View Full Version : Test of Spite Jemini vs Sharnian

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-25, 09:37 AM
Choice of Map?
Buff Rounds: Allday and 2?

2009-07-25, 10:00 AM
For map, either the Forest or Mountain Cave maps. All day and 2 rounds should be fine. Just to check, what is Alita going against? The level 16 Loredrake?

Initiative: [roll0]

Also, I will be going to sleep shortly so don't be surprised if I suddenly stop posting. :smalltongue:

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-25, 10:28 AM
Actually lvl 15 loredrake mystic theurge but yeah

which one is the mountain cave?

Intiative: [roll0]

2009-07-25, 10:31 AM
I believe it was the one with the nasty pillar of magma...

On second thought I'll stick with the forest.


Edit: One of us starts in the blue zone on the left, and the other in the red zone on the right. Pick a zone

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-25, 10:34 AM
Ok then

Allday- Greater Magic Weapon+4, Greater Magic Vestment +5
1- Mirror Images [roll0]
2- Displacement

I'll pick red then


What vision do you have?

2009-07-25, 10:37 AM
I would request those who wish to fight Alita next to not look in my Observer only boxes.

Observers Only: All Day Buffs and 2 round buffing

Previously Cast Spells
10 min casting time at CL 18 with Ankh of Ascension and Ley Lines
-Contingency: Heal (when She is knocked unconscious)
-Spellstaff: Antimagic Field (stored in Quarterstaff)
-Renewal Pact: Cast Panacea when certain conditions are met

Old Version (now redundant)
All Day Buffs
-Persistent Protection from Evil
-Persistent Divine Favor (+3)
-Greater Magic Weapon (+5) on Quarterstaff
-Greater Magic Fang (+5) on Head Butt (refluffed Bite)
-Greater Magic Fang (+5) on Elbow Blade (refluffed Gore)
-Superior Resistance
-Non Detection
-Magic Aura (Boosted to +27 with Ankh of Ascension)*
-DMM Persisted Earthbound Delay Death

-Divine Insight (Untriggered)
-Adept Spirit (Untriggered)
-Conviction (+4 to saves)

New Version
All Day Buffs
-Extended Superior Resistance (48 hrs, previous day casting)
-Extended Superior Resistance (48 hrs, today's casting)
-Persistent Divine Favor (+3)
-Greater Magic Weapon (+5) on Quarterstaff
-Greater Magic Fang (+5) on Head Butt (refluffed Bite)
-Greater Magic Fang (+5) on Elbow Blade (refluffed Gore)
-Non Detection
-Magic Aura (Boosted to +27 with Ankh of Ascension)*
-DMM Persisted Delay Death

-Divine Insight (Untriggered)
-Adept Spirit (Untriggered)
-Conviction (+4 to saves)

Disguise Check Calculations
Alita is disguised as a Human.
+1 Base Rank
+1 Cha Bonus
+2 Masterwork Kit
-2 Disguise as Different Race
+1 Competence Bonus (Guidance)
+15 Insight Bonus (Divine Insight)
Disguise Check: [roll0]

*Ley Lines: I assume Alita channels Geomancer Ley Lines while buffing in either forests or the Mountains.
*With the Ruby Skull of Wee Jas, all necromancy and Death Domain spells gain another +1 to caster level.
*Magic Aura lasts Days/Level. 1 casting can last 27 days. So 1 casting per day can cover 27 items sustainably. More than enough to cover all her magic items.

Buff Round:
-Swift Action Activate Adept Spirit
-Cast Sheltered Vitality
-Cast Freedom of Movement

Last Buff Round Timer:
-Sheltered Vitality (149 rounds remaining)
-Freedom of Movement (150 rounds remaining)

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-25, 10:41 AM
I have darkvision and low light vision

assuming I can see you and you can see me, let's start with descriptions.

You see a crowd of 9 copper-scaled kobolds, each wielding a rapier. They seem to displacing.

2009-07-25, 10:44 AM
For now Alita has only normal vision. Her description:


You see a petite but well-built girl, with short black hair, in body hugging leather armour. Sprouting from her back are a pair of bizarre metal feather wings. Sort of like this:


She also holds a gnarled, crudely crafted wooden staff in her hands.

