View Full Version : The Plague of the Marked [Group 1]

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2009-11-17, 03:22 PM

The sun is shining down on mudbaked streets, little kids can be heard screeching in the distance with mothers berating them as they go. A little kid runs past with a cart wheel being whacked with a stick and off down a side alley. You can see dogs as you walk about town, burrowing through a bit of refuse here, chasing a small rodent there and generally barking and being quite happy. There are market stalls on the side of the road and pedallars trying to sell their food.

"Pork pies, a silver a piece!"

"Have your fortune told dearies, no pressure, and if your not happy you don't pay."

"Apples! Get your finest fresh apples, only three gold each!"

To all appearences it's a fine town, untill you look to the wall. Stood atop it ranging across at fixed distances are well built men. Each have a bow nocked and ready to pull up and fire at a moments notice. Alongside these each have a longsword in a scabbard at their side and a shield on their back.

Then drawing away from the men, there are pit marks in the walls. This town has been attacked before, arrows stick into the walls at obscure angels and scorch marks adorn it.

Suddenly a fanfare rings out from a bugel atop the wall and the gates swing slowly inwards.

You hear a call from the top of the walls and go back to doing whatever it was you were doing.

"The foraging party has returned, attend your stations men, watch out for the plague-wridden."

Flying Dutchman
2009-11-17, 04:34 PM

Gias was enjoying his afternoon off lazing about in the company of a young madien. They had found a little alcove in the wall on the south side of town and were sitting in the shade. This was the third time this week Gias had come a-courting on this particular young lass, but he seemed to be once again unable to sway her with his charms. Usually his wind-swept brown hair and his muscular frame was enough to woo most of the girls in town, however this particular specimen had proven a tough nut to crack.

Gais was once again discussing horses with her when the horns rang out, not because he found them particularly interesting, but because she thought them the most wonderful creatures in existence. Relived at the interruption Gias stood up and stretched, making sure to rise his arms over his head to reveal his chiseled abs. "I had better go and see what’s going on, I may be needed for support. After the short message and without waiting for a response Gias takes off in the general direction of the gate, with a smile on his face and a bit of a skip in his step.

As he passes through the section of town with the markets the old vegetable vendor called out to him. "Still on the Horse girl Gias, That’s a whole week I think you’re losing your touch",
"Patience is a virtue, Riley. Not to mention with her love for horses, I'm the obvious choice of a male companion, some would call it destiny." Gias calls back. Anticipating the Grocers reaction, Gias turned just in time to catch the tomato flug at the back of his head. Which he abruptly grabbed out of the air and took a bite out of. Almost got me that time Riley" He says through a laugh, his smile never leaving his face.

2009-11-17, 05:27 PM

Where Gias had been bragging, Mamellek had actually been. Her recruitment into the Fyrd (replacing her father's brother in it) had removed her from her father's smithy... but not from blacksmithing in general. Which is why, when the call went out, she was busy replacing worn horseshoes.

Not even a sigh greeted the interruption of her duties... because honestly, she disliked shoeing horses. It was a vital part of the blacksmith's trade (if they wanted to eat, at any rate), but not one to stir the heart of someone who knew they could make the metal dance...

Instead, she got to make horseshoes.

It wasn't all bad, though. Her rotation of Fyrd duty had given her a chance to create arms and armor of her own - not, for her, the crude leather of a normal soldier, nor the hierloom chain horded by the nobility. No, she had delved into the books in the local monastery, looking for the records of those who had dominated these lands before... looking for the tales of the Romans. And in those accounts, she'd heard mention of true armor... proper armor...

The historical accounts told her little more than the romans had used plates of metal about their torso to protect against the foe. But that was all she'd needed: She'd had weeks of her own time to work on the specifics of the design. Likewise, the sword was of her own design, although the inspiration for the massive blade had less to do with ancient Rome, and more to do with rumours from out of the gaelic nations to the north. This made her hugely atypically equipped for someone in the Fyrd, but she did not mind. No-one expected her to stand in the shield wall anyway. Too many of the men in the Fyrd refused to stand beside her, and that was that. So she had no real need to maintain consistancy of equipment with her 'colleagues'.

She did have to admit, however, that their leathers and occasional chain were a lot easier to get on than her breastplate. As a consequence of which, she was a minute or two late when she arrived, armoured and armed, at the gate.

2009-11-17, 06:52 PM

Yep, he definitely is not in the England of 2010 anymore. Well he had pretty much guessed this a few weeks back before finding himself upon this collection of strangers but now he is certain of it.

Damn it, he knew he shouldn't have bothered to trust that ghost for a second time!

"It's my way of aplogizing" he said. "It's perfectly safe" he said. What a bunch of crock.

Johnathan had always prided himself on being able to sense the motive of others and thus, the failure to do so this time around disappointed him greatly.

Oh well, nothing can be done about it right now. Unless It can...no still too dangerous. It is what caused you to shoot back into time by over a millenia judging by the language and culture of those around here. Who knows what other perilous perdicament It might put you through.

As Johnathon's thoughts calmed down a bit more, his mind drifted once again into sleep.

(Flashback dream)

"Hullo there, how is It treating you?"

"Alright I suppose though not being able to test Its abilties properly is quite frustrating."

"Oh yes, well that is one of Its downsides I suppose."

"One of Its downsides? You mean there are more?"

"Don't get all flustered. I don't know if there's more or not, I am just as much in the dark as you are about all of this you know?" the ghost retored hurtfully.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. Is there something you need?"

"Can't a friend visit another friend just to say hi."

"A friend may but I don't quite recall you as being one."

"Look I said I was sorry and I did what I could to ease the pain."

Sigh. "I know, it's just that...nevermind. You did try and I am very intrigued by it all so thank you for checking up on me."

"You are quite welcome. Now then I was wondering if you would mind terribly helping out another friend?"

"I knew it! No, absolutely not! In fact, good day to you sir!"

"You can save the child you know?" shouted Gwendon after him.

"I don't give a flying crap about your heir!" yelled back Johnathan as he stomped through the woods.

"Maybe, but what about saving her? Do you care not for her as well?"

The last sentence stopped Johnathan dead in his tracks.

Her smile that would light up the room. Those twinkling brown eyes of carefree mischief. And her touch, gentle, reassuring with promises of untold joy. Yes for her, he might. No, for her he will.
(Flashback ends for now)

Awakened suddenly by the horn, Johnathan stretched his mouth obscenely to yawn. Having spent a good while amongst the group of strangers, Johnathan had become acquainted enough to be able to fall asleep every few hours again though still not comfortable enough to give out his true identity in case it be the cause of unwanted paradox.

However, the horn usually meant something interesting was about to happen.

Slinging his composit bow across his back Johnathan headed towards the gate.

Running low on arrows, might go and visit that horseshoe girl to see if she could fix me up another quiver full, he thought as he reached into his back pocket to check on It.

Yep still there. Though not sure why I bother considering it always seems to be there when I have need of it even though I remember misplacing it most of the time, thought Johnathan as he slipped back the object that resembled the after effects of a train running over a gold coin.

2009-11-17, 11:21 PM

Hushed whispers begin to circulate as the foraging party crosses the threshold of the gate. They file in, numbering only five, with the rest lying motionless on the tarpaulin used for large game. Once they are inside the walls, the first four collapse to their knees in sobbing fits. The fifth simply releases the tarp he had been dragging and steps aside for the medics. He is a grim, statuesque figure wielding a sinister looking scythe. If any, among the observers, had their humor intact; they might have judged the image strangely fitting. Instead they just turned away if, they could. The guards could only stare, trembling in silence. More than one even pondered taking aim, just in case.

Eventually the figure, identified by the crowd as "Wolf", is approached by a small, fidgety man in a uniform indicating some rank. The officer looks up at the barbarian, and this small hesitation robs him of his chance to speak.

"Plague-ones strike," Wolf blurts out. "Most ones ever...Getting smart...Organized."

He gazes over his shoulder to regard the fallen, now neatly arranged for identification. "Not good...Many die."

Even with the dead included, their number falls short of the twenty that left that morning. The next obvious question was what had happened to them. The officer is again interrupted before he can ask. "Some flee...Abandon...They-"

Wolf takes inventory of the faces heeding his story, settling on the newest recruits, the ones that had secretly considered fixing their bows on him. They are wide eyed in anticipation. His eyes narrow and, with a snarl, he storms off.

He makes his way to the barracks' mess hall and helps himself to one of the last pots of venison stew. While he is eating another officer comes up to him.

"Borris, I-"


"...Wolf, [sigh] I've come to collect a report from you."

"Already said it...Just now."

"What happened to the others?"

"...I already said: they ran away."

"Were they pursued?"

"No, us that remain fought all the plague-ones"

"So they could still be alive?"

"I hope not."

"...Need I remind you that we are speaking about members of our own Fyrd?"

Wolf glances up at the officer with an incredulous look, "Still?", he mumbles. He looks back down at his emptied pot. "Then...Fyrd...means...nothing."

"...You are on very thin ice! I hope you know better than to speak so freely with the other officers!"

Once the officer leaves, Wolf finds a loaf of bread to scavenge the inside of the pot.

Doctor Witch
2009-11-17, 11:36 PM

Bear was walking the parapets, each of the bowman stationed there held their breath as he passed, when the horns and bells blasted.

"So much for me day orf" he mumbled and turned towards the gate to see what was left of the foraging party stumble, crawl and be dragged back through the gates. The sight of these poor souls and the knowledge that more Umthians had fallen out there today sent Bear livvid. The questions he asked everytime this happened rose in his mind.

What are the commanders doing? Where were the scouts? What was the plan? Were they prepared for the enemy or sent out without knowledge of what they would face? We've been fighting this enemy since before I was born and we still don't seem to know anything! Who knows the most about these plagued? I must find them and know what they know!

Usually silent in the meetings with the Fyrd commanders, waiting for his orders from his apparent superiors, next time would be different. He shall have answers if he has to go and collect them from every settlement out there.

When he looked up next he realised he was outside the Hall where the Fyrd met, his feet had taken him there without his realising.

Time for some answers! With his resolve set he enters.

2009-11-18, 12:05 AM

As she hears the horns, Eleanor is in the middle of her training regime. Strike, strike, sommersault, dodge, the one-person dance was interrupted by the horns.

She lives in a house composed of two rooms, one completely empty save for hay in the floor for her personal training and the other one serves as a study. Outside, Darren was eating what hay was left for it.

After breaking her training, she quickly makes way for the gates; many a times people have been wounded and as a capable healer, her presence is more than welcome there. Though people don't know that she actually uses magic to heal her patients (she keeps her gift a secret), they do know that those she bandages tend to practically always survive and get better very, very fast.

She doesn't mind the role; it gives her new things to study and analyze every day. She already knows more of the plague and the plagued ones than just about anyone in this fyrd, not least of which thanks to being able to study those she heals.

As she approaches the gate, she sees that today was harsh. <Few have returned>, she thinks as she makes her way to tarpaulins going through the fallen to see who are still alive. She breaks out a medikit and gets to the grizzly work, using just appropriate doses of magic in lieu of her healing to make sure those she treats will survive without anything too blatant.

2009-11-18, 12:29 AM

Standing a bit off to the side, Johnathan watched over the macabre procession.

Only about a quarter survived the brief expedition out this time around.

The drawn out conversation between one of the returning men and the other authority figure of some kind started to bore him into a yawn. He was just considering the possibility of another nap before sneaking out to hunt some paltry game when she appeared again.

She has been around in the lime light more often as of late though sadly this only meant that matters were getting worse. Though not the most beautiful female he has ever come across, no one can compare to Her, the local female physician did intrigue him.

It was not her features or even her mannerisms. Rather, it was how she treated her patients. He had not looked too closely before but this time around, he was sure of it. No modern medicine could heal wounds that quick let alone without any side effects. Minor scratches and tears of the flesh seemed to disappear almost instantaneously before his eyes.

There had to be more to her treating art then she would have others believe, thought Johnathan.

Then again, this plague that everyone is talking about seems a bit odd as well. This is too early for the bubonic plague to have hit Europe but maybe this plague is really the zymogen to the Black Death?

In fact, this plague might be the primitive form of the genetic affliction that Gwendon's heir suffered from that resulted in Her suicide. This must be why he is here now!

The revelation shock Johnathan to his core.

What can he do to uncover the cause of this plague? How can he be certain that this is the root of Gwendon's curse? Assuming it is, how was he suppose to find a cure? And how the hell was he suppose to get back once he does manage to find the answers to all of the aforementioned questions?

Overwhelmed, Johnathan decided that a long nap might help clear his mind and focus his ideas.

Doctor Witch
2009-11-18, 01:12 AM

Empty? The torrent of questions that had been swirling in his mind were displaced at the sight of the barren hall, normally there were at least a few hangarounds here. Old men who were no longer able to stand the rigors of duty usually sat exchanging tall tales of deeds done and imagined.
They must have all headed to the gates

Determined to make the most out of this trip Bear proceeded through to the mess to see if anyone could be found there.

"You! You were with the foraging group today! I saw you dragging people back. Tell me everything that happened, no matter how small a detail - leave nothing out. Where were you attacked? Which direction did they come from? Who did they attack first? Was it those with food? Were they attracted to a smell? Bright colours? How did you survive? What did th..." Bear stopped short - his brain had reminded him who he was talking to. His anger had temporarily replaced his fear of the intimidating figure seated before him who was cleaning his bowl with a piece of bread.

"If you would be so kind to answer my questions that is." He trailed off weakly.

2009-11-18, 04:13 AM

Grumpily, Mamellek stood a little to one side, watching Eleanor at work. Mamellek was a good healer - and knew full well that she was - yet she could never have matched the speed with which the cleric stabilised the wounded.

Just one more aspect of her life that irked her - strong and skilled as she was, the Fyrd didn't trust her. Skilled and dedicated as she was, Eleanor outshone her. Even as a blacksmith she wasn't the best around, and that just annoyed her all the more.

When people spend your entire childhood telling you you're worthless, you either believe them, or grow up determined to prove them wrong. Mamellek was in the second group... and having found herself, essentially, stuck in a dead-end job where she's neither needed nor particularly wanted, was chafing at her position.


As quietly and unremarked as she'd arrived, Mamellek turned to head back. At least she was still the Fyrd's champion when it came to shoeing horses. And she was pretty certain she was the prettiest person in the town's service, although that wasn't saying much unless she wanted to settle down and marry.

Like Bear before her (although with much less purpose about her movement) Mamellek also heads for the Fyrd hall. According to her 'tutor' (the monk who had taught her to read) this building had once belonged to the church - back before the plague. When the populace had been bottled up in the towns, such places had been appropriated for more 'vital' works. Her tutor had been heavily disapproving, saying what could be more vital than the word of God?

Mamellek had kept her peace then, but... well, she knew that sleeping rough was hardly a pleasant life. The townspeople and their refugees had needed the buildings, and that was more important than stoking the ego of two generations of monks and the local bishop, surely? God would not want people to suffer that his self-appointed priesthood could live in idle luxury.

What eventually snapped her out of her reverie was Bear shouting at Wolf. She didn't interrupt - Fyrd members got into arguments all the time, especially when they took casualties or got into the ale - but did approach them. Wolf was, after all, where the food was...

2009-11-18, 08:55 AM

From atop the walls the guards have returned to the their outward facing positions, and one of them has hoisted a blue flag. The flag represents to those in the compound and out lying areas, there is some new food in the compound and that they are allowed it first, before those newer arrivals from other places in the country.

Nothing exceptional seems to happen at the rising of the flag, most people seem to be carrying on about their business as usual, as though they have seen it many times before and know exactly what will happen. It will all be distributed fairly, and the vendors will then charge a small amount for the food. It wasn't perfect but it was some semblance of an economy.

Eleanor :

Treating the patients on the tarpaulins doesn't take long. Most of them are ready for burial anyway. You do however notice that two of the people are alive and shallowly breathing, they have rudimentary bandages upon them and this seems to have stemmed the bleeding enough for them to get back here alive. Putting a cure light into one of them brings them around enough for them to say "Thank you" before they slip back into a deep restful sleep.

Coming to the second body, you notice a small red dot just behind his left ear. Thinking it may simply be an animal bite you put another healing spell into the person, and as he awakes he looks maddened and enraged, or so you think for a split second. Before falling back into a deep restful slumber.

Mamellek :

Strolling up towards the mess hall, the old crone who tells fortunes by the side of the road grabs you and forces a card into your hand's before turning and scuttling away.

Bear :

Nothing to tack on i'm afraid.

Chronac :

As he glances again and again at the woman who is mending the bodies, he thinks he see's a flash of blue-white light, but can't be sure. No one else has seen it so perhaps it was simply a flash of the light.

However he sense's he has been staring for too long, and this is realised when as he turns the fruit and vegetable vendor catches his eye and says

"I'd wish you luck sir, but you wont need it. You will need a whole lot more than just luck, after all your not from around these parts, anyone with half a mind can tell."

Wolf :

The food is very tasty, in fact the best you have had in about three months now.

Everyone seems to be staring at you in a slight variation of fear, except for those "battle hardened" ones whom stare at everyone with a mixture of abject pity and condescension.


Walking through town you notice nothing out of the ordinary. As your strolling past an ale house drinking in the sights a brawl suddenly erupts out of the door in front of you, two men roll out onto the ground punching and kicking at each other, followed by a crowd cheering, heckling and placing bets.

Flying Dutchman
2009-11-18, 12:35 PM
As Gias Approaches the tavern he hears the commotion inside. It's a bit early for a bar fight I'd think . Gias thinks as he looks up at the sun confirming his suspicions that It's mid-afternoon. Only problem with being on the guard, is you never get to have any fun.

Knowing that as a guard it's his job to try and keep the peace, Gias decides he had better try and break up the fight, Just as they roll out on the street kicking and punching. Calmly walking forward he sighs, Then shouts "Common break it up, what’s the deal guys? it's the middle of the day"

2009-11-18, 04:20 PM

Johnathan was lost in his thoughts as he turned away from the events transpiring at the gates. However wether by fate or by chance, he had just arrived at a mental breakthrough when he was hailed by the produce vendor.

Still as yet unsure of how to greet others in this time period, Johnathan gave his usual head nod of acknowledgement and was proceeding on towards the comfort of a tree knoll when the second part of the vendor's sentence caused him reason for pause.

How do people during this time communicate with each other? Some form of Old English most likely. Damn, should have paid more attention in grade school about these things. Oh well, just going to have to wing it and hope your excuse is sufficient.

"Greetings sir. Your sight is quite keen as thou art correct. Me home be far yonder from here as thou notith by me speech. Me never thought of meself be lucky but it seems thou knowth more of what is to head my way? Mayhaps such a generous fellow such as thee would careth to share thy bountiful knowledge with me?"

2009-11-19, 03:48 PM

Wolf is finishing up his meal when a small man with a rather disheveled appearance bursts into the hall and starts shouting inquiries at him. At first his only reaction is a passive, curious regard. Then he begins sniffing the air around him. He raises each arm, bringing his nose close to the pit. Then he stretches open the collar of his leather jerkin to get a whiff of the inside. Not satisfied, he examines the bottoms of his boots, and then checks his underarms again. For a brief instant he sits in contemplation. Then, suddenly, his eyes widen and he shoots a fierce glance at the small man in front of him. Wolf nearly leaps out of his seat, towering over the table as well as the person on the other side. "Come...With...Me," are the only words he says as he begins walking to the surgeons quarters.

While he is walking out he crosses paths with another member of the Fyrd. "Ehh?," he lets out as he stops and turns for a second look. It would be hard to narrow down what it is that inspires the double take. The soldier is outfitted with armor made of solid metal, not seen anywhere in the camp before. Unlike any of the other front line fighters, this one is a woman, a very attractive woman. Also, despite being an especially comely member of the fairer sex, her size and stature nearly matched Wolf's. The sudden cessation of his heavy footsteps and his skeptical grunt were evidently hard to miss. She turns to meet his gaze. They stare at each other for a few seconds. An ambiance of tension and uncertainty affects every face in the room. "Nnnnnnneh...," he sighs. Whatever held his curiosity seemingly sated, Wolf continues on his way.

2009-11-19, 04:53 PM

Chronac :

The vendor stares at you incredulously

"You simple or something mate? No one talks like that, I mean seriously, where do you come from?

Or are you a bit simple? "

HE asks the second question with a trace of sympathy in his eye and a look of understanding.

Gias :

"Stay out of this! It doesn't concern you."

Says one man, then as the other delivers a bone breaking blow to the first's jaw he turns spits at your feet and a tooth lands next to your left foot as he responds

"Yeah, but if your looking for trouble this scumbag will be sure to find some for you" He says indicating the man on the floor."

