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Thanatos 51-50
2009-09-25, 11:06 PM
The Beatles are okay. Not exactly excellent.
They are, however, very important in the History of Music, and I'm personally, very glad they existed.

2009-09-25, 11:26 PM
The Beatles are okay. Not exactly excellent.
They are, however, very important in the History of Music, and I'm personally, very glad they existed.

Growing up with parents addicted to their music, I'm sorry to say that I must agree with this. It's great they were here, and their songs are catchy. But other than maybe Hey Jude, I never willingy listen to their music. I'm going to be grounded for this somehow.

Wait wait wait, Thanatos, are you in Japan? You kinda suck, so it MUST be you. I think I'm obligated to worship you now. I'm new at this Anime stuff, but that's how it works right?

2009-09-25, 11:31 PM
A server in Central USA will still garner 300+ ping for almost anyone outside America. Any server in the US will get 300+ ping from Aussies, 250 if you're on a fast connection and it's West Coast.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-09-25, 11:36 PM
Wait wait wait, Thanatos, are you in Japan? You kinda suck, so it MUST be you. I think I'm obligated to worship you now. I'm new at this Anime stuff, but that's how it works right?

I currently reside in Yokosuka, Japan, and am slated to continue living here for the next 18 months. It's really just like any other city, only here I'm functionally illiterate.
And I'm the guy who watches dubbed anime and takes recommendations. And even then, only sparingly.
And I'm defiantly not anything anyone should worship for anything ever.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-09-25, 11:38 PM
I'm really not much further away than you Aussies, my ping is nigh-on never that high, even on Lawful - which is East Coast US.

2009-09-25, 11:45 PM
I currently reside in Yokosuka, Japan, and am slated to continue living here for the next 18 months. It's really just like any other city, only here I'm functionally illiterate.
And I'm the guy who watches dubbed anime

Dubbed? Nevermind, I'm supposed to hate you. Sorry.

So.. Military? Eh, I'm getting off topic.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-09-25, 11:50 PM
Yes, Than is US Military, to be specific, Navy. He works in METOC. That is Meteorology and Oceanography. He just hates reading subtitles, and therefore prefers dubbed stuff over subbed stuff.

Also, I seem to have gotten a random STEAM group invite to some group I've never heard of before and nobody on my friends list is in.

2009-09-26, 12:01 AM
Meteorology and Oceanography? I know what both of those words mean and that still sounds like an interesting position. Personally I watch subs because of the novelty of watching the original, I find the translations are usually better, and I like to pretend the voices are better, but that's probably just from not knowing Japanese so I can't really care.
The sudden third person is scaring me. If you're going to post as Than, be more discreet?
...So I hope they release a Japanese Steam game in America... Um.. Subbed? Totally on-topic.

2009-09-26, 12:04 AM
On Lawful I got 350ish, Chaotic was about 320. I have one of the fastest net connections you get in Melbourne to my knowledge.

2009-09-26, 01:46 AM
Wait, this gives me a brilliant idea! I'll build a small artificial island out in the middle of the ocean between Aussiland and Ameriplace and fill it with servers. Then I'll rent out the servers for obscene prices! Anyone who wants to have decent ping in both will have no choice!

2009-09-26, 01:49 AM
And then everyone here in Europe won't play on it at all because we'll have the obscene pings.
I really think if we get a server it would have to be on the East Coast or possibly one in Europe to get the best possible ping for everyone who isn't Dis.

2009-09-26, 02:08 AM
Hopefully, I'll get some gaming in this weekend.

Note that I say hopefully. Not, understand, because I am a very hopeful person.

2009-09-26, 04:44 AM
A note on your mentioning of crits: It works on average pings for kicking. Ive seen people last games with way over 300 ping if they've played before and had decent ping. Also, Darth Mario seems to do alright over there, and hes got real distance.

Also, us uk-ers back up server (where we go when crits is down) is called Back 2 Basics. No custom maps, but its got a decent stock and most people use mics. IP Address: Port: 27015 Query Port: 27015

2009-09-26, 11:39 AM
Watch Tekkinkinkreet.

Darth Mario
2009-09-26, 05:35 PM
A note on your mentioning of crits: It works on average pings for kicking. Ive seen people last games with way over 300 ping if they've played before and had decent ping. Also, Darth Mario seems to do alright over there, and hes got real distance.

Also, us uk-ers back up server (where we go when crits is down) is called Back 2 Basics. No custom maps, but its got a decent stock and most people use mics. IP Address: Port: 27015 Query Port: 27015

My distance is from New York to wherever in Europe it's hosted, and I get around 80-100 ping. That's tolerable, but anywhere else in the US is going to be worse.

2009-09-26, 06:18 PM
My distance is from New York to wherever in Europe it's hosted, and I get around 80-100 ping. That's tolerable, but anywhere else in the US is going to be worse.

I'm getting 170. I'd be fine playing with my ping that high, but like I said, it kicks me out when the game starts.

2009-09-26, 06:58 PM
My ping was generally below 20 on Lawful. I miss it. :(

Darth Mario
2009-09-26, 07:29 PM
My ping was generally below 20 on Lawful. I miss it. :(

I miss my 3-8 ping. That was nice.

2009-09-26, 07:39 PM

I wanted to play X-Com apocolypse, so I booted up Steam.

Only the DOSbox for the game didn't work. So I tried to delete local content.

And nothing happened.

So I manually deleted the files.

And it's still on my games list. And won't uninstall.

Edit: Think I got it. Still, weird.

2009-09-26, 07:56 PM
Even with the edit, Chia, I'ma say this. I've had that issue with BG1 and 2 before, it sounds like it was an uninstallation error and the registery keys weren't removed, so it reads as if the game still is there. If you manually go into the registery and remove the keys you should be abel to do a reinstall and have it overwrite whatever files are still there.

2009-09-26, 08:16 PM
When I moved into my apartment went from from 100 ping to 6... mmm... <3

2009-09-26, 08:27 PM
On UK servers I get about 250 ping. Australians just can't play on anything but Australian servers. Our internet is too crap.

2009-09-26, 09:12 PM
So I've been playing L4D in anticipation of Crash Course.

And I've been getting pretty good.

We're at the Blood Harvest Finale. My team wins with all 4 people in, and we were ahead almost 4000 to around 1000.

It looks like the enemy team is about to get all 4 people in. I get the Tank with like 12 seconds left. Boomer gets all 4, and in the final Horde and Boom chaos, I down two people before the other two get into the truck and drive off.


I can't wait for L4D2.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-09-26, 10:10 PM
Right. Well.
I'm sitting here with the tab to rent a Team Fortress 2 server open. (Gameservers.com) The current monthly price for a public, 24-slot server in New York/New Jersey is $18.19. As soon as the sale or whatever ends it should be $29.95.

I have no issues with fronting the cash to get it off the ground, nor do I have issues with donating the cash to keep it afloat (Although other donations would be welcome.) The only thing really stopping me is I don't have the foggiest idea how to run one.

2009-09-26, 10:17 PM
Where was Lawful based? East Coast US? That worked well enough, right. Perhaps a Central US-based server would be best, considering we have Aussies, Europeans and one guy in Japan who is pretty bad, anyway.
Anyway, there is that clanpay thingie which Lawful had running, and assuming we could get folk to play on the server (Keep it public, like Lawful), I have no issues adding $30 to my monthly bill, especially seeing as I'm due to get my paygrade advanced one, back to NCO status.
I just don't have the time/computer power/expertise to actually run the thing.
From what I know is that you tell them "Host this." they do it. if you want anything on ther you tell them and they do it. But I am probably wrong. :smalltongue:

Thanatos 51-50
2009-09-26, 10:20 PM
Apparently, there is some kind of online control panel these guys have that would be used.

2009-09-26, 10:22 PM
Post the link so I can see what you are looking at.

2009-09-26, 10:23 PM
If I were you, Than, I would hold out a bit. Shamus has certainly been notified by now, and hasn't stated any abandonment plan as of yet. Save some dough and wait a day or two.

Also getting a new one now would make me a sad man to think we lost that community.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-09-26, 10:23 PM

And, yeah, Phase. Holding off for now makes sense.

2009-09-26, 10:42 PM
Sounds pretty good. but take other opinions besides mine because I don't know that much about doing anything with that.

Darth Mario
2009-09-26, 10:52 PM
I would be willing to chip in my two cents (or however much would be required) to get this server running. I likewise have little knowledge of how to run a server, but I would be more than happy to learn. I'm also situated in New York, if that's any advantage.

2009-09-26, 11:00 PM
I would also be able to chip in what little money I have towards the server, if possible.