And yes, I copied and pasted that from the previous fight. :smalltongue: You win initiative, so go on ahead. When you gain line of sight to the blue zone (the trees block direct view) make a Spot Check vs DC 21.

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-25, 10:50 AM
Kabol and his posse moves to Y13 and casts:
Prismatic Eye on E11

A small(Fine-sized) eye appears at E11

There's no way I can make that spot check

Your turn.

2009-07-25, 10:53 AM
You spot nothing unusual about Alita.

Spellcraft DC to determine that spell?

Spellcraft: [roll0]

Edit: I'm likely going to sleep now. Will continue this in 10 hours time.

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-25, 10:55 AM
DC 21; Prismatic Eye

2009-07-25, 11:02 AM

Despite not remembering who she was or what she was doing here, Alita somehow instinctively knew what the eye was, and what threat it posed. With an angry snarl, she flaps her wings, takes flight, and charges at it, trying to smash it with her elbow blades.

Elbow Blades
Attack Roll: [roll0] (including Charge bonus)
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Improved Trip if it hits: [roll2]

Observers Only

HP: 88/88
AC 13

Buff Duration Counter
-Sheltered Vitality (148 rounds remaining)
-Freedom of Movement (149 rounds remaining)

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-25, 11:41 AM
The eye crumbles under the overwhelming charge.

"Blast! That was a high level spell! Do you even know how few of those I get? Kabol moves to Z13 and casts
Beltyn's Burning Blood on Alita
Spellcraft DC 20

Your blood feels like it's on fire.
Make a Fort Save DC 25 every round for the next 15 rounds or take 1d8 fire and 1d8 acid as well as being only able to take 1 move action during that round.

2009-07-25, 06:12 PM
Spellcraft: [roll0]

Observers only: Need DM ruling

I'm not sure if Alita as a living construct can be affected by Burning blood. The spell specifically says that constructs are not affected by it. And living constructs count as both living AND constructs for the purpose of adjucating all effects. So if you count her as living she is affected, and if you count her as a construct she is not.

Interestingly, oozes and elementals (both living) which do not have blood also are unaffected. So as long as living constructs don't have blood, neither should they.

But just in case, I will roll first:

Fortitude: [roll1]

2009-07-25, 09:09 PM

Ignoring the effect of the Burning Blood, Alita grits her teeth and flies for cover. Once hidden away, she starts casting a spell, although you can't see from what source.

Move Action: move to the square straddling G13/G14, basically in the middle of the post for total cover. The rules don't explcitly allow this, but I see no practical reason why she would be forced to be either on the left or right.

Standard Action: Cast Spell. Spellcraft DC 20 to identify it as:

True Seeing

Edit: Oh yeah, your turn.

Observers Only

I am ignoring the Burning blood question for now since she made her save. When she fails it, I will need a ruling though.

HP: 88/88
AC 13

-Burning Blood (maybe) 15 rounds remaining

Buff Duration Counter
-Sheltered Vitality: 147 rounds remaining
-Freedom of Movement: 148 rounds remaining
-True Seeing: 150 rounds remaining

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-25, 09:50 PM
Wait so are you affected by burning blood every turn or are you unaffected altogether?


spellcraft: [roll0]

"Huh... Must have been too much for her. I always knew them angel types were pansies.Kabol casts (spellcraft DC20) Wall of Dispel
U7-Z8 and U9-Z20

End turn.

2009-07-25, 10:04 PM
Wait so are you affected by burning blood every turn or are you unaffected altogether?

Still need DM ruling. For now, she will roll saving throws and continue fighting, so that the match can carry on. It will only become an issue when she fails a save.

Spellcraft: [roll0]

Fortitude: [roll1]

Edit: How did you drop 2 walls at once? The description states one straight wall. Also how high are the walls, she can see them with true seeing and fly over without trouble.

Edit 2: Also, is Kabol still at Z13?

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-25, 10:30 PM
Oh my bad, then the wall is just straight down the map on rows U and V.

As for how high, it doesn't say, how about 10 ft?

