade cap right?)

1 trade offered to anyone fo an even deal

2009-04-18, 10:39 PM
Euro-Israeli trade deal announced

Eariler this week a trade deal was announced by the Israeli and European governments. Both governments hail this as first step to greater cooperation.

Silver Coin
2009-04-19, 12:40 AM
The Rodina Needs You!

"The Soviet Union is trying to restructure it self in the aftermath of World War III, but how is that possible, when our citizens choose to abandon their homeland? How are we to progress if our best and brightest abandon their motherland for foreign lands? In this time of crisis, the Rodina needs its people more than ever. To the Russian people from around the world. Come home. The Rodina needs you." - Nikita Krushchev in a recent press conference.

The USSR Offer Aid to the European Federation

As it immediate neighbour, the USSR is officially extending its hand of friendship to the newly formed European Federation. The Kremlin is hopeful that this would help establish a cohesive working relationship with the European people.

The End of Food Shortage in Sight?

The Kremlin has recently announced that it will be funding an ambitious project to allow the USSR to be at least self-sustaining in terms of food. The plan is to use advanced agricultural techniques such as hydroponics to allow food production in Western USSR where conventional method of food production is unlikely to work while promoting agriculture in the Far East, which remains relatively free of nuclear contaminants.

"While there are plenty of people out there willing to provide aid to the Russian people, there are those with less noble intentions. In this time of danger and uncertainty, the the Soviet people cannot live off the sympathy of others, or we would be at the mercy of others as well." - Nikita Krushchev

Chelation Therapy Now Available

With advances in therapy techniques, chelation therapy is now available to the general public, though the price is still heavy despite government subsides. Also, due to the inherent risks involved, the public is advised to carefully consider their decision of where or not to take it up.

I should have been more specific about what I meant. By guided missiles, I mean conventional Air to Air missiles or Anti ship missiles.

Income: 29.1 (Base income)

10 into food production. I'm really not sure whether it's under Civil or Economic.

12 into Civil, like making sure my worker don't die... Also, provide better healthcare in general. Offer what treatment for radiation we have to the public.

6 into Air
Arm existing fighters with guided missiles. Phase out older Aircraft for newer ones.

1.1 into Treasury

7:5 trade offer with EF
Do we need to renew trade agreements? If so, renew all trade agreements. Offer an increase of trade to 6:6 with Vietnam, since it now governs other SEA states.

5:3 trade offer with Kyushu

2009-04-19, 03:23 AM
Excerpt from A Religious History of Israel
...of course, as a Jewish state, Judaism was always the main religion in Israel; in 1960, Jews composed over 85% of the population. To refer to "Jews" in a unified religious sense is flawed, however. While the monolithic term was broadly applied in a legal and ethnic sense, the two primary schools (Ashkenazi and Sephardi/Mizrahi) of Jewish tradition remained quite distinct. Among the non-Jewish Israelis (referred to widely as Arabs, despite the fact that almost all Mizrahi Jews might also be thus called), the primary religion was Sunni Islam, with a small Shia subminority. Christianity - primarily the Syriac Orthodox church, but also various Catholic and Greek sects - possessed a slightly smaller minority, but seemed to wield more influence despite this. Other notable minorities include the Samaritans, followers of an ancient Abrahamic faith, and the Druze, a fierce mountain people following their own unique branch of Islam.

Israel Officially Integrates New Districts!

After being held as military-governed territories for two years, the West Bank and South Lebanon Special Districts have been officially incorporated into Israel proper as the Tyre (South Lebanon), Samaria (northern portion of Transjordan's West Bank), and Judea (southern portion of the same) Districts. This change in status follows a heavy wave of internal immigration, with these regions now all being nearly half-Jewish. Also accompanying this change in status is a removal of martial law and incorporation of civilian police.

Israel Repeals Austerity Laws

Originally passed shortly after the foundation of the nation, the Austerity Laws were a series of laws dictating the rationing of foods, fuels, and luxury items, following Israel's intense immigration. Now that Israel's economy stands as one of the strongest in the region, these laws are scheduled to be repealed gradually over the next three years.

Israel Commits to Equality

The issue of equality in Israel is an increasingly important one, particularly following the doubling of the Arab population following the incorporation of Samaria, Judea, and Tyre Districts. Though on paper all Israeli citizens and noncitizen permanent residents are equal, the reality is somewhat starker: Ashkenazi Jews (including Americans and Russians) are often shown preference over Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews, and all Jews are shown preference over non-Jews (typified as Arabs, but also including Circassian minorities in the north).

Under the strong urgings of President Einstein, and perhaps shocked by current events in the USA, the Reform Party has indicated that it will submit a bill to the Knesset, seeking to further compulsorize military service: currently, Arabs and religious Jews are de facto not required to serve, despite their de jure status. The bill will also mandate the destruction of such units as the Women's Brigade and Unit of Minorities, forcing the integration of women and minorities into mainstream units. Not surprisingly, there is a great deal of resistance to the bill, stemming mostly from the religious and Arab communities.

If the bill passes, it will likely be followed by a series of secondary measures to ensure equality in employment, education, and other fields.

Ministry of the Interior Announces New Developments
In a recent press release, the Ministry of Interior has announced that the wildly successful development programs that have transformed Israel into an economy to reckon with, will be extended not only into Tyre, Samaria, and Judea, but also the Negev Desert.

With the exception of Eilat, there are currently no Israeli cities or towns of note south of Be'er Sheva. The only real inhabitants of the Negev are the nomadic Bedouin Arabs, who continue to live in a manner nearly identical to that practiced for millenia. Though much of the desert is planned to be set aside as a nature reserve, plans nevertheless exist to create several villages and establish manufacturing centers in the barren land. Rumors also abound of energy developments, primarily in the form of solar power plants, to be constructed in the hot and sunny desertscape.

2009-04-19, 04:09 PM
United Arab Republic

Aswan High Dam

With money being generated by the new economic advances the United Arab Republic made, a large Egyptian project has started to really kick off. These are the plans and construction of the Aswan High Dam. A Dam that lies higher on the Nile than the current Aswan (Low) Dam and will safeguard against the flooding of the Nile as well as help regulate the water flow in the Nile. With hydroelectric power, it is expected to deliver a lot of electricity throughout Egypt. The best of the best of the United Arab Republic are involved in the project, as well as hired foreign engineers. The project is led by Osman Ahmed Osman's Arab Contractors.

The project is expected to offer job opportunity now as well as secure the jobs close to the Nile currently, lest the Nile overflows again. Due to this stability of the Nile, agricultural expansions will be possible. And due to the produced electricity, Egypt hopes to gain greater independence with electricity. The increased electricity will allow the connection of most Egyptian villages to use electricity for the first time. It will further be able to meet the demands of the the burgeoning industry electrical needs. The project will take many years, but expectations are high. It is mainly funded by the new economic income of the United Arab Republic and revenue generated by the Suez Canal.

Because the reservoir created by the Aswan High Dam would threaten archaeological sites and monuments, the government has send out several archaeologist teams to survey and excavate the sites and bring the monuments to safer places in the UAR, allowing the Egyptian heritage to continue to be appreciated.


The UAR's latest modernisations through foreign engineers and scientists continue, steadily marching towards a technology level that equals the higher technological levels of this world. However, the UAR seeks to grasp further. It continues to look for foreign engineers and scientists, not just to modernise the UAR, but also to stay or educate the citizens of the UAR.

There are numerous investments in education, from improved schooling throughout the UAR to improved and new Universities for the intellectual elite. There is more money available for each of these educational institutions and care is taken that the educational level is of a good quality. It is an obvious measure to not just modernise society with technology brought in from the outside, but to modernise society from within on multiple levels. It is a hope that the UAR will eventually be able to contribute to technological advancements on a global scale, instead of only an Arabic scale.

Societal Changes

With a blossoming economy and ongoing modernisation, the attention of the government has now broadened. The economy and government needs better regulations and these are put into place. They are meant to reduce possibilities for corruption and to make things more orderly. Introduced with an eye on the future, these changes are introduced because of a continuing growth of the government and economy. Attention has been paid towards the interaction between the Egyptian and Syrian side, to ensure that the government can properly handle larger scale operations with different population groups efficiently and without harm towards either culture.
The integration with Syria has been carefully studied and while several places have reported Egyptian arrogance of personnel towards Syrians, these incidents have been dealt with in several ways and the best and most satisfying ways are further examined to provide better means to deal with the prospect of an expanding UAR.

Beyond change of regulations, there have been clear signs of chances in normal society as well. With improving schooling, better infrastructure, new and cheaper household appliances life seems to become more comfortable. It does not end there, however. With the new regulations on the higher level, there are also new regulations for the common folk. These are positive regulations, with improved healthcare and newly set up projects to deal with poverty and get people a job. Alongside that development is the improvement of some civic rights, which may suggest even more in the future.

Continued Modernisation and Expansion

The modernisation keeps going on, with the UAR continuing to develop. There even seems to be projects being funded to not just modernise any more, but to use the momentum of its modernisation to push towards more advanced technologies and move towards a technology level matching the most advanced country. However, the UAR is not there by a long shot, but the ambition is surely there.

A similar ambition is apparent within the economic sector. With a continuously developing economy and industry, investors are drawn towards the blossoming economic center, trying to move higher along the blossoming growth. With the Aswan High Dam project clearly under way, future prospects contain high expectations.

Between Syria and Egypt there is both some kind of competition and cooperation going on. Individual branches and sectors are developed and modernised, competing with each other, but also by doing this they go through new heights. Some even dare to merge across regions. Several branches have set their eyes upon the other member state of the United Arab States, but similarly the economy in Yemen sees opportunities in the United Arab Republic.

There has been a lot of trading inside the United Arab States as well, but also a lot of trading between the UAS and the other nations of the Arab World. To stimulate this and the economic advancements, infrastructure has been improved on important routes and several initiatives have been undertaken to expand this infrastructure through the UAR.

Planes Production

Improvements continue to move through the UAR's plane production and continued investments in the UAR Airforce see new planes being ordered, constructed and joining the Airforce over the next years. As technology develops, so do the planes and its production, so the plane industry in the UAR will continue to be busy over the years.

Gaza Strip Referendum

The Gaza Strip is under control by the All-Palestine Government, but a new referendum has been set up to ask the people if they prefer to join the United Arab Republic.

Tolerance, harmony and cooperation propagated

While the UAR sees modernising on several aspects, ranging from technology to economy and society, it is the latter that shows more change. Society is not merely modernising, being educated or feeling the effects of new regulations, it is also seeing new campaigns and movements emerge, propagating thoughts of tolerance, harmony, cooperation and united Arabian action.

"The Arab World should not only be united under one flag, but it should be united in spirit with a true sense of cooperation. This can only be achieved if we are tolerant of each other, learn of each other and respect one another, so that we may live in harmony. Whether you are Sunni or Christian, whether you live in Egypt or Syria, whether you from Yemen or Libya, we are all humans. We, the Arab people should act as one people, united not only in name, but as neighbours, as a people and as friends!"

Throughout the UAR and even in other nations of the Arab World, the pan-Arab ideology continues to be encouraged, but so is tolerance and cooperation encouraged. If the Arab World is to leave a definite mark on this world and wishes to live together in harmony and prosperity, it should work towards it. The initiatives in the UAR have been more numerous and effects are being reaped. It is able to propagate itself as a prospering nation, seeking to extend this towards other nations.

New Israeli Economy recognised

While the UAR strives to push forward to new heights of economy and trade, several sectors have taken note of the amazing industrial emergence happening within Israel. And made use of it, by extending trade contacts there and importing as well as exporting a variety of goods. This act is in line with the tolerance and cooperation that is being propagated throughout the UAR. It is also in line with the economic advances being made on both sides, because the benefits of trade between such close economic powers are obvious.

Trading with Israel starts up.

Arab Diplomacy

Trade between the UAR and the Arab World is thriving and reaping the advantages of the improved trade centers and facilities throughout Egypt and Syria. With the continuing development in the UAR and the new heights it continues to reach, it offers a sight at how other Arab nations may be. It continues to lend its assistance towards other Arab nations, but it is obvious that by joining the UAR, the greatest benefits will be reaped.

This option, joining the UAR or the UAS continues to be supported by the UAR government and attention is paid to Arab nations considering it, with diplomats being sent to discuss the possibility, inspire pan-Arabism and showing which advantages the deal has.

Total Spending Summary

Wealth after trade and upkeep: 36.75 (28 wealth - 13.25 upkeep + 22 trade)
Wealth spent: 36.75

Technology: 8
The modernisation of the UAR continues, but this time the measures are even more profound. Continued efforts are being made to modernise across the board, in multiple sectors as well as in common life. One of the major applications and stimulations for technology has also been the Aswan High Dam project, where the engineers are intent on making it a dam which uses amongst the best of technologies.
Not only intent on modernising, the UAR has funded universities and hired foreign engineers and scientists to teach there. This, combined with new research institutes, will allow the UAR to keep and propagate the technological advancements in the nation, but also allows the UAR to develop a scientific basis in the nation. Which will in turn lead to a future where the UAR will not only follow in the wake of the technological advancements, but also be able to introduce new technological advancements.

Air: 6
The UAR Airforce continues to upgrade and expand its flight of planes. With an already busy plane industry, it continues to be used to increase the might of the UAR Airforce and bring it up to par with the UAR’s Army and Naval forces.

Economy: 14
The Aswan High Dam is a major source of activity in industry and economy. Its completion will allow electricity needs to be met and let towns be fed electricity for the first town. It will meet the industry and economy electricity demands and allow a greater independence of electricity. Further, it will allow agricultural expansion because of the reliability of the Nile.
Beyond that, the continuing modernisation of economy, industries and trade leads to an improved economy. Investments continue to be made throughout the economic sector, expanding the UAR’s central economic state in the Arab World. Alongside, infrastructure is built to meet the demands of economy, industry and trade, allowing better trade contact with other nations as well.

Civil: 8
Modernisation has started to affect society as well and a large deal of investments are made in civics to deal with the expanding and changing economic environment. And not just deal with it, but improve it. Special care is taken to watch the integration of Egypt and Syria in the UAR, so that any other nations joining the UAR will be more smoothly integrated and the advancements of the UAR will be able to be implemented in those nations.
For the common folk, the modernisations see clear effects, with new and cheaper household appliances, improved healthcare and initiatives to reduce poverty. The improved schooling across the UAR has also made things better for the children of the common folk, giving them better future prospects.
The new regulations affecting society are noticeable on the individual level as well, but new rights are being introduced on an individual level too, paving the way for even better rights in the future.

Pan-Arabism and Harmony Propagation: 0.75
The pan-Arabism ideology continues to be propagated across the UAR and the Arab nations, but beyond this, initiatives are taken to make the Arab community a more cohesive community at large. Tolerance and harmony is stimulated and groups are brought together in greater harmony. These initiatives are both public as well as covert.

Trade: 22:22
Arab World: 20:20
Israel: 2:2

2009-04-19, 05:43 PM
Massive reconstruction plan announced

Earlier this week a report from the Committee for infrastructure reconstructions presented Parliament with a massive and wide reaching plan to invest more then half of the Federations budget in infrastructure and energy projects. Despite some controversy, the bill is expected to pass easily.

Re-organization and streamlining of Peacekeeping forces

Now that the government has a little room to breath, a long-term modernization and re-organization of the "peace corp" as the military is now called. as it is currently little more then a bunch of separate militia's, this is welcomed by the vast majority of the populace

EF applies for U.N. membership

A formal request has recently been lodged with the U.N. for the European Federation to be extended membership.

Current budget, subject to revision

Infrastructure investment

With almost no public utilities or health-care in most area's and little more then a flag to show government control in some of the more isolated ones, a concentrated effort is being made to link up the nation with roads, electricity, clean water and a rail system.

8 to bring economy to 8
6 to bring civil to 6

Immigration scheme

I nan effort to draw back all the people who fled Europe immediate citizenship and compensation for all materials they can prove they lost is being offered along with free land to any refugee who resettles in the federation

2.25 wealth, adds and compensation

Military reorganization

In an effort to turn the Peacekeeping forces from the collection of disparate militia's they currently are into a modern army, a long-term reorganization and modernization project is being put into motion

4 on ground

2 saved

2009-04-19, 09:46 PM
OOC: Sorry for not posting on so long, when are turn 2 orders due exactly?

Kim Chang-ryong's discussion with aide Chung Ju-yung:

"So it seems that the Chinese communist tyrants are now fighting with the Japanese imperial tyrants."
"That indeed appears to be the case, sir."
"Well that clears things up nicely doesn't it, it is ever so convenient when one's enemies kill one another without getting us involved."
"Yes, much more pleasant for us than the 6/25 matter."
"I think I shall have you commission the construction of the world's smallest violin, I will have it played in commemoration of the war dead of this Japanese/Communist conflict."
"A violin sir? I don't quite take your meaning?"
"Never mind, a private joke. In any case, how's your family been?"
"Well, all the cousins from up north are at Kaesong now and I've been able to gets jobs for most of them."
"Good to hear it, shame about that car repair business of yours. So much was destroyed in the war."
"Well, it just wasn't to be."
"Alright, now I have a message to dictate to Chiang, go find a secretary, will you?"

To Generallisimo of all China, Chiang Kai-check, from General Kim Chang-ryong of the Republic of Korea:

We celebrate your victory over the enemies of the entire world, these communist dogs who are unfit for even boshin-tang, and hope that soon the day will come when all China will prosper under your enlightened rule and that Korea will be able to benefit from trade and positive relations with its great neighbor to the west.

But we do have one small matter to discuss with you. As can be see in this: http://www.korea.net/news/issues/goguryeo/40_343_map.jpg map, a small portion of what is now known as Manchuria is the rightful patrimony of the ancient Korean kingdom of Goguryeo and we would appreciate it immensely if you could return this territory to Korea. In return you would have the enternal gratitude of Korea, the assistance of Korea in all matters both military and civilian and we would pay for the relocation of any inhabitants of that area who do not want to be ruled from Kaesong. Please keep in mind that the majority of the inhabitants of that area are either the descendants of Koreans or are Korean refugees who fled northwards from the oppressive Japanese colonial rule of our belolved nation.

2009-04-20, 10:20 PM
Chiang Kai-shek has decided to make Buddhism including all of its denominations the official religion of China. Chiang has announced that he and his family have embraced the teachings of Buddhism and have been longstanding believers in its values but he will not say which particular denomination he is part of because it is a personal matter. He assures citizens that they will continue to have the freedom to practice any religion and that China has not become a theocracy. He has also started a program to gradually repair all the temples and shrines that were destroyed during the war. The government has begun to organize many of the celebrations of the annual religious festivals and holy days both provincially and overall. Many old sites of worship that have remained intact during the war are further improved upon through government funding and new religious landmarks are created. All sites with substantial religious significance are ordered to be preserved. A new committee is designed to handle all of these matters.