2009-09-26, 11:48 PM
Sorry I'm not any help with running the server. If there's anything I can do that doesn't involve cash or previous experience let me know. But yeah, if this new server or Lawful doesn't come up soon I'm going to go insane. I had no idea how big a part it was in my daily routine until it disappeared from my favorite's list.

...Nice signature, Woj.

2009-09-27, 12:44 AM
Yea the second I saw it, KBF, I knew I had to use it. I just haven't been on the forums for the last week. :smallyuk:

2009-09-27, 02:05 AM
I think I ended up on someone's frag video the other day.
Some spys were hanging around our spawn on Badwater Basi so I, being Pyro, naturally started to hunt one down. So I'm charging at him down part of the track shotgunning away when the Spy starts to taunt. I figure I'll charge up and try for a taunt kill if he's decided to just stand there, and if he moves I can just start flamethrowering.
Then his buddy backstabs me.
It was possibly my funniest fail ever.

The Linker
2009-09-27, 03:17 AM
So I'm charging at him down part of the track shotgunning away from the Spy starts to taunt.


2009-09-27, 03:54 AM
I am an idiot who doesn't check these things. Edited now.

2009-09-27, 04:59 AM
You didn't think maybe the spy taunting in front of you was a diversion?

You deserve it.

2009-09-27, 09:18 AM
Yeah, you should always assume velociraptor tactics in a situation like that. Spies are clever girls.

Dread Cthulhu
2009-09-27, 09:29 AM
Depends which taunt, really.

On such a note, I saw one of the funniest things ever yesterday. I'm following a guy around waiting to respawn. He's a Pyro, he goes up behind a Sniper, he starts to tauntkill.

About halfway through the tauntkill, the Sniper taunts as well. He does the wave one. He dies.

I would totally upload the demo footage if I knew how to edit demo footage.

2009-09-27, 11:13 AM
The other day I was playing Sniper and was zoomed in. A Scout ran up beside me and killed me with the Sandman taunt.

Dread Cthulhu
2009-09-27, 12:33 PM
The other day I was playing Sniper and was zoomed in. A Scout ran up beside me and killed me with the Sandman taunt.

I love doing that so much. Especially on Turbine. That map is saintly for taunt kills.

2009-09-27, 11:28 PM
One of the fun things about playing on servers other than Lawful is that some of them don't use Sv_Pure, so I get to play with this (http://www.fpsbanana.com/skins/73899) on, along with my matching HUD that I've had forever but haven't been able to see.

2009-09-28, 12:20 AM
One of the fun things about playing on servers other than Lawful is that some of them don't use Sv_Pure, so I get to play with this (http://www.fpsbanana.com/skins/73899) on, along with my matching HUD that I've had forever but haven't been able to see.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

2009-09-28, 01:15 AM
And yet instead, I enjoy myself on this totally harmless pleasure.

And I get to use awesome things like this (http://www.fpsbanana.com/skins/72030). I'm basically trying to make TF2 as much like Lucky Star as possible, incase you hadn't noticed.

Dread Cthulhu
2009-09-28, 11:10 AM
I am an inconsistent Spy. One moment I'm jumping from midair behind Pyros to stab them, the next I'm running after a Soldier desperately trying to stab him or approaching a sentry to sap it with 22 health and no disguise.

Mc. Lovin'
2009-09-28, 11:39 AM
Hey guys thought I'd post a new pic of the boomer they found on steam forums:

They're changing the appearance of the boss infected slightly, if you didn't already know.

2009-09-28, 12:49 PM
I've pretty much gone through a TF2 epiphany in the past week... Now, with spy, I can consistently get one kill on a bad day. On a good day, I can do several rounds, getting one or two people per round. :D

Demo, though, is probably my favorite class. The stickies are the best things ever.

Scouts are funzies, too; turns out I only hated them because I jumped in with the Force-A-Nature before learning how to play as them properly.

On a random, unrelated note, hosting our own servers aside, couldn't we still form a huge GiantITP Steam Group and all plunge into a super-happy-fun already existing server?

Thanatos 51-50
2009-09-28, 12:57 PM
On a random, unrelated note, hosting our own servers aside, couldn't we still form a huge GiantITP Steam Group and all plunge into a super-happy-fun already existing server?

One exists! It's an invite-only group. Post your STEAM name/profile link and I'm sure someone will get to you.
We used to romp around on Lawful, but it is currently, alas, dead.

2009-09-28, 01:06 PM
I'm considering getting a TF2 server that we could use. I'm thinking of getting a PRIVATE one because it's cheaper. I'd appreciate contributions if I do this.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-09-28, 01:08 PM
I'm considering getting a TF2 server that we could use. I'm thinking of getting a PRIVATE one because it's cheaper. I'd appreciate contributions if I do this.

I was planning on grabbing up the public one if Lawful isn't fixed by the end of the week.

2009-09-28, 01:09 PM
Da Rocc


And wow, I've never been on here... I've been playing way too much in the past two weeks... :P

Thanatos 51-50
2009-09-28, 01:13 PM
GitP Invite sent.

2009-09-28, 02:14 PM
Twenty Sided: Lawful, Team Fortress 2, 0/24, pl_badwater, 114

It's back up.

2009-09-28, 02:29 PM
Awesome. The thing is, private ones are cheaper. :B

2009-09-28, 02:46 PM
So I got the orange box yesterday and my very own steam account (http://steamcommunity.com/id/fostire).
So, uh... how do I join that server in the first post to play TF2? :smallredface:

2009-09-28, 03:07 PM
So I got the orange box yesterday and my very own steam account (http://steamcommunity.com/id/fostire).
So, uh... how do I join that server in the first post to play TF2? :smallredface:

Just type in the adress, I suppose.

Or join the steam group if you want in. Just give the word and someone will pass you an invite. Then just click on friends for server select and see where the local bunch is playing.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-09-28, 03:09 PM
Right now?

You can't. It's down.

But you can join the steam group if you want in. Just give the word and someone will pass you an invite.

Double-check the first post. It looks like its up, with two players even on it as of right before this post.

2009-09-28, 03:10 PM
Double-check the first post. It looks like its up, with two players even on it as of right before this post.

Edited as you were posting, but thanks.

2009-09-28, 03:13 PM
Just type in the adress, I suppose.

Or join the steam group if you want in. Just give the word and someone will pass you an invite. Then just click on friends for server select and see where the local bunch is playing.

Cool :smallbiggrin: Can I get an invite for the group? My steam name is Fostire as well.

2009-09-28, 03:28 PM
Cool :smallbiggrin: Can I get an invite for the group? My steam name is Fostire as well.
Invited, although somebody's probably done it first.

Welcome aboard! Here is your hat*. :smallsmile:

*Oh wait, we've run out. Come to think of it, we never did have any spare hats...

2009-09-28, 03:29 PM
Invited, although somebody's probably done it first.

Welcome aboard! Here is your hat*. :smallsmile:

*Oh wait, we've run out. Come to think of it, we never did have any spare hats...

We do have some spare halos, I figure. Is trading up yet?

2009-09-28, 03:45 PM
If it is, does anyone have a spare Sandman? It's the only thing I don't have... I have doubles of almost everything else.

Darth Mario
2009-09-28, 04:24 PM
Don't think trading has been activated yet. For when it is, I have spares of basically every item in the game.

Dread Cthulhu
2009-09-28, 04:28 PM
Don't think trading has been activated yet. For when it is, I have spares of basically every item in the game.

This is also me summarized. Feel free to hit me up for a Sandman when the time comes, Drowzy.

2009-09-28, 05:59 PM
Could someone invite me to the GitP group as well? If there's a rite of passage, or some sort of initiation, I'll be glad to suffer through it. Otherwise, here's my Steam profile (http://steamcommunity.com/id/Scorpionica). Thank you <3

Fostire: Played alongside earlier with you today, you're pretty good for a newbie. When the GitP group starts playing en-masse, things should be a lot more fun (and balanced). Welcome to (GitP) TF2!

2009-09-28, 06:02 PM
Could someone invite me to the GitP group as well? If there's a rite of passage, or some sort of initiation, I'll be glad to suffer through it. Otherwise, here's my Steam profile (http://steamcommunity.com/id/Scorpionica). Thank you <3

Fostire: Played alongside earlier with you today, you're pretty good for a newbie. When the GitP group starts playing en-masse, things should be a lot more fun (and balanced). Welcome to (GitP) TF2!

Well, the first thing you need to do is buy every officer at least one game valued at five dollars or better.

I'm partial to Republic Commando or Freedom Force, myself.

2009-09-28, 06:56 PM
Well, the first thing you need to do is buy every officer at least one game valued at five dollars or better.

I'm partial to Republic Commando or Freedom Force, myself.

Scoundrels! Charlatans!

Wait, officers? Let me see those credentials before you all sucker me into procuring such items. :smallmad: Freedom Force is pretty neat though, maybe it should be shared among those who haven't obtained it.