Yes he is.

2009-07-26, 01:59 AM
"There is a difference between being a pansy, and being careful." Alita says as she kicks off the ground and takes flight once more. Darting to the next pole, she presses herself against it as she lands and takes cover.

She proceeds to cast another spell while continuing. "I know how to deal with your kind, you strange lizard mage. But something is telling me I still need to keep my little secret as a surprise for later. For now, lets see how tough you are after taking a stick to your face"

Move Action: Fly to Q7 for total cover again.

Standard Action: Cast Spell (DC 19 to identify)

Divine Power

Observers Only

HP: 88/88
AC 13

-Burning Blood (maybe) 14 rounds remaining

Buff Duration Counter
-Sheltered Vitality: 146 rounds remaining
-Freedom of Movement: 147 rounds remaining
-True Seeing: 149 rounds remaining
-Extended Divine Power: 30 rounds remaining

2009-07-26, 08:21 AM
Apparently, I made a mistake in my build, so I have had to reconfigure Alita a little. Fortunately, this won't affect our fight to present moment as she hasn't had to test the more extreme ranges of her abilities yet. :smallsmile:

And because I apparently forgot to mention it in the previous post: Your Turn.

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-26, 09:40 AM
Spellcraft [roll0]

"I better play this safe, I don't know what she's up to, but she's been hiding a long time, could be dangerous" Kabol calls up an old buddy.

Standard action: Cast
Spellcraft DC 21
Prismatic Eye at Q15

Another one of those small eyes appears at Q15

The eye attacks
Ranged Touch Attack - [roll1]
Ray - [roll2]
Acid 40 damage, Reflex for half
EDIT2:Forgot DC 19
Swift: cast
Spellcraft DC 16
Swift Expeditious Retreat
EDIT:Kabol quickly runs away to Y19
Your turn

2009-07-26, 09:46 AM
Kabol quickly runs away to Y20

Y20 is a tree. Either you change your action, or your Kobold runs into it and takes damage. :smalltongue:

Reflex: [roll0]

Spellcraft 1: [roll1]
Spellcraft 2: [roll2]

2009-07-26, 09:56 AM

Alita is hit by the green beam, but she easily rolls off its effects. She licks her lips and smiles madly, battle fury burning in her eyes: For her target was near, and she was not to be detered. With a mighty shout, she surges forward, trying to impale the strange lizard mage on her elbow blades.

Move Action: Move to Y18 then (you get an AoO)

Standard Action: Attack Elbow Blades as Primary Weapons
Attack Roll: [roll0] (Edit: I forgot the charge bonus, add +2)
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Improved Trip if it hits: [roll2]

Since she has true seeing, your mirror images and displacement are ineffective.

Observers Only

HP: 68/88 61/88 After AoO
AC 13

-Burning Blood (maybe) 13 rounds remaining

Buff Duration Counter
-Sheltered Vitality: 145 rounds remaining
-Freedom of Movement: 146 rounds remaining
-True Seeing: 148 rounds remaining
-Extended Divine Power: 29 rounds remaining

2009-07-26, 10:04 AM
Uh, forgot to roll Fort save: [roll0]

Edit: Passes. The match carries on without needing DM adjudication yet.

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-26, 10:05 AM
Trip: [roll0]

If I'm prone can I still cast spells if they don't have somatic components?

2009-07-26, 10:09 AM
The SRD doesn't say anything about that, so I think you can cast spells with Somatic Components as well.

Edit: Although do remember you are in striking range of a Raging Angel, so you have to cast defensively or eat attacks of opportunity.

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-26, 10:17 AM
You have 10ft reach?And did you fly over the Wall of Dispel?

"That was a close one..., anyways I'm not daunted, all kobolds know arcane magic trumps faith magic" Kabol is casting Defensively [roll0] DC 19
Same for Spellcraft
Dimension Door to A1
This assumes I'm still prone after my spell

Eye moves to Q18 and attacks
Ranged Touch Attack

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-26, 10:18 AM
I always forget...

Poison Fort DC 19 or Die. Success means you only take 1d6 Con damage

2009-07-26, 10:20 AM
You have 10ft reach?And did you fly over the Wall of Dispel?