This decision has been made because the majority of Chinese practice Buddhism as well as its neighbors Tibet, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Bhutan, Korea, Mongolia, Burma, Thailand and Japan. In addition Buddhism has a long history in China and has many similarities between it and Taoism.

Chiang asks Tibet to begin trading with China now that the communists have been driven away and there is a peace agreement between both nations.

Requesting 15:15 trade with Tibet or as much as possible.
Chiang proposes a defensive alliance with Tibet as well and expresses his hope that one day the two nations will unite as one since Buddhism is a major part of the identities of both.

To Korea:
"It is true that Korea originally owned that land but for over one thousand years China has been in possession of it since then. Historically Korea and China have attacked each other many times in the past to attempt to expand their territory and this is how the land has been distributed since the end of those wars. I believe China has just as much of a right to the land as Korea if not more so it will not be returned. In addition I highly doubt the majority of people in that area are Koreans for this reason as well as the fact that my census simply tells me otherwise. The area is also not very small since it would roughly double your land if it was given to you."

Moody the Wise
2009-04-21, 01:37 PM
January 1-3, 1959 - Bloemfontein, South Africa

PM Mandela addresses the SAMAL leaders ((Besutoland, Swaziland, Southwest Africa, Bechuanaland, Southern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, Angola, Mozambique, Kenya, Uganda, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian Congo, Gabon)). Madagascar, not previously part of SAMAL, is invited to the talks and invited to join the League.

He declares that all African nations still nominally under the control of colonial European powers have the right to independence, and promises that South Africa will safeguard that right against any who would seek to deny it.

After great applause, he goes on to propose that all SAMAL nations establish freedom of trade and movement within the various member nations. SAMAL passports will be issued and will guarantee citizens freedom of travel to anywhere within the union, and cost-free travel on South Africa's railway lines.

He finishes with a bang, pledging military protection to any nation who cooperates with the economic unity programs. He reveals that South Africa now has ballistic missiles capable of striking targets anywhere within the SAMAL region, and pledges to use this capability to protect SAMAL nations from foreign interference.

February 1, 1959 - Pretoria, South Africa

As South Africa prepares for the upcoming elections in 1960, Desmond Tutu, who had been steadily building a reputation since his involvement with the ANC revolution back in '54, is mentioned quite a bit. After several weeks of media frenzy over the popular figure, he announces that his involvement with politics in a formal capacity is over. He declares his intention to enter the Anglican Benedictine Order of the Holy Cross, to serve the spiritual needs of the South African people through the monastic tradition.

+9 (Resources)
+17 (Economy)
+10 (Population)
+26 (Trade)
-11 (Upkeep)
=51 Wealth to spend

Category 1: Space, 10 wealth
South Africa views its fledgling space program - the only one on the continent, and one of only two in the world at the moment - with great pride. It has become a symbol of the nation's modernization, and must continue to grow as all else grows in South Africa.

Category 2: Economy, 20 wealth
Serious investments are made in the state industries. Rail lines are expanded into all parts of the country, and lines are laid through Besutoland and into each willing SAMAL nation. Other industries are transformed into state industries as well, including many in the manufacturing sectors.

Category 3: Civil, 8 wealth
Large sums of money as spent on establishing cultural centers throughout the country, embracing and preserving the various cultural contributions of all South Africans - including the new substantial immigrant population, largely from central, eastern, and southern Europe. Festivals are held which celebrate these cultures, and promote understanding between different groups.

Category 4: Tech, 8 wealth
Investments are made in manufacturing technology, to give South Africa an upper hand in the global market with its newly nationalized manufacturing industries. Money is also spent to incorporate the benefits of the increasing space program where applicable to civilian life.

Category 5: SAMAL proposals, 5 wealth
Money is spent to put into effect the various proposals. This includes: issuing of passports, establishment of missile shield, propaganda.

Trade given: Trade received (26:26)
Argentina (4:4)
USSR (8:8)
SAMAL (10:10)
Brazil (4:4)

2009-04-22, 03:11 AM
1960 to early 1961 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okwWYD-ahlU&feature=related)


US Debuts Polaris Missile

The US military test-launched the new ballistic missile, capable of being launched from a submarine, and quickly commissioned several new submarines to meet this new capability.

1960 Census

The long-awaited census finally begins, and the nation waits with baited breath while the balance of power in American politics shifts.

When the census is complete, it becomes apparent that the South and the Democrats still hold a minority of elected representatives and electoral votes, as many of the refugees from the East coast ended up on the West coast.

First Televised Presidential Debate, McCarthy Shames Thurmond


In the first televised debate, the charismatic and good-looking Joseph McCarthy embarrassed the Democrat candidate, Strom Thurmond on camera. McCarthy appeared vigorous and in control, while Thurmond spent the debate sweating and fidgeting. Pundits and the general populace that watched the broadcast viewed McCarthy as the clear victor, while those that listened to the broadcast on the radio think that Thurmond made a fool of McCarthy, who clearly didn't understand the issues. Still, polls indicated that the broadcast heavily favored McCarthy's chances in the election.

1960 Election

McCarthy/Nixon take the election easily with a large electoral vote majority, and a popular vote of 52 to 45 in their favor. The election is hotly contested by the Democrats, who allege both census and election fraud by the Republicans, and demand a new election. Several of the more outspoken Democrats, notably Strom Thurmond and Harry Byrd, have made their intent to secede if the Supreme Court does not rule in their favor.

McCarthy Inaugurated

President Joseph McCarthy was sworn into office for a second time in January of 1961, to the raucous applause of a crowd of civil rights activists and young people, who view McCarthy and Nixon as heroes of the civil rights and anti-communist movement. This was overshadowed by the near-complete absence of Democrats in Denver, as most have departed for their home states despite their posts.

McCarthy Shot


The President was assassinated as he paraded through the streets of Denver in an open car following his election. Several members of the Ku Klux Klan in Denver have been detained, and several arrests have been made. Vice President Richard Nixon was sworn into office immediately following the assassination.


“Mark my words, ; I will hunt down those responsible to the last man, and I will not let an American hero and my dear friend die in vain. They can kill our leaders, but they will never kill our principals. This is the greatest nation on Earth, and, God willing, it will never fall. America the Eternal!”

North, South Carolina, Virginia Secede, Form “New Confederacy”

The most hotheaded of the Southern states (who still have a national guard to speak of) formally declare their secession from the Union for the second time in American history in January of 1961.

USAF Bombs Confederate National Guard Facilities Within Minutes of Secession

Bombers based on carriers in the Atlantic and airfields in the Midwest bomb the new nation's military less than an hour after it officially forms, cut supply lines, and destroy military equipment. The fight is over before it ever truly begins, as elite units of the US army, mostly veterans from WW3, Cuba and Lebannon, move to secure NC leaders and important positions. This is followed up by a large proportion of the US military, which occupies those states in short order.

CIA, FBI Capture Secession Movement Leaders

The leaders of the movement were quickly captured and removed from the area by helicopter following the secession, and imprisoned in Denver.

Byrd, Thurmond, Secessionists Executed for Treason

After an extremely short trial, the leading Democrats behind the secession, Strom Thurmond and Harry Byrd, are executed by firing squad, along with several other less important politicians. This effectively beheads the Democrats, and the party will most likely head in a new direction entirely following this blow.

Nixon Vows Reintegration

The President pressured Congress to allow the errant states back into the Union without major penalties, and the states rejoin the country following amendments to their state constitutions prohibiting segregation of any kind.

Congress, State Lawmakers Pass 23rd Amendment; Repeal Second Amendment, Abolish National Guard

Following the recent rebellion and massacres by the national guard, the United States constitution is officially amended with the 23rd amendment; repealing the second amendment and specifically prohibiting state militias.

Unrest in UAR

Several elements are stirring up nationalist elements in Egypt and Syria, which is placing strain on the UAR's nascent political structure. Still, progressive policies by the administration seem to be holding the small Republic together for now, though something needs to be done quickly.

European Defense Initiative Formed

The European Federation negotiates with the governments of England and Ireland and successfully forms a defensive alliance with two other recovering areas of Europe.

Greenland Votes to Join Canada as Semi-Autonomous Region

With years of silence from Copenhagen (now a radioactive swamp sitting astride a dead ocean), Greenland votes to join Canada as a semi-autonomous region. What this means for Canadian politics has yet to be determined.

Communist Movements in Central America Grow, Civil War With “Unity Movement”

Some foreign party seems to be funding the Communists in Central America, as they're growing in power much faster than seems possible. Concurrently, a “unity movement” which holds that Central America can only be strong through union with Mexico, is gaining strength, and in early 1961 these two factions come to a shooting war.

Nixon Invokes Monroe Doctrine, Lands Troops in Central America for “Peacekeeping”

Citing obvious foreign interference in Central America and pleas for assistance from several Central American nations, President Nixon orders the landing of several thousand US Army personnel, who act to support the existing governments. The additional military presence quells the violence for now.

Cuba Holds Elections, Dulles Plan Set In Motion

Cuba holds democratic elections following the US invasion, and the socialist party gains a slight majority. Secretary of State Dulles pushes a plan through congress similar to the Marshall plan for central America, in which the US will fund economic expansion in those nations in order to prevent them from turning to Communism.

EF Integrates Southern France

The EF conducts successful negotiations with warlords and successor governments in southern France, and manages to convince them to come in from the cold. Depopulated, non-arable and looted, the territory still has psychological value.

Climate Recovering

It seems the worst of the fallout from WW3 is over, as agricultural yields rebound above their WW3 values with an unusually bountiful growing season and improved agricultural techniques as a result of the Green Revolutoin.

First Oral Contraceptive Approved for Use

The new pill uses hormones to trick the body into “thinking” its pregnant, preventing ovulation. The pill receives a warm reception in the US and overseas markets.

2009-04-22, 04:01 AM
United Arab Republic

Unrest investigation in progress

With the current increased unrest in the United Arab Republic, the government has started an investigation to determine the cause. Stating that it has the best interest in the populace, the UAR tries to identify and then invite several key persons related to the unrest so they can privately tell their story. When the cause(s) start to be identified, the government will also seek solutions to the problem, looking to hear from experienced advisers. The government is making it obvious it is making an effort to ensure the success of the current pan-Arab state. As the investigation runs, reports are made not only for the purposes of identifying the cause now, but also to assess it in a bigger scope so that future integration with countries may be smoother. Meanwhile, initiatives to propagate the pan-Arab ideology continue in the United Arab Republic as before.

2009-04-22, 09:26 PM
Einstein Hospitalized

Israeli President Albert Einstein was hospitalized early this morning, following the rupture of a previously detected abdominal aortic aneurysm. The famous physicist is in critical condition, but doctors remain hopeful. Rumors of experimental surgery abound, though no hard facts can be found.

Israel Invites UN to Tel Aviv

In a surprise move, the State of Israel has formally invited the United Nations to make a new permanent headquarters in Tel Aviv, following the destruction of the old one in New York and of the Palace of Nations in Geneva. Addressing the General Assembly, the Israeli ambassador pointed out that Tel Aviv's central location and increasing status as one of the largest and most vital cities in the world make an ideal location for a new headquarters, and the Israeli government has even generously offered to finance the construction of the new campus.

Einstein Dead

Albert Einstein died in Hadassah Medical Center last night of his aneurysm, aged 80. He is survived by his wife and daughters.

Though the Knesset has not yet met to elect a new President, physicist Leó Szilárd is favored, not least because of his two decades in the United States.

New Nuclear Reactor Built

It is somewhat ironic that the day of Albert Einstein's death also marks the inauguration of Israel's first nuclear reactor at Dimona. In a nod to the tragedy, the facility is being named the Albert Einstein Memorial Nuclear Power Facility, giving recognition to the fact that it was his notion of mass-energy equivalence that made the entire concept of nuclear power possible.

Following the design of the Nuclear Pilot Reactor at the Weizmann Institute, the plant is weighs in at a sizable 800MW of power, and is expected to provide nearly all of Israel's electrical needs for the near future. Accompanying the opening is the repeal of the Electricity Use Regulation Law. Israelis all over the country plan to celebrate by leaving the lights on at night (their capacity for hot showers already having been filled by the recently introduced solar heating system pioneered by Levi Yissar).

The Israeli government, led by the new Minister for Nuclear Power, has soundly denied any possibility of the plant being used to help develop nuclear weapons.

Car Tax Stillborn in Knesset

A rumored tax on personal cars is said to have died in committee. The tax, part of what seems to be a larger program to reduce Israeli dependence on foreign and potentially hostile petroleum supplies, was met with stern opposition by the Reform party, who are strongly opposed to that variety of socialist-style policy making. Whether Mapai will push the issue through, and possibly lose their "Grand Coalition", remains to be seen. In the mean time, the Knesset has approved a Committee for Alternative Fuels, to investigate other methods of fueling cars.

Uzi Surpasses Tommy Gun!

Much to the chagrin of the Israeli pacifists and American gun manufacturers alike, a survey in the United States revealed that some 52% of Americans now consider the UZI the most "iconic" submachine gun, compared to only 37% for the United States' own homegrown Thompson. Israel Military Industries has announced plans to expand their production line and license other manufacturers, with a projected goal of gaining a majority of the world's submachine gun market.

Negev Seized

Citing an old Ottoman land law classifying "nonproductive land" as property of the state, the Israeli government has officially declared ownership of nearly the entire Negev Desert. Protests by the native Bedouin Arabs have been hampered by a lack of documentation establishing ownership of the harsh land. Though no solid plans have yet been established, plans are being floated by the government to settle and assimilate the Bedouins into mainstream Israeli society.

EDIT: trade data (full economic report pending)

Given: Received
USA 4:6
Canada 6:6
Australia 4:4
India 2:2
Egypt 2:2
European Federation 1:1
Singapore 1:1

2009-04-23, 03:14 AM
+8 (Resources)
+7 (Economy)
+14.3 (Population)
+15 (Trade)
-5.75 (Upkeep)
+9.5 I didn't spend last turn because I forgot to add it in
=48.05 Wealth to spend
Category 1: Economy 10
Now that the war with the Chinese communists is over the government has much more time to focus on creating an organized labor force. Many ambitious businessmen are given funding to start and expand new projects of all kinds. The government helps organize and fund free job training courses for people young and old to fill the nation's factories. Officials make sure that any companies that receive government funding are efficient, competitive and honest. Inspectors that find any falling short of their standards help restructure their business models or simply place them under government control if they commit gross violations of regulations and laws.

Category 2: Civil 12
Crime, especially discrimination is taken very seriously. Workplace laws are reviewed and modified to ensure that all workers are given proper treatment regardless of ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs and any other factors that do not hurt productivity. The government develops and refines job placement programs. Work begins on an improved nationwide public transit system. The country's first subway systems begin to take shape. Buses and trains increase in number and advanced high speed rail is developed. Modern hi-rise apartment buildings are made all over China to house its vast population.

Category 3: Air 16
The air force is completely restructured from the ground up. Brand new aircraft is designed and issued. Old models are disposed of since there are so few. New pilots are mass recruited but the quality of the aircraft they will be using is made just as great a priority as the quantity. The new model of fighter is made to last unlike the disposable ones of the past.

Category 4: Army 6
Vast amounts of foot soldiers are trained to take advantage of the country's huge population. They are all given new equipment but it is still behind the technology of other nations.

Category 5: Technology 4
Factories receive government funding to implement advancements in manufacturing technology when the process is easy and affordable.

Chiang offers Mongolians that are tired of living under the influence of communist Russia the choice to immigrate into China. Buddhists from all communist countries in Asia are encouraged to come to China where expression of their religion will be accepted and praised. Government officials are sent to all of these countries in an attempt to broadcast this message and to negotiate safe transportation of refugees fleeing religious persecution.

2009-04-23, 04:29 PM
Miraz denounces EF's reimmigration plan
If you really want to live a warzone be my guest

2009-04-23, 10:26 PM


World Peace Alliance Meets in Mexico City

Representatives of both Canada and Spain met with Mexican delegates in an official meeting of the Triple Alliance between these three nations. The diplomats discussed "many things", including how to deter war within each nation's region, and how they might benefit one another as allies. The possibility of a joint space program has been brought up, but nothing has been confirmed yet.

Government Creates AES

In order to "keep Mexico on the cutting edge", the Angeles administration has founded the AES, the Agency of Experimental Science. The newly appointed head of the Agency, Miguel Orozco, has pledged to bring the Mexican States "into and beyond the twentieth century", in a program of modernization and invention.

Tomas Mendez Arrested!

Famed composer and singer Tomas Mendez was arrested by agents of the Mexican State Police on Thursday, who claim he has connections to Communist movements in Central America. Mendez's controversial new song, Dolores, criticizes the Angeles regime, comparing it to the reign of Porfirio Diaz sixty years ago, as well as to the Spanish conquistadors.

2009-04-24, 12:50 AM

Scientific Doomsday!

In a news conference, Cadmus scientists explain the general principles behind global cooling, a trend which is predicted to continue to worsen if nothing is done. Canada calls for the world's governments to begin ecological initiatives, specifically noting that, though the effects will not be immediate, the solution must be.

More funds are channeled to Cadmus, with the continued focus being the reversal of global cooling, and radiation clean-up. Labs are opened to Mexican and Spanish collaboration, in the hopes that the other Alliance members can help with this global issue.

Studies are initiated on the feasibility of building up 'greenhouse gasses' to help the world recover its temperature, and land reclamation (I'd like to find a way to reduce my nuclear devastation).

Greenland Joins the Federation

After quietly laying the groundwork both at home and abroad, Canada warmly welcomes its newest Province. In a public ceremony, the Prime Minister visits, promising immediate elections for an interim provincial Premier.

With him, the Prime Minister also brings words of an expanded local industry, and plans for serious enhancement of the Island's airfields. The entire island begins to bustle with new activity.

The new province promises to be a source of political stir for years to come, as the parties struggle to learn the needs of Greenland's people.

Canada proposes a New Start for the U.N.

"The U.N, like the rest of the world, must seriously consider it's role in the world. With the discovery of our global crisis, the cooling brought on by nuclear exchange... now, more than ever, it is clear that we are all citizens of the world, and must consider that first.

The U.N. must become more sensitive to the needs of disparate cultures, and help those with different views come together in harmony. What better place, then, for the new Headquarters, than a city already grounded firmly in those ideals? A city proud both of its distinct heritage and its participation in a larger whole?

The new location of the U.N. Headquarters will send a message. Let it be twofold: We acknowledge the world as our home, and all peoples as our brothers.

Here, in Montreal, we can work for peace, work for a better tomorrow, in a place with a heritage of peace."

Funding is quietly laid aside for a new campus, a project that is envisioned to never truly finish.

Avro Sales Skyrocket!

With orders pouring in from around the Globe, Unemployment reaches an all-time low as Avro announces massive hiring. Military orders for the new Interceptor and the improved C-107 Jetliner pour in, after the companies debut airshow.

Two new Government contracts are announced, secret except for their names: Orion and Icarus.

Quietly, Canada expands its funding for CESIS, a move prompted by worries over increased industrial espionage.