2009-09-28, 07:01 PM
Scoundrels! Charlatans!

Wait, officers? Let me see those credentials before you all sucker me into procuring such items. :smallmad: Freedom Force is pretty neat though, maybe it should be shared among those who haven't obtained it.

You want proof?

Look on the members page. (I'm also player of the week. The title will be passed on to the first G-Modder who makes a giant robot.)

2009-09-28, 07:25 PM
Oh, and to the white text that doesn't exist: You can't share games to save money. That's kind of cheating the system. Just FYI.

Otherwise most of GitP would just share a few copies of [game].

2009-09-28, 08:11 PM
You want proof?

Look on the members page. (I'm also player of the week. The title will be passed on to the first G-Modder who makes a giant robot.)

Was confused by the naming, but your point still stands. Thanks for the invite however. ♥

Oh, and to the white text that doesn't exist: You can't share games to save money. That's kind of cheating the system. Just FYI.

Otherwise most of GitP would just share a few copies of [game].

Of course, wasn't implying sharing in that manner. Was following through on an earlier comment of purchasing said applications for the officers, to establish my rank as a private maget. Guess I still need to grasp on how to subtly convey sarcasm and other such nouns to mock through fora.

2009-09-28, 08:24 PM
Fostire: Played alongside earlier with you today, you're pretty good for a newbie.

really? I thought I had a horrible aim.

2009-09-28, 08:54 PM
really? I thought I had a horrible aim.Start with Medics and Heavies. They don't have to aim, but you'll learn to play conservatively and to do things wisely.

From there, move on to mechanic and pyro. They'll teach you more about that stuff.

Then, when you feel confident about your non-aiming skills, try out scout, sniper, soldier, and demo.

Spy is kind of a different game entirely.

2009-09-28, 08:59 PM
KBF and I were doing 1v1 Huntsman Snipers on Steel today when he randomly switched to Pyro. We started screwing around, he stood in the point D room and I stood near E and shot at him and he tried to reflect my arrows. He's good at it, he actually headshot me with my own arrow. :smalltongue:

2009-09-28, 09:01 PM
KBF and I were doing 1v1 Huntsman Snipers on Steel today when he randomly switched to Pyro. We started screwing around, he stood in the point D room and I stood near E and shot at him and he tried to reflect my arrows. He's good at it, he actually headshot me with my own arrow. :smalltongue:

Don Newman posts videos with dozens of reflect-headshots.

Djinn in tonic killed Don Newman.

2009-09-28, 09:08 PM
I fist pump everytime I get a kill.

2009-09-28, 09:21 PM
I will laugh when you accidentally punch somebody.:smalltongue:

2009-09-28, 11:15 PM
Don Newman posts videos with dozens of reflect-headshots.

Djinn in tonic killed Don Newman.

I can reflect arrows. Don Newman can reflect arrows point blank and get a headshot. Djinn In Tonic can kill Don Newman.

KBF < Don Newman < Djinn In Tonic

I fist pump everytime I get a kill.

You fist-pumped when you killed me? I'm going to cry myself to sleep tonight.

Dread Cthulhu
2009-09-29, 12:11 AM
I once reflected a Huntsman arrow into a headshot at point-blank range.

I still haven't got that bloody achievement for reflecting a crocket, though. :smallannoyed:

2009-09-29, 03:42 AM
I am so glad Lawful is back. Some All of the best times I've ever had on TF2 were on d20.

I learned pipeline doesn't have a time limit. I learned The_Linker and Davin are awesome people. Kind of. Davin's a sinner in the face of Haruhi-ism. Pipeline is awesome for Dead Ringer spies, hiding with Cloak and Dagger and then hiding my spray from the sinner so he can't shoot it is hard, avoiding Pyros is actually pretty easy when you can stay cloaked, and finally that airblast wars are awesome.

2009-09-29, 05:30 AM
I am so glad Lawful is back. Some All of the best times I've ever had on TF2 were on d20.

I learned pipeline doesn't have a time limit. I learned The_Linker and Davin are awesome people. Kind of. Davin's a sinner in the face or Haruhi-ism. Pipeline is awesome for Dead Ringer spies, hiding with Cloak and Dagger and then hiding my spray from the sinner so he can't shoot it is hard, avoiding Pyros is actually pretty easy when you can stay cloaked, and finally that airblast wars are awesome.

You're making me cry, because I couldn't join in last night. :smallfrown:

2009-09-29, 05:37 AM
You're making me cry, because I couldn't join in last night. :smallfrown:

If you're crying because you missed one of the many games on Lawful, you've got bigger problems. Besides, Crash Course is out today! Rejoice!

Thanatos 51-50
2009-09-29, 05:58 AM
Irrefutable proof that I'm getting better at TF2:
Way back before Lawful went down - the same day we discovered I was ranked last on the server:
I actually had dominated somebody. And between domination and him logging out, he didn't pull off a Revenge.
Yay for feeling like I have some small degree of competancy!

Darth Mario
2009-09-29, 07:20 AM
I tried to connect to Lawful three times last night. Three times I found myself with HL2 engine errors.

Not pleasant.

2009-09-29, 09:12 AM
Lawful was pretty wonky last night, with lag spikes, it crashed whenever the 'top10' command was entered into general chat, and it seems to have a penchant to forego certain maps. Hopefully things will be sorted out soon whenever an Administrator or someone with access can disable certain plugins. Whenever RTV starts, weird music comes on and it frightens me. :smallfrown:

2009-09-29, 09:26 AM
Start with Medics and Heavies. They don't have to aim, but you'll learn to play conservatively and to do things wisely.

From there, move on to mechanic and pyro. They'll teach you more about that stuff.

Then, when you feel confident about your non-aiming skills, try out scout, sniper, soldier, and demo.

Spy is kind of a different game entirely.

That's pretty much the order I played them in.
-First I started with heavy and I did fairly well.
-Then medic and again did fairly well.
-Then I went pyro and didn't do as well.
-Then scout and I couldn't hit a thing.
-And finally I tried the spy and I had no idea what to do.

Dread Cthulhu
2009-09-29, 11:13 AM
If you're crying because you missed one of the many games on Lawful, you've got bigger problems. Besides, Crash Course is out today! Rejoice!

You sure? I'm not getting anything.

Mc. Lovin'
2009-09-29, 12:41 PM
Hey guys isn't crash course awesome? I just played it 3 times over, it really isn't as short as I thought it would be

2009-09-29, 12:54 PM
I know, right? It's so awesome now that it has totally launched and is completely available to the public.

So awesome.

Edit: Holy sodomuffin, it is out.

Mc. Lovin'
2009-09-29, 01:09 PM
What? Goddamn I was hoping I could rub the "I got it on xbox so it came out hours ago for me" thing in your faces for a bit longer ...

EDIT: No bug fixes. Wow

Illiterate Scribe
2009-09-29, 01:39 PM

Enchanting tale, brothers.

2009-09-29, 01:45 PM
What? Goddamn I was hoping I could rub the "I got it on xbox so it came out hours ago for me" thing in your faces for a bit longer ...

EDIT: No bug fixes. Wow

You don't say. We got a ton of those, actually.

2009-09-29, 02:02 PM
In concert with the Crash Course release, Valve dropped the price of L4D to $15, or $45 for the four pack. Got my reluctant friend to join in. Brains for everybody!

Mc. Lovin'
2009-09-29, 02:11 PM
You don't say. We got a ton of those, actually.

What, i got "no bug fixes" from the PC update log ...

Left 4 Dead

A new campaign, "Crash Course", is now available for play in Campaign, Versus and Survival modes

In Versus mode, all weapons, pills, health packs, molotovs, pipe bombs and other items will now be identical for the second round of a chapter

Matchmaking has had several improvements to make finding and joining games even faster

Ten all new "Crash Course" achievements have been added

2009-09-29, 02:50 PM
Played thorough it in half an hour. Maps felt balanced and fun, but not overly easy. Excellent map, very fun, loved the finale.

Plan to play it in versus soon, and hopefully a lot more to come.

2009-09-29, 03:24 PM
So, er, I hate to intrude in the L4D conversation, but I finally caved in and bought the X-Com bundle.

So, five games downloading as we speak, and absolutely no idea about where to start. Any tips?

Also, I got Madballs in BaboInvasion on the side, since I'd tried the demo and liked it it. Completely stupid, but real fun. Kinda reminds me of Gauntlet.

Only with a lot of balls. And lasers. And explosives. So, maybe not that much like Gauntlet, except in the top-down annihilate-everything gameplay :smallbiggrin:.

2009-09-29, 03:31 PM
L4D for $15? That may be too tempting to pass up. Do we know how long the price will stay dropped?