Why would I need 10 ft reach? Did I post something wrong somewhere?

And did you fly over the Wall of Dispel?

Hmm... on hindsight, she will simply move to attack rather than charge. lose the +2 charge bonus, but she doesn't have to move in a straight line. You get an AoO against her.

Fort Save against poison: [roll1]

Fort Save against Burning Blood: [roll0]

OK, NOW we need a ruling.

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-26, 10:29 AM
Nvm I confused myself over where my kobold guy was during your attack

AoO: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Threat: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2009-07-26, 10:30 AM
Wow, you critical hit for 7 damage.

Observers Only:

Rolling for fortification: [roll0] (1-25 fails)

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-26, 10:34 AM
Lol, I never meant for him to go melee until I ran out of spells or the enemy was recently dispelled a good amount, then cast either divine favor or tenser's

"That was for the kobolds you killed... or probably killed!"

After this, my turn from before is still good right? If so, it's your turn now

2009-07-26, 10:41 AM
After this, my turn from before is still good right? If so, it's your turn now

Yeah. Like I said, waiting for a ruling, since it decides whether or not Alita can act or not this turn.

Edit: Saph has decided no, so we'll roll with that. I won't reveal the reasons why shes not affected, but you can open the link after the match.

Observers Only

link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6582201&postcount=34).

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-26, 10:43 AM
Oh ok,

does the issue involve Mettle?

2009-07-26, 10:48 AM

With her primary target temporarily out of sight, Alita turns her attention to the floating eye. With a vicious grin, she swoops over to it and slashes at it with her elbow blades.

Move Action: Fly over the wall of dispel magic to P18

Standard Action: Elbow Blades as Primary Weapons
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Improved Trip if it hits: [roll2]

Observers Only

Alita is immune to poison, so the green ray was ineffective.

HP: 61/88
AC 13

Buff Duration Counter
-Sheltered Vitality: 144 rounds remaining
-Freedom of Movement: 145 rounds remaining
-True Seeing: 147 rounds remaining
-Extended Divine Power: 28 rounds remaining

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-26, 10:53 AM
Did the issue get resolved?

The eye shatters once more
Kabol stands up and casts Spellcraft DC13
Bear's Endurance

Your turn.

2009-07-26, 11:05 AM
Did the issue get resolved?

Yeah, I edited the post 3rd from the top of this page.

Spellcraft: [roll0]


Hearing the sound of casting coming from the NorthWest, she turns her attention there, and quickly spots the strange lizard mage. With astounding speed, she darts towards him and attacks.

Full Round action: Charge to A2
Standard Action: Elbow Blades as Primary Weapons
Attack Roll: [roll1] (including charge bonus)
Damage Roll: [roll2]
Improved Trip if it hits: [roll3]

Observers Only

HP: 61/88
AC 13

Buff Duration Counter
-Sheltered Vitality: 143 rounds remaining
-Freedom of Movement: 144 rounds remaining
-True Seeing: 146 rounds remaining
-Extended Divine Power: 27 rounds remaining

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-26, 11:19 AM
Kabol grits his teeth and casts defensively again Spellcraft+Concentration DC19
Dimension Door to X17
and stands up.

2009-07-26, 11:30 AM
Spellcraft: [roll0]


As the shifty Kobold dissappears again, Alita senses magic manifesting to the southeast and turns to look. She spots the Kobold's tail sticking out from behind a tree. She swoops over to Q7, and takes cover behind the post once more, waiting for an opening before she strikes.

Observers Only

HP: 61/88
AC 13

Buff Duration Counter
-Sheltered Vitality: 142 rounds remaining
-Freedom of Movement: 143 rounds remaining
-True Seeing: 145 rounds remaining
-Extended Divine Power: 26 rounds remaining

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-26, 11:34 AM
Seeing the angel fly towards he quickly summons some friends Spellcraft DC22
Greater Shadow Conjuration; Summon Monster 6; 1d3 version; summons [roll0] Bearded devils

If you have line of sight to W16 and X16, make a Will Save DC 27 for disbelief.
Two tall devils withs wielding saw toothed glaives appear at W+X 16

Devils both Rage

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-26, 11:41 AM
forgot intiative
Left Devil [roll0]
Right Devil [roll1]

2009-07-26, 11:58 AM
Spellcraft: [roll0]
Will Save: [roll1]


Alita ignores the 2 summoned monsters, which she realizes are not real. Instead, she flies over the wall, and sneaks around behind the kobold. As soon as she lands, she slashes at him with her blades.