Flying Dutchman
2009-11-19, 06:13 PM

Gias still standing over the two fighters, lets out a long sigh. Why do these things always happen to me?. Seriously Guys I'm part of the Fryd, the foraging part just got back and I need to go see whats going on. It IS however my concern sence I'm supposed to be keeping the peace, so how about you just call it a draw, I'll buy you both a round, and we can all leave happy?

Diplomacy = [roll0]

2009-11-19, 06:42 PM

Mamellek actually paused as the barbarian started examining her... Or her equipment at any rate, judging from where his eyes were pointing.

One of the advantages of rigid armor. There's no cleavage on display for him to be staring at. I know I'm built to bear young and all, but the least they could do is wait until they've married me to start imagining me naked!

She couldn't blame him for some interest. The sword and armor were her own creations, after all: both strange and new. And hers.

"Tell your friends" she muttered.

My Thegn only gets me for two months a year for free. Seeing as how I don't get to man - ha! - the walls, and I don't get to join the foraging parties, this means I'll likely be back in the smithy soon enough. I could do with some commission work...

...Although the average member of the Fyrd probably can't afford this stuff.

Eventually it dawned on Mamellek that Wolf's contribution to this discussion was rather smaller than might have been expected. "My, what a lovely conversation we're having." was her response to that. If you could make buildings out of sarcasm, that one sentence would have built a fortress.

But then the barbarian, apparently satisfied, moved on. And Mamellek just shrugged, turned back to the food, and started to serve herself.

2009-11-19, 07:29 PM
Well that evidently did not work. Well at least he seems to understand you well enough.

"My apologies. I merely meant to say that my native lands are not nearby and thus the reason for my elocution differences.

What I had meant say was that it seems you seem to know a bit more about me than I would have thought. If this be true, could you enlighten me as to the reason for your particular insight regarding me and the reason why I am here?"

2009-11-19, 08:02 PM

Gias :

"Fine" the man spits on the floor takes one last kick at the other man and storms off in a huff taking one last look over his shoulder at the now comatose body on the floor.

"You can keep your filthy beer to yourself, I intend on leaving tonight anyway"

With the fight over the crowd starts dispersing, except for one shabby chap who looks up at you and asks

"Reckon I could get that round friend?"

Mamellek :

People stare at you and your "equipment" as you walk by, one has the nerve to wolf whistle, but the glare you throw him quickly silences him.

Reaching the food you go to pour yourself a bowl of stew, but have a sudden compunction not to eat anything at all. At the same time you feel a slight burning sensation in your left pocket.

1 non lethal damage

2009-11-19, 08:07 PM
Hm. I wonder where my appetite went?

The warmth in her pocket was both unexpected and very irritating, but not quite up to the point of causing serious injury. Moving quickly (it was uncomfortable, after all) she laid her greatsword down on the table and reached into the pocket to see what was wrong.

Flying Dutchman
2009-11-19, 08:09 PM
Gias raises an eyebrow at the man as he storms off. I'd think taking my chances with the local riff-raff would be better than spending a night outside the walls.Oh well least I can get going.

Gias, helps the beaten man to his feet."there's a good chap have a couple on me.Gias says flipping him a gold coin "and you might wanna have a healer look at you, some of those bruises look pretty nasty.

Gias sets off toward the guardhouse to find out whats going on. Now however with a little less spring in his step.

Doctor Witch
2009-11-20, 01:27 AM

The way I see it is I have three options. First, sit here looking stunned at the guy and let him walk off at the risk of enraging him further. Second, follow him and disappear into an alley somewhere. Or three, play along. He was wise enough to know that some people had to tell you things their own way, the important thing to do was let them. Unfortunately this meant he would have to talk to another Fyrd member longer than he liked to. The way things were going he saw the Fyrd as dead men, waiting for the day they to would be victims of the plagued.

Bear ran this through his mind as he waited for the small "conversation" between Wolf and Mamellek to finish and followed the big man outside. On his way out he couldn't resist another quick glance at Mamellek, he considered her to be Useful. This was his highest term of praise.

Maybe I can try to make this a little less awkward. he thought as they walked outside and the carts of the street vendors gave him an idea."Listen, I know you just ate and all but I wouldn't mind one of those pork pies from that cart there and it looks like it's on our way. If you're still hungry it's my treat." Bear offerred, taking a few quicker steps to catch up with the much taller figure striding in front of him.

Edited for clarity.

2009-11-20, 01:58 AM

Wolf stops in his tracks as he hears the offer. "Go; get...I-ah...eat already. You feed self. Mmmnh..."

Doctor Witch
2009-11-20, 03:45 AM
"It's funny, you don't see that many pigs around anymore but there's always pork pies." Bear said I hope the stall keeper didn't hear that He approached the stall. "Two porkies please"he said to the two the stallkeep and placed his 2 silver pieces on the counter. "You don't mind if I eat this here do you? I can't eat pies when I'm walking, end up wearing half of it." He blabbed buying time. After being handed his order he takes a nice big bite of his pie and tries to ignore the pain as the contents scald his mouth. Need time to think. I'll subtley try to see if he's going to murder me first.

"So uh, were are we headed? Not somewhere where you're going to try to murder me is it?" He said between chews of piece of gristle from the pie. Smooth! He cursed his lack of tact, he knew there was a reason he didn't try it more often.

Flying Dutchman
2009-11-20, 09:03 AM
Gias is sauntering along whistling softly to himself when he begins to notice a pungent odor on the air. By the time it gets to full force he's already decided who it belongs to Cripes I understand being a solider but good god man, how do you expect to pick up girls smelling like that?

As Gias approches he sees Bear and Wolf standing by the porkpie vendor. Wolf looking stoic as usual and Bear looking like he waned to crawl into a hole and hide. "Good afternoon gentleman how are things? Have you heard anything from the foraging party, I was trying to get up here sooner but had to break up a scuffle at the taven."

Doctor Witch
2009-11-20, 10:21 AM

Bear heard someone approach from behind whistling a tune he did not recognise The whistling stopped with the customary half cough, half choking sound that marked someone encountering his "aura". He turned to see a man he was insanely jealous of. Another member of the Fyrd that Bear had seen at a few meetings, this man had all the confidence and charm that seemed to have passed Bear by.

Chance has favoured me this time. Bear thought with relief if any one was the likeable sort and able to calm Wolf down, it was him. And that'll fix him for being so good looking! Said a small part of his mind that he tried to supress.

"Hail Friend, I was just wondering about that very thing. I asked the big man here about it and I was hoping he'd share what happened with me. He says he has something to show me I'd be happy to listen to your opinions on these plagued if you would like to accompany us and get some answers yourself." Bear said, again hoping that what Wolf had wanted to show him was not the blade of his scythe.

Flying Dutchman
2009-11-20, 01:56 PM
Gias, smile returned to his face responds "I'd be happy to come with you two. I'm curious about the plauged's movements, it's been quiet here for a while. I'm itching to get back outside in the field and any information you have would be appriciated."

2009-11-20, 08:28 PM

Chronac :

"And now you talk like a posh-knob fancy type?

Quite frankly sir I don't understand your kind and don't want to either."

With this he sniffs the air scoffs turns and walks away from you.

Mamellek :

The only thing in your pocket is the card that the weird old fortune telling lady had put into your pocket, but turning it over and over it seems to be completely blank and isn't even warm to the touch anymore.

Bear Wolf & Gias :

"Well if you ask me, its not them plagued thats the problem, is them that think the plague is a good thing and that don't think thems evil whats the problem like sirs."

Eleanor :

Walking back after having fixed up those as best you could at the gate, you see a very very very strange site.

Down an alley there is a man, sifting through rubbish. Odd as this is in itself, he is hunched over almost onto all fours, and is continuously scratching behind his left ear. He sounds almost like a feral animal.

2009-11-20, 08:45 PM
...odd. She shrugged, mainly to herself. How could one blank piece of card get that hot on its own...? But there were no answers on the card, and noone obvious around her to ask or to blame. So the card was returned to her pocket again...

...My appetite still isn't back. Might as well get some work done.

She had a couple of choices there. First, there was a little notebook - well, a few dozen scraps of aquired paper, really, on which she'd put little doodles of weapons and armor that she wanted to make, but had never quite figured out how... She could go back to that. Or she could go back to her menial work - yet more horses to see to.

Duty won, as usual. The Fyrd didn't pay her to daydream, nor even to invent. So, back to her feet once more, and heading for the doors. Back to the horses once again.

Doctor Witch
2009-11-21, 01:46 AM

Bear nodded at Gias, the relief he felt at gaining some company was written all over his face. He was about to respond when he heard someone speak from behind him.

Bear turned towards the unrecognised voice. What an odd thing to say. No one I've ever spoken to has talked about liking the plague, at least not openly.

"Why would you talk such nonsense? Who do you know - I mean personally that is, not a friend of a friend or some drunken fool ranting at a tavern! Who do you actually know that talks of the plague with praise?"

2009-11-21, 11:42 AM

Well that probably could have gone over much better, thought Johnathan as he watched the stranger walk away.

It appears that I have yet to master the intricacies of interpersonal communications. Alas, no point in dwelling upon it now, time for a nap.


Try as he might, Johnathan was unable to fall asleep.

Hm...guess I can't doze off on an empty stomach. Let's tarry over to that giant dinning house to see what culinary masterpiece they were able to concoct today, joked Johnathan with himself.

However, much to his disappointment, the mess hall was emptied of any sizable item of sustenance for his increasingly noisy gut.

Looks like it's to the hunt I will be today. But, there can be no game without arrows.

With this thought in mind, Johnathan headed over to his favorite blacksmith, or horse shoe smith as is the case, to be fitted with some new arrows. She was his favorite not because of her appearance, though that was not to say the sight was displeasing. Far from it, her comely physique and quiet competence was very endearing to him.

Nevertheless, it was the fact that because the rest of those in the area did not know of her skills. As a result, her price was very affordable and there was no line unlike some of the other more popular blacksmith.

Furthermore, her skill actually far surpassed those of many other known male blacksmith in the area but Johnathan was not about to share this secret with anyone else.

Thus, it was with a slight spring in his steps as Johnathan walked over to her place of business.

2009-11-21, 01:14 PM

Ahh, horses. My old nemesis. Horses and I get along fairly well when I'm not trying to affix slabs of metal to their feet with nails. I shudder to think how brave they must be to put up with it.

Mamellek's studies didn't include details of a horse's anatomy, so she had no idea of the fact that there were certain sections of a horse's hooves with no nerves in them. She just knew she'd been taught which parts you put the nails into.

Due to the number of horses and the distances involved, Mamellek tended to work on them in their stables, not her father's forge. Johnathan would doubtless know this, and look for her in the stables when he found she wasn't at the forge. Or check the stables first, it's closer to the Fyrd Hall.

By the time Johnathan found her, she was already in the stables - greatsword propped against a wall, merilly pounding a nail into place with a small hammer. She didn't react to his presence at first - for this horse, she was on hoof three of four.

If he tries interrupting her, she'll respond before finishing with the horse. Either way, she won't move anywhere until she's done with the current animal..

Finally completing the horse, she rose slowly back to her feet, old, discarded horseshoes in her hands. "I suppose you'll be wanting to talk business now, then?"

2009-11-21, 07:04 PM

With the saveable men saved, Eleanor makes one more quick check through all the bodies figuring if there's anything she can do, and as the conclusion is negative, she takes her leave to resume her training.

The red dot still subconsciously troubles her given the man's behavior; sign of some infection? Some kind of magic? She ponders upon it as she makes her way back, deciding to pay the man a visit soon.

As she happens upon the strange sight, Eleanor observes the man with a mixture of worry and confusion in her eyes. She tries to decipher if the man were ailed by some sickness she is aware of:

Provided that doesn't reveal anything especially dangerous, she approaches asking "Who are you?" Not the most polite spark of a conversation, but knowing nobody in the town would act like this and knowing that this man may not act far above the fundamental level of human interaction, she keeps it simple and to the point.

2009-11-21, 10:00 PM

Johnathan was initially disappointed as his personal blacksmith, or so he preferred to think, was not at her forge. However, his disappointment quickly dissipated as he recalled that she had a penchant to work in the stables where the horses are kept.

As he approached, he was glad to see that she had just finished up with fitting her current customer with his last pair of iron shoes.

Poignant as usual he thought as she rose up to greet him.

Unlike the others in the compound, Johnathan never found himself having to try to blend in with her. He was not sure what the cause for this was but she always made him feel so comfortable and rarely did she bore him, which was quite a compliment considering his particular nature.

"Ah, you know me too well it seems. Yes, I would like..."

Grummmmble interrupted Johnathan's midsection.

"Hm...it seems my appetite has lost its patience. Perhaps I should grab a quick appetizer from the local vendor before we discuss business as bargaining on an empty stomach leaves one with regret more often than naught. Might I interest you in a pork pie?"

Johnathan was not being overtly friendly out of sheer politeness. Rather, he had found it beneficial to treat any business associate or customer with some small treats as it usually resulted in a favorable pricing later on.

2009-11-22, 06:14 AM

Hmmm.... no, my appetite isn't back yet.

"I am sorry, but I have all-too-recently eaten. It is close enough to being on the route back to my forge, so we might as well go together." A light shrug as she came carefully back to her feet - her breastplate was still on, and she was a touch unused to wearing something so substantial. The sword was collected from the wall against which she'd propped it (the weight didn't bother her, but it was difficult to crouch down with it strapped to her back) and she was ready to move.

"If you're after arrows again, though, there may be something of a problem. I haven't been making many broadheads recently." No. She'd taken those consignments of iron ore and experimented with them. Which meant... "I've got about a dozen arrow heads, but they're a little... unusual. They'll still hit people, but beyond that..."

What she was referring to were a number of attempts at creating a barbed cross-shaped arrow head, the better to resist removal from the target. Unlike the greatsword and the breastplate, though, she'd been making *this* design up from scratch... which was why she hadn't managed to get it right yet. Still, she'd keep trying.

2009-11-23, 10:04 AM

Bear & Wolf & Gias :

"Well not me personally, I hate them. They took my son from me and then my wife passed from us as well with the grief of it. But there are those out there who actively spread the plague. You must have heard it in the taverns by now my good fellow, it seems its all anyone can talk about. They have found a way of not contracting it themselves but giving it to people and sending them back to the havens of safety."

Mamellek :

The horse is finished and nuzzles your hands when you let its final hoof go. In return you let it have a few bits of corn. After all you have to be careful, horses are damn expensive, there are only four in this stable and less than ten in the entire compound. You have heard that there is a big horse breeder somewhere in the countryside but no one can find him to take some of his stock.

Eleanor :

As she is about to step forward Eleanor notices at the last moment that the red dot is the same as was on some of the corpses and unconscious bodies coming into the compound. This hesitation is may what save her life, the body rolls towards you and looks at you with open vacant hungry eyes and a feral twist to his mouth. You have seen this once before, and instinctively you feel the urge to run! Stumbling out of the alley you run smack bang into a pie stall and almost trip over.

Will Save vs Fear please - mind affecting if you have any active bonuses

Bear & Wolf & Gias :

You see a young woman stumbling out of a nearby alleyway and just as you leave to catch her you see a sight that chills you all to your very souls. Plagued, inside the compound! Your instinctive urge is to flee!

Will Save vs Fear please - mind affecting if you have any active bonuses


At the same time, from the gatehouse goes up shouts of


Mamellek & Chronac :

Hearing the shouts from the gatehouse you look outside and see six of the plagued moving up the street towards your current building.

The horses are all starting to whinny and neigh and all are looking about ready to bolt.

The guards on the wall seem frozen with indecision, they can't fire into the group of plagued in case they hit someone who hasn't been infected, but if they don't it might spread further and faster!

I will be needing initiatives please guys.

2009-11-23, 10:30 AM

Well, this is unexpected.

Still, there was only one thing for it. So Mamellek ran... towards them. She didn't bother stopping to think, but rather pulled the greatsword into position and charged. Couldn't risk them getting further into the compound, after all.

Initiative: [roll0]
No need to draw the greatsword, since Mamellek is yet to make/buy a scabbard for it - she just carries it around loose.
Full Round Action: Chaaaaaaaarge!
If I can reach the enemy on this turn, I'll then have:
Attack Roll: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]

Current HP: 13
NLD: 0
AC: 16 (18-2 for the charge)
No effects or magic

2009-11-23, 10:31 AM
Critical Confirmation Roll: [roll0]
Critical Damage Roll: [roll1]
Edit: ...unless their AC is massive, that's 20 damage from Mamellek's first ever hit:)

If only my initiative roll was as good:(

Doctor Witch
2009-11-23, 10:43 AM
Will save: [roll0]
Initiative: [roll1]

Doctor Witch
2009-11-23, 11:35 AM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352) Links to this OOC post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7367450&postcount=73)
Bear was barely listening as the shopkeep replied. His attention was drawn by the sudden appearance of a girl stumbling back out of the mouth of an alley. He took a step forward to see what the girl recoiled from. Here!? How!? he thought. The plagued held no fear for Bear. The people he lived with and depended upon for survival were a different story. The many stories from the town crier of violence between neighbors, and just now Gias's tale of the incident at the tavern made Bear nothing but cautious around his fellow town folk. Much better he be killed by the plagued than those he was, as part of the Fyrd, sworn to protect. He could understand the plagued, it was the normal people who gave him pause.

Instinctively Bear's short sword appeared in his hand. "What good is a weapon if it's not in your hand? It's worse than a weapon in your hand that you can't use, it is" his father's voice echoed in his mind. Could sure use dad now. He thought, as just who this girl was registered in is mind.
The healer! As much as he thought the blacksmith girl Useful, this one was different. Is there a term for beyond useful? He thought. If it weren't for this healer's touch he would have died from disease long ago. Her discretion was also much appreciated.
"Move!" He yells to Eleanor and tries to put himself between Eleanor and the alley.

Flying Dutchman
2009-11-23, 11:39 AM
As Gias sees the young woman stumble out of the alley his initial instinct is to go help her. That instict however is overpowered by fear when he sees the plauged come rushing out after her. This feeling is renforced when Gias realizes he didn't bring his staff.

willsave: [roll0]

Initiative: [roll1]


2009-11-23, 12:11 PM

Eleanor tries to steel herself against the monstrocity: [roll0]

[OOC: Assuming that succeeds]

Eleanor's resolve tightens. <If that thing lives to spread the plague, it'll be the end of us. We must stop it quick!> She yells on the top of her lungs: "To arms! A Plagued inside the compound!"

With that, she draws the Longspear she carries on her back, and as Bear steps in front of her, she yells "Fight with me, not instead of me! It must not live to infect anyone else!"

EDIT: Well, apparently the Will-save failed. She'll do all this once she snaps out of it.

Eleanor stands, frozen in surprise for a moment by the presence of the Plagued One, wondering how the hell she missed what the mark means.

2009-11-23, 12:30 PM
Oh, and one more thing:

Stat Block:
HP: 8/8
AC: 17, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 14
Attack: +4 for 1d8+6, 20/x3 Criticals, threatens 10' reach (can take AoOs while flat-footed) - once she comes to her senses that is.
Magical Effects: None

Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166437)

2009-11-23, 04:50 PM
Wolf (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166280)

Wolf casts a curious glance at the strange healer girl. He mumbles something indecipherable as he looks back to the alley whence she erupted. His body abruptly stiffens as he catches a dreadful sight. "Plaaague...onnnessssssss..." The whispers can barely make it past his mask. Hands gripping the scythe so tightly; his knuckles turn bone white. A low pitch groan begins to emanate from his body which is trembling with increasing intensity.

2009-11-23, 06:27 PM

Well this is certainly untimely and unpleasent.

Not only was Johnathan still running on an empty gas tank but he was also worried as to if he will have enough arrows in his quiver to last him through this incident.

Odd that they don't have better secruity in place by now. Hm...I wonder how vulnerable these afflicted creatures are to fire? Oh well, no time to test that theory out right now. Better safe than sorry.

Though Johnathan was tempted to be chivalrous in front of his favorite weapon smith, he was by no means a dunce. He knew his strengths and he definitily knew his weaknesses.

After taking his time to knotch up his arrow and to make sure he has a clean shot, Chronac narrows his eyes to focus on the closest plagued target and let's the missile cut through the air.

Initiative Roll [roll0]

Arrow Attack Roll [roll1]

Damage Roll [roll2]

Will Save if Needed (shouldn't be since I'm 100ft. range) [roll3]

2009-11-24, 10:14 AM

Twirling instantly at the sight and noise of the plagued moving towards him Wolf takes a step forward, but instantly the sight stings him into not moving. He wills his musckles to move forwards but his mind is recoiling at the sight of the infected monstrosity and stands in a daze.