As for X-Com, the games were released in this order: UFO Defense, Terror for the Deep, Apocalypse, Interceptor, Enforcer. So yeah.

2009-09-29, 03:36 PM
L4D for $15? That may be too tempting to pass up. Do we know how long the price will stay dropped?
I think it said until October 2nd

2009-09-29, 03:43 PM
As for X-Com, the games were released in this order: UFO Defense, Terror for the Deep, Apocalypse, Interceptor, Enforcer. So yeah.

Conveniently, that's also the descending order of quality, as a general consensus. Naturally, there's exceptions (I found Enforcer to be fun, though the voice actor for the professor should gargle acid or thomething. Thucth a torture going through that game lithening to him blather on conthtantly.).

2009-09-29, 03:49 PM
As for X-Com, the games were released in this order: UFO Defense, Terror for the Deep, Apocalypse, Interceptor, Enforcer. So yeah.

I'll go with that order, then. Thanks.

Conveniently, that's also the descending order of quality, as a general consensus. Naturally, there's exceptions (I found Enforcer to be fun, though the voice actor for the professor should gargle acid or thomething. Thucth a torture going through that game lithening to him blather on conthtantly.).

As you write it, it sounds like said proffessor talks like an Igor. Which would actually be cool, so I suppose he really doesn't :smallbiggrin:.

2009-09-29, 03:52 PM
Well, I'm gonna go ahead and buy it now.


2009-09-29, 03:53 PM
I will probably be grabbing me some dead 4 left soon.

2009-09-29, 03:55 PM
What, i got "no bug fixes" from the PC update log ...

It downloaded a patch of bug fixes directly before the Crash Course DLC.

Mc. Lovin'
2009-09-29, 04:24 PM
Oh that's good then what did it change?

2009-09-29, 04:26 PM
Dunno, I never read bug reports unless I'm having a problem.

2009-09-29, 05:57 PM
I'll go with that order, then. Thanks.

Well, Apocalypse and TFTD are disagreed upon.

Apocalypse is a new game, with new modes a bunch of nifty new features...

some of which are kind of half arsedly implemented, and the art direction is worse.


Is X-Com, but with the difficulty cranked from "Wow, they made them hard in those days" to "Did they design this game for some kind of X-com god? Is this like the sword in the stone or something?"

2009-09-29, 07:03 PM
As you write it, it sounds like said proffessor talks like an Igor. Which would actually be cool, so I suppose he really doesn't :smallbiggrin:.

Here'th a thample. (http://lparchive.org/LetsPlay/XCOM/Update%2058/enforther1.mp3)

But, yes, it's a respectable order to play in. Especially considering the overarching story (if you care about such) plays off of events from the previous game... until Interceptor and Enforcer, anyway. I think. I was a bit busy having my brain leak out my ear to check if those consider much of anything as canon.

2009-09-29, 07:25 PM
Here'th a thample. (http://lparchive.org/LetsPlay/XCOM/Update%2058/enforther1.mp3)

But, yes, it's a respectable order to play in. Especially considering the overarching story (if you care about such) plays off of events from the previous game... until Interceptor and Enforcer, anyway. I think. I was a bit busy having my brain leak out my ear to check if those consider much of anything as canon.


Yes. Takes place between Terror and Apocalypse.

Enforcer: No. Probably not.

2009-09-29, 07:50 PM
Played through Crash Course again, but just by myself on Easy.

Lotta little things you see after another play-through.

Like some new voice work!

Bill: Watch out for that Steam Pipe
Zoey: Yeah! I love Steam!
Francis: Steam, yeah, Steam's alright.

And the Saferoom has a ton of little things. Like a map of Safety Zones throughout the US, with every single one crossed out, except one in the northern seaboard (The one in Blood Harvest), and one in the Deep South (Left 4 Dead 2!).

And some lady scribbled some poetry, and then was subsequently trolled by about 6 people.

And there's a list of Safehouses with phone numbers, with Mercy Hospital on the list (Crossed Out), and the address of the Church in Death Toll circled with a note saying a group of at least 3 is going there.

Lotta little things.

Almost lost though! On EASY! Was past the Howitzer, on the bridge before the end. A Tank comes. THE SECOND TANK of the level mind you, and we had a Witch. We're in a close space, Tank has some cars. 3 of the 4 are knocked down, and AI Francis kills the Tank with a Hunting Rifle and picks us all up.

2009-09-29, 07:52 PM
So, is Lawful still dead?

2009-09-29, 07:54 PM
Far as I can tell, it's back up.

2009-09-29, 08:19 PM
So this is my new favorite hat skin. (http://www.fpsbanana.com/skins/screens/73851?img=http://temple.fpsbanana.com/ss/skins/73851b.jpg)

2009-09-29, 08:52 PM
Mechafox, you just made my day!

2009-09-29, 08:52 PM

The Linker
2009-09-29, 11:33 PM
I just started the Crash Course campaign.

Then had to alt-tab.

Because when I, as Zoey, walked up to the dead pilot and heard her say "Pilot's license... revoked. Duhn duhn duhnnnnnnn!" I just had to tell somebody. :smallbiggrin:

I look forward to more awesome sound clips! Especially if they, too, sound like they could have come out of :elan:.

Alternatively, replace the triple-duhn with a 'YYYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!' and get someone to make a :davidcaruso: smiley.

Edit: "Free copy paper! Sweet! The apocalypse was totally worth it."

Ecks Dee
2009-09-30, 02:59 AM
Man, I love steam.

Yeah, steam's not so bad I guess. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vewmAjTqGHg&feature=player_embedded)

Dread Cthulhu
2009-09-30, 11:54 AM
Poetry bit was amazing. It made me forget to heal and get ammo, that's how good it was.

In fact, here it is.


2009-09-30, 12:08 PM
I laughed so hard. Seriously. I stopped and read the whole poem out loud and then went around reading the comments and laughed harder and harder with each one.

2009-09-30, 12:10 PM
I just started the Crash Course campaign.

Then had to alt-tab.

Because when I, as Zoey, walked up to the dead pilot and heard her say "Pilot's license... revoked. Duhn duhn duhnnnnnnn!" I just had to tell somebody. :smallbiggrin:

I look forward to more awesome sound clips! Especially if they, too, sound like they could have come out of :elan:.

Alternatively, replace the triple-duhn with a 'YYYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!' and get someone to make a :davidcaruso: smiley.

Edit: "Free copy paper! Sweet! The apocalypse was totally worth it."

Francis had me at, "hate".

But yeah, the dialogue was characteristically good in this one.

Darth Mario
2009-09-30, 12:32 PM
Okay, so now my life comes down to the decision, thanks to my incredibly small Windows partition on my MacBook Pro, whether to uninstall TF2 to make room for L4D or leave it as is.

How am I supposed to make this choice!?!

2009-09-30, 12:57 PM
Buy an external 500gb hardrive for like $50?

2009-09-30, 01:06 PM
Why do people act like technology is dirt cheap? The worst 500gb harddrive on Am 'zon (http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=sr_nr_n_0?rh=n%3A172282%2Cn%3A!493964%2Ck%3A50 0gb+external+hard+drive%2Cp_n_condition-type%3ANew%2Cn%3A541966%2Cn%3A1292110011&bbn=541966&sort=price&keywords=500gb+external+hard+drive&ie=UTF8&qid=1254333895&rnid=541966) is about sixty US dollars. And the cheapest, lowest quality actual harddrive on New-ish Egg (http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&Description=500%20gb%20external%20hard%20drive&bop=And&ActiveSearchResult=True&Order=PRICE) is $59.99. Good ones are about eighty dollars.

And they don't accept dollhairs. They kick you out and don't let you back in.

2009-09-30, 01:20 PM
Okay, so now my life comes down to the decision, thanks to my incredibly small Windows partition on my MacBook Pro, whether to uninstall TF2 to make room for L4D or leave it as is.

How am I supposed to make this choice!?!

Modern day Sophie's Choice there. Or you could eliminate something else on the hard drive. Isn't the size of L4D and TF2 mostly the Source engine and thus installing both is not as large as just single installs of each one?

I play TF2 about 10 times more often than L4D, but I really look forward to my weekly L4D matches with friends. So, given a choice, I'd pick L4D and play Blood Bowl in my spare time.

It's like a bowling league with ZOMBIES.

Why do people act like technology is dirt cheap? The worst 500gb harddrive on Am 'zon is about sixty US dollars. And the cheapest, lowest quality actual harddrive on New-ish Egg is $59.99. Good ones are about eighty dollars.

And they don't accept dollhairs. They kick you out and don't let you back in.

Because some people have a lot of disposable income. When I was young, I thought $100 was a lot of money. As a well-paid professional, $50 is nothing, a rounding error.