Move Action, fly to X18, you get an Attack of Opportunity.

Standard Action: Elbow Blades as Primary Weapons
Attack Roll: [roll2]
Damage Roll: [roll3]
Improved Trip if it hits: [roll4]

Observers Only

HP: 61/88
AC 13

Buff Duration Counter
-Sheltered Vitality: 141 rounds remaining
-Freedom of Movement: 142 rounds remaining
-True Seeing: 144 rounds remaining
-Extended Divine Power: 25 rounds remaining

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-26, 12:07 PM
AoO [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Trip [roll2]

Right Devil moves to Z17 and attacks
Attack1 [roll3]
Damage1 [roll4]

Attack2 [roll5]
Damage2 [roll6]

Left Devil moves around to X20 and attacks
Attack1 [roll7]
Damage1 [roll8]

EDIT: Messed on movement, glaives are reach

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-26, 12:13 PM
Damage: [roll1]

I'm guessing you have a higher modifier so I fall prone

Defensive Casting DC19 Concentration: [roll2]
Otiluke's Resilient Sphere centered on W16, which should cut me off
and stand up.
A shimmering orb springs up around the area engulfing the kobold, the devils are strangely absent from the protection of the sphere.

EDIT: Aww... I wish my rapier was vorpal now
On hindsight, it seems I'm really lucky when rolling something that's not related to my character's main role

2009-07-26, 08:12 PM

Laughing maniacally even as the Shifty Kobold and one of his fake devils manage to land hits, Alita continues her relentless attack, this time shifting her attention to one of the fake Devils. She moves closes, and opens up with a devastating barrage of attacks.

Move Action, fly to X18, you get an Attack of Opportunity.

Standard Action: Elbow Blades as Primary Weapons
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Improved Trip if it hits: [roll2]

Edit: Sorry this is from the previous post. This is what I get for copying and pasting blindly. Please Ignore :smallredface:

Free Action: 5' step to Y17

Full Attack: Devil on Z17
1st Staff Attack
Attack Roll: [roll3]
Damage Roll: [roll4]

2nd Staff Attack
Attack Roll: [roll5]
Damage Roll: [roll6]

3rd Staff Attack
Attack Roll: [roll7]
Damage Roll: [roll8]

Elbow Blades as secondary weapon
Attack Roll: [roll9]
Damage Roll: [roll10]
Improved Trip if it hits: [roll11]

Head Butt as secondary weapon
Attack Roll: [roll12]
Damage Roll: [roll13]
Improved Trip if it hits: [roll14]

Remember that as per Greater Shadow Conjuration (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Greater_Shadow_Conjuration), Monsters summoned have 1/5 AC and HP. This should be more than enough to drop it.

Observers Only

HP: 45/88 (After ANOTHER Kobold Crit and 1st devil attack)
AC 13

Buff Duration Counter
-Sheltered Vitality: 141 rounds remaining
-Freedom of Movement: 142 rounds remaining
-True Seeing: 144 rounds remaining
-Extended Divine Power: 25 rounds remaining

2009-07-26, 08:23 PM
Also, rolling for Greater Shadow Conjuration Effects.

The 1st devil hits, but only deals 3/5 damage because Alita disbelieves. So thats 6 damage. Rolling for Infernal Wound (1-20 takes effect)

The second devil misses, so nothing doing there.