Canadian Industrial Legislation

With unprecedented speed, the legislation passes new laws restricting all industries from producing certain high-albedo pollutants.

In response, the industrial lobby warns of their own doomsday, an economic one. In response to a powerful groundswell of indignation by the people of Canada, massive funding is announced for all industries affected by the new laws.

As a result, nearly all factories in Canada begin upgrading to the latest in technology, incorporating many sophisticated production techniques while they have government funding.

Economic Initiatives in Greenland!

A series of investments are made in basic infrastructure, with new low-albedo natural gas plants opening up to provide power for the populace. Construction of proper power lines proceeds apace.

Meanwhile, with experience gleaned from years of integrating the disparate cultures of Canada, experts begin to negotiate with local leaders in Greenland's communities, hoping to smoothly integrate the cultures of Greenland into the Canadian mosaic.

Canadian Airforce Revamp!

With the introduction of the new Canadian Interceptor, the Canadian Airforce begins a long and laborious upgrade to all-new equipment, training a proud new cadre of airmen for the locally designed and built Aircraft.

55.35 + .75 unspent (last turn) = 56.10

Trade: 31:31

USA 8:8 (Same as last turn, hopefully NPC confirms)
Mexico 7:7 (Confirmed)
Spain 7:7 (Unconfirmed)
Israel 6:6 (Confirmed)
Australia 3:3 (Same as last turn, hopefully NPC confirms)


Category 1: Economy: 8 Wealth (Avro Expansion, Possible U.N. HQ)
Category 2: Economy: 12 Wealth (Factory Upgrades)
Category 3: Economy: 8 Wealth (Greenland Infrastructure)
Category 4: Civil: 6 Wealth (Greenland Inclusion, Possible U.N. HQ)
Category 5: Espionage: 4 Wealth (Counter-Espionage, Possible U.N. HQ)
Category 6: Airforce: 8 Wealth (Avro Refit)
Category 7: Tech: 10 Wealth (Cadmus)

Possible U.N. HQ - part of these investments will be reshuffled if I become the UN HQ, these are areas which I think would benefit from that status.

2009-04-27, 08:43 PM
Budget for Spain

Building up the Navy.
In order to help protect Spanish shores we be spending 4 wealth on navy upgrades
Social and Economic Reforms being pushed
2 wealth on civil and 4 on economic

2009-04-28, 02:20 AM
1961 to 1962 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14qTXRkAKr8)


Technological Advances Drive Revolution in Agriculture, Manufacturing

Spearheaded by the scientists at Project Cadmus and the Canadian government, there is a movement throughout the industrialized world toward cleaner-burning fuels, such as natural gas and oil, from coal and other high-albedo pollutants. Given the downward trend in temperature after WW3, most environmental scientists agree that CO2 is a more eco-friendly byproduct, but warn that excessively high levels may be problematic in the future.

Additionally, advances in agricultural technology, particularly in pesticides and rice strains, have pushed up crop yields worldwide. This has resolved a large portion of famine that plagued the world immediately following world war three.

Congress Passes Huston Plan


Following the extremely brief second American Civil War, Congress, under direct pressure from Nixon and his cabinet, push through a new law that allows much greater policing powers to the federal government, which arguably violates both the first and fourth amendments a very great deal. It allows the FBI and CIA to plant bugs, wiretap, spy on, and otherwise invade the privacy of citizens suspected of "seditious behavior" with relative impunity, subject only to a small congressional oversight committee handpicked by the president.

KKK Forcefully Disbanded

The Ku Klux Klan and many other Southern organizations were formally disbanded and outlawed in the USA through a lengthy piece of legislation put through congress before the readmission of the seceding states.

US Launches Friendship 7, First Human to Orbit Earth


The US Space program put a man in orbit of the Earth this year, the first of such a feat following several trials with animals.

First Black Student Registers at University of Mississippi, Escorted by Federal Marshals

Escorted by federal law enforcement agents, this marks further desegregation in the South and a demonstration of the administration's commitment to civil rights.

The news arrived only several days after the Huston act passed, leading many to speculate that this and other acts by the Denver administration are merely a red herring for a dramatic reduction in civil liberties. Still, Nixon and the Republican's approval ratings remain high, and most prominent Democrats either were executed after the war or have faded from prominence during close scrutiny by the FBI, IRS and CIA.

Courts Reinstate Public School in South, Desegregated and Federally Controlled

Following the "Massive Resistance"movement's refusal to desegregate schools and their subsequent closing, the federal government abolished all state-run educational institutions in the South and imposed a federally-controlled institution, payed for by a special tax levied on those states. Those states-rights activists bold enough to speak out publicly called the action another huge violation of the 10th amendment, and the continuation of the Republicans' "Imperial" policies.

Statue of Liberty Rebuilt, Atomic Devastation Cleared from East Coast


Much of the debris and wreckage from WW3 has been cleared away from the leveled cities on the East Coast, and some semblance of normalcy has returned to the region. While nothing even slightly resembling the industrial powerhouse of the pre-war era, the land has returned to some semblance of prosperity.

US Sets Up Short Range Ballistic Missiles in Turkey, Guam, Aleutian Islands, Ascension Island


Several ships leaving US ports have had ballistic missiles on their decks, and many military pundits speculate that they could be used to launch nuclear weapons at virtually every one of the new atomic powers. When asked for comment, President Nixon remarked "its just business as usual. The United States of America is moving to protect its people."

Civil War in Thailand

The communist insurgency continues to gain ground against the nationalists, as weapons come across the border from Cambodia and Vietnam, most probably funded by Ho Chi Minh's government.

Communists Invade Mainland Japan

After a brief period of respite, the Communists have invaded the main island of Japan, and steadily gain ground against the various feuding factions that remain.

UAR Apprehends Mossad Agents Fomenting Unrest

UAR intelligence officers locate the headquarters of a Syrian nationalist organization, and raid the building in a daring night operation. They capture many of the leaders, only to discover upon interrogation that they are actually agents of the Israeli intelligence forces.

Order Restored in Cuba, Moderates Gain Ground

With the money streaming in from the US in the form of a biased trade deal, the island nation sets about rebuilding itself following its own civil war. The money is primarily used, under the eyes of the Socialists, to improve the lot of the common people. This leads to a general increase in the quality of life, though many of the more radical elements of the Cuban government are moderating as they deal with the US officials delivering aid.

Marines and SEALs Hunt Communists in Central America

The occupation of Central America is going much worse, as guerella tactics by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara lead to a high attrition rate in American forces, as they are unable to hunt down the main sources of the weapons and manpower. CIA officers suspect they may be coming from Venezuela, Colombia or Brazil, but the army is unwilling to risk a major war as of yet.

Silver Coin
2009-04-28, 08:20 AM
Soviet Response to Missile Threat?

As the US deploys Nuclear Armed naval vessels around the world, there are rumours that Soviet Vessels have been spotted tailing the American Fleets. Speculation runs abound on what this could mean though the Russian government remains silent.

USSR Embarks on Space Program

As the third nation to join the space race, the Soviet Union is currently far behind the Americans and South Africans, but to the people of Russia, this is not only a matter of strategic and technological abilities, but also a matter of national pride. Doubts remain regarding the wisdom of this decision, especially since the USSR has recently lost many of its best scientists.

"Are we to bow down to the Capitalists and allow them to make claims about the impotence of the Soviet people? No! If they can send a man into space, so can we. I promise you that we will be able to send our first man into space within the decade. But to do that, we need the people. How are we to progress if our best and brightest flee from the Rodina at the first signs of trouble? The Imperialists has dealt us a devastating blow, but we will show that we are still strong and that we will not kneel before them." - Nikita Kruchshev

8 from Trade with South Africa

4 (Technology) Modernising the Soviet Military
4 (Technology) Research into Space related technologies with military applications (eg, Fuel, Rocketry, high performance materials)

Moody the Wise
2009-04-28, 09:59 AM
Bloemfontein, South Africa

PM Mandela gives a speech which is broadcast worldwide:

"Communism has failed us. The socialist movement needs a new face if it is to move in a positive direction. I am calling for a meeting of all true socialist leaders the world over, to be convened here in Bloemfontein. We will commit ourselves to the preservation of the socialist movement, both in body and spirit. It will be of the utmost importance that we maintain the spirit of the socialist movement, or else its physical manifestations can never hope to succeed.

The primary tenet of the new worldwide socialist movement must be that war is a tool of the capitalists and the imperialists, who are in fact identical. We must never use war to achieve our goals, only in the case of absolute need for self-defense. Any country that is willing to commit to this one point is welcome at the diplomatic table here in Bloemfontein. All else is subordinate to this point, and will eventually flow from it."

2009-04-28, 10:55 AM
European Federation moves into Italy, former Baltic states

With Western Europe secured by one nation or another, EF troops are now moving into Northern Italy, Austria and the former Baltic states.

2009-04-28, 02:31 PM
United Arab Republic

UAR demands explanation from Israel

With the discovery of the Israeli intelligence agents leading a Syrian nationalist organisation, the UAR has formally demanded an explanation from Israel. The news has rippled through the nation, obviously harming Israel's reputation even further in the Arab community. The UAR government tries to ease things by disallowing its pan-Arab propagation initiatives to focus against Israel. A closer watch is held on organisations which may stir unrest and possibly suffer from Israel infiltration. Meanwhile, the committees set up to investigate unrest continues its business, trying to find if there are other reasons for the unrest as well.

Gaza Strip

With a referendum that clearly stated the Gaza Strip wanted to belong to the UAR, the integration of the Gaza Strip in the UAR is now mostly finished. As with Syria, economy and industry expands to the Gaza Strip and the area is brought up to speed with technology and the new civil regulations. With its proximity with Israel, Palestine roots and new developing regions, it offers work and homes to Palestines who prefer to live there instead of the region Israel occupies.

Closer ties with Yemen

With Yemen already part of the United Arab States, the United Arab Republic continues to cooperate with Yemen on more grounds and initiatives for economy and industry using some of the modernised United Arab Republic are showing up in Yemen. From the UAR, more leeway and policies are set up to make the cooperation with Yemen smoother and to show the clear benefits of its status as UAS member and a possible future as being part of the UAR.


Several UAR diplomats are visiting the Bloemfontein convention. With the ruling party of the UAR is the Arab Socialist Union, this is a befitting action. It is publicly stated that "The United Arab Republic supports the South African wish and initiative to push the socialist movement towards a positive direction where peace is paramount and war should not be used to achieve goals. We extent a willing hand and our diplomats will be there at the Bloemfontein tables to discuss the subject and aid in the initiative."

2009-04-28, 03:51 PM

As a large portion of the Federations ruling council are socialist of some stripe, a part of 6 mid-ranking diplomats are attending the meeting for the federation.

2009-04-29, 12:34 AM

Red, White and GREEN

Due to the increasing global trend towards cleaner fuels and supplies, Mexican officials at the Agency of Experimental Science have expressed growing interest in finding ways to cleanse the nation's own oil and coal supplies, as well as harnessing renewable resources by constructing windmills and dams.


Nuclear Arms Not the Answer

In a speech from Mexico City today, President Francisco Angeles has called for nations the world over to disarm their missile silos.

"We've all seen what horrors can be perpetrated in this Nuclear Age. Entire cities wiped out in seconds, killing every single living thing. Let me ask this question, not just to the United States but other nations, as well: is it worth it? Do want the threat of never-ending death to be your legacy to world? To your children?"

OoC: This one's more for fluff/plot than anything. Feel free to read it; its just spoilered to represent how your countries won't necessarily know anything about it. Unless you're bugging the President's office. Which would suck for me.

"YOU IDIOT!" Angeles' enraged shouts could be heared outside his office and well into the hall.

"Erm...well...my president..." stammered Jose Orozco, chief of secret police, "when I contacted the American government, I just thought..."

"You THOUGHT?! You told them what we were doing in Central America and you've tipped our hand! At this point, anything you didn't tell them they can now find out themselves!

"My...my president...?" Orozca piped up timidly, "I did, however, inform them that it was the Russian agents supplying the Commies. Perhaps we can cut our losses and-"

"And what? Start a fourth world war?"

"No." The Chief of Secret Police seemed to be gaining confidence. "Not even the U.S. would be so reckless. But there would be pressure between them. The U.S. would have its eyes on its old enemy again, giving us a bit more room to maneauver."

"And how can we best ensure such tensions?" Angeles asked dryly.

"Well, my president, we can...we can 'pull some strings' ourselves, as it were."

Angeles sighed, mulling over this development. "You're fortunate, Orozco, that I occupied your position only a few years ago. Very well. We shall try to make the best of this situation. But so help me gods, if you fail me again..."

'Cuz I still got some unused trade:

European Federation-6:6

Silver Coin
2009-04-29, 01:03 AM
Dear Mandela,

As one of the world's foremost Socialist nations, there will be no doubt that I will personnally be representing the USSR in this historical meeting in Bloemfontein. Hopefully, we will be able to bring the world one step closer to Utopia.

Nikita Krushchev

2009-04-29, 11:28 AM
Chiang asks the leaders of Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia to discuss the threat of communism to their governments.

"I believe we should work together to defend ourselves from the communist movement that could potentially destabilize all of our governments and radically change our ways of life as well as our citizens'. It also threatens the basic principles of freedom that we all believe in.

Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam have already been overthrown by communists and now their combined armies are attacking Thailand and trying to convert it to their ways by force. Communist remnants that escaped China are now trying to take over Japan and may succeed because of the civil war it was already in before they came. At first it might have seemed like the threat was contained on the mainland but Japan is proof that it can spread to island countries such as yours.

I believe we should create a defensive alliance against these forces and agree that we will come to the aid of each other whenever we are in danger from them. I suggest in addition to this we should try to defend Thailand and help Japan reorganize and defend itself against the communists. Japan has caused great misfortune to all of our nations at some point in time with its goals of conquest and exploitation but I believe we should help it regardless of its past transgressions because we cannot afford to let the communists become any stronger. We can always make Japan a joint protectorate of our nations and divide it amongst ourselves if you do not wish to actually restore its sovereignty. If we support the nationalists in Thailand we can quell the rebellion and use it as a base of operations to launch attacks on the other communist dictatorships nearby. I am also willing to allow your forces to be stationed on my land to invade our enemies from it as well if it necessary.

We have a right to invade these countries because they threaten our stability and are run by leaders that have gained power through brute force. As each country south of China turned to communism it forced its ways on the ones around it. We must act as a counterforce and return things to their original state.

I propose that if we create alliance that we should formally give it a name so that it may be known that we stand together against these forces as one. I am open to all ideas you have."

Moody the Wise
2009-04-29, 12:09 PM
Mandela Denounces Southeast Asian Communists, Extends Olive Branch to China

In a well-publicized speech earlier today, Prime Minister Nelson Mandela denounced the communists in Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos, calling them little more than glorified thugs. He went on to say that their warmongering and imperialistic practices in the region only serve to hurt their people, and that they were ultimately trying to achieve communism by playing capitalist games.

At the same time, he reached out to China, offering South Africa's aid in the situation contingent upon China's adoption of more socialist programs. "Right now, it is difficult to see a 'right side' in this conflict. On the one hand there are thugs pretending to be communists and giving socialists a bad name, and on the other is a country sacrificing the welfare of its people in a blind frenzy of 'modernization.' If China were to take steps to ensure the welfare of all of her people, and formally denounce imperialistic goals in this conflict, the right path would suddenly become very much clearer."

Mandela Calls for End to U.S. Occupation of Central America

The Prime Minister gave an open speech directed to President Nixon, in which he called for an end to that country's occupation of Central America. "Your continued presence there, while brave and well-intentioned, is doing no good. Remove yourselves from their countries, and they will have no enemy to fight, there will be no bloodshed. They can afford to fight a guerrilla war against an occupation force, but they could never launch an offensive assault against your country. Step back from the situation, and take the time to understand the issues at hand. If you will commit yourselves to the wise path in this, South Africa can help you."

2009-04-29, 07:54 PM
Israel Denies Involvement in UAR scandal

In response to the recent discovery of several "Mossad" agents acting against UAR unity, PM David Ben-Gurion (to whom the director of the Mossad reports directly) issues an emergency press release denying all involvement:

"This is clearly an attempt to slander the State of Israel and frame her for something she did not do. While I am certain that the UAR's government is as innocent in all this as we are, there are any number of groups who would love to see an Egypto-Syrian attack on the Israel. To those who doubt, I ask to see any piece of solid evidence: the agents captured were, from what we can tell, all nationals of Arab nations, including mostly Syrians and Lebanese. To those who wished to do the us harm, it would be a simple matter to plant agents for discovery, and then have them confess to be Israeli under interrogation. Our nation has always hoped for nothing but peace."

Palestinian "Exodus" a Minor Trickle

Those there has been some small outflow of Palestinian Arabs from Israeli territory, it is rather minimal; those who wanted to leave largely did so years ago, immediately following the capture of Jordan's West Bank and the southern top of Lebanon. Those leaving are permitted to take whatever they wish with them, barring arms and other controlled substances.

Petrol Tax Goes Through Knesset

Following the stillbirth of last year's car tax, a strong bloc of the Knesset recently pushed through a bill heavily taxing civilian uses of petrol, though exemptions are available for the large public bus system. "We must remain as independent as possible of foreign and potentially hostile resource," said Amos Mendoza, a Mapai MK, "Unfortunately, that includes petroleum. Our scientists continue to look into alternative energy sources, but for now we must simply move towards greater efficiency."


The Israeli government has been strengthening its hold on the Negev Desert that constitutes the southern half of its nation. The native Bedouins are mostly being forcibly settled into cities across the nation, and while they are given generous "readjustment" pay until they can secure new jobs, this settlement continues to often be performed at gunpoint. Though some protest this behavior, few protest the development of the Negev. Though some 70% of the land remains designated as national parkland, most of the remainder has seen entire towns springing up out of the desert, as well as a small solar power plant intended to serve as a pilot for a larger program. Most notably, the Einstein Reactor's facility has been vastly expanded, officially to further reduce dependence on fossil fuel based power.

Seismological Activity in the Negev
Geologists around the globe have been talking about a recent seismological event in the Middle East, apparently centered in the deep Negev desert. Though there are a number of semi-active fault lines in the region, none of them pass directly beneath the tentative epicenter. Some analysts note that the activity could have been caused by a nuclear weapon in the 50-100 kiloton range, and have connected that event to Israel's recent nuclear reactor, suggesting that the Jewish State may have developed nuclear weapons.

Israeli Representative Sent to Bloemfontein

Given the current Israeli government's massively socialist policies, it is little surprise that the nation would choose to send a representative to the Socialist summit hosted by South Africa.

EDIT: Stats!