Bear on the other hand steps forward to protect the woman, the healer from the front gate more accuratley from the monster and stands slightly infront of her ready to attack the oncoming monster.

In fact, it would appear he was not a moment early, as coming out of the alley way is Eleanor with the plagued one hot on her heels as she turns to strike at it, she succumbs to the same fear that Wolf had and stops dead in her tracks.

No matter! The plagued ones move forward, and as the one chasing Eleanor reaches forward to grab her Bear slashes downwards across its shoulder and straight through throwing blood guts and gore everywhere {{Confirmed Crit, max damage.}}

Near the gate is a different matter, peasents running everywhere the guards can't risk firing into combat, and a good seventy percent have all been struck by the same fear. Four peasents are struck by the plagued creatures and one of them goes down.

Chronac seeing the desperate situation fires an arrow into combat and strikes one of the plagued ones squarely on its shoulder. It staggers it but does not cause it to fall over.

Mamellek taking Chronacs lead charges recklessley into combat and swings her sword in a single mighty arc and neatly decapitates one of the plagued creatures. She manages to do it without spattering any blood on herself or on her armour.

Gias looks up and doesn't move. He is frozen in fear.

This leaves 4 plagued creatures left, all near the gate, four peasents struck and one of them on the ground.

Doctor Witch
2009-11-24, 11:17 AM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

Poor fool. thought Bear as he grimaced at the sight of Plagued's inards splashing over his shoes. He looked back towards the healer and then over at the pie stall. It's a good thing I managed to keep my wits about me or this could've ended much worse. he thought as he surveyed the stunned faces of his fellows. Straining to hear sounds beyond the pounding of his own heart Bear thinks he can make out the din of battle - the screams of the terrified and one or two shouts of defiance. As far as he can tell it's coming from the town gates.

Turning on heels he breaks into a run and calls to the others. "Gather your wits we are needed at the Gate!" his fading yell echoes as he runs as fast as he can towards the battle.

2009-11-24, 12:16 PM

Encouraged by his latest success with his first shot, Johnathan steadies his excitment as he reaches back to pull out another arrow.

Forty eight more left after this one. Should be enough. Hm...that girl continues to impress me. Her stature be fair yet the power and control she just displayed is quite astonishing to say the least. What other surprises does she hold?

While in thought, Johnathan launches two more missiles towards his initial target.

They certainly are a bit more sturdy then I would have taken them for. Then again, it seems their prescence along is damage enough. Better put them out quick.

1st Arrow Attack [roll0]
1st Arrow Damage [roll1]
2nd Arrow Attack [roll2]
2nd Arrow Damage [roll3]

Should I try using it on her? thought Chronac looking over at Mamellek's latest success.

She is doing quite well and she looks young enough that she will most likely not be affected as much by the side effect. No, there's only four left. No need to resort to such measures yet.

2009-11-24, 01:52 PM

As she snaps out of her fear, she silently berates herself for letting fear get to her and risking her and everyone else's lives, and quickly quips at Bear "Thank you!". "Hey, you!", Eleanor yells at any person present not participating in the fight, "This one is dead, but you need to torch the body and make sure the infection does not spread! I'll be back once this is over."

While all that is going on, she draws her Longspear and, at Bear's beckoning, starts making her way towards the gate (keeping the Longspear at a ready).

Stat Block:
HP: 8/8
AC: 17, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 14
Attack: +4 for 1d8+6, 20/x3 Criticals, threatens 10' reach (can take AoOs while flat-footed)
Magical Effects: None

Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166437)

2009-11-24, 02:00 PM

Hm. Well, maybe those scots actually know what they're doing. This sword works really well indeed. I wonder...

...but improvements will have to wait. We haven't run out of plagued ones to kill yet.


Despite the threat of death, Mamellek was smiling as she moved on to the next foe. This was *way* more fun than her normal duties!

Attack Roll: [roll0] (+2 if she's far enough away from the next one to need to charge)
Damage Roll: [roll1]

HP: 13
NLD: 0
AC: 18 (-2 if she's far enough away from the next one to need to charge)
No buffs or other effects

Flying Dutchman
2009-11-24, 04:19 PM

Berating himself for his lack of courage Gias recovers his wits. He turns toward the gate and clears his thoughts Mother earth grant me your strength. The earth below his feet shudders slightly as he removes a small stone from the pouch hanging from his belt. His right hand holding the rock clenches suddenly aginst his will, grinding the stone to dust.

Cast: Fist of Stone +6 str can make a 1d6+1.5x str mod natural slam attack and am now conted as armed.

HP: 7/7
Str = 23

Lvl 0's left: 5
Lvl 1's left: 3
Fist Of Stone: 10 rounds

"Fan out, make sure to keep them contained. We can't afford to let them rampage through the village." Gias shouts as he circles around toward the left of the gate in an attempt to contain the plauged.

2009-11-24, 05:35 PM
Wolf (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166280)

Wolf's low, humming groan explodes into a crescendo. A ferocious roar is heard throughout the compound. His unstable, twitching body loses all restraint. Instantly, his immense frame launches at the plague ridden intruders.

Rage: +4Str/+4Con, +2Will, -2AC
Charges nearest Plagued-one with Scythe. (Up to 80ft.)

2009-11-24, 06:00 PM
((So even though you can't see rolls on the reply/preview page; you're still disqualified if you open a spoiler that has rolls in it:smallfurious:))


2009-11-25, 01:45 PM

Wolf snaps out of his daze and charges head-long at one of the plagued creatures that has moved up from the gate. As he reaches weapon range he swings his scythe in a mighty arc and neatly chops the plagued creature in half, the top half slowly falls off the bottom half and it lays quivering on the floor.

Bear follows shortly after and reaching another of the plagued ones that has been chasing peasents from the gates he too takes a mighty swing at the plagued creature, but the swing is so mighty he ends up striking nothing but air. Though that air does look well mangled.

Eleanor on the other hand follows bear and lunges at the plagued one, and even if she had been saved by him a moment early, she this time around saves his life instead as her longspear sinks halfway up to the stomach of the plagued creature and its sickly dark red blood spills onto the floor. (dead :P)

Near the gate the two remaining plague stricken humans notice Mamellek just infront of them. They seem to have a massive convulsion and as they finish a sickly green jet of something strikes her. Twice.

8 Damage (total)
Reflex DC12 for half damage
Fort Save DC10, twice please.

Chronac aims at the two plagued ones left, but unfortunatley both of his arrows travel wide. The second that he shot was but a hairs breadth away from striking the creature though.

Mamellek swivels and charges at the second creature that spat at her and impales him through the chest with her greatsword. The creature falls down to the hilt and when she drags it off, it is most definatley dead.

Gias on the other hand, hangs back and performs some trick with a rock. It is probably a good thing however, as when he moves towards the left hand of the gate, the alleyway that Eleanor came out of seconds before he see's another plagued creature ambling down towards him. When it see's him it rushes towards him and as it takes a strike Gias throws his body towards the creature smashes it in the chin with his fist and almost rips the head off of the spinal cord, leaving it dangling behind.

The guards on the walls seeing your efforts finally decide to risk shooting into combat, and the final plagued creature goes down like a pin cushion.

2009-11-25, 01:49 PM
Pulling her sword out of the final plagued one, Mamellek takes a moment to glance around her surroundings, checking for others. They seemed to haave run out.

"Well, that was fun!" Mamellek's first response was a totally inappropriate one. Her second was more fitting - slinging the sword over her shoulder and looking around a little more carefully for people (other than her) that had sustained injuries. "Unexpected, too. How did they get inside, I wonder?"

Reflex Save: [roll0]
Fort Save: [roll1]
Fort Save: [roll2]

Flying Dutchman
2009-11-25, 03:37 PM
After Gias downs the plagued that was charging him he jogs back to the rest of the group. "Do you think we got them all? We can't afford to be taking chances." Gias looks around looking for more plagued or any sign of more enemies.

After which he approaches the blacksmith, "Oh by the way, I hear you are quite the hand with steel, I was wondering if you had any large maces lying around your shop. I'd hate to get caught with my pants down again." Gias chuckles to her, smile returning to his face. As Gias's gaze lingers on her he notices not only is she a good fighter but also that she's quite attractive. Gias finishes the thought to himself Unless you had something specific in mind?

2009-11-25, 05:04 PM

Wolf leans forward eagerly. He is practicaly on all fours, darting his head in the direction of any sudden sounds and skittering after any new footsteps in the distance. Several members of the Fyrd, keeping their distance of course, attempt to put him at ease. "It's all over! They've all been killed. You can calm down." Wolf eventually seems to heed their plea, looking around at the inanimate bodies of the plagued. One of them lays at his feet. Bearing his fangs, he raises his scythe up high and brings it down into the torso of the carcass. Hooking the sternum with his blade, he lifts and flings the limp body into an open space. Wolf is evidently pleased with the results, as he tenaciously follows suit with the rest. Only when all the dead are consolidated in a pile, does he relax. He begins breathing heavily and uses the pole of his weapon for support.

2009-11-25, 06:34 PM

"How large were you thinking of, friend? The biggest stuff people usually make around here is for half-orcs." Which were, sadly, still medium sized. Large sized weapons? There simply wasn't any demand for them in the cities.

Except the occasional oddball who took the Monkey Grip feat.;)

"No matter. I'm sure I could scrape together the metal to forge you a new one if the size is that much of a problem. Of course, you'd have to pay up front for custom work. Since I wouldn't be able to sell it to anyone else if you pulled out."

2009-11-25, 06:50 PM

As she thrusts her spear to the Plagued One, Eleanor quips at Bear: "I guess that makes us even" with a wink.

With the immediate threat neutered, she knows that the folk need to see to the second, not as apparent but just as deadly threat. She raises her voice over the commodition: "We should torch the bodies, clean all their splattered blood, with fire if possible, and anyone alive bitten by one of those things needs to come see me. We can't risk infections inside the compound!" she yells, trusting that the guard will look into how they got in and make sure there's no breach in the outer sphere.

With that, she runs back to check that the first plagued one has been burned, before again returning to the gate to see to the potential victims, and to make sure that things are working out.

2009-11-25, 10:42 PM

Hmph, got too confident on those last two but at least it seems the rest of those around here are competent even if the first sight of those monstrosities fazed them a bit.

Johnathan looked over and found the person he was originally seeking.

What is her name? I really must start getting into the habit of remembering these types of information, especially if I want some new arrows.

Though usually polite to a fault, Johnathan was starving after the brief bought of exercise and his usually patient demur gave way to the increasing groaning of his stomach.

"I hate to be a bother but I was wondering if I could get those arrows from you before I go out on a brief hunt for food?" he interrupted at the end of Mamellek and Gias' conversation with an apologetic bow.

Doctor Witch
2009-11-26, 01:03 AM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

Whoops! thought Bear as he tried to regain his balance after missing the plagued with a wild swing. This isn't going to end well. What a lame last thought! he said to himself when suddenly he saw a spear thrust past his head and slam through the plagued that was bearing down on him. He followed the the line of the spear back to it's owner. Indispensable! That's better than useful I'm pretty sure. He could only smile weakly and nod in thanks to Eleanor as he caught his breath.

With the threat down Bear turned his attention to the casualties. Oh, no. No, no no. He thought as his heart sank at the sight of the pair of blood covered souls. These two were his closest friends in the compound and he never seemed to go anywhere without them. Well boys, it looks as if this is where we part ways. there was almost a tear in his eye as he moved their remains reverently on to the pile for burning. Those shoes cost me five gold! He had forgiven the plagued for taking his father and mother but now, now it was personal. This he could never forgive Five damned gold!.

He looked around at the group that had gathered to defend against the plagued. Coincidence or providence? he thought to himself as his eyes passed over them. I'll take either. He could hear their small talk and it seemed to him they were about to part ways. "Come friends, let us head to the tavern and celebrate this victory and pay homage to the fallen while we still can." Chronic? Congac? Chronac! That was it. he struggled to remember the name. "Chronac, forget about the hunt, I'll buy your meal this evening. And you two can talk of weapons all you want in more comfort than you could in the smithy. He said to Mamellek and Gias. He was sure that Gias would jump at the opportunity to spend more time with the blacksmith girl if his past behavior was any indication. He turned to Eleanor, "You have had a busy day and I'm sure you're hungry as well so let me buy you a meal. I've many questions for you about the plagued and I'm sure the rest would like to hear your answers." Now how to get Wolf to come along. "Ale's are on me big guy!" Hope that works, cause I've got nothing else. He yelled over to Wolf who was standing near the corpse pile, he then switched to a whisper "and hopefully one of you can get Wolf to tell us what happened out in the foraging group today."

"So what do you say? He said to the group struggling to keep his rising nervousness under control.

2009-11-26, 03:01 AM

Eleanor quickly turns her attention from her work: "Well...considering you just saved my life, I'd be more than happy to. Just let me finish with these bandages and I'll be with you! Besides, if she comes along", Eleanor nods at Mamellek, "well, after they are done, I've got something to ask her too." she answers with a smile.

With that, she sets to finish checking the wounded for signs of infection or similar issues and applying bandages or even healing as necessary; and with that done, joins Bear (and whoever else are going with him) on the way to the tavern. <I wonder when is the last time I've truly made time of my studies, training and work for something like this... Too long, too long.>

2009-11-26, 06:38 AM

Having listened to everything the others were saying around her, she turns to address the group - concentrating on Bear. For all her faint jealousy of Eleanor, Mamellek wasn't about to ignore her advice. If everything 'contaminated' needed to be burned, best to run the weapons through the flame as well.

"Alright, everyone!" It turns out Mamellek's voice can get quite loud when she wants people's attention. "Hand your weapons in to me. I'm going to run them through the forge quickly - best way I know of cleaning crap off them. I've got to go that way anyway to grab some arrows and the largest mace I can find. I'll track you lot down in your tavern of choice when everything's sorted."

Finally, a quiet little aside to Eleanor. "If you're trying to buy something the forge may already have, this is a good time to tell me."

2009-11-26, 11:19 AM

Surprised by the conversation being overheard, Eleanor turns to Mamellek: "I'm fairly sure the Forge has no such a thing a thing in stock, miss Mamellek. I'm not making an order just yet given I don't have the coin, but I wanted to chat with you of the plausibility of one sort of a weapon; one I feel would suit me better than one of these spears, if it were doable. I'm no smith, so I'm not the person to say of that part", she says with a wink.

Flying Dutchman
2009-11-26, 12:21 PM
"Pa says theirs only 2 things in life I need to remember and one of those was never pass up a free meal. I'd be delighted to eat with you guys. I think we need to discuss somethings anyway, I'm getting a bad feeling about all this." Gias heads off with the others to the tavern.

Doctor Witch
2009-11-26, 01:26 PM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

Three in. Works for me. Maybe I can create a sense of obligation in the others. "This is starting to sound like fun! Now where was that place you mentioned earlier Gias? You know with the brawlers? Sounds like my kind of haunt. You guys are gonna be there right?" He said to to straglers that had not yet commited.

Bear had enough experience with others to know that people were swayed by crowds. Once we reach the pub it's twenty, maybe thirty, minutes of the art of influence and it was beyond his care. He did not need them to agree outright with him. All he needed to do was plant seeds. The harvest grows regardless of who reaps the crop. His fathers voice echoed in his mind. I hope your right.

2009-11-26, 02:23 PM

Johnathan had actually looked forward to going outside and being with his own thoughts while finding his own meal. All he really wanted this morning was for some decent arrows and now somehow, that had turned into an unplanned bought of combat.

However, just as he was about to turn down the offer, his gut interjected with its own abrasive point of view.

Looks like those arrows will not be by any time soon. I guess a quick meal would not hurt though this entirely free business might be a cause to be wary.

Always cautious of any supposedly "free" enticements, Johnathan was still hesitant to take up the offer.

Then again, it seems there is no logical reason for him to harm us, for now at least. I wonder what the price is for this "free" meal he wondered as he silently followed suite after the others.

2009-11-26, 02:38 PM

Collecting her sword (and the weapons of anyone else who took up her offer to have them cleansed in fire), Mamellek headed quickly back to her forge.

While waiting for the fire to make it back up to temperature, she picked out a sack and dumped her largest mace (sadly, still medium) into it, followed by her dozen 'experimental' arrows. Just a shame she hadn't come up with a reliable impact trigger for the barbs yet. Still, they'd fly well enough anyway.

The weapons and the sack would make the return journey with her... at least, once she'd given the metal a minute to stop glowing.

I'd rather not be branded at all, let alone by myself!

Delays complete, she'd head off to join the others in the tavern, looking vaguely like she'd just robbed an armoury and tried making off with all its contents.

Flying Dutchman
2009-11-27, 11:12 AM
Gias realizes he has no idea what the tavern was called, he ponders whether he really wants to try and eat around bear, but eventually decides the free food will be worth it. "I'm not sure what it's called, I think it's the prancing pony or some such. It's on the south side of town of town though near the wall."

2009-11-27, 11:14 AM

The burning begins.

All of the bodies are put into a big pile and are all burnt, you smell skin sizzling and flesh boiling away.

The weapons on the other hand are really quite simple to clean, simply shoving htem into the forge, heating the metal up and then wiping it down and leaving it in the bucket cleans all of them quite effectivley.

With everyone settled in the tavern bar Mamellek, the first round is bought. The beer is cold and frothy, and really quite refreshing. The poor barmaids are still cleaning up after the mess from the fight barely an hour ago.

When the second round is brought out the meals follow, todays special is a hot meat stew, which tastes really quite nice, and the bread is crunchy on the outside and still doughy and soft in the middle.

As you go to have your first bite a walking mountain of metal walks in through the door, and you can hear Mamellek behind it.

Taking your weapons and putting them away safely you settle down and start to relax in each others company.

Meal done, and three flagons of beer in, a local Fyrd commander approaches, not one of the nobility but still a powerfully built man and his armour is well maintained. He approaches your table and talks to you

"Well met guys, we have a special assignment for you. Its nothing strenouous but having seen how you dealt with the threat today we have decided that you would make an effective team.

We want you to patrol the inside of the compound tonight, anyone acting suspicous take into custordy, please try not to kill anyone unless its absolutley necessary.

Thanks guys."

With that he turns smartly on his heel and leaves the inn.

Flying Dutchman
2009-11-27, 11:56 AM

Gias turnes to one of the barmaids. Guess we'll have to postpone tonight, looks like I'm taking the midnight watch. he says jokingly. Then he turns back to the rest of the group.

"Are they expecting another attack? I'd think the regular night watch would be enough. Although I'm glad they'll have us as an extra watch if they are. i'd hate to be asleep if another attack came."

Doctor Witch
2009-11-27, 12:55 PM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

Bear nodded at the commander and wished to himself that the orders came before that last round of ale.

"I doubt they would ask us to patrol if they didn't know more than they're letting on." Bear said to Gias. He took a deep breath and drained the last of his flagon for courage. He truned and addressed the others.

"Thanks for coming here tonight folks. In a way our orders have taken care of one of the things I planned to talk to you about. The days events have led me to realise that we are no longer safe here in Umth."

"You all know the history as well as I do. The sky has been clear for years now and still we sit in these walls slowly having our numbers whittled away by the plague. I want to see an end to the plague, I'm sure you all do, and we're not going to acheive it by just reacting to the attacks when they occur. I also want to know what's going on in the other compounds, I'm sure they all haven't been idle like we have. Their situation may be more desperate than ours and I would hate to have another enemy to fight whilst dealing with the plagued. We need to get out into the world and get information."

"If I thought I had even a fools chance to succeed in this by myself I would try. It has taken all of my limited social skills and talent in manipulation to just gather you here to tell you this. If I would acheive any of my goals I need like minded people to join me, you all heard the commander and I agree that we do make an effective team. I would also like for you, Mamellek, to lead the group. Out of all the Fyrd I have served with you have always shown the wisdom, intellect and courage needed for such an endevour."

"I don't want any of you to answer me tonight. I just want you to think about it. We can continue to rot in these walls suffering boredom and then enjoy the even greater tedium of being dead when we finally fall to the plagued. Or we can do something to try and improve our situation." His speech done Bear finally relaxed, he would have liked to have time to write something a bit more eloquent but that would have to do. It was probably quite dangerous to talk the way he just had, it didn't matter though. Now the idea was planted in their minds it would grow, and even if they rejected it, they would tell it to others who might be swayed.

"I'm just going to take care of the tab" With that he headed over to the innkeeper and payed the bill for the group.