2009-07-26, 08:25 PM
Rolling to confrim crit for you.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Your Turn

2009-07-26, 08:55 PM
Ohh! Natural 20. Rolling to confirm crit on 1st staff attack:

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Extra Damage Roll: [roll1]

Edit: So the bad news is that Alita just got a runtime ban. The good news, is that since you are also using a runtime banned loredrake build as well, that makes us even now. :smalltongue:

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-26, 10:00 PM
Actually Greater Shadow Conjurations are 3/5 as per PHB and SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/shadowConjurationGreater.htm) followed by Shades at 4/5
but you still dust 1 of them

One of the utters a deathly hiss as it falls to the ground and dissapates in a shadowy cloud. The other one is undaunted and unleashes his own barrage of glaive strikes.

Devil 5ft steps to Y19 and attacks
Devil Full Attack

Attack1 [roll0]
Damage1 [roll1]

Attack2 [roll2]
Damage2 [roll3]

Kabol senses a waning in his allies. "Huh, how long is it gonna take before she falls, I mean she's already acting on wrath."

Spellcraft DC18
Cure Serious Wounds [roll4]

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-26, 10:02 PM
Threat on the second one

EDIT: Forgot, Your Turn

2009-07-26, 10:06 PM
Actually Greater Shadow Conjurations are 3/5 as per PHB and SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/shadowConjurationGreater.htm) followed by Shades at 4/5 but you still dust 1 of them

Ah right, misread that bit. Editting posts now.

2009-07-26, 10:10 PM
OOC: The 2nd attack hits but does not crit. 3/5 damage of 12 is 7.2, rounded down to 7. Rolling for Infernal Wounds: [roll0] (1-20 hits)

Also, I feel I should tell you that the Rage thing is purely RP. She is not actually using any rage type abilities. Well not yet at least. :smallamused:

Spellcraft: [roll1]


Alita beats down on the first devil with such frenzy that she does not stop even while its corpse is dissipating back into shadow. Illusionary black blood and viscera splatter all over the adjacent grass, and onto the resilient sphere. With the first devil dead, she now turns to the 2nd devil and repeats her barrage, her maniacal laughter never ceasing...

Free Action: 5' step to Y18

Full Attack: Devil on Y19
1st Staff Attack
Attack Roll: [roll2]
Damage Roll: [roll3]

2nd Staff Attack
Attack Roll: [roll4]
Damage Roll: [roll5]

3rd Staff Attack
Attack Roll: [roll6]
Damage Roll: [roll7]

Elbow Blades as secondary weapon
Attack Roll: [roll8]
Damage Roll: [roll9]
Improved Trip if it hits: [roll10]

Head Butt as secondary weapon
Attack Roll: [roll11]
Damage Roll: [roll12]
Improved Trip if it hits: [roll13]

Your turn.

Observers Only

HP: 37/88 (after 2nd devil attack)
AC 13

Buff Duration Counter
-Sheltered Vitality: 140 rounds remaining
-Freedom of Movement: 141 rounds remaining
-True Seeing: 143 rounds remaining
-Extended Divine Power: 24 rounds remaining

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-26, 10:52 PM
In hushed fearful tones, Kabol quickly utters his next spell.
I've gotta prepare, she'll be here any minute"
Spellcraft DC21
Prismatic Eye next to me At X16
I end my turn

EDIT: "another one bites the dust, another one bites the dust, and another one and another one, another one bites the dust."

2009-07-26, 11:33 PM
Edit: Redoing the Turn

Spellcraft: [roll0]


Alita repeats her brutal evisceration on the second devil, continuing her assault long after the shadow has been reduced to a cold corpse, tearing it to pieces with ease. From the corner of her eye, she spots another eye appearing, and with a nerve-chilling grin, circles round the resilient sphere to strike at it.

Move Action: Move to Y16

Standard Action: Attack the Eye on X16
Elbow Blades as primary weapons
Attack Roll: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]

Observers Only

HP: 37/88
AC 13

Buff Duration Counter
-Sheltered Vitality: 139 rounds remaining
-Freedom of Movement: 140 rounds remaining
-True Seeing: 142 rounds remaining
-Extended Divine Power: 23 rounds remaining

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-26, 11:58 PM
Uh the eyes actually in the sphere and the the sphere covers V15-X17. I've got CL 15 so it's 15 ft diameter

2009-07-27, 12:01 AM
Hmm... I'm not sure if you can manifest the sphere there, as there is a 20 foot tall tree in the way. The sphere has to be able to contain the creature to successfully manifest, so having something sticking out like that might ruin it.