I do understand there's a lot of people out there that need to budget their money responsibly; I had a friend who couldn't buy Spore's character creator, because she couldn't afford the $5, that was how tight the money was. This is why I tend not to give "buy new hardware nub" suggestions, unless absolutely necessary.

2009-09-30, 01:22 PM
So. Uh. I found this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qt9EX5DXiYU).

Touhou Fortress 2 (http://touhoufortress2.web.fc2.com/main.html). Whole team is anime girl!

EDIT: It works on Lawful, everything except the HUD. I'm not sure what custom HUDs did to Shamus, but he's disabled them.

2009-09-30, 03:37 PM
Must not let new map beat me...

I honestly forgot how hard expert becomes when your team arent able to talk or listen to you...

2009-09-30, 03:47 PM
So. Uh. I found this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qt9EX5DXiYU).

Touhou Fortress 2 (http://touhoufortress2.web.fc2.com/main.html). Whole team is anime girl!

EDIT: It works on Lawful, everything except the HUD. I'm not sure what custom HUDs did to Shamus, but he's disabled them.

Is there anyway I can play with normal skins while still getting the enjoyment of mercilessly slaughtering the anime gi subhuman mongrels?

2009-09-30, 03:49 PM
Is there anyway I can play with normal skins while still getting the enjoyment of mercilessly slaughtering the anime gi subhuman mongrels?

Technically you only see yourself when you taunt. So as long as you don't taunt you can go ahead and change all the skins you want and never have to realize you're on the wrong team.

Or you could just change all of BLU team's skins and make sure to always be RED. That might work too. :smalltongue:

2009-09-30, 03:58 PM
Is there anyway I can play with normal skins while still getting the enjoyment of mercilessly slaughtering the anime gi subhuman mongrels?

But they're Touhou skins. Which is an impossibley excellent game. It's pretty easy too, even you could beat it. (www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Nb5Ohbt1Sg)

You shouldn't kill anime girls from Touhou out of spite because there's no way you could ever die in that game. It's not like I downloaded it to get revenge. Nope.

Dread Cthulhu
2009-09-30, 04:05 PM
So I just got halfway through the first part of Crash Course.

On Versus.

With ping in the 1000s.

Against four excellent players.

And with three bots helping me.

When somebody you've never seen before on the internet says you were amazing, you know you did good.

2009-09-30, 04:14 PM
Get your animes out of my Team Fortress! :smallmad:

2009-09-30, 04:42 PM
So I just got halfway through the first part of Crash Course.

On Versus.

With ping in the 1000s.

Against four excellent players.

And with three bots helping me.

When somebody you've never seen before on the internet says you were amazing, you know you did good.



I mean...


2009-09-30, 05:02 PM
Is there anyway I can play with normal skins while still getting the enjoyment of mercilessly slaughtering the anime gi subhuman mongrels?
So you can reskin everybody else from your perspective?

Somebody needs to tell Shamus that this is a bad policy. It's abusable, for reasons I'm sure I've mentioned several times.

2009-09-30, 05:06 PM
*Innocently adjusts spy textures*
:smallbiggrin: Yeah, like I'd do that. Lurker is annoying, but not that annoying.

2009-09-30, 05:41 PM
So. Uh. I found this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qt9EX5DXiYU).

Touhou Fortress 2 (http://touhoufortress2.web.fc2.com/main.html). Whole team is anime girl!

First off...Favourited and download at some time. Secondly this (http://nerfnow.com/comic/186)

EDIT: No, I won't actually. I have a feeling it would ruin the hitbox stuff as sniper, and since he's my third most played class, I'm not risking it.

2009-09-30, 06:09 PM
Fraid it's a bit too



for me.

2009-09-30, 07:16 PM
So you can reskin everybody else from your perspective?

Somebody needs to tell Shamus that this is a bad policy. It's abusable, for reasons I'm sure I've mentioned several times.

He also needs to:

Add votescramble
Actually had all the maps on the server as options for nomination/rtv
Get rid of tc_hydro

2009-09-30, 07:24 PM
So you can reskin everybody else from your perspective?

Somebody needs to tell Shamus that this is a bad policy. It's abusable, for reasons I'm sure I've mentioned several times.

Well, yeah. But I think the idea is that we play on the d20 server for fun. And mods are fun.

But yeah, someone can walk in and ruin it. Shamus seems to have blocked just HUDS and view models instead. I.. I don't get it.

First off...Favourited and download at some time. Secondly this (http://nerfnow.com/comic/186)

EDIT: No, I won't actually. I have a feeling it would ruin the hitbox stuff as sniper, and since he's my third most played class, I'm not risking it.

Yeah, it makes the heads way larger than they are. For comparison, I can't see the halo on most of the classes and Scout's just barely clips out the top. But it does match the huntsman hitbox near perfectly.

Fraid it's a bit too



for me.

Yeah, the soulless emotionless eyes on the character select.. I try not to look at. Other than that you don't really notice unless you're looking for it. Much less emotive, though. The only thing I miss are proper head hitboxes, and the Heavy's smile after eating a Sandvich.

2009-09-30, 10:35 PM
I love Valve's characters too much to say goodbye. I'll be with you forever, Heavy!

2009-10-01, 06:00 AM
But they're Touhou skins. Which is an impossibley excellent game. It's pretty easy too, even you could beat it. (www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Nb5Ohbt1Sg)

You shouldn't kill anime girls from Touhou out of spite because there's no way you could ever die in that game. It's not like I downloaded it to get revenge. Nope.

Heh. Come on, you can't be that petty. I thought you were a cool guy! Besides, it's not that hard - I mean, I can beat it, and my twitch reflexes are so bad I can't hit anything at all with sniper :smallbiggrin:.

Anyway, I'd love to put Touhou skins in my TF, but I'm with Jahkaivah - bit too uncanny valley for my tastes. Eh, TF2 characters are pretty cool in their own right anyway. A Touhou-themed, flowery HUD, on the other hand, I probably would welcome with open arms.

Archangel Yuki
2009-10-01, 09:24 AM
So I have been playing alot of Counter Strike Source lately. Fun times. But then I went back to TF2. By pure reflex, every time I spawned, I hit b to buy some equipment.
The issue?

3 months ago I bound b to explode in TF2.

2009-10-01, 09:39 AM
So I have been playing alot of Counter Strike Source lately. Fun times. But then I went back to TF2. By pure reflex, every time I spawned, I hit b to buy some equipment.
The issue?

3 months ago I bound b to explode in TF2.

The only possible response. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX7wtNOkuHo)

2009-10-01, 10:45 AM
Explode is fun when you are on arena.

Mc. Lovin'
2009-10-01, 10:47 AM
So I have been playing alot of Counter Strike Source lately. Fun times. But then I went back to TF2. By pure reflex, every time I spawned, I hit b to buy some equipment.
The issue?

3 months ago I bound b to explode in TF2.

Play him off, Keyboard Cat (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J---aiyznGQ)

2009-10-01, 11:57 AM
Okay guys, I have a problem. I can't play on any pure servers any more although my TF2 isn't modded at all (unless some *curse* server autodownload got me one that I can't actually notice). Anyway to throw all non-standard files out without deleting and reinstalling everything?

2009-10-01, 06:29 PM
Since virtually no skins actually overwrite data, it's likely your TF2 isn't up to date somehow. Check Team Fortress 2's properties (right click -> properties) and check the updates tab.

Heh. Come on, you can't be that petty. I thought you were a cool guy! Besides, it's not that hard - I mean, I can beat it, and my twitch reflexes are so bad I can't hit anything at all with sniper :smallbiggrin:.

Well, I'm sure with a lot of practice I could beat it too. But for now, Perfect Cherry Blossom is just hellish past the first level even on Normal mode. And only kids play Easy mode. Also, Easy mode doesn't feel like a Danmaku, it's no fun.

2009-10-01, 07:38 PM
So, a fly was buzzing around me while playing TF2 today:
I wish.

The Linker
2009-10-01, 07:45 PM
Yeah, whatever. It was probably a facestab.

2009-10-01, 07:47 PM
I was on RED, Badwater. We won. I was third place that round on our team. :smallbiggrin: This is amazing because I was playing Sniper.

2009-10-01, 08:17 PM
...what? Nobody coming in to tell Faulty that he was wrong to boast, and that he is a poor shot and an indecent person?

I miss Zero.

2009-10-01, 08:27 PM
Yeah, it's been 4 days since he last posted! :smalltongue:

Must improve as soldier... needs more juggling and airs.

2009-10-01, 08:39 PM
Yeah, whatever. It was probably a facestab.

I guess the fly was backpedaling from me once he saw me flip out the knife.

2009-10-01, 08:44 PM
...what? Nobody coming in to tell Faulty that he was wrong to boast, and that he is a poor shot and an indecent person?

I miss Zero.