Total Budget: 32
Da Bomb: 6.5
Civil: 6.5 With a solid economic foundation beneath it, Israel has been working to increase the standard of living. Widespread introduction of solar water heating, desalination plants, and the nuclear reactor have all come together to give Israelis large supplies of electricity and hot, clean running water. Despite continued restrictions on cars, a cheap, fast, and extensive public transit system (including both trains and buses) as well as heavy bicycle subsidies mean that most Israelis can get around well enough. Emphasis is placed on incorporating Arab citizens (some 15% of the population) in an attempt to reduce their continued status as a disadvantaged minority.
Technology: 2 Again, a solid economic foundation enables the Israeli government to start a series of scientific grants and endowments. Though no new universities are founded, existing ones are expanded and enrollment starts to tick up.
Economic Development: 15 The Israeli government continues to pour enormous amounts of money into economic development. Agriculture, watered by a large series of nuclear-powered desalination plants, is expanded with the goal of achieving food self-reliance. Manufacturing is also boosted, though the emphasis shifts away from just mechanical product to electronics. The government also funds the foundation of two companies: Israel Aircraft Industries and Israel Semiconductor Industries, both publicly owned and privately operated companies in the cast of Israel Military Industries.
Army 2: Israel expands their army slightly; mostly this is due to integration of Arabs, women, Orthodox, etc.

2009-04-30, 12:24 AM
To Mandela:

"I swear I will not attempt to expand my territory by invading these southern countries if you are willing to militarily help restore order to them. I suggest we do what is necessary to take the dictators out of power and force the nations to democratically elect their leaders or restore the authority of the original ones. As for the protection of my people's welfare, I am already taking many steps to ensure it is safe such as trying to lessen all forms of discrimination in the workforce, promoting the national religion of my people and improving my nations transportation systems. I may adopt more socialist policies in the future and I may also take more of a capitalist approach. I do not care much if China is a socialist or capitalist nation since I believe both forms of government can succeed. What I care most about is the unity of its people and the safety of its land. If you are looking for another cause to support I suggest trying to convince Tibet to unify with China as one nation. Much of the land Tibetans claim as part of their heritage belongs just as much to the Chinese people. The Tibetans currently occupy more land than they ever had historically and they are cutting into large parts the Chinese have always had. I hope that one day our nations merge so that we can all have equal ownership of the land we believe is ours."

2009-04-30, 03:58 AM
United Arab Republic

Continued Investigation with Mossad Scandal

As Israel denies any involvement, the investigation around incident continues. The culprits continue to be interrogated, trying to either find more concrete evidence of what they claim to be true, or try to find out if there are such groups and who those other groups are who would cause such an action. Beyond interrogation, the site of the organisation's headquarters is locked down and more carefully investigated in search of evidence.

With the investigation being done more thoroughly, the intelligence forces of the UAR continue to be on the look out for sources of unrest, be they from other organisations or from other causes, aware and wary of the multiple possibilities.

2009-05-01, 04:05 PM
1963 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg7jzi9JAkw&feature=PlayList&p=54B26C8B60A33C82&index=0&playnext=1)


Dr. No Debuts in Theaters

The movie, based on Ian Fleming's spy thriller novels, debuts to mixed reviews in the US, though it attracts substantial popular support.

Congress Passes Civil Rights Act


Following a short period of debate in congress, the Republicans pass the 1963 Civil Rights act, which makes it unlawful to discriminate in voting practices in any way, and requires that those states with a history of segregation and discrimination consult a federal oversight committee before they change their voting policies.

Civil rights activists hail this as an impressive victory and a step forward in human rights, while states-rights activists continue to decry the federal government's increasingly large role in matters historically left to the states.

Nixon Gives Speech on South, Central America

In a speech on television today, addressing recent calls by the South African ambassador for withdrawal from Central America, President Nixon explained that he had no intention of removing troops from Central America until the Communist threat is eliminated.

"These colors don't run. When America is faced with a challenge from a foreign power, we've never backed down, and we've never failed, and we don't intend to start now.

Our government is united in its determination to take all necessary measures in support of freedom, and in defense of peace, in Central America.

I have tasked the CIA and our armed forces not only to continue their defense of the civilians in Central America, but to hunt down the sources of this base aggression, and exterminate them by any means necessary."

Malaysia Consolidates into Republic

Several former British colonies on Borneo and the Asian mainland consolidate to form the Republic of Malaysia, despite Indonesian and Phillipene claims of ownership.

Indonesian President Vows to Crush Malaysia


Indonesian president Sarkarno vowed that he would destroy the nation of Malaysia. Indonesian guerrilla fighters and aircraft began bombing the regions of Borneo that are Malaysian, touching off a minor war.

Chinese Calls for Unity Fall on Angry Ears

The Nationalist call for unity could not have come at a worse time, as the free states of Southeast Asia seem far more concerned with fighting one another.

Montreal Voted New UN Headquarters

Montreal beat out Tel Aviv in the General Assembly by a wide margin, most specifically because all of the Arab nations voted for Montreal, as did many nations that did not want to worry about the instability of the Levant.

Canada Shares Findings from Project Cadmus

As part of a deal with many of the world's nations, Canada shared its research into the global effects of WW3 with a large number of nations.

Unrest in UAR Quiets

Nationalist sentiment quiets considerably this year, though the cause is unclear.

Yemen Votes to Join UAR

The small state on the Southern tip of the Arabian peninsula voted by referendum to join the United Arab Republic early this year, becoming the third state to do so.

Communists Conquer Honshu

With no foreign aid to the Japanese, the Communist Chinese exiles have conquered the main island, and act to consolidate their hold over the devastated region.

2009-05-01, 06:09 PM
Northern Italy, Baltic coast pacified

After some small resistance from local scavengers, Federation peace keepers have restored order to Northern Italy and the Baltic coast . Military governorships have been set up "until such time as internal stability, the presence of infrastructure, and a critical mass of population has been achieved in the area's for democratic rule to be viable."

Peace keepers push into southern Italy, inland Poland.

Continuing the campaign the Western Mediterranean, Federal troops are progressing into Aquila and Rome, with the stated intent of controlling up Palermo by 1965.

The eastern corp meanwhile have been making good progress into inland Poland since the end of the soldiers Christmas leave. A sizable minority in the provisional government, along with many of the more populist politicians, have called for the federation to unite Europe from "Brittany to Constantinople".

election called

Due to increasing calls for them to step down, and several public accusations of ruling by decree, the Provisional government has announced it will dissolve itself in 1966. Handing over power to an elected parliament and Constitutional assembly in late following an election from all areas with enough infrastructure to make it feasible at that point. Politicking and demagoguery is expected to being as soon as everyone figure exactly which areas are likely to have the vote at that point besides Belgium and Holland.

Federal troops secure Holstein

with Western Europe secured, the "home guard" force of peacekeeprs have been redeployed to secure Scandinavia. They are currently in practical control of Holstein and are expecting to have pacified Denmark and the southern coast of Scandinavia by years end.


the federation is happy to announce that is it sending a U.N. ambassador to Montreal within the month.

Silver Coin
2009-05-01, 09:58 PM
Further Healthcare benefits for Russian Citizenry

"In the aftermath of the first major nuclear war in human history, the people of the Soviet Union has suffered much. The government is doing is best to alleviate that suffering a little. All health care is now available and affordable to the whole of the USSR's citizenry. Subsides will be decided based on the economic condition of the patient. Once again, if you need any kind of healthcare, it will always be available at an affordable price." - Nikita Krushchev

Housing No Longer an Issue

The Kremlin has recently announced that it will be embarking on a project to upgrade existing housings while demolishing old ones to make way for newer, more modern and more secure ones. Anyone wishing to apply for a new residence may write to the appropriate authorities.

Health Care Industries Grow

As the Government pushes through healthcare plans for the Soviet people, the still young health care industries has practically exploded in its wake. There is much active research going on in this area and it is a growing sector that is current offering 30,000 new jobs with more to come in the future. Another piece of good news that recent Government spending in healthcare has also improved worker productivity and morale significantly. This bodes well for a country on the road to recovery.

10 (Trade with Iraq)
4 (Trade with Mongolia)
4 (Trade with Vietnam)
Currently 1.6 in treasury
Total: Money spendable:19.6

Trade offers:
8 trade with Communist Japan
4 more trade with Vietnam

9 Space (As mentioned earlier)
6 Civil: Healthcare subsides and Housing
4 Economic
0.6 into Treasury

Previous Expenditures for this turn thus far:

10 into food production.
12 Civil: Better Healthcare and providing radiation treatment for the public. Worker's rights, like making sure they don't die on the job...
6 Air: Arm existing fighters with guided missiles. Phase out older Aircraft for newer ones.
4 (Technology) Modernising the Soviet Military
4 (Technology) Research into Space related technologies with military applications (eg, Fuel, Rocketry, high performance materials)

2009-05-02, 04:55 AM
United Arab Republic

Yemen joins UAR

The mood is positive in the United Arab Republic as unrest has quieted down and Yemen has joined the Republic. There is a transitive period as the incorporation is regulated. Yemen quickly sees the true benefits of joining the Republic as new venues of trade, economy, education, technology and cooperation open up. Using the knowledge of the Egypt-Syria cooperation, Yemen is smoothly integrated. Recognised as equal and with politicians able to move between Egypt, Syria and Yemen freely for their political matters, so can the civilians freely move in the UAR as they wish. All in all, with no more unrest and Yemen joining up shows that the pan-Arab ideal is a feasible. Evidence that will likely have an influence in other countries and possibly give them more support in the idea of joining the pan-Arab nation: the UAR.

2009-05-02, 08:16 PM

Economic reshuffle

With the designation of Montreal as the new U.N. headquarters, major construction projects are confirmed. The priority: creating a landmark installation for the new Campus, and modernizing all of Montreal. Money is diverted from other important projects, with those projects put into 'slowdown' pending the future influx of capital.

Here is the revised Spending. costwise, everything stays the same, but the fluff changes.

Category 1: Economy: 6 Wealth (Avro Expansion)
Category 2: Economy: 10 Wealth (Factory Upgrades)
Category 3: Economy: 6 Wealth (Greenland Infrastructure)
Category 4: Economy: 6 Wealth (U.N. H.Q.)
Category 5: Civil: 4 Wealth (Greenland Inclusion)
Category 6: Civil: 2 Wealth (U.N. H.Q.)
Category 7: Espionage: 4 Wealth (U.N. HQ)
Category 8: Airforce: 8 Wealth (Avro Refit)
Category 9: Tech: 10 Wealth (Cadmus)

2009-05-05, 08:23 PM
Political Situation emerges

Now that the question of who will actually have the vote is settled, the political parties are starting to form, most of them coming with their own draft constitution. Although the choice of some members of te Provisional government to run for their current office raised a few eye-brows, the proceeding seem to be going well.

"Restoration, the future of Europe" published, Sovereign Front formed

Operating mainly out of the least affected dutch and french areas, the Front States that the Federation should only exist as a "transitory government" and that the old nation-states of Europe should be restored as soon as there infrastructure and population is great enough to support it.

"In Defense of Federation" published, coalition for Europe formed

Arguing that a unified European state is necessary to prevent another world war, the coalition is formed mainly out of the provisional government and would probably continue the isolationist trend and massive internal investment that has characterized the current government

"Paris Letters" released, Social-Anarchist Union of Europe Formed

With support mainly from the German and French areas of the Federation, they argue for the splitting of many of the larger government ministries, particularly the massive "ministry of infrastructure renewal and replacement". They also call for extensive participation in the up coming "Fifth international" hosted by south Africa. Interventionist both in the economy and foreign affairs, likely to devolve power to local authorities.

"Amsterdam accords" Signed, Communist Party of Europe formed.

Modeled after Marxist-Leninist theory, the new CPE, formed out of the Dutch, Belgian, and mostly defunct French German, Estonian, Latvian and Danish communist parties, has announced its campaign. Although unlikely to get any votes at all in Poland, it has some support in Brittany and Northern France.

Soviet union

the CPE approaches you for funding in the election

Other orthodox communist nation (SE Asian, Commie japan, some south american ones? )
the CPE approaches you for funding in the election

South Africa the SAUE approaches to request funding for the election

2009-05-05, 10:52 PM
Israel Declares Support for Singapore

In a somewhat surprising move, David Ben-Gurion today announced, acting in his role as Defense Minister, that Israel will move to protect the nascent nation of Singapore. It's fairly obvious that this statement is aimed at Indonesia, following their recent hostilities in Malaysia. No statement has been issued with regards to defending Malaysia, however.

2009-05-06, 07:43 PM
right forgot

EF recognizes former colonies

Today the provisional government officially recognized all the former colonies, including in a controversial move, Malaysia. However it i unlikely that any effort is actual going to be spent trying to defend any f the nations.


Both the CE and Sovereign front approach various Canadian and American lobby groups looking for funding. the coalition makes some rather unsubtle promises of massive concessions to private investment for supporters if elected.

last spy spent on trying to help the coalition funding machine

2009-05-08, 07:16 PM
1964 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0acN2v6aIc)


Great Deal Culminates In Rebuilding of National Monuments

The decade-long project to rebuild the East Coast comes to completion this year, as the US monuments, the White House, the Capitol, and all the other important landmarks are restored. The capital remains in Denver, as relocating the entire business of government is not an affair to be undertaken lightly, and the East Coast is somewhat ancillary to major American power at any rate. The White House becomes the residence of the President during the winter, or when he needs a vacation.

Democrats Merge With Small-Government Minor Parties, Reform Democratic-Republican Party


The Democrats come in from the cold at long last, as they merge with several other small political parties, notably the Libertarians, forming a big-tent coalition for small government.

1964 Election Season Kicks Off

The presidential and congressional election season gets into full swing again, with the Democratic Republicans nominating a Senator from Arizona, Barry Goldwater, running with Spiro Agnew, a moderate ex-Republican who switched parties recently.

The Republicans nominate the incumbent, Richard Nixon, running with Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ, to most), who vow to continue their staunch anti-communist record, as well as declaring a "war on poverty", and expanding the government's protection of the common people.

Nixon/Johnson Defeat Goldwater/Agnew in Electoral Landslide


Despite a popular vote of 61% to 36%, Nixon gets a huge majority of electoral votes, and stays in office with the largest electoral victory in US history.

Cuba Votes to Become U.S. Territory

In what many socialists and some international observers allege is a fixed election, Cuba votes by popular referendum to become a US territory. Those that don't accuse the CIA of fixing the odds note that aggressive campaigning by American landowners and large companies swayed public opinion a great deal, in what they've termed a "Coup De Sugar Cane".

U.S. Opens Bases in Anatolia

Citing the need to strengthen US military power in Eurasia, President Nixon authorized the opening of a large number of bases on the coasts of Anatolia, and the construction of a number of air bases there. The military presence quiets the sectarian violence that had erupted after the destruction of major cities in Turkey, and sets the once-rich region back on the road to solvency.

Central American Conflict Deepens


As U.S. military personnel announce that U.S. casualties in Central America have risen to 1,387, including 399 dead and 17 MIA, President Nixon sends in over 10,000 new troops to maintain order.

Military advisors have informed President Nixon that foreign support for the partisans can only be arriving via Colombia, and have recommended an expansion of operations into Colombia. Nixon has yet to authorize that measure.

Gunboats from Colombia Attack US Destroyers

Two destroyers in the Gulf of Panama giving naval support to the ground operations come under attack from gunboats flying the Colombian flag. The gunboats are quickly sunk by air support from a nearby carrier, but the destroyers sustained moderate damage.

Congress Passes Gulf of Panama Resolution

In the wake of the Gulf of Panama incident, Congress voted a wide variety of powers to the President, to deal with the insurgency in Central America. They've stopped short of declaring war, but pundits speculate that if there is much more overt confrontation, direct war with Colombia is possible.

Carrier-based Bombers Retaliate, Strike Military Targets in Colombia


Bombers struck military targets all over Colombia after the incident, basically crippling its ability to wage major war, and causing a number of rebellions to erupt in its more restive provinces.

Students Protest War in Central America


Despite the relative popularity of the Nixon administration, student groups across the nation have taken offense at the interventionism and imperialism shown by their leaders. Protests in the nation's capital attracted thousands of students, though they remain peaceable for the moment.

Conflict in Southern Pacific Ends

Indonesian and Malaysian authorities have signed a formal ceasefire, as it became clear to both sides that neither side was in shape to wage a war of conquest. An uneasy peace settled over the region, though it could erupt once again at any time.

Saigon Pact Forms

The Communist nations of Eastern and Southeastern Asia have formed a defensive alliance, including Tibet, Communist Japan, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and the Communist regime in Thailand (though that war is still in progress).

Surgeon General Reports Smoking May Be Hazardous To Your Health


Citing numerous clinical studies, the Surgeon General mandated that a warning be placed on all cigarettes sold in the US.

Brazilian President João Goulart Overthrown by Military, Junta Takes Over

Bazil's president, a prominent socialist, is accused of being a Communist by the top brass in the military, and overthrown in a military coup over the course of several days. President Goulart flees to South Africa, and the military establishes a council of Generals as the ultimate power in the massive South American nation. They set about systematically wiping out the socialist and communist movements in the country, and continue a large military buildup.

Venezuelan Communists Arrested, Accused of Plotting Assassinations in Brazilian Military

Venezuelan nationals are arrested by the Brazilian military, and brought up on charges of espionage. They are executed after a three day trial, and the Brazilian military redeploys to its borders with Venezuela.

Hostilities Erupt Between Brazil and Venezuela


Following a tense border confrontation between Brazilian and Venezuelan forces that ends in a firefight, the military oligarchs in charge of Brazil formally declare war on Venezuela, and order their troops deep into the other nation.

Venezuelan Army Crushed, Brazil Occupies Strategically Important Positions

In a conflict with a vastly superior force they were not prepared to fight, the Venezuelan army capitulates within a week of the conflict's opening. The Brazilian military embarks on a number of purges, in which Venezuelan statesmen, professors, military leaders and landowners are rounded up and executed.

Argentina Occupies Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia for “Defensive Reasons”

Citing aggression by its neighbor to the North, Argentina forms a defensive alliance with its other neighbors and moves troops to secure their borders. Despite this "gesture of good will", as Argentinan diplomats put it, experts speculate that Argentina coerced the other governments into the agreement under threat of direct occupation.

Turn 3, 1965 to 1969, Begins Now.

Player reports:


The Cultural Rebirth goes well, managing to overcome many of the differences historically plaguing Mexico, whipping up a frenzy of new nationalism.
((OOC: You didn't spend your wealth from trade; I dumped all 26 of it into economy for you. If you want to retroactively move it, let me know.))
Your program to improve the prosperity of Mexico goes well, particularly in the agricultural sector, as innovations from the Green Revolution take hold and crop output goes through the roof. You also make strides in manufacturing.
Angeles's secret police are trained and recruited without incident.


Your space program gets off the ground (pun intended) easily, as knowledge gained from other programs allows you to do so at less expense.
The USSR's investment in its civil infrastructure begins to pay off, as many of the problems faced in everyday life by its people are met by the government's intervention.
The air force upgrade proceeds without incident.
Technological progress is, as always, unpredictable and slightly random despite the investment. Moderate progress is acheived.