2009-11-29, 10:29 AM

"...I never liked sleeping anyway" she mutters to herself in response to the sudden usurpation of her evening. "Still, I guess we don't have much choice. Us in the fyrd must do as we're told, however much fun going into the forge tomorrow morning without having slept will be." An odd face pulled - she hated working all night - but she'd do it.

"Anyway, we've got a *little* time until dark. Gias, Eleanor, perhaps you should tell me what you're after in a little more detail?" At least dipping back into work - her work - would stop her worrying about taking the special night shift for now.

2009-11-29, 12:57 PM

I should probably tell them.

"I don't mean to interrupt but I have a sleeping condition that is usually a bit of a bother but in this case, I believe it is of great benefit.

You see, I get bored quite easily and have a tendency to fall asleep very often. However, while I am asleep, my senses are actually more sensitive than they would be normally.

Basically I am more alert when asleep than when I am awake and thus, I would be the ideal candidate for the night watch," chimed in Johnathan.

Flying Dutchman
2009-11-29, 02:48 PM
Gias stares at Chronac with a raised eyebrow "thats a very odd condition, keep in mind that's comming from someone who can turn his hand into living stone and throw acid at people. I understand i'm not really in a position to point fingers, but I've never heard of anything like that. "

"And as for you my lovley smith" turning to Mamellek and giving her his most impressive smile."It's nothing special just make a steel mace a person would normally use in one hand but make it twice as big. I'm just looking for somthign a guy like me without formal training, but with mucles to spare can use."

2009-11-29, 10:02 PM

First, as Eleanor sits down and gets a chance to exchange a word with Mamellek: "So, what I needed to ask you: Would you think it possible to create a...sort of a long wooden battle staff with steel core, wooden body with steel weights at both ends? I'm looking for some rather long weapon to keep my reach advantage, but something that can be used up-close too unlike a Spear, and preferably a nimble weapon I can use to hit whatever openings opponent leaves, be they legs, arms or the face.

Ever since this "Everyone capable needs to fight"-policy, I've been thinking of weapon I could use my skills best with as a warrior and I've come to the conclusion that a staff I can truly put my strength behind is probably it. I'll talk to the carver too, but I figured it's the metal parts of the weapon that are hard to make; only left me one person to turn to", she finishes, hoping the offered compliment would help her case ever-so-little.

Either way, once the exchange with her ends and there's small a moment of silence, she turns to Bear and the rest. "Bear said he would want to hear a word or two beyond the obvious of what I know about the Plagued Ones. This is probably of interest for the rest of you too especially given the requested guard duty. I feel this might be all too relevant all too soon; what else would we guard this place from...

As is apparent, they are; or rather, they were humans before being infected. The disease destroys their...capability for thinking and emotions, leaving them as mere shells of flesh with basic needs such as feeding. This makes them behave like wild beasts often degenerating into moving on all fours and attacking with their bare hands and teeth. Their blood and bite carry the risk of infection, especially if your own blood is exposed.

This is why I instructed the torching of the bodies too; there's no telling how the infection could spread with them alive. On one of the men they brought back to village, I saw a strange red dot behind his ear. That may just be a bite mark that lead to his infection, but may also be that's a sign those infected develop. It is worth looking out for the mark as an early warning sign of someone being infected.

Either way, when fighting them the obvious advice is trying to attack from range if possible and if hit by one, see a healer immediately to try and stop any possible infections. The infection is not automatic; especially hardy warriors can resist it like all other diseases. It certainly comes down to luck for everyone, but those with bodies trained to withstand damage will live longer. Most importantly, when fighting them, remember that they are no longer who they used to be; you aren't fighting humans you used to know, but wild beasts. This is a lesson I too need to learn; next time I freeze there may be nobody to save me.

If there is any specific information on them you desire, now is probably the best time in a while to ask." And with that, she falls quiet for a while provided nobody has questions, though she does raise her eyebrow at Chronac's comment.

2009-12-01, 10:26 PM

Wolf walks in unsteadily and collapses into one of the chairs. He savors not a drop of the quality beer, instead downing it in one gulp. With that quaff regains some strength, which he uses to figit impatiently until the meal arrives. The barmaids become uneasy as they find the masked face staring at them everytime they emerge from the kitchen. The one tasked with serving him is so filled with dread that she attempts to deposit the tray on the other side of the table. Heedless of manners, Wolf leapes forward and snatches at his food; causing a muffled yelp to come from the barmaid. He now keeps to himself and devours the stew in front of him. It's as if that pot consumed just minutes ago had been a mere glamer! He doesn't bat an eyelash when he is drafted for night duty. Nor does he stir when his trained ears pick up the more peculiar parts of the others' conversations. The only piece that ushers a response is Bear's proposal. Chortling with half a roll in his mouth, the other half held aloft: "Can stinky man feed himself without walls?" Looking around before finishing the roll: "Can any?"

Doctor Witch
2009-12-02, 02:03 PM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

Bear tries to hide his smirk at Wolf's accurate description of him and, judging by the smiles on their faces, he's sure the others are amused by it as well. He is aided in wiping the smile off his face when, as Wolf finishes his sentence, a large chunk of bread flies from Wolf's mouth and lands in Bear's eye.

"I'd wager this would keep me going for a few days." He says as he wipes the half chewed mush from his face. "Although it seems we have to leave the walls to feed ourselves nowdays anyway, but you are right. I have been taught the basics of survival but I lack the practical experience needed to feed so many people. We would all have our roles to play in the endeavour and your experince in the wild would be invaluable."

Hehe. Stinky man. Bear thinks and tries to stifle a chuckle.

2009-12-02, 03:07 PM

The food was so filling and tasty and the drink so cold and delicious, with it still being mid afternoon, a nap could well be in order. Well at least this is what your stomachs are telling you.

Walking up to the bar the barmaid leans over and informs Bear

"That'll be 3 gold guv'nor. Also I overheard what that boss-type said to you. Stay away from those warehouses on the North side of town, it's said nasty types have just moved into the area and that around there they don't accept intrustions on their land."

DC8 Fort Save guys or fall asleep through contentment :smallbiggrin:

To Gias :

As the same barmaid walks past she drops a note into your lap

I have a break in half an hour if your not busy, saves wasting tonight after all?

If you want, pretend to trip as you stand up.

Third Room on your right up the stairs.

2009-12-02, 10:13 PM

Let's see whether Eleanor is overcome by...food?


EDIT: Luckily she's got good base bonuses 'cause Eleanor can't seem to roll over 8 on saves.

Doctor Witch
2009-12-02, 10:28 PM
Save vs Snacks

Can Bear overcome the sirens song of slumber? Tune in next week to find out.

Flying Dutchman
2009-12-03, 01:13 AM

Gias palms the note and reads it. When he derives it's meaning his smirk returns to his face in full force, as he watches the barmaid walk back into the kitchens, although not exactly a beauty she had a simple wholesomeness and some quite attractive curves. "Hmmmmm there are worse ways to spend the afternoon, And really whats the worst that could happen?"

Fort save vs deliciousness: [roll0]

"Well I hate to east and run, but duty calls." As Gias stands up he pretends to get tangled in his chair and lose his balance falling back down to his chair and making enough racket to get the maids attention. Then he proceeds to wander about for a bit, until he slinks into the proper room to meet the girl.

2009-12-03, 04:35 PM

Wolf slides his chair away from the table and begins to stand up. Before following through with the motion, he pauses to consider the contents of his stomach.


2009-12-04, 12:01 PM

A delicious meal and great drinks was just the combination to put Johnathan at ease in the noisy tavern. Usually, he would be fully alert in such a place but seeing how he was amongst friends and such, a nap would be quite appropriate.

Yawning lazily, he mumbles an answer to Wolf's questions before nodding of on the table:

"I can catch what is needed for myself though I cannot guarantee the same for any others though I..."

(I am not going to bother with a roll as it seems that this is in line with Johnathan's flaw)

2009-12-04, 04:46 PM

[roll0] (on Gias)

Eleanor is very surprised by the sudden drop-into-slumber from Chronac. "...I wonder if he has some medical condition... How long is it 'till our watch? I'd wager we rather want him awake then, but if he's truly that tired, mayhap we ought to grant him a moment to himself."

Doctor Witch
2009-12-04, 05:47 PM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

A mischievous grin appears on Bear's face after Eleanor's comment on Chronac's slumber.

"Well, we could leave him be. Or we could play some kind of prank on him. I wonder if they have any warm water in the kitchen, I've always wanted to test the stories I've heard about that."

2009-12-05, 09:04 AM

"I had better get back to the forge. I'll catch up with the rest of you at dusk, I suppose."

Stand, glance around at the others. It was an odd grouping... but then, she wasn't exactly more ordinary than they were. Besides, someone seemed to be placing some trust in her, and that's something that people hadn't done in a non-blacksmith-related capacity in far too long.

Time to check her sword for knicks, and make sure her things were ready for the evening... then she'd have some time to think about the odd weapons she'd been requested to make...

2009-12-06, 07:55 AM

Before evening rolls around :

Bear decides that it would be funny to play a quick prank on Chronac, and instead of staying to see the results of dipping his hand into a bowl of warm water, instead see's Gias walk back into the pub, and without looking around striding straight upstairs.

Eleanor if she is still there tut's and seeing Bear do what he does but giggles anyway, and leaning back she clocks Gias straight away and figures out what he has gone upstairs for.

Gias :

You have fun.
So much fun infact you forget what time it is, and before you know it she is leaving making excuses about having to get back to work.
Meanwhile you fall asleep as the endorphines race around your body, and as you wake up the sun is already starting to slip down and out of the sky.

Mamellek :

You do indeed manage to figure the design for the quaterstaff out and etch a quick rough draft down, you will of course need to spend more time than you have right now for a full design but it is making sense.

The mace you had figured out straight away, all you have to do is think bigger. Or like a man.

The arrows on the other hand, you are still coming up stump. You can't see how an arrow that pierces skin could stick in the skin without being drawn out easily again, but you do know your going to have to include spikes on it somewhere.

Evening time :

The sun is slipping out of the sky, and you all manage to meet up at the pub again, Chronac somehow has a large stain on the front of his pants and Gias is grinning far too much for any normal person.

Flying Dutchman
2009-12-07, 11:13 AM

Grinning from ear to ear gias greets everyone as they enter the pub. "So how is everyone on this wonderful eveneing? I'm excited to get started, I've got a good feeling about tonight."

Doctor Witch
2009-12-07, 03:26 PM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

Bear had excused himself from the group earlier as he had an important errand to run. He needed some new shoes. On his way back from the cobbler's store his mind went back to what the barmaid had told him in the tavern.
"Stay away from those warehouses on the North side of town" She says. Oh she's good, now I can't stop thinking about those damn warehouses. I couldn't stay away if I tried! I wish I could manipulate people that easily. I wonder if I can steer the others that way.

Bear makes his way back to the pub and stops when he catches sight of Chronac's pants. He manages to choke his laughter into a coughing fit. After about thirty seconds he regains his composure and wipes away the tears streaming down his cheeks. "Sorry *cough*, I uh, caught *cough* uh, wind of myself?" Is his attempt at an excuse. He doesn't over think Gias's broad smile, Bear assumes he is amused by the same thing he is.

2009-12-07, 05:45 PM

Gias may have had a good feeling for the night, but Mamellek did not. She had a foul feeling, mainly as a result of having followed up her weapon-design-high of the afternoon (Eleanor's weighted staff, whose design was now sitting in one of her pockets) to an ammunition-fabrication low (she just couldn't seem to figure out how to get the arrow to stay in place!). The frustration was written clearly across her face - she was glaring about as she rejoined the others in the pub. The Breastplate and the Greatsword were back, of course - she wasn't about to go on patrol without them!

She wasn't talking, though. Far too unsociable a mood to join in with that.

2009-12-08, 02:02 PM


Still deep in sleep, Johnathan was unaware of the small mischief that his fellow party members had played on him.

(Dream sequence/flash back follows)

"Hullo there! Don't worry, I am not hear to haunt you or anything else lowly such as that. I just wanted to make a request of you."

"Oh? How about you explain why I can see you in the first place?"

"Ah that, well you see lad, we ghosts can choose to manifest ourselves to those who are attuned to the other planes such as yourself. I have tried other times to contact you but it seems it takes a bit regardless of one's spiritual sensitivity for first contact."

"I see. I am probably dreaming but assuming all disbelief aside, why don't we just cut to the chase of the matter?"

"Most certainly good fellow. I am Lord Gwendon the 3rd and it has been my hope over the last decade to provide a suitable heir to my estate."

"Gwendon as in Gwendon Tech Industries? The fifth largest producer of high end military equipment and weaponry in England?"

"Ah so I see you have heard of me. Yes, yes that would be I."

"Being the head of such a corporate giant, I would have thought you would have no troubles what so ever of producing an heir or was there a certain price to your success?"

"Yes, I was quite successful but being in military development is a dangerous business and without going into the details, let's just say my life ended much earlier than I personally had planned. As such I am in need of an heir and though I have found the perfect female, I need the other half of the equation as the saying goes."

"Thank you, I am flattered but I must decline."

"But why? I assure you good sir, she is of excellent teachings, fine of features, no diseases, and a mind sharp as razor."

"Well first and foremost, I really have to find a place to urinate and one I get that resolved, I will share with you the other obvious reasons."

2009-12-09, 07:05 PM

And the evening descended. The inky black sky set a foul mood on everyone except Gias, especially after this afternoons events, no one was too sure what was going to happen next.

Everyone was expecting an attack, and therefore was pleasently surprised. The evening passed mostly without anything out of the ordinary, even though the guards on the walls were indeed being extra vigilent in their staring into the open space around the town and outside its walls.

For some reason though you have not been near the North quarter of the town. Every time you got close it seemed like a different patrol crosses your path and heads in that direction so you have to set off in a different direction.

As dawn is starting to break however, you hear a warning horn go off on the wall. There are shouts of "possible plagued inbound" coming from the walls, yet no one on the wall seems quite sure of what they are seeing or even where they quite are.

Doctor Witch
2009-12-10, 04:57 PM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

Bear looks around and listens for any information that would tell him which direction the trouble is coming from.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2009-12-10, 05:16 PM

Well, there's nothing to see down in the street, and she knows she can't see through the walls, so Mamellek runs up the nearest ramp to take a look out from the wall itself.

Yes, Mamellek's listen modifier is negative. She's got the 'partially deaf' flaw... All that time hammering metal before the invention of earmuffs.

Edit: Damn, but those rolls are bad!

2009-12-10, 05:28 PM
Wolf (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166280)

The shouting immediately grabs Wolf's attention. He aims one pointed ear in the general direction of the cries.

Listen check to more precisely discern the location of the shouts:[roll0]

2009-12-10, 08:01 PM

Trying to reason what's going on, Eleanor doesn't explode into action at the shout; she calmly closes her eyes and focuses on discerning the important. She listens for any possible certain shouts, or sounds of the Plagued themselves, leaving the buzz of people shouting nonsense and running around like headless chickens to its own value.


Flying Dutchman
2009-12-11, 12:05 PM
Gias stays close to his allies and calls the earth for protection. He goes down to a knee as the choas continues around him. Calling deeper to the earth he redoubles his efforts.

Cast: Sudden Extended Shield

+4 Ac 20 rounds

Ac: 16

2 lvl 1 spells remaining

2009-12-13, 09:40 AM

Nobody 'see's' anything, but there are a few odd things heard.

Wolf :

you can hear the moan of plagued creatures, but they sound alot closer than the guards seem to think they are.

Eleanor :

you can hear the moan of plagued creatures, but they sound alot closer than the guards seem to think they are.

A fog has started to roll in, it seems quick for a fog, but not un-natural, it is neither cold nor solid and merely impedes sight. The fog rolls over the top of the walls and suddeny one of the guards seems to snap out of his reverie and lets loose an arrow at a target outside the walls.

Everyone :

Up to 100ft away - 20% miss chance
Up to 200 ft away - 50% msis chance
beyond 200ft - not viewable.

2009-12-13, 09:56 AM

Eleanor quickly reacts to what she hears: "They are almost upon us! Don't look into the distance; they're very near! Prepare yourselves!"

Doctor Witch
2009-12-13, 10:45 AM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

Unable to make anything out of the movement of the people in the streets Bear looks to those he is with for information. Hearing Eleanors warning he moves. For a moment Bear considers moving closer to Wolf but somehow figures he probably works better by himself and takes a few steps towards Eleanor instead. He is unsure what to expect and readies himself against any plagued that would charge into battle.

I could bark some orders but lets see if I can show the others what I see see in her as a leader. She's a bit preoccupied but all the better to see if she is up for the role.

"I don't like this one bit! What would you have us do Mamellek?" He calls to the blacksmith.

Bear moves 5 foot steps towards Eleanor and readies against a charge. Then he calls to Mamellek as above.

2009-12-13, 12:58 PM

Wait, me? Why is he looking to me for orders?

That first moment of soul-searching was replaced by a second, more cynical one.

What difference will it make? He's the *only* one who seems inclined to follow my lead. Even if I knew what to do I couldn't get the others to do it.

But you had to do something when people were expecting you to take the lead, even if it was technically only person.

"Grab the others and get to the gate closest to the plagued. I'll meet you there."

Two ways to a given gate, after all: Take the streets or run along the walls' firing step. Mamellek was taking the high route, trying to see something out in the mist as she went.


2009-12-13, 04:08 PM

We're into combat time now guys - initiatives please. {{Sorry for the double combat sequences, but I promise more RP'ing next, this gets you into a big chunk of whatever you want}}

Eleanors fears are prooved right, only a few of the guards on the top fire arrows, yet all are screaming some seem rooted in fear and shock.

A ranking officer of the fyrd looks down see's your group and bellows

"Get to that gate and hold it! There are some coming in and we can't hold them all! Be careful! This mist seems to root our men in place longer than normal at the sight of these horrors."

He then turns back and pulling a second crossbow from his side fires 4 bolts into the misty darkness.

Mamellek -

if you do go on the top i'll need a will save vs fear please.
DC 14, fail = dazed for two rounds. Success = no negative effects.

2009-12-13, 04:19 PM


They're all freezing around me... I can understand why, you're on the walls against a foe you can't ever truly beat, and the mist comes in and it looks as though all there is in the world is this tiny little band of you faces against the same horror that attacked night after night after night...

...That's odd. I'm still running towards the gate.

...Is there something I should say to the other soldiers? Something to snap them out of their fear?

"Keep firing! They can't get to you if you shoot them first!"

...But my words may as well be falling on deaf ears. They're as paralyzed by the hopelessness of the situation as I am.

Except I'm still getting closer to the gate.

Actually, I'm here at the gate. For some reason, I still have my sword. And the armor doesn't feel that heavy.

I wonder if there'll be enough of me left to bury when the plagued ones are done with me?

I'll never know of course, but I'd like to think I got better treatment than a mass funeral pyre.

Now I'm at the top of the steps. I can practically touch the gate from here. All I have to do is reach the ground, and they'll kill me. If I stay up here on the ramparts, I might be able to get away in the mist.

Why am I heading down the stairs?

Mamellek used a run action to cover the 60' between where they started and the gate. She doesn't have enough movement to make it back to the ground until the second round of combat, though. The slightly surreal post is a result of her training moving her towards the battle whilst her conscious mind tries shaking off the fear effect.

HP: 9/13 (she worked between the last fight and this one, and so hasn't had a chance to heal)
AC: 18
Active Effects: Bless

2009-12-13, 04:26 PM
OOC: I'd still like to do one pre-combat action if possible.


Eleanor was quite surprised by Bear's choice on for whom to call for to lead; on the other hand, the choice isn't entirely without merit. Best leaders are those reluctant for the role, after all, and the girl was by no means foolish. Her thoughts were cut off by the girl trying to assume the role bestown upon her; <Yes, to the gate. But the fear might catch us yet again; I need to do something about this.>

With that, she recites a short, silent (whispered) prayer to Hermes calling for assistance, grasping her Caduceus ribbon slightly. This amounts to the Resistance-spell.

With that, she waits just a moment, hoping for Mamellek to say a word or two; if she does, Eleanor will at the same time silently mumble another prayer that amounts to Bless. If this doesn't happen within the 6-second period, she'll cast the spell saying a word of encouragement herself.

OOC: This amounts to the Bless-spell, which bestows all affected allies (all within 50' area of Eleanor; that should cover everyone) with +1 Morale to Hit and saves vs. Fear. She's doing it quite discreetly so as to not betray her powers (though I suppose those trained in Spellcraft can try to identify the spell; DC 16), but as far as the rest are concerned, it might as well be her commands bolstering them. This should affect the guards close enough as well.