I am morally base and shakey of hand.

2009-10-01, 08:47 PM
Player Zero always did get a bit obnoxious about Soldier.

In the immortal words of my little brother:
"Pssh . . . Soldier is the easy-button anyway."

2009-10-01, 09:03 PM
Hardly. Engineer, heavy, pyro, and medic all have much lower skill ceilings, and are much easier to play.
Soldier has ludicrous skill ceiling, really.
And if it's "easy", bring it.

The Linker
2009-10-01, 09:15 PM

I guess the fly was backpedaling from me once he saw me flip out the knife.

Get a headshot on it with the Ambassador and then I'll be impressed.

In the immortal words of my little brother:
"Pssh . . . Soldier is the easy-button anyway."

I keep thinking "HA! Well, I'd go Soldier and show him ANYTIME!"

...But then I realize that doesn't work.

2009-10-01, 09:17 PM
Hardly. Engineer, heavy, pyro, and medic all have much lower skill ceilings, and are much easier to play.
Soldier has ludicrous skill ceiling, really.
And if it's "easy", bring it.
Yeah, it's "easy." You can get a lot out of the class with very little "skill."

Having a high ceiling really bears no indication about its ease of use when you first pick it up.

Putting aside the high skill curve and the versatile primary weapon: Soldier isn't hard to pick up and it's a lot more forgiving than classes like Spy, Sniper or Scout. The simple reality of a direct-fire splash weapon ensures that you'll get kills at some point.

Soldier is easy mode.

2009-10-01, 09:18 PM
The skill ceilings on all the classes are pretty high, considering how approachable the classes are in the first place. But yes, some have some higher ceilings than others.

2009-10-01, 09:28 PM
The skill ceilings on all the classes are pretty high, considering how approachable the classes are in the first place. But yes, some have some higher ceilings than others.
Engineer skill-ceilings are an apparent paradox.

They have a very shallow skill curve, yet 99% of Engineers vary between mediocre to bad. They pick bad locations. Or they're lazy. Or inattentive. Sometimes they're all three.

It's a fact I find hilarious. But maybe a large part of it has to do with the fact that players who know better will usually play some other class instead.

2009-10-01, 09:31 PM
I've been fooling around with playing Engineer offensively and it's quite fun.

2009-10-01, 09:34 PM
One thing that infuriates me about Demoman:

Everybody complains about how overpowered they are.

Pardoxically, nobody actually seems able to kill sentries with them without the aid of an Uber.

2009-10-01, 09:36 PM
Demoman is my worst class. I couldn't hit an immobile cow while using an aimbot as a Demoman.

2009-10-01, 09:40 PM
Engineer skill-ceilings are an apparent paradox.

They have a very shallow skill curve, yet 99% of Engineers vary between mediocre to bad.

They pick bad locations. Or they're lazy. Or inattentive. Sometimes they're all three.

I'm not that godawful am I? Hydro can be freaking hard to play Engie on, depending on the area...

But yeah, playing Engie on any map you are at all unfamiliar with will make for seriously hilarious fail. Considering how easy it is even for proven locations to be taken down by any class left alone in the area, an inattentive engie or an engie that assumes his sentry is ever truly 'safe' will end up failing. And since that's what most new engies figure the class is about.. Well, it's a serious hurdle caused by misunderstanding the playstyle. Much the same way a newb will assume the point of spy is to act like part of the enemy team, but failengies feel a brief and false sensation of being credit to team as their sent gets their first (and likely last) easy kill from being unexpected. Then a scout will just pistol it from the corner, or they'll bonk past, or a spy will just walk up and stab-sap, or a demo will take a bit of fire and just sticky it 3 times, or.. Yeah, ect. ect.

2009-10-01, 09:42 PM
I've been fooling around with playing Engineer offensively and it's quite fun.

I used to be a badass Combat Engie, but I lost my touch after 2 months of not playing D:

I really want an side-grade to engie that sacrifices either repairing or upgrading to make build times ludicrously faster. Like, 2 second lvl1 sg with no upgrade or repair, I would buy that for a dollar.

@^: And that's why you combat engie! An SG only needs to get one kill then, after it's done that, you get rid of it and set it up elsewhere. It's like a spy in that way, the enemy team will always be wary of it.
Although I once got 7 kills in the space of a minute with a lvl1 sg on Turbine. Some great places to set up on that map.

The Linker
2009-10-01, 09:43 PM
One thing that infuriates me about Demoman:

Everybody complains about how overpowered they are.

Pardoxically, nobody actually seems able to kill sentries with them without the aid of an Uber.

I haven't actually seen any 'demomen are op' sentiments in a long time, now. I figured it had subsided.

2009-10-01, 09:44 PM
I'm speaking almost purely about a commonly observed quality where Engies tuck their heads up their ass and whack their sentry all day.

The clever ones will camp the top of their dispenser all day. Sometimes they'll even crouch -- usually behind a building. The real cute ones crouch on their dispenser while whacking their sentry.

It's adorable.

However, there's one rule that applies to all classes:
You have to take an active involvement in paying attention to what's going on.

2009-10-01, 09:47 PM
I haven't actually seen any 'demomen are op' sentiments in a long time, now. I figured it had subsided.

I maintain they are. They do enough damage close range to take out any weaker class in am instant, have more HP than Pyro, and have those godforsaken stickies. Which I actually have seen people including myself take down sentries with ease. And yes, I do play the OP class, why wouldn't I? It's OP and I'm not stupid. I'm gonna sticky spam you to death now, brb.

I'm speaking almost purely about a commonly observed quality where Engies tuck their heads up their ass and whack their sentry all day.

The clever ones will camp the top of their dispenser all day. Sometimes they'll even crouch -- usually behind a building. The real cute ones crouch on their dispenser while whacking their sentry.

Oh, what, you mean the sniper prey? They're pretty adorable until either you or xxXXRandomSniper86XXxx get to them.

2009-10-01, 09:50 PM
I maintain they are. They do enough damage close range to take out any weaker class in am instant, have more HP than Pyro, and have those godforsaken stickies. Which I actually have seen people including myself take down sentries with ease. And yes, I do play the OP class, why wouldn't I? It's OP and I'm not stupid. I'm gonna sticky spam you to death now, brb.

A decent Pyro using the leafblower can nullify an average or worse Demo with ease, and a better than average one is on par. Sticky nades aren't actually all that hard to aim with some practice.

2009-10-01, 09:53 PM
A decent Pyro using the leafblower can nullify an average or worse Demo with ease, and a better than average one is on par. Sticky nades aren't actually all that hard to aim with some practice.

But that'd require the Pyro to be able to reliably Airblast the nades back at close range, a feat only slightly easier than blowing back arrows at close range. Still, a class that can kill W+1 Pyros at a distance of 10 feet without stepping backwards that has lots of other uses as well as damage is just a bit scary.

2009-10-01, 09:55 PM
But that'd require the Pyro to be able to reliably Airblast the nades back at close range, a feat only slightly easier than blowing back arrows at close range. Still, a class that can kill W+1 Pyros at a distance of 10 feet without stepping backwards that has lots of other uses as well as damage is just a bit scary.

Note how I said decent? That means no W+M1.

2009-10-01, 09:55 PM
Pipes are actually *very* effective on sentries. They fire a little further than stickies and do quite a wallop in a direct hit. Sentries just don't have a lot of health.

Additionally, they may occasionally kill the Engie on the sentry. If he's gone for a few seconds, and you have an angle with your pipes, there's nothing he can do about it.

In any case, a good Engie generally picks a good spot, actively patrols or moves constantly, is alert, doesn't spend too long lining up buildings and supplements the area-denial of his sentry with shotgun blasts when he can.

The Linker
2009-10-01, 09:56 PM
...have more HP than Pyro...

:smallconfused: What are you talking about? They have the same health.

Even beyond that, I still haven't met a really dangerous 'look out for that guy' Demoman in a long time. Of course, as a Scout, I often have the advantage. :smalltongue: That one second period before he can detonate a sticky really helps.

2009-10-01, 10:00 PM
:smallconfused: What are you talking about? They have the same health.

Even beyond that, I still haven't met a really dangerous 'look out for that guy' Demoman in a long time. Of course, as a Scout, I often have the advantage. :smalltongue: That one second period before he can detonate a sticky really helps.
You can theoretically get a demoman who airshots people.

They're really scary.

2009-10-01, 10:02 PM
You can theoretically get a demoman who airshots people.

They're really scary.

Yeah, the ones who can reliably air-shot are damn scary to play against.

The Linker
2009-10-01, 10:08 PM
You can theoretically get a demoman who airshots people.

They're really scary.

Yeah, I've definitely seen those guys in videos. Perhaps someday I'll meet one in real life...

...And I hope my gibbed middle finger stabs him in his good eye.