European Federation

((OOC: There is no "infrastructure" stat, though perhaps there should be one. I counted it half as economy, half as civil, as that made the most sense to me.))
The EF goes about reconstructing many of the destroyed areas of Europe with gusto, though they encounter significant difficulties facing the raw devastation from the war.
Even though it engages in what is essentially a war of conquest on the continent, the EF manages to maintain civil liberties and prevent itself from becoming totalitarian through careful monitoring.
The effort to draw back immigrants is largely unsuccessful, as it has been over a decade and the continent is still mostly uninhabitable.
The military expansion occurs without incident.


The UAR's commitment to modernizing its country goes swimmingly, as the growing support for Pan-Arab nationalism and peace with Israel brings an unprecendented level of stability to the region.
The planes are produced without incident.
The Aswan dam is constructed relatively quickly, and begins production of electricity immediately. The Dam also tames the Nile's seasonal floods, which allows agriculture to expand, though there may be issues with the Nile ecology in the following years as a vital aspect of the abiotic environment has been removed.
The dam, coupled with the incorporation of Yemen act to boost the UAR's economy significantly
Though the UAR's leadership invests heavily in civil infrastructure, it has more territory to cover now, and an entire nation to assimilate. Civil harmony in the UAR goes up, but not as much as its leaders had hoped.

South Africa

The African Space Program expands apace, and you may now deploy ballistic missiles from submarines, launch spy satellites, and build larger missiles to carry bigger payloads farther.
State investment in the economy goes relatively well, as rail lines and economic infrasture improves in the half-decade. Trade links the other SAMAL nations, which allow them to partially solve their food distribution problems, as well as generating a good deal of good will toward South Africa.
The civil investment generates what amounts to a nationalistic party atmosphere, though there is still substantial friction between the immigrant populations and the native populations.
The technological investment pushes South Africa slightly ahead of the world norm, as it works to close the gap with the superpowers.


With a return to normalcy, the Chinese economy begins to recover, though it has a long way to go before it reaches pre-WW3 levels.
Another important aspect from the shift from a military state is that the Chinese government can once again attend to the day-to-day affairs of the people, improving public satisfaction with it dramatically.
The weapons production goes fine.
China also begins to catch up with the rest of the world technologically, though it is quite far behind.


The expansion of Canada's aerospace industry catapaults it into parity with the US as one of the world's foremost manufacturers of airplanes.
That, coupled with Canada's revolution in industrial technology and Greenland's modest economic resources pushes Canada into what amounts to the "superpower" category, though it is still militarily anemic compared to the others.
Nationalistic fervor sweeps the nation with the relocation of the UN headquarters, and Canada experiences the lowest amount of civil discord in its history.
The air force and spy investments go swimmingly.
Project Cadmus continues working on ways to reduce the effects of nuclear devastation, and there is the distinct possibility that it will yield results in the near future.


The modest investments in civil and economic infrastrucute proceed fine, as does the naval buildup.

((That can't be all your wealth.... what's up?))


The nuclear program successfully tests an atomic weapon underneath the Negev desert. The first weapons are available for deployment from bombers.
The investment does much to quell the unrest generated by relocating an entire culture, and the general level of satisfaction with the government increases.
The small investment in technology helps Israel keep pace with the world.
The government's continued focus on economic matters bears fruit once again, as Israel becomes an important world marketplace.
The military spending is successful.


No buget recieved. I spent your income for you, and did trade as if you were an NPC. Please PM me if you want to retroactively change this.

Player Map

Communism and Capitalism



2009-05-08, 10:16 PM
To the US president:
"I am willing to fully support your nation in any current or future military conflicts in South East Asia regarding the members of the communist alliance that has recently formed. All you need to do is give the word and I will send my army to join yours in fighting any of these communist nations. I ask that you consider allowing China to integrate these countries into itself since it is far more stable than all of them and doing so will ensure they will not threaten your own in the future. My goal is to unite them through the peaceful religion of Buddhism instead of just a political ideology."

2009-05-09, 12:15 AM

Project Icarus Studies Positive

With it's advanced prototypes built, the Canadian Space Program is officially created, drawing forward-thinking persons from their previous employment in the Army, Airforce, and Private industry. Several key Avro Engineers are recruited to head the scientific team.

Call to U.N.

With the official Headquarters chosen, and construction nearing completion, the U.N. calls for each country to select it's representatives. Several key positions must be filled, with the current occupants ready to step down.

In an address from the steps of the new U.N. building, George Ignatieff speaks, "We must Approach global problems first with words. We must open a dialogue, not just with our friends, but with our enemies. There is no better thing than peace, and no better time than now. We are all human, no matter our ideology, no matter our history. All deserving of a future."

Airforce, Army, Navy to become one Command


The Minister of National Defence, Paul Hellyer: "the amalgamation...will provide the flexibility to enable Canada to meet in the most effective manner the military requirements of the future. It will also establish Canada as an unquestionable leader in the field of military organization."

With the unification comes the necessity of upgrading all equipment to a common standard. New equipment is purchased to further integrate the three military arms, with the ultimate goal being a truly unified and cooperative force.

Avro Windfall!

With orders pouring in from it's allies, Avro announces yet another expansion. Aggressive headhunters recruit promising candidates direct from high-school, paying their College Tuitions.

With co-operation from the Canadian government, citizenship is offered to several promising international candidates.

CRTC Formed

Canada forms the CRTC to oversee and regulate the radio and T.V. broadcasts across Canada.

Infrastructure Investments Continue

With the newly upgraded manufacturing sector drawing power like never before, and with eyes forward to the possibility of other, more advanced communication technologies, Canada begins to revamp its entire electrical grid, funding the construction of new low-albedo power plans and instituting a common standard for all electrical lines across Canada.

Cadmus Announces Expansion

In the spirit of global co-operation, an 'open research' lab is built in Quebec, situated across town from the U.N. buildings. Scientists from around the world are encouraged to make the facility their home.

Foreign Investments on the Rise!

With growing prosperity comes the urge to 'go buy stuff'. Canadian businessmen are becoming a common sight in many foreign locales, even in locations only recently at peace.

Government Massively Funds Auto Industry!

With the goal of making "foggy exhaust" a thing of the past, Canada announces new 'green subsidies' of the Canadian Auto Industry, with the intended goal of further reducing high-albedo exhausts. A perhaps unintended result is a massive influx of new jobs in the automotive field, and record-low prices for new vehicles.

Education the Future:

"The future of the world is technology, and education is the key to that future."
Massive Government Subsidies are set up for the 'hard' sciences.

First, Trade: 49:49

USA 10:10 (hopefully NPC confirms)
Mexico 12:12 (UnConfirmed)
Spain 10:10 (UnConfirmed)
Israel 9:9 (UnConfirmed)
Australia 4:4 (hopefully NPC confirms)
UAR 4:4 (Confirmed)

Wealth Spent: 88

Category 1: Espionage: 12 Wealth (Continued U.N. Investments, Businessmen Go Buy Stuff)
Category 2: Space: 2 Wealth (Icarus, I think this gets me 1 Space, as there are 4 others in space already, when added to the 6 wealth donated from Australia on turn 1.)
Category 3: Airforce: 12 Wealth (Combined Forces, Continued Avro Contracts)
Category 4: Army: 6 Wealth (Combined Forces)
Category 5: Navy: 6 Wealth (Combined Forces)
Category 6: Technology: 12 Wealth (Cadmus)
Category 6: Economy: 4 Wealth (U.N Investments)
Category 7: Economy: 10 Wealth (Infrastructure)
Category 8: Economy: 10 Wealth (Automotive Industry)
Category 9: Economy: 4 Wealth (Avro Aircraft investments)
Category 10: Economy: 10 Wealth (Education)

Unspent Last turn: .1, +.6 from this turn = .7 Stored.

2009-05-09, 11:24 AM
United Arab Republic

Aswan High Dam


Construction of the Aswan High Dam is still in progress in Egypt, but already the lake behind the Dam has started to form: Lake Nasser, called after the president of the UAR. Electricity is being generated already and over the coming years both the electricity production and lake are expected to grow. With the Dam being built, it has a substantial affect on the Nile. It allows agriculture to expand near the Nile and the emerging lake, irrigation to be controlled and protects the citizen living near the Nile from overabundant flooding. The disadvantage is that the silt which was deposited by the Nile on the shores is now being held behind the Dam, which may have long term affects on the environment. The Aswan High Dam’s construction will be finished in a few years.

UAR Electricity Expansion


With the Aswan High Dam providing electricity already and is estimated to provide half of Egyptian electricity needs, electricity masts are constructed and connecting towns to the electricity grid for the first time. This similarly happens in Syria and Yemen as new power plants are constructed and the electricity grid expands. Within a few years, most of the UAR will be connected to the electricity grid and provide power to brighten the lives of the UAR citizen.

UAR’s Technology

Within the UAR, the modernisation has reached new heights. The effort continues, but this time it searches to spread the modernisation throughout the UAR instead of further improving already successful modernisation efforts. Having been able to catch up with many other countries in regards to technology level and even being able to surpass an amount of them, the technological future for the UAR is a bright one. The existing technology is being spread around so that it is more commonly available, introducing television and more household appliances at an affordable price to the common folk. With electricity spreading throughout the country, this seems an ideal match.

As for research in technology, one field seems to gain the most attention at the moment. The field is directly related to the Aswan High Dam, with a focus on finding out the long term environmental effects and what to do about them. Not surprisingly, a few research encampments have emerged near Lake Nasser and along the Nile. The researchers are gathering data and investigating matters up close.


As modernisation and electricity spread throughout the UAR, a basis for improved facilities exists. Using this opportunity, the government issues improved healthcare regulations across the UAR. This allows for more doctors and improved care, as well as allowing hospitals ot make use of the modernisation and electricity to improve their facilities. With these governmental regulations, care becomes much cheaper and availability increases. For industry, safety regulations increase to ensure the safety of the worker. New hospitals or healthcare centers are also built in regions which are now connected with electricity and for which the drive to either was too long for aid to be effective previously. To show the new effectiveness of healthcare, President Nasser undergoes a full health examination, giving the example to the populace to care about their health.

President Nasser suffers from a disease?


After a publicity act from President Nasser to undergo a full health examination and provide an example to the populace to care about their health, investigation shows that the President is suffering from a disease. Suffering from Haemochromatosis, a disease where the body has an excess of iron, President Nasser may have dodged the bullet here. Results show that the doctors have caught the disease at an early time in which it is still treatable. Were it not for this full health examination, the President may not have noticed the symptoms until it was too late and have died at a later age. While the President is kept for a while in the hospital for further examination, he is expected to continue his work soon.

UAR Economy

The electricity grid expands throughout the UAR and new opportunities for industry blossom. In Egypt, electricity production at its highest and still growing until the peak of the Aswan High Dam productivity has been reached, new opportunities. With new power initiatives being undertaken in Syria and Yemen as well along a similar process of electricity grid expansion, it is obvious that soon the UAR will have plenty of electricity to spare. With the modernisation a clear sign in the UAR landscape, industries grow like never before. New jobs emerge and of these new jobs, more are of a higher level. With a better education established in the UAR over the previous years and the modernisation, the industry demand for well educated personnel is higher than ever.

Beyond industrial production, trade continues to play an important part. Trade centers already established see a substantial growth as new investments are made. Obviously, the UAR has noticed the Israeli role as economic center. With economy strong in Israel, the UAR tries to up the ante in the economic competition between the UAR and the smaller Israel. And naturally, with Europe rebuilding, the UAR has no intention of letting it a chance to catch up, instead keeping the UAR firmly at a high economic place.

Arab Infrastructure

As the UAR is investing heavily in economy, it does not forget about a greater goal: To unite the Arab World. If they join the UAR, they will need to be brought up to the level of the UAR as well and in an act of both generosity as well as effectiveness for the future, the UAR offers to invest heavily in an interconnected infrastructure for the countries throughout the Arab World. This will allow the Arab World countries more opportunities to develop, to connect trade and industry centers and show that there can be a cohesive network in the Arab World.

Those accepting the offer will see UAR companies building up an infrastructure more advanced than the countries themselves can set up due to the advanced state of the UAR companies. They have been modernised and continue to receive investments from the state. Trains will be able to carry goods and people throughout the Arab World, roads will allow better transport and naval connections are improved. Ports are expanded and towns previously isolated find themselves suddenly on a path that interconnects countries. Obviously, this will boost trade, connectivity and more. Obviously, as trade continues between the UAR and the Arab World, these paths will be made use of prominently.

One of those other things the improved infrastructure will boost is the perception of the UAR in the eyes the common folk in the non-UAR Arab World countries. It shows that the UAR wants to connect the Arab people together, offering a helping hand.

UAR and the Arab World


With the recent offer of improving infrastructure throughout the Arab World and connecting the Arab people, it is obvious that the UAR is continuing to improve its imago towards the other Arab nations. Currently the image of the UAR is already a positive one as the UAR is the most technologically advanced, educated and wealthy nation of the Arab nations and knows an unprecedented period of stability and growth. Its pan-Arab nationalism is flourishing and a lighting example of how the Arab community can develop and prosper. Proving to be an adequate vessel for pan-Arabism, showing that it is possible for the Arab people to cooperate and work together, the possibility for a true and complete Arab state has never been greater.

The UAR’s internal stability has caused politics to look outward, towards other Arab nations. Diplomatic conversations are picked up again and the arguments for a complete Arab state are solid and strong. Not just governments are approached, but the idea of pan-Arabism is spreading further throughout the Arab nations amongst the populace. After all, the UAR provides better standards of life, a glorious idea of the unification of the Arab people and is offering that so that nations only need to take the generous offer.

Iraq was led by President Abdul Salm Arif, a pan-Arabist who believed in one united Arab State and had pro-Nasserite sympathies. It hardly needs to be said that diplomatic discussion are ongoing with Iraq to work towards uniting Iraq with the UAR. Times are relatively calm in Lebanon and this is used to try and find possibilities for UAR and Lebanon cooperation which may eventually lead to more. Relations with Jordan are tenser, as King Hussein considered the UAR a threat to his position. Still, pan-Arab popularity amongst the populace continues to grow as the UAR’s power grows.

The federation of Bahrain, Qatar and seven Trucial States which would otherwise become the United Arab Emirated, is also approached and it is evaluated whether the regions want to join the UAR, though it seems a likely candidate for joining up, if not further cooperation. Kuweit was similarly approached, looking towards opportunities to cooperate with the country. In Saudi-Arabia, King Saud’s reign was incompetent and the UAR was a tempting land for the inhabitants. A possible candidate could be Oman, as it is suffering from the Dhofar Rebellion and has little in the way of British support to stand against the rebellion. With Nasserite and left-wing movements also involved, it is only a guess where it could lead.

Somalia was approached as well for cooperation and to assess its opinion of the UAR and how likely it would be see it amendable to the offer of joining the UAR. Sudan was in turmoil, still in the grasp of the Anyanya Rebellion or the (First) Sudanese Civil War, a conflict which had started in 1955. It was a conflict between north and south, with the south fearing northern dominance. Currently it was led by a military government, but this was suffering from a wave of popular protests. In the country there has been the idea of setting up an interim government, though now the UAR is there, offering an alternative option: joining the UAR. In Libya there was discontent towards King Idris due the increased nation’s wealth in the hands of King Idris and the national elite.

Tunisia was approached for cooperation and to assess its opinion of the UAR. Algeria was ruled by President Ben Balla, an Arab nationalist who was busy more with foreign affairs than local political developments, alienated former supporters with his behaviour. The UAR sought contact with Algeria, making use of the foreign affairs and trying to assess what the chances of Algeria were to join the UAR. Morrocco was suffering from the Years of Lead, a period where dissidents to the rule of King Hassan II were arrested, executed or “disappeared”, newspapers were closed and books banned. In 1965 he will dissolve the parliament and will rule directly, causing severe discontent among the opposition and protest demonstrations and riots challenging the King’s rule. Mauritania had a large nomadic population and a large Moorish society, which reacted to the change of independence and Arab nationalist calls from abroad, by increasing pressure to arabize many aspects of Mauritanian life, such as law and language. The UAR is investigating Mauritania and the likelihood of it being able to join the UAR, discussing at least cooperation.

UAR and Israel, USSR, Canada and South-Africa

As the UAR is focusing on foreign relations, it is also looking beyond the Arab World. It continues its trade with Israel, a gesture to show that peace is viable and possible for a longer duration. However, its market also tries to compete with Israeli markets, seeking to extend towards other countries. One of these is Iran, another non-Arab market relatively close by. Further interest is towards Canada and South-Africa.

With Canada now practically a super power, the home of the United Nations Headquarters, leader of the Cadmus project, working towards an advanced future and its expanded foreign investments as well as businessmen on the UAR markets, it is an obvious potential trade partner. In the same vein there are UAR scientists coming towards the open research lab built in Quebec to cooperate on global research. While not making the facility their true home, UAR scientists do stay for some months at a time to cooperate in research and show that the UAR is supporting the Canadian effort for global cooperation.

South-Africa is also approached for trade contracts, it being a lighting example of good behaviour, organising a global socialist meeting, being an African power as well and recognised as a proper market to trade with.

Total Spending Summary

Wealth after trade and upkeep: 58.85 (40.6 wealth - 15.75 upkeep + 34 trade)
Wealth spent: 58.85

Tech: 4
The UAR continues to try and keep up with other technologically advanced nations, spreading its modernisation across the country and working to study the Nile. With investments in the research of the environmental effects of the Aswan High Dam, the UAR hopes to discover a means to combat the disadvantages of the Aswan High Dam.

Economy: 32
With the Aswan High Dam being built it allows for controlled and improved irrigation and more agriculture around Nasser Lake. It provides safety near the Nile and also provides Egypt with a lot of electricity. In Syria and Yemen power plants are also built, ensuring that the large majority of the UAR will have electricity, providing all kinds of opportunities for industry and business.
Investments in infrastructure, both electricity and otherwise, as well as economy, allow the UAR to bloom and only see a growth in the coming years. With the modernisation of the last years, the economy really can be given a great boost. It is also a means to compete with the Israeli market and establish the UAR as a center to the world market.

Civil: 8
With an expanding electricity grid throughout the UAR providing power to towns which never had it, an expanding modernisation effort finding its way towards smaller towns, affordable household appliances and better work opportunities than ever, the quality of living in the UAR can only improve.

Air: 4
As industry grows, the request for airplanes does too. Besides producing airplanes for the new modern airports, industry also continues to produce airplanes for the UAR airforce. It seems that the purchase of airplanes for the UAR airforce is almost starting to become a tradition.

Arab Infrastructure: 10
With high stability as well as economy and industry blooming in the UAR, the UAR seeks to share its fruits of cooperation, pan-Arabism and proper rule with the remainder of the Arab World. Investing heavily in infrastructure to connect the Arab World, the UAR is creating new opportunities and providing better connection for its market and trade centers as well. It is a sign of charity and cooperation to the other Arab nations, meant to stimulate cohesiveness, cooperation and ofcourse stimulate pan-Arabism sentiment in the general populace.