With that:

2009-12-14, 12:42 AM

Wolf (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166280)

Wolf continuously lunges forward as if he is going to charge into the distance. Before his feet take flight, he looks back to his comrades and abandons the action with increasing agitation. He finally ceases to consider Eleanor engaged in some sort of prayer ritual. Snarling: "Let's Go! Plague Ones close!...CLOSER!...RRRRRRRRRRRRRRha-"

His growl is cut short by a sudden, upper body, convulsion. Recovering with a euphoric grin focused on his blade, Wolf sinks into his standing position.

Readies an action against a charge.

((OOC@Eldariel: I'm glad the first spell you cast upon me had no saving throw:smalltongue:))

Flying Dutchman
2009-12-14, 11:47 AM

As the the camp decends into panic Gias rushes forward to catch up with Mamellek. "This will be an ugly night, They were bad enough in broad daylight. The darkness and mist will only add to the confusion. I'll be lucky if I don't end up with an arrow in my back."

I'll take a run action to catch up with Mamellek

Initiative: [roll0]
Will save(if needed):[roll1]

Doctor Witch
2009-12-14, 06:02 PM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

Hearing Mamellek's order to get to the gate Bear doesn't waste any time. He pulls up just short of where Wolf had settled himself and takes out his shortsword and wedges it upright in between two cobbles in the road. He then redies his bow and nocks an arrow, prepared to fire at the first plagued he sees come through the gate.

I sure hope I don't end up as one of those poor souls. Thinking of the plagued and knowing that each of them used to be someones son, mother or friend gave Bear a moments pause.

"Hey Wolf, if I fall here you know what to do right?" After a seconds pause looking at the man's fearsome mask he adds "Making my entrails into some sort of decorative belt is not the correct answer."

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-12-15, 08:38 AM

The start of round three!

The guards snap into action on top of the walls as makeshift ladders slap down next to them. There is a mixture off ladders being pushed over, swords being swung and arrows being fired. There is even one man you can see that points his hand over the wall and a blue ball of force leaves his hand and streaks down.

The gate-doors slam open, splintering and smashing against the stone they are set in.

Rushing in comes an abomination, he looks like a plagued creature, but much much bigger than any you have ever seen before. Standing at well over 10 feet tall he is made up of solid muscle and sinew stitched together with his skin being a vague covering.

His arms hang down and look like they could smash through the wall if he needed to. This creature fills up a 10ft cube in the gate (large). It moves through the gate and instantly clocks onto Mamellek rushing her smashing her in the side of her head with its fish {6 damage}, heedless of the attack of oppurtunity it gives her, Wolf was ready for such an event and swings his weapon and Bear also grabs an attack of oppurtunity as it rushes - Eleanor is on the otherside and Gias and Chronac behind the front line.

Behind walks in another figure, this one smaller, and robed. In a mixture of greys and black material covering his frame. He stands and points his hand towards the creature, mutters a few words and the creatures muscles seem to swell even more.

You guys go!


Big monster
Evil cleric
Gias - 18
Eleanor - 15
Wolf - 14
Bear - 11
Mamellek - 9


Doctor Witch
2009-12-15, 08:02 PM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

AOO Attack: [roll0]
AOO Damage: [roll1]

I'll take the following action once it reaches my turn.

Oh gods! Is all Bear can think at the sight of this new monstrosity. He quickly drops his bow and picks up his short sword. Let's hope this thing doesn't see me as much of a threat! While I'm at it I hope this isn't as bad an idea as I think it is. Bear then tries to tumble through to behind the huge plagued to put himself between it and the robed figure.

Tumble check: [roll2]
Hopefully this will let me flank the big thing for Wolf next round and threaten the cleric if he provokes any AOO. I don't know if they're close enough together for it to work but it's worth a shot.

2009-12-15, 08:47 PM
Wolf (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166280)

Attack of Opportunity:[roll0]

Wolf's eyes narrow in frustration. With a snarl he adjusts his grip for a more weighted swing.

Power Attack -1

Flying Dutchman
2009-12-15, 10:22 PM

Gias, stares in awe for a moment at the situation. and so the plot thickens, seems the old shop-keep was right

Gias calls to the earth once more, hardening his hand into living stone. Then moving into the fray to help the others.

cast: Fist of stone

Then take my move action to move closer to the abomination


Shield 17/20 rounds remaining
FoS: 10/10 rounds remaining

1 lvl 1 spell left
and i have 4 cantrips to cast.

2009-12-16, 11:17 AM

Eleanor narrows her gaze; that big thing just absorbing blows like that cannot be good for the morale of the defense. It needs to go down quick. She seeks a chance to deliver a decisive blow:
[roll0] for [roll1]

2009-12-16, 11:57 AM

Retreat doesn't seem like it will get me very far. Only one option, really.

"A little help, people?!" Called back over her shoulder - she could see her 'colleagues' charging into the fray already.

Power Attack (1 point)
[roll0] (+1, which I forgot to add in when I rolled)

Current HP: 3
Current AC: 18
Current Effects: Bless

2009-12-16, 03:18 PM

Round 1 (or 3, depending on your perspective)

Gias casts a spell that he cast earlier and moves up to the creature flanking it with the rest of the front line.

Eleanor decides that she is going to try and smash the creature in its head and bashes it on the head with her quaterstaff but fails to make an impact. She didn't miss, but the creatures so heavily muscled that it simply didn't notice the impact.

Wolf on the other hand smashes his axe into the side of the creature and notices he can only do so because of the flanking support provided by his comrades. The axe doesn't seem to do as much damage as it should Wolf notices, and infact the deep wound seems alot less deep than it was moments earlier. {{This is my way of RPing Damage Reduction}}

Chronac holds his shot for the next time the cleric tries to cast a spell so as to attempt to disrupt him.

Bear tumbles around the creature successfully and is standing next to the cleric incase the cleric does anything threatening next turn.

Memellek takes an almighty swing, and even with her allies flanking helping distract the creature her sword misses by mere milimetres from the creature.

Round 2 (or 4)

The creature notices that it is surrounded, and it simply doesn't seem to care. It launches another almighty punch but doesn't target Mamellek, this time the punch connects with Wolf, and unfortunatley it connects squarely. {{8 damage, and a DC 12 fort save or be stunned for this round}}

The cleric on the other hand steps back 5ft from Bear, and draws a mace as it goes. It then looks at Bear, sneers and speaks a single word :

"Drop" - DC 14 Will Save

As its hands start to crackle with energy, Chronac looses his held shot, it pierces the clerics shoulder but doesnt break his concentration unfortunatley.

Big monster
Evil cleric
Gias - 18
Eleanor - 15
Wolf - 14
Chronac -12
Bear - 11
Mamellek - 9

2009-12-16, 05:15 PM

The terror that had nearly overwhelmed her initially was gone now, replaced by a sort of hollow monotony in her thoughts. Training had been simplistic, but thorough: When you were hand to hand with the enemy, stand and fight. Fight so hard they drop before you do. Meanwhile, the conscious part of her mind was busy praying, despite knowing it was pretty unlikely anyone above would intervene on her behalf.

If you're there, God, I could really do with some help here...

Power Attack: (1 Point)
Attack Roll: [roll0] (+4, +1 Masterwork Blade, -1 Power Attack, +1 Bless, +2 Flankers)
Edit: Sweet!
Damage Roll: [roll1] (+4, +2 PA)

Current HP: 3
Current AC: 18
Current Effects: Bless

2009-12-16, 05:23 PM
Critical Confirmation Roll: [roll0]
Critical Damage Roll: [roll1]

...Thank you, God.

Doctor Witch
2009-12-16, 05:38 PM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

Will Save: [roll0]

Bear feels an overwhelming compulsion to divest himself of his sword. He glares at the hand holding it but is unable to prevent himself from dropping the weapon on the ground. Without a weapon Bear tries to protect himself the best he can.

I'll use the Total Defense action this round for +4 dodge AC.

2009-12-16, 06:04 PM

Eleanor is armed with her Longspear at this point, as well as pretty much ever when actually geared for a fight (such as when on a patrol); Quarterstaff does 1d6 damage and is mostly for her training regimen. I did not separately mention this since she had the Longspear in use already in the last fight.

This does mean she has 10' reach for what it matters, as well. As far as I can tell, all it means is she doesn't need to provoke to hit the big guy.

Eleanor continues her attack, with a single-minded focus on the large creature to the extent of ignoring everything else.

Attack Roll: [roll0] (this does not account for the probable +2 flanking benefits provided by Bear; the composite result is most likely 18)
Damage: [roll1]

Flying Dutchman
2009-12-16, 06:19 PM

With his magic protecting him Gias wades into the fray.seeing the blows of his fellows rain down upon the abomination with little effect Gias wonders how his strength will fare. Lets see how he likes this.

Gias swings his fist in an arcing blow into the side of the giant hoping his enhanced strength will be a adequate weapon.

attack: [roll0] 6 from str, 1 from bless and 2 from a supposed flank.


Bless: ?
Shield: 16/20
FoS: 9/10

Hp: 8/8

why have you forsaken me dice gods?

2009-12-16, 08:52 PM

The sight of the instant regeneration causes Wolf's eyes to flash with fury. Loading his Scythe for another swing, he emits a loud, gutteral "DIIIIIIIIIIIIII-" before getting struck by the brute's massive fist.

Fort Save vs Stun:

Despite their dramatic difference in injury, Wolf disregards damage much like the monster he now battles, almost energized by it. There is no interupting his curved blade as it cuts a wicked path towards the brute's skin. "AAAAAAAAAAAANNN-

Power Attack (-1), Bless (+1), Flanking(+2)
Oh yeah; editing in rolls still counts as editing rolls:smallredface:

2009-12-16, 09:16 PM
Power Attack (-1), Bless (+1), Flanking(+2)


2009-12-17, 08:00 AM

Round 2 / 4 continued

Gias leans forward and trys to punche the creature with his massive stone fist, unfortunatley he misses and almost punches himself.

Eleanor leans forward and trys to stab the creature through its hide, unfortunatley its thick hide turns her spearhead away at the last moment.

Wolf unleashes a vicious strike on the creature and draws a heavy gash, unfortunatley some of the damage knits itself back together when he has finished, just like it had done last time someone made a successful hit.

Chronac holds his shot in for when the cleric casts or moves again in a hope to make him miss.

Bear looses his Will whilst looking at the evil cleric and drops his sword on the floor. Instead of picking it up (which he can't do for some odd reason) he instead takes to weaving about the blows instead.

Mamellek swings her sword around her head and slams it into the side of the creatures head drawing blood and a deep gash and wound. With the wounds the creature is now sporting, would have dropped any normal human you have ever met, it however is still going and still going quite powerfully, even if it is bleeding from multiple wounds.

Round 3 / 5

This time the creature realises it is being hit, and has been consitently by the woman with the really big sword. Its big dumb fist comes swinging towards her and clips her on the side of her head. {{5 damage}}

The cleric moves forwards and black energies start to swirl about his hand as he reaches out for Bear, Chronac notices and looses a shot pierces the clerics hip, and making him loose focus on the spell, the nergies fizzle and pop and the cleric looks highly annoyed.

Big monster
Evil cleric
Gias - 18
Eleanor - 15
Wolf - 14
Chronac -12
Bear - 11
Mamellek - 9

2009-12-17, 08:13 AM

"Mamellek! What rough beast; I will see you fall!"

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

HP: 8/8
AC: 17
Attack: +5 (10' threatened area)
Damage: 1d8+6 20/x2

Flying Dutchman
2009-12-17, 11:26 AM
Wow I can't belive I can't hit something the size of a house, knew I should have stayed in bed with the barmaid the rest of the night

Gias silently berating himself is filled with rage and lashes out at the monster violently.

Attack: [roll0]
dmg: [roll1]



Doctor Witch
2009-12-17, 04:52 PM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

Why in the hells didn't I just pick it up? Bear is left wondering as he reaches down to pick up his sword. Seeing his comrades almost surrounding the hulking plagued one Bear turns to the other threat. He grins as he realises the robed figure has come back within striking distance and he lashes out with his sword.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

AC: 16
HP: 9

2009-12-17, 05:06 PM

"Iron girl?" he inquires at the sight of one of his comrades falling. He resumes his barrage on the hide of the brute.

Power Attack (-1), Bless (+1), Flanking(+2)

2009-12-17, 05:14 PM

Umm, rerolling damage from last page... :smallredface:


2010-01-04, 01:43 PM

Round 3 / 5 continued

Gias taking note of how the monster moved, times his swing to perfection. The fist slamming into the creature and mashing bruised and broken bits of it together even more than it had previously had done to it.

Eleanor watches Gias smash the monster around its hips and follows with a harsh and mangled assault to the creatures head, cracking down and splitting bone. The creature falls to the ground

{{DM modified actions, retconable if you wish.}}

Wolf steps smartly past Bear and smashes the robed figure in the side, dropping it instantly to the ground.

Bear a little annoyed pokes the robed figure with his foot anyway.

Combat has ended, as the sounds die around you, they have died elsewhere around the walls. The Fyrd has clearly dealt with the threat sufficiently and it seems you actually had to hold the main part of the assault.

2010-01-04, 02:15 PM

With the immediate threat dealt with, Eleanor rushes to the unconscious form of Mamellek while digging out her Healer's Kit. She pretends to treat Mamellek's wounds while saying a small prayer, effectively coming out at Cure Minor Wounds. She'll cast two more or until Mamellek regains consciousness.

2010-01-04, 02:44 PM

It took three Cure Minor Wounds castings to restore Mamellek to the land of the positive HP. For her efforts, Eleanor was rewarded with a groggy expression and a slightly confused-sounding "Did we both die, or was it just me?"

2010-01-04, 03:19 PM

Eleanor smiles gently as she sees Mamellek opening her eyes; "It seems you're forged tougher than you think, Smith. You were merely knocked unconscious even though you took two of the beast's blows. And before you ask, yes, we were triumphant. No small thanks to you, I might add."

With that, she stands up. "You should be able to get up for yourself. It'll take a bit of time for your wounds to heal, but they shouldn't trouble you as long as you don't end up in combat until healed. I suggest you rest at my house; I should be able to speed up your recovery. I'll need to check up on the others now."

With that, she tries to raise her voice above the noise on the battlefield: "Everyone hit by one of those things should come see me at the gate!"

She'll inspect everyone who arrives with a Take 10 Heal-check for 16, to see if they're infected. Remembering the earlier incident with that red dot, she especially keeps an eye out for that.

Finally, she'll go out and inspect the fallen Cleric, trying to figure out what deity he served (especially based on the Holy Symbol), where he might be from (and who he might be affiliated with) and any other things of note on him.
Knowledge (Religion) - (1d20+6)[16] (on the deity)
Knowledge (Local) - (1d20+6)[22] (on the person)
Lore - (1d20+3)[22] (for anything else of note)

Dice rolled here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7627995&postcount=162) since this part was edited in.

Doctor Witch
2010-01-04, 11:34 PM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

With the the two enemies down Bear rushes to the top of the gate to try and get the best vantage point he can to see if there is anyone out in the darkness that might have been watching the events at a distance.

Spot check:[roll0] If he sees anything he'll jump down from the gate and try to hide then follow it as best he can. Not very far but just enough to tell what direction it is heading in. If there is nothing out there he'll go over and search the bodies for clues as to where they came from as well as anything useful they might have. In any event he tells Eleanor "Don't burn those bodies yet, I want to know if that huge thing was, at any stage, actually human or if it is some kind of other monstrosity." With a sly grin he adds "I hope you don't mind getting your hands dirty."

2010-01-05, 02:58 AM

Wolf places his hand against the spot where the brute struck him. "RRRRRRRRRRRHHHHH!!!", is all he will elucidate. Heading Eleanor's instructions, he queries "Gate?" He makes a beeline for the wall without waiting for a reply, climbing, nearly leaping up the catwalk. There he will patrol; eagerly gazing into the darkness in search of new threats.


2010-01-05, 10:20 PM

Eleanor calmly goes through everyone damaged at the gate. Assuming everyone checks out alright and doesn't seem to be tainted by the disease, Eleanor responds to Bear with a slight grin: "In my business, hands tend to get dirty a lot; not the greatest of my worries." and in a slightly more serious tone: "But I agree, we'll need to find out what we can of that. It seems to be just a plagued one, but it doesn't look like it had ever been a human. Frankly, the one I'm more worried about is the man behind him. He's not diseased! How and why is he with the Plagued..."

2010-01-06, 04:52 AM

"Same reason the neighbourhood bully was always popular with the orphans, probably. If you did not suck up and you could not fight then you were a target."

One of the nice side effects of working on a forge was that you could hit a lot harder than the average bully. Mamellek's life before she'd discovered that had been a lot less cheerful and involved a lot more 'accidental' bruising.

By now, the smith was back on her feet - although a trifle unsteady, and using her sword for support.

2010-01-09, 05:10 PM

With Mamellek coming round groggy on the floor, the noise slows down and there are faint cries of pain amongst the walls, but throughout her inspection Eleanor can't find any who yet show signs of infection or any of the peculiar red dots either.

Bear and Wolf run straight towards the gate and walls, but neither can see or hear anything, it seems as if the attack was only meant to get the big thing through the gates to sow mayhem amongst the town. God's alone know what could have happened if it had been set free.

Finally the cleric :

He doesn't appear to be native to these lands, his skin is much darker, and his hair and eyes are almost black. He is unfortunatley unknown to Eleanor, and no one else seems to recognise him.

His holy symbol on the other hand is definatley the symbol of Set, the god of evil and embodiment of all that is wrong in the lands south of the old Roman Empire - Egypt.

His robe however has a very fancy embroidery pattern in it, it seems to be following the story of Set attacking and killing Osiris, and finishes when he claims the throne for his own. Eleanor seems to know however that Set was then killed by Horous, Osiris's son and order restored.

2010-01-09, 10:14 PM

After the check-up and no signs of new threats approaching, Eleanor turns her attention to other immediate problems: "That man is a servant of Set, God of...Evil put simply. Supposedly a dead God and all, but that's never been a big problem as far as Gods' servants are concerned. This worries me; a man being with this beast, and the obvious coordination behind this attack leaves me with nothing but the fear that there are living behind the Plague itself..." her voice trails off as to let the words sink.

"But for now, I vote we drag that thing outside." Eleanor says, pointing towards the gigantic Plagued's body, "Even if we are to study it, we can't exactly have it lying in the middle of the village."

"Though", she adds, "Mamellek and Wolf, you two should come with me so we can get you patched up. I think the major injuries will heal in a day with proper care. I can arrange space for you both. I think this about concludes our watch anyways."

Doctor Witch
2010-01-11, 08:49 AM

After returning from the top of the gate Bear listens intently to what Eleanor has to say once she finishes he considers it for a moment and responds.

"There is certainly no good news in this but at least it may just give us a lead on who is behind this. I wonder if we have any surviving records here that have the locations of any temples devoted to this Set." He muses out loud. Let's get this monster outside first thing, although I'd like to string it up outside the walls instead of burning it, it may give people a little something to be proud of and show any other comers that we will not go down so easily. I also wouldn't mind checking it for weaknesses, say somewhere on it's body that blades slide in easier or if it's eyes are weak to light or such but there is only so much we would learn from a dead one."

"As for this one!" He turns and kicks the prone figure of the cleric in the side, "I say we take him back and dump him at the feet of our superiors and see what they have to say. I'm convinced that they knew this was coming. We've all been told that the plagued fear the dark but we were sought out to specifically at to the guard this evening where we generally have the least reason to fear an attack. Of course, I may just be slightly paranoid." As if to reinforce that statement Bear checks over both his shoulders and scans the nearby rooftops to see if anyone else was listening to their conversation.

2010-01-12, 07:51 PM

[OOC: I'm assuming nothing especially notable happens on the field of battle. Further, I'm assuming Wolf and Mamellek don't mind coming along. If anyone wants to say anything with regards to all the stuff that happened, now is a good time.]

[roll0] (has Set ever been openly worshipped in England and if so, are there any remains of a temple or a shrine nearby?)

Eleanor will disclose whatever information that Knowledge-check provides and add: "Figuring out what kinds of weapons most efficiently damage it doesn't seem like a bad idea at all. As for Set's worship, I believe I have quite a bit of something about Egyptian beliefs in my study. I think I'll spend tonight reading up on it. Oh, and I'm sure you can manage dragging the hulk without me; I need to get Mamellek and Wolf patched up." She nods at both.

[OOC: As Splodgey told us to "do what we would do", I'll do just that; if someone wants to respond to Eleanor here though, of course we can still jump back to this part.]

With that, Eleanor leaves for her home with Wolf and Mamellek. She decides to arrange room for Wolf in the floor of the training room; the place where she usually keeps patients who need to stay overnight. For Mamellek, she offers her own straw bed considering the possible issues sleeping next to the Half-Orc might cause (mostly the smell).