2009-10-01, 10:23 PM
I'm not a great player by any means, but I played with someone the other day who made me feel like the worst player out there, airshotting and sticky juggling the dignity right out of me.

2009-10-01, 10:57 PM
I'm speaking almost purely about a commonly observed quality where Engies tuck their heads up their ass and whack their sentry all day.

Well, yes, because there's a 90% chance of a sentry being destroyed if the engi leaves it for 5 seconds.

Heh... I do this as all classes, but it's especially important as Engineer: turn around often in case of Spies. I can't even count the number of times a Spy has uncloaked as I was staring right at him due to looking around constantly.

2009-10-01, 11:11 PM
Well, yes, because there's a 90% chance of a sentry being destroyed if the engi leaves it for 5 seconds.

Yeah, but you should never, NEVER be just staring at your sentry whacking it all day. You should be shooting things with your boomstick, staying nearby and hitting your sentry when it needs repairs. Always remember to shoot the people that make your sentry need repairs before standing there like a fool repairing it while it gets damaged, unless the situation is going to solve itself. Thank god for teamates who don't just rush off to the front lines while the Engie is getting hassled by a Demo. The rest of you can go burn.

2009-10-01, 11:13 PM
Well, yes, because there's a 90% chance of a sentry being destroyed if the engi leaves it for 5 seconds.
You don't have to literally camp the same 5x5 foot patch of ground in order to be near your sentry.

See. There's this thing called eyes. It lets you see danger coming.

I think it's going to be really innovative.

2009-10-02, 12:02 AM
It'll never catch on.

2009-10-02, 12:11 AM
You don't have to literally camp the same 5x5 foot patch of ground in order to be near your sentry.

See. There's this thing called eyes. It lets you see danger coming.

I think it's going to be really innovative.

Ooh! I was wondering what was in the Engie update!

2009-10-02, 12:12 AM
Ooh! I was wondering what was in the Engie update!

Pistol is better. Eyes are for sight-spamming noobs.

2009-10-02, 03:21 AM
You can theoretically get a demoman who airshots people.

They're really scary.


As bad as I may seem at times, yes I can clean up as Demoman when I feel like it. I'm not so great for clever uses of stickys (I CAN FLYYYYYYYYYYYY) but I've got a good head for grenade arcs and can usually peg people from weird angles.

I once had a team celebrate that I'd been killed when I was defending on Egypt as Demoman. It was a touching moment. :smallsmile:

2009-10-02, 12:11 PM
Engie update? New maps becoming official? It sounds too good to be true, but have a look. http://www.teamfortress.com.br/engineerupdate/day01.html

Day 2's new official map makes the whole thing worth it.

2009-10-02, 12:15 PM
I think that might be a hoax, actually. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but a bunch of little details don't really seem to add up.

EDIT: www.teamfortress2.com.br? Yeah, this right here's a hoax. A clever one, but a hoax.

Mc. Lovin'
2009-10-02, 12:25 PM
I lol'd at them adding in acheivement idle

2009-10-02, 12:32 PM
Demoman is my worst class. I couldn't hit an immobile cow while using an aimbot as a Demoman.

That's because you're using the Sniper aimbot. How many times have I told you, grenades do not travel in a straight line!

2009-10-02, 01:11 PM
Damn, that would've been great if Mach4 were added. I love that map.

2009-10-02, 01:19 PM
Yeah, but you should never, NEVER be just staring at your sentry whacking it all day. You should be shooting things with your boomstick, staying nearby and hitting your sentry when it needs repairs. Always remember to shoot the people that make your sentry need repairs before standing there like a fool repairing it while it gets damaged, unless the situation is going to solve itself. Thank god for teamates who don't just rush off to the front lines while the Engie is getting hassled by a Demo. The rest of you can go burn.

That's probably why I make a sucky Engineer. I usually only play Engineer when we're doing an Attack/Defense map and need a teleporter to get people to the front lines as quickly as possible. I also don't know the maps and the places to put a sentry up that'd be immune to long-range fire.

I can't rocket jump worth a damn, but being a half-decent soldier is easier than being a half-decent demo.

2009-10-02, 01:29 PM
Yeah, it's "easy." You can get a lot out of the class with very little "skill."

Soldier is easy mode.

So easy only applies to unskilled players on unskilled players?

Ok then. I see no reason to declare this in relation to Zero, then. He's not unskilled. If you claim his opponents are unskilled, well, try to improve :smalltongue:

Dread Cthulhu
2009-10-02, 01:35 PM
My favourite Engineer map is Viaduct. I think I just like the fact that I'm helping people get to the action and have more fun while having fun myself. :smallbiggrin:

The Linker
2009-10-02, 01:44 PM
I guess they were hoping no one would see the little '.br' at the end? :smalltongue:

2009-10-02, 02:20 PM
Engie can be very fun when you stick a level 1 SG in a unorthodox spot and watch it get a couple kills.

2009-10-02, 02:22 PM
That's probably why I make a sucky Engineer. I usually only play Engineer when we're doing an Attack/Defense map and need a teleporter to get people to the front lines as quickly as possible. I also don't know the maps and the places to put a sentry up that'd be immune to long-range fire.

I almost never get to set up a teleport. I'm too focused on other things to make sure that I have the metal to set both up. But I've never really found it too much of an issue to get a sentry up that can't be hit by a sniper, you just have to make sure there's no easily accessed position you can shoot the sentry from inside the red bubble.

2009-10-02, 02:24 PM
Yeah, it's "easy." You can get a lot out of the class with very little "skill."

Having a high ceiling really bears no indication about its ease of use when you first pick it up.

Putting aside the high skill curve: Spy isn't hard to pick up and it's a lot more forgiving than classes like Sniper or Scout. The simple reality of an instant kill weapon ensures that you'll get kills at some point.

Spy is easy mode.

Oh hey look I can do that too.

Maybe I'm the only one, but when I first picked up TF2, spy was my go to class. Points racked up nicely with two per kill, and often I wasn't in direct danger. Of course this was when TF2 first came out, so people were alot less conscious of spys.

2009-10-02, 02:54 PM
Left 4 Dead 2 is available for prepurchase with ten percent off. Last one there's a square!

Illiterate Scribe
2009-10-02, 02:57 PM
Scout is easy; it's just spacebar+spacebar+m1.

Soldier is easy; it's just m1 at ground+m1 at enemies.

Pyro is easy; it's just w+m1.

Demo is easy; it's just m1 in general direction of enemies.

Heavy is easy; it's just hold m2 then press m1.

Engineer is easy; it's just make some buildings, then m1 behind them.

Medic is easy; it's just m1 on a good player.

Sniper is easy; it's just m1 on people's heads.

Spy is easy; it's just m1 on people's backs.

Also, Lurker, weren't you berating me for leaving my post as engie on hoodoo the otherday, only for me to start critwrenching everything in sight? :smalltongue:

2009-10-02, 04:17 PM
No no, it's:

Heavy is easy; it's just w+m1-w.

2009-10-02, 04:39 PM

I play a very post-modern Pyro.

2009-10-02, 05:15 PM
I almost never get to set up a teleport. I'm too focused on other things to make sure that I have the metal to set both up. But I've never really found it too much of an issue to get a sentry up that can't be hit by a sniper, you just have to make sure there's no easily accessed position you can shoot the sentry from inside the red bubble.

Not too hard with the aforementioned attack/defend maps. I usually place down a teleporter entrance, run back for more metal, then spend the 30 seconds or so to upgrade it to level 3, by going back to the spawn point for more metal. That means I just need to find 125 spare metal to drop an exit, and tada, level 3 teleporter set up.

I'm never sure with these, whether or not I should charge the node/whatever we're attacking or just lay back and guard my stuff.

2009-10-02, 05:20 PM
I'm never sure with these, whether or not I should charge the node/whatever we're attacking or just lay back and guard my stuff.

Well, ideally a good engie would have it set up so there's virtually no difference. Set up around the objective and hang behind the fray helping out with your shotgun. It actually makes it harder for spies overall because they can't sap-stab, so you can just run back and repair the sapper/shotgun the spy instead of waiting the 10-20 sec respawn while sappers work in 9 seconds.

Also Faulty? Sigged, you anti-Haruhi heretic.

2009-10-02, 05:54 PM
Oh hey look I can do that too.

Maybe I'm the only one, but when I first picked up TF2, spy was my go to class. Points racked up nicely with two per kill, and often I wasn't in direct danger. Of course this was when TF2 first came out, so people were alot less conscious of spys.
Cool, you added a compromising qualifier to make your point.

2009-10-02, 06:23 PM
This thread is getting long. I vote that we shiv it in the back and go to a hotter, as yet unused, virgin thread.