Pan-Arabism: 0.85
While the UAR may be stable and needing no further investment to propagate the pan-Arabism ideals due to the prosperity of the nation, the UAR continues to finance pan-Arabism initiatives throughout the Arab World, to enhance that base for a unified Arab state internationally.

Trade: 34:34
Arab World: 18:18
Iran: 4:4
Israel: 4:4
Canada: 4:4
South-Africa: 4:4

Moody the Wise
2009-05-09, 11:39 AM
South African Military Expands

For the first time in a decade, South Africa has resumed spending on its military. An ambitious program, it is expected to increase South Africa's military capabilities by nearly 50% over the next five years. Of the program, Prime Minister Mandela has said that in a world of increasing capitalist imperialism, he "will not allow the peace-loving nation of South Africa to fall prey to foreign conquerors merely because we are socialists."

Mandela Proposes SAU

At a convention of the Southern African Mutual Aid League in Bloemfontein, Prime Minister Mandela proposed that the countries reorganize into the South African Union, a federal state. In a lengthy closed-door meeting, the representatives of Lesotho, Swaziland, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia, and Angola agreed to bring the SAU constitution back to their countries for formal ratification.

SAMAL States Ratify SAU Constitution

Plebiscites are held in each state, and the people easily vote to join the new federal state. There are rumblings of reluctance from certain elements in some states, notably the militaries of some of the larger states, but nothing serious comes of it as no group can act in the face of overwhelming popular support and a much stronger South African military.

Mandela Elected Prime Minister of SAU

As the most famous, influential, and beloved leader in the region, Mandela is easily elected in a landslide vote as the leader of the new SAU.

SAU Space Program Continues

The SAU Space Program, second only to the U.S. program, continues to serve as a point of national pride, a focal point of common interest in a nation still deeply divided by differences.

Massive Investments Made in SAU Economic Infrastructure

With the former SAMAL members now officially federated, SAU spends a large amount of money and effort to modernize the economies of the member states. This proves to be much easier with the transportation network already mostly in place.

SAU Facilitates Reconciliation Among Cultural Groups

In what is largely a continuation of previous South African practice, SAU invests in programs designed to bring the potpourri of cultural groups within the new union together in mutual understanding and appreciation.

Trade With UAR!

The UAR's trade offers have been warmly received in Pretoria, and trade will commence immediately. Additionally, SAU uses its new trade deals with Northern African states being courted by the UAR to offer its endorsement of the UAR and encourage those states to consider membership in the Union.


Army: 6 Wealth
Navy: 8 Wealth
Air: 8 Wealth
Space: 9.5 Wealth
Spy: 6 Wealth
Economy: 18 Wealth
Tech: 4 Wealth
Civil: 8 Wealth

Argentina 4:4
Brazil 0:0 (Was 4:4; now canceled)
UAR 4:4
USSR 8:8
SAMAL 0:0 (Was 10:10; now no longer foreign countries)
Indonesia 3:3
India 4:4
Algeria 2:2
Morocco 1:1
Libya 2:2
Sudan 2:2
Ethiopia 1:1
Somalia 1:1
Democratic Republic of the Congo 1:1
Tanzania 1:1
Madagascar 1:1
Kenya 1:1
Total 36:36

Silver Coin
2009-05-10, 08:10 AM
The Workers' Paradise!

"In the last few years, living standards in the USSR has recovered dramatically in the aftermath of the Third World War. In many aspects, the Soviet Union has become of the best places to live in in the entire world. We have come closer than ever to creating a true worker's paradise for the people. We have risen out of the ashes of atomic fire. And though the scars shall always remain, we shall always look to a brighter future for our children." - Nikita Krushchev

Reconstruction Project Under Way

The Soviet Government has recent announced that they will be embarking in a project to help the western cities of the USSR recover. Besides a network of railways and highways that are to connect all major population centres, reconstruction is now officially under way in most population centres and progress of excellent.

"Many may have seen this as overdue but the fact is that nuclear fallout is still a major threat to the general population. Some of it have has abated over the last few years but the possibility of radiation poisoning remains a serious threat." Says one government spokesman.

"We will not be attempting to reconstruct areas that have too much radiation. Once the transportation network is complete, it is the advice of the state to move to areas that are not as hard-hit. All necessities will be provided by the state."

From the Worker to the Scholar

With development of the more advanced machines to aid in industry and agriculture, the Soviet Union is now moving to an era where a small and skilled workforce will be better than a large and poorly trained one. Students are now taught to think more independently in schools in the hope of producing a workforce more adept to innovating.

"It is our hope that we will be able to forge a community where ideas and though will become the common currency. However, we will always value honest labour and those who sweat and toil to produce a better home for us all." - Nikita Krushchev

Income: 32.71 (Base) + 1.6 (Treasury)
Economy (12): Transportation
Economy (10): Reconstruction
Economy/Civil (4): Educational Reforms (More a restructuring than actual tangible changes)
0.31: General Well-fare

Trade offers (Updated):
Iran 20:20
Kyushu: 8:8
Vietnam: 10:10
Mongolia: 10:10

2009-05-12, 03:59 PM
Communist-Coalition coalition Victory!

Following the surge of support from the massive economical growth, the provisional government has returned to power, and in a coalition with the Communist part has managed to get 57% of the seats in the Parliament. The most popular part overall, and the one favored by most of the territories currently under military governorship, is the SAUE, whihc achieved 35% of the popular vote. the Sovereign League ,in a coalition with several dozen small nationalist groups, got a pitiful 6%, with most ridiculing it as hopelessly impractical land isolationist. the remaining 1% went to a few independents.

The Constitutional Assembly, with no official organization or parties allowed in it, went into session and is expected to produce a constitution within the next year, barring some deadlock issue.

Mainland Italy secured, Sicily deemed "unimportant"

With mainland Italy secured, local military commanders deemed Sicily a secondary objective and have begun relocating their troops, bolstered significantly from local recruits and new regiments coming down from the Baltic, to the Balkans. the entire region is expected to be secured within three or four years.

Troops advance into Sweden, Finland

Racing to beat their eastern counterparts in achieving mission goals, the Scandinavian General Command made public Friday plans to secure Northern Sweden and Finland by the end of 1965. Although heavy criticism has been leveled at them for placing "unrealistic demands" on the troops, the plan is set to go ahead.

Creation of EEI proposed

Due to current heavy trade with members of the EDI, Federation officials today proposed the creation of an economic intuitive to go with it, harmonizing regulations, taxes ,and requirements for work in skilled professions to aid travel and trade between the countries.

Bilateral deal offered to U.S.S.R.

With the large and fairly open border between them, as well as the Soviet reconstruction of its western area's, today a large trade deal was offered to the Soviet ambassador.

Proposed strengthening of economic ties with Israel

With the increase of economic relations across the board, a offer is sent to Israel to increase the current economic relationship.

offer to increase trade with England and Ireland to 8:8 each

8:8 trade offered to Soviets

offer to increase 1:1 deal with Israel to 4:4

budget to be determined when I get responses

2009-05-14, 07:26 PM
Seeing the increasing strength of the communists and their acceptance of Japan's takeover China has decided to end all economic relations with Tibet and is proposing trade with Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines. Chiang continues to urge that the three nations ally with it formally against the communists and offers to help uphold the ceasefire agreement between them with military force if necessary. He asks that they work together to stop Thailand and Japan from being taken over since the communists will probably be after them soon if they are not stopped now. Chiang asks the democratic people of Burma to join his cause as well and informs Japan and Thailand that he is attempting to free them from their communist oppressors. (Is Burma run by a military dictatorship yet?)

Trade proposals:
Indonesia 10:10
Malaysia 6:6
Philippines 4:4

2009-05-15, 10:34 PM
Eastern Command advances into Belarus, Lithuania

With Central Europe safely in Federal hands, The Baltic and Eastern Peacekeeper commands have begun simultaneous advances into the nearest unclaimed land. The stated mission goal is to meet up with the Scandinavian forces at the Finish border, and the Balkan command at the Moldavian and Romanian ones.

Federal Council condemns Brazilian Coup

an official press statement was released today from the Federal council stating that "they condemned in the strongest terms possible the atrocities committed by the power-hungry generals"

in protest they....removed their application to open an embassy?

EEI founded, massive civil infrastructure rework

with the equalizing of taxes and regulations between Mainland Europe and the British isles, some restructuring obviously needs to take place. Using this as a keen political opportunity to weaken the various E_I's the parliament used the opportunity to raise overall standards in most public sectors, as well as expanding the area of civilian control to almost all of France and much of northern Germany.

Massive high-speed rail and utilities project announced.

With the booming economy, a bill awarding massive funding for the creation of a massive and centralized rail network based in the Hague passed with a massive majority in the Parliament. The rail network comes packaged with electricity networks and public amenities necessary for the workers building the stations.

Continued expansion of Peace Corps, air command and reserves formally created

With aggressive expansion continuing across Europe, and the military being the only ready employer in Southern and eastern Europe, recruitment rates continue to rise. As well, reserve training programs are set up in the military-run shelters that house much of the Governorships population.

A large order for several squadrons of Avo's is sent to the manufacturers, as well as several other planes to round out the air force.

Inter-services oversight Agency (IOA) created

with a rapidly growing military currently governing the majority of the country, the passing of the Armed Forces Oversight bill really shouldn't be a surprise.

The agency, a cross between a domestic spy service and a committee to put controversial part members in, will have authority to review and mandate changes to any military plan, contingency, or action before it is enacted and mandate changes to it. To help with this, they do not need to inform military commanders of who their agents are or what ranks they hold, and may audit any military officer of soldier at will.

City of Rome turned over to Papacy

With Rome unscarred by anything more then public looting, and the Italian peninsula cleared of soldiers, the Federal parliament has passed a bill offering to turn over control of an enclave encompassing the city of Rome to the rule of the Catholic church.
Critics argue that this is merely a way to make it impossible for a victorious Sovereign league to recreate Italy without a war that would be massively unpopular with large section of the population, as well as not really trusting soldiers on a war of conquest to guard valuable objects very well.

.75 added to Treasury, +0 form last turn=0.75

category 1, Rail network, 10 civil, 10 economy

category 2 EEI, 6 economy

category 3. military expansion, 8 army, 8 air force

category 4. IOA 8 spy

category 5. Operation Blue 2 wealth, 3 spy

all tech working on anti-radiation treatments

2009-05-17, 03:58 PM
1965 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Jj3wZVc7nw&feature=related)


Edward Higgins White Makes First Space Walk

The US Astronaut made a space walk to make minor repairs to his craft, before returning to Earth without incident.

Nixon, LBJ Propose "Great Society", Sign Social Security Act


President Nixon, heavily influenced by Vice President Johnson, campaign aggressively for sweeping social reforms, declaring a "war on poverty". Congress, galvanized by its heavy Republican majority, passes a number of important bills, notably the Social Security Act, which creates Medicare and Medicaid.

US Troops Land in Dominican Republic

Citing a growing Communist Revolution in the Island nation, President Nixon ordered around 30,000 Marines to invade the small Caribbean nation. The nascent Communist movement is quickly crushed, with nowhere for the insurgents to run.

Nixon Orders Expansion of US Military Presence in Central America, Institutes Mandatory Draft

Citing increased violence by the partisans in central America, President Nixon increased the total number of troops in the area to 125,000. He also urged congress to increase the draft to over 30,000 new draftees per month.

Protests Against War in Central America

More protests against the war spark up with the new invasion and draft rates, as public opinion sways strongly against the war.


The UN Security Council is still unable to vote on important measures, as it has yet to elect two of its permanent members.

((OOC: Since the security council seats for Asia and the North Atlantic never finished (the PCs didn't vote), I'm reposting it here before the UN can do anything.))


Tibet: Nominates Tibet
India: Civil disorder; abstains
Pakistan: Nominates Pakistan
Afghanistan: Votes for Pakistan
Bangladesh: Nominates Bangladesh
Burma: Nominates Burma
Thailand: Nominates Thailand
Malaysia: nominates Singapore
Singapore: Votes for Singapore
Indonesia: Votes for Singapore
Vietnam: Nominates Vietnam
Cambodia: Votes for Vietnam
Philippines: Nominates Philippines
Australia: Civil disorder; abstains
Korea: Yet to vote
Nationalist China: Yet to Vote
USSR: Yet to vote

North Atlantic
USA: Nominates USA
England: Nominates Canada
European Confederation: Votes for Canada
Spain: Yet to vote
Canada: Yet to vote
Mexico: Yet to vote
Portugal: Nominates Portugal

Iraq Joins UAR

The fourth nation to join the United Arab Republic, Iraq joins after lengthy talks with Nasser and the UAR Government.

Communist Victory in Thailand

The Communist insurgency, unopposed by other governments, finishes off the nationalist government and institutes another Communist state in Southeast Asia.

Pakistani Troops Enter Kashmir

A border dispute between Pakistan and India touches off fighting in the Kashmir region that is legally Indian.

India Invades Lahore

In response to the Pakistani movements into Kashmir, the Indian military invaded Lahore, a Pakistani city. The conflict threatens to spiral out of control if something is not done, with Indian authorities already threatening atomic strikes if Pakistan refuses to yield.

José de Magalhães Pinto, Other Generals Form "Second Empire of Brazil", Pinto Crowned Emperor


With the majority of the military supporting him, General Pinto became the third emperor of Brazil, and the first in the second Empire. In his acceptance speech, Pinto promised to fight off the Communists and unite the Brazillian people in a new superpower.

Brazil Annexes Venezuela

In his first act as Emperor, Pinto formally announced the annexation of Venezuela. Brazilian military officials finish rounding up Venezuelan power figures, and the military has instituted curfews and martial law throughout the country.

Brazil Occupies Guyana for "Peacekeeping"


The Brazilian military moved into Guyana, a nation formed from former French and Dutch colonies, alleging that a growing Communist movement in the region had threatened to destabilize it.

Colombian Military Sabotaged

Explosions rocked the few remaining Colombian military bases this year, as defectors within the Colombian military sabotaged their own equipment. This, coupled with rumblings from the Brazilian political elite of "Colombian aggression", and their clearly-stated dream of a united South America, have led pundits all over the world to assign blame to Brazil.

Khmer Rouge Begins Radical Reconstruction in Cambodia


Pol Pot, a Cambodian student in France who left during WW3 comes to power of a strongly nationalist Cambodian party, and promptly embarks on a reconstruction of Cambodian society. This includes putting anyone with remotely capitalist leanings to death or severe maltreatment, which is exacerbated by the fact that Pol Pot considers only farmers true proletarians.

Pope Remains in Madrid

Pope Paul VI formally announces his intent to remain in Madrid, the relocation site of the Papacy following the destruction of Rome in 1950. He does welcome the return of the site of the Vatican, and declares the European Federation an official Friend of the Church.

((OOC: Rome did get nuked in WW3; the Vatican is definitely gone))

2009-05-18, 05:39 AM
United Arab Republic

Iraq joins UAR!

Festivities are held in Cairo and Baghdad to celebrate Iraq joining the UAR. President Nasser states he is proud to see the pan-Arab ideology expanding. With Iraq joining the UAR, a similar process as with the other nations joining the UAR occurs. Iraq is integrated in the UAR and Iraq is further developed, modernised and boosted economically. The market expands both ways, with Iraqi market having a chance in the rest of the UAR and the UAR market having a chance in Iraq. The populace will see an improved way of living as the electricity grid, infrastructure and modernisation expands in Iraq. With the UAR having prior experience regarding integration, the process is expected to go smoothly.

UAR condemns India's threats, but hopes for peaceful resolution between India and Pakistan

India threatens with atomic strikes against Pakistan if it does not yield, an act that receives disapproval from the UAR. "Have we not seen enough atomic strikes already in the previous World War?" Is the general comment.

"Let there be no hasty decisions which both parties may regret. We invite both India and Pakistan to sit around the table here and discuss the current events so that a peaceful resolution may be reached."

With this public statement, the UAR is inviting politicians from India and Pakistan to sit around the table in Cairo and discuss the issues together. This act shows a firm step of the UAR in the public theatre, involving itself in foreign matters. Despite the public statement showing a neutral position, there are undercurrents in politics that show preference to the Pakistani side. This is due to the Islamic presence in Pakistan, the hostility of India with its atomic threats, capture of Lahore and prior involvement in the Suez conflict.

2009-05-18, 08:52 AM
Knowing that it cannot win a majority itself China nominates Singapore to the UN Security Council hoping that its leader will not be as bad as any of the communists.

Chiang asks the president of Singapore to talk some sense into Malaysia and other nearby nations so that they will join China in an alliance. He asks Singapore to join as well.

2009-05-18, 06:29 PM
Federation Protest blatant Brazilian aggression

Today the representative of the European Federation has lodged a formal protest against the Brazilian "Empire"'s recent aggression. calling it "unwarranted and blatant power-mongering"

Ambassador and consular staff withdrawn from Cambodia

With the "reconstruction" of Cambodia underway, the Federation has recalled its ambassador and consular staff. the fact that the ambassador is french may have something to do with it.

Portugal offered membership in EDI

Portugal, the last unaffiliated and solvent nation in Europe, was officially extended an invitation to join the EDI as a full signatory today. Membership in the EEI and economic integration is almost certain to follow if it accepts.

2009-05-18, 06:54 PM

Mexican Government Recognizes Brazilian Regime

The Angeles government of Mexico has formally recognized the new Brazilian government, and has extended an offer of friendly relations with this rising power.

Government Offers Aid to People of Central America

Mexico, growing concerned about the escalation of the war in its southern border, has promised to send relief workers and humanitarian aid. Provided, of course, that a nod is given from the governments of said nations. Furthermore, they pledge to aid the American effort to defeat Communism in the Americas any way they can.

Mexico Nominates Canada to the U.N. Security Council

"Canada is uniquely suited to this task," Angeles said in a speech from the National Palace, "in that it has both the military ability to strike down oppression and dictatorship, and the cultural compassion to be able to see who is friend and who is foe."

[Spending to be posted soon]

2009-05-19, 03:41 PM
Israel Condemns UAR over Map

In a highly controversial act, the Israeli Knesset spent several months tossing around a bill condemning the UAR for their recently released map of a pan-Arab republic, clearly including a state of Palestine occupying Israeli territory. Though derided heavily by the Left as unnecessarily provocative, and by the Right as completely pointless, the bill finally passed by a margin of 2 in early 1965. Though the wording of the bill is not as aggressive as it might be, the threat to cut off all trade gives it unexpected teeth.

Reform Party kicked from Coalition, Mapai Ascendant

The latest Israeli General election saw the Reform party lose steam in the face of reduced American support, increased assimilation, and the outstanding success of the socialistic policies of the ruling Mapai; in one stroke, they went from 22 seats to 7, destroying any hope they have of influencing Israeli policy for the next four years. In contrast, Mapai gained a number of seats, and now holds 71 seats, giving it a solid majority and de facto ability to act as it pleases. Though a number of prominent Israelis have raised concern that their nation will become a one-party system, support for the Land of Israel Workers' Party remains strong.