"I can't sleep tonight anyways; I've got too much in my mind and will need to be awake for all this. I do believe you'll both be feeling better on the morrow, and I think 24 hours is all we'll need."

After the bandages are set and so on, Eleanor withdraws to her study (checking up on both patients about hourly) to contemplate and cross-reference the different parchments and books she's accumulated, thinking about what in the world the huge creature was, what the alliance between some Humans and Plagued could entail (and how it's possible in the first place), what in the world a Cleric of Set was doing on this side of the channel and whether the plague is somehow linked to Set.

Healing process:
Also, for the healing process, Eleanor will take 10 with Healer's Kit for 16 on Heal-checks to administer long-term care to both. In the morning, she will pray for spells and cast Cure Light on Wolf before he awakens, preferably (masked as a sort of prayer, of course):
[roll1] (burning a prepared Disguise Self from the Domain-slot)

By my count, Mamellek has lost 12 and Wolf 8 HP, so night rest with long-term care = +2 HP, day's rest = +4 and hopefully sufficient results from the Cures should get both to full.

2010-01-12, 07:56 PM
Alright, she'll burn the Bless she has prepared to Cure on Mamellek too:
[roll0]. If all goes as planned, rest will be healed via. Cure Minor Wounds to leave some combat magic - Bless - available.

EDIT: Alright, she'll just burn one Cure Minor Wounds on Mamellek then. This gets both, Mamellek and Wolf fully fixed up by the time they wake up.

2010-01-13, 05:28 PM

Bear see's no one on rooftops watching, but some of the Fyrd are. Watching you drag the corpses outside, the Fyrd start throwing them off of the battlements to the ground below, and the captain starts ordering his men to go and pile them up neatly but without breathing too much of them in.

Open worship of Set? No more so than any number of other non-monothestic religions. However there is no real evidence of Egyptian influence in England at any point ever in any history you can remember.

Doctor Witch
2010-01-14, 11:06 PM

Bear recovers his shortbow dropped in the fight and after helping dispose of the bodies of the plagued Bear picks up corpse of the cleric and heads back to the Fyrd headquarters (along with anyone else who wants to join him). He marches straight through into the commanders office and shrugs the body off of his shoulder and onto the desk of the startled commander.

Keeping his cool and trying to keep his expression as impassive as possible he simply asks "What do you have to say about that?" The tone of his voice makes it seem less like a question and more of a statement, as if he already knows the answer.

He'll attempt a sense motive check on whatever the commander says.
Sense motive:1d20+2
Probably should have waited for Eleanor for that but it's too late now.

Doctor Witch
2010-01-14, 11:49 PM
So you can't edit in rolls? Well, we learn something new everyday. Here we go again.
Sense motive: [roll0]

2010-01-17, 04:19 PM

Wolf makes his way to a stand in the marketplace that sells lucrative household goods. He stands in front of a large mirror, peeling back his armor where the brute had struck him. "Hmmmmmmm." He lifts the mirror off the ground and holds it aloft, examining the reflection at different angles. Some amused onlookers (at a safe distance) jokingly suggest this is his first time in front of a mirror. All humor is lost on the dismayed shopkeeper; who can only stand back and pray.

Wolf suddenly catches something else in the reflection; the staggering form of his long (and foul)-winded patrol-mate attempting to carry the carcass of the robed human that came with the plagued-ones. He lets the mirror fall to the ground and walks over to his struggling comrade. He stuffs the pole of his scythe into the stout man's chest, nearly knocking him prone, as he abruptly relieves him of the corpse. Wolf will follow him to the commander's office and gleefully deposit the corpse on the desk.

Flying Dutchman
2010-01-18, 04:30 PM

After all the commotion settles down Gias lingers over towards Wolf and Bear. Hearing the plan to dump the monster on the captains desk Gias decides to tag along, for entertainment if nothing else.

This should be golden. The look on his face will be priceless. Although it is rather suspicious that we get ambushed on the night we are specialy appointed to take the night watch.All the more reason i shoulda stayed in bed. Maybe i'll have to look her up again..... If i could only remeber her name.

2010-01-19, 06:24 PM

The commander does indeed jump to his feet and look on in a fair amount of consternation but he isn't about to argue the point too finely with three men who are bleeding and have been battered from a tough fight whilst the rest of the guard stood mutely on the top of the wall.

"I'd say what the bloody hell are you putting him on my desk for? He doesn't look particularly plagued. Although seeing your fight from my post, I must admit I was impressed, he seemed to control some form of heathen magic. "

Your fairly sure he's telling the truth, and is just as surprised about the human being there as you all are

2010-01-20, 02:42 PM


A few moments of consideration pass before his eyes flash with unstable fury. "So we hide?!? Here!?! They find us! Behind walls? They break them!" He snatches his scythe back from Bear. "We go! Find them. Scatter them. UPROOT THEM!" He accents his last point by swinging his blade upward, a hair's width from the commander's nose.

Doctor Witch
2010-01-22, 09:10 AM

"And this 'heathen magic' doesn't bother you?" Bear adds as Wolf's scythe flashes past the commanders eyes. "I am inclined to agree with Wolf here that if we do not do something about it now that you will soon no longer have the luxury of just 'seeing things from your post'." The sarcasm in his voice makes his displeasure clear at his "leaders" unwillingness to join the fight.

"In fact I 'suggest' that you form a team to investigate this new threat and provide them with whatever resources they request in order to deal with it before they deal with us." Bear attempts this thinly veiled threat, hoping on Wolf's natural intimidation and his own 'aura' of smell to get the commander to agree in haste and to dismiss them to get what he wants. He is sure a few soothing, yet reinforcing, words by Gias will tip the balance in favor. He looks at the young man with the wide eyes and expression of one expecting another to weigh in in their favor.
All he has do to is make it seem likes it's the commanders idea and we're home. Bear just hopes Gias thinks the same as he does about the art of manipulation.

Flying Dutchman
2010-01-25, 01:35 PM

Listening to the Wolf and Bear intimidate the commander Gias sees Bear's look at him, as if wanting him to chime in. "Ah, so he wants me to sweet talk to commander into going along with his scheme. Although I'm not sure I want to go along with it, especially before we exhaust our options. I'd hate to leave the village undefended while we are off roughing it on a wild goose chase, especially since there will be a incredible lack of fair maidens or comely barmaids on the other side of the wall. Lets see if I can come up with something neither side will enjoy but both will agree upon.." Gias smiles a self satisfied smile before he continues his train of thought. "That is after all what diplomacy is about".

Gias lets the silence extend for a few moments before starting in"It seems to me Captain that you have a bit of a problem. Being the intelligent man you are, you understand that the attacks aren't likely to stop of their own accord, but on the other hand sending off a group of your best fighters isn't such a great option either. Especially sense the last attack was stopped without much incident only because my fellows here and our two female companions were playing stop-gap against ugly here", nodding towards the giant on the captains desk. "

"I think however that we may be able to make you an offer you can agree upon. As you are already aware, there are a great number of rumors about some kind of cult who's trying to spread this plague. Which our run in with ugly's keeper would entirely support, the question is. Where did these rumors come from? As little contact as we have with anyone on the outside it seems to me the most likely cause is that there are a group of these ‘cultist’ in the city, sowing fear and doing only the gods know what dark magic."

"So I offer you the services of my companions and I to root out this nest for you, which should stifle the attacks, thus allowing you to send us outside the wall in search of larger game. Not to mention that all the credit for rooting out the cult would fall on your shoulders as the commanding officer, and would make you a bit of a hero to the people of the town."

Gias extends his hand to the man, "So captain, do we have ourselves a deal??"

2010-01-25, 02:23 PM

The captain listens to everyone and watches them intently, first he turns himself towards Wolf, keeping a keen eye upon his weapon.

"Indeed my man, the base of this magic needs to be found and uprooted. We will not hide from them, but instead show them that we will not be beaten, as we showed today."

He then towards Bear and regards him with rather more wariness whilst adressing the whole group as one.

"Firstly, you will do well to remember who you are talking to. I am not some whelp who is completley untrained. You assume far too much whilst knowing no where near enough. Firstly, you assume that it was I who knew this attack was coming. Secondly you assume I have not already sent good men out looking for the source.

I personally am of the same opinion, those who are practicing this magic, not for a good or healing purpose are indeed in league with these monsters. None of the elders know where this magic has come from, yes we have all heard the tales, of fey and other creatures with magical aptitude." He then seems to snap round from his brief reverie

"Anyway why am I telling you any of this, I am of the opinion that another group must go out. But you will leave with more power than the last, the last were merely a reconnaissance mission. I am forming you all together as "Gold Team". You are tasked with finding whether or not these evil magic doers are in league with these plagued monsters, and if they are to put a stop to it.

You have untill dawn tomorrow to provision yourselfs as you will, and say your good byes, but if anyone asks, this is nothing more than a foraging trip. No need to arouse panic throughout the town. This should more than cover your costs for provisions, and i'm afraid to say I don't want you back untill something solid can be proved.

Oh and take this corpse with you."

With that he sits back down after having put a small leather purse clinking onto the table and he seems to not even regard you as he steeples his fingers and stares out of the window.

Doctor Witch
2010-01-26, 09:22 AM

Bear tries to keep the grin off his face at the commanders orders but is pretty sure he does a terrible job. Since it seems they are dismissed by the commander he turns his attention to the tasks at hand and goes to pick up the corpse, although he is quite sure that Wolf will take up the load before he has a chance. All the while his mind races. Morning will come too quickly for my tastes. First thing Eleanor, Mamellek and Chronac need to be made aware of this journey, they may not like being volunteered for this but I hope they will not want to miss out on the opportunity. I also want to arm myself a little better and I'll see if Eleanor has some books on nature and tracking and the likes. There is one other thing I'll have to find time for that is more important than the rest combined.

"Thank you for your diplomacy in there." He says to Gias as they leave the Fyrd headquarters. "Though I'd wager you're going to be deprived of barmaids for a while on this trip. He adds with a wink. "Let us go tell the others of what has transpired here and Wolf, let's get Eleanor to have a look at that wound of yours." He had to admit that he was warming to the big guy, his fear at first was based on the lack of knowledge about the half-orc but the events of the day had proved to Bear that he was someone worth having on your side.

[OOC: I'll make new posts for any interactions that happen between now and morning]

Bear rises with the sun in the morning and goes to meet with the others. He understands if they are a little taken back with the change in his appearance. His matted hair and beard are gone but not in a fashionable way, it is cut at different lengths and looks like it was done by without the aid of a mirror. He removed it himself to make sure that any foe could not use them as a hand hold against him. Also the stench around him is greatly reduced, he couldn't wash away that much built up stank in one night and it lingered in his armor but the change is noticeable.

2010-02-02, 03:40 PM

By the morning, the blacksmith was, physically, feeling fine.

Mentally, however, she had some doubts. As was her wont, the major doubts were on the subject of weaponry: Namely, all the wonderful new weapons swimming through her head that they were being rushed from town before she had a chance to forge. The new arrows, improved sword and armor designs, and the weird weapons her new companions had asked of her... They would all have to wait.

True, this mission is important. But it feels wrong to be going out with this equipment when I know I could create something better. There's just not enough time anymore. Things must be getting bad - fast - people do not usually rush in the fight against the plague. You make too many mistakes that way.

Doubts alone were not enough to stop her, so when the dawn came, she was at the rendevous alongside the others.

Flying Dutchman
2010-02-02, 11:16 PM

After a night of plagued slaying Gias wants nothing more than to sleep away the rest of the day. He stumbles back to his small house and passes out still in his fighting clothes. After a night of wonderful sleep Gias grudgingly gets up at the crack of dawn changes clothes and stumbles to the meeting in slightly less cheerful than usual.

2010-02-03, 04:44 PM

The day breaks with a watery dawn, but without a cloud in sight the prospect of your first day of travel is indeed looking like a warm one. Arrayed at the gate are teams of men already, repairing the damages from yesterdays battle and laying fresh herbs and flowers in an attempt to mask the smell of the massive bonfire that had been built outside of the walls.

A guard is on duty and appears to have been doing nothing other than waiting for you, he walks up to Mamellek and hads her a small scroll tied off with a blue ribbon, as well as a hessian sack.

"The captain said these were all yours guv'na. Apparently they came off've that magic guy yesterday and coz' you killed him, they ain't going to the town."

With that he ambles off in the direction of the nearest tavern.

Just as you are all about to depart you hear running footsteps behind you. No one but Gias recognises the girl, yet to Gias she represents his as yet unattainable "Horse Girl." Pressing a small metal object into his hand she admonishes him to

"Be careful, and bring yourself back in one piece. Im sure this will make a fine story."

And before you have a chance to reply she trots merrily away.

Doctor Witch
2010-02-04, 12:20 AM

"A fine day for adventuring, wouldn't you say? It is good to see you up and well Mamellek" he says to his gathered companions. "I think now would be a great time to make some plans about how we are going to achieve this little task of ours. I know our mission is to destroy this evil sect, if possible, but I'm not sure if we should set the bar so high. I'd be happy with just information at this point. Rushing in to a battle that we are ill prepared for would be foolish to say the least. Anyone care to share their thoughts?

Flying Dutchman
2010-02-04, 03:13 AM

*squinting against the brightness of the morning*

As i said to the captain when he assigned us this mission. I think that we are better off exploring the local front before venturing outside the walls. It seems to me that there is some of this "cult" that's hiding out inside the compound. Things just wouldn't add up other wise. I'd like to ask some questions to the locals and see if there has been anything strange going on. I remember someone in the tavern saying that they thought there were some strange things going on in the warehouses on the north side of town. We honestly don't have anything else that resembles a starting point unless there is something in that scroll the priest had on him.

Doctor Witch
2010-02-04, 04:45 AM

On hearing Gias's words of warning Bear takes a moment to think. "You have an excellent point there." He too was intrigued about the warning they had received about those warehouses. "Surely an enemy at home is worse than one far afield. If they do have spies here they could also warn of our coming and have a trap laid well in advance. In any case, I'd like to take Wolf out and scout for any tracks that last nights interlopers may have left on their way here, that information could be useful in confirming anything we get from interrogating any spies found within our walls. Yes, indeed, you may have just saved our lives with that insight Gias." He stops there looking expectantly at the others in the group for their input, he gaze lingers longer on Mamellek though hoping that she will take charge and lay out a course of action.

2010-02-04, 07:15 AM

Quite fatigued by her nightly vigil, Eleanor is a bit dumbfounded by the inanity of this whole deal: "So, we have no idea what we're up against, we don't know where to start looking, we don't know who knew of yesterdays attack and we have very specific orders to deal with all this? Not the alpha I'd personally choose given options."

She is, however, armed with the information she was able to dig up overnight from her various tomes; that somewhat calms her down. "Standing here is unlike to achieve anything. I do not personally believe in any underground sect acting inside the consortium; I...tend to know things and I know of no underground services nor of anyone seeing the symbol inside. It is something we can check on, but right now, we possess probably the only unit Compound can afford to deploy outside its own defenses; I understand we are somehow expected to find out what's going on out there and deal with it if possible.

Moving in force gives us a fighting chance should we get waylaid by the Plagued, and given how orderly they are apparently capable of acting, I think that's something we should prepare for. As such, I think we should all accompany Bear and Wolf on checking the trails; that's the only lead we have to work off on right now, and if it comes to a fight, I like our chances much better in team. For what it's worth, I'm quite good at reading the nature and should be able to help with the tracking."

2010-02-04, 07:50 AM
A quick glance at the scroll as the others talked: Mamellek was only barely listening.

OOC: I may have to insert some response to the scroll's contents if Mamellek can read them.

But you can only remain in a reverie for so long, especially when you're holding 120PP, of which you are only entitled to a sixth. Mamellek looked up, finally ready to check what the others had decided to do, only to find the debate still ongoing, and Bear still casting sideways glances at her. Slightly worrying. She could not shake the feeling that Bear was expecting something of her, but she had no idea what it was.

"I'm thinking," a rather slow start as the Blacksmith tried to cut across the others' debate "that you have a little time on your hands. If we're going to be outside the walls for a while, it would be wise to bring our own supplies with us, as well as some capacity to bring things back. There's money here, a prize from the battle last night. I'm going to go down the markets with it, pick up a packhorse, a small cart if I can find one, food, water, camping gear, that sort of thing. Ammunition, too, and maybe another bow - I can use one, I just don't own one right now. I was *sure* the wood could take the extra compression strain..." Drifting a little off the point there, but then Mamellek's mind moved in mysterious ways. "Can the rest of you think of anything else urgent we could do with for the journey? Better I get everything in one trip through the market than we keep going back and forth for the rest of the day."

Pause. What had they been saying again? "...Besides, some of you wanted to investigate things around here, and I doubt I'd be much use for that. So I'll do the shopping, and you do your snooping, and we meet at the North Gate again when we're done?"

Doctor Witch
2010-02-05, 01:29 AM

After hearing Eleanor and Mamellek weigh in Bear responds. "No offense, my dear healer, but I doubt any who would consort with the plagued would openly advertise their presence here. Mamellek is right that we should be more prepared for the journey." He turns to her and adds "Use how ever much of my share as you see fit for that horse and cart and also if you would be kind enough to buy me a few bundles of arrows I'd appreciate it." Then he continues to the group. "How about this. Whoever wishes to come scouting leaves with me now and we'll take care of it while the tracks are still fresh. Then we shall meet up and spend a few hours checking out the warehouses to the north and then we leave the city under the cover of darkness this evening." This he hopes will address everybody's concerns and allow the group to get the most done in the shortest period of time. As an after thought he says "Unless that scroll has some kind of revelation that would make our lives far easier."

2010-02-05, 06:13 AM

The scroll :

Well it doesn't have any conventional writing on it, no rhythm or rhyme to it. It certainly has no words, just odd pictures. Open glaring eyes, scarabs, suns, sceptres and even a pyramid. There is no definitive signature or even anything that looks like one.

The clerics stuff in a sack :

There is a small signet ring, a sleeve blade, his mace, the robes he was wearing, an earring and even a small leather purse containing 86 gold pieces.

The market :

All supplies, except a horse are easily attainable. The horse, well pony, or anything, there simply aren't any. There is a huge amount of demand for them and absolutely no supply in the slightest.

Tracking / Warehouses :

Who is going where and when guys? And I guess its time to make some rolls :smallsmile:

Gias :

The small thing in your hands is a well worked talisman of a horse. In what appears to be silver with small gems and platinum streaks in its mane.

2010-02-05, 06:36 AM

Eleanor responds to Bear's doubts: "I...tend to know quite a bit beyond books. I make it my task to know things, when I am not healing the ill. It is this knowledge I'm basing my statement on. I know what happens in the compound, and I know there isn't exactly terribly much traffic going out so it's not really possible for people to slip out unnoticed for such purposes. Even if a sect existed inside, it would be completely isolated from others and as such couldn't really coordinate with people outside to generate attacks like what happened last night. Furthermore, there's been no mention of black magic inside the compound and word would get out quick if such happened.

Not only that, but I know the deity whose symbol we found hasn't been worshiped on this island pretty much ever. Preparation won't hurt though, so I agree we should get on those, at least those who are not already prepared. You can see what you could figure out of the Sect in the town, but I am quite certain there's nothing to find."

2010-02-05, 06:44 AM

"Thinking about it for a moment... I'm quite sure there is something to find, or at least, there was. It's just a little logic - if news of the attack could get from some knowledgeable source to a tavern, there must be *some* way for the two to communicate, however indirect. It is a trail that could be traced, theoretically. How you'd trace that, and what sort of source you'd find, I have not the faintest idea. But if you want to look... there must logically be something there to find."

Doctor Witch
2010-02-05, 11:14 PM

You know, I don't think it would necessarily be part of the cult acting here. There are many fools for whom the only god is gold and they would be willing to sell us out for the right price. They probably wouldn't even know who they were truly working for. But for now I'm going to pick up the trail." With that Bear turns and heads towards the gate that was the scene of last nights battle assuming anyone who is interested will follow. Once there he starts looking for the tracks of the huge plagued they had fought figuring they will be easier to find than the more common ones of the priest.

Track: [roll0] Should also get a +2 on that roll as I took favored enemy undead with the ranger level but I'll leave that to DM's discretion.

2010-02-06, 01:24 AM

"Then I should come with you. I know quite a bit about tracks and can probably be of assistance. Not to mention, depending on what you find, my other expertise might be helpful. I can hold my own in combat and won't slow you down. Besides, I've been wanting to make a trip outside anyways." As Bear leaves, she simply tags along.