Edit: Tide has ruled no (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6588346&postcount=1409). You can still have the sphere protecting you, but reposition it so that there isn't a giant tree in the way.

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-27, 07:30 AM
Ok then the sphere is covering X15-Z18

2009-07-27, 09:18 AM
Ok then the sphere is covering X15-Z18

Hmm... Doesn't the resilient sphere (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Resilient_Sphere) have to be centred around a creature (in this case your Kobold)?

Edit: It seems you don't have much choice. When you cast the spell, you were prone, so you can't move. Since it had to be centred on you, and you were too near to the tree to make it that big, it can essentially only cover yourself.

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-27, 12:40 PM
Fine then, but that means I couldn't summon the eye due to not having line of effect so change to cure serious wounds [roll0] and you redo your turn

2009-07-27, 08:42 PM
Fair Enough. Redoing Turn.


Alita repeats her brutal evisceration on the second devil, continuing her assault long after the shadow has been reduced to a cold corpse, tearing it to pieces with ease. Once it has been scattered across the landscape, she turns her attention to the Kobold in the sphere.

Knowing that the Sphere is invulnerable to her attacks, she merely moves up to it and waits... all the while wearing a bloodthirsty grin.

Move Action: Move to X16

Your Turn

Observers Only

Standard Action: Ready an attack against the Kobold the moment the sphere goes down.

HP: 37/88
AC 13

Buff Duration Counter
-Sheltered Vitality: 139 rounds remaining
-Freedom of Movement: 140 rounds remaining
-True Seeing: 142 rounds remaining
-Extended Divine Power: 23 rounds remaining

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-27, 09:12 PM
"They've really let the standards for angels go. If you can hear me, I want you to ask yourself, what would your fellow angels think of you mugging random kobolds to meet end's meet."

I'm pretty sure by now that you autosucceed on spellcraft so I'll stop spoilering my posts
Kabol casts
Prismatic Eye in his space

It's fine sized so it should fit.
He stands up

2009-07-27, 09:34 PM

Alita continues her patient wait, simply standing outside, watching the strange lizard mage like a hawk.

Your Turn. (How long more are you going to sit in there, can we fast forward?)

Observers Only

Standard Action: Ready Action to attack the Kobold

HP: 37/88
AC 13

Buff Duration Counter
-Sheltered Vitality: 138 rounds remaining
-Freedom of Movement: 139 rounds remaining
-True Seeing: 141 rounds remaining
-Extended Divine Power: 22 rounds remaining

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-27, 10:31 PM
I was gonna sit for 2 more buff rounds so if you want I'll write my next 3 turns downs

1- drink potion of shield of faith
2- drink potion of barkskin
3- dismiss sphere cast defensively DC 18 [roll0]
targeted Dispel Magic on Alita

Eye attacks
Ranged Touch attack
40 points of acid damage DC 19 Reflex save for half
defensive casting swift expeditious retreat DC 16 [roll3]
Move to Z10 You get an AoO
Your turn assuming you waited while I was in the bubble

2009-07-27, 10:40 PM
3- dismiss sphere cast defensively DC 18 [roll0]
targeted Dispel Magic on Alita

Alita has a readied action to attack you the moment the sphere goes down

Elbow Blades as primary weapons
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Improved Trip if it hits: [roll2]

If it hits, roll against concentration to keep the spell, and against trip to prevent falling prone.

If the spell still goes off, roll dispel checks (about 20 of them or so, I won't use them all, but it does save time).

40 points of acid damage DC 19 Reflex save for half

Reflex: [roll3]

Let me know how this changes your actions.