Many predict this development, combined with waning US support, will drive Israel from their nominally neutral position on the capitalist/communist axis into a solidly socialist position, though relations with the USSR remain very cold.

IAI Rolls Out New Nesher

The recently created Israel Aircraft Industries announced the production of their first product: the Nesher (Hebrew: "eagle"), an air superiority fighter. This marks the first home-grown Israeli aircraft, and while specifications are leaking only very slowly, the Israeli government has apparently already placed orders for at least 60 units, with plans to replace their aging Skyhawks, and the handful of WWII vintage Spitfires that remain in use.

Technological Endowments Continue

Building on the program started in 1963, the Israeli government has continued to give increasing amounts of funding to universities and schools in a hope to bring Israel to technological parity with the United States. The fact that Israel currently lags the UAR in several fields was seen as especially shameful.

Investments are primarily in the field of electronics and physics, though a great deal of funding goes into improving agriculture as well.

Last Austerity Law Repealed!

The last of the Austerity Laws - a series of rationing policies implemented following the nation's founding to prevent widespread starvation - was repealed January 1, 1965. The Israeli standard of living has risen as people can eat meat while showering with the lights on.

Increased Trade with South Africa?

Though Israel has long been leery of investing too heavily in trade with South Africa - after all, the Straits of Tiran are not difficult to close - a number of Israeli companies are looking to engage in closer relations with the growing regional power.

Trade (so far)

Nation Received Given
Total 27.5:27.5

Canada 9:9
Egypt 4:4
Europe 4:4
South Africa 6:6 (pending confirmation)
NPCs (assumed both confirmed, as they're NPCs!)
Singapore 1.5:1.5
United States 7:7


EDIT: OOC/IC misunderstanding

Moody the Wise
2009-05-19, 07:01 PM
South Africa Accepts Israeli Trade

South African politicians have scrambled to rearrange trade routes in order to accommodate Israel's request for trade. An opportunity to establish closer ties with such an influential near-neighbor cannot be missed.

Revised trade in the spoiler (spending remains the same, as per previous post)

Israel 6:6
Argentina 4:4
Brazil 0:0 (Was 4:4; now canceled)
UAR 4:4
USSR 8:8
SAMAL 0:0 (Was 10:10; now no longer foreign countries)
Indonesia 2:2
India 2:2
Algeria 1:1
Morocco 1:1
Libya 1:1
Sudan 1:1
Ethiopia 1:1
Somalia 1:1
Democratic Republic of the Congo 1:1
Tanzania 1:1
Madagascar 1:1
Kenya 1:1
Total 36:36

2009-05-19, 07:03 PM
right total trade [spoiler]

Ireland: 8:8
England: 8:8
Soviet Union: 8:8
Israel: 4:4

total 28:28

2009-05-20, 01:32 PM
1966 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wP1w5Hl8D0E)


Star Trek TV Series Premieres

The new Television show, featuring prominent racism, imperialism and a level of action and violence unheard of in the past of television, depicts a future in which humanity sets out to conquer a mostly peaceful galaxy. The show's creator, Gene Roddenberry, said the show was heavily influenced by his combat duty in World War three.

In Miranda V Arizona, Court Rules in Favor of Arizona

The Supreme Court today ruled that the police do not have to inform the defendants of their rights before interviewing them; it is the civic duty of every citizen to know their rights, and ignorance is not an excuse.

Judicial pundits speculate that several appointees to the supreme court during the McCarthy era were key to the decision.

House Un-American Activities Committee Investigates Americans Accused of Assisting Central American Communist Forces

The House of Representatives convened the committee for the first time in several years in order to investigate these claims. The investigation is not expected to take long, as they have begun with the most obviously guilty perpetrators.

Protests of HUAC End in Arrests, Injuries, 1 Death


Thousands turn out in Denver to protest the House Committee, but it turns bad when FBI agents acting with authority under the Huston Plan temporarily suspend freedom of assembly in the nation's capital. The protest turns into a riot after police get carried away and beat a protester that was throwing rocks, eventually ending in a number of injuries and the death of one police officer.

15 Protesters Held Without Bail in US Base in Cuba Under Huston Plan

J. Edgar Hoover ordered the detention of several of the protest's organizers in a US military base in Cuba, Guantanamo Bay, arguing that US citizens are not entitled to their Constitutional rights when outside of the country.

35 Convicted of Treason By HUAC, Grand Jury, Executed the Following Week

35 prominent figures accused of aiding the Communists in Central America were executed by firing squad after being convicted of Treason. This triggered an outcry among civil rights activists, which is mostly ignored by the administration.

Brazil Annexes Guyana

The Brazilian Empire formally annexed Guyana in January, to outrage in South America and the rest of the world.

Argentina, Australia Demand Halt to Brazilian Aggression, Threaten Involvement if they Continue

The other South American powers and Australia issue an ultimatum to the Brazilian government; stop your aggression and come to the table, or face military intervention.

Brazil Launches Full Invasion of Colombia


Ignoring the calls for talks by their opponents, the Brazilian Empire launched a full invasion of the badly-weakened Colombian state in May, quickly overrunning the surprised and damaged defenders.

Colombia, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru, Australia, Chile Declare War On Brazil

The Octuple Alliance, as these powers come to call themselves, declare war on Brazil, and begin mobilizing for a push into the Amazon and Colombia, to directly combat the Imperial forces.

Atomic Strike On Advancing Alliance Forces, Atomic Torpedoes Devastate Argentinean Navy


The Brazilians, anticipating this move, drop an atomic bomb on a major Alliance staging area, dealing a heavy blow to the nascent power. At sea, a Brazilian submarine launches an atomic-tipped torpedo into a densely-packed formation as it leaves harbor, destroying almost half of the Argentinean navy.

Brazil Threatens More Atomic Attacks, Invites Alliance, Foreign Powers to Diplomatic Talks

This is accompanied by threats from the Brazilian government or more atomic attacks, and an invitation to Rio de Janeiro for talks on a way to stop a war before it starts.

The Alliance, caught off-guard by the Brazilian ruthlessness, tentatively agree to a ceasefire while negotiations are underway, though it is obvious to all parties involved that they are continuing preparations for war.

Pakistani-Indian Peace Talks in Cairo End Successfully

Pakistan and India come to a successful, if unsatisfying agreement in Cairo, in which they both agree to return to the status quo before the conflict with regard to Kashmir and Lahore.

Che Guevara, Fidel Castro Captured

Without the ability to flee into Colombia when US forces approach, Che Guevara and Fidel Castro, the leaders of the Central American Communist movement, are captured by American forces and quickly spirited away to a high-security prison in the US.

Insurrection in Central America Withers


With no way for any foreign aid the rebels were receiving to enter the area, the insurrection runs out of ammunition, manpower, money, and will. Combat slowly peters out over the year, ending in an entirely US-fatality-less November.

President Nixon used this opportunity to declare that "Our mission in Central America has been accomplished, and my staff and I are currently working on a way to withdraw our forces from Central America as soon as the legitimate governments of the region are capable of supporting themselves."

Moody the Wise
2009-05-20, 05:37 PM
South Africa Condemns Brazil

Prime Minister Mandela spoke with the support of the parliament today when he publicly announced that South Africa would take any steps necessary to reverse Brazil's recent imperialist advances and bring peace to the continent. He then left immediately for closed-door negotiations with diplomats from the Octuple Alliance.

2009-05-21, 03:07 AM
United Arab Republic

View of Brazil and Americas

Like the rest of the world, the UAR showed dismay over Brazil's actions. While it did make a public statement about how disruptive Brazil's actions were, its voice was but one of the many over the world and did not stood out much in particular. Truth was, while the UAR was shocked and completely disapproved of its actions, the subject was a hot subject on which the UAR preferred not to burn itself. While this was understandable considering the UAR's position, it still stood in contrast with its recent action to bring peace between Pakistan and India.

Inside the UAR, opinion of North America and Brazil grew worse and there were quite a few where this strengthened a generally bad opinion of capitalism and the Americas. With the USA's warmongering in Central America, internal protests and actions against civil rights as well as Brazil's warmongering in Southern America, usage of nukes and aggression, there was not much to say for capitalism. People realised that they did not have it so bad either, with a government working to improve its and its inhabitants situation.

2009-05-21, 01:33 PM

In a rare public appearance, Lester B. Pearson addresses the press:

"This has been a difficult century, for many reasons. Three World Wars, and countless other conflicts. Now this. The Brazilian Regime has utilized nuclear weapons once more on the battlefield. Regardless of our dogma, regardless of our economic philosophies... this is not an act that can be allowed. The time when an elite few can act against the world is ended. Brazil is not responsible for this act. It's leaders are. People are."

He pauses. "Canada calls for an immediate trade embargo on Brazil by all parties, to be ratified by U.N. vote. We also call for the non-testing use of Nuclear Weapons to be recognized as a War Crime."

Looking into the Camera, he purses his lips. "However. We must also act to prevent further conflict, in a region that has seen all too much. For now, I request that people allow a respite for heads to cool, and attempt to solve their issues at the negotiation table."

Canadian Military Mobilizes!

Steaming from ports throughout Canada, aircraft carriers are seen heading out into the Atlantic Ocean, for what is being called a 'Combined Forces Exercise'. As yet, there have been no calls to the Army reserves, and no troop transports seen leaving harbor.

Moody the Wise
2009-05-21, 01:42 PM

South Africa, and the other SAU states, vote in favor of Canada's resolutions.

The ambassador also notes that South Africa had already enacted a trade embargo with Brazil back when the coup happened.

2009-05-21, 04:03 PM
the European federation votes in favor of Canada's resolution.

2009-05-22, 02:26 AM
United Arab Republic

Joining with the others already backing up the Canadian resolutions, the UAR formally states its support for the resolutions as well, voting in favour. With no trade going on between the UAR and Brazil, no trade will have to be undone either, anyway.

2009-05-22, 09:57 AM
Anti-Brazilian protests in Civilian Area's

With Brazil's continued aggression and unprovoked use of nuclear weapons, which the Federations populace has (rather obvious) hatred for Protests against the Brazilian government are becoming more and more common.

Europe United

With Norway and most of Sweden secured ,and scouts going as far as Finnish Karelia in Scandinavia, the Balkan division heading for Thrace and a naval division headed out to aid the securing of the Grecian islands, the achievement of the Federations "natural borders" seems eminent.

With this comes a minor existential crisis for the government, and increased pressure on the Constitutional assembly to finish their work.

Constitutional Deadlock?

After two years of debate and re-writing, it appears that a deadlock issue has stopped the Assembly in its tracks.

2009-05-22, 02:10 PM
Israel and Brazil

You hear a lot about the government in the daily newspapers here. Mapai has funded a new technical high school in Hebron. Mapai is expanding the port at Tyre. Mapai denies that the military build up is a prelude to conflict.

One thing you haven't heard Mapai say much about, though, is the situation in South America. For those of you who are more concerned with local news than the goings-on of a bunch of nations across the Atlantic that gave refuge to the Nazis, the Brazil recently declared itself an empire and went on a shopping spree in South America. A coalition of nations, including Argentina, opposed them. In response, Brazil dropped a nuke on the combined fleet, severely crippling their naval power.

All the rest of the major nations of the world have united to decry this action, but the PM and FM here in Israel remain notably silent. Why is that?

Well, Israel has very little to do with Brazil, which is a start. But Israel didn't have anything to do with Singapore either before the Defense Minister issued his ominous guarantee of the micronation during the recent Malay-Indonesian war. Perhaps Israel is concerned that Brazil, as a fair naval power, will steam into the Mediterranean and start shelling Haifa and Tyre?

I suspect a different force is at action: nuclear weapons, and the legitimacy of their use. Though the government continues to be silent about it, it's clear to anyone with eyes that we now have the Bomb. A large civilian nuclear program is in place, true, but it's supporting a military program that does things like detonating bombs in the middle of the Negev. Though relations with the UAR have been peaceful and smooth since the Mossad scandal a few years back, there can be no doubt who those nukes are aimed against. Given the slightly large UAR military, it is distinctly possible that the Israeli High Command is even now devising doctrine to employ nuclear weapons in a tactical manner, using them as an extra branch in combined-arms style combat. If Israel condemns Brazil's use of nuclear weapons today, how will they justify themselves tomorrow when they use a nuke to destroy the UAR army in the Sinai? Or, God forbid, wide Cairo and Damascus off the face of the Earth?

Of course, Israel can't openly condone or support the actions either; Brazil's acts are clearly the result of naked greed, and the whole world frowns upon them.

Thus, it is no surprise that Israel continues to abstain on nearly every vote pertaining to the South American conflict in the UN, and has voted against Canada's call to declare use of nuclear weapons a war crime.

Silver Coin
2009-05-23, 07:31 AM
The Eastern Frontier
Since the end of Soviet Rule under Stalin and the construction of a second Trans-Siberian Railway, millions have started to flood into the open tundra of the Siberia. With the conquest of the East under way in earnest once again after a pause of half a century, the state has decided to expand existing towns and sponsor the creation of new ones. Along with this, a small trickle of foreign immigrants, mostly refugees under harsh governments, have begun entering the union in hopes of building a better life for themselves. The shadow of the Gulags is gone and Siberia is a land of opportunity once more.

New Resource Initiative Launched
“It is necessary that we limit our greed lest we become like the capitalists, exploiting the resources of the land without compunction and consideration. It is vital that we ensure that our children and our children’s children will be able to enjoy these gifts from the Rodina.” Nikita Khrushchev

The government is now on a major project to replace the aging and inefficient oil harvesting equipment in Siberia in an attempt to limit wastage.

Borders Secured
Soviet Military move to secure areas in Eastern Europe and Scandinavia that had traditionally been under Russian Rule. Finland is now officially under soviet rule. The Kremlin has yet to issue a statement regarding this.

Kremlin Condemns Brazil
“It should be apparent by now that as an enemy of Imperialism, any country that show imperialistic ambitions, and blatantly declare itself an empire, has just made itself an enemy of the Union. We shall not stand aside and watch our brethrens suffer at the hand of the Imperialists. If the Bazilian Government does not desist at once, actions will be taken.” – Nikita Khrushchev

Coup Attempted
Every since, Chairman Khrushchev came to power, there have been many dissident in the Communist party that believes he is too “soft” to proper govern the Soviet Union. After instituting numerous liberal reforms and pioneering the de-Stalinisation of the USSR, the dissident have finally made their move. A group of soldier lead by one Colonel Aleixandre Volsky have laid siege to the government headquarters in Omsk. The fighting lasted several hours but the opposition were subdued after the arrival of an armoured cavalry regiment. No official statement has been issued. The fate of several key party member remain uncertain.

Khrushchev Lives!
A day after the attempted coup, Khrushchev has appeared in public once more, to much general rejoicing for those who fear to live under the shadow of Stalinist rule once more, saying “a little gunfight isn’t enough to kill me”. The immediate perpetrators have been arrested, and under custody. The investigations regarding the exact details of the event continues.

Income: 48
20:20 Iran
8:8 EF
8:8 South Africa
6:6 Communist Japan
6:6 Vietnam

Spendings: 48
30 (Economy): As above
6 (Air): Upgrading works and continued modernisation
6 (Navy): Equipment Upgrades and training
6 (Army): Replace the aging T-34s and proper training in infantry tactics

2009-05-23, 09:53 AM
Federation Protests Blatant Soviet expansionism, treaty breaking

ENN report

Earlier this month Soviet troops, with a blatant disregard for the treaty of Pratorea, entered Finnish Karelia and Ukraine. With Federal peacekeepers into the mainland, conflict in Scandinavia seems inevitable unless one side backs down.

The situation seem similar in Ukraine, where Western Ukraine the site of a current Federal advance.

"The only time these area's have ever been under Soviet dominance is when the Soviets occupied them after divvying up Europe with Hitler. The Finnish people have fought long and hard to keep themselves out of Soviet influence and the Soviets signed away all of eastern Europe at Brest-Litovsk as soon as they had power.

Tell me, besides the narrow window where they imposed there influence on the unwilling populations of those countries with military might, when have they been under Soviet influence?"
Chair on continental affairs, open session of the Federal parliament.

Silver Coin I already control most of eastern Europe and Finland....

2009-05-24, 01:10 PM
Seeing the lack of action from the other Asian countries despite the movement of the communists Chiang continues to rapidly improve his military in case China is attacked. In addition he starts up a primarily residential reconstruction plan for all areas of the country that were heavily bombarded but are still habitable without the risk of serious radiation exposure. This plan is funded by the government and private and government employed construction services are used. Surveys of the land and the opinions of the people are taken to figure out which areas should receive the most attention to promote economic development.

Total Wealth
Spending 44 wealth
12 to Army
12 to Air
20 to Economy

Indonesia 10:10
Malaysia 6:6
Philippines 4:4

2009-05-24, 01:26 PM
Israeli Spending

Air Force: 8. The IDF, frightened of the increasingly large UAR military, invests heavily in IAI, purchasing a large number of the new Nesher interceptors, and implementing a nuclear doctrine for their forces.

Technology: 8. The Israeli government continues to invest heavily in education and technology, hoping to regain their status as one ofthe world's most advanced nations.

Economic Development: 22. Mapai continues their enormously successful program of economic development and construction. Vast amounts of money are poured into Israel Semiconductor Industries. New agricultural techniques are invested in, with the aim of making Israel a net exporter of food. The electronics industry takes off, spurred by ISI, and Israeli televisions and telephones start entering the world market.

Civil: 4. The last Austerity Law is repealed; Israelis now enjoy a fairly high standard of living, though they have significantly fewer luxuries than the United States and Canada.

Foreign Support for Singapore: 1.75. This takes the form of uneven trade, subsidies for Singaporean products, and investment in Sinaporean industry (consider this to change the 2:2to 3.75:2

Moody the Wise
2009-06-11, 02:20 PM
Later in 1966


Draft Incites Unrest

Despite promises months earlier of "mission accomplished" in South/Central America, President Nixon has increased the draft, not abolished it. Citing Brazilian aggression to the South and the resurgent threat of communism, Nixon calls on all patriotic Americans to serve their country.

In response, massive protests break out, featuring young men burning their draft cards and singing protest songs. The protests also draw many sympathizers, including a substantial number of women.

National Guard Sent To Put Down Protesters

Thousands of protesters in New England, the Great Lakes region, and the Pacific Northwest flee North to the Canadian border upon learning that the Guard has been deployed. They stream across the border, as Canada's underdeveloped border patrols are not prepared for a scenario like this.

For Joeluma
President Nixon sends sends you a message through his ambassador in Ottawa. "I have every confidence that you will cooperate fully in extraditing the criminals who have recently violated your borders. If you are incapable of rounding them up, I will gladly lend the services of the United States Army in doing so."


Osman Fuad, the current head of the Ottoman dynasty, in a shocking and unforeseen move, has lead a military coup and installed himself upon the throne of Turkey. He now styles himself His Imperial Majesty Grand Sultan Osman IV, Caliph of the Faithful and Successor of the Prophet of the Lord of the Universe, Khan of Khans, Sultan of Sultans, Emperor of the Ottomans. The country is no longer Turkey, but has been renamed the Holy Ottoman Empire.