Before leaving, she adds: "Oh and Mamellek, just so you know for your planning: if we need a horse, I've got one. Usually he carries the stuff I can't myself, so he's used to loads."

[OOC: As a Cleric of Travel, Eleanor has Survival in class. She'll trivially Aid Another in that, especially since Aid Another doesn't require the feat.]


2010-02-06, 01:52 AM

Wolf scoffs at the notion of Set's agents among the townsfolk. "Plague-ones run town now?!? HA!", he chortles loudly to himself for some time before deteriorating into silence, save a muttered "Makes sense"

As the discussion progresses he begins to show his impatience: fidgeting, pacing, and starring at uneasy passersby.

Finally, Bear sets out to look for tracks and Wolf follows.

Attempted Aid Another (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/usingSkills.htm#aidAnother)

Flying Dutchman
2010-02-06, 02:32 AM

Satisfied with coming back to investigate the warehouses later in the day Gias decides to go with the rest of the group to look for tracks, it will be good to see the world from outside the walls for a change. He also wants to be around in case the group runs into trouble.

"I'll come with you guys to look for tracks. I'd hate to go off hunting rumors while you guys are getting ambushed by plagued."

Gias follows wolf and bear outside the gate after pocketing the trinket given to him by the horse girl.

2010-02-07, 02:55 PM

As you leave the gates, you instantly see bootmarks, and even easier the big heavy lumbering tracks from the fairly large creature that came barrelling in through the gate. Following them for a while, you see lots of small game, and not a single road or even a game trail to be following.

You have come off the beaten track and are walking through mildly farmed fields and meadows, following still the tracks. The lighter tracks of the plagued ones are still easily visible, but the ground is soft and where the large creature walked the deep imprints are easy enough to follow.

The ground on the other hand is starting to turn slightly rockier and you are walking towards some low foothills, the lighter tracks are getitng harder and harder to see, but the heavy tracks are easy enough to see still as you follow them up the hillside.

You have been walking for a few hours now, and the sun has already passed its zenith, as you come to a natural fork it is clear that someone stayed here recently. There are the ashes of a fire, as well as a large heavy chain.

Snooping around on the ground, you summarise that the plagued ones including the big heavy one came from the left hand fork as you are looking at it, and the cleric on the other hand came from the right, and not alone. There are two sets of prints, although the second is hard to see and for every twenty steps of the cleric, there is but one of the other boot. But its definatley a different shape size and weight.

Flying Dutchman
2010-02-08, 07:00 PM

Gias comes to a halt at the fork in the road. Looking in both directions and assessing the situation. Then turns to the group in his usual chipper mood.

"So what do you guys think. Seems to me that following the human tracks would give us a bit more info than the Plagued. Although I have been wrong before. What do you think bear, you seem to be the one with the plans."

Doctor Witch
2010-02-09, 12:38 AM

Bear slowly turns his head towards Gias, his eyes wide and with confusion written on his face. His mouth opens to respond but shuts again without a sound. He tries again but this time he manages "I.." before closing his mouth once more. After looking at the tracks for another minute or so he decides to try thinking out loud to see if that helps. "So the plagued from the left and the humans from the right... What do they have down there to the left? A plagued farm? Farm plagued do they?" He shakes his head to try to dislodge the thought that seemed to have gotten a little stuck and continues. "They must have some way to communicate at a distance otherwise how could such coordination be possible? Unless it was a chance encounter and the cleric managed to gain control of them through dark arts and then decided 'Oh I know, it'll be a good spot of fun to run these chaps up to that compound over there and cause a little trouble'" You're rambling again. He reminds himself. He draws a deep breath and continues.

"I think we should focus our efforts on finding the one traveling with the cleric, I'd like to know whether he headed straight back along the way they came or if they split up here and both went towards Umth. How's everyone's geography? Anyone know what lies down those forks in the road, I can't believe I forgot to bring a map." While waiting for the others to respond he tries to pick up the trail of the cleric's traveling companion.

Survival: [roll0]

2010-02-09, 01:15 AM

Eleanor seems to be in her thoughts. "Magic, I suppose, enables remote communication. The man was certainly capable of some manner of mystics so it wouldn't surprise me if someone in his order were capable of remote messaging. Can you say if the humans had been waiting here, or if they just passed through? If they somehow took over the Plagued, chances are they'd have been waiting here for some time for some to pass by. If this was coordinated, on the other hand, they would have just passed through."

She raises her head a bit, now speaking with more determination: "Either way, we should either split up with one fast, stealthy person checking out the trail of the massive Plagued; it's fresh enough that anyone should be able to follow that. That or we should all go after the black man's trail, and the less apparent trail. I daresay the man's trail along with the...whatever that other trail is is more like to reveal what we are looking for."

Let's see just how much she knows about the area:
[roll0] (trained check; she can gain information above DC10)

2010-02-09, 06:42 PM

The Tracks :

They make no sense.

None what so ever. If you try following them back the way he came you end up circling the camp, and if you try to follow them forwards it leads you back towards where you started and then circling the camp the other way around anyway.

Geography :

As far as your aware, the big plagued creatures path will lead you towards no centres of civilization, infact there is a large heavy dense wood in that direction after about a days travel.

The way that the cleric and his companion came from there is not a large town, but there should still be a small mining outpost. They are protected by a militia from several other towns around because they trade the ores for protection and food of other townships.

Doctor Witch
2010-02-10, 07:28 PM

In exasperation Bear exclaims "Well I guess he must've ridden one of the plagued out of here because I can't see any other way... He stops short. He glances around quickly and then focuses on the ground in front of him. "Over here everyone, come quick! He continues looking at the ground in front of him until everyone is near and says in a whisper. "Just pretend as if we have found something interesting. If there are no tracks that lead away it could be that whoever was with the cleric is still here hiding and watching us. I want everyone to pretend to be looking at the tracks but to listen carefully for any sounds of movement or anything else that might give them away.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

If we don't find anyone hiding Bear will try to find out as much from the tracks they do have as possible then search the campsite for anything left behind.

Survival: [roll2]
Search: [roll3]

2010-02-12, 08:06 AM

Eleanor shares the results of the Knowledge-check. As Bear calls them together, she simply gives him a curt nod and proceeds to search the surroundings pretending to follow the tracks. <He knows what he's doing; let him take care of this.>



<Still, there's something he cannot check>

Drifting a bit to the edge of the group, Eleanor looks at the weird tracks and summons a bit of a magical aid to her seeking. Eleanor casts Detect Magic. She'll cover the surroundings of the camp and the fork concentrating. Does she sense any auras in the vicinity?

[OOC: Thanks to her having Knowledge Domain, Eleanor's Detect Magic is Caster Level 3 and thus lasts for 30 minutes. It should allow her to keep an eye on auras for some of the trip afterwards too.]

Flying Dutchman
2010-02-12, 12:40 PM

Gias just stares at Bear as he hovers over the tracks and ignores him when he whispers for them to come over.

"Although I'm glad for your caution and forethought friend,your being a bit overly paranoid. Giant plauged abominations and the people who keep then don't really seem to be the subtle type to me. I'm much more worried about them trying to smash my face in than sneaking up on us in broad daylight.Although I must admit over-confidence is a bit of a problem for me at times. " Gias finishes, while giving one of those grins that makes men want to knock his teeth out.

Gias notices that Eleanor seems to be doing a bit more than just inspecting the tracks. Although he's not certain he's gets a sneaking suspicion she may be doing something with magic. He makes sure to catch her eye as she turns back to the group. He raises an eyebrow and gives her his best "that explains alot" look but doesn't say anything to the rest of the group.

2010-02-13, 03:49 AM

Noticing Gias's gaze, she flashes him a quick smile; she expected as much of him, especially since she didn't go to great lengths to cover anything more than the purpose of the words. She silently mouths "Don't tell" and turns back to continuing the scan.

2010-02-13, 06:21 PM
First order of business in the markets: Sell, sell, sell! Somewhere in the markets would be people willing to buy the Sleeve Blade and the Mace from her. The Robes, Earring and Signet Ring she kept. Something in her mind suggested that the accountrements of the ally of the plagued ones may well be of use later...

Just reminding everyone I'm still around. Thankfully I've got enough other games going that I can sit back and wait for you lot without immediately losing my sanity from under-playing;)

2010-02-14, 01:32 PM

You see nothing out of the ordinary, and hear even less. Not even the birds are chirping or insects whispering amongst themselves. It is uneerily quiet.

Eleanor, you unfortunatley detect magic. It is a lingering aura based around the campfire and a little copse of trees about 50 feet to your left.

Mamellek :

You do indeed find a patron willing to take the mace, and quite happily infact. He offers you a starting price of 1,120 gold pieces for it, if you wish to haggle, im going to need RP talk and a diplomacy roll.

The sleeve blade on the other hand is not taken from you, and recieves sneers and disgust that you would try to sell such an unhonourable weapon.

2010-02-14, 01:45 PM

Eleanor keeps her Longspear out in two hands (though as a "walking stick" of sorts; still at a ready in case something happens) and focuses on the auras for 3 rounds, while edging towards the trees.

Spellcraft-checks to determine schools of the two auras:

Doctor Witch
2010-02-15, 08:14 AM

Bear notices Eleanor's preoccupation with the grove of trees and does his best to sneak over to her. When he is within whisper range he resists the urge to say boo and settles for "They certainly are lovely trees but may I ask what exactly your fascination is with them?" He secretly hopes to startle her a little just because he's kind of a jerk like that.

2010-02-15, 08:47 AM

Whether or not Bear infact manages to startle Eleanor, he soon finds out that her distinct concentration was well founded, as less than 6 seconds into it, he finds two crossbow bolts flying out of the tree's catching the party flatfooted and one bolt striking Bear in the shoulder penentrating through skin as easily as if it were paper for 6 damage and Wolf finds a bolt sticking out of his leg for 4 damage.

The tree's are 80 feet away, spot rolls will be needed to infact find your assailant, and that was the surprise round, so initiative and your first round actions please :smallsmile:

2010-02-15, 09:02 AM

With her concentration cut short by the flight of the bolts, Eleanor double moves towards the trees with her Longspear at a ready, to get a better look. <I just hope this magic isn't why we didn't see them in the first place>

[OOC: I fear that means Bear won't have time to try Eleanor's nerves yet. Also, I fear that means Eleanor won't have time to finish her scan.]

Doctor Witch
2010-02-15, 09:19 AM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

"Argh! Son of a..." Damn comeuppance. Is Bear's immediate reaction to his new shoulder accessory.

HP: 8/14
Initiative: [roll0]
Bear will ready his bow (quickdraw feat so it should be a free action) then try a spot check.

Spot: [roll1]
If it succeeds he will point the area out to the others and fire. If not he will move for any available cover within range.
Attack roll if he can see the enemy: [roll2]

2010-02-15, 10:26 AM

"Eleven hundred, hm?" Mamellek had expected less than a tenth that. Obviously the more experienced merchant saw something in the Mace that she, herself, had missed. Some kind of magic, probably - she knew that the construction of the thing, while impressive, was not all that exceptional.
"I get the strangest feeling that if I said yes, people would be laughing at me for years to come... that you've taken at least a half, probably two thirds of this thing's value off. If I were to essay a guess, I would say this is worth about two and a half thousand..."

Admittedly, a guess on her part, but it would be a pretty decent bet considering the cost of basic enchantments on weapons.

Flying Dutchman
2010-02-15, 03:49 PM

Gias Hears Bears swearing and looks over to see the arrow sticking out of Bear's shoulder. "Well seems like I'm going to owe him an apology about the whole "paranoid" remark."

Gias Does his best to take cover behind a tree, while running he he reaches and hand into the pouch on his belt grabbing out of the small shield charms and calling his power.

Ini: [roll0]

Move action: run "behind" (sence i don't know what direction it came from) nearest tree.

Std: cast shield on self

2010-02-16, 02:33 AM

Wolf is in a daze, muttering to himself when the shock of pain suddenly seizes his leg. "Hunnrrhh?!?!?" he grunts as he snaps back to attention. He turns toward the direction where the bolt originated.


If Wolf is able to pinpoint his assailant, he will charge and attempt to trip the foe. Melee Touch Attack:[roll2].

If not, he will move towards the source (40ft.) and attempt another Spot:[roll3]

2010-02-16, 05:58 AM

Round 1

Eleanor reacts fastest to the bolts being loosed, but unfortunatley doesn't spot from whence they came, instead she moves towards the trees and stands a mere 20 feet away from them, longspear ready to strike.

Your assailant doesn't try their luck with a crossbow again, but instead steps just to the side of the trees and back 5 feet to gain a small amount of cover from them. Placing themselves 30ft away from Eleanor. Noticing the cleric being so close to them scares them, and they let loose with what appears to be a thin stream of fire, striking her directly in the chest (sorry its a touch attack!) leaving a small burning hole in her clothes and causing her quite a large amount of pain {{9 damage}} The assailant is fully cloaked and robed, even the face area is cowled, unfortunatley there is no chance of seeing them. They stand at around 5 foot 9 tall, and are just heavy enough to match the boot prints of the unknown creature. They also appear to be holding a staff in their hands, but whether it is to aid walking or attacking appears unknown at this moment.

Bear on the other hand now he can see the creature quickdraws his bow and lets loose an arrow, the arrow seems to be flying straight and true, but a blue shimmer around the creature deflects it at the last minute onto the ground.

Gias dives behind a tree and starts to gather his magical defences about himself.

Wolf on the other hand charges in with the intent of tripping your assailant onto the floor, and this is the time that the group finds out that the staff is meant for attacking. Reacting as Wolf came into range the assailant attempts an attack on Wolf, but misses, horribly. Wolf then tries to trip the creature, and misses. Also badly.

End of Round 1

Mystery Guest

Doctor Witch
2010-02-16, 06:58 AM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

Stunned as he is at the deflection of his arrow Bear manages to keep his wits. "Curse this cult and their damned magic!" As he says this, his bow falls from his left hand and his handaxe appears in his right. <This is not going well for us, only one thing for it I guess> with that thought he charges into the fray.

HP: 8/14
AC: 16

If he can see the enemy and has a straight line he'll charge and attack.
Attack Roll: [roll0] that includes the +2 from charging.
Damage: [roll1]

If the enemy is still unseen he will run past the trees to the rear of where the enemy is but a little wide so there is no AOO.

2010-02-16, 07:32 AM

Eleanor screams in agony as the ray of fire strikes her squarely in the chest - <Not good. That's all I can take. I'll have to end this fast!>

Eleanor drops her Longspear and closes up on the robed figure, drawing her Quarterstaff (she moves to the right side of the figure to give the others a clear shot; that's exactly 30' movement). She tries to trip the figure to stop it from running, and if that succeeds, follows up with a Quarterstaff-attack (as per Improved Trip; add 1 to AC via Combat Expertise).
[roll2] (if Trip succeeds, and -4 to AC from it being Prone, +1 to attack from Higher ground already factored in)

Oh, and Knowledge (Local) to identify what race this figure is, if possible:

EDIT: Stat Block:
HP: 4/13
AC: 18
Touch: 14
Flat-Footed: 14
Attack: +4
Damage: 1d6+6 (Threaten 5')

Flying Dutchman
2010-02-16, 07:35 PM

"Time to see what this guy's made of.

Gias steps out into line of site and rushes to get into range for his attack. His body stills for a moment while he focuses his mind, then a glob of acid appears before him hovering in the air and is abruptly hurled at the mysterious attacker.

Move: Move out from behind tree and try to get in range for acid splash (25ft range)
Std: assuming I'm in range: cast acid splash on random cloaked juju wizard.

Attack: [roll0] Ranged touch attack
Dmg: [roll1]

Hp: 15/15
Ac: 12(+4) = 16

Effects: Shield 9 more rounds

2010-02-17, 01:47 AM

Upon recovering from his overburdened swing Wolf, becomes a tempest of furry. He makes another sweep for his opponent's feet.

Enters Rage
Makes Trip Attempt
Touch Attack:[roll0]
Strength Check[roll1]

2010-02-17, 06:56 AM

Eleanor decides that it is time to attempt to knock the creature to the floor simply so that it becomes easier to hit. Unfortunatley the swing for the creatures ankle doesn't go exactly to plan and the creature takes a nimble step around and above it.

Noticing its plight the creature instead leans back and starts to cast a spell defensivley instead. A moment later, there is no pop or fizzle but instead pink arcane energy coats the floor all around the creature in a 10ft square becomes slippery instantly. It then moves backwards away from the party by 40ft.


Allowing actions to be adjusted, to stay on your feet near the creature, you need a reflex save, to move futher towards it you need a balance check to go through the grease. Also Eleanor and Wold you have an AoO to take as it moves out of range.

Mystery Guest

2010-02-17, 07:00 AM

Eleanor uses the opportunity to try to Trip the creature again.
[roll2] (if Trip is successful)

2010-02-17, 07:02 AM
Oh yeah, and a Reflex-save:

EDIT: Well, that applies a -4 penalty to the Touch-attack. Don't think hitting with it is gonna be a problem either way tho. And the actual attack misses anyways.

2010-02-17, 12:48 PM
Makes Trip Attempt
Touch Attack:[roll1] -4 if Reflex Save fails

Doctor Witch
2010-02-17, 08:59 PM
Assuming he's not in the grease, Bear will run past and to the rear of the enemy keeping wide of the spell, he should be able to move up to 120 feet. And he will hope like hell that there aren't any other enemies there whilst doing so.

2010-02-18, 10:28 AM

Round 2 - continued

Eleanor falls over in the greased area, unable to stay on her feet, on the way down though she takes a swing across the ankles of your assailant and brings them down.

Wolf takes a swing at the creature as an opening presents itself but misses, then slips on his footing, and falls flat on the floor..

Bear uses his noggin and moves around the rear of the creature, but is unable to get an attack in, having spent himself getting into position. {{double moved, 10 feet behind the creature - enough to get an AoO in when it moves}}

Gias moves and then moves again standing just behind the grease to get into range ready to cast a spell on the creature.

End of Round 2

Mystery Guest


Back in town :

The man looks at Mamellek in some consternation,

"Well your sharper than the average customer i'll give you that. No way can I go as high as two thousand though, i'll give you thirteen-fifty, and call it a day at that."

- Roleplay some haggling with another diplomacy roll if you want there Mamellek :smallsmile:

2010-02-18, 10:36 AM

Eleanor stands up and tries to wrestle down the mystery guest to deny it the ability to cast spells.


[roll1] (with additional +4 from opp being Prone and +1 from high ground if the Reflex-save succeeds; using Combat Expertise for 1, hence +4, not +5)
Stat Block:
HP: 4/13
AC: 18
Touch: 14
Flat-Footed: 14

2010-02-18, 10:37 AM
"Thirteen Fifty is basically manufacturer's cost rates for a piece like this. Or one like this" Tapping her breastplate "whose value mainly comes from the fact that I'm the only person in the kingdom who seems to have figured out how to make them. Amazing what you can do with plain steel if you think about things hard enough. Still... you say you can't hit two thousand, and you're probably right - I'd say that you'll be trying to shift it on about twenty-one, twenty-two hundred and you'd make basically no profit if you were paying me about that much. So... I'll split your likely profit margin down the middle, and say you can have it for seventeen hundred. And when I want to shift on one of my little concoctions, you'll be my first port of call. Deal?"


I know it's an odd haggling style, but she does have 'compulsive truthteller' down as her character trait...;)
Edit: Damn, what a crappy roll!

2010-02-23, 10:51 AM

Round 3 - first parts.

Eleanor tries to stand up, but on her way up slips on the ground again and falls back on her bum and unable to move futher this turn. Instead she swipes out at the assailant and brings her down, trying to grapple her around her neck and shoulders, unfortunatley the assailant breaks the grapple.

The asssailant stands up and moves 5ft backwards, finally out of the greased area. This puts Eleanor and Wolf on the floor in the greased area, 5ft away from the creature, with bear behind the creature 5ft away. Gias is at the edge of the greasy area, 20ft away from the creature. The creature notices that it is infact surrounded and points its hands at Bear standing behind them. A thin stream of electricity leaps forward from its hands, smacking into Bear and loops around to smash into Eleanor as well.

Bear - 11 damage Reflex for half, if you fail the Reflex, Will save or be stunned.
Eleanor - 12 damage Reflex for half, if you fail the Reflex, Will save of be stunned for 1 round.

Bear Gias and Wolf - yet to go.

Mystery Guest


Back in town

"I'm afraid that this really is my best offer miss. And if you ask anyone else in town all they will say to you is that mine is simply the best price you are going to recieve. However, I wont say no to being your first port of call for anymore new items that come your way."