2009-10-02, 06:25 PM
This thread still has a good 8 pages left, unless you have a sweet new title ready :smallbiggrin:

The Linker
2009-10-02, 07:00 PM
"I Fought the Lag and the Lag Won!"

2009-10-02, 07:16 PM
I'm kind of partial to [S]Team Fortress 2. And Valve in there somewhere, I guess.

Pie Guy
2009-10-02, 07:54 PM
Valve-Steam: Of Pyros and Spies

Thanatos 51-50
2009-10-02, 08:12 PM
This thread is getting long. I vote that we shiv it in the back and go to a hotter, as yet unused, virgin thread.

You must be popular with the ladies.

"Whatever happened to Lurker's old girlfri-gurk!"

Feeling the need for a disclaimer here, I'm simply playing off the "Hotter, as yet unused virgin' thread language, because it made me think of shanking girlfriends/wives instead of all that messy breaking up/divorce business.

2009-10-02, 08:29 PM
Than, explanations like that are for the white text to take care of. So it doesn't spoil the purity of the joke with unnecessary explanations. I've become rather fond of white text.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-10-02, 08:37 PM
Lately, however, I have recieved two infractions - one for vigilante modding (I told another poster to calm down), and the other for flaming (Expressing my displeasure for people who take TLAP day too seriously). It has caused me to now be very, very cautious about what I post.

The Linker
2009-10-02, 08:42 PM
How do you take Talk Like A Pirate Day too seriously? :smalleek:

Thanatos 51-50
2009-10-02, 08:50 PM
How do you take Talk Like A Pirate Day too seriously? :smalleek:

Let me try to explain this in a calm, measured way:
"Arr matey, it be Speakin' Like a Pirate day! Ye scurvy self need ta be speakin' in Piratical, now Jim Lad, or I be tyin' ya up and walkin' ye 'cross th' plank ta send ye ta' Davey Jones!"
now if you'll excuse me, I left the acid around here somewhere. I need to burn my fingertips off.

2009-10-02, 09:38 PM
Jeez. I knew the modding was kind of extreme around here, and that's usually a good thing, but that's kind of unfair. Three strikes rule is harsh when you offer infractions for such minor offenses. But that's neither here nor... No wait, I am talking about here. That's the issue. Here is not very much a Steam game.

So, I noticed someone in Chocolate Hammer has logged 24 hours of Burnout Paradise. So, I've decided the only rational response is to play more Street Fighter 4 and get the coveted #3 position in it's honor.

The Linker
2009-10-02, 10:01 PM
So, I noticed someone in Chocolate Hammer has logged 24 hours of Burnout Paradise.

...Huh. I guess that'd be me. Ahhh, good times...

2009-10-02, 10:16 PM
Lurker is right, so I made us a new thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=127092).

2009-10-03, 12:35 AM

Give us fifty pages or give us death!

Over and over until one team controls all the capture points!

2009-10-03, 12:39 AM

2009-10-03, 06:23 AM
Why would you make a new thread before 50 pages is up?

2009-10-03, 08:22 AM

2009-10-03, 10:33 AM
Why would you make a new thread before 50 pages is up?




2009-10-03, 10:34 AM
Who would have known this was such a major social faux pas?

2009-10-03, 10:36 AM
I dunno. We should put a damper on the other thread and just necro it when this one is done I guess.

2009-10-03, 10:38 AM



But its only page 41 right now.... :smalltongue:

And 44..... what?

2009-10-03, 11:16 AM
I refuse to accept a premature death.

2009-10-03, 11:38 AM
I dunno. We should put a damper on the other thread and just necro it when this one is done I guess.

I vote we put a damper on THIS thread and necro it when the other one's done. :smallbiggrin:

2009-10-03, 11:54 AM
Don't judge me.

Lurker suggested we start a new thread. I was like, "Oh, we have like 2.5 pages left, so may as well make a new one before this one ends in the middle of a discussion." Yeah, if I'd realized it was 50 pages, I wouldn't touch it. No idea why I thought it was 44 pages, but there you go.

2009-10-03, 12:07 PM
Well I am continuing the life of this one!

2009-10-03, 12:12 PM
*gives thread delicious sandvich*

2009-10-03, 12:17 PM
I hope you all realize the next nine pages are going to be talking about keeping this thread alive.

2009-10-03, 12:26 PM
So, back on topic:

I got Audiosurf yesterday. The Velvet Underground's "Sweet Nothing" has a great ending stretch.

Mc. Lovin'
2009-10-03, 01:45 PM
*sigh* I might have to order L4D2 just to get pre-access to the demo. I don't even want it on PC ... Curse my impatience

2009-10-03, 01:54 PM
I'm probably gonna buy audiosurf, too, since its half off. You can use your own music with it, right?

2009-10-03, 01:56 PM
Yep. It's ridiculously fun, too.

Archangel Yuki
2009-10-03, 01:56 PM
I'm probably gonna buy audiosurf, too, since its half off. You can use your own music with it, right?

Thats the best part of it.


2009-10-03, 01:57 PM
What the hey. Bought it, installing now.

2009-10-03, 02:02 PM
What the hey. Bought it, installing now.

Trust me. Get some Velvet Underground stuff for it.

Good music, good surfing.

Mc. Lovin'
2009-10-03, 02:17 PM
Oh also on the L4D2 Blog: http://www.l4d.com/blog/post.php?id=2901

Not much but the new game mode's gonna be 4V4 something.

2009-10-03, 02:38 PM
Trust me. Get some Velvet Underground stuff for it.

Good music, good surfing.

Darkest of the Hillside Thickets worked out pretty well.

2009-10-03, 05:37 PM
For Audiosurf I find Rave, Techno, and other carzy bass songs to be the most fun. Pendulum and a few japanese remixes I have are my favourites. Lots of bass = a lot of bumps = hard as crap = awesome.

2009-10-03, 05:41 PM
Heh. I just made the worldwide leaderboards for "Silver Rocket" by the Sonic Youth. Normal difficulty, and enough people that it actually looks like I did something. Not bad.

2009-10-03, 05:44 PM
This should be your theme song, def. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LigbX94pko&fmt=18)

It's sexy.

2009-10-03, 05:48 PM
Audiosurf: The dignified man's Guitar Hero.

As for a good song to use on it, try Phantom of the Opera, the way the song constantly changes rythym and the emphasise the singer gives to each word really brings the track to life.

Another notable one is the Death Note Theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7Wzv9f1JKU&feature=related), mainly because the the second half of the song the track turns to nothing but constant RED.

2009-10-03, 05:51 PM
[I]Another notable one is the Death Note Theme, mainly because the the second half of the song the track turns to nothing but constant RED.

Blood Sugar by Pendulum is pretty much nothing but red and massive bumps and turns one the intro is out of the way...So for about 4 minutes :O

Illiterate Scribe
2009-10-03, 06:24 PM
Oh also on the L4D2 Blog: http://www.l4d.com/blog/post.php?id=2901

Not much but the new game mode's gonna be 4V4 something.

New survivors/old survivors race? Louis' voice actor said he was in L4D2 ...

2009-10-03, 06:44 PM
Can't be, Valve said that you can play as the Infected in it.

I think it's gonna be some sort of Infected Arena. Two teams of 4 Special Infected Each, and then 16 (or 8 or 4 or 12 or 20 or 37) AI Survivors.

Whichever team deals the most damage in, say, 10 minutes, or when all the survivors are incapped or dead, wins.

Bonus points for Incapping and Killing, and Damage on Incapped Survivors counts less.

You could even kill an enemy hunter or smoker and take the kill for yourself.

2009-10-03, 07:17 PM
Listen up, magets. I know some of you know people who have things like "creativity," or "skill," or "work ethic." So what I want is the ability to play Team Fortress 2 classes in Left 4 Dead.

Make it happen.

Or, uh, point out the mod that allows it already.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-10-03, 07:34 PM
Listen up, magets. I know some of you know people who have things like "creativity," or "skill," or "work ethic." So what I want is the ability to play Team Fortress 2 classes in Left 4 Dead.

Make it happen.

Or, uh, point out the mod that allows it already.

"Grabbin Peelz"
will become:
"Hey, need a dispensah some pills heah!"

2009-10-03, 07:36 PM
Best Audiosurf song ever?

And Then There Was Silence (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snwvpJ7DxyY)

2009-10-03, 07:53 PM
Steve Ouimette's version of "Devil Goes Down to Georgie fro Guitar Hero 3 was pretty sweet.

Also the main song from Gurren Lagann.

2009-10-03, 07:55 PM
Silver Rocket and Johnny B. Goode were both sweet downhill slides. Worth a look.

2009-10-03, 08:38 PM
Tank! and Live in Baghdad from Cowboy Bebop were both really good.

Also, I don't think Ice Ice Baby has ever been so fun.