Osman IV's coup was conspicuously well-funded and well-armed. Rumors from some of the fugitives that managed to escape the country before its borders were locked down tell of tanks that experts say resemble Soviet designs. These things are, of course, merely rumors.

Osman has claimed the title Caliph, and however ridiculous it may seem to modern, progressive Muslims, he has generated a strong appeal to the traditional, conservative Muslim world. There is a strong popular movement in Syria pressuring the government to secede from the UAR and join the HOE. Some of the more radical elements have begun arming themselves and holding secret meetings, preparing to assist the Ottoman army when - they are certain - it eventually comes to liberate them.

Similar unrest has cropped up throughout the Balkans. In Bosnia, the large Muslim community has effectively seized control. In Serbia, Croatia, Albania, and Greece, where smaller Muslim communities exist, communal violence has brought these areas to the brink of chaos. The fledgling provisional governments of these areas look to the European Federation for support.

Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan are likewise experiencing problems similar in scale to those of Bosnia and Syria. Without intervention from the Soviet government, these countries are liable to declare themselves members of the HOE. Georgia and Armenia are experiencing communal violence along the lines of Serbia, Croatia, Albania, and Greece, although the threat is even greater due to their physical proximity to Turkey.

Indonesia, home to the world's largest Muslim population, has been remarkably silent on the issue thus far.

It is hard to tell what sort of economics the HOE is practicing due to the limited amount of information available to the outside world, but it claims to be a capitalist state.

Brazil Backs Down

Under significant international pressure, Brazil agrees to cease hostilities. However, it remains a brutal military dictatorship armed to the teeth. As of yet, none of the countries that denounced Brazil have been willing to intervene now that the immediate threat has passed.

2009-06-11, 03:04 PM
Federation "fully committed" to peace in Balkans

With the understanding that Countries east and north of Poland are unlikely to rebel to place themselves under an fanatical religious autocrat of a foreign religion, almost the entire Federal army has been deployed to aid the Balkan governments. The Naval forces in the Grecian islands move to cut off any revolting islands and contribute their marine divisions to aiding the Provisional government there. In Croatia, the entire Italian command and most of the original Balkan one is deployed to aid the government and any pro-Federation partisans, then regroup. The Scandinavian and Baltic commands, having completed their mission goals, are to meet up in Southern Ukraine and proceed and secure Serbia before regrouping. the Naval forces not in Greece are assigned to carry out a naval blockade of Bosnia.


Balkan/Italian Command: 2 divisions proceed as detailed above, detainee's are to be shipped to be held indefinably in high-security prisons in Central Europe until order can be maintained

Scandinavian/Baltic command: 3 divisions: same as above pretty much

Grecian Navy deployment: 1: as above, contain any island rebels and attempt to blockade them, but most importantly seal of the straights of Istambul and destroy the bridge across it. Keeping supplies form Anatolia from Europe is of the highest priority. Also, see if some of that anti-Turkic pro-Greek rage can be incited.

Bosnian Naval Deployment:1: small passage, should be pretty simple to seal off, any unused ships are redeployed to Grecian deployment

Air force:2: conduct bombing runs on supply points and any military infrastructure in Serbia and Albania, attempt to establish aerial superiority over Balkans.

2009-06-11, 09:48 PM

Canada's Response to the U.S.

The proper branches of government have been notified, Canada will deal with the issue of illegal immigrants in as timely a fashion as is possible.

As to the kind offer of Military Assistance, Canada must decline at this time. We will tend to these trespassers with our own resources.

Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Rene Tremblay addresses the People

"In the past several months, several hundred Americans have chosen to flee their country rather than serve in it's military. If you see one of these 'conscientious objectors', please report him to your local Citizenship & Immigration office, so that we can transfer him back to the U.S."

Later that Week, the Quebec Gazette carries a legal analysis by one of Canada's noted Legal Pundits. The article is quickly picked up by publications across the Country, amidst a sea of other articles generally showing dismay over the political climate south of the border.

"....of course, should an American citizen wish to stay in Canada, it behooves him to research his family tree. Back in 1954, the Legislature amended the immigration laws to allow anyone with 'Canadian Relatives' to claim citizenship in Canada, and have a reasonable expectation of employment. Thus, finding 4th-generation relatives would give any American Citizen legal grounds to stay in Canada...."

Canadian Naval Fleet withdraws north, begins 'war games'.

With the situation in South America somewhat cooled, Canadian Naval forces, and their attendant Air support withdraw north, then begin carrying on an extended exercise, practicing tactics designed to test the limits of their new highly-mobile Airforce, and refine their anti-ship, anti-army tactics.

2009-06-12, 03:11 AM
United Arab Republic

Holy Ottoman Empire

With the rising of the new Holy Ottoman Empire it is no secret that it is a thorn in the side of the United Arab Republic. Where the UAR calls on pan-Arab sentiment, which is based on cultural heritage and stands apart from religion, the HOE calls on pan-Muslim sentiment, a clear religious aspect. When one of the founding nations of the UAR sees a surge of rebellious activity, expressing a desire for Syria to join the HOE instead of being a part of the UAR, no expert is needed to tell that this news is not well received amongst the government.

However, politicians do realise that of the current protest, not all are doing it because of Ottoman sentiment or even Muslim sentiment. The UAR has seen a lot of change over the the last period, modernising and introducing new aspects in society. The world has changed as well, with several hostilities and other aspects. This will lead to people scrambling behind any opposition, hoping for something different or trying to exploit it to better their own position.

In light of that realisation, the UAR has called forth representatives of the movement to sit around the table and discuss issues, comments and complaints. At the same time, people are sent to learn about the complaints. When they have risen above the table, the intention is to tackle them and to take away part of the reason, and thus the movement, away.

While there is definitely room for talk, discussion and improvement, the UAR does not tolerate criminal activities. Police forces are put on higher alert and are on watch for the most radical groups which are discreetly arming themselves. If there is sign of these activities and hostile intent, they are cracked down upon.

It hardly needs mentioning that activities stimulating pan-Arab nationalism are increased in problem areas. With the UAR constantly stimulating pan-Arab nationalism, some experts have bowed over the issue to see how they can increase the support for the UAR and not give other sentiments fertile ground to grow in. Some of the experts already claim that secularity and freedom of religion should be propagated further.

The UAR fully realises that the issue is an important one to handle, for it stands on the stage in respect to the other nations which have not joined the UAR as of yet. In that light, it has opened discussions with the Muslim community to converse about the relation between the UAR and the HOE.

Proposed meeting with USSR

A call for a meeting with the USSR is made in the government now with the rising of the Holy Ottoman Empire to discuss how to deal with the new power. With Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan being liable as well, it seems that it could be in the USSR's best interest to involve itself as well. In that light, the UAR does indeed extend the proposal for a meeting towards the USSR, of which they can decide the location.

If accepted, the UAR will discuss how the deal with the Holy Ottoman Empire and listen to what the USSR has to say. The UAR itself is hesitant on the issue, due to it not wanting to anger the Muslim society, but at the same time it is a thorn in its side due to borders and ideology. With the HOE considering itself a rising capitalist nation, it is likely a growing thorn in the side of the USSR as well.

While the UAR is open to discussion with the USSR, it is noteworthy that no sign or attempt is made to open discussions with the European Federation.

Moody the Wise
2009-06-12, 10:58 AM
HOE No-Fly Zone Tested

European Federation bombers based out of Greece today attempted to destroy the Bosphorus Bridge, a recent project by the Holy Ottoman Empire seeking to bridge the land gap between Europe and Asia across the Bosphorous Strait. The bridge is not yet completed, but construction has been proceeding at a rapid pace. The EF bombers were shot down before reaching the bridge by HOE anti-air batteries. In response, Sultan Osman IV has decreed an embargo on all EF trade passing through the Black Sea. The Sultan further warns that EF attempts at naval supremacy in the Eastern Mediterranean will not be tolerated. He gives the EF navy 48 hours to withdraw to the Ionian before shots are fired.

I'm going to call it a small operation and not have it count as losing any of your units. Unless you want to send a whole air unit to do it, but I'm warning you that if you do, you will just lose the whole unit. When I looked it up, apparently there was no bridge over the Dardanelles or the Bosphorous until the 70s. It was close enough to the current year that I decided the Turks had recently started working on it.

Suddenly Canadian

After hearing the specifics of Canadian immigration law, many of the American emigrants claim Canadian citizenship, providing documentation - some legitimate, some badly forged, much of it very well forged - proving their Canadian ancestry. Of course, there still remains the fact that the US is not asking Canada to enforce its immigration laws, but to extradite criminals. Anyone who has physically burned a draft card has been charged with destruction of federal property, and a blanket charge has been leveled at the rest for aiding and abetting fugitives.

2009-06-13, 10:34 PM
Balkan governments apply for EDI membership

The Provisional Governments of the Balkans have applied en masse for membership in the European Defense Initiative*. The Federation is of course supporting their entry, meaning only one other members approval is needed.

Naval Expeditionary Force handed over to Greek Government

With the recent Ultimatum issued by the "emperor" in Ankara the Vala forces operation out of the Grecian isles and Bosnian coast were given over to the control of the Grecian provisional government.

*the defensive pact I started with Ireland and Brittan at the beginning of Turn two.

2009-06-14, 03:32 AM

Though the people's sentiment may be against the current U.S. climate, the Canadian government and key industrialists arrange for meetings with their counterparts.

Several key industrialists 'spontaneously' stage interviews with the press, noting that this is 'not a political or social issue, but rather a legal issue'.

Interested in keeping their jobs through the next election, members of Louis St-Laurent's staff make overtures to their counterparts at the White House, suggesting that a face-to-face meeting is overdue, and perhaps the best way to discuss the issues at hand.

Meanwhile, Louis St-Laurent makes a public promise that he will 'best serve the interests of the Canadian people', adding that 'destruction of government property is a crime in both our fine countries'.

2009-06-17, 12:46 AM
Belatedly, Israel Reacts to Turkish Revolution

Pundits have been surprised by Mapai's complete silence on the topic of the Islamic revolution in Turkey. This was regarded by many as a curious example of realpolitik. The Republic of Turkey was a west-leaning non-Arab military power; perhaps the only one aside from Israel in the region. Relations were cordial though not close.

The Holy Ottoman Empire, on the other hand, is perhaps less viable as a friend, at least ideologically. They are a monarchy, where Israel is staunchly democratic. They are religious, where Israel is secular. Their claiming of the title Caliph strongly suggests that they will want to eliminate the State of Israel. So why has Mapai not responded? Why did they not oppose the revolution, even a little?

Well, the revolution was very fast. It was also suspiciously well funded. Further, any action by Israel would likely have been jumped on by the Arabs, leading to another war or worse. Ottoman control in the aftermath was solid; no counter-revolution seemed possible.

So now, in the face of a religious and Muslim, but still non-Arab, Turkey, Israel can do little but extend greetings, and hope that Istanbul will now recognize the state. Who knows? They may even be possible allies.

Silver Coin
2009-06-17, 06:46 AM
Soviet Military Mobilises
The Soviet Military has been mobilised and there have been reports of tanks and all kinds of military hardware shifted to the South-Western border.

“Do not be alarmed, this is merely a standard military exercise to test our capabilities. The war games will proceed for the next few weeks. There is nothing untoward going on,” says one government spokesman

The more sceptical reporters have pointed out that this seems like an unusually convenient way to place troops on the Soviet-Ottoman border.

Finland Ours!
The Soviet military machine has begun rolling into Finland, with virtually no resistance from the ground.
“It is time for us to welcome our Finnish brethrens back into the fold. We are no longer under the rule of one Joseph Stalin. There is nothing to fear from the motherland. We offer protection, security and a better life.”-Nikita Khrushchev

Krushchev Resigns, Ustinov Takes Power
Due to his ailing health, our Party Chairman, Comrade Khrushchev has recently resigned from his post, with his last public appearance regard the Finnish Situation. His successor will be the current chairman of the Supreme Council of the National Economy, Dmitry Ustinov. Questions have been raised over this but sources indicate that Comrade Ustinov has been selected due to his experience both in the military and in civilian economy. Promises have been made that the current more liberal policies implemented by Khrushchev will remain in force.

Moody the Wise
2009-06-17, 06:04 PM
Sea Battle in the Ionian!

HOE battle ships won a decisive battle against Grecian naval forces over control of the Ionian Sea. In an official statement, Sultan Osman said "The European Federation's ships remained in the Ionian Sea, following the Federation's act of war and refusal to acquiesce to our reasonable request for withdrawal. A nominal change of ownership of the boats between a federation and its protectorate is not a satisfactory response to said request. The Holy Ottoman Empire is not at war with the state of Greece, and wishes it no ill will, for it had no hand in the events that transpired."

The provisional government of Greece has not yet made any declaration of war, nor any preparations for it.

You've lost a point of navy, the point you gave to the Greek provisional government. The HOE now controls the seas East and South of Greece. You can tell they have at least 2 points of navy, and there were some air forces involved in the naval battle, but the Sultan is not showing his whole hand, and you cannot tell how many more points of navy he may have sitting in port, or deployed elsewhere.

The provisional governor/president/PM/whatever of Greece appeals to the federation to not escalate the situation, because in a full-blown war he knows that Greece would be the most devastated by the conflict and serve as the main battleground.

Moody the Wise
2009-06-18, 01:23 PM
Fires in Finland

As Soviet forces roll into Finland, expecting to be greeted as liberators, a number of sabotage missions disrupt their supply lines, causing the army to stop a while and regroup, adopting a more defensive position. For now, the army sits outside of Helsinki, but has no real control over the country.

PuppyRussia outnumbers you pretty badly. In addition to land forces, they also have ships and planes deployed in the Baltic. If you order your troops to fight, they might not even obey the orders. The Americans probably will come to your aid in time, but for now you have a short period of time to consider the next steps.

Silver CoinThe people in Finland don't have a terribly high opinion of you. It would be difficult to rule them, and the country has little of real value to you. Puppy has a chance to react to the invasion, but start planning your next steps as well.

Silver Coin
2009-06-19, 01:03 AM
Troop Withdrawal from Finland?
In a surprising move, Ustinov has revoked previous orders from Khrushchev, claiming that it was an ill considered move, and that his predecessor has failed to consider the social political climate of the area.

"Khrushchev was a great man, but he did have him blind spot. You can't expect the Finnish to forget the centuries of Russian rule. If they are to join us, it must be of their own volition."

This had drawn several comments from the press, especially considering that he had previously held the post of the People's Commissary for Defence.

"When you are in charge of defence, you learn what war is like. And trust me. It's not fun. Its better to avoid it, but there are nonetheless times where it's necessary."

An offer to withdraw from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Bulgaria have also been made. Should the people there not wish for Soviet rule, then troops will withdraw peacefully.

OOC: I think it would be better for all of us if we don't fight. Also, the other Nations don't really hate the Sovs that much I think. Withdraw the troops. To the Soviet-Ottoman border.

2009-06-19, 11:15 PM
Federal troops withdraw from Eastern Balkans, Baltic

After several rounds of tense negotiations with the Soviet Government, an agreement was reached. Under its terms, federal garrisons began withdrawing from Estonia, LAtivia, Romania and Bulgaria, leaving them to the Soviets.

Parliament apologizes to HOE

Today the Parliament unanimously passed a motion apologizing to the Holy Ottoman Empire for "the disowned actions of the commanding officer of the Balkan Naval forces"

2009-06-21, 01:30 AM
Ministry of Experimental Science Created for the Rush to Space!

The Mexican government has founded the Ministry of Experimental Science for the purposes of pursuing specialized projects that have captured the regime's attention. Such projects are strictly for the benefit of Mexico and its people, and number one on the Ministry's list is getting Mexico into space. Angeles has declared a goal of getting a Mexican astronaut on the moon "in ten years or less!"

Armed Forces Expanded

In response to worries of an icy political climate in North America, as well as numerous conflicts abroad, the armed forces of the Mexican States have been given a much-needed upgrade. "The belligerence of this century," a military spokesman said, "is a painful reminder that vigilance and preparation is the eternal price of peace and freedom."

Angeles Re-elected

Once again, Mexico's president of many years has been chosen by the people to continue his leadership, further cementing the PRI's influence both in government policy and laws, as well as day-to-day life for the average Mexican.

In the farmost background, however, there have been mutterings of fraud, corruption, and the rigging of elections. Such whispers are quickly put to an end by the police, of course.

Greater Mexico

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1a/MexicanSculptureRememberingTheSignForTenochtitlanF oundation.JPG/800px-MexicanSculptureRememberingTheSignForTenochtitlanF oundation.JPG

Top members of the Angeles regime have announced their intention to create "a greater mexico", and to this end have launched a myriad of programs ranging from artistic displays to the creation of monuments to the building of libraries and other means of improving quality of life. Such improvements are primarily centered in Mexico's poorer regions. Critics have pointed out the programs' calls to join and glorification of the armed forces, calling it a "startling hint of our current government's agenda."

Mexican Spending

Army: 13-Expanded as part of military upgrade

Navy: 10-Expanded as part of military upgrade

Air Force: 14-Expanded as part of military upgrade

Economy: 20.4-Still improving the economy at an aggressive pace. Gotta keep up with the big dogs, and such.

Space: 10-The newly created Ministry of Experimental Science has devoted most of its resources to the new space program, particularly to getting to the moon.

Civil: 8-Mostly modernizations: bringing electricity and such to rural areas, modernizing and upgrading Mexico's means of production and improving the quality of life of the average Mexican citizen. Furthermore, a beatification of Mexico City is underway, heralding the construction of several monuments glorifying Mexico's past. Chief among them is a truly massive bronze sculpture portraying Mexican history from the Aztec Empire through the War of Independence, the Revolution, and Modern Mexico.

2009-06-27, 05:02 PM
Okay, in the interests of finishing this, I'll figure out some way to make pictures and get the Indian and Australian stats up at later date. alogn with more events



"Future of Central America" Revealed. 2nd Republic of Central America Declared

With draft riots and a fleeing population at home, and the occupied population not really appreciating martial law, President Nixon signed an executive order this week stating that American troops would begin a slow withdrawal which would be completed when "the Security and Solvency of the Federal Republic against communist of foreign aggression is assured". Congress quickly passed a bill recognizing the new republic.


Communists spread to Burma!

With the majority of South-east Asia in Communist Hands, Burma seems next on the list. Guerrilla's and provocateurs from Tibet and Thailand have begun crossing the border in large numbers and stirring up trouble. Although no armed uprising has occurred yet, it seem it would only be a matter of time.


{table=head]Nation| Army| Navy| air| Space | Spy | Population | Economy| resource| Tech | Civil | WMD | Devastation | Upkeep | Wealth | Wealth-Upkeep| Wealth Full trade|

40 |
5 |
27 |


Commie Japan|
19.91 |






South Africa|