Doctor Witch
2010-02-23, 11:23 AM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

Reflex save:

If he fails this he's unconscious so I won't worry about the will save. If that succeeds he'll move in and attack. If not he'll lie there dying, hopefully without loosing his bowels whilst doing so.

Attack Roll: [ROLL]1d20+3
Damage: 1d6+3

Doctor Witch
2010-02-23, 11:27 AM
Whoops. Forgot you can't edit in rolls.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-02-23, 12:07 PM

As the man stands up, Eleanor tries to grab for him again to hold him down.

2010-02-23, 12:08 PM
[OOC: I'll roll the Reflex-save in case that fails, but Eleanor will be unconscious at -2 or -3 anyways unless the spell does not go off.]


Flying Dutchman
2010-02-23, 03:45 PM

Finally able to get into range with enemy Gias releases his attack by Hurling a glob of acid.

Rolls in OOC thread cause I fail at editing.

2010-02-25, 01:59 AM

Wolf stands up and attempts to move outside the greasy perimeter.


2010-02-27, 07:14 AM
Well, if she wasn't going to get any higher...

"Thirteen Fifty will do." Reversing the mace, Mamellek hands it over, experiencing only the briefest moment of curiosity as to what it was actually enchanted with. It did not matter, really. None of them used maces by choice.

2010-02-28, 08:59 AM

Round 3 - retcons and continuations

As your assailant goes to stand up, Wolf tries to make a mighty swing with his scythe but slices nothing except air. Eleanor on the other hand throws her arms forward, and brings the assailant crashing down. Their concentration holds and the spell still goes off crashing into Eleanor knocking her out cold and continuing on to smash Bear in the chest.

Bear just doesn't manage to lean quite out of the way in time. If he had been slightly quicker he would have avoided the bolt, instead it strikes him in the chest, flinging him from his feet into a heap on the floor. {{No somantic component spell, verbal only :(}}

Gias throws a glob of good through the air which does indeed hit the figure, but they seem to shrug off the damage.

Wolf tries to get to his feet, but falters as he has one knee up and one still on the ground, slipping back down to be prone yet again.

Mystery Guest


Back in town

"Thank you Miss. If you have any other weapons or armour that are honourable items then please don't hesitate to ask me if im interested."

With that he hands you a heavy purse made of simple rough cloth, which feels like it has all the gold in.

2010-03-01, 02:32 PM
"Stupid slime!", Wolf screams as he again tries to escape the unnaturally slick surface.


Doctor Witch
2010-03-02, 12:50 PM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

Bear stands up slowly but purposefully, doing his best to not show how much pain he's in. For this moment in time he seems to pay no attention to the enemy and leans his head left to right, stretching his neck muscles. Then he turns to the figure and says in a flat voice "You've been lucky so far. I will give you this ONE chance to surrender. If you do, I'll make sure you are well treated in prison. If you do not, my friends and I are going to skin you alive. One inch at a time." he pauses for half a second. "So, care to press your luck?" As he speaks, he slowly walks towards the robed figure with his handaxe pointed at him, the blade rises and falls punctuating his sentences.

Flying Dutchman
2010-03-10, 12:22 AM

"damn that hardly scratched him, I better try something a little stronger" Gias once again reaches into his pouch and calls forth his power.

Cast: Stone Fist

Move around the goop and try to get into melee range.

2010-03-10, 07:57 AM

Round 4

A voice emanates from the creature, but it is perfectly neutral and you can't tell whether the voice is male or female and is said without any inflection what so ever.

"This slime is not stupid you uncouth barbarian, it may infact be you whom is the stupid one."

This is said as the figure stands up, and Wolf you can take an AoO if you wish here.

If the figure stays on its feet, it will turn to face Bear and reply

"Well if I yield, what would stop you from killing me anyway. How about I walk away and let you tend to your friend, before I kill her."

As this line is said, the figure would appear to be readying an action, and has both hands streched out towards Eleanor.....


Mystery Guest

Doctor Witch
2010-03-10, 08:34 AM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

Bear is relieved that the dark figure seems willing to talk. He gestures to the others to stay their weapons for the time being. "You have my word, for what it is worth, that no harm will come to you from any of us if you yield now. I will even allow you to travel back with us unbound as a show of good faith. We only seek information about your masters and I'm sure we can make it worth your while to cooperate with us on this. But I warn you now, if you harm our colleague there, you will know the full extent of our wrath. So the choice is yours. Is your allegiance to this group worth your life? Or are you willing to make a deal and even profit from the venture." <This isn't the way I expected this to play out but if we can turn him into a spy for us he is far more valuable alive than dead. I hate to gamble with Eleanor's life on the line but I'm sure she'd understand. At least I hope she would.> Whilst he talks Bear keeps a close eye on the figures hands, if he so much as twitches he'll attack.

Bear readies vs. spell

2010-03-17, 09:07 AM


The creature screams as Wolf's arm snakes forward and catches its ankle bringing it back down to the ground. Unfortunatley for Wolf the creature simply twists its ankle and is free from him again.

"I was willing to talk damn you all, but now you've gone too far!"

Standing up again, or at least trying to the figure will then move 5ft backwards away from Wolf and defensivley cast a spell.

If Wolf brings him back to the floor, then he will instead stay on the floor and cast defensivley there instead.

A nice colourful pattern erupts from your assailants hands and appears hanging in mid air drawing all three of yours eyes towards them, staring deep into the depths of the pattern, deep into the shifting colours, so deep that its dragging you under.

Will Saves all around guys :D

DC 17 Will Saves of your all fascinated : http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#fascinated

Flying Dutchman
2010-03-18, 08:34 AM
Gias Rushes forward as he sees the mage begin to cast his spell.

Will Save: [roll0]

Assuming I save *crosses fingers*

I'll make a charge attack.

Attack: [roll1]
Dmg [roll2]

Doctor Witch
2010-03-18, 09:10 PM
Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166352)

Bear is perplexed as to why the enemy would decide to put on a light show for the party until he sees Wolf's and Gias's faces. It's obvious that they are somehow spell bound by the colors. <Curses! Got to buy time!> Bear puts his handaxe away and walks towards the figure with his hand extended to help him up. As he walks forward he says "Well perhaps now the adults can talk. I don't know why you attacked us but I'm willing to let that slide. I have a proposal for you. You see, we want information, information that I'm sure you can provide. In return we will pay you but perhaps even more tempting for you will be the prospect of quick promotion. Say, if those in your way were to meet untimely ends if you know what I'm saying. I'm sure you would move up the ladder far more quickly than you are doing now. <That should appeal to his lust for power now to sow some seeds of resentment for his comrades.>

You're obviously an intelligent and powerful person but it seems to me that they don't appreciate your talents, otherwise why would you be out here in the middle of nowhere. I'm sure your superiors are back at your base stuffing their faces while they make you come out and do their dirty work. So what do you say? Willing to come back with us and hammer out the details? <Well at least I'm within striking distance if he says no.>

2010-03-19, 08:35 AM

"Your words would make sense, if they were to be said to anyone else.

Who says I had been left on my own here, what if infact I had been waiting to see whoever destroyed those others who were here.

You want information? Why not travel the roads and ask travellers, or in a fragile attempt to play up to what you assume to be my ego, well its quite frankly failed."

Stood up before your assailant had cast his spell, he looks at the spell for a second, then moves his attention away from it, and leaps himself away from you Bear. He moves 50feet away and then speaks to you again.

"My name is Agragrok, and im sure we'll meet each other again. Though apparently my informant was wrong, he said there was meant to be a female warrior in armour as well, and I had a trick lined up for her as well.


He then moves another 50 feet away and has turned his back.

Wolf, Gias, you will come round in 2 turns.

Doctor Witch
2010-03-20, 02:01 AM

"Hey! Come back! You forgot your to take all your ugly with you!" Bear yells at the figure as he watches him retreat. He sighs at failing to convince the figure to agree to work with them but at least he was still standing. He fishes his rope out of his pack and heads over to Gias.

"Snap out of it!" he yells and slaps him across the face, probably a little too hard but his jealousy of the young man had gotten the better of him. "Come on, help me get Wolf out of this mess" he says as he throws the rope towards the barbarian. He hopes the line will snap him out of his trance.

2010-03-20, 07:00 AM

"Oh don't worry, i'm sure we'll meet again.

With that the figure breaks out into a run going 200ft before you can even react again.

Sighing in frustration Bear sets about waking the other two up, now that the grease and the whirling colours have vanished.

Everyone except Eleanor is awake =]

Doctor Witch
2010-03-21, 10:17 PM

"Well it looks like we have two choices here." Bear says to his assembled fellows. "We can pursue the enemy or we can return to Umth and get Eleanor back on her feet and collect Mamellek. The enemy was foolish enough to tell me that he had an informant and that he had also expected Mamellek to be with us. This, to me, suggests that he was informed before we left town but after we received our orders. So I'm thinking that our commander has some explaining to do. We must find out who knew of this mission and take this informant out of play. I'm in no shape for another fight so I'd prefer to head back. What do you two want to do?"

Flying Dutchman
2010-03-22, 03:56 PM

"No reason continuing our search at half strength we're more likely to die than uncover anything useful."

2010-03-23, 12:22 AM

The barbarian utters not a word. He just stands, slightly hunched and staring hatefully in the direction of the mysterious fiend's escape.

Doctor Witch
2010-03-23, 12:32 AM

After waiting for a little while for Wolf to respond Bear decides it's time to move. "Well let's get back then, hopefully we can make it before nightfall. If you two will carry Eleanor I'll keep an eye out ahead."

Bear will make spot and listen checks every so often on the way back, I'll let the DM roll them for me as appropriate.

2010-03-23, 07:45 AM

Walking back to town, you are careful not to jostle Eleanor and her bleeding has stopped and she is still breathing slowly away.

Night falls as you come into sight of the town, and nothing has impeded your journey, not even another traveller has been spotted.

As the guards spot you they all recognise you from the fight a few days before and the gates swing open as you come close.

"Welcome back warriors. You appear to have been in a fight, whats occured?"

Doctor Witch
2010-03-24, 06:02 AM

"We were ambushed by some bandits is all but for now we have to get our friend here some help, excuse us." Bear lies to the guards and pushes past them as fast as possible. Once they are clear of the gate he turns to Wolf and Gias and says "You two take her home while I fetch Mamellek and I'll meet you there as soon as possible. With that he heads off to the Fyrd headquarters assuming it's the most likely place to find the hardworking blacksmith. "Hail Mamellek, we have news for you. Please come with me." He does not wait for a response but turns and heads out to meet up with the others. He brushes aside any questions she has, saying that they can wait until they are all together again.

(If Mamellek isn't at the Fyrd hall he'll look around the city until he finds her and do the same as above.)

2010-03-24, 07:00 AM

The blacksmith had, by then, returned to her forge, replete with her purchases (which I'll detail later when I recover the relevant spreadsheet from my AWOL USB stick). But she did come, as bidden. It was hard to miss the signs of battle on her colleague, after all. What she could do about it she was a little less sure of.

Mainly because she had Lay on Hands... but doesn't know this yet.

2010-03-24, 12:57 PM

After an hour with the party congregated about Eleanors form laid on her bed, a healer approaches. Checking over Eleanors wounds she starts to rub a dark green poultice in which appears to be shimmering when your not looking at it, but when you focus your eyes, there is no shimmer there at all.

After a few minutes Eleanor, you come back to the world of living and conscious again, at 1HP.

Without a word the healer will nod to you all and then walk off back from whence she came.

Flying Dutchman
2010-03-25, 06:52 PM

"So, now what do we do? That sorcerer seemed to know we were coming. I'm not sure what we should do about it either. Him knowing we were coming seems to be another clue that there is someone or something inside of the village feeding him information, however on the other and he could have also gleaned the information through his magics.

I however vote firstly for some R&R. By the looks of everyone else we are going to need a day or two."

2010-03-25, 07:30 PM
"Uh..."; Eleanor lets out something resembling a sigh or a grunt as she comes to. Taking a moment to look through her surroundings, finding a bunch of familiar faces, she hears Gias starting off a bit further than she's been aware which doesn't help her headache at all: "Wait wait wait, rewind a bit. Someone fill me in on what happened: Did we get the magus? How long was I out? And why does it feel like a 100 trumpets were blowing in my head?"

Doctor Witch
2010-03-27, 04:16 AM

"I hate to be the one to break this to you Eleanor but the enemy cast a spell on you that put you to sleep FOR TEN YEARS!" Bear exclaims in response to Eleanor's rousing. Looking around at the others and realizing he is the only one who finds this to be funny he clears his throat and continues. "Nah, I'm just kidding. You've been out for about half a day now." He will then relate what happened for both her benefit and Mamelleks, finishing with "and then he swore that we would meet again."

"I could use a week off after that but we should I don't think I'll have the luxury. Once we are recovered I think we should investigate those warehouses as the first step. Anyone else got any ideas?"

2010-03-27, 09:46 AM

Bear's jest provokes a hard look from Eleanor; people certainly don't seem 10 years older though her headache might well support the claim. After the explanation, she just sighs. "So, the man got away, we've got a leak back home and we're getting no help from any direction. Perfect", she adds in a sarcastic tone.

She gathers her thoughts for a moment and says: "Alright then, let us check out the warehouses, but give me a day; I'll need to recover my strength and y'all might benefit of some rest too. While at it, some discrete digging for information may be in order. Let's avoid anything too blatant and not get into fights though."

2010-03-28, 09:54 PM

"You boys are awfully quiet today."

2010-03-30, 12:44 AM

Wolf regards Eleanor skeptically. "All better? Strange."

He takes a few steps in the direction of the warehouses and stops; breaking into his restless contemplation. "What is the holdup? Wasting time!"

Flying Dutchman
2010-03-30, 10:16 AM

"Alright, alright. Easy there big fella, I'm comming". Gias grudgingly gets to his feet, and follows behind the massive barbarian.

2010-03-30, 12:12 PM

"You get your rest, alright? We're all anxious to see you on your feet again..." A quick touch to Eleanor's arm yields six recovered HP, and a moment later, a very puzzled expression on Mamellek's face. "Did you... but..." followed by a pause.

A long pause.


Then another pause.

"Oh, before the rest of you go anywhere, come by my forge. I've got some new weapons and supplies for most of you. Not magic, but better quality than that old lot you've been using so far. It's just a shame I did not have time to make them for you myself."

2010-03-30, 12:40 PM


Eleanor gives Mamellek an inquisitive look, asking "What did you just do?" and notices how Mamellek seems just as confused as she is. She knows it was not a spell and Mamellek isn't a magician for that matter, but all the same she knows many of her wounds were cured and most of her aching is gone.

After a pause: "Well, whatever that was, I'm feeling much better now. I'll still want to take it easy for the day, but there's little point in sitting in the bed at this point."

As she walks past Mamellek, she whispers "If you want, I can try to help you figure out what just happened."

Flying Dutchman
2010-03-30, 02:19 PM

Gias stops halfway out the door listening to the womens conversation. "Ah i had forgotten about your shopping trip. Do you lovely ladies mind if I accompany you?" Gias says as he gives a wolfish grin."I'd love you cheak out your new equipment" . I should probobly stop flirting with them, I'm pretty sure They could both beat me up....... although that could be fun too.

2010-04-01, 11:01 PM

Wolf tilts his head at Mamellek's detour; but ultimately shrugs and follows the others.

2010-04-03, 03:06 PM

The Blacksmith/Paladin is quiet as she leads the others back to her forge. There were several little collections of equipment laid out - one for each of her companions, and one for herself. She swiftly pointed whoever accompanied her to their own pile.

Eleanor's Pile
40 sling bullets
A masterwork longspear
A masterwork chain shirt
An extra waterskin
2 sheets of paper
and a pen.
Gias' Pile
A Sling
60 Sling Bullets
A Masterwork Quarterstaff
9 Pints of Oil
100' of Silk Rope
A Grappling Hook
Flint and Steel
Wolf's Pile
10 Javelins
A Masterwork Scythe
A Winter Blanket
10 Days' Trail Rations
A Hooded Lantern
1 Pint of Oil
1 Waterskin
100' of Silk Rope
A Grappling Hook
An Explorer's Outfit
Bear's Pile
21 Arrows
A Masterwork Longbow
A Masterwork Handaxe
Masterwork Studded Leather
A Winter Blanket
7 Days' Trail Rations
A Hooded Lantern
10 Pints of Oil
A Waterskin
50' of Silk Rope
A Grappling Hook
An Explorer's Outfit
2 Sheets of Paper
A Vial of Ink
A Pen

Doctor Witch
2010-04-29, 06:13 PM

"Holy... What did you do Mamellek? Rob the armory?" Is Bear's response to seeing the collection of goods laid out before them. "Either that or you have one hell of a talent for haggling. How did you afford all this with what we got from the Captain?"

He shakes his head and brushes his inquiries aside for a more pressing issue. "Say, would you mind trying whatever you did for Eleanor back there on me? I'm still in pretty bad shape from our encounter with Agragrok."

2010-05-01, 06:19 AM
As you check out your new equipment, a soldier appears at the door of the forge, and says:

"Good evening. The captain told me to inform you that if Eleanor isn't critical condition anymore he would like a report of your mission. As fast as possible while your minds are still fresh. He's waiting at his place. I wouldn't make him wait if I were you, altough I reckon you're pretty good for having come back in one piece. Farewell."

And then the soldier turns and leaves.

2010-05-02, 06:39 AM

"Haggling more than theft. That mace we looted was pretty valuable you know."

The appearance of the messenger interrupted what would have been an explanation. "Oh, well. Looks like the Fyrd has called, and those of us who like being paid had better answer."

To show willing, Mamellek does touch Bear's arm just as she did Eleanor's... it does not help much. Mainly because she used up all her Lay on Hands for the day getting Eleanor back on her feet.

2010-05-05, 01:50 PM

Wolf sneers at the messenger's notice; but his mask conceals most of this. He barely waits for the man to depart before spitting on the ground. "More words?", he grumbles. "Why? Useless...pointless"

A few moments of looking over his more talkative companions seems to calm him.

Doctor Witch
2010-05-05, 07:26 PM

Bear smiles at Wolf's displeasure "Sometimes words can be the best weapon you can have but I agree, lets try to keep this meeting short. Do you think we should tell the Captain of this informant Agragrok spoke of? I'd like to keep that little detail to ourselves until we find out who knew of our mission. It might help narrow down the suspects. Let's discuss it on the way over there, shall we? With that he he walks out the door and towards the Captain's place.

2010-05-07, 02:53 PM

Mamellek, despite knowing absolutely nothing relevant about the happenings outside the walls, falls into step. She may have no new intel for their superiors, but the least she can do is show up for the debriefing...

2010-05-07, 05:21 PM

"I suppose I'm alright", Eleanor replies to the soldier's query. "And Bear, it may be best if you come see me later. In spite of taking a firebolt in the chest, I still have a means or two for dealing with wounds. Also, Mamellek. Whatever you did, thank you. I can help you figure out what exactly happened, if you wish."

[roll0] on Mamellek's healing ability.

Flying Dutchman
2010-05-07, 05:44 PM

Gias pockets his pile and heads with the others to the debriefing.

2010-05-08, 11:19 AM
As you arrive on the room the captain is talking to what looks like a quite short but sturdy man. On a second look it reveals himself to be a dwarf.

Well, now that you're all here-says the captain, making a sign for you to close the door-let me introduce you to your new companion, Harry Tasker. He's a quite formidable fire breather. Almost magic actualy. He arrived while you were out with a small traveling circus. I saw his ability and I believed his abilities were being wasted on just entertainment. So I offered him a new job and he'll be joining Gold Team. He needs to know what you know so he'll join us in this debriefing. You can present yourselfs more carefully later. Now, what exactly hapened out there?

You remember bar tales about mens and womens whose faith and dedication to good is so strong they can actualy channel it trough their bodies to cure ailments whitout need of magic, with just a simple touch. But even then they can heal just so much every day.

Harry Tasker

Describe yourself now if you want.

2010-05-08, 05:42 PM
Harry Tasker

Covered from head to toe, it was hard to get an impression of Harry. His clothing looked most like that of a jester, but they were stuffed beneath thick chainmail that wasn't made to wear loose. He had a surreal quality, almost as if his presence was the punchline of a joke. He smoked a pipe. His hands, notably, were ungloved, and the observant would not that the tail end of a tattoo is visible on the back of either hand. He wore a signet ring bearing the mark of smiles on his left hand, visible as it held his pipe. In his right, he palmed a glass vial, ominous only in reference to a firebreather. Surprisingly, the man neither smelled nor looked like a firebreather. His face and hands showed no sign of burns or soot, and maintaining the customs of his people, contrary to his occupation, he sported a full beard, complete with mustache.

Find the punchline yet, fellas?