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-27, 10:46 PM
DC28 Concentration [roll0]
Trip oppose [roll1]
EDIT: made a mistake, subtract 4 from trip
Since I can't move, I stand up
You get AoO

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-27, 10:49 PM
Before I stand up I dispel
several dispels
assuming I still can cast after falling

EDIT:forgot after I stand it's your turn

2009-07-27, 10:52 PM
Observers Only

(1d20+9)[20] Persisted Earthbound Delay Death (CL 28/DC 39)
(1d20+9)[17] Extended Superior Resistance (CL 23/DC 34)
(1d20+9)[22] Extended Superior Resistance (CL 23/DC 34)
(1d20+9)[12] Persistent Divine Favor (CL 23/DC 34)
(1d20+9)[23] Greater Magic Fang (CL 23/DC 34)
(1d20+9)[24] Greater Magic Fang (CL 23/DC 34)
(1d20+9)[11] Non Detection (CL 23/DC 34)
(1d20+9)[12] Renewal Pact (CL 18/DC 29)
(1d20+9)[17] Contingency: Heal (CL 18/DC 29)
(1d20+9)[27] Freedom of Movement (CL 15/DC 26)-Dispelled
(1d20+9)[22] True Seeing (CL 15/DC 26)
(1d20+9)[29] Sheltered Vitality (CL 15/DC 26)-Dispelled
(1d20+9)[16] Extended Divine Power (CL 15/DC 26)
(1d20+9)[29] Divine Insight (CL 14/DC 25)-Dispelled
(1d20+9)[28] Conviction (CL 14/DC 25)-Dispelled

Note: Spellstaff, Greater Magic Weapon and Magic Aura, are not affected as they are cast on objects, not person.

2009-07-28, 12:59 AM
Before I stand up I dispel
several dispels
assuming I still can cast after falling

I'm wondering about that. There is seperate concentration check for violent motion (such as from being tripped), at either 10, 15 or 20, but you should meet that automatically. The issue arises is whether taking damage AND violent motion should be rolled using a single concentration check with a higher DC than merely taking damage, or with 2 seperate rolls, one for taking damage and one for violent motion.

I'll ask for a ruling in the main thread.

Edit: OK, its a seperate check for each, your dispel goes off.

2009-07-28, 01:34 AM
Attack of Opportunity for standing up:
Elbow Blades as primary weapons
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Improved Trip does not function as you are not fully righted yet. I think.


Howling in anger at the Kobold's actions, Alita attacks it with all her might

Full Attack:
1st Staff Attack
Attack Roll: [roll2]
Damage Roll: [roll3]

2nd Staff Attack
Attack Roll: [roll4]
Damage Roll: [roll5]

3rd Staff Attack
Attack Roll: [roll6]
Damage Roll: [roll7]

Elbow Blades as secondary weapon
Attack Roll: [roll8]
Damage Roll: [roll9]
Improved Trip if it hits: [roll10]

Head Butt as secondary weapon
Attack Roll: [roll11]
Damage Roll: [roll12]
Improved Trip if it hits: [roll13]

Observers Only

Ferocity Activates

HP: -3/88 (after Acid Ray)
AC 13

Buff Duration Counter (3 rounds passed)
-True Seeing: 138 rounds remaining
-Extended Divine Power: 19 rounds remaining

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-28, 11:38 AM
Kabol utters his final squeal as he falls to the grounds bleeding profusely from the gash in his chest.

Do summons/eye thing disappear after caster dies? If not, Avenging Attack

Eye Ranged Touch Attack
Electricity Ray 80 points of damage Reflex DC 19 for half

If they do disappear,instead
RP ending:
Kabol attempts to curse Alita as part of his final departure
Make a will save DC16 or every kobold knows of your existence and where you are and will attempt to avenge Kabol.

If you fail the save against curse, it's only for RP purposes of introducing my next character in, and has no actual mechanical purposes.

2009-07-28, 07:51 PM
Kabol utters his final squeal as he falls to the grounds bleeding profusely from the gash in his chest.

Do summons/eye thing disappear after caster dies? If not, Avenging Attack

I'm not sure. But it doesn't matter much anyway. Alita will survive that attack even if she fails her save, and easily destroy the eye on her next turn.

Edit: Good Game by the way. Your Kobold really gave Alita the run around. I'm going have to find some way to pin down her opponents in the future.

lvl 1 sharnian
2009-07-28, 09:47 PM
Thanks, maybe look into Mage Slayer feat tree? Prevents defensive casting